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HP Heater Tube LKG Cause

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-5, Issue-5, June 2016

Failure Analysis of High Pressure Heater in PT.

PJB UP Paiton
Agus Wibawa, Admaji, Ide Bagus Hapsara, Totok Ruki Biyanto

regenerative system. HPH using hot fluid from extraction

Abstract— The aim of this paper is to analyze the cause of steam turbine to heat the feedwater. The exact position of high
harm in high pressure heater in PT. PJB UP Paiton and to pressure heater in the plant can be seen at Figure 1.
prevent it from happening again. In PT. PJB UP Paiton, several
problem related to high pressure heater had occurred before.
When the high pressure heater harmed, tube plugging usually III. METHODOLOGY
applied to fix the trouble. Through this process, the high pressure To maintain the feedwater heater in good condition, a few
heater was not fully recovered. The efficiency and failure rate of steps of feedwater heater analysis are conducted. These
high pressure heater is decreased and increased respectively.
analysis consist of three main steps, which are problem
Hence, a root cause failure analysis is conducted to accurately
determine the cause of the problem. The result shows that the identification, troubleshooting analysis and implementation.
cause of failure in high pressure heater are the increase of A. Problem Identification
feedwater velocity, the increase of extraction steam velocity,
change of flow patter and heat transfer inside high pressure Problem Identification is performed to get a better
heater and radial displacement tube that over limit. Based on this understanding at what might cause the problem in high
result, redesign of high pressure heater is performed by increasing pressure heater. In this step, several method is utilized. First,
the capacity of feedwater flow in high pressure heater and operation data analysis is performed. Operation data analysis
decreasing the feedwater velocity.
based on the difference between design data and actual data.
Index Terms— High Pressure Heater, redesign, root cause
Second, maintenance data analysis is performed. This
failure analysis. analysis is performed based on maintenance data record to
observe any other equipment or variable that may affect the
I. INTRODUCTION high pressure heater performance. Then numerical analysis is
High pressure heater is a kind of heat exchanger that has performed, this analysis is based on numerical calculation
utilized to feedwater pre-heater before boiler in rankine cycle. using Gambit and Fluent. Finally, Failure mode of high
In PJB PU Paiton limited companies, there are several pressure heater is examined to determine the root cause of
problems that occurred in high pressure heater. These failure in high pressure heater. Finally, any possible cause of
problems are not only disturb the overall process, but also failure in high pressure heater is listed and analyzed.
decreasing the power plant overall efficiency overtime. There B. Troubleshooting
are several factor that may harm the high pressure heater such Based on the result of problem identification, solution can
as leakage or corrosion [1][2]. To overcome this problem, be formulated in this step. Simply put, this step consist of any
several studies already suggest a few solution i.e. thermal possible solution that would be formulated to troubleshoot
analysis, flow analysis and numerical analysis [3-5]. any possible cause of failure in high pressure heater.
Meanwhile, in this work, problem identification in many
different aspects are conducted to get a better understanding C. Implementation
on the problem. The aim of this work is to analyze the The last step of this work is to implement the solution that
problem that became the root cause failure in high pressure was formulated in troubleshooting step. The implementation
heater system and prevent any further problem. itself is not limited to the high pressure heater, external
variable can also be adjusted according to the proposed
II. REVIEW OF HIGH PRESSURE HEATER solution. Test of the implemented solution also performed to
One of the ways to increase efficiency in rankine cycle is know whether the implementation has been a success or not.
the usage of regenerative system. Regenerative system works Finally, evaluation is conducted to measure how effective the
by increasing the feedwater temperature before entering solution is.
boiler, this heating process would decrease the fuel usage in
boiler. In this case, High Pressure Heater (HPH) is used as the IV. RESULTS

A. Problem Identification Analysis

Revised Version Manuscript Received on June 13, 2016.
Totok Ruki Biyanto, Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
1) Operation Data Analysis
Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. Based on Sumitomo Corporation Instruction and
Agus Wibawa, Engineering and Technology Support Manager, PT. PJB Maintenance Manual: Operation Manual Volume O – I, most
UP Paiton, Probolinggo, Indonesia. influential parameter toward the high pressure heater are the
Admaji, Production Supervisor, PT. PJB UP Paiton, Probolinggo,
Indonesia. feedwater velocity, extraction steam velocity and the
Ide Bagus Hapsara, Operation Maintenance Analyst Assistant, PT. PJB temperature difference between feedwater inlet and outlet.
UP Paiton, Probolinggo, Indonesia.

Published By:
87 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Failure Analysis of High Pressure Heater in PT. PJB UP Paiton

Operation data about feedwater velocity in high pressure heater is taken and can be seen below

Fig. 1. High Pressure Heater in Plant

2) Maintenance Data Analysis
Table 1. Feedwater velocity
Based on Serious Inspection that performed at 2003 and
Velocity (m/s) 2004, the rotor at high pressure, intermediate pressure and
HPH Max. Actual
Design Commissioning Actual low pressure turbine also radial spill strip, blade cover and
Allowance no Plug
nozzle diaphragm has been through over clearance as much as
5 3.00 2.60 2.48 3.64 2.84
161%. This condition affirm that there was an excessive flow
6 3.00 2.68 2.56 2.97 2.92
7 3.00 2.83 2.72 3.14 3.11 of feedwater to high pressure heater.

3) Numerical Analysis
Table 1 shows that the actual feedwater velocity exceeds
Numerical analysis was conducted by utilizing Gambit and
the limit. This condition can be caused by leakage in the valve
Fluent. This analysis focused on how fluid flow behavior and
before the high pressure heater.
heat transfer affect the high pressure heater tube. The result
Increased extraction steam velocity can also cause a
shows that high pressure heater tube failure may be caused by
problem to high pressure heater. This increase can be caused
the increased mass flow rate of steam, tube radial
by several factor such as shell delta pressure or decrease of
displacement that exceed maximum allowed total clearance,
feedwater temperature that entering the high pressure heater.
change in flow pattern and heat transfer and the vibration
The third cause that might possibly harm the high pressure
caused by those three major factors.
heater is the difference between inlet feedwater and outlet

Published By:
88 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-5, Issue-5, June 2016

Fig. 2. Troubleshooting analysis heater is the difference between inlet feedwater and outlet

Fig. 3. New design for high pressure heater unit 5.

4) Failure Analysis of High Pressure Heater
Failure mode that could possibly occurs in high pressure
heater can be seen at Figure 4. While considering the result
from operation data analysis, maintenance data analysis and
numerical analysis, there are three major possible cause of
high pressure heater failure. First is tube vibration, tube
vibration caused by increased stream velocity entering the
high pressure heater. Tube vibration can also occurred when
total clearance of radial displacement exceeds the maximum
allowance. Other than that, tube vibration may also occur
when there is a change in flow pattern and heat transfer in high
pressure heater.
The second one is inlet tube erosion caused by the over
clearance. And the third is impingement tube failure that
caused by increased steam and drains velocity and hit the Fig. 4. High pressure heater failure mode
impingement baffle.

Published By:
89 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Failure Analysis of High Pressure Heater in PT. PJB UP Paiton

B. Troubleshooting Analysis HPH 7 TTD 0.0 - 2.0

Based on the result of problem identification analysis, HPH 7 DCA 5.6 - 47
Feedwater flowrate (kg/h) 1.149.020 1.151.429 1.279.456
troubleshooting analysis is performed to generate solution.
Since most of the root cause failure of high pressure heater are
about design and operation condition, high pressure heater According to Table 3, the feedwater temperature rises of
re-design is proposed. Parameters that would contribute in high pressure heater unit 5 and 7 are higher compared to their
designing new high pressure heater be feedwater flow older units. This shows that the performance of newly
capacity and high pressure heater efficiency. installed high pressure heater unit 5 and 7 are better.
Detailed process diagram in redesigning the heat pressure D. Evaluation
heater can be seen at Figure 2. First, the value of feedwater Evaluation process took place about a year after the
flow capacity in high pressure heater is increased to 1.351.000 implementation process. In the last three years before new
kg/h. This capacity is adjusted to the maximum amount of high pressure heater was implemented, there are several
required steam toward next process. The, inlet feedwater problem happen in high pressure heater system. According to
velocity should be decreased to 2.6 m/s, 2.68 m/s and 2.83 m/s PT. PJB UP Paiton maintenance history, there are about 58
for high pressure heater unit 5, 6 and 7 respectively. This can problems occurred in the past three years. But a year after the
be done by adding more tube or increasing the tube diameter new high pressure heater was installed, no problem had
in high pressure heater. occurred. This clearly shows that the new high pressure heater
To maintain the high pressure heater efficiency, the design more reliable.
Terminal Temperature Difference (TTD) and Drain Cooler
Approach (DCA) should be calculated and maintained at the V. CONCLUSION
existing design value. Input parameter used for high pressure
This paper present a systematic failure analysis of high
heater re-design can be seen at Table 2.
pressure heater in PT. PJB UP Paiton. It reveal two major
Table 2. Input parameter for re-design cause of high pressure heater failure, feedwater flow rate and
Existing High Pressure New design of High tube vibration. The root cause of tube vibration itself is
Parameter Heater Pressure Heater increased feedwater flow rate. Hence, the high pressure heater
Feedwater flow flow rate capacity is greatly considered. After several
rate (kg/h)
1.149.020 1.351.000
analysis, high pressure heater is redesigned with higer flow
High Pressure
5 6 7 5 6 7 rate capacity to overcome the problem. The new high pressure
heater also has better performance when implemented. The
Velocity (m/s) 2.6 2.68 2.83 2.6 2.68 2.83
new design also proved to be more reliable after a year of
TTD (oC) 2.8 0 0 2.8 0 0
DCA (oC) 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
temperature rise 13.6 39.5 46.0 13.6 39.5 46.0
(oC) The authors gratefully thank to PT. PJB UP Paiton Indonesia
for providing the facilities in conducting this research.
Based on this input parameter, final engineering design of
high pressure heater can be developed. The result can be seen REFERENCES
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HPH 6 feedwater outlet temp. (oC) 204.0 210.8 205.0
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HPH 5 TTD 3.0 - -3.4
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HPH 6 DCA 5.6 - 36.8

Published By:
90 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
& Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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