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A. Integrated Pest Management in Cassava: Pests, Diseases, Beneficials and Control Strategies

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Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual.

Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Contents: IPM in Cassava, Cereals,and Cotton, Enhancement of Beneficials and Use of Botanicals

A. Integrated Pest Management in Cassava: Pests, Diseases, Beneficials and Control Strategies
1. Introduction Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an introduced crop, native of South America. Tubers as well as leaves are used. Other members of this family are the castor plant (Ricinus communis) as crop and Euphorbia tirucalli and Jatropha curcas as hedges. The seed oil of the latter is a promising botanical pesticide. Cassava is a major subsistence crop in the more humid parts of the region (mainly Kahama). It is cultivated on about 40 000 ha in the region, with increasing importance. Yield levels are around 5 - 8 t tubers per ha, but more than 20 t/ha are possible. Cassava is often grown extensively on depleted light soils. Cassava is vegetatively reproduced by stem cuttings (usually around 15 cm long). The cuttings are planted out in the fields from the beginning of the rains. Recommended planting pattern on ridges is 150 x 75 cm and 120 x 90 cm on the flat. Vegetation period depends on the variety: it ranges from 9 months (e.g. Alpin Valencia), over 1 year (Binti Athoumani, Ali Mtumba), to 18 months (e.g. Kigoma, Msitu Zanzibar); these are sweet varieties; bitter varieties are Liongo (1 year) and Limbanga, Lumalampuni and Mzimbitala (vegetation period of 18 months). There are new varieties under testing. Unlike sweet potatoes, cassava tubers can be stored in the soil for longer periods; this is true in particular for the bitter varieties. Cassava roots are eaten either fresh (sweet varieties) or processed: chopped, sundried (Makopa), done with sweet varieties harvested, soaked for some days in water and sundried (Udaga), done with bitter varieties The sundried pieces are screened for fibres and then pounded with mortars to flour. Main pests are nowadays Cassava Green Mite (tanabui) and Cassava African Mosaic Virus (batobato); new strains of Bacterial Blight disease are approaching from Uganda. The problem of Cassava Mealy Bug seems to be solved. Rodents can be a problem in overstaying crops, especially with sweet varieties. Weeds are usually well controlled with a hand hoe (jembe); 2 weedings are sufficient. 2. Pest Description and Biology 2.1. Cassava pests Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names: Cassava Green Mite Mononychellus tanajoa Tanabui

The Cassava Green Mite is nowadays the major arthropod pest of cassava in the region. It has been introduced in the 1970s from South America. The mites are sucking out leave cells, which can lead to malformation and shedding of affected leaves, particularly during the dry season. Estimated yield losses are in the range of 5 - 10 % only, since the plant can stand a lot of defoliation (up to 40%). Up to 50 % losses were recorded in Uganda.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; The mite is very small (0.5 mm long, difficult to see without lens), greenish in colour and has 8 legs (visible only under a lens). Life cycle is only 12 -14 days, the mites can thus reproduce rapidly under favourable conditions. Reproduction is by eggs. Females can spread from plant to plant by silken threads; otherwise no web is produced by the mites on the leaves. The mites suck out single cells, which are then filled with air and appear white. Symptoms on older leaves are many white spots; young leaves are malformed and the symptom can be confused with that of Mosaic Virus - at closer examination, the white spots are distinguishable. A classical biocontrol using predatory mites is in preparation. Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names: Cassava Mealy Bug Phenacoccus manihoti Vidungata

The Cassava Mealy Bug was some years ago the main pest of cassava. It is an introduced pest from South America and was spreading rapidly in Africa since the late 1970s. Since the successful introduction of a classical biocontrol (Epidinocarsis lopezi wasp). it has lost much of its importance. The mealy bug is sucking on young shoots, causing malformation of leaves and shortened internodes; it can lead to the death of the shoot. This is partly due to toxic saliva. Crop losses are now rare and generally below 5%, formerly complete losses could occur. This demonstrates how disastrous pests can be if they are not controlled by natural enemies. During heavy rains many mealybugs are washed off their host, infestations are thus most serious during the dry season. The Cassava Mealy Bug is a white soft bug, around 3 mm long and covered with white wax. They reproduce by eggs. Life-cycle is around 3 weeks. The adults can live for a relatively long time and produce many generations. These factors indicate the high potential for reproduction of this pest. Characteristic symptom is the bushy growth of cassava tops, due to the shortening of the youngest internodes. Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names: Cassava White Scale Aonidomytilus albus

The Cassava White Scale is a frequent pest in the region, but rarely of any economic importance. it sucks on the stems, but may cause problems only in young plants (stunting). The pest is a typical scale insect, longish 2-3 mm long, with a white scale, immobile in the adult stage. They can occur in large numbers on the stems. Often, many insects are already dead and only the scale remains on the stem (rubbed off easily, no reddish insect inside). Other minor pests: Tobacco White Fly (Bemisia tabaci): The adult is a small white, moth-like insect (1 mm), which readily flies when disturbed. They usually rest on the underside of leaves. The larva is white, small scale-like and lives on the underside of leaves (2 - 3 mm long). They are sucking pests; main damage is by transmission of viruses (e.g. Cassava African Mosaic Virus). Elegant Grasshoppers (Zonocerus spp.) and other grass hoppers can cause defoliation damage particularly in newly planted fields.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; 3. Cassava Diseases Scientific Name: Cassava African Mosaic Virus (CAMV) Local Names: Batobato This disease is widespread in the region; symptoms were found in most fields, usually on levels of about 5 % of the plants. Symptoms are irregular yellow (chlorotic) patterns along the midribs and malformation of leaves. Yellow spots (chlorotic) are more or less distinct on the leaf blades. It may be confused with symptoms of Cassava Green Mite, but the chlorosis is covering larger areas and there are no white spots. If the infestation occurs at young stages, the plant remains stunted and produces no or few tubers. Transmission is by White Flies. Infested cuttings also carry the virus on and are the main source of new infestations. Scientific Name: Cassava Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas campestris pathovar manihotis) Local Names: This disease is not yet widespread in the region; symptoms were found in some older fields on less than 5 % of the plants. There are new strains of the disease coming from Uganda, against which the present varieties are susceptible. Main symptoms are dark angular necrosis on the leaves, expanding fast and leading to leaf shedding. The disease is systemic and can cause root rot. It is transmitted in the field by rain splashes and spreads therefore in the rainy season. Infested cuttings and cutting knives also carry the disease on. 4. Beneficial Organisms of Cassava Most important beneficials in cassava are: Ants: the small sisimizi ants (Pheidole spp.) are very important general predators; they collect insect eggs and even small insects. Spiders: many different spider species are found in the fields, free hunting or web building: they feed generally on small insects. Ladybird beetles: some ladybird beetles prey on Cassava Scales. Another ladybird beetle is introduced to complement the biocontrol of Cassava Mealy Bug in drier areas. Predatory mites: a new biocontrol of Cassava Green Mite is prepared using introduced predatory mites (Amblyseius sp). Parasites: in the classical biocontrol of the Cassava Mealy Bug, an introduced small wasp (Epidinocarsis lopezi) parasitizes the bugs; they turn grey and mummify.

5. IPM Control Strategies in Cassava Integrated Pest Management strategies in cassava attempt to keep pests, diseases and weeds under the economic threshold, by com-bining cultural (rotation and rapid multiplication, harvest) classical biocontrol (Cassava Mealy Bug) resistance breeding (Cassava Bacterial Blight) and sanitation (selection of clean planting material, field hygiene)

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; methods in a systematic way. IPM is using environmentally safe methods that are economic and can be applied by the average farmers. Since cassava is a subsistence crop, only cultural, and sanitary measures plus resistant varieties are feasible as control strategies for farmers. Classical biocontrol is a task of the government. The measures need to be combined in order to be effective. The description of the strategy follows the seasonal calendar. Crop rotation: growing cassava consecutively on the same field should be avoided in order to kill Bacterial Blight in the soil (and nematodes). Sanitation: clean planting material should be selected for new fields. This means stem cuttings from plants with no visible symptoms of Cas-sava Mosaic or Bacterial Blight, nor with Cassava Mealy Bugs or Cas-sava Scales should be selected for propagation. Knives for cuttings can be disinfected in household bleach after each plant (Bacterial Blight transmission) - this is hardly practicable though for a subsistence crop. The cuttings should be planted the same direction they grew (not upside down!). Usually middle and upper part of the stem should be selected (less Bacterial Blight and scale insects); in case of Cassava Mealy Bug attack, the tip should be discarded. Young Mosaic Virus and all Bacterial Blight infected plants should be pulled out of the field at regular checks and destroyed. When rodent attack is observed, the field should be harvested. Selected short cassava cuttings (one leaf scar at least) can be quickly multiplied by a rapid multiplication method: young to medium clean cuttings can be put into a plastic bag with some water for rooting (4 - 6 weeks). They can be planted out in a nursery or into the field, but need frequent watering in the weeks. Also fertilisation with FYM is advisable. Selection of varieties: the susceptibility of cassava to Bacterial Blight and to some extent to Mosaic Virus is largely depending on the variety. New resistant varieties to the invading virulent strains of Bacterial Blight are under testing. Field Management MEASURE Crop rotation Selection of clean planting material PRACTICE at least one season without cassava Use middle and upper parts of stem Select virus symptom free material Select bacterial blight symptom free material Select material free of scale insects and mealy bugs Rapid multiplication Check field regularly for virus and bacterial blight symptoms. Rogue and destroy plants: all infested young plants, all plants with bacterial blight in rainy season Task of government Resistant varieties under preparation Full harvest of field as soon as significant damage by rodents has been observed PESTS MANAGED Bacterial Blight Cassava Bacterial Blight Cassava Mosaic Virus Cassava Scale Cassava Mealy Bug Cassava Bacterial Blight Cassava Mosaic Virus

Roguing of young virus and all bacterial blight infected plants Classical biocontrol Resistant Varieties Prompt harvest

Cassava Mealy Bug (Cassava Green Mite under preparation) Cassava Bacterial Blight Rodents

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

B. Integrated Pest Management in Cereals: Pests, Diseases, Weeds, Beneficials and Control Strategies.
1. Introduction: Maize and sorghum are the dominant cereals and major staple food in Shinyanga Region. Production area is around 300 000 and 150 000 ha rsp. per season. Other cereals include paddy rice (around 60 000 ha) and bulrush millet (around 30 000 ha). With the exception of rice, cereals are grown for home consumption mainly and only surplus is sold. Stalks are used as fodder and for technical purposes (mainly maize and rice). Normal yield levels are around 800 kg/ha for maize and sorghum; at least twice of that should be obtainable. Average rice yields are in the range of 2 t/ha. Main production constraint for maize is the unreliable rainfall, followed by pests; overall crop losses due to pests are estimated to be in the range of 30 %. In sorghum, pests play a relatively more important role than weather; here, damage due to pests is estimated in the range of 20%. Rice production fluctuates greatly between the years, depending on the extent of the rainy season; crop losses in rice due to pests are estimated to be below 5 %. Maize and rice are risky crops for the unreliable rainfall conditions: total losses due to drought are quite frequent and make use of external inputs, e.g. pesticides, fertilizers and certified seeds economically problematic. Sorghum is ecologically better adapted for the conditions of the region, but fetches a low market value; this makes any use of external inputs uneconomic. Maize and/or sorghum are grown by practically every household; sorghum and millets have lost their importance compared to 30 years ago and are grown extensively only in dry areas. Rice is grown as paddy only, irrigated from run-off. All grains are stored after harvest in different post-harvest containers. Use of storage pesticides is frequent for maize only. Maize is either grown in sole stand and/or often as intercrop with groundnuts, cowpeas or green gram, as well as within cotton (gap filling). Maize is usually broadcasted, not fertilized and no pesticides are used; certified varieties are rarely used, but hybrid seeds become more popular in higher rainfall areas (CG 4141, CG 4142); Katumani and Kilima are certified composites. The main intercropping patterns are in-row and alternate row; often, only part o the field are intercropped or the pulses are broadcasted sparingly between the maize. The pulse intercrop is often managed by women. Recommended agronomic practices are: 90x30 cm spacing (results in 25 kg/ha sowing rate), and fertilisation with SA and TSP at 120 kg/ha. Sorghum is usually grown as monocrop, broadcasted and not fertilised; certified varieties are rarely used; Serena and Tegemeo are certified composites used. Sorghum is more competitive than maize and therefore rarely intercropped. Sorghum is sometimes transplanted during thinning. Recommended agronomic practices are: 60x15 cm spacing (i.e. 10 kg/ha sowing rate) and fertilisation with 20 t/ha FYM or 100 kg/ha of TSP and SA/CAN/urea. Bulrushmillet is also grown extensively, broadcasted and not fertilised; no certified seeds are used. Recommended practices are the same as for sorghum. There are efforts by projects to introduce improved rice and bulrush millet varieties Sorghum and maize share their main pests: stemborers (Spotted and African Stemborer) witchweeds (Striga). Maize suffers more from stemborer attack than sorghum, since it can not compensate damage through tillering. Critical period for stemborer attack in maize are the first 40 days after emergence - later attack does not lead to measurable yield losses. Losses increase in the course of the season due to the build-up of the population of stemborers. Infestation rates in late planted maize and sorghum can be up to 80% of the stems infested, but vary greatly between seasons. Stemborer years are expected when the dry season was short (high survival rate of diapausing stemborers), cereal production starts early and sowing lasts long into the season (population-build up for more than 3 generations).

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Witchweeds are specialized parasitic plants, reproducing by seeds, which build up over several seasons in a field where no control measures are taken. Their presence is due to poor management by the farmer. Most other pests are of minor or local importance, with the exception the migratory pests (weaver birds and armyworms). Diseases are distinct for maize and sorghum. Rice generally does not suffer very much from pests and diseases (exception: weaver birds). Weeds are important as competitors especially in initially slow growing maize; major importance have the parasitic witchweeds. Beneficial organisms limit the development of pest populations naturally. most important in cereals are ants, spiders and parasites (e.g. Braconid wasps). 2. Pest Description and Biology 2.1. Cereal Insect Pests Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names African Maize Stalkborer Busseola fusca Funza wa Mahindi (kiswahili) Somi (kisukuma)

The African Maize Stalkborer is the most important pest in the western part of the region (Kahama, Bukombe). It can cause more than 80% yield loss in maize; average losses are around 20 - 30%. Pest pressure varies a lot from beginning to end and between seasons: the more generations can develop, the higher the damage. The African Maize Stalkborer attacks maize and sorghum, to a lesser extent bulrush millet, sugarcane and wild grasses (Hyparrhenia grass? we did not find any so far), possibly also sugarcane and elephant grass. The grasses need to have thick stems to sustain the development and pupation of the larva. Eggs are laid in columns on the stem under a leaf sheath, sometimes also on cobs. The first instar caterpillars are black, later brownish, rather fat and with few hairs only. They first feed on the leaf (window-frass), later bore down into the funnel and stem, or move to the next plant (that is why not all plants without outside damage are without stemborers). When coming to a node, they eat a hole in the stem to go around the node. In maize, larva may also bore in the cob spindle. When the growing point is damaged, the last leaf dies, dries up and can be pulled out easily (dead heart). When the caterpillar feeds on unfolded leaves, a regular row of holes appears on the leafsheath later. Heavy attack in the growing point leads to the symptom of Dead Heart (you can pull out the wilted last leaf). Damage is done by disrupting the flow of nutrients, production of toxic substances and by weakening the stem. Pupation takes place in the stem, the larva eating a hole for exit before; the pupa is dark brown and 2 -3 cm long. Lifecycle for a generation is around 45 -50 days. The last generation larva in the season hibernate as diapausing larva in standing stems of maize and sorghum. When the rains start, they pupate. The adult is a stout, brown moth, flying at night. Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names Spotted Stalkborer Chilo partellus Funza mwenye Madoa (kiswahili) Somi (kisukuma)

The Spotted Stalkborer is the most important cereal pest in the central and eastern part of the region (Shinyanga, Maswa, Meatu, Bariadi). We measured yield losses of up to 70 % in maize; on average, losses are similar to the African Maize Stalkborer (20 -30 %). The same

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; is true for pest pressure and host plants. The pest was introduced to Africa from India and is still spreading. The scale-like eggs are laid in clusters under the leafsheath or on the midrib of leaves. Caterpillars are white with distinct dark lines on each segment of the back. Caterpillars first feed on the leaf (window frass), then bore down into the funnel or disperse with the help of a silken thread to neighboring plants. Damage in the stem is similar to the African Maize Stalkborer. Pupation takes place in the stem, the pupa is light brown and about 2 cm long. Life cycle is around 30 - 35 days and therefore shorter than that of Busseola fusca. The last generation larvae in the season hibernate in the standing stalks until the rains start again. The adult is a small, slender grayish white moth, flying at night. Other Cereal Stemborers: Pink Stalkborer (Sesamia calamistis): a rare pest in the region on maize, sorghum, millets, possibly also rice. The caterpillar is quite similar to Busseola fusca, but lighter pinkish in colour. Unlike the other stemborer larvae, the young Sesamia caterpillars bore down directly into the funnel, leaving no window frass symptoms on the leaves. Sugarcane Stalkborer (Eldana saccharina): a rare pest in the region on sugarcane and maize. The caterpillar is light brown, slender with few long yellow hairs and very agile when put in the hand. Symptoms and damage are similar to Busseola fusca. White Rice Borer (Maliarpha separatella): frequent stemborer in rice. The caterpillar is similar to Chilo partellus, but the black stripes are missing; the head is dark brown. They also diapause as larva in the standing stalks of rice in the dry season. Characteristic damage symptoms in rice are dead hearts of tillers and white heads (dried up, sterile panicles). Other General Cereal Insect Pests: Termites (different species) : frequently attacking mature and drying stalks of maize and sorghum, causing them to lodge. Maize Aphids (Rhopalosiphum maidis): frequent pests, no economic damage; the dark green aphids are sucking on stem, leaves and flowers; winged forms are darker green; the aphid transmits viruses like Sugarcane Mosaic and others; these have not been observed in the region so far. Rice Armyworm (Mythimna loreyi): occasional on the leaves of cereals; large brown caterpillar with numerous longitudinal white stripes. Leafeater. African Armyworm (Spodoptera exempta): local outbreaks only in some years; black caterpillars with longitudinal green and blue stripes; feeding in large numbers on leaves of gramineous weeds and crops; when they have defoliated one field, they move together to the next (name) Ground Crickets (different species Gryllus spp.) problematic in some years on seedlings; several species of crickets are cutting seedlings at night and pull them in their holes. The Armoured Ground Cricket (Anepisectus horridus) is often found in the funnels of maize and sorghum, feeding insignificantly on young leaves. Other Maize Pests American Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera): common pest, but rarely economic (much less than 5% damage). The first generation of caterpillars feeds on the leaves of early sown maize (sclerotizing frass). Later, eggs are laid in the silk of flowering cobs; caterpillars graze the silk down to the top of the cob; there they eat developing seeds. If there is more than one caterpillar per cob, cannibalization occurs. The larva finally leaves the cob through a hole in the husks for pupation in the ground. Maize Webworm (Marazmia trapezalis): occasional leaf eating pest. The pale green very agile caterpillar is found inside rolled up leaves. It also pupates there. Armoured Ground Cricket (Anepisectus horridus): large cricket found occasionally in leaf funnels; little leaf damage observed so far.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Maize Leafhopper (Cicadulina mbila): small (2-3 mm) yellow leafhopper with brown stripes; frequent sucking pest, with no direct importance - transmits Maize Streak Virus though!

Other Sorghum Pests Sorghum Shootfly (Atherigona soccata): frequent pest for sorghum seedlings; occasionally also on maize and millets; after heavy attacks, resowing may become necessary. A white maggot (up to 10 mm long) can be found in the growing point (basis) of the seedlings, causing dead hearts. The adult fly looks like a small house-fly. Life cycle is only around 3 weeks! Sorghum Midge (Contarinia sorghicola): common sucking pest on developing seeds; important in Meatu and Maswa mainly. Eggs are laid in the flowering heads; the small orange larvae feeds in the developing seeds; the orange pupa are also in the heads; attacked seeds become small and shrunken; the adult is a small (2 mm) dark orange midge. Life cycle is only around 3 weeks! The adult can only fly shot distances. Blue Bugs (Calidea dregii): sucking pests on developing seeds. Conspicuous metallic blue and back large bugs, breeding on sorghum and sunflowers; attack cotton also. Other Rice Pests: Stalk Eyed Shootfly: frequent pest in rice. The white maggot is found tunneling on the base of leaves, mostly of young plants; this causes dead heart symptoms and induces tillering. The adult is a fly with eyes far apart on conspicuous stalks (name); it usually sits on rice leaves in the paddy; eggs are laid on the base of stems when the water level is low. 2.2. Cereal Diseases Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names Maize Streak Disease Maize Streak Virus Kichaa cha Mahindi (kiswahili) (kisukuma)

Maize Streak Virus is the only maize disease of some, but still not economic importance in the region; we found much less than 5 % of the plants in maize fields affected to various degrees. It is transmitted by plant hoppers in a persistent way (means one hopper can infest many plants over a long time). Characteristic symptoms are green streaks along the leaf interrupted by yellow to white streaks and plants are stunted. Iron deficiency symptoms are somehow similar, but they are uninterrupted green and yellow lines on the leaves; iron deficiency also occurs in patches in the field, while virus infested plants are scattered. The earlier the infestation occurs, the more yield losses occur: seedling infection leads to complete loss, infestation after tasseling have no more effect on the yield. Other Maize Diseases: Common Maize Smut (Ustilago maydis): Occasional disease of maize cobs, with no economic importance. Symptoms: cob and seeds are inflated, kernels are filled with gray spores. The cob is not fit for consumption. The disease is seed and air-borne. Leaf Rust (Puccinia polysora): common leaf disease, but of no economic importance. Small, brown pustules appear scattered on the leaves. The disease is air-borne. Southern Leaf Blight (Helminthosporium maydis): common leaf disease, but of no economic importance. Symptoms: spindle shaped elongated lesions on the leaf blades appear. The disease is air- and seed-borne.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Other Sorghum Diseases: Covered Smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi): occasional disease of sorghum heads. Symptoms: seeds hard, filled with black spores. Seed and air-borne. Spores are not toxic. Loose Smut (Sphacelotheca cruenta): as covered smut, but seeds soft. Other smut diseases are Head Smut and Long Smut. Other Millet Diseases: Ergot (Claviceps fusiformis): occasional disease of millet grains. Symptoms: at first brown, sticky honeydew is excreted from infested flowers in the head; some seeds later become hard, black, elongated sclerotia. The yield is hardly affected, but the infested seeds are very poisonous! The disease is air-, seed- and soil-borne. 2.3. Weeds Weeds are competing with the crop mainly for water, nutrients and light. Most weeds in cereals are annual broadleaves and grasses. In rice, also wild rice species occur, which are difficult to differentiate from crop rice before flowering. Witchweeds (Kiswahili/Kisukuma: Kiduha) are root parasites specialized on maize and sorghum. To a smaller degree they also attack wild grasses and sometimes millets. Witchweeds occur in about 50% of the maize and sorghum fields in the region. Average damage there is around 15%, but can vary from 0 to 90% yield loss. Two species are occurring in the region: Striga hermonthica, is a large weed with purple flowers; it is dominant on heavier soils. Striga asiatica, is a small weed with bright red flowers; it occurs mainly on lighter soils.

Each plant produces tenthousands of dustlike seeds (compare to tobacco seeds), which are the source of infestation for the next season. These seeds are viable in the soil for more than 5 years. The high seed production accounts for the quick build-up of striga in a field which is grown continuously with maize and sorghum. The seeds germinate only when a hostroot (maize, sorghum, some grasses) grows nearby; the root tip produces a substance which triggers the germination (strigol). From the seed emerges a haustorium, which grows to-wards the host root and attaches itself to the root. Through this connection it draws water and nutrients to build up its white underground stem; also some toxic substances are transferred to the host. The underground stage lasts about 30 - 40 days and many striga plants can attach themselves to on single host. During the underground stage most of the damage is done. Some strigas later emerge and produce green leaves and flowers, finally also seeds. Striga asiatica produces flowers and seeds very quickly after emergence (viable seeds 1 week after flowering starts). Even flowers of uprooted plants can still produce viable seeds. The seeds can pass through the stomach of animals which grazed striga and can thus be transferred to other fields. The whole lifecycle lasts about 2 months. There is usually only one generation of striga per year. Striga seeds also germinate through the stimulus of some non-host plants on which they can not parasitize. This is called suicidal germination, since the striga seedling has to die. Such plants are cotton and legumes. They can reduce the striga seeds in the soil for up to 30% when they are part of a rotation. Serena sorghum is tolerant to strigas, Tegemeo is extremely susceptible. All maize varieties in the region are susceptible to strigas.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; 3. Beneficial Organisms Most important beneficials in cereals are: Ladybird beetles: different species are present in the fields; the adults are round, convex beetles, either black with red marks or brown with black lines; the larva are usually black to brown and mobile. They are found where aphids are present. Larva and adults feed on insect eggs and aphids, Lacewings: the adults are green, fragile flying insects; the larvae are similar to ladybird larvae, but more slender; one species has trash on its back for camouflage; only the larva feed on insect eggs and aphids, Hoverfly: the adult is a fly that imitates a wasp in colour; it is a very good flyer and can stand in the air like a helicopter searching for aphid colonies; the small maggot is greenish or brown, leg- and headless and found often within aphid colonies, feeding on single aphids. The pupa is drop like and brown or green, fixed usually in the leaf funnel. Ants: the small sisimisi ants (Pheidole spp.) are very important general predators; they collect insect eggs and even small insects. Spiders: many different spider species are found in the fields, free hunting or web building: they feed generally on small insects. Parasites: Stemborers are sometimes parasitized by wasps; clusters of white cocoons are found inside the tunnels or on the leaves. A classical biocontrol for Chilo partellus using a parasitic wasp (Cotesia flavipes) is in preparation.

4. IPM Control Strategy in Cereals Integrated Pest Management strategies in cereals try to keep pests, diseases and weeds under the economic threshold, by combining cultural (rotation, sowing rate, intercropping patterns, row planting, ox-drawn weeder) biological (seed varieties, enhancement of beneficials) and sanitary (stalk management, selection of clean seeds, destruction of parasitic weeds)

methods in a systematic way. IPM is using environmentally safe methods that are economic and can be applied by the average farmers. The description of the strategy follows the seasonal calendar. Rotation: cereals should be grown at least in 2 year rotation with cotton or pulses (exception: paddy rice). This reduces the inoculum of soil borne diseases (leaf blight, ergot) and reduces the number of striga seeds in the soil. For striga management, rotation with cotton is advised as one measure (suicidal germination, up to 30% of striga seeds die); pulses are less efficient. Sowing date: early sown maize and sorghum avoid higher infestation pressures of stemborers. Seed varieties: there are now Maize Streak Virus resistant maize varieties available: TMV1, Kilima SR, Katumani SR; in the region, they do not need to be first choice due to the low infestation pressure. To minimize infestation with smuts and ergot diseases from own seeds, dont mix infested heads/ cobs at harvest with healthy ones. Serena is a sorghum variety with some resistance to witchweeds; it is also avoided by birds. Tegemeo is very susceptible to striga and weaver birds; it should not be grown in witchweed infested fields.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Intercropping cereals with pulses (except rice): intercropping cereals with pulses reduces stemborer infestations, since the moths lay eggs also on the pulse, which is not a host and some first instar larvae disperse also on pulses and die there. Intercropping also favours ants and other beneficials. 20 -30% less stemborer infestations can be expected, compared to monocropping. There are different patterns with specific advantages and disadvantages: In-row: one legume following one cereal in the same row. Due to the even distribution of plants it is the most effective pattern for stemborer control. It is laborious for sowing and weeding and the same space is devoted for the cereal and the pulses; the pulses do not perform so well due to shading. Good combinations are maize with groundnuts, cowpeas or green gram; sorghum is very competitive and not a good crop for this pattern. Spreading cowpeas can also suppress striga emergence to some extent. Alternate-row: one row cereal, one row pulses. Easier for sowing and weeding, but again the same space is devoted for cereal and pulses; pulses perform better in this pattern due to less shading. This pattern is well suited for maize and pulses and also for sorghum. Strip: 3 -4 strips cereal, 3-4 strips pulses. Easy for sowing and weeding and some flexibility in number of strips for each crop; not so effective for stemborer control, not effective against striga. Pulses perform best in this pattern (little shading, particularly groundnuts); it is well suited for sorghum.

Important for stemborer control is that the intercropping partners are sown at the same time. All patterns should be sown in rows; intercropping by broadcasting should not be encouraged, but is still better than monocropping. Intercropping enhances many beneficial predators (e.g. ladybirds, ants). Row planting is a pre-condition for effective handweeding and in particular for the ox-drawn weeder (80 - 90 cm row width, depending on weeder). Fertilization: application of farmyard manure (at least 1500 kg/ha, i.e. 3 oxcarts full) and chemical fertilizer helps the crop to overcome striga attack and reduces the seed potential in the soil (natural rotting). Only fertilizer dressings of more than 100 kg N/ha actually suppress striga. Nitrogen fertilizer application can increase the attack of aphids and stemborers. Weeding: hand-weeding should be done as soon as possible, between 2 - 4 weeks after emergence and again after 3 - 4 weeks. Oxdrawn weeding is possible in row planting patterns; it saves more than 50 % of the time needed for handweeding. Ox-drawn weeding has not been tried yet in intercrops. Pesticides: registered are cymbush or thiodan dusts applied twice in the funnels (15 and 30 days after emergence, 1 g per plant). Pesticides are hardly economic though and farmers do not have safe equipment for application of dusts (part. thiodan) - the use should not be encouraged. The critical period for stemborer attack in maze are the first 40 days after emergence - this period has to be protected. Heavy armyworm infestations need to be sprayed. The use of botanicals (neem powder and tephrosia sprays) is under investigation and promising. Sanitation in season: every emerging striga plant must be uprooted and destroyed - the action threshold here is 1 plant per field! Uprooting/destruction is fruitless only in heavily infested fields - they need long term rotation (5 years at least). Field equipment (plough, jembe, weeder) used in striga infested fields should be cleaned before taken to other fields (striga seeds). Small streak virus infested maize plants can be uprooted and given as cattle

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; feed; this reduces the sources of infestation to some degree and the infested young plants would not yield anyway. Harvest: early harvest of sorghum, millets and rice reduces bird damage. Heads rsp. cobs with smut diseases should be separated and not used or mixed with the seeds for he next season. Ergot-infested bulrushmillet heads should be separated and destroyed (poisonous). Maize cobs should soon be dehusked and shelled to allow drying and to avoid attack by storage pests. Dry season sanitation: diapausing stemborers in standing cereal stalks are the main source of infestation in the beginning of the rains. Stalks should be grazed or used for technical purposes. Remaining stalks should be chopped with a jembe until October. This measure kills more than 95% of the diapausing stemborers, but has to be done by the whole village to be effective (moths are mobile). Summary of Cereal Field Management Strategy: Measure Crop rotation Practice Rotation with pulses or cotton at least every second year. For striga control longer rotations (4-5 years) necessary Grow maize in the beginning of the season at least 1500 Kg FYM per hectare Intercropping maize with pulses in different patterns according to preference and need of farmers (inrow, alternate row, strips) Pull out and destroy all emerging striga plants. Row planting allows ox-drawn weeder. Clean equipment (plough, jembe, weeder) used in striga infested fields Serena TMV 1 Kilima SR early harvest and shelling Use or cut with a jembe all standing cereal stalks until October; practice by whole village Discard smut and ergot infested heads, rsp. cobs Pests managed Soil borne diseases Striga spp. through suicidal germination Stemborer damage before their population builds up Damage of striga and stemborers better tolerated Stemborers and to some extent also striga, general weeds Striga before seed set General weed control Striga seed transfer to other fields tolerant to striga Maize Streak Virus Maize Streak Virus Weaver birds and storage pests Diapausing stemborers Smuts, ergot N.B. ergot infested seeds are very poisonous

Sowing date Manure application Intercropping


Hygiene Resistant varieties

Harvest Sanitation Selection of planting material

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

C. Integrated Pest Management in Cotton: Pests, Diseases, Weeds, Beneficials and Control Strategies
1. Introduction Cotton is the main cash crop in Shinyanga Region. Cultivated area is about 200 000 ha per season. Average yields are around 650 kg seed cotton/ha; yields above 1000 kg/ha should be easily attainable though. Cotton varieties used in the region are UK 72 and 82, which are medium staple and resistant to jassids and bacterial blight. UK 77 and 91 are resistant to Fusarium Wilt (parts of Kahama, Geita, Mara). Besides rainfall, insect pests constitute the main production risks in cotton; they can cause up to complete crop failure and average yield losses are estimated to be in the range of 20 30%. Losses of more than 50% may occur. Diseases are usually of secondary importance. Late hand-weeding has been identified as a key bottleneck in production, limiting the effectiveness of other yield increasing inputs (fertilizer, pesticides). Cotton is usually grown broadcasted on ox-plough prepared land; sowing time is from late November on, after the food crops have been sown. In Kahama, ridge cultivation is practiced. Plant populations are often low, around 20 000 plants/ha only. Maize is often intercropped in cotton (gap filling). Fertiliser use is not common, neither FYM nor mineral. Seeds are supplied by the ginneries, and recently of declining quality (mixing of varieties, no seed treatment). Recommended agronomic practices are: tie ridges or flat ridges, spacing 90x40 cm, rsp 150x45 cm in 2 rows on each side of the flat ridge, resulting in 25 kg seeds/ha. Fertilisation is either wit FYM 10 t/ha or TSP and SA with 120 kg/ha each; TSP is applied as basic dressing, SA half as basic, half as top dressing at flowering. Thinning is done 3 -4 weeks after sowing to 2 plants per hole. Cotton pests can be divided into two groups: early and late season pests. Early pests are those which attack the plant from planting until peak flowering and then gradually decline in numbers. They have a major effect on the yield quantity. Late pests are those which begin their attack at the peak of flowering and continue up to harvesting. They affect mainly the quality of cotton. Pests affecting the bolls are generally of more importance than those on leaves. From early to peak flowering is a crucial period for the crop. During this time, early pests are numerous and the bolls which contribute most to the yield are produced. Tanzanian cotton varieties are bred to be able to compensate early losses, but only when growing conditions are favourable in the later part of the season - this is often not the case. This is the time when the crop needs to be protected most. The early pests affect mainly the quantity of the cotton yield, while the late pests affect the quality. Beneficial organisms limit the development of pest populations in a natural way: they feed on different stages of pests. Without them, pests would be much more serious than they already are. Therefore, they need to be spared from chemical pest control measures and helped as much as possible. 2. Pest Description and Biology 2.1. Early cotton pests Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names American Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Funza wa vitumba (kiswahili). Lugino (kisukuma)

The American Bollworm is usually the most damaging cotton insect pest,. It can cause 20 to 50 % yield loss in cotton if unchecked! American bollworms attack many other crops than cotton (tobacco, sunflowers, tomatoes, chick-peas, pigeon peas, maize, sorghum and the weed Cleome gynandra - on the latter they can be found during the dry season).

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Eggs are round and yellow, 0.5 mm wide, laid singly on the upper side of leaves or flowers (bracts). They may be confused with aphids at first sight. Eggs are not laid uniformly over the field, but in hot spots (usually on the edges at first and on tall plants). The larvae vary greatly in colour, from green, yellow, brown to pink. It has few single long hairs. However, it can be identified by the characteristic undulating white stripe on both sides of the body. The moth is creamy white with a characteristic brown band on the hind wings. The life cycle is about 35 to 45 days. Pupation takes place in the soil. Over the dry season, some rest as pupa in the soil, others feed on weeds or crops. The young caterpillar prefers to feed on buds of leaves and flowers (squares). There it produces characteristic flared squares. It cuts clean holes into the buds. One bollworm may damage 2 to 3 squares per night. Characteristically, the larva feeds only with its head inside the fruit. It later bores also into green bolls. Late season populations hollow out the cotton bolls. American Bollworms do not develop well on bolls though. American Bollworms feed also on a large number of crops and weeds: maize, sorghum, sunflower, tobacco, chickpeas, pigeon peas, tomato and many more. They actually prefer most of these crops to cotton. This is why some of them (sunflowers, pigeon peas) can be used as trap crops. Chickpeas and vegetables are grown over the dry season and help the American Bollworm to bridge the dry season. After the rains the first generations develop on maize and only later attack cotton. . Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names Spiny Bollworm Earias insulana and E. biplaga Funza mwenye Nywele (kiswahili).

The Spiny Bollworm is a common pest of occasional importance in cotton. The caterpillar is grayish brown, stout and has characteristic fleshy spines. It can therefore not be confused with other caterpillars. The larva usually bores into the shoot tips, which consequently wither and die. This causes the side branches to develop, leading to delayed and therefore reduced harvest. The Spiny Bollworm also bores in squares and bolls, leaving a hole with uneven edges; the caterpillar stays inside the square, rsp. boll while feeding. The Spiny Bollworm is less mobile and frequent than the American Bollworm and therefore less damaging. Pupation takes place in a cocoon on the plant or in the litter. Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names Cotton Aphid Aphis gossypii Mafuta/Vidukari (Kiswahili), Maguta (Kisukuma)

Aphids are the most important sucking pest in cotton and can occur throughout the season. They are very common insect pests that may attain economic importance in dry spells and after the use of pyrethroid pesticides. Aphids reproduce very fast by producing offspring readily, without males and eggs (viviparous). They are usually checked by numerous predators. Aphids suck sap from leaves causing them to curl downwards at the edges and crinkle. In case of heavy attack, an excrete (Honeydew) is noticed as a shiny deposit on the leaves making them appear dark green. The honeydew may later be covered by a black sooty fungus, especially on the lint of open bolls. Main damage is through the production of honeydew which may drop into the open bolls where it dirties the lint; heavy attacks also weaken the plant and delay growth, especially in early stages of the crop. Aphids also transmit several virus diseases, however not in cotton

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Cotton aphids are small and largely immobile pests which live in groups or colonies on tender stems or under leaves. Their colour varies from yellow to yellowish-green and reddish. Under the magnifying glass they can be distinguished from other aphids by their dark spines in the back (siphons) and a short pale tail (cauda). Winged forms are blackish and can fly over large areas. These ones colonize new fields. Empty white moulted skins can be found around aphid colonies. Cotton aphids also attack okra, cucurbits, tomatoes, eggplants, pulses, citrus, and many others. Badly attacked plants get stunted and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Ants are found in association with aphids and they protect them from attacks by the predators and parasites. Aphids are usually checked by parasites and predators (ladybird beetles, hoverflies, wasps), unless these are killed by pesticides (pyrethroids). Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names Cotton Leafworm Spodoptera littoralis

The cotton leafworm is the most important leaf eating pest in cotton, though rarely of economic importance. Fully grown cotton can stand up to 25% loss in leaves without effect on the yield! The colour of the large larvae vary from yellowish-white to bluish gray and grayish brown. Normally there are two rows of triangular black spots on the dorsal side of the body. These spots may sometimes be absent, except those at the fore and hind part of the body. The head capsule bears characteristic V-shaped lines on top (all Spodoptera spp.). The eggs are laid in clusters covered with white scales on the lower sides of leaves. During scouting, these eggs can be removed by hand. Pupation takes place in the soil. Larvae are mainly leafeaters, but they may also act as fruitworms or occasionally as cutworms. Apart from cotton they also attack sweet potatoes and other crops. Dead caterpillars are often seen hanging down from leaves or dried up on the surface of leaves they have died of a virus disease. Common Name: Cotton Jassids Scientific Name Empoasca spp. Local Name Chawa jani (Kiswahili) Before the introduction of hairy cotton varieties, jassids used to be a major pest. They are nowadays found only in small numbers in cotton and never attain economic status. Jassids are small green, very mobile insects (hoppers) that live on the underside of young and mature leaves. They can move fast in a characteristically sideways manner and the adults hop and fly freely. They reproduce fast by eggs. Both nymph (immature) and adult stages are damaging. They suck plant sap and cause poisoning of the leaf (hopperburn). The first signs of attack are distorted leaf surface, with the edges of the leaves curling downwards and turning red, finally falling off. The above symptoms can also be confused with water logging, normal senescence, nitrogen-, potassium- and phosphorous deficiency so, look for the insects themselves. In severe cases the plants are stunted and may not produce bolls. Other minor early season cotton pests: Cotton Semilooper (Anomis flava): the green longish caterpillar which moves in a characteristic semilooper way is a leafeater. It may have white stripes like the American Bollworm, but the way of movement is unique. Cotton Leaf-Roller (Sylepta derogata) : the whitish green, translucent very active caterpillars live within curled up leaves, where they feed; usually checked by parasites.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Cotton Leafminer (Acrocercops bifasciata): the small orange red caterpillars are feeding under the skin (epidermis) of the cotton leaves. Pink Bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella): red and white caterpillars inside the bolls, also inside seeds; no visible entry hole; noted so far only in Bariadi. Pollen Beetles (Mylabris spp.): large black beetles with red or yellow markings, feeding on the pollen and style inside the flowers. Spidermites (Tetranychus spp.): very small red mites are sometimes found on the underside of older leaves; they are sucking leaf cells and thus producing characteristic numerous small white spots on the leaves. Cotton White Fly (Bemisia tabaci): the larva are small, flat greenish scale-like (puparia), found on the underside of older leaves. The adults are small moth-like white insects which fly off readily when disturbed. Both stages are sucking pests. They are also found on tomatoes and sweet potatoes, where they transmit viruses Cotton Lygus (Taylorilygus vosseleri): small green, very mobile green bug; produces characteristic shotholes in unfolding leaves; can be serious in some areas (e.g. Geita) Cotton Helopeltis (Helopeltis schoutedeni): longish, fragile, yellow to red bug with long antenna and very mobile; sucks on young leaves, stems bolls; causes black lesions with brown centers and characteristic scorching in young plants (poisonous sap); rarely important Termites: white crawling insects with a brown head; they attack seedlings and young plants which wilt and die; in some areas they can be a serious stand-reducing pest There are different occasional caterpillars feeding on the leaves and weevils eating on the edge of leaves.

2.2. Late Season Cotton Pests Common Name: Cotton Stainers Scientific Name: Dysdercus spp. Local Names Kanga mbili (Kiswahili) Stainers are sucking pests on the developing and split bolls, causing abortion of bolls, staining of lint, loss of seeds. There are several species of cotton stainers and all cause similar damage symptoms. In some years and areas they can be major cotton pests. They are late season pests which appear during boll ripening. Stainers live also on baobabs, kapok and other trees and bushes from where they later migrate to cotton fields. Cotton stainers are conspicuous reddish bugs with a broad black band or dots on the hind wings. Eggs are laid in plant litter on the ground and need moisture to develop. Young stages are living on plant debris, then climb on the plants. Stainers climb freely and fall down when disturbed. Adult bugs can fly long distances. Unlike Blue Bugs, they breed in the cotton fields and stay for longer periods. Generation cycle is about 40 - 50 days. Most serious damage is done by adult bugs: they pierce the bolls from out-side and suck sap from the seeds. This causes young bolls to dry up (do not drop), reduces seed germination potential and lowers the quality of seed oil and cake. Also the weight of seed cotton and ginning percentage is reduced. In mature bolls the lint is stained yellow or brown. Indirect damage is caused through the transmission of fungi and bacteria causing internal boll rot. Stainers reach only occasionally economic status. Usually around 5% of the lint is stained. Common Name: Scientific Name Local Names: Blue Bug Calidea dregii Kalidea (Kiswahili)

The Blue Bug is a conspicuously metallic-blue to -green and black insect and rather stout. It can be a major pest in cotton in some areas and years. They usually invade cotton from

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; other hosts which include sorghum and sunflower and stay only a short while in the cotton field. They only attack unopened bolls. The young stages are oval shaped and flat. Immediately after moulting they are red. The adult Blue Bugs are large and metallic in colour. Blue bugs are quite mobile and able to fly some distance. They usually appear in cotton after boll formation. They suck the contents of the cotton seeds from outside the bolls causing symptoms similar to those of cotton stainers, staining the lint, emptying seeds and leading to rotting of bolls. Life cycle is 40 - 50 days. Other Late Season Cotton Pests: Cotton Seed Bug: small black bugs, found in flowers and bolls, sucking the seed contents and staining the lint; they reproduce fast in the developing crop. 2.3. Cotton Diseases Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names: Bacterial Blight Xanthomonas malvacearum Baka Bakteria (Kiswahili)

Bacterial blight is the major disease of cotton in the southern part of the Western Cotton Growing Zone and can cause serious yield losses. The UK varieties with even numbers are resistant to the disease, but deterioration of this resistance has been observed. Depending on the part of the plant attacked the following symptoms can be distinguished; characteristic is always the initial development of water soaked lesions which later dry up: Seedling Blight: seedlings start rotting and die Angular Leafspot: numerous small angular dark brown spots on leaves. Vein Blight: lesions along the main leaf veins, leading to leaf deformation when occurring before the leaf unfolds. Black Arm: leafstem turning black and hanging downwards; leaves are shed finally. Boll Rot: sunken black lesions on the surface of the bolls, inside rotting. The bacteria lives on the surface of seeds and can survive on cotton debris for one year. It infests plants also through rain splashes; also the Lygus bug transmits the disease. Common Name: Scientific Name: Local Names: Fusarium Wilt Fusarium oxysporum Mnyauko Fuzari (Kiswahili)

Fusarium Wilt is the major cotton disease of the northern part of the Western Cotton Growing Zone and can cause serious yield losses there. The UK varieties with odd numbers are resistant to the disease, but deterioration of this resistance has occurred. The causal organism is soil and seed borne and can survive in the soil for more than 5 years. Typical symptoms are: wilting of parts or of the whole plant, yellowing and shedding of the leaves, stunted growth. In later stages it is difficult to distinguish from senescence and water stress. When the stem is cut near the soil, a brown ring can be observed next to the bark. Other minor cotton diseases: Alternaria leafspot (Alternaria macrospora): frequent especially during moist spells and sometimes of economic importance. The spots are necrotic brown, of varying sizes (small to fairly large), have round edges and concentric rings within (visible against the light); they have no watersoaked stage.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Grey Mold (Ramularia areola): frequent on older leaves during moist spells. Whitish gey angular fields appear on both leaf surfaces; the leaf later turns red and is shed.

2.4. Weeds Most weeds in cotton are annual grasses or broadleaves, propagating by seeds. These weeds compete with cotton for water, light and nutrients, especially in its slow growing initial phase (first 2 months). They can be a major bottleneck in production, making the effect of other inputs futile (fertilizer and pesticides) when not removed in time, i.e. in the first 2 - 4 weeks. 3. Beneficial Organisms Most important beneficials in cotton are: Ladybird beetles: different species are present in the fields; the adults are round, convex beetles, either black with red marks or brown with black lines; the larva are usually black to brown and mobile. They are found where aphids are present. Larva and adults feed on insect eggs and aphids, Lacewings: the adults are green, fragile flying insects; the larvae are similar to ladybird larvae, but more slender; one species has trash on its back for camouflage; only the larva feed on insect eggs and aphids, Hoverfly: the adult is a fly that imitates a wasp in colour; it is a very good flyer and can stand in the air like a helicopter searching for aphid colonies; the small maggot is greenish or brown, leg- and headless and found often within aphid colonies, feeding on single aphids. Ants: the small sisimizi ants (Pheidole spp.) are very important general predators in cotton; they collect insect eggs and even small insects. Anthocorid Bugs: very small orange red bugs(1 mm) with back eyes, living on lower side of cotton leaves; they feed on eggs of caterpillars. Spiders: many different spider species are found in the fields, free hunting or web building: they feed generally on small insects. Praying mantids: indiscriminate feeders on flying insects in particular. Virus diseases: sometimes caterpillars of the American Bollworm and the Cotton Leafworm are found dead, with their body content liquified. Parasites: towards the end of the season, enlarged, brown and dry (mummified) aphids are found frequently. They are attacked by a parasitic wasp. Caterpillars are often parasitized by wasps when they appear sick and immobile - they have the parasite living within their body.

4. IPM Control Strategy in Cotton Integrated Pest Management strategies in cotton try to keep pests, diseases and weeds under the economic threshold, by combining: cultural (rotation, sowing rate, row planting, ox-drawn weeder, frequent picking) biological (seed varieties, enhancement of beneficials) sanitary (stalk management, cleaning of stores) and chemical (scouting, pesticide selection, pesticide application)

methods in a systematic way. IPM is using environmentally safe methods that are economic and can be applied by the average farmers. The description of the strategy follows the seasonal calendar.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Rotation: cotton should be grown at least in 2 year rotation with cereals and or legumes to reduce the pressure of Bacterial Blight in the soil. When Fusarium Wilt occurs heavily, a gap of at least 5 years with no cotton growing has to be observed. Rotation of cotton with cereals has the side effect of reducing Striga seeds in the soil. Seed varieties: definite varieties should be used (UK 82 for southern part of WCGZ, UK 77 or 91 for northern part of WCGZ), which have resistance to Bacterial Blight rsp. Fusarium Wilt. The seeds should be uniformly treated with seed dressing (red powder, Bronocot). Sowing rate: if termite damage is suspected increase the sowing rate above the recommended (30x90 cm), so that the termites can do the first thinning. A good plant population helps to suppress weeds and makes pesticide application more economical. Row planting is a pre-condition for effective handweeding and in particular for the ox-drawn weeder (80 - 90 cm row width, depending on weeder); it also makes pesticide application easier. Weeding: Weeding should be done between 2 - 4 weeks after emergence and is the easier the sooner it is done (weeds small); the second weeding should follow 3 -4 weeks later. Oxdrawn weeding is possible in row planting patterns; it saves more than 50 % of the time needed for handweeding. Scouting regularly for American Bollworm damage symptoms (flared square with a hole) gives the rational basis for spraying decision in cotton. description of the method follows. These field visits help to monitor the field generally. Regular field checks are also necessary for stainers and calidea attacks. Scouting can also be used to check the effectiveness of pesticide application. Selection of pesticides: thiodan (endosulfan) is currently the only selective pesticide in cotton; it should be used for the first sprays against American Bollworm, since it spares the beneficials to some extent. Spraying against American Bollworm as key pest implies some control of the other pests (e.g. aphids, cotton leafworm, etc.) as well. Note that the normal dosage of pesticide is effective only against young stages of caterpillars! Pyrethroids should be used later in the season against stainers in particular. Calidea needs not to be sprayed, since they stay in the cotton only for an unpredictably short while. Botanicals (neem, tephrosia) are under investigation and promising. Pesticide application: uniform pesticide application in the morning or evening is most efficient (little drift outside the field caused by hot soil), helps to avoid build-up of pest resistance and spares beneficials. Description see under module Pesticide Application. Harvest: frequent picking of split bolls avoids the build-up of stainers and cotton seed bugs in the field. Early picking of open bolls with dry lint avoids stainer damage. The use of pesticides at this stage is not recommended. Sanitation: by-laws govern that cotton stalks have to be pulled out and burnt until 15.09. each year; this reduces the build up of Bacterial Blight in the soil and the carry-over of pests like the Pink Bollworm. Cotton stores should be cleaned from old seeds, since stainers are surviving the dry season on these stocks; chicken can feed on these stainers. 5. Scouting Procedure for the American Bollworm Justification: Calendar spraying (every two weeks after flowering) is uneconomic and ignores the changing pest pressure in the field. It is hardly ever practiced by farmers.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Farmers usually take fallen squares as indicator for spraying pesticides - this is a misleading indicator, since squares also fall due to moisture and nutrient stress Scouting for flared squares with a hole is easy for farmers and means determination of the actual damage caused by young caterpillars, which can be controlled by pesticides When scouting is done, less pesticide than conventionally or for calendar sprays is used: one spraying can be saved in most cases compared to farmers practice, which means a saving of at least Tshs 4200 per acre. Due to less sprays, more beneficials are found in the cotton. Higher yield can be obtained due to exact timing of the spray: 12 % on average in the IPM Working Groups. This means on average 30 kg more cotton per acre, equivalent to Tshs 6000. If proper timing and correct application of spraying is effected, 30 % of the pesticide can be saved compared to improper spraying (Tshs 1400/=); This sums up to savings and gains of around Tshs 12,000 per acre. Scouting 2 days after a pesticide application can determine the effectiveness of the spray.

Threshold: The scouting technique has been developed to give farmers a rational basis to decide when to spray. The farmers are advised to spray their crop only when an action threshold is reached. It is the value from which pesticide spray should be done in order to avoid build up of population of pests. Such a threshold has been established for American Bollworm in cotton: 0.5 flared squares with a hole per plant sampled in 1 acre sample area. Sampling should be done once per week from first square formation on until boll split begins (approx. 9 weeks after first scouting). Procedure: Scouting for American Bollworm in cotton can be done with the aid of a peg-board. It helps the farmer keeping records of the number of plants examined, and the number of flared squares encountered. The board has two horizontal rows with 30 and 15 holes respectively. One row runs in the green field and the other in the yellow/red field. At one end of the pegboard there is a white area, where the pegs are kept before counting damaged plants (parking space). Pegs are markers, e.g. matches or little twigs. Alternatively, the farmer can count 15 cotton plants per acre with little stones and put the flared squares with a hole in the pocket. After scouting 30 plants, he simply counts the flared squares in his pocket. Scouting is done along the diagonals of a one acre (part of a) field. The actual damage of the American Bollworm is the flared square with a hole. Flared squares: flower buds where the bracts are opened, of yellowish colour, which drop easily and have a hole or other frass damage in the bud. After entering the field (5 to 6 steps inside) at one corner, one single cotton plant next to the right foot is selected and inspected; this continues every 4 to 5 steps along the diagonal. For each inspected plant the peg in the green field is moved one hole forward and for each flared square encountered the peg in the yellow field is shifted one hole ahead. The procedure is to be continued until fifteen plants are examined along one diagonal. Then this is to be repeated along the other diagonal. Scouting is done once per week starting at flowering to boll splitting. Farmers are advised to spray only when the number of flared squares has reached 16 out of 30 examined plants, i.e. when the peg in the yellow zone entered into the red (danger) zone. Here the threshold is 0.5 flared squares per scouted plant. Spraying should be done on the same scouting day after reaching the threshold. Dont spray when there are less than 15 flared squares or there is severe drought.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Scouting 2 days after pesticide application allows a check of the spray efficiency: there should be found not be more than 2 - 3 flared squares with a hole; otherwise either the pesticide was not effective and/or the application was bad. How to do scouting: Start scouting at week 8 to 10 after planting (when flowering) until bolls open! It is a continuous process, done weekly;. Sampling is done on 2 diagonals of 1 acre cotton field, start by walking 4 - 5 steps inside the field, sample the first cotton plant next to your right foot, count all fresh opened flared squares (not: dropped squares) from only 1 plant per hill, put the sticks of the pegboard in the proper hole (1 stick per plant and 1 per flared square), continue with another plant after every 7 - 8 steps up to the end of the diagonal and then start 2nd diagonal, In total 30 plants should be inspected per acre (15 plants from each diagonal); Pegboard colours: white part: parking space green part: 30 holes for cotton plants yellow part: 14 holes for flared squares red part: danger zone, beyond the threshold, start spraying Summary of Cotton IPM Measures Measure Crop rotation Practice Rotation with pulses/ce-reals at least every second year. For Fusarium, longer rota-tions are necessary (4-5 years) Use resistant, treated varieties UK 82 UK 91 First weeding 2-4 weeks after emergence of crop. Row planting allows ox-drawn weeder and makes pesticide application more effective. Scouting for flared squares with a hole until threshold reached from squaring on. Start with selective pesticide. Application in morning or evening. Pyrethroids against stainers shortly before boll split if many stainers in the field. Early and frequent picking as soon as lint is dry Pull out and burn cotton stalks until 15. September Pests managed Soil borne diseases (Bacterial Blight, Fusarium Wilt) Striga spp. through suicidal germination Bacterial Blight Fusarium Wilt General weed control



Pesticide application

American Bollworm (and other early pests)

Harvest Field Sanitation

Stainers Stainers and Cotton Seed Bugs Soil borne diseases (Bacterial Blight a.o.). Pink Bollworm and other pests

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

D. Beneficial Organisms: Species, Benefits and Enhancement Strategies

1. Introduction Besides pests, many other organisms are living in the farmers' fields. Some are only accidentally there, others live for example on plant remains without harming the crop, and another group actually feeds on the pests as their "natural enemies. These are "beneficial organisms", or "friends" for the farmer. Natural enemies in the context of plant protection are organisms that live from or on pests", either as their prey (predators, phytophages), or host (parasitoids, pathogens). This way they reduce the number of pests and thus limit their damage naturally. For agriculturists who also do plant protection it is important to:

know the most important natural enemies of pests in the field, in order to appreciate their effects on pests not to confuse them with pests know their behaviour and from that devise ways to support and/or to protect them.

Natural enemies are one limiting factor for the numbers of pests in the agro-ecosystem without them, pests would do a much greater damage than they already do. They are thus limiting the extent of pest damage. When natural enemies are actively used for pest management, we speak of biological control: it is the use of natural enemies (predators, parasitoids, pathogens, phytophages) for the regulation of pest populations. In the wider sense also passive biological methods, like resistant crop varieties fall under the term biocontrol. Most important natural enemies in field crops of Shinyanga Region are: ants, ladybird beetles, hoverfly larva, spiders and parasitic wasps. Their exact quantitative effect is not well established though. 2. Classes of natural enemies One can distinguish natural enemies broadly according to their feeding habits as:

predators (hunters), such as spiders, mantids, ground beetles, ladybirds, lacewings, hover flies, frogs, lizards, cats etc. parasites/parasitoids, such as the wasp Epidinocarsis lopezi on the Cassava Mealy Bug, Trichogramma spp. on insect eggs, or tachinid flies on pupa of caterpillars, or pathogens (diseases), such as Baculovirus disease of the Cotton Leafworm. phytophages (plant eaters), such as the weevil feeding on the weed Water Hyacinth.

Predators are free living, hunting animals who are mostly not specialised on the food they prey. Predators are quite mobile and may move from field to field. Ordinarily, they are larger than their prey. When they occur in good numbers they can check pests effectively

Ladybirds (Coccinelidae) prey not only on aphids, but also on mealybugs, scale insects, eggs and small larvae of caterpillars, depending on the species. Hoverfly larvae (Syrphidae) are more specialised on aphids Ants, particularly the small Sisimizi species (Pheidole spp.), are collecting eggs and small larva of insects rather indiscriminently; they are possibly the most important predators in the region.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

Spiders, mantids, ground beetles and dragon flies will hunt for almost every animal they can catch, including neutral and beneficial insects as well. Frogs, toads and insect-eating birds also fall in this category of rather non-selective predators. Cats have some importance as specialised hunters for rodents in post-harvest.

Parasites are living on another organism and take all their food requirements from it. They are usually specialised on one or few species of animals on which their larvae live. Every pest has at least one parasite which helps to check its number. Parasites have to stay with their prey, damage or kill only one, but they are often more efficient against a single pest than the generalised predators. Hyperparasites are parasites which attack parasites - they are detrimental from the plant protection point of view.

Important indigenous parasites are aphid wasps (Aphidius spp.) which parasitize aphids and mummify them, caterpillar wasps (Braconidae) on caterpillars, trichogramma wasps on insect eggs and tachinid flies (Tachinidae) mainly on older caterpillars and pupa. The little wasp (Epidinocarsis lopezi) that parasitises the new pest Cassava Mealy Bug, was introduced with the aim of controlling the extent of pest damage. It is an example for successful classical biocontrol.

Pathogens are organisms that are able to cause a disease. They include virus, bacteria, fungi, nematodes and protozoa. In pests they are parasitic, rather specific to one pest species and can be regarded as beneficial in our context.

Common are virus diseases of cotton leafworms and other caterpillars; most insect virus diseases are caused Baculoviruses. Fusarium wilt of Striga plants is also frequent. Trials are done with Beauveria fungus against sweet potato weevils.

Phytophages are organisms that live from plant material, in the scope of IPM from weeds. For control measures these phytophages need to be rather specialised. They include a weevil against Water Hyacinth, a caterpillar against Opuntia cactus and some fish species against water weeds. 3. Description and biology of major natural enemies in Shinyanga Region a. Predators Spiders (Araneae) (Buibui) are quite effective hunters. The many species present in the region can be divided into web building and free living, visually hunting types. They are important general predators who feed on flying insects, but also on eggs and even small caterpillars. Their presence in good numbers should delay a decision to spray pesticides. Predatory Mites (Phytoseiids) are an important limiting factor to the development of spidermites (particularly red spidermite complex - Tetranychus spp.). They feed on eggs and adult mites. Predatory mites are slightly larger than spidermites and more active. Some predatory mites (Amblyseius spp., Phytoseiulus spp.) are used commercially for spidermite control in citrus and horticultural crops. Frequent insecticide spraying (e.g. DDT, dimethoate, pyrethroids) leads to resistance of spidermites while the predatory mites are killed - hence, secondary outbreaks occur, which become difficult to manage. Anthocorid Bugs (Anthocoridae) are very small (1-3 mm) orange bugs, living for example on cotton leaves and buds. They are reported in Kenya to be quite efficient sucking predators

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; on eggs of the American Bollworm, but also feed on thrips, mites, aphids and even young caterpillars. They may be underestimated so far in the region. Ants (Pheidole spp.) (Sisimizi) are a large family of social insects. Many species collect immature stages of insects, such as eggs and even young larvae. They occur in every field and can be quite effective predators when they are in large numbers. Some species have also negative effects, since they protect aphid colonies and scale insects against possible predators (honeydew). Species common in Shinyanga are Pheidole spp., small (3-5mm), black to brown ants. They also feed on sugar sap from plants (cotton, sunflower, maize) and honeydew of aphids. Camponotus spp. are larger (7-10mm), very fast moving, black and grey ants. Praying mantids (Kisw.: Vunja chungu) are large, grasshopper-like, predatory insects. They wait quietly for their prey, or approach it slowly and catch it all of a sudden with their large front legs which are folded in a praying-like manner. They are general predators which live as singles and are not found in large enough numbers in the field to be very efficient. In Shinyanga Region the relatively small, green or brown Harpagomantis spp. are frequent. Assassin bugs (Reduviidae) are large, very mobile visual hunters with a large curved mouthpart with which they suck their prey out. They can be distinguished from plant sucking bugs also by their slender heads with a long neck. They attack mainly stainer bugs, but also caterpillars, other bugs and beetles. Phonoctonus principalis is common in the region. It mimics stainer bugs with its red and black coloration, but it is larger, more mobile and has a slender head with neck, unlike the stainers with a stout triangular head. Phonoctonus is not frequent enough to have a large effect on stainer populations. Ground Beetles (Carabidae) are a large group of predatory beetles of various sizes and colours. They are slender, fast running visual hunters for soil living insects, but also for insect eggs and caterpillars on leaves near the soil. Both larva and adult beetles are quite insatiable and efficient predators (they can eat up to 10x their body weight per day), even though they do not occur in big numbers; the adult lives for a long time. The Nairobi Fly (Paederus sp.) is a small (6-7mm), earwig like, black and brown coloured predatory beetle. It hunts inside the vegetation for eggs and young stages of crop pests as well as dead and disabled insects. The Nairobi fly is not a ground, but a rove beetle (Staphylinidae). Earwigs (Dermaptera) are medium sized insects with a characteristic organs like a pair of pincers in the back. They live from aphids and insect eggs, but also from soft plant tissues and may be even harmful that way (rice). Earwigs hunt at night and stay during the day in dark places. Ladybird beetles (Coccinelidae) (Kisw.: Dudu Kobe): their larva and adults are among the most frequent and effective predators. They are a large family of small to medium sized spherical beetles of varying colour and size (5 - 10 mm). The spindle shaped yellow eggs are laid in characteristic clusters on leaves. The larva are quite mobile and live usually among their prey. The roundish pupa is fixed on leaves. Ladybirds live on aphids, scale insects, mealy bugs, but also on slow moving insects or eggs, when they can find them. One ladybird beetle can eat around 3000 aphids during its life. Possibly 20 - 30 aphids per ladybird are sufficient for control (Europe). Before spraying against aphids, the presence of ladybirds should always be checked first; if there is a good number per plant, delay spraying and observe if the ladybirds can check the population.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Frequent are the larger Cheilomenes spp., which are red/black (IPM Project symbol) or brown with black stripes. The larva is grey to black. Other species are completely black, or black with red spots and have brown or white larvae. N.B.: The African Melon Ladybird Beetle (larva: orange, adult: round 8 -10 mm size, orange with black spots) is a pest, feeding on leaves and fruits of cucurbits. Also Tortoise Beetles and their larvae resemble ladybirds, but are phytovorous pests of sweet potatoes. Lacewing (Chrysopidae) larva are quite similar to those of ladybirds, usually a bit more slender and with pierce-like curved mouthparts; one species carries trash on its back. They also prey on aphids mainly, but as well on eggs and slow moving small insects. The adult is green or brown (Chrysoperla spp. rsp. Micromus spp.) with large delicate wings and flies at night; it feeds on pollen. The eggs are laid singly on characteristic long stalks on leaves or stems, often near to aphid colonies. The pupa is in a small cocoon on the plant. The larva can eat around 500 aphids in its life. Some ants attack lacewing larvae to protect aphids. Hoverflies (Syrphidae) as larvae are very efficient predators of aphids, even though they don't look very conspicuous. The adult fly is up to 5 - 10 mm long, often with yellow and black body stripes. The adults live from nectar and pollen. They can fly very well and even stay for some on the same spot in the air (name) like a helicopter. From this position the female searches aphid colonies into which it lays single small eggs. They are active mainly during the hot hours of the day. The larva is a small ( up to 10 mm), greenish to brownish maggot with no head and feet. It usually lives singly between aphids in a colony. It sucks out a large number of aphids (up to 500 during its larval stage of about a week) in a characteristic upright way. The pupa is hard, brown or green, shaped in form of a drop and attached to leaves. Before spraying against aphids, the presence of hoverfly larva should always be checked first; if there is a good number per plant, delay spraying and observe if the hoverfly larva can check the population. b. Parasites/Parasitoids Parasitic Wasps lay their eggs on or in their host,; the larva develops within the host and kills it finally. They are very important natural enemies. There are 3 main groups of parasitic wasps: large Ichneumonid wasps (10-20mm), with a large conspicuous ovipositor, parasites of caterpillars; their cocoons are found sometimes on plants. medium sized Braconid wasps (3-5mm); they pupate along their dead host. Parasitised caterpillars of the Orange Dog with a number of cocoons are quite frequent. small wasps of different families (up to 1mm), which parasitize eggs of insects. Trichogramma spp. are an example for this group; they feed on eggs of butterflies and moths; parasitised eggs of the American Bollworm e.g. turn from yellow to black. They are produced commercially in some countries as a replacement for insecticides and are the most widely used biocontrol agents. Aphid wasps (Aphidius spp.) parasitize aphids and mummify them; they occur in larger number towards the end of the cropping season Tachinid flies (Tachinidae) look like houseflies, are medium sized (9 -12mm), grey to black, with dark red eyes and hairy on their hind parts. They parasitize larger caterpillars or pupa, for example the American Bollworm or the Sweet Potato Hawkmoth. The larva develop inside the host; fly pupa are formed either inside the host or outside. Palexorista sp. is an example from Shinyanga, living from sweet potato hawkmoths.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; c. Pathogens of Pests Large caterpillars of the Cotton Leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) are often found either lying dead on a leaf or hanging partly from a leaf. When touched they the liquefied contents of the body bursts out. These are symptoms of a contagious virus disease (Baculovirus) killing Spodoptera larvae in good numbers. Dead Spodoptera caterpillars may be collected fresh, ground, mixed with water and sprayed on still healthy Spodoptera larvae as a form of biocontrol (experience: Thailand, Holland). This is though regarded as not very practical for Shinyanga Region. African Bollworms are sometimes killed similarly by another Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV). Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) formulations (the spores are toxic, parasporal crystal) are widely used as a selective insecticide against many caterpillars, including African Bollworm (alcaline stomach). There are different strains, toxic to different hosts, mainly caterpillars; some strains of B. thuringiensis are active against flies, beetles, mites and even against nematodes. The crystal acts on the stomach; the larvae usually stop feeding one day after application and 5 days later they are dead. There are commer-cial formulations available, but Bt also exists naturally in Tanzania; local formulations may be produced from it. Sweet Potato Weevils (Cylas puncticollis) are sometimes covered with a white mycelium. These are the symptoms of the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Research work is currently done on using it as biocontrol agent (Uganda, Kenya). Black, dried up Striga plants are often seen in the field. They were attacked by Fusarium oxysporum, a soil fungus. Also on this agent, research work has started (West Africa). Different virus, bacterial and other disease agents (e.g. Protozoa, Fungi) attack pests. Most of them are not very well described, but others are being used as biocontrol agents elsewhere (Myxomatosis Virus against rabbits in New Zealand, protozoa against locusts, a.o.). Baculoviruses are arthropod specific and therefore very potential disease-causing agents for biocontrol, since there are no mammalian toxic Baculoviruses. 4. Enhancement strategies for natural enemies The following general guidelines should be kept in mind to help natural enemies of pests:

Identify and quantify natural enemies in the field in their different stages Quantify the damage of the pest (scouting) Adapt your spraying decision to presence of beneficials (delay spraying when there are many beneficials and you can expect them doing the job) Use selective pesticides (e.g. Thiodan) Spray in the morning when predators and many parasites are less active Diversify the cropping system with intercropping (biodiversity enhanced).

1. Intercropping or strip cropping gives natural enemies better chances to find suitable places and preys to develop on. Suitable combinations are for example maize - pulses or sunflower - cotton or cereals 2. A decision to spray a pesticide or not, should be influenced by the observation of the kind and numbers of predators present in the field: If there are many predators and pests are just above the threshold, spraying should be delayed. The pests should be carefully observed if they are not checked in fact by the predators. This is particularly true for aphids versus ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies. There are no strict guidelines so far developed in Tanzania. 3. Most predators are quite sensitive to pesticides. Spraying a selective pesticide (e.g., thiodan, dimethoate) and application at times when predators are less active (usually morning) will help them to survive even in treated fields. But every spray inevitably also kills some of your friends! 4. An efficient way to kill predators and parasites unnecessarily is to spray a non-selective pesticide (pyrethroids) around noon time without having scouted before. Predators are active then and in reach of contact insecticides. This may cause even secondary

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; outbreaks of the pest, since their natural enemies are dead and the pest (aphids, spidermites) can reproduce without limitations

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Overview on groups of natural enemies in Western Tanzania, their main prey/hosts and importance GROUP General Predators (Hunters) EXAMPLE MAIN PREY/HOSTS Small insects Small insects Insects Insects Aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, insect eggs and other small insects Aphids, insect eggs and small insects Small insects and eggs Larger insects Larger insects Larger insects Larger insects, parti-cularly grubs & cater-pillars, Rodents IMPORTANCE ++ ? ? + +++

Spiders Ants Ground beetles Praying mantids Ladybird beetles

Lacewings Earwigs
Specia-lised Predators (Hunters) Dragon flies Wasps Frogs, toads Birds Predatory mites Anthocorid bugs Caterpillars Assassin bugs Hoverflies Cats Parasitic wasps Tachinid flies Virus Bacteria Fungi

++ + + + ++ ++

Parasites/ Parasitoids

Spidermites Insect eggs Striga Stainers Aphids Rodents Mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, eggs/ caterpillars/pupa Larger caterpillars, pupa Caterpillars Caterpillars Insects, Striga

? ? + + +++ + ++ ++ + ? ? +

Pathogens (Diseases)

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania;

Botanicals are natural pesticides with active ingredient(s) from plants. They are prepared either as a raw extract or the active ingredient is purified. They come from different chemical classes, and contain besides the active ingredient a various number of other natural compounds. Examples for active ingredients are: Nicotin a highly poisonous nerve poison from tobacco Pyrethrum form the pyrethrum plant Azadirachtin from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica, kisw. Marubaini) Rotenon from the derris root (Derris eclipta, kisw. Utupa) Tephrosin from the fishbean (Tephrosia vogelii), chemically similar to Rotenon. Preliminary recommendations for use of neem and tephrosia botanicals are developed. From the neem tree, mainly the seeds are used, since they contain the highest percentage of active ingredient. Ripe neem seeds are collected under the trees. The easiest way is with a broom. They are dried for a short time (some hours) in the sun, later in the shade. They are depulped when dry by rubbing. Deshelling can be done carefully in a mortar. Storage should be in paper or gunny bags, since the seeds rot easily and loose germinability and active ingredient. The seeds can be either crushed for seed powder (NSP), and either a watery extract or oil can be produced from them. The wooden mortar and pestle for crushing can not be used for food later, since the oil of crushed seeds is very bitter and impregnates the wood. Neem extracts in general have a wide spectrum of activity, but are not active against bugs (e.g. stainers). The tree can also be used for shade, medical purposes (toothbrush, teas etc.) and gives good building timber (termite proof). As fire wood it has a bad smell and should be used only outdoors. Harvests of seeds can be expected after 3 years on; after 5 years more than 15 kg seeds/tree can be harvested. The seed powder has insecticidal activity against cereal stemborers; it has to be crushed in a mortar and mixed 2:1 or 1:1 with rice husks (or ashes, sand etc.) as inert material, in order to avoid phytotoxicity (oil). This mix is applied in the whorl of maize (or sorghum) plants at a rate of 0.5 g per plant (equals 1 groundnut shell lobe as measure). Application time starts from 2 --3 weeks after germination; another 1-2 times after every 2-3 weeks are necessary. Application makes sense only in late sown maize, since the pressure of stemborers is high by then. For an average field of 25 000 maize plants per ha, about 12.5 kg mixed neem seed and inert material powder is necessary (equals 6.5 kg pure neem seed powder per ha and application). Watery neem seed powder extract can be applied in cotton with an ULVA Plus sprayer and its EC equipment. The extract is prepared from seed powder: 1 kg NSP is soaked overnight in 1.5 l clean water; the extract is then filtered through cloth, so that no particles can block the nozzle of the sprayer. A spray solution should consist of about 15% extract; this means 0.75 l extract plus 4.25 l water for one ULVA Plus EC tank of 5l. Applied will be about 20 l per ha, so about 2 kg seed powder are needed per ha and application. The extract can stay in the dark for max. 1 week. Application should be in the evening to avoid rapid breakdown of the active ingredient by light. Watery neem extracts can also be sprayed by knapsack sprayers especially in vegetables and against ticks of cattle. Neem oil can be produced by pounding neem seed powder and adding a little water until the cake becomes smooth and soft. The oil can then be squeezed out of the cake by hand. After the first pressing more water can be added while pounding and the squeezing can be repeated. 1 kg seeds produce about 100 ml oil. The oil is active against Bruchids in stored pulses seeds. 2 - 4 ml oil are sufficient for 1 kg pulses. The pulses have to be washed before use as food (bitter taste of the oil). The seed cake can be used in vegetable nurseries as fertilizer and against nematodes; it is too bitter to be fed to cattle. Oil can be stored in the dark for a long time.

Mathias, Braun 1997: IPM Training Manual. Tanzanian-German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyanga, Tanzania; Dried leaves (leaves before flowering are best) can be mixed with cowdung to plaster storage containers (Kihenge); this has a repellent effect on storage pests entering the kihenge and also works against termites. Tephrosia is prepared as leaf extract only. 1 kg fresh leaves (medium age) are pounded and soaked in 1 l of clean water. The mixture is soaked overnight and filtered. 0.8 l of the filtered extract are mixed with 4.2 l of water for one tank of 5 l of the ULVA plus sprayer; 4 - 5 g of powder soap (Omo, TOSS or others) should be added as wetting agent (2 - 2.5 tablespoons). About 3.2 kg fresh leaves are needed for 1 application with the ULVA plus sprayer per ha (20 l application rate). Again spraying is advisable in the evening. The extract is active against American Bollworm in cotton mainly. It can be stored for 2 -3 days only. The extract can also be sprayed from a knapsacksprayer in vegetables and against ticks in cattle. The extract is fish toxic! Tephrosia is also a valuable fallow-improvement plant (legume). It is semi-perennial; the sowing rate is 50 * 90 cm and it grows best on depleted light soils. Many other plants have active ingredients with pesticidal activity, some are used in traditional agriculture. With the exception of nicotine, they usually have low mammalian toxicity and break down fast after application. They usually have a broad spectrum of activity.

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