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Summative Test 1 Els WITH ANSWER KEY

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Earth and Life Science

Name: _____________________________Grade/Section _____________________

Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is metamorphism? A. The process of melting rocks B. The process of weathering rocks C.
The process of changing rocks through heat, pressure, and chemical reactions D. The process of
eroding rocks
Answer: C
2. What is the main factor that drives metamorphism? A. Erosion B. Melting C. Pressure and
temperature D. Weathering
Answer: C
3. Which type of metamorphism occurs when rocks come into contact with magma? A. Contact
metamorphism B. Regional metamorphism C. Dynamic metamorphism D. Hydrothermal
Answer: A
4. What type of rock is most commonly associated with regional metamorphism? A. Igneous
rocks B. Sedimentary rocks C. Metamorphic rocks D. Fossil fuels
Answer: B
5. Which mineral is indicative of high-grade metamorphism? A. Quartz B. Feldspar C. Chlorite D.
Answer: D
6. How does foliation develop in metamorphic rocks? A. By the alignment of mineral grains B. By
the formation of vesicles C. By the presence of fossils D. By the presence of lava flows
Answer: A
7. What is the term for the process of a rock changing from one type to another during
metamorphism? A. Neocrystallization B. Melting C. Erosion D. Weathering
Answer: A
8. Which type of metamorphism occurs along fault zones? A. Contact metamorphism B. Dynamic
metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism D. Burial metamorphism
Answer: B
9. Which of the following is a non-foliated metamorphic rock?
A. Marble
B. Schist
C. Gneiss
D. Slate
Answer: A
10. Which type of metamorphism occurs as a result of the weight of overlying rocks?
A. Contact metamorphism B. Regional metamorphism C. Hydrothermal metamorphism D. Burial
Answer: D
11. Which of the following is a foliated metamorphic rock?

A. Hornfels

B. Quartzite

C. Skarn

D. Slate

Answer: D

12. Which of the following is NOT a type of magma?

A. Basaltic magma

B. Rhyolitic magma

C. Andesitic magma

D. Sedimentary magma

Answer: D. Sedimentary magma

13. Which of the following is a type of magma that is lowest in silica and has a low viscosity?

A) Basaltic magma

B) Andesitic magma

C) Rhyolitic magma

D) Ultramafic magma

Answer: A) Basaltic magma

14. Which of the following is a type of magma that is highest in silica and has a high viscosity?
A) Basaltic magma

B) Andesitic magma

C) Rhyolitic magma

D) Ultramafic magma

Answer: C) Rhyolitic magma

15. What is the name of the common non-foliated metamorphic rock formed from limestone? A.
Marble B. Schist C. Gneiss D. Slate
Answer: A
16. Which type of metamorphism is most commonly associated with the formation of foliated
a) Contact metamorphism
b) Hydrothermal metamorphism
c) Regional metamorphism
d) Burial metamorphism
Answer: c
17. Which type of metamorphism occurs when rocks are subjected to high pressures but relatively
low temperature. A. Contact metamorphism B. Hydrothermal metamorphism C. Regional
metamorphism D. Burial metamorphism
Answer: C

18. Why is Earth called “the living planet?”

a. It sustains life. C. It has water at the surface
b. It has atmosphere D. All of the above
Answer: A
19. Why is Earth called “the living planet?”
a. It is in the aluminum zone C. It is in the silver zone.
b. It is in the goldilocks zone D. All of the above
Answer: B
20. Which among the set of planets are called terrestrial?
a. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus b. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth
c. Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Answer: C
21. What makes planet Earth uniquely different from other planets?
a. It has soil. C. It has people.
b. It has tress. D. It has liquid water.
Answer: C
22. What makes planet Earth habitable?
a. It has comfortable distance from the sun. b. It has atmosphere that protects from
c. The atmosphere holds carbon dioxide and other gases. d. All of the above
Answer: D
23. Why is Earth called a terrestrial planet?
a. It has life C. It is farther from the sun
b. It is closest to the sun D. It is placed at almost the middle planets
Answer: D
24. Regional metamorphism occurs due to changes in pressure and temperature over a large region
of the crust. It may happen when rock is buried deep below the surface or where pieces of the Earth’s
crustcollide. Which is a metamorphic rock?
A. Breccia B. Conglomerate C. Marble D. Sandstone
Answer: C
25. Igneous and metamorphic rock can be buried and undergo tremendous heating and
stress. What is the process of transformation of one rock type into another?
A. Compaction B. Lithification C. Metamorphism D.weathering
Answer: C
26. A plant is growing into the base of a stone monument and creating a crack on it? This is an
example of _____________.
A. thawing B. freezing C. chemical weathering D. mechanical weathering
Answer: D
27. Which of the following is an example of mechanical weathering?
A. Dissolution of limestone in acidic water
B. Formation of caves through the dissolution of limestone
C. Frost wedging of rocks in a mountain range
D. Chemical breakdown of rocks due to acid rain
Answer: C. Frost wedging of rocks in a mountain range.
28.Stalactites and stalagmites on caves are a popular attraction. These were formed through
deposition of calcium carbonate and other minerals. What type of weathering occurred during
the process?
A. freezing and thawing B. chemical weathering
C. mechanical weathering D. thermal and pressure change
Answer: B
29. What is the process by which rocks and sediments are broken down into smaller pieces by
physical or chemical means?
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
d) Abrasion
Answer: A

30.What term should be used to describe a semi-liquid hot molten rock located beneath
the Earth?
A. lava B. sand C. rocks D. Magma
31.What do you call the semi-liquid hot molten rocks found on the surface of earth once the volcano
A. magma B. rocks C. sand D. Lava
Answer: D
32. The melting of rocks due to a decrease in pressure as they rise to the Earth's surface.
A. decompression melting B. partial melting C. heat transfer D. flux melting
Answer: A
33.In what part of the earth does magmatism happen?
A. Asthenosphere B. Earth’s crust C. Earth’s core D. Lithosphere
Answer: A
34.What are the two most abundant elements in magma?
A. oxygen and magnesium B. silicon and aluminum
C. silicon and oxygen D. oxygen and iron
35.What are the main factors for contact metamorphism to occur?
A. air and water B. heat and reactive fluid
C. temperature and water D. pressure and temperature

36.Which of the following is NOT true about metamorphism?

A. Slate and gneiss are examples of foliated rock.
B. Contact metamorphism creates non-foliated rocks.
C. Pressure is the main factor of contact metamorphism.
D. Regional metamorphism creates foliated rocks.
Answer: C
37. Earth is found in between planet _____ and ______?
A. Mercury and Venus C. Mars and Neptune
B. Venus and Mars D. Mercury and Sun
Answer: B
38. Which of the following is NOT a related study to Earth Science?
A. Geology B. Meteorology C. Genetics D. Oceanography
Answer: C
39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Earth?
A. It is the third planet from the Sun.
B. It is the only known planet that can support life.
C. It has blue waters, rocky and green land masses.
D. It has abundant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
40. Which of the following is NOT a factor of why Earth is habitable?
A. Abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
B. Presence of liquid water
C. Magnetic Field
D. All of the above.
41. Which of the following is not a type of erosion.
A. water erosion
B. wind erosion
C. glacial erosion
D.radioactive erosion
42. Deposition is the opposite process of ____________.
A. erosion
B. weathering
C. hydrolysis
43. This process occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, then freezes and expands, causing the
rock to break apart.
a. exfoliation c.root wedging
b.frostwedging d.thermal expansion
44. This process occurs when plant roots grow into cracks in rocks and expand, causing the rock to
break apart.
a. exfoliation c.root wedging
b.frostwedging d.thermal expansion
45. This process occurs when rocks are exposed to high temperatures, causing them to expand. When
the rocks cool down, they contract, which can cause them to break apart.
a. exfoliation c.root wedging
b.frostwedging d.thermal expansion
46. This process occurs when overlying rocks are eroded away, reducing the pressure on the
underlying rocks and causing them to expand and break apart.
a. exfoliation c.abrasion
b.pressure release d.thermal expansion

47. This process occurs when layers of rock are stripped away from the surface, usually due to thermal
expansion or pressure release. This can cause the remaining rock to crack and break apart.
a. exfoliation c.abrasion
b.pressure release d.thermal expansion

48. Which factors are needed for organisms to live on Earth?

A. temperature and nutrient C. only A
B. atmosphere and energy D. both A and B

49. Which is supported and sustained by planet?

A. life C. a rocky core
B. a moon D. an atmosphere

50. Which distinct characteristic made Earth different from any other
A. It is the only rocky planet.
B. It is the only planet that turns around in space.
C. It is the only planet that has a large amount of liquid water.
D. It is the only planet that changes its structure

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