NSTP-CWTS 2 Assignment 1
NSTP-CWTS 2 Assignment 1
NSTP-CWTS 2 Assignment 1
Section: B1
Subject: NSTP-CWTS 2
Assignment 1.
a) Make an essay Minimum of 200 words, Maximum 300 each of the following:
1. What is your role as a citizen of the country?
Being a Filipino is easy, but being a Filipino citizen requires more than being born in the
Philippines. As a Filipino citizen, we have the duties to honoring the country, valuing nationalism,
contributing to welfare, being true to the country and people’s best interest. There are plenty of
ways to serve the country as a student. In general, the responsibilities are to respect the Philippine
cultures and values, contribute to national development, and observing the laws. However, in my
own ways I can accomplish my duties as a student by being a good example of a Filipino citizen,
siding with the greater good of the country, raising awareness on issues, sharing my own beliefs
and opinions, become the voice for the voiceless, educating and becoming critical of my
government and fellow Filipinos. Helping and serving my country in my own way is the best action
to take. Especially as a member of youth, fighting for the best for the people and country is crucial.
Overall. Acting on my responsibilities in my own way as a student is how I can show my duties as a
Filipino citizen. Through upholding my own way that I can be of service for the greater good, I am
also showing my patriotism, my service and especially my strive towards the betterment of the
world and life. Being one of the youths, I want to contribute to changing the current world I live in.
my own values align with the welfare of my people and the nation and that is what I believe is the
true essence of the responsibilities of a Filipino citizenship.