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Consumer Awareness and Perception Towards Electric Vehicles With Specific Reference To Bengaluru City

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, 115 – 129

Consumer Awareness and Perception towards Electric Vehicles

with Specific Reference to Bengaluru City

Dr Anupama K Malagi1, Ramya S2

Professor, R V Institute of Management, Bengaluru
Assistant Professor, RV Institute of Management

In the current scenario of non-renewable energy resources especially the fossil fuels getting depleted
rapidly together with rising prices, there is a need foranother energy resource to run the vehicle.
Environmental sustainability is one of themostimportantconcernsasitdecidesthelifespanofourEarth.
Transportation sector is one of the reason for large amount of carbon emission.That is where, the
automobile industries are considering Electric Vehicles as a solution to the raising problem. In this
regard, understanding and analyzing awareness level in the people and their perception towards Electric
Vehicles are very crucial.
In this study we have considered Bangalore city, as major pollutants come from Metropolitan cities and
hence it is important for people living in these cities to understand the importance of using electric
vehicles and do their bit to reduce the consumption of life-threatening gasses and pollutants. The study
concentrates on capturing the views, sentiments, awareness level, likeliness and perception towards
purchasing of electric vehicles so that sustainability in the environment can be maintained.
Keywords: Electric Vehicles, Perception, Awareness, Choice of Vehicles and Environment

Introduction burning in industries have led to the acute

problem of air pollution Simultaneously, the
In this chapter, the research discusses the large number of automobiles in use around the
background of the principal subject of the world has caused and continues to cause serious
research: factors affecting the decision to problems for the environment and human life.
purchasing electric vehicle (EV) in Bengaluru’s Air pollution, global warming, and the rapid
population. The research aims to study factors depletion of the Earth’s petroleum resources are
that will affect the consumer to purchasing now problems of paramount concern Vehicle
electric vehicle such as product appearance, the emissions, which mainly include CO2, CO,
quality of material, notable of brand, price, NOx and particulate matters), have been
worthiness, marketing promotion, research and considered as the major contributors to the effect
development, quality of battery, complexity, of greenhouse gases, also leading to the increase
charger station, and risk of battery, consumer in different forms of cancers and other serious
behaviour and awareness, and government diseases for the humans.
support policy. Additionally, the study of
demographic and lifestyle factors that affecting
the decision to purchasing electric vehicle.
The issues of climate change or global warming
have been rigorously discussed by many Transportation has extensively been
governments since the early 21st century. A acknowledged as a major contributing sector to
great number of relevant reports have revealed global climate change and the key
the negative impact of climate changes environmental issues that plague the world.
dominantly driven by human activities. With the Ninety-five per cent of the world’s existing
globally increasing civilization and transportation systems operate predominately on
industrialization, a large number of fossil fuel petroleum-based products that generate harmful
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 116

emissions into the atmosphere greenhouse emissions and an associated range of

(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, incentives that are now in place at national and
2007). In recent years, concerted efforts at a local government levels. However, the barriers
variety of scales have been made to better align to mass-market uptake are numerous and
the transport sector towards a pathway that significant. Although various incentive schemes
embodies a futuristic, low-carbon vision, in turn can assist, the capital costs of the new
promising long-term savings potential on fuel technologies are high and, in some cases, fuel
costs and the mitigation of climate change. savings have not so far adequately off-set
increased capital and operating costs.
The over-a-century-old automobile industry is Furthermore, the electric-only operating range
gearing up for transformation. The fossil fuel of electric and plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles
price spike and the impact of its emission on the remains a concern for consumers and the
environment have called for a change in necessary recharging infrastructure is only in the
individual transportation habits. The sector, early stages of development. Nevertheless, there
propelled by internal combustion engines, is are now many commercial electric and hybrid
gravitating gradually towards electric vehicles vehicles available in the market and the intense
(EVs). levels of research, development and investment
Unprecedented changes in the climate and the in enabling technology and new vehicle
rising awareness around this combined with the production will no doubt result in many more
atmosphere for technical innovation in the world during the next few years.
is challenging the status quo for several sectors. India’s automobile industry is the sixth largest in
Example for the same is the advent and the world and accounts for 22% of the country’s
promotion of electrical mobility for total manufacturing output. In the last decade,
transportation. In the long run, the electric India has been growing at a faster rate on the
vehicles which can help in bringing down the air motorization curve. As a result, urban traffic
pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases congestion and the air quality gets affected in the
might prove to be threat for the oil and gas all-major metropolitan cities and town. In India,
industry. Globally, the transportation sector is the transport sector alone contributed around
one of the major sectors that consume fossil 18% in terms of carbon emission. Indian
fuels and its products. A green vehicle or government is trying to move to alternative fuel-
environmentally friendly vehicle is a road motor based vehicle technology. The Electric Vehicle
vehicle that produces less harmful impacts to the (EV) is one of the most feasible alternative
environment than comparable conventional solutions to overcome the crises. Several
internal combustion engine vehicles running on automotive companies are slowly venturing into
gasoline or diesel, or one that uses certain the EV space and are expanding their portfolio.
alternative fuels. Green vehicles can be powered Promoting Electric vehicles through innovative
by alternative fuels and advanced vehicle ways can help reduce fossil fuel dependence and
technologies and include hybrid electric pollution, and prove to be beneficial for both
vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, consumers and the nation in the long run.
battery electric vehicles, compressed-air Electric vehicles can have a significant impact
vehicles, hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, neat on the reduction of greenhouse and pollutant gas
ethanol vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, natural emissions associated to the transportation sector.
gas vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, and some The awareness about new products among the
sources also include vehicles using blends of bio consumers has an impact on their behavior in the
diesel and ethanol fuel or gasohol. As part of long term. The consumers with knowledge about
their contribution to sustainable transport, these products develop an attitude towards specific
vehicles reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas products. In this paper the awareness about
emissions, and contribute to energy environmental-friendly cars among automobile
independence by reducing oil imports. The involvement consumers is discussed.
interest in commercial electric and hybrid
vehicles, as the case for their light vehicle
counterparts, is driven by the volatility of
petroleum fuel costs, efforts to improve energy Greenhouse gas problem increases day by day
security, concerns about both toxic and and also the gasoline fuel rate increases nearly
about 100 Rs/li. In daily life routine, public
117 Journal of Positive School Psychology

transportation is very important but the fuel rate, 2025. India, being a net oil importer nation,
some people avoid using bikes or cars. So, many spends a significant part on the oil imports,
automobiles manufacturer and new companies amounting to US $112 billion or INR 7.83 lakh
put their effort to convert the conventional crores on importing oil from 2018-2019. As per
vehicle into electric vehicle that provide reliable the Federal think tank, the NITI Ayog, this large
solution. spending on the oil imports could be brought
down with a complete switch and adoption to
Electric Vehicles. Apart from the benefits from
The Current Scenario in India: reduction in air pollution, a reduction in the oil
imports is also one of the reasons for adoption of
The electric vehicle industry in India is a Electric Vehicles. To propel the massive
growing industry. The central and state adoption and usage of electric vehicles, an area
governments have launched schemes and requiring development is the battery
incentives to promote electric mobility in the manufacturing for these electric vehicles. As of
country and some regulations and standards are now, India doesn’t have large scale or cost-
also in place. While the country stands to benefit effective battery manufacturing facilities.
in a large way by switching its transport from IC Another factor is the adequate presence of the
engines to electric motor-powered, there are charging stations and for that the infrastructure
challenges like lack of charging infrastructure, needs to be conducive.
high initial cost and lack of electricity produced
from renewable energy. Still, e-commerce
companies, car manufacturers, app-based The Global Scenario:
transportation network companies and mobility
solution providers have entered the sector and In 2018, the worldwide EV deals, which
are slowly building up electric car capacity and incorporate BEVs, PHEVs, and FCEVs, crossed
visibility 2 million units to arrive at a last figure of
2,218,490units.The expanding ubiquity of EVs
“India is predicted to emerge as the one of the features critical endeavours made together by
highest contributors to the consumption and different governments and car industry
growth of petroleum around the world by a non affiliations. Be that as it may, over 70% of EV
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co- deals worldwide in 2018 were in the US, Japan,
operation and Development). As per a report by and China.
IBEF (India Brand EquityFoundation), the
imports of oil in India rose sharply to US $87.37 Expanding contamination and danger of a
billion in 2019-2020 from US $70.72 billion in dangerous atmospheric devotion have
2018-2019. Both the private sector companies complemented the need to supplant oil
and the PSUs in the oil and gas sector have energized vehicles with emanation free
significant contributions to the Indian Economy. substitutes. Following quite a while of R&D, the
As per a report by Invest India, all activities business has seen EVs as the best reasonable
along the petroleum sector value chain substitute for generally filled vehicles, Which
contribute around 15% towards India’s GDP in has brought about the development of electric
the early 2019, the Indian Government vehicles advancement endeavours are
announced a scheme Faster Adoption and expanding with persistent help from numerous
Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles administrations, car OEMs, and other
(FAME) to promote electric mobility in India. government and non-government offices that
The scheme comes with an outlay of are not just advancing the deals of zero-
1,000crores. The push for electrical vehicles discharge vehicles yet in addition stepping
from the Government of India comes at a time toward a positive administrative system,
when the automobile industry is going through charging foundation, and money related help?
an upgrade from Bharat Stage –IV (BS-IV) to Yearning EV targets and strategy support from
Bharat Stage –VI (BS-VI) fuels. Niti Ayog, the governments have brought about bringing down
major brain behind the policies of the Indian of EV costs.
government, has suggested that electric vehicles
especially with 3-wheelers and 2-wheelers and The Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI) a multi-
below 150 cc should ply on the Indian roads by government strategy discussion committed to
quickening the presentation and appropriation of
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 118

electric vehicles around the world has set an thermal power plants are much more efficient
objective of arriving at an electric vehicle than IC engines, and it is easier to control
armada of 20 million by 2020, all inclusive. The emissions from power plants than vehicle
Paris Declaration on Electro Mobility and engines.
Climate Change has additionally set a
comparative worldwide sending objective of  Electric vehicles save energy by
100 million electric vehicles by 2030. The regenerative braking. Around 30%-70% of the
development of the EV showcase is driven by energy used for propulsion can be recovered,
government financing, appropriations, and with higher percentages applicable to stop-and-
motivating forces, developing interest for EVs, go city driving.
expanding Worries over natural contamination,  Air quality indices related to India
and tremendous speculations from automakers indicate that the air in many cities of India is no
in EVs. Be that as it may, factors, for example, longer healthy. Automobile related pollution has
significant expense, littler separation secured by been one of the causes for this.
EVs, and absence of normalization can limit the
market development.  Aspects related to global warming
needs a shift to automobile solutions that reduce
/ do not produce greenhouse gas emissions. If
Environmentalconcerndriveselectricvehi electric vehicles run on electricity produced
clesforward from non-polluting sources of energy like hydro,
solar, wind, tidal and nuclear, they reduce
Fastforwardagain,thistimetothe1990s.Inthe20ye emissions due to vehicles almost to zero.
arssincethelonggaslinesofthe1970s,interest in
electric vehicles had mostly died down. But new  The need to reduce dependency on a
federal and state regulations beginto change fossil-fuel based economy. India's crude oil
things. The passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act imports for 2014-15 was 112 billion dollars
Amendment and the 1992 (approximately 7,00,000 crore rupees). For
EnergyPolicyAct,plusnewtransportationemissio comparison, the allocation for the Mahatma
nsregulationsissuedbytheCaliforniaAirResource Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
s Board, helped create a renewed interest in Scheme, in budget 2017-18, is 48,000 crore
electric vehicles in the U.S. The rupees.
 India can become a global provider for
97,thePriusbecametheworld’sfirstmass- clean mobility solutions and processes that are
producedhybridelectricvehicle.In2000,thePrius affordable and scalable.
was released worldwide, and it became an  People living in some Indian cities are
instant success with celebrities, helping toraise being affected by noise pollution. Some of the
the profile of the car. To make the Prius a reality, Indian cities have the worst noise pollution
Toyota used a nickel metal hydridebattery, a levels in the world. Electric vehicles are much
technology that was supported by the Energy quieter and may contribute to a reduction in
Department’s research. Since noise pollution levels in the cities.
outcarbonpollutionhavehelpedmakethePriusthe  Energy efficiency and emission
best-selling hybrid worldwide during reduction has improved in automobiles. Yet, the
thepastdecade. growth in total number of vehicles on road, and
the resulting total pollution and total energy
consumption removed all gains made by
Benefits of electric vehicles betterment in energy efficiency and emission
reduction by automobiles. Energy efficiency
 Electric vehicles are around 3-5 times measures and pollution control measures did not
more efficient than internal combustion vehicles keep pace with the sales growth in vehicles. The
in utilising energy. Even if electric vehicles run total number of vehicles registered in India has
on electricity produced from fossil fuels, the been 5.4 million, 11 million, 33 million. 40
overall efficiency of electric vehicles is still million and 210 million in the years 1981, 1986,
higher and the pollution is less, because large 1996, 2000 and 2015. This indicates 39 times
119 Journal of Positive School Psychology

percentage growth in the total number of using chi-square method in IBM SPSS 21 was
vehicles between 1981 and 2015. The total performed to achieve the objectives of study.
number of vehicles sold in India increased
between 1,54,81,381 in 2010-11 and
2,04,69,385 in 2015-16 indicating a 30+ 2) Title: Perception towards electric
percentage growth in this five year period. vehicles and the impact on consumers'
 Through smart charging, electric preference. Authors: Milad Ghasri, Ali
vehicles can help to balance the balance-supply Ardeshiri, Taha Rashidi,
variations in the electricity grid, and provide a Source: Transportation Research: Part D.
buffer against electricity supply failures. Dec2019, Vol. 77, p271-291. 21p
 Electric vehicles have much fewer Generation Y were found to perceive EVs to
moving parts as compared to vehicles with IC have better design with less impact on the
engines. Thus, being simpler, they are cheaper environment. • For safety, generation Z were
and easier to maintain found to perceive EVs to be superior. •
Technical features of commercially available
 Electric motors can deliver high torque
EVs are no longer a major barrier towards EVs'
at low speeds. As a result, electric vehicles
adoption rate. • One-time financial incentives
deliver much better performance while starting
are more effective compared to discounts on
off and on slopes than IC engine- powered operating costs or parking expenses. Relative
vehicles. advantage, or the degree to which a new
technology is perceived to be better than an
existing technology which is being replaced, has
Literature Review a significant impact on individuals' decisions on
when, how and to what extent to adopt. An
1) Title: Consumer Awareness and
integrated choice and latent variable model are
Perception towards Hybrid Cars
used, in this paper, to explicitly measure the
Author: Akanksha Upadhyaya; Shikha Dua perceived advantages in electric vehicles over
the conventional internal combustion engine
Source: The Journal of Indian Management vehicles. The analyzed data is obtained from a
and Strategy; Vol 24, No 3, Sep 2019; PP: 46- stated preference survey including 1076
53 residents in New South Wales, Australia.
Sustainable development is need of hour, aiming According to the results, the latent component of
for survival of today's generation along with the model disentangles the perceived advantages
saving for future generation. Every sector is across three dimensions of vehicle design ,
required to take various initiatives to go green impact on the environment , and safety. These
thereby saving and protecting environment. As latent variables are interacted with price, driving
per Petroleum Federation of India and Ministry range and body type, respectively, to capture the
of Petroleum & Natural gas, 70% of petrol and impact of perception on preference. The
99% of diesel is consumed in transportation developed model is then used to examine the
sector. In this regard transportation sector is effectiveness of different support schemes on
moving towards green vehicles namely electric Millennials (Gen Y), the generation before them
vehicles or vehicles using hybrid technology (Gen X) and after them (Gen Z). The results
which will reduce harmful emissions and show higher probability of adopting electric
pollutants in the environment. The present study vehicles for Gen Y, compared to Gen X and Z.
is inclined towards studying and analyzing the Gen Y is found to be the least sensitive cohort to
awareness and perception of individuals about purchase price, and Gen X to be the most
the hybrid cars in Delhi/NCR. The sample size sensitive cohort to this attribute. People are more
of 102 is taken into consideration and responses sensitive to incentives for the initial price
are collected using Convenience sampling compared to ongoing incentives for operating
technique. A structured questionnaire is costs. Also, offering financial incentives to
designed for collection of responses. The consumers as a rebate on the purchase price is
questionnaire is based on factors identified more effective than allocating the same
through literature review. Hypothesis testing incentive to manufacturers to reduce the
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 120

purchase price. decisions, and the key barriers that slow EV

adoption. The results suggest that the propensity
of being a potential EV early adopter increases
3) Title: Study on Electric Vehicles in with youth, education, being a student, living in
India Opportunities and Challenges the more southern parts of UK, being married
and, to a lesser extent, income. Additionally,
Authors: Mohamed M, G Tamil Arasan, and purchase cost, performance, maximum range
G Sivakumar and environmental friendliness are found to be
important vehicle attributes for the potential
Source: International Journal of Scientific buyers. Furthermore, two key barriers to wide
Research in Environmental Science and
EV adoption are identified – high purchase cost
and lowmaximum range of the vehicle.
The replacement of ICE(Internal Combustion
Engine) with electric engines will reduce
pollution to a great extent and be profitable to 5) Title: Electric Vehicles in India:
consumers. Many countries have implemented Market Analysis with Consumer Perspective,
this technology and are contributing to the Policies and Issues
improvement of the environment. The
researcher saw the opportunities and challenges Author: Pritam K. Gujarathi, Varsha A.
faced in India over implementing EVs. Shah, Makarand M. Lokhande
Opportunities like Government Initiatives, Source: Journal of Green Engineering,Vol, 8,
Batteries, Industries, and Environment have issue 1, Pg No:17-36,year2018
been considered. With these challenges like cost
of EVs, efficiency of EVs in India and demand Early in the 21st century, new companies were
for EVs were taken into consideration. The formed to take advantage of the absence of the
implementation of EVs in India aims primarily large car manufacturers in the EV market, such
to scale back greenhouse emissions and cut oil as Tesla Motors in the U.S, Think in Norway,
expenses. The govt. should make the foremost BYD in China and REVA in India. Globally all
out of the opportunities available and find these new manufacturers had released one or
suitable ways to tackle the challenges. more EV models and changed the equation of
Auto Industry. Looking into Indian Scenario,
still, long way to go, the paper presents the
4) Title: Electric vehicles and consumer current Indian EV market, market players in two
choices and four-wheeler with recent developments
along with the current status of Indian road
Authors: Mandys, F. transportation. Policies and initiatives of
government are discussed. A case study is
Source: Renewable and Sustainable Energy
presented with consumer’s perspective to
Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 142(C). understand ground reality. Tariff for EV
Electric vehicles (EVs) have many attractive charging is discussed. Challenges for Indian
features compared to conventional vehicles market growth, policies, and promotions
(CVs). Their main advantage lies in their required are discussed with feasible options
significant economic benefits due to the much along with global scenario.
higher fuel efficiency, and substantial
environmental benefit of lower greenhouse gas
emissions. However, the market share of EVs in 6) Title: Potential Need for Electric
the UK remains low and their benefits will not Vehicles, Charging Station Infrastructure
be realized unless the government and the and its Challenges for the Indian Market
manufacturers can gain crucial information,
necessary to effectively support and speed up the Author: Praveen Kumar and Kalyan Dash.
adoption of EVs. The main goals include: Source: Advance in Electronic and Electric
finding the characteristics of potential early Engineering, 471- 476
adopters of EVs in the UK, the vehicle attributes
that they consider important for their buying India should invest in small scale reinforcements
121 Journal of Positive School Psychology

to manage the load issues locally rather than consumption is widening. India imports around
going for an enormous change. Home charging 70% of oilrequired per annum. Hence there's an
should be encouraged. Proper planning of place, urgent need to investigate factors and challenges
population, traffic density and safety should be for sustainable and cleaner alternatives.
considered before implementing the massive
scale charging infrastructure. The integration of
activities within the energy and transport fields 9) Title: International Council on Clean
is important. Development goals through Transportation
different innovative policies and programs, for
instance, drivers of electrical cars are offered a Author: Lingzhi Jin, Peter Slowik
financial consumer incentive, like tax credits,
Source: Electric Vehicles: A Synthesis of the
purchase subsidies, discounted tolls, free
parking, and access to restricted highway lanes Current Literature with a Focus on
Economic and Environmental Viability.
will help the market to grow.
The early market growth for electric vehicles
continues, but a number of barriers prevent their
7) Title: Indian Electric Vehicles Storm widespread uptake. These barriers include the
in a tea cup additional cost of the new technology, relative
inconvenience of technology considering range
Author: Yogesh Aggarwal, Vivek Gedda and and charge times, and consumer understanding
Kushan Parikh, about the availability and viability of the
Source: The Scientific World Journal, 11. technology. This last point, typically referred to
as “consumer awareness,” is crucial.
Users of scooters, who need only to travel short
distances, may consider an EV, but those, who
need to travel longer distances and already own Objectives of the research:
bikes like a Hero Splendor, may find it difficult
to move to an e- 2W. For cars, it is relatively • Tounderstandtheawarenesslevels and
simple to improve the range with increased perception of consumersonE-Vehicles
battery size. For electric 2Ws though, every
increase in kWh may provide an extra 30km in • Tostudythefactorsthatinfluencecustomers
range, but the increase in weight is around 10kg, inpurchasingE-Vehicles
approximately a 10% increase in the total weight
of the bike. This weight issue is even more
pronounced in smaller bikes (less than 150cc). Samplepopulation and Sample size:
8) Title: Electric Vehicles in India: y. A sample of 103 respondents were considered
Market Analysis with Consumer Perspective, for this study.
Policies and Issues
Author: Pritam K. Gujarathi, Varsha A.
Shah, Makarand M. Lokhande. Results- Demographic details:
Source: Electric Vehicles in India: Market
Analysis with Consumer Perspective, Policies
and Issues. Journal of Green Engineering.
Indian Scenario is different because the current
market share of EV/PHEV is around 0.1%.
Presently almost all vehicles consider fossil
fuel-based transportation. These pollute the
atmosphere by the emission of greenhouse gases
& causes global warming. The gap between
domestic petroleum production and
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 122

Age Group
e18-28 and 28-38 years has shown the interest on EV as
there has been a growingconcern towards the
environment by the conventional vehicles.
The older generations often prefer the personal and 48&AB
conventional automobile as they are not aware of the OVE 3.8
technological advancement in EV. 0%

38 24.2

38 34.9

28 36.8
0.0 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00%
0% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00%

Occupation of the respondents
The survey reflects the working-class section of the
respondents. It is evident that most ofthem are
employedandamongwhichtheoccupation 50.00%
varies.Since,mostofthe respondents are working. Car 48.50%
ownership is predictably highest among those employed 40.00% 44.70%
and especially theprivatesector. 30.00%



ntsareatleast havingminimum graduate level of education.
And hence they have goodknowledgeregarding thesurvey
questionsandhaveanswered properly.
123 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Income level of the respondents
From the survey it is seen that the income level of the
respondents are equallydistributed and most of them
belong to the middle-class economic section whocan 50.00%
afford economical range of EV. With rising income
levels , the purchasepower of the people increases as 40.00%
they have more disposable income and they tend to buy
theluxuryand premium rangeofEVwhich matches 30.00%
20.00% 25.20%
<25K 25K-50K 50K-75K ABOVE 75K

Family size
Family size of the respondents
From the analysis it is seen that
heirmodeoftransportation. And the family size 3 and 4 60.00%
preferfour- 57.30%
s,andthe 40.00%
familysizeof5ormoremembersinthehousepreferbuyingthelar 30.00%
geSUVthatwillgiveroom toaccommodate thefamily
members. 20.00%
18.40% 18.40%
2 3 4 5 & ABOVE

Results- Awareness Level and consumer perception:

Purchase of electricvehicleinfuture
From the analysis it is evident that the majority of the respondents
would consider buying theEVinthefuture
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 124

Fromtheanalysisit Preferenceinbuying t y p e o f v ehic
tilizes both fuel and electricity to run the vehicle. Then comesthe EV
as the price of the petroleum has constantly been increasing which
has made thepeople to look into alternative ways and prefer to buy Electricvehicle
EV.And also, some people prefer to buy conventional vehicles
because the infrastructure ecosystemis well established and
convenient. And very few people prefer to buy CNG or LPG powered
vehicleas the cost is cheap compared to fuel.

LPG/CNGv 6.8
ehicle %

Conventionalv 12.
ehicle 6%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

30% 35% 40% 45%

Form the analysis it is evident thatmajority of the respondents are

Typeof electricmodelpreferred
Fromtheanalysisit is seenthatmajority oftherespondents prefer to buy
electric car as it is safe and convenient mode of transportation. And
few of the respondentsprefer to buy electric bike or electric scooter as
the mode of transportation as it offer
125 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Electric Vehicles are a viable alternative to petrol/diesel cars

From the analysis it is clear that the majority of the people believe
that theEV can replace the conventional vehicles. Other respondents
considerthat itis early forEVs to launch in India.

From the above analysis, many people are comfortable with the Drivingrangepreferenc
electric vehicle giving 100 to150 kms for single charge , these are the 35.0
peoples who use daily to commute , but due to lackof infrastructure 0%
for the charging point in Bengaluru majority of the people prefer the
electricvehicles if the driving range of the electric vehicle per single
charge is more than 150 kms 30.0

10.0 21.4 22.3
0% 0% 0%

UPTO100 100- 150-


Purchase barrier for choosing the electric car

Purchase barrier for choosing the e
From the analysis, it is seen that there is a mixed opinion regarding
the barriers in choosing EV. The major barriers are lack of
infrastructure, lack of performance efficiency and higher price.



29% 30% 31% 32% 3

Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 126

From the analysis there is a mixed opinion from the respondents
regarding the changes that implemented in EV Ecosystem. Major
concern is to increase thenumber of charging station in the city. 6.8%
NextconcernisthatthechargingtimetakentochargetheEV have to be
reduced and few think that there has to be more models of the EV in



0% 5% 10%
25% 30%

Sourceofawarenessabout EV
From the analysis it is evident that the majority of the respondents got
to know about the EV through the internet and website. And also the
television ads published by the EV Manufacturing
companieshassignificantlyimpactedtocreatetheawareness.Auto expo
and magazine are also helpful to know about the latest technology
employed inEV.
127 Journal of Positive School Psychology

From the analysis, majority of the respondents prefer the electric
vehicle cost to bebetween 5 to 10 lacks which signifies that the people
want the vehicle to be in economicalrange without compromising on
the features offered, few respondents look intothe value that the
vehicle brings in the price range and choose thebelow5lack EVand
preferanelectricscooterorbike. Few respondents having the high-
income level are willing to spentmorethan15lacksonEVs.

Charging facility preferences for EV

From the analysis it is seen that, majority of the people would like to
charge their EV at their home, some respondent prefer to charge their
EV inthe office they work, few prefer to charge there electricvehiclein
thecharging station butthis can wastetheir timein the charging the

Awareness on exemption of road tax

The government has imposed the road tax of 17% to 18% of the ex-
showroom price of theconvention vehicle. As the initiative by the
government to promote the use of products whichare less harmful for
the environment road tax is exempted for the EVs. Intheanalysis it is
observed that halfoftherespondentsareunawareofthisfact.
Dr Anupama K Malagi et al. 128

Conclusion InternationalJournalofResearchinEnv
Foranewtechnologytobeadopted,theconsumersh [4] Electric vehicles and consumer choices
ouldbeawareofitandperceiveittohavemorevalue Mandys, F Renewable and Sustainable
than theexisting technology. Energy Reviews, Elsevier, vol. 142(C).
Electric VehiclesandHybrid Electric [5] ElectricVehiclesinIndia:MarketAnalysis
Vehicleshavetheirownopportunitiesandobstacle withConsumerPerspective,PoliciesandIs
s, butitallcomesdowntousastohowwe choose to sues Pritam
see it, therefore through this study we want to K.Gujarathi,VarshaA.Shah,MakarandM.
know and comprehend whatproceeds in the Lokhande
minds of the consumers and whether or not they JournalofGreenEngineering,Vol,8,issue
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clearly depicts that the population cup Yogesh Aggarwal, Vivek Gedda and
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