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Bayu Simawang Thesis Journal English

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Hospitality Study Program at Sahid Polytechnic , Jakarta


Currently, the pattern of consumption needs of the Indonesian is very diverse. Different consumer needs
require food providers to be more creative to create a product in terms of packaging, taste, uniqueness,
etc. Pound cake is one of the basic processed cake products that need special attention in its processing
creations to be more attractive to the wider community. With the abundant availability of ingredients in
Indonesia, the potential level is very high in the creation of pound cake, one of which is pumpkin.
Pumpkin is a food commodity that contains β-carotene or provitamin-A and is rich in nutrients that are
very beneficial for health. Unfortunately, the lack of public knowledge about pumpkin has resulted in the
lack of creations in processing the pumpkin's basic ingredients. Researchers think of adding pumpkin to
the processing pound cake. Pound cake itself is a basic cake base with a wide market because it is easy to
process. This final project problem's formulation and purpose determine whether there are differences in
the level of preference and hedonic quality of pound cake pumpkin against color, texture, taste, and
aroma. Researchers used the ANOVA analysis method, from the results of the study of the preference test
and the hedonic quality test conducted that in several sample treatments there were differences in each
parameter of color, texture, taste, and aroma, then continued with the Duncan test. In this study, it can be
seen that samples with a pumpkin concentration of 60% are the best results in terms of liking level with
like the color (3.54), very fond texture (3.70), very fond taste (3.80), and very good aroma (3.92). While
the sample with 60% is the best in terms of hedonic quality with a pale orange color (3.21). Very soft
textured (3.63). Very pumpkin taste (3.64). Does not smell like pumpkin (2).

Keywords: Pound Cake ,pumpkin.


Accepted: 2022-01-

10 Evaluated:

Approved: Approved:
INTRODUCTION The development of investment

Next year's culinary tourism is realization, Investment in Nergeri

expected to remain one of the main (PMDN) in the food and beverage

pillars of the industry supporting the industry reached 27.92 trillion, up to

growth of manufacturing and the 16.3% compared to the same period in

national economy (hartanto a. , 2019). 2016. Meanwhile, Foreign Direct

The Ministry of Industry gave an Investment (FDI) reached 1.46 billion

example, in the third quarter of 2017, US dollars (hartanto, 2007).

the food and beverage industry

Having fertile soil makes
contributed 34.95% of the GDP of the
Indonesia have the potential to cultivate
non-oil and gas industry. Compared to
various types of fruits that have high
other companies, these performance
nutritional value such as yellow pumpkin
results make the food industry the largest
fruit. Yellow pumpkin fruit is a tropical
contributor to industrial GDP. In
plant that is very adaptable to the
addition, this achievement occurred an
environment, making the fruit very easy
increase of 4% in the same period in
to be available in various regions in
2016. At the same time, its contribution
Indonesia. Yellow squash is an
to the country's GDP was 6.21% in the
ingredient in cooking that
third quarter of 2017, an increase of

3.85% compared to the same period last

year. In addition, from the side

has β-carotene or In this case, yellow pumpkin can add

provitamin-A which is very useful for color, texture and nutritional value to

health. Not only that, yellow pumpkin other foods. So this study will process

also has nutrients such as proteins, the yellow pumpkin fruit as a local

carbohydrates, many minerals (calcium, ingredient that can be used for additions

phosphorus, and iron) and various in making Pound cake.

vitamins (A and C) very potential if it is

Pound cake is a
used as an alternative to public food.
traditional ingris cake which is a type of
(hendrasty, 2003). In Indonesia itself, so
butter type cake. Pound cake is
far it has not been optimal in utilizing
processed using the basic ingredients of
yellow pumpkin fruit even though its
flour, eggs, fat, sugar in a ratio of
existence is quite a lot. Generally,
1:1:1:1, this simple convention makes it
yellow pumpkin fruit is only processed
simple to remember the recipe. Pound
to the extent of being a compote or
cake has a denser volume compared to
vegetable. The reason is that people's
chiffon cake and sponge cake. It has a
knowledge about the benefits of these
better taste, fragrant aroma, and can last
foodstuffs is still limited.
longer making Pound cake

The quality of food ingredients

usually depends on several factors

including taste factors, texture, and

nutritional value.
sa cake that is of interest to the wider researcher's house on Jl. Mirah III Block.
community (Mariadi, 2006) Researchers
N.o 3 Villa Mutiara, Sawah Baru –
feel, the processing of Pound cake using
Ciputat, South Tangerang. The place to
the addition of yellow pumpkin can
conduct the Organoleptic Test was
contribute to the increase in the value of
carried out at Campus II of the Sahid
taste, texture , nutrition, as well as the
Polytechnic Jakarta.
appearance on pound cake.
In the preparation of this final
Based on the background
project, the research time starts from
outlined above, the author has the
November 4, 2020 to January 30, 2021,
following problem formulation: Whether
while the Organoleptic Test is carried out
there is a difference in the degree of
on January 13 to January 14, 2021.
liking of colors, aromas, flavors,
The ingredients used in making
textures, and general acceptance in
pound cake with the addition of yellow
Pound yellow pumpkin cake ? Are there
pumpkin include wheat flour, sugar, fat,
differences in the sensory quality
eggs, and yellow pumpkin.
attributes of color, aroma, taste, texture

in pound cake yellow pumpkin? Tools used in making pound cake

with the addition of yellow pumpkin

Where research to make Pound

cake yellow squash was conducted in

knives, mixers, dough basins, bowls, concentration along with the code of

digital scales, forks, spoons, ovens, each product. The number of panelists

baking sheets, steamers, and rubber included in this study consisted of

spatulas. 25 people who included semi-trained

The experimental design used in panelists. Panelists have a high enough

this study was using the Complete sensitivity so that more biased tendencies

Randomized Design (RAL) method. The can be avoided. In this study , there

treatment that is tried from the were two indicators tested , namely the

formulation of the problem and the hedonic test (liking) and the hedonic

objectives of the problem as well as the (sensory) quality test.

benefits of the research to be achieved, The data analysis methods used

by paying attention to the variables include: (1) Comparison Test (One Way

tested in addition yellow pumpkin in ANOVA) (2) Hypothesis Testing.

making Pound cake, namely by Hypothesis testing to determine whether

observing a test sample of 0% yellow there is a relationship between variables

pumpkin against the processing of using the Duncan test.

Pound cake with a concentration of the

use of yellow pumpkin raw materials by

0.037%, 0.075%, 0.112%, and 0.150%

which are nailed and pureed and

performed 3 repetitions for each

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The favorability test or hedonic

Preliminary Research test used 25 general panelists with

hedonic assessments. The liking test to

From the results of preliminary
test the level of parameters in terms of
research obtained is to determine the
color, aroma, taste, texture, and general
magnitude of the comparison of the use
preferences that exist in the yellow
of yellow pumpkin in making pound
pumpkin pound cake.

Test Average Value Table Favorite with

In this preliminary study,
Concentration and Repetition Different
researchers obtained the results of

Pound cake with a comparison of wheat

Pound cake with a concentration of yellow
Parameter Deuterono pumpkin
flour with yellow pumpkin, namely with my 0% 0,037% 0,075% 0,112% 0,150%

1 3,67 3,58 3,75 3,75 3,75

the maximum concentration point of the
Color 2 3,80 3,70 3,40 3,70 3,30

study at 0.150%. this is because if the 3 3,30 3,40 3,62 3,59 3,58

Average 3,59a 3,56a 3,59a 3,68a 3,54a

ratio of wheat flour to yellow pumpkin 1 3,33 3,42 3,25 3,58 3,75

Texture 2 3,46 3,62 3,55 3,40 3,63

is more than the maximum point at
3 3,32 3,77 3,22 3,53 3,71

0.150% yellow pumpkin does not Average 3,37a 3,60a 3,34a 3,50a 3,70a

1 3,50 3,67 3,67 3,67 3,83

produce a good texture of pound cake . Taste 2 3,63 3,84 3,98 3,87 3,70

3 3,47 3,77 3,54 3,56 3,86

Main Research Average 3,53a 3,76a 3,73a 3,70a 3,80a

1 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92

1. Likability Test ( Hedonic ) Aroma 2 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92

3 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92 3,92

Average 3,92a 3,92a 3,92a 3,92a 3,92a

1 2,46 2,93 3,80 3,79 3,92 :0.150% = H0 of

2 2,76 2,92 3,71 3,82 3,92
Admis 3 2,92 2,89 3,35 3,89 3,92 texture 1,993 0%:0,037%:0,07
5%: 0,112%:
:0.150% = H0 of
Average 2.71de 2.91de 3,62bc 3.83fr 3,92a receive

(Source : Data Processed, 2021) taste 1,597 0%:0,037%:0,07

5%: 0,112%:
:0.150% = H0 of
The above shows that there is no receive

difference from the results of the Pound aroma 0 0%:0,037%:0,07

5%: 0,112%:
cake hedonic test with different :0.150% = H0 of
concentrations of yellow pumpkin in common 39,860 0,150%:0,12% =
peerimaan H0 accepted
the degree of preference of color, ,0,112% :0,075%
= H0 received,
texture, taste, and aroma so there is no as well as
need to continue with the duncan test to :0,037% = H0
find out the results of the difference. 0.037% : 0% =
H0 accepted
Here are the results of theAnova test and

Duncan deep test Favorite from parameter 2. Quality Test ( Hedonic Quality )
color, texture, taste aroma, and acceptance Quality tests or hedonic tests are
common Manufacture pound cake Good performed to determine the difference in
yellow : quality of each sample tested. This

Parameter Anova Duncan quality test was tested on 25 people

color 0,232 0%:0,037%:0,07

5%: 0,112%:
the general panelists are the same as the The table above shows the results

hedonic test of favorability. of hedonic quality tests on color, texture,

and taste there are differences in pound

Table of Average Values of
cake yellow pumpkin with different
Hedonic Quality Tests with
concentrations of yellow pumpkin. And
Different Concentrations and
there is no difference in the results of the
hedonic quality test on the aroma of
Pound cake with a concentration of yellow
Parameter Deutero pumpkin
nomy 0% 0,037% 0,075% 0,112% 0,150%
pound cake yellow pumpkin with
1 1,08 1,50 2,17 2,75 3,08
different concentrations of yellow
Color 2 1,11 1,60 2,61 2,60 3,24

3 1,21 1,70 2,43 2,86 3,32 pumpkin.

Average 1.13e 1.60d 2,40c 2,74b 3,21a

1 2,75 2,83 2,92 3,00 3,33

Next result test Anova and Duncan
Texture 2 2,40 2,44 2,70 3,40 3,70

3 2,80 2,72 2,80 3,53 3,86 deep test quality from parameter color,
Average 2,65bc 2,64bc 2.81d 3.31fro 3,63a

1 1,17 1,83 2,67

3,00 3,42
texture, taste and aroma at Manufacture

Taste 2 1,43 1,77 2,86 3,29 3,50

pound cake Good yellow :
3 1,24 1,95 2,76 3,42 3,99

Average 1.28e 1.85d 2,76c 3,24b 3,64a

Parameter Anova Duncan
1 2 2 2 2 2

Aroma 2 2 2 2 2 2
color 111,969 all samples have
significant color
3 2 2 2 2 2
Average 2a 2a 2a 2a 2a

Total Average 1,77 2,02 2,49 2,82 3,12

texture 5,385 Duncan Test
(Source : Processed Data, 2021) results in table
4.11 show that
samples with a
concentration of
0.075% are
texture difference
with a
concentration of
0.112% and
0.150%, then 1. Conclusion
there is a
difference in a. There was no difference from
the sample
concentration the results of the Pound cake
of 0.150%
withthe sample hedonic test with different
of 0% concentrations of yellow
and 0.037%.
while the sample pumpkin in the level of
is 0% with
the sample of preference of color, texture,
0.037% had no
difference. As taste, and aroma.
well as a sample
concentration of b. The results of the hedonic
0.075% with
0.150% has quality test on color, texture,
difference. and taste there are differences

taste 80,524 shows that a in pound cake yellow pumpkin

sample with a
concentration with different concentrations
of 0%,
0,037%, 0,075%, of yellow pumpkin. And
0.112%, and
0.150%there is a there is no difference in the
difference in
taste between results of the hedonic quality
each other.

aroma 0 0%:0,037%:0,075 test on the aroma of pound

%: 0,112%:
:0.150% = H0 of cake yellow pumpkin with
different concentrations of

yellow pumpkin.
2. Suggestion BIBLIOGRAPHY

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