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Group 1

Alyeza Cristeta Q. Quing
Joshe Louie S. Barredo
Emyrose H. Pangilinan
Jamica S. Icabales
Denise P. Santos
The Development of preserve
noodles using jackfruit seeds,
rags and shrimp waste
The Development of preserve noodles using jackfruit seed,
rags and shrimp waste

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Measurement of the
Development of ingredients
preserve noodles Weight of the ingredients
Now a days the world market of preserved noodles is
gaining popularity. Almost all noodles is preferred to use wheat
flour in preparing preserved noodles with low protein and dietary
fiber content (Yadav et al.,2015). Noodles is a staple food made
from unleavened dough which is stretched, extruded, or rolled
flat and cut into one of a variety of shapes by using extrusion
technology and usually cooked in boiling water, sometimes with
cooking oil or salt added. In addition to that traditional noodles
are claimed to lack other essential nutritional components such
as dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are lost during
wheat flour refinement ( Choo et al., 2010).
Also noodles are widely consumed throughout the world and their global
consumption is second only to bread (Jayasena et al., 2008). It is
preserved by steam-cooked where the noodles is steam before heat
treatment to reduce moisture and to prevent bacteria from growing so
that noodles can be preserved for 5-6 months. The properties of
preserved noodles like taste, nutrition, convenience, safety, longer shelf-
life, and reasonable price have made them popular. Quality factors
important for instant noodles are color, flavor, and texture, cooking
quality, rehydration rates during final preparation, and the presence or
absence of rancid taste after extended storage (Gulia et al., 2014).
Nowadays consumers all around the world, are more at the risk of many
diseases such as diabetes due to obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular
diseases, high blood pressure and irregular blood sugar levels.
These risk are because of the unfit diet which is low in essential
nutrients like dietary fiber and antioxidants. Foods provide health
benefits and help in the avoidance of diseases by incorporating
nutraceutical ingredients and other essential nutrients.
Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit grown in Asia, Africa and
South America. Under its thick, bumpy rind is a stringy flesh that
can eat raw or cooked in variety of dishes. The jackfruit seeds
are rich in dietary fiber and B-complex vitamins and due to their
high fiber content, they help lower the risk of heart disease,
prevent constipation and promote weight loss. Jackfruit seeds
also contain resistant starch, which controls blood sugar and
keeps the gut healthy. Jackfruit seed possess better nutraceutical
appeal, leading to improved consumer acceptability.
According to June Xie a writer in delish “ that jackfruit rags
are the fibrous strands of perianth that surround the sweet, fruity
arils are relatively flavorless. They have a very rubbery texture:
bouncy and al dente, reminiscent of latex. However, the jackfruit
rags which comprise about 25% of fruit weight are generally
discarded as waste (Dam and Nguyen, 2012) even though the rags
are rich in dietary fibers, carotenoids and vitamin such as ascorbic
acid, thus, the waste management at this point is very important in
order to fully utilize the nutrition on the jackfruit especially in large
scale food manufacturing (Ranasinghe et al. 2019). Shrimp is one of
the most commonly consumed types of shellfish. It’s quite
nutritious and provides high amounts of certain nutrients, such as
iodine, that aren’t abundant in many other foods.
Shrimp is one of the most commonly consumed types of
shellfish. It’s quite nutritious and provides high amounts of certain
nutrients, such as iodine, that aren’t abundant in many other
foods. Shrimp shells and head are one of the most nutrient-dense
foods available. Based on the article of Elliot each shrimp contains
calories, protein, vitamin B12, zinc, selenium and niacin. It provide
almost the recommended dietary allowance needed. Pulverized
shrimp shell and head is a good and healthy alternative for salt
due to its rich in flavor that will bring another enhance taste to the
preserve noodles.
The food choices for a balanced diet are further restricted by
poverty and insufficient supply of nutritious foods. Therefore, it
becomes important to focus on promoting maximal use of locally
available inexpensive rich foods. Substitution with shrimp powder,
jackfruit seed and rag flour is a cost-effective way to increase
protein, fibre, iron and other nutrients. Though, the study was
carried to produce a nutritious noodles by incorporating jackfruit
seed and rags, shrimp powder it also focus on the noodles quality
In this study the researcher focus on how to reduce the food
waste problem in the society because it contributes to growing
environmental problems like climate change, also to develop a food
that is affordable and healthy for the consumers.
According to Tristan Stuart “ Cutting food waste is a
delicious way of saving money, helping to feed the world and
protect the planet” .

The researchers believe that noodles are one of the

people’s favorite food but they also know that it is unhealthy
and can cause diseases. Derived from that they come up
with the idea of developing a noodles from jackfruit seed,
rags and shrimp waste that will help the consumer increase
their immune system. In addition to that the researchers
want also to lessen the food waste in our society.
Statement of the
This study aims to determine and develop a value added
enhance preserved noodles with the use of jackfruit and shrimp waste.
Specially, the researchers sought answers to the following question:

1. How preserved noodles using jackfruit flour and shrimp powder

2. How will the product quality affect the performance of the noodles in
terms of:
2.1 Taste
2.2 Appearance
2.3 Consistency
2.4 Environmental friendly
2.5 Budget friendly;
3. Is making preserved noodles helps the society to lessen their
expenses? What will be its effect to the environment?
Yadav S, Gupta RK.(2015) Formulation of noodles using apple pomace and evaluation of its phytochemicals and antioxidant activity.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 4(1).

Choo CL, Aziz NAA. (2010) Effects of banana flour and β-glucan on the nutritional and sensory evaluation of noodles.
Food Chemistry. 119(1):34-40.

Maurya, P., & Mogra, R. (2016). Assessment of consumption practices of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam.) seeds in villages
of Jalalpur block district Ambedarnagar (U.P.) India. Remarking, 2, 73-75.

Xie, J.(2020, August 14) ”How to cook with jackfruit”,

Dam SM, Nguyen NT, (2012). Production of fermented beverage from fruit rags of jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus). In S
Kanlayanarat, AL Acedo Jr, C Wongs-Aree, eds, Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management In Postharvest Systems and Asia
Pacific Symposium On Postharvest Quality Management Of Root and Tuber Crops 989: 285-292

Ranasinghe RASN, Maduwanthi SDT, Marapana, RAUJ, (2019). Nutritional And Health Benefits Of Jackfruit
(Artocarpusheterophyllus Lam.): A Review. Int J Food Sci Technol (6): 1– 12.

Elliott, B. ( 2022, April 13) “ Is Shrimp Healthy? Nutrition, Calories, and more”,
Kim, D. (2022) “ What you should know before eating shrimp shells?”,
The Possibility of Cigarette butts
and Use Cooking Oil as
Alternative Ink for Marker
The Possibility of Cigarette Butts and Use Cooking Oil as
Alternative Ink for Marker

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Color of the ink

Absorption of the
Alternative Ink for ink
Consistency of the
Markers play a big role in writing and artworks in
different ways. Markers are valuable and effective to create
numerous writing on objects with extensive creative and
practical possibilities. In addition to that it is use in writing, it
may also use in poster creation, labeling and calligraphy. It
is also important to the students considering the advantage
of technology these days. It may help in their reports and
other presentation when power service interruption occurs.
With boundless use of markers, many did not know that
markers have limitation. It is a problem for the people using
it, the supply of ink in markers.
Markers are made from synthetic materials like the
petroleum and chemical solvent. These kinds of materials are
dangerous in humans’ health and the environment as well.
Therefore homemade dyes like cigarette butts and use cooking oil
can be an alternative ink instead of petroleum and chemical
solvent. A cigarette butt or a cigarette end is the part of a cigarette
that you throw away when you have finished smoking it. It is the
part that looks like white cotton; it is actually made of plastic fibers
(cellulose acetate) which can take up to 10 years to decompose.
Cigarette waste is a significant contributor to storm drain trash. In
addition to that discarded cigarette butts have been linked to be
the cause of some wildfires, which result in the destruction of
wildlife, vegetation and structures in some places.
Cooking oils are usually extracted from the seeds,
kernels, or mesocarp of the fruit of plants. The initial crude
forms of the oils are usually refined, bleached, and deodorized
before being marketed as a golden yellow liquid product—the
color preferred by most consumers. When used in cooking,
oils can change the sensory properties of food such as color,
fragrance, and taste in the cooking process, and they also
provide diversified flavor and enhance the sense of satiety. As
an indispensable part of human dietary nutrition, the safety of
cooking oils is paramount to human health. The researcher
decided to use waste oil or use cooking oil as a liquid
component to help the cigarette butts produce alternative ink.
The researchers conducted this research to help and reduce
the pollution of waste cigarettes and waste cooking oil. They will
continue the battle of plastics reports indicate that cigarette butts are
the single most littered item in the world, cigarette butts cause pollution
by being carried, as runoff, to drains and from there to rivers, beaches
and oceans. Also cigarette butts can take many years to break down. A
typical cigarette butt can take anywhere from 18 months to 10 years to
decompose. The researcher indicates people that instead of throwing it
away recycle it and turn it into various products. This will reduce the
amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators. Also reduces the
need to harvest new materials. In addition to that it also applies in
cooking oil, when this used oil ultimately ends up reaching the natural
water reserves, it severely harms the aquatic and marine life by
recycling used cooking oil, you'll help reduce waste tremendously.
Statement of the
This study aims to determine the possibility of cigarette butts and
use cooking oil as an ingredient in making alternative ink for marker.

The researcher sought to answer the following question:

1. How cigarette butts and used cooking oil develop an alternative ink for
2. What is the possibility of cigarette butts and used cooking as
alternative ink marker in terms of the following:
2.1 Color
2.2 Absorption
2.3 Consistency

3. In making alternative ink helps you lessen your expenses? What will
be its effect to the environment?
Zhou, Y. , et al.(2020). Edible Plant Oil: Global Status, Health Issues,
and Perspective,

Wai Ng, T., et al.(2019). Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance,

(2018).Cooking Oil,

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