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Prefabricated Vertical Drains: Geosynthetic Solutions

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Geosynthetic Solutions

Prefabricated Vertical Drains

CeTeau stands for innovative ground technologies using a wide range
of advanced techniques. One of CeTeau's core competences is the
improvement using Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD). Prefabricated
Vertical Drains also called Wick Drains, are prefabricated drain strips
consisting of a polyprobylene core extruded into a configuration to
transmit a maximum water flow on both sides of the core. The core is
wrapped in a non-woven filter, ultrasonically welded at the edges.

Our product has a wide range of applications and is currently used in

many civil and geotechnical engineering applications including:
Prefabricated Vertical Drain
Retaining structures

Manufacturing CeTeau Bangkok Office

Geosynthetic Solutions


Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD)

The vertical drain system has been used since 1930 to accelerate the
consolidation settlement process, induced by the pre-loading of
normally consolidated low-permeability soil. By introducing the vertical
drains the drainage paths are shortened and, therefore, the time
required for excess pore water pressure, induced by the loading
operation, to dissipate will be significantly reduced. The depth of drain
installation and the applied loads are continuously increasing, which
demands a continuous increase in the standards of the vertical drain
quality. CeTeau drain is designed for application under the most severe
conditions, it has been successfully used for projects where a high
drain standard was required. The advantage of using CeTeau-Drain is
that it will reduce the construction time and eliminate of the risk of
slip-plane failures.

PVD Installation Machine 1935

PVD Installation Machine

PVDs are relatively inexpensive, provide high water
conductivity and can easily be installed at close
spacing, thus shortening the path of the pore water in
the impermeable soil and expediting the consolida-
tion process. The graph below shows the effect of
PVD in the consolidation process.

The advantages of PVD

Limited disturbance to the substrata
Capable of Installation to a depth of 60 m
Monitoring of the installation process
High installation speed 1500 m/hr
Close spacing is possible
Proven performance

Modern PVD Installation Machine

time (years)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

12 Ds 3

without PVD

with PVD Ds

D = 1,05 Ds D = 1,13 Ds

Settlements Triangular Spacing Square Spacing

The principle of vertical drainage

Consolidation Principle Original Sand Blanket

1 2
Consolidation of compressible soils involves the removal of pore water Ground Filling
from the soil. Pore water pressure refers to the pressure of
groundwater held within the gaps (pores) between soil particles. The
removal of pore water is normally effected by applying a surcharge or
preload to the construction area and to squeeze the water out of the

Position Anchor Install PVD

3 4

Without Drains


With Drains

Unfortunately, compressible soils are also often soils with a

low-permeability (peat, silt, clays), and as such the water is not easily Reach Required Withdraw
5 6
squeezed out. Without the use of CeTeau-Drain, consolidation Depth Mandrel
settlement in saturated clays can take years, because their hydraulic
conductivity is extremely low, and this causes the water to take an
exceptionally long time to drain out of the soil. The pore water has to
travel through the soil vertically up, or down, to dissipate and it can take
decades before a new equilibrium between the effective stress of the
soil particles and the pore water pressure is reached. To facilitate the
de-watering process, prefabricated vertical drains are installed into the
soil, providing a conduit for the water flow. By installing prefabricated
vertical drain the excess pore water can flow horizontally to the vertical
drain and dissipate vertically through the drain.

Cut PVD Installation

7 8

Drain Rolls on Site Schematic Installation process

Geosynthetic Solutions


Main Application
Vertical drains are mostly used to accelerate the settlement
and thus reduce the construction period of a project and
avoid post-construction differential settlements. By
applying a temporary preload on top of the embankment or
fill, the consolidation period can be reduced even more. On
top of that, part of the secondary settlement is also
eliminated. Especially in peaty soils an extra preload can
be very effective.

Other Applications
Stabilization of slopes by increase in shear strength of
underlying soils
De-watering to lower aquifers
PVD Installation for a Tank Terminal
Vacuum consolidation
De-gassing of landfills
Reduce Drainage Path
Special types of vertical drains are developed to meet the
requirements for the different applications. CeTeau can
advise you which type of drain is suitable for your Accelerate Settlement

Increase in Density/Settlement

Gain in Strength
Reduce Future Differential Settlement

RequiredTime =
f (u)·c
H = Drainage Path
u = Degree of Consolidation
c = Coefficient of Consolidation

Quality Control Effect Vertical Drainage

time (years)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Manufacturing Process Settlement Diagram
Horizontal Stripdrain

The use of CeTeau composite strip drains for lateral drainage on
Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) projects can provide a
cost-effective alternative to the use of a sand or granular drainage
Strip drains or are placed under the surcharge to receive the flow from
the vertical drains and conduct it laterally to discharge points at the
edge of the surcharge.

Light Weight
Low Costs
Engineered, Proven Performance
Simple Installation Process
Stripdrain Installation Replaces Granular Materials

The Principle
For vertical drains to function properly, a drainage path must be
provided to receive flow from the drains and conduct it from under the
surcharge to appropriate discharge points. This lateral drainage
system must perform without applying excessive back-pressure to the
vertical drains, thus delaying the consolidation process.
The traditional method of providing lateral drainage has been to install
a sand layer, usually about 1 m thick, under the surcharge.
The use of composite strip drains can reduce, or even completely
eliminate this sand or granular drainage blanket.
Schematic Representation
Geosynthetic Solutions


CeTeau-Drain is manufactured in modern plants in Thailand and
Malaysia. It is designed to meet all criteria which are important to
achieve a successful and effective consolidation of compressible soils.
The synthetic nature of the product makes them suitable for use in the
ground where high levels of durability is required. CeTeau drains are
manufactured from high-grade polypropylene, this material does not
contain any additional chemicals that can pollute the soil. The filter
jacket ensures high tensile strength in combination with a low elonga-
tion, so that deformation of the drain at high lateral pressure is kept to
a minimum.
The production facilities in Thailand as well as Malaysia have been
certified according to the ISO9001:2008 quality management systems
standard by the UKAS-accredited certification bodies AJA Registrars
(AJA08/12988) and Global Group (7556213810) respectively. The Thai
plant also operates under ISO14001:2004 environmental management
systems standard, accredited by AJA' Registrars certificate No. :

ISO 9001 : 2008 039
Certificate No. : AJA08/12988 Registration No.: AJA13/16511 Registration No.: 7556213810
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