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Pervious Pavement City Portland

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pavement (porous pavement, porous concrete/asphalt)

allows ervious pavement is made of either pervious asphalt or pervious concrete.
precipitation Both materials resemble conventional asphalt and concrete, but have more
to air spaces that allow water to pass through the pavement into a reservoir
percolate base of crushed aggregate, then infiltrate into the ground. Pervious pavement is
through designed to accept precipitation only and is typically thicker than traditional con-
to the crete to support the same loads.

Pervious asphalt consists of coarse stone aggregate and asphalt binder, with
very little fine aggregate. Water percolates through the small voids left in the fin-
ished asphalt. A thick layer of gravel underneath allows water to drain through
quickly. Pervious asphalt looks similar to conventional asphalt, although with a
rougher surface, which accounts for its common name “popcorn mix.”

Pervious concrete consists of specially formulated mixtures of Portland cement,

open-graded coarse aggregate, and water. It has enough void space to allow
rapid percolation of water and resembles exposed aggregate concrete.

Benefits twice a year maintains porosity. Properly

Pervious pavement reduces stormwater installed pervious paving systems last more
runoff flow rate and volume, recharges than 20 years.
groundwater and maintains stream base
flows. The subgrade also filters pollutants. Cost
Pervious pavement is less prone to cracking Pervious concrete pavements range in cost
or buckling from freezing and thawing. depending on the size of the installation. In
Studies indicate it requires less frequent the Bureau of Environmental Services North
repair and patching than conventional Gay Avenue Project (Summer 2005), a pervi-
paving. In some cases, pervious pavement ous concrete street cost about $100 per
may reduce or eliminate the need for an square yard installed, including base rock.
underground storm drain system or a curb
Safety and Siting Requirements
and gutter system. Pervious pavement is an
• Follow manufacturer’s installation
effective method of managing stormwater
runoff without limiting use of the space.
• Weather conditions during installation can
Maintenance affect the performance and longevity of
It is important to control site erosion and pervious pavement. Check with manufac-
sedimentation of the pavement surface to turers for guidelines.
prevent clogging and maintain permeability.
• Slope must be less than 10% over the
Cleaning or vacuuming the surface once or
paved area.
• Use pervious pavement over soils that
drain well, like gravelly or loamy sand. Permits
• Pervious pavement systems used to
• Do not use pervious pavements in areas replace public parking or walkway areas
with high sediment loads. require a building permit from the City’s
• Pervious pavement is not allowed in areas Bureau of Development Services.
where hazardous material is stored or • Stormwater systems on non-residential
transported. sites need commercial building permits.
• Most systems include an under layer of at
least 12 inches of clean gravel over a layer
The Rebuilding Center of our United Villages,
of geotextile fabric. The under layer serves
parking lot, 3625 N. Mississippi Ave.
as an underground detention basin and
should include an overflow outlet to pre-
N. Gay Avenue
vent water from rising through the pave-
between N. Wygant and N. Sumner
(pervious concrete and asphalt)
• Refer to Portland’s Stormwater
Management Manual for details on sizing, Pervious Concrete at Broadway Pump Station,
placement, and design. NE 91st and Broadway

Ecotrust Building Parking Lot (Drive aisles),

721 NW 9th Ave.

Pervious concrete

base rock or 503-823-7740
WS 0603
July 2006
For Clean River Rewards information or 503-823-1371

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