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The New CIO Agenda 2011

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The New CIO Agenda

Intel Cloud Computing Insights 2011

By implementing a cloud strategy, weve saved USD 17 million to dateand we anticipate approximately USD 7 million annual savings over the next three years. More importantly, we enable our companys growth by providing solutions that help Intel set the pace of business transformation.
Diane Bryant, Intel Vice President and CIO Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Business Survival Depends on IT Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Think Like a CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gain a Competitive Advantage with an Enterprise Cloud Computing Strategy . Balance Security and Agility with a Private Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federation and Public Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 .3 .3 .4

Intel ITs Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Accomplishing the Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Cloud Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Build on Virtualization to Create a Private Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Client Strategies: Consumerization of IT and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Extended Private Cloud in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 For More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Today, business survival depends on IT innovation. Enterprise cloud computing presents CIOs with tremendous opportunities to deliver that innovationby thinking like CEOs in order to play a strategic role in driving new revenue and reducing costs. To help CIOs plan their cloud strategies, weve collected expert guidance from organizations with keen insights into cloud computing: Diane Bryant, Intels CIO, describes how Intel ITs enterprise private cloud helps deliver business innovation and has saved USD 17 million to date. Page 5 Management consulting irm Bain & Company explains how to tackle the biggest cloud challenge that enterprises face: changing organizational culture. Page 10 NYSE Technologies cutting-edge extended private cloud helps financial firms develop new products faster and incur less risk. Page 11 We also include stories about how Intel, industry, and academia are working together to solve cloud challenges and create groundbreaking new capabilities: ntels USD 30 million investment in new research centers is designed to make clouds I dramatically faster, increasingly scalable, and more secure in the future. Page 4 he Open Data Center Alliancean independent organization of global IT leaders T is deining a roadmap of the capabilities needed for interoperable clouds. Page 8 Intel recognizes that cloud computing is the future of enterprise IT, and our goal is to spur innovations that empower companies to achieve ongoing business success.

Cloud Taxonomy
Cloud Computing: Scalable IT services delivered to customers on demand, typically using Internet technologies in a pay-as-you-go business model. Includes software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

Hybrid Cloud
Utilizes both public and private cloud services.

Automation Private Cloud

Operated by enterprise IT behind the corporate irewall.
SaaS PaaS IaaS

Enables cloud computing services and resources to be speciied, located, and securely provisioned with little or Public Cloud no human interaction. Operated by a service provider.
SaaS PaaS IaaS

Allows communications, data, and services to move securely within and across cloud computing infrastructures.

Client-aware Computing
Services that intelligently take advantage of client capabilities to deliver the best user experience anytime, anywhere.

Business Survival Depends on IT Innovation


With the transition to cloud computing, CIOs need to think like CEOs. IT is not just a support function: It has become a fundamental and strategic business differentiator.

CIOs face intense challenges as the pace of business and technology transformation continues to accelerate. Over the next five years, products and servicesas well as relationships with suppliers, customers, and employeeswill become even more reliant on technology as companies operate within an increasingly complex web of partnerships. Within the enterprise, IT consumerization will become the norm as the number of Internet-connected devices soars to an anticipated 15 billion worldwide.1 CIOs and IT organizations will play a more strategic role in delivering business value and innovationnot just to reduce cost but also to spur revenue growth. Indeed, a companys growth may depend on the speed with which it can deliver new IT-based capabilities. Monetizing information assets will provide opportunities to develop new revenue streams and enter new markets. By using cloud computing services to reduce IT maintenance budgets, IDC estimates that a corresponding increase in dollars spent on innovation could drive more than USD 1 trillion in increased business revenues between now and the end of 2014.2

Compliance and security challenges will escalate as privacy, inancial, and other regulatory requirements multiplyand as more customer and employee data is accessed and stored online. And it goes without saying that CIOs will need to address these challenges and deliver IT innovation while under increasing pressure to reduce IT budgets.

Think Like a CEO

This is a high-stakes environment. As companies come to rely more and more on IT for business operations and product innovation, CIOs must think like CEOsadopting an even more strategic role in the business by determining the right investments to drive revenue and proitability. Cloud computing enables CIOs to concentrate on delivering higher levels of business value in the form of new IT services, while providing the agility and scalability needed to deliver IT innovations quickly and eficiently. Identifying and building the right cloud delivery model is critical: It must enable IT to rapidly scale with increasing demand for services.

 herearecompellingcostandagilitybeneitstocloudarchitectures,whetherbuiltforinternaluseorsourcedfrom T service providers. Our goal at Intel is to deliver building-block technologies, enabling CIOs to more effectively realize thesebeneitswhilemaintainingthehigherlevelsofsecurityneededtoprotectbusinessassets.
Boyd Davis, Vice President, Intel Architecture Group

44x growth in digital information created annually over the next 10 years.2 One-third of all digital information created annually will either live in or pass through the cloud by 2020.2 USD 1 trillion estimated increase in business revenues from IT innovation between now and the end of 2014.2





Gain a Competitive Advantage with an Enterprise Cloud Computing Strategy

By enabling business agility, a well-planned cloud computing strategy allows companies to quickly seize business opportunities and gain irst-mover advantage in new markets.

In addition, cloud computing offers the potential for bottomline beneitsreducing cost through more eficient utilization of IT resources. Automating cloud infrastructureand taking advantage of cloud standards as they matureis essential to realize eficiencies and increase agility.

Private clouds can evolve from a companys existing virtualized infrastructure, capitalizing on previous IT investments. By maintaining data and computing resources within the enterprise, IT can oversee security and compliance, including the use of existing controls to protect data from compromise. IT can also take advantage of new platform-based security technologies, as they become available, to increase protection and resilience to attacks. Additionally, IT can control the location and management of sensitive data, making it easier to comply with privacy and regulatory requirements. As the IT team gains experience with migrating applications and managing the private cloudand continues to meet business needs during the transitionthey achieve expertise that can be applied to the use of external clouds in the future. The rising tide of IT consumerization presents further security challenges. While introducing an expanding array of personal devices to the enterprise environment enhances employee productivity, lexibility, and satisfaction, security policy must balance access to corporate data with additional controls to protect intellectual property.

The Consumerization of IT
As mobile devices and technologies proliferate in the marketplace, employees increasingly want to use their own devices within the enterprise environment. In addition, they want to choose the platforms, applications, online tools, and services they prefer to accomplish their jobs and manage their livesand they expect that corporate IT services will work as simply as consumer-oriented Internet-based offerings. This trend is often referred to as the consumerization of IT. Intel believes that letting employees use their personal devices to access enterprise information and applicationsanytime, anywhereincreases productivity, lexibility, and job satisfaction, as well as helps attract and retain talented people.

Balance Security and Agility with a Private Cloud

Security is a critical consideration when transitioning to cloud computing. This is especially the case with public cloud services due to issues around multitenancy and the dynamic movement of corporate data. Consequently, many companies begin by implementing an enterprise cloud from inside out focusing initially on building a private cloud to host critical business applications.

Cloud federation is key to maximizing agility and eficiency, enabling easy movement of workloads and services between different IT infrastructures within the enterpriseand ultimately moving workloads between private and public clouds. To reap the beneits of federation without undue IT overhead, applications and service providers need to implement relevant standards for workloads, APIs, tools, and security. Enhancing security is a key aspect of enabling federation

Federation and Public Clouds

to protect data and information. Intel is helping facilitate the development of these standards through the Open Data Center Alliance (see sidebar on page 8). Today, public clouds may be a cost-effective way to meet many of the IT needs of smaller companies, depending on their size, security needs, and overall IT requirements to run the business. For larger enterprises, public clouds can be a valuable resource when IT needs to provide additional capacity quickly or support commodity applications. Cloud

service providers often deliver cost-effective solutions for functions that are not mission-critical, do not have sensitive security requirements, and that lie outside of core business competenciessuch as payroll and business-expense reporting. In the end, IT must determine their own security measures and make certain service providers deliver adequate controls for sensitive applications. As public clouds matureand standards emergethey may become suitable for a broader range of enterprise applications.

Intel Science and Technology Center for Cloud Computing

In addition to working on todays cloud computing challenges, Intel is investing in research to help clouds become increasingly scalable, dramatically faster, and more eficient in the future. The company recently announced the Intel Science and Technology Center for Cloud Computing (ISTC-CC), a collaborative effort based at Carnegie Mellon University and dedicated to cloud computing research. Its the latest in a series of Intel-sponsored research centers, each dedicated to a different area of computing. Intel expects to invest USD 15 million in ISTC-CC over five years, including USD 12.5 million in direct university funding, and is also allocating an additional USD 15 million on cloudrelated security research at a different research center. The Centers research is organized into four themes, each with the potential to produce major improvements in cloud performance and eficiency. Specialization. Use of specialized platforms and cores to accelerate applications and save energy. Automation. Includes smarter schedulers to enable more eficient cloud utilization and better problem diagnosis.

Big data. Storage systems and application frameworks that let servers collaborate more eficiently when mining huge data sets. To the edge. Tasks like image processing could be ofloaded to devices at the network edgesuch as servers located near the userinstead of running in a data center or on a client smart phone, resulting in faster performance and better device battery life. Research results will be published in scientiic journals, and software developed will be available under opensource licenses.

ISTC-CC follows an unusual, highly focused model, where co-principal investigators from Intel and Carnegie Mellon jointly lead research. This collaboration model is designed to facilitate technology transfer and the exchange of ideas between academia and Intel, with the ultimate goal of producing groundbreaking results that inluence the strategic direction of the industry.

Intel ITs Story

As the pace of business increases, so must the pace of IT innovation.
Intel IT has built a private cloud that lets us rapidly deploy new solutions to support fast-changing business needs while driving eficiencies to reduce cost. Our cloud computing strategy is key to delivering the IT innovation that provides a competitive advantage to Intel. As we grow our internal cloud, the business value remains clear. By implementing our cloud strategy, weve saved USD 17 million to dateand we anticipate approximately USD 7 million annual savings over the next three years. More importantly, we enable our companys growth by providing solutions that help Intel set the pace of business transformation. To build a private cloud infrastructure, we began escalating our virtualization efforts at the start of 2010. We have now virtualized more than 50 percent of our ofice and enterprise computing environment and are on track to reach our goal of 75 percent over the next year. To enable the faster deployment of new business capabilities, we developed an on-demand self-service portal that enables business groups to automatically provision their own computing capacity. With the portal, the time required to provide capacity has dropped from three months to three hoursand soon, we expect to be able to provision within minutes. Cloud computing also brings new challenges, including security. By using a private cloud to host most of our applications and services, we can build on our existing security infrastructure to protect Intels data and intellectual property. Today, we use public clouds for commodity IT services with lower security requirements, such as employee expense reporting. Using public clouds in this way lets us focus valuable internal IT resources on higher value businesscritical capabilities. We are also moving toward use of a hybrid cloud model to meet spikes in business demand.

5 5

Intel IT is actively working to enable a client-aware cloud environment and increase our support for IT consumerization. Our client strategy continues to focus on a mobile business PC standard; however, employees are also using an expanded continuum of personal companion devices, and they expect seamless delivery of personal and IT services on any device. We have set long-term goals, including achieving 80 percent effective utilization of our data center resources while continuing to increase the velocity and availability of business services. We have committed to achieving these goals with zero impact to our business customers.

Our cloud computing strategy is key to delivering the ITinnovationthatprovidesacompetitiveadvantagetoIntel.

Diane Bryant, Intel Vice President and CIO

Accomplishing the Transition

CIOs must consider the implications for a broad range of IT and business areas, from application hosting and client strategies to managing IT staff and relationships with business groups.
Cloud Decisions
Developing an enterprise cloud computing strategy involves major decisions about infrastructure investment and application hosting. Building the cloud from the inside outwith an initial focus on creating a private cloudis advantageous for many reasons: Evolution rather than replacement. The private cloud can evolve from existing virtualized infrastructure, enabling the transition to cloud computing without a complete and disruptive infrastructure overhaul. Cost. A large enterprise private cloud can provide economies of scale, resulting in total cost of ownership (TCO) that is competitive with or lower than public clouds. Intel IT, for example, found that services can be hosted internally at equal or lower TCO than hosting them externally.

Security and compliance. With a private cloud, data is retained within the enterprise, behind the corporate irewall, where IT can exercise full control over security, privacy, and regulatory compliance. With public clouds, enterprise data is housed in external data centersand may move from location to location, without ITs knowledge or consent. The dynamic movement of data in a public cloud may also present compliance challenges with local regulations. Service level agreements (SLAs). Keeping applications in-house can help IT continue to meet SLAs deining performance, availability, and other critical business requirements. Some external providers may not be able to furnish the same level of service.

Building expertise. Architecting a private cloud enables IT organizations to develop a knowledge base that can be applied to public clouds in the future. When creating the private cloud, IT will need to develop detailed application and data inventories, and gain key skills such as managing cloud SLAs. This experience will help build effective relationships with public cloud providers, enabling IT organizations to assess whether they meet enterprise requirements. Application hosting decisions: private or public cloud? For each application, IT needs to determine whether it should be hosted internally or externally. When Intel IT developed a private cloud for ofice and enterprise applications, they created a set of criteria for making this decision: Does the application support one of the companys core areas of business strength? If so, it should be hosted in the private cloud.

What are the applications security and privacy requirements? If the application doesnt host sensitive data or have other stringent security requirements, the security offered by public clouds may be adequate.


50 million physical servers are being used in the world today.3

60% of server workloads will be virtualized by 2013.3


70% of survey respondents identify security as a top concern in moving to a public cloud.4

Intel IT Cloud Migration Strategy

Other considerations include: Is the application mission-critical? Are there additional concerns regarding compliance? effective to locate enterprise IT infrastructure in every part of the world, so it could make sense to engage local providers in some regions. In addition, specialized cloud providers may be able to conveniently and cost-effectively support speciic needs such as offsite data archives that meet regulatory requirements. Enterprises may also use federated public clouds to ofload processing at times of peak demand or to host short-lived applications, such as those supporting sales promotions. Using this approach, IT organizations can build the internal capacity required to support core business needswhile avoiding investment in capacity that lies idle most of the time. Supporting more than 90,000 Intel employees at 150 sites globally, Intel IT manages 91 data centers with about 75,000 servers and a growing demand for IT services. When Intel IT began migrating applications to its private ofice and enterprise cloud, the team initially focused on the applications that were the easiest to virtualize smaller applications that are not mission-critical and have lower security requirements. The longer-term goal is to make the private cloud pervasive. Accordingly, Intel IT analyzed the capabilities needed to virtualize moredemanding applications and developed a series of technical solutions. For example, the organization implemented a secure host and network architecture that allowed virtualization of Internet-facing applications.

Are there other barrierssuch as speciic hardware requirements or a lack of supplier application support that may prevent virtualization? Future federation Over time, cloud federation will become an increasingly important aspect of an enterprise cloud strategy. A company may use multiple public clouds to supplement its private cloud for a variety of reasons. For example, it may not be cost-

Hosting Decision Considerations

Potential strategy: Host the majority of applications in an enterprise private/hybrid cloud or selectively use public clouds for non-differentiated IT services.

Public SaaS
Consider public SaaS when: Commodity services are available Provider security and availability are acceptable


Consider public IaaS or PaaS when: Have a need for burst capacity Limitations on data center space/power Provider security and availability are acceptable

Public IaaS or PaaS

Over the next few years, Intel IT plans to move about 75 percent of ofice and enterprise applications to the private cloud. The remaining 25 percent includes applications that may not be suited to cloud computing, such as real-time manufacturing applications. Intel IT is also selectively using public clouds for applications that are not mission-critical, have low security requirements, and use standardized business processessuch as business expense reporting and employee beneits.

Private Private Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), IaaS,as a Service (PaaS), PaaS, SaaS Platform Software as a Service (SaaS)

Build on Virtualization to Create a Private Cloud

Virtualization provides an eficient infrastructure that is the foundation of the private cloud. However, virtualization is only the irst step. Making the transition to a private cloud requires adding capabilities such as self-service provisioning. It also requires the elimination of internal computing silos to create a shared, standardized environment with more lexibility to quickly meet changing business needs. To begin this transition without major investment, based on industry best practices: Identify a manageable set of applications and create a project team charged with building a cloud to host those applications.

Develop speciic capabilities such as automated self-service provisioning, including a service catalog and embedded IT policies. These capabilities can then be applied more broadly as the enterprise cloud grows in scope. Intel IT used this approach, beginning with a small, clearly deined, low-risk initiative to build a private cloud for internal software developers. During the process, Intel IT identiied the need for new capabilities in several areas, including: Capacity management. Cloud capacity must be available when users need it, requiring IT to manage capacity like a business supply chain. For Intel IT, this meant carefully monitoring demand from business groups and translating this demand into timely capacity purchases.

with essential business and IT policies such as security and regulatory requirements.

Open Data Center Alliance

Intel is a technical advisor to the Open Data Center Alliance, an independent organization of global IT leaders who share a common view of the requirements and challenges facing nextgeneration data center and cloud infrastructure, and who approach cloud innovation in an open, industry-standard way. The Alliance, led by a steering committee of IT leaders from BMW, Deutsch Bank, and Marriott International among others, is delivering a Usage Model Roadmap that articulates the technologies and features required to address top IT challenges for evolving data center and cloud computing needs. This vendor-agnostic roadmap provides a foundation for members planning future data center deployments. Visit the Alliance at www.opendatacenter to inluence the future of cloud computing requirements.

Deine clear rules of engage ent to help the team m focus their efforts. For example, they must comply

Transition from Virtualization to a Private Cloud


Deinetherulesof engagementfortheteam Identify a manageable set of applications

Developspeciiccapabilities togrowthecloud


Private Cloud

Eliminates internal computing silos and creates a shared, standardized environment

Automation. To build a self-service capability, it is critical to systematically analyze IT business processes, determine which steps to automate, and re-engineer to increase eficiency. Intel IT created a self-service portal that reduced the time to provision cloud capacity from months to just three hours.

Measuring and metering services. This is essential because it enables IT to optimize utilization, implement chargeback, and maximize customer satisfaction by tuning applications to perform well in the shared environment. By developing these capabilities, enterprises can begin transforming a virtualized environment into a true private cloudand realizing beneits such as increased business agility.

Client-aware cloud services ofload processing to the client device, depending on performance and other capabilities. By executing more processing locally, a PC will provide better cloud application performance with less impact on network infrastructure and enhance productivity because employees can work even when not connected to the network. As a result, higher performing mobile business PCs will continue to provide an optimal user experience while protecting existing IT investment.

Characteristics of Cloud CIOs

CIOs who are new to the job, have experience with outsourcing, and have some business background outside of IT are signiicantly more likely to deploy cloud computing, according to research conducted by Bain & Company. These indings relect the key requirements necessary for CIOs to successfully make the transition to the cloud.

Client Strategies: Consumerization of IT and Security

When migrating to an enterprise cloud, a carefully considered client computing strategy will maximize the user experience and productivity while minimizing infrastructure costs and protecting enterprise security. As IT shops embrace consumerization, employees will access cloud services from an increasingly broad range of devices from mobile business PCs to smart phones and in-car systems. At the same time, cloud services will become increasingly client-awaretaking advantage of device capabilities to tailor the user experience and optimize infrastructure resources.

Fully managed PCs with hardware-enforced security can also help protect against malicious attackers, who increasingly target smart phones and other devices in addition to PCs. Intel IT, for example, is developing a context-aware security model. Because employees may use a variety of client devices to access systemsand some of these devices have more security controls than othersthe model adjusts the level of access to data and services depending on the devices employees are using, where they are located, and what they are doing. With this security model, employees using mobile business PCs to access corporate data from within the enterprise network might be allowed to download and edit any sensitive information they are authorized to handle. When employees access the same information from their smart phones, they might be allowed to view it but not download it to their devices.

CIOs with less than one year on the job are 2.3x more likely to adopt cloud computing than CIOs with tenure of more than six years


Organizations with extensive IT outsourcing experience are 2.1x more likely to adopt cloud computing over those organizations with no IT outsourcing experience


CIOs who have worked in business roles are 1.8x more likely to adopt cloud computing than CIOs without business experience


Source: Bain & Company


Successfully Managing Cultural Change

Adopting cloud computing requires a fundamental shift in organizational culture and business processesboth within and outside of IT. In fact, managing this change may be the biggest challenge many companies face when moving to the cloud. Based on a survey of 500 North American IT decisionmakers and in-depth interviews with 50 CIOs, global business consulting irm Bain & Company distilled some common themes and success strategies. will receive support through the transitionwith training or help in inding new positions within the companycan keep employees focused on the positive aspects of change. A large media company identiied a successful implementation approach: They rotated IT leaders with critical skill sets among cloud projects to help spread skills throughout the organization.

Redeine IT operating model Develop new skills Reduce IT footprint Improve level of service

Redeine business processes Educate business users Incorporate as-a-service model Trust IT to deliver

Successful Cloud Migration Strategy

Successful cloud migration begins with setting expectations, communicating the value of the cloud, and aligning IT with business goals and processes. Change occurs both inside and outside of IT.

Align IT and business goals CIOs can pave the way for a successful transition by partnering with senior business executives before implementation to set clear expectations about the value the cloud will provide. Clearly communicating how IT policies and governance will change often proves critical to achieving buy-in from business group customers. As with any major change program, its important to communicate to IT and the business that fully implementing and beneiting from cloud services will take time, in some cases years. Reposition IT as a strategic partner As with any large-scale effort to improve IT eficiency and effectiveness, employees can become fearful and resist change. An internal communication plan that emphasizes the beneits of repositioning IT as a strategic partner is critical to allay concerns and retain key IT employees. Many IT staff will welcome the opportunity to acquire new skills, such as the ability to manage a converged cloud infrastructure. At the same time, some IT administrative roles may be at risk as the IT footprint shrinks due to increased eficiency. Reassuring IT employees that they

Change the relationship with business groups IT may need to reset how it operates with business customers. For example, in many companies today, business groups compete for IT project resourceswhich are often allocated based on the size of the business unit rather than on actual needs. The cloud changes the allocation model: Business groups acquire capacity using a self-service portal and pay for what they use. This model appeals to most business groups. Because cost directly relects consumption, customers can reduce cost by adjusting use. However, those customers who consumed disproportionate resources may complain about rising cost. Again, clear communication can change behavior and address concerns. Business groups must also learn to exploit the business opportunities that cloud computing can enable. In partnership with IT, business groups may be able to take more riskslaunching more products or moving into new marketsbecause they can do so more quickly and at lower cost. Businesses also need to take a more proactive role in forecasting demand. And, ultimately, they need to learn to trust IT as a partner in the transition to cloud computing.

Inside IT

Redeine IT operating model Develop new skills Reduce IT footprint Improve level of service

Outside IT

Redeine business processes Educate business users Incorporate as-a-service model Trust IT to deliver

Business and IT must partner to successfully manage change.

Source: Bain & Company

Extended Private Cloud in Action

Case Study: New York Stock Exchange Community Cloud
Financial services irms have unique requirements for high performance and security, as they strive to remain competitive and reduce cost in fast-moving inancial markets. how markets will truly operate in the next ive to 10 years. We believe that if we provide the right level of services on the right performance platform, people will innovate on that cloud. They will start to do things that we can only just begin to imagine today, as the technology becomes available and their ability to transact business across this global platform becomes a reality. The goal is that these innovations will then become available to other companies that use the cloud. Our intention here in using industry-standard technologies with leading suppliers is to create an open community. We want people to come in and do things that add value to the community, Young added. The cloud will also make it easier for irms to experiment with new products and markets at low risk, by acquiring on-demand services and capacity as needed. We expect a lot of that as clients look to diversify, look to experiment around the world and how they trade between markets. We expect that the cloud will become an important element of that decisionmaking process, Young said.


To address these needs, NYSE Technologiesthe commercial technology division of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) owner NYSE Euronexthas implemented the irst extended private cloud designed speciically to support inancial services. Called the Capital Markets Community Platform, the cloud is based on infrastructure from Intel, VMware, and EMC, and is hosted in large, highly secure new data centers. NYSE Technologies believes the cloud will accelerate the launch of new trading strategies and services for the capital markets community. Financial services irms can use the cloud to rapidly develop and deploy new trading and marketinformation applications, and to provide on-demand capacity for existing applications.

Innovation is hugely important to our industry, said Stanley Young, CEO of NYSE Technologies. No one really understands

The cloud is a key component in our effort to create a virtual capital markets communitywithrapidaccesstoglobalmarketsandactionablemarketinformation
Stanley Young, CEO of NYSE Technologies

The digital universe is growing at an unprecedented pace. According to IDC, the amount of information created and replicated has grown by a factor of nine over the last ive years and will surpass 1.8 zettabytes (1.8 trillion gigabytes) this year; estimates show a continuing steep rate of growth into 2015.5 Cloud computing is a key strategy that CIOs can employ to manage the growth in demand for IT services and to provide their enterprises with new levels of agility and flexibility as well as increased economies of scale compared to traditional IT environments. Identifying and building the right cloud delivery model is critical to achieving these beneits. Constructing the cloud from the inside outwith an initial focus on creating a private cloudcan deliver the beneits of cloud computing while allowing enterprises to evolve existing IT infrastructure, develop internal expertise, and better control security and compliance. The growth of enterprise cloud computing is more than just a technology shift: It requires fundamental cultural change throughout the organization, both within and outside of IT. By leading and managing this change, CIOs can drive cloud adoption while assuming a new, even more strategic role within the enterprisepartnering with business leaders to develop new revenue streams.

 niveyears,yourexpectationasaCIOwillbethat I new applications will be online within seconds and that IT will provision storage and activate devices with a single click of a button.
Jake Smith, Intel Advanced Server Technologies


For More Information

Cloud Computing Technology provides in-depth information on Intels Cloud 2015 Vision and how the company is leading the development of cloud-computing solutions for the future: Intel Cloud Builders is a cross-industry initiative aimed at making it easier to build, enhance, and operate cloud infrastructures. The site includes a robust reference architecture library, and an online forum along with webcasts and podcasts: IT@Intel offers real-world experience, innovative ideas, best practices, and groundbreaking IT strategies that can enhance the business value of your IT investments: Open Data Center Alliance is a consortium of leading global IT managers dedicated to resolving key IT challenges and fulilling cloud infrastructure needs:

Intels Cloud 2015 Vision

Intels Cloud 2015 Vision is that cloud computing is federated, automated, and client-aware. A federated cloud allows the secure sharing of communications, data, and services across public and private clouds. An automated cloud enables cloud computing services and resources to be speciied, located, and securely provisioned with little or no human interaction. And a client-aware, device-savvy cloud can intelligently take advantage of client capabilities to deliver the best user experience anytime, anywhere. To move toward this promise, Intel is working with leading IT organizations as a technical advisor to the Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA, see sidebar on page 8). The ODCA is deining a roadmap of high-priority requirements and usage models for cloud computing and next-generation data centers with a focus on open, interoperable solutions. Intels engagement with the ODCA and other IT customers globally is helping to speed delivery of technology and solutions that enable more secure, eficient, and simpliied cloud infrastructures. Ultimately, complete solutions are needed to deploy clouds. The Intel Cloud Builders program brings together leading system and solutions providers to provide best practices, proven reference solutions, and practical guidance on how to deploy, maintain, and optimize a cloud infrastructure. Learn more at

Tomorrows Technology. Today.

1 Intel estimate for Worldwide Device Estimates Year 2020 - Intel One Smart Network Work forecast. 2 IDC Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, May 2010. 3 Cloud Hypermarket, Stats on Cloud Computing, 4 IDC Market Analysis, January 2010. 5 IDC Extracting Value from Chaos, June 2011. This document is for informational purposes only. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Intel assumes no responsibility for any errors contained in this document and has no liabilities or obligations for any damages arising from or in connection with the use of this document. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Please Recycle. Printed in the USA. 0911/KAB/KC/BP/2.5k 325589-001US

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