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Cerebral Palsy Road Map:: What To Expect As Your Child Grows

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Cerebral Palsy
Road Map:
What to Expect as
Your Child Grows

To help you understand what having cerebral palsy means
for your child, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare
created the Cerebral Palsy Road Map. This publication will show
you how Gillette’s providers can help meet your child’s needs.

Every child with cerebral palsy possesses a unique combination of

strengths and challenges. This guide will enable you to navigate through
your child’s experience with cerebral palsy. We hope it will encourage
conversations among patients, families and health care providers.

What Is Gillette?
Gillette offers comprehensive, coordinated
care that can reduce the effect of cerebral
palsy on people’s lives. Our medical and
rehabilitation specialists provide a broad
range of services to meet the needs of
children, teens and adults. We work closely
with patients and families to develop
comprehensive treatment plans.

Because cerebral palsy requires lifelong

management and care, we offer assistance
when it is time for teens to move to adult
care. We provide services for adults at
Gillette’s adult clinic.
What Is Cerebral Palsy?
Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by an
injury to the brain before, during, or shortly
after birth. The brain injury often alters
bone and muscle growth. It can restrict
movement and affect posture.

Associated problems can include difficulties

with sensation, perception, cognition,
communication, and behavior. Epilepsy and
secondary musculoskeletal problems also
might occur.

Although cerebral palsy can’t be cured,

treatments can help ease symptoms and
improve your child’s abilities.

How to Use This Guide
You can use the information in the Cerebral Palsy Road Map to understand how recommended
evaluations and interventions might help your child. The guide is organized by age group, Gross
Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level, and eight conditions or areas that affect your
child’s life.

Classification systems help describe the nature of a condition and predict someone’s current and
future needs. Gillette’s health care providers use the GMFCS to describe the abilities of people who
have cerebral palsy. This system focuses on tasks such as walking, maintaining balance or crawling,
which require the use of large muscle groups. For specific details about GMFCS, see pages 4 and 5.
Your health care provider will help you understand how the classification system applies to your child.

Standing up and walking are skills children learn throughout early childhood and continue to improve
upon as they grow older. These movements rely on using large muscle groups and moving the whole
body. We recognize that a child’s gross motor abilities depend on age, especially during infancy and
early childhood. For that reason, the information in this guide is divided into four age groups:

Infant and Toddler (0 to 3)

Early Childhood (4 to 6)
Middle Childhood (7 to 12)
Adolescence (13 to 18)

We recommend that you look through the information in your child’s age group, then decide with
your health care provider which of these conditions or areas apply to your child:
■ Mobility
■ Musculoskeletal
■ Communication and Cognition
■ Feeding and Nutrition
■ Social/Emotional Development and Behavior
■ Self-Care and Daily Living Skills
■ Sensory Functions
■ Recreation and Fitness

Within each age group, you’ll also find a list of the key providers your child might see at Gillette.
Your provider will discuss which evaluations and interventions might be appropriate for your child.

Movement and Posture Concerns
Because cerebral palsy is a disorder of movement and posture, children who have cerebral palsy will
typically have one or more of the following:

Abnormal Muscle Tone

■ Hypotonia: Arms and legs seem floppy and don’t resist movement (low muscle tone).
■ Rigidity: Muscles in legs and arms are extremely tight and resist movement, regardless of how
quickly or forcefully a person moves.
■ Spasticity: Muscles in legs and arms are extremely tight, resist movement and tend to spasm
(a sustained muscle contraction or sudden movement). The tightness usually increases when
people try to move quickly.

Involuntary Movement
■ Ataxia: Problems with balance and unsteady, shaky movements or tremors.
■ Athetosis: Slow, continuous, uncontrolled extra movements, particularly in the arms, hands, feet
and around the mouth. Such movements might be worse when a child attempts to move, but they
also can occur when a child is at rest.
■ Chorea: Random, involuntary, and often continuous movements of arms and legs that might make
a child appear fidgety.
■ Dystonia: Muscle activity that often causes twisting or repetitive movements or abnormal

A diagnosis usually is based on the parts of the body affected:

■ Hemiplegia: The arm and leg on one side are the primary body parts affected. (See below for more
about hemiplegia.)
■ Diplegia: Both legs are the primary body parts affected. A person might have some difficulties with
arm or hand movements.
■ Quadriplegia: Both arms, both legs and the trunk of the body are affected. The muscles of the
neck, face, mouth, and throat can also be involved.

See Page 31 for a full glossary of definitions.

Hemiplegia is the most common form of cerebral palsy in children who were not born prematurely.
It is often caused by a stroke. People with hemiplegic cerebral palsy have impaired movement of the
leg, arm and trunk on one side of the body. Treatments for a child with hemiplegia will differ from
those for a child who is affected on both sides of the body.

For most children with hemiplegia, the arm is more involved than the leg, and the wrist and hand
are more involved than the shoulder. The impairment of the elbow varies. Similarly, children
will likely have more difficulties with the ankle and foot than with the hip or knee. Children with
significant hand impairment will likely need intensive therapy to improve function. Children with
hemiplegia consistently do better on evaluations of leg movement (lower extremities) and poorer
on assessments related to their arms (upper extremities) and school abilities.

Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy might:
■ Walk at a later age and have challenges with balance and/or walking endurance. However, they
typically walk without using a walking aid.
■ Struggle with fine motor skills and self-care activities including writing, dressing and grooming.
■ Have weakness and/or stiffness in the muscles on the side of the body that is involved.
■ Have other movement disorders.
■ Develop impairments in the less involved/uninvolved extremities because they are compensating
for the involved extremity.
■ Experience seizures, depending on the portion of the brain that was damaged or the part of the
brain that was injured.
■ Experience cognitive challenges such as learning disabilities. This is more prevalent in children
who have seizures.

Possible Treatments
Health care providers might recommend that a child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy:
■ Wear splints or braces to stretch the muscles and/or improve function of the arm and hands.
■ Take medicines (usually injections) to reduce muscle tightness in specific muscles of both the
upper and lower extremities.
■ Have orthopedic surgery to prevent or correct bone and/or muscle deformities and improve use
of legs and arms.
■ Take medicines to manage movement disorders, seizures and learning difficulties.

Classification Systems
Health care providers use a variety of assessment tools and classification systems when making a
cerebral palsy diagnosis.

Manual Ability Classification System (MACS)

Some of our Gillette therapists and other health care providers use the Manual Ability Classification
System (MACS) to discuss how people with cerebral palsy use their hands to handle objects in daily
activities. For more information about the MACS, see Page 34 in the Glossary.

Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)

Gillette’s health care providers use the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) to
describe the abilities of people with cerebral palsy. GMFCS classifications emphasize a person’s
ability to move on his or her own (self-initiated movement) with a focus on sitting, walking and
wheeled mobility. The distinction between levels is based on abilities, the need for assistive
technology (including walkers, crutches or wheeled mobility) and—to a lesser extent—quality of

Gillette uses the GMFCS to focus on abilities. We look at how people perform in the home, at school
and in community settings rather than on what they can do in the best possible circumstances. The
levels help us classify conditions; they don’t indicate a prognosis. As children mature, their GMFCS
levels might change.


I Walks without limitations.

 Walks at home, at school, outdoors and in the community.
 Climbs stairs without using a railing.
 Performs skills such as running and jumping, but lacks speed,
balance and coordination.

II Walks with limitations.

 Walks in most settings.
 Climbs stairs holding on to a railing.
 Experiences difficulty walking long distances and balancing
on uneven surfaces, on inclines, in crowded areas or in
confined spaces.
 Walks with physical assistance, using a mobility device or
wheeled mobility over long distances.
 Has minimal ability to perform skills such as running and

III Walks using a hand-held mobility device.

 Walks using a mobility device in most indoor settings and for
shorter distances.
 Climbs stairs holding on to a railing with supervision or
 Uses wheeled mobility when traveling long distances.
 Uses arms and hands, or feet, to propel the wheels of a
wheelchair (self-propels) for shorter distances.

Moves by himself or herself with limitations; might

IV use power mobility.
 Requires physical assistance or power mobility in most
 Walks for short distances at home with physical assistance or
uses power mobility or a body support walker.
 Uses a manual wheelchair or power mobility at school,
outdoors and in the community.

Needs to be transported in a manual wheelchair.

V  Needs to be transported in a manual wheelchair in all
 Has limited control of head and trunk posture in most
 Has limited ability to control leg and arm movements.

GMFCS – E & R, Palisano, Rosenbaum, Bartlett & Livingston, 2007 UCP - My Child
Without Limits – Illustrations by Matthew Heern.
The information in this guide is
divided into these age groups:
Infant and Toddler (0 to 3)
Early Childhood (4 to 6)
Middle Childhood (7 to 12)
Adolescence (13 to 18)
We recommend that you look through
the information in your child’s age
group. Your health care providers will
discuss which potential evaluations
and/or interventions might be
appropriate for your child.

Infant and Toddler (0 to 3)

Infant and Toddler (0 to 3)
Level Mobility Musculoskeletal

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Moving in and out of sitting, standing positions • Able to control movement of nonimpaired limbs and
without help of hip and knee of involved leg(s), but struggling with
• Able to balance while sitting and using both hands moving toes, foot and ankle of involved leg(s)
to play • Feeling stiffness in forearm muscles (if hemiplegia is
• Crawling on hands and knees present)
I • Pulling to stand
• Taking steps while hanging on to furniture, caregivers
• Toe-walking or in-toeing

• Walking unassisted by 18 to 24 months old; starting

to prefer to move around by walking

• Able to get in and out of sitting positions on own • Able to control movement of nonimpaired limbs and
• Having difficulty with balance while sitting and using of hip and knee of involved leg(s), but struggling with
both hands to play moving toes, foot and ankle of involved leg(s)
• Crawling on stomach or on hands and knees • Feeling stiffness in forearm muscles (if hemiplegia is
• Pulling to stand and cruising by holding on to present)
II furniture
• Delayed in taking steps
• Toe-walking or in-toeing

• Preferring to move by walking, but might need a

walking aid

• Rolling or belly-crawling to get around • Struggling to control movement of legs because of

• Pulling to a stand and cruising short distances by impairment with legs, including hips
holding on to furniture • Struggling to control movement of arms
• Needing help to sit; if sitting on own, usually prefers • Experiencing increased tightness in legs (which might
“w-sitting” because it leaves hands free to play with occur with other movement disorders such as athetosis
III toys
• Walking with a mobility device, such as walker;
or dystonia)
• Toe-walking, in-toeing, scissoring and experiencing
needing help to steer and turn stiffness of knees
• Experiencing poor pelvis positioning and hip instability

• Rolling or belly-crawling to move around • Struggling to control movement of legs because of

• Using supportive equipment to sit and/or stand impairment with legs, including hips
• Using hands for support to sit without equipment • Struggling to control movement of arms
• Experiencing leg and arm spasticity, but legs likely more
IV • Experiencing other movement disorders (athetosis or
• Experiencing muscle contractures that restrict range of
* Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, long bone
torsion or foot deformities
• Having difficulty controlling head and trunk stability in • Unable to control movement of arms and legs
most positions • Experiencing spasticity and other types of tone/move-
• Moving around only with assistance or adaptive ment disorders in arms and legs, likely more significant
equipment in legs
• Experiencing muscle contractures that restrict the
V range of motion of the joints, especially in legs
• Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation and/or foot

Level Communication and Cognition Feeding and Nutrition

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Cooing and starting to speak in words and sentences • Transitioning gradually from breast milk or formula
• Turning to sounds to solid foods
• Starting to understand, follow directions • Transitioning from bottle to cup and self-feeding
• Reaching, grasping and starting to point to and select • Needing supervision when feeding
objects • Experiencing a delay in self-feeding
I • Using eye contact, eye gazing and facial expressions
to communicate
• Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
encourage healthy food choices and monitor

• Cooing and starting to speak in words and sentences • Experiencing a delay in self-feeding
• Turning to sounds and voices • Struggling with feeding if experiencing oral muscle
• Understanding and following directions weakness, tightness and incoordination
• Reaching, grasping, pointing and selecting objects • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Using eye contact, eye gazing and facial expressions encourage healthy food choices and monitor
to communicate growth)
• Experiencing slow speech development; requiring • Experiencing constipation, especially when mobility
support such as pictures, gestures and signing and/or diet are limited
• Needing assistance to listen and make choices
II- • Experiencing a delay in intellectual development


• Using eye contact, eye gazing and facial expressions • Experiencing a delay in self-feeding
to communicate • Struggling with feeding if experiencing oral muscle
• Experiencing slow speech development weakness, tightness, and incoordination
• Difficult to understand; requiring support such as • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
pictures, gestures and signing encourage healthy food choices and monitor
• Needing assistance to listen and make choices growth)
• Experiencing a delay in intellectual development • Unable to eat foods with particular textures
• Experiencing constipation, especially when mobility
and/or diet are limited
• Experiencing choking or reflux
IV- • Having difficulty controlling head and body postures
that might affect chewing and swallowing

Infant and Toddler (0 to 3) continued
Social/Emotional Self-Care and
Development and Behavior Daily Living Skills
Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Smiling, interacting with family members and peers • Maintaining a sitting position for feeding
• Crying easily when frustrated • Feeding self (holding a bottle) at 6 months old (extra
• Relying on caregivers to maximize physical comfort support or positioning might be needed)
and provide support during medical procedures; • Needing assistance to unfasten clothing, but able to
using child life specialists when needed remove clothing
I • Experiencing a delay in social and emotional
development, such as controlling emotional reactions
• Pushing arms and legs through clothing to get
• Beginning to assist with washing hands and body

• Smiling, interacting with family and peers • Struggling to coordinate actions of both hands (such
• Crying easily when frustrated as holding a bottle)
• Relying on caregivers to maximize physical comfort • Using supportive equipment when getting dressed
and provide support during medical procedures; and undressed
using child life specialists when needed
• Experiencing a delay in social and emotional
development, such as controlling emotional reactions


• Smiling, interacting with family members and peers • Needing complete positioning assistance from
• Relying on caregivers to maximize physical comfort caregivers to complete feeding and dressing
and provide support during medical procedures; • Using adaptive seating systems for toileting and
using child life specialists when needed bathing in order to stay in a safe sitting position
• Experiencing a delay in social and emotional
development, such as controlling emotional reactions


Sensory Functions Recreation and Fitness

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
essential) makes a sound or movement based on a child’s action)
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed • Bouncing, climbing, swinging and sliding
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment
is essential)

• Experiencing normal vision (screening is essential) • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed makes a sound or movement based on a child’s action)
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes • Initiating bouncing, climbing, swinging and sliding but
• Struggling to hear nearby sounds (hearing assessment is needing assistance
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially
sounds or touching things (sensory integration disorder)

• Experiencing normal vision (screening is essential) • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed makes a sound or movement based on a child’s action)
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes • Enjoying bouncing and swinging; unable to initiate
• Experiencing difficulty with fixing on and following some- movements
thing with the eyes (cortical vision impairment)
• Struggling to hear nearby sounds (hearing assessment is
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially
sounds or touching things (sensory integration disorder)

Infant and Toddler (0 to 3) continued
Evaluations and
Level Interventions
Your care team might recommend: Your care team might recommend:

• Physical examination, medical history and • Treatments to improve mobility,

developmental assessments of mobility, communication and fine motor skills, and
communication and fine motor skills to prevent or correct deformity
(functional status) • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
• Imaging studies, such as an MRI or CT such as botulinum toxin or phenol
scan, to determine the cause of cerebral • Management of associated conditions,
palsy or area of injury to the brain such as seizures
I • X-ray of pelvis at 12 months of age and at
age 3 to look for subluxation/dislocation
• Physical, occupational, and speech and
language therapy
• Screening of vision, hearing, growth, • Collaboration with your school district or
nutrition, bowel, bladder, sleep, swallowing early intervention services
and pain • Child life support during procedures
• Genetic evaluation • Social work help with resources, grief
• Appointments with key providers every 3
months or so
• Physical examination, medical history and • Treatments to improve mobility,
developmental assessments of mobility, communication and fine motor skills,
communication and fine motor skills and to prevent or correct deformity
(functional status) • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
• Imaging studies, such as an MRI or CT such as botulinum toxin or phenol Care Team
scan, to determine the cause of cerebral • Management of associated conditions, Key providers are
palsy or area of injury to the brain such as seizures in bold.
• X-ray of pelvis at 12 months of age and • Physical, occupational, and speech and
every 6 to 12 months thereafter to look for language therapy Adaptive Equipment
II- subluxation/dislocation
• Screening of vision, hearing, growth,
• Collaboration with your school district or
early intervention services
Specialist/Vendor of
Medical Equipment
III nutrition, bowel, bladder, sleep, swallowing,
and pain
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
provide stability to a joint (usually for
Child Life Specialist
• Genetic evaluation feet/ankles and hands/wrists)
• Appointments with key providers every 3 • Adaptive equipment for mobility (such as Neurodevelopmental
months or so a walker) and positioning (such as a car Pediatrician
seat) Neuropsychologist
• Child life support during procedures Nurse
• Social work help with resources, grief
Nurse Practitioner
• Physical examination, medical history and • Treatments to improve mobility, Pediatric Neurologist
developmental assessments of mobility, communication and fine motor skills,
Pediatric Neurosurgeon
communication and fine motor skills and to prevent or correct deformity
(functional status) • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity, Pediatric Orthopedist
• Imaging studies, such as an MRI or CT such as botulinum toxin or phenol Pediatric Rehabilitation
scan, to determine the cause of cerebral • Management of associated conditions, Medicine Physician
palsy or area of injury to the brain such as seizures
• X-ray of pelvis at 12 months of age and • Physical, occupational, and speech and
every 6 to 12 months thereafter to look for language therapy Sleep Health Specialist
subluxation/dislocation • Collaboration with your school district or
IV- • Screening of vision, hearing, growth,
nutrition, bowel, bladder, sleep, swallowing
early intervention services
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
Social Worker
Therapeutic Recreation
V and pain
• Genetic evaluation
provide stability to a joint (usually for
feet/ankles and hands/wrists)
Therapists –
• Appointments with key providers every 3 • Equipment for bathing Occupational
months or so • Adaptive equipment for mobility (such Therapist
as a walker or stroller) and positioning Physical Therapist
(such as a car seat) Speech and Language
• Child life support during procedures Pathologist
• Social work help with resources, grief

Early Childhood (4 to 7)

Early Childhood (4 to 7)
Level Mobility Musculoskeletal

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Walking long distances outdoors and on uneven • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot,
surfaces with a walking aid and ankle of the involved leg(s)
• Moving from the floor or a chair to standing by using • Experiencing spasticity/contracture of calf muscles
hands for support • Toe-walking or in-toeing
• Getting on and off a chair • Feeling tightness in forearm muscles (if hemiplegia is
I • Climbing stairs
• Starting to run and jump without needing to hold
• Experiencing foot issues, such as flatfoot or
handrail high-arched foot

• Walking indoors without a mobility device, but unable • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot,
to walk long distances, run and jump ankle and knee of involved leg(s)
• Moving from the floor or a chair to standing while • Experiencing increased muscle tone/tightness in many
using a stable surface to push or pull on leg muscles (calf, knee and inner thigh)
• Sitting in a chair and using both hands without • Toe-walking, in-toeing and/or experiencing scissoring
II assistance
• Climbing stairs while holding on to a railing
• Feeling tightness in forearm muscles (if hemiplegia is
• Experiencing foot issues, such as flatfoot or high-arched
• Walking indoors with a handheld mobility device or • Having problems controlling movement throughout the
walking aid; using a wheelchair outdoors or for long legs, including hips
distances • Having problems controlling movement in the arms
• Able to get into and out of a chair with assistance • Experiencing increased tightness in legs (which might
• Needing pelvic or trunk support when sitting in a occur with another movement disorder, such as
III chair in order to use hands
• Standing from a sitting position with use of arm
athetosis or dystonia)
• Toe-walking, in-toeing, or experiencing scissoring and
support stiff knees
• Finding it difficult to climb stairs or walk on uneven • Experiencing poor pelvis positioning and hip instability
surfaces without help from caregiver

• Moving into and out of sitting with assistance or • Struggling to control movement of legs (including hips)
using a stable surface to pull up on and arms
• Sitting on own but needing extra body or trunk • Experiencing spasticity of legs and arms; legs likely more
support in order to use hands involved
• Walking short distances with walker or gait trainer • Experiencing muscle contractures that restrict the range of
IV while someone watches
• Using a manual wheelchair or power wheelchair
• Experiencing other movement disorders (athetosis/
to go long distances dystonia)
• Struggling to stand and walk
• Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, long bone
torsion or foot deformities
• Developing a spinal deformity, such as scoliosis or
• Experiencing difficulty sitting on own and controlling • Struggling to control movement of legs (including hips)
head and body posture in most positions and arms
• Struggling to control movement • Experiencing muscle contractures with spastic
• Moving around only with extensive mobility muscles, especially in legs
equipment and physical assistance • Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, foot
V • Needing caregiver to help with transferring positions deformities or pelvic obliquity (tilt)
• Developing a spinal deformity, such as scoliosis or
• Experiencing difficulty with controlling head

Level Communication and Cognition Feeding and Nutrition

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Communicating effectively • Feeding himself or herself

• Carrying out multistep directions • Needing supervision during meals (caregivers
• Communicating independently to a variety of people in a encourage healthy food choices and monitor
variety of settings growth)
• Using language to recite ABCs, colors, etc.
I • Starting and continuing social interactions
• Demonstrating generally typical language skills and
intellectual development
• Having attention problems

• Communicating effectively in some to most situations • Struggling with feeding if he or she has oral muscle
(independently communicating a small range of topics weakness, tightness and incoordination
to familiar people but not able to communicate a wide • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
variety of messages/topics to familiar and unfamiliar encourage healthy food choices and monitor
people) growth)
• Using language to recite ABCs, colors, etc. • Unable to eat foods with particular textures
• Starting and continuing social interactions • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
• Able to express needs and wants through speech/ diet are limited
gesture/facial expression
II- • Experiencing a delay in intellectual development
• Having attention problems
III • Needing support to communicate with unfamiliar

• Needing assistance in many situations, especially with • Experiencing difficulty feeding and swallowing
unfamiliar people and environments • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Communicating routine needs and wants to familiar encourage healthy food choices and monitor
people growth)
• Able to attract attention of a person with whom he or she • Experiencing choking or reflux
is familiar to interpret communication • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
• Accepting, rejecting/refusing and/or protesting choices diet are limited
through body movements or vocalizations
• Responding to familiar voices and sounds with body
movement, facial expression and voice
IV- • Anticipating activities, routines
• Needing support to communicate with unfamiliar
V listeners
• Needing support to use language to recite ABCs,
colors, etc.
• Needing support to start and continue social interaction
• Experiencing a delay in intellectual development

Early Childhood (4 to 7) continued
Social/Emotional Self-Care and
Development and Behavior Daily Living Skills
Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Thinking cerebral palsy is reversible or a punishment • Feeding self in most situations; having challenges
• Having magical, egocentric thoughts when in stressful situations, such as an unfamiliar
• Needing to be with caregivers as much as possible environment
• Feeling resentment of self or others • Dressing self if able to use hands during daily
• Having attention problems activities
I • Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and
demonstrating poor social skills
• Learning from repetition of movements necessary for
dressing (such as holding with one hand and pulling
• Socially immature and preferring the company of or pushing with the other hand)
younger children • Washing hands and face, bathing body, brushing
• Needing help regulating behavior teeth, toileting, and washing hair
• Needing support to initiate and continue social
• Thinking cerebral palsy is reversible or a punishment • Using alternative strategies and adaptations or
• Having magical, egocentric thoughts assistance with self-care skills
• Needing to be with caregivers as much as possible • Using adapted feeding utensils, needing help with
• Feeling resentment of self or others cutting or serving food
• Having attention problems • Learning from practicing dressing skills in many
• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and different settings
demonstrating poor social skills • Dressing self if able to maintain sitting balance and
• Socially immature and preferring the company of trunk control
younger children • Struggling with fasteners such as snaps, zippers and
II- • Needing help regulating behavior
• Needing support to initiate and continue social
• Needing assistance with washing hands and face,
III interaction bathing body, brushing teeth, toileting, and washing

• Demonstrating disruptive and uncooperative • Using adapted tools to get food on a spoon, move
behaviors food toward mouth and make similar motions
• Withdrawing from others • Eating best with highly motivating foods that are
• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and easier to manage (such as foods that stick to a
demonstrating poor social skills spoon, like pudding)
• Needing support to initiate and continue social • Using a communication device or switches to tell
interaction caregivers what foods he or she likes or dislikes
• At risk for self-injurious behaviors or aggressive • Needing assistance to use fingers for feeding
behaviors • Doing simple dressing tasks on own (such as
removing a hat), but dependent for most dressing
IV- tasks
• Needing assistance with washing hands and face,
V bathing body, brushing teeth, toileting, and washing

Sensory Functions Recreation and Fitness

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is still • Participating in imaginative play
essential) • Starting to share, engage and interact with children of the
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment same age
is essential) • Interacting with hands-on toys, riding toys and action
• Hopping, skipping, jumping, throwing and catching
• Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence
• Attempting to throw and catch larger, light objects with

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is still • Participating in imaginative play
essential) • Starting to share, engage, interact with children of the
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed same age
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes • Interacting with hands-on toys, riding toys and action
• Struggling to interpret visual information as it relates to games
space (visual-spatial learning disability) • Struggling with activities that require fine motor skills,
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment such as crafts or board games
is essential) • Attempting hopping, skipping and jumping, but might not
• Not using involved arm because of sensory issues be fully successful
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially • Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory • Attempting to throw and catch larger, light objects with
integration disorder) assistance

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is still • Starting to share, engage, interact with other children
essential) • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed makes a sound or movement based on a child’s action)
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes
• Having difficulty fixing on and following something with the
eyes (cortical vision impairment)
• Struggling to interpret visual information as it relates to
space (visual-spatial learning disability)
• Struggling to hear sounds (hearing assessment is
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory
integration disorder)
• Experiencing significant sensory impairments with sight,
hearing, smell, touch, taste or spatial awareness

Early Childhood (4 to 7) continued
Evaluations and
Level Interventions
Your care team might recommend: Your care team might recommend:

• Ongoing assessments of mobility, communi- • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,

cation and fine motor skills (functional status) such as botulinum toxin or phenol
• X-ray of pelvis at age 5 • Management of associated conditions,
• Appointments with key providers every 6 such as seizures
months to watch development, reduce • Physical, occupational, and speech and
deformities language therapy
• Spasticity management with gait analysis and • Selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery or
I physical therapy to assess muscle tone
• Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/
orthopedic surgery
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and provide
psychology/neuropsychology for learning or stability to a joint
behavior problems • Collaboration with your school district
• Meeting with a social worker for mental • Child life support during procedures and
health support and resources rehabilitation

• Ongoing assessments of mobility, • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,

communication and fine motor skills such as botulinum toxin or phenol
(functional status) • Management of associated conditions,
• X-ray of pelvis every 6 to 12 months such as seizures
• Appointments with key providers every 6 • Physical, occupational, and speech and
months to watch development, reduce language therapy Care Team
deformities • Selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery or Key providers are
• Spasticity management with gait analysis and orthopedic surgery in bold.
physical therapy to assess muscle tone • Orthotics to maintain alignment and
II- • Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/
psychology/neuropsychology for learning or
provide stability to a joint
• Collaboration with your school district
Adaptive Equipment
Specialist/Vendor of
III behavior problems
• Meeting with a social worker for mental
• Child life support during procedures and
rehabilitation therapies
Medical Equipment
health support and resources • Adaptive equipment for mobility (walker Child Life Specialist
• Assessment of sleep problems or a wheelchair) and positioning (car
seat) Neurodevelopmental
• Alternative or augmentative Pediatrician
communication devices or methods Neuropsychologist
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
communication and fine motor skills such as botulinum toxin or phenol Nurse Practitioner
(functional status) • Intrathecal baclofen pump to reduce Opthalmologist
• X-ray of pelvis every 6 to 12 months spasticity Orthotist
• Appointments with key providers every 6 • Management of associated conditions,
months to watch development, reduce such as seizures Pediatric Neurologist
deformities • Physical, occupational, and speech and Pediatric Neurosurgeon
• Spasticity management to assess muscle tone language therapy
Pediatric Orthopedist
• Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/ • Orthopedic surgery to correct a hip
psychology/neuropsychology for learning or dislocation or other deformities Pediatric Rehabilitation
IV- behavior problems
• Meeting with a social worker for mental
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
provide stability to a joint
Medicine Physician

health support and resources • Collaboration with your school district Sleep Health Specialist
• Assessment of sleep problems • Child life support during procedures and
• Evaluation for assistive technology rehabilitation therapies Social Worker
devices, such as power mobility or • Adaptive equipment for mobility (walker, Therapeutic Recreation
augmentative and alternative stroller or wheelchair) and positioning Specialist
communication devices (car seat) Therapists –
• Evaluation of bowel and bladder function • Adaptive seating, with support as Occupational
needed Therapist
• Equipment for bathing and/or toileting Physical Therapist
• Van for transportation
• Alternative or augmentative Speech and Language
communication devices or methods

18 Level
Middle Childhood (8 to 12)

Middle Childhood (8 to 12)
Level Mobility Musculoskeletal

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Walking on own without walking aids • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot
• Walking wherever he or she wants to go, including and ankle of the involved leg(s)
on uneven surfaces, on slopes or in crowds • Experiencing spasticity/contracture of calf muscles
• Going up and down stairs and curbs without needing • Toewalking and/or in-toeing
to hold a handrail or caregiver’s arm • Experiencing tightness in forearm muscles (if
I • Running and jumping, but with limitations in speed,
balance and coordination
hemiplegia is present)
• Experiencing foot problems (flatfoot or high-arched foot)
• Participating in physical activities and sports

• Walking on own without walking aids • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot
• Having difficulty walking on uneven surfaces, on and ankle of the involved leg(s)
slopes or in crowds • Experiencing increased muscle tone/tightness in leg
• Climbing stairs using railing or assistance muscles (calf, knee, inner thigh)
• Having limited ability to run and jump • Toe-walking, in-toeing or experiencing scissoring gait
II • Using a hand-held mobility device/wheeled mobility
for longer distances
• Experiencing tightness in forearm muscles (if
hemiplegia is present)
• Experiencing foot problems (flatfoot or high-arched foot)
• Experiencing long bone torsion of thigh/leg bones,
knees and feet that don’t align

• Able to stand on own • Having problems controlling movement in arms and

• Walking with a walking aid or using wheeled mobility legs, including hips
• Having difficulty walking on uneven surfaces • Experiencing increased tightness in legs, along with
• Climbing stairs with assistance other movement disorders, such as athetosis or
• Using adaptations, such as a manual wheelchair, to dystonia
III participate in physical activities and sports • Toe-walking, in-toeing or experiencing scissoring gait
or stiff knees
• Having poor pelvis positioning, hip instability
• Experiencing long bone torsion of thigh/leg bones,
knees and feet that don’t align

• Able to get around on own using a power wheelchair • Having problems controlling movement in arms and
• Using wheelchair at home, at school and in the legs, including hips
community • Experiencing spasticity of both the legs and arms (legs
• Using methods of mobility that require physical likely more involved)
assistance • Experiencing muscle contractures with growth
IV • Requiring physical assistance for transfers
• Rolling or crawling to get around at home
• Experiencing other movement disorders (athetosis/
• Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, long bone
torsion and foot deformities
• Experiencing spinal deformity

• Having difficulty controlling head and body posture in • Having problems controlling movement in arms and
most positions legs, including hips
• Struggling to control movement • Experiencing spasticity and or other movement
• Using a manual wheelchair to get around with disorders (athetosis/dystonia) in both legs and arms
assistance (legs likely more involved)
V • Needing to have someone help with all transfers
• Experiencing limited ability to get around
• Experiencing muscle contractures with growth,
especially in the legs
• Needing a supportive chair to be positioned • Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, foot
comfortably deformities, pelvic obliquity (tilt), long bone torsion
and/or spine deformity

Level Communication and Cognition Feeding and Nutrition

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Using language to learn • Feeding himself or herself

• Using stories to describe, contrast and compare • Learning how to cook
• Communicating by speaking and writing • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Using complex language structures encourage healthy food choices and monitor
• Having generally typical language skills and intellectual growth)
I development
• Having attention problems
• Easily overwhelmed
• Struggling to manage expectations
• Experiencing learning disabilities
• Using language to learn • Struggling with feeding if he or she has oral muscle
• Carrying out multistep directions weakness, tightness, and incoordination
• Using stories to describe, contrast and compare • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Communicating by speaking and writing encourage healthy food choices and monitor
• Using complex language structures growth)
• Having attention problems • Unable to eat foods with particular textures
• Experiencing learning disabilities or delayed intellectual • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
development diet are limited
• Struggling with speech and writing
II- • Using technology to communicate more independently
• Easily overwhelmed
III • Struggling to manage expectations

• Needing assistance in many situations, especially with • Having difficulty feeding and swallowing
unfamiliar people and environments • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Demonstrating speech and muscle coordination encourage healthy food choices and monitor
problems that affect communication growth)
• Using speech, gesture, facial expression or augmented • Experiencing choking or reflux
communication • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
• Experiencing learning disabilities diet are limited
• Experiencing a delay in intellectual development • Gaining too much weight due to an inactive lifestyle


Middle Childhood (8 to 12) continued
Social/Emotional Self-Care and
Development and Behavior Daily Living Skills
Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Focusing on facts versus abstract thinking • Doing many self-care skills, such as dressing and
• Understanding the condition is not reversible eating on own
• Starting a grieving process • Needing more time than peers to learn skills (such
• Experiencing fears of loneliness and abandonment as zipping coat, managing backpacks, or changing
• Having attention problems clothes quickly for activities, such as swimming
I • Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and
demonstrating poor social skills

• Socially immature and preferring the company of

younger children
• Struggling to interpret social cues
• Needing help managing behavior and emotional
• Focusing on facts versus abstract thinking • Needing assistance with cutting food
• Understanding the condition is not reversible • Eating food independently if the environment is
• Starting a grieving process arranged to meet needs
• Experiencing fears of loneliness and abandonment • Needing assistance with positioning if he or she is
• Having attention problems struggling with using one hand to hold clothing,
• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and while using the other to push or pull through sleeves
demonstrating poor social skills
• Socially immature and preferring the company of
younger children
II- • Struggling to interpret social cues
• Needing help managing behavior and emotional
III reactions

• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and • Needing adequate posture support to use hands
demonstrating poor social skills while eating
• Demonstrating disruptive and uncooperative • Requiring total assistance from caregivers to
behaviors complete feeding and dressing tasks
• Withdrawing from others • Learning parts of some dressing skills, such as
• At risk for self-injurious behaviors or aggressive offering a hand or foot when getting clothes or
behaviors shoes on
• More likely to have casts and/or braces due to
increased stiffness in muscles


Sensory Functions Recreation and Fitness

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening still • Participating in supportive play that includes cooperation
essential) and compromise
• Experiencing a change in speech or language abilities • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
(hearing re-evaluation is essential) books and movies
• Playing team and competitive sports, perhaps with
adaptive equipment and modified participation
• Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence

• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed • Participating in supportive play that includes cooperation
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes and compromise
• Experiencing difficulty with fixing on and following some- • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
thing with the eyes (cortical vision impairment) books and movies
• Struggling to interpret visual information as it relates to • Struggling with activities that require fine motor skills,
space (visual-spatial learning disability) such as crafts or board games
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment • Playing team and competitive sports using adaptive
is essential) sports equipment and with modified participation
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially • Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory
integration disorder)
• Not using involved arm because of sensory issues

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is still • Playing with hand-over-hand assistance
essential) • Socializing and interacting through adapted programs and
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed camps
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
• Experiencing difficulty with fixing on and following makes a sound or movement based on child’s action)
something with the eyes (cortical vision impairment) • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment books and movies
is essential) • Using highly adapted sport options that provide hand-
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially over-hand or full assistance
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory
integration disorder)
• Experiencing significant sensory impairments with sight,
hearing, smell, touch, taste or spatial awareness

Middle Childhood (8 to 12) continued
Evaluations and
Level Interventions
Your care team might recommend: Your care team might recommend:

• Ongoing assessments of mobility, • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,

communication and fine motor skills such as botulinum toxin or phenol
(functional status) • Management of associated conditions,
• Clinical examination of hips, possibly with such as seizures
an X-ray • Physical, occupational, and speech and
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to language therapy
12 months to watch development, reduce • Selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery or ortho-
I deformities
• Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/
pedic surgery to correct skeletal deformities
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
psychology/neuropsychology for learning or provide stability to a joint
behavior problems • Collaboration with your school district
• Meeting with a social worker for mental • Child life support during procedures and
health support and resources rehabilitation
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, com- • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
munication and fine motor skills (functional such as botulinum toxin or phenol
status) • Management of associated conditions,
• X-ray of pelvis at 8 to 10 years of age and such as seizures
every 12 months until skeletal maturity • Physical, occupational, and speech and
• Screening for spinal deformity language therapy
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to • Selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery or
12 months to watch development, reduce intrathecal baclofen pump Care Team
deformities • Orthopedic surgery to correct skeletal Key providers are

II- • Spasticity management to assess muscle

• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
in bold.

III • Referrals to neurodevelopmental provide stability to a joint Adaptive Equipment

Specialist/Vendor of
pediatrics/psychology/neuropsychology for • Collaboration with your school district
Medical Equipment
learning or behavior problems • Child life support during procedures and
• Meeting with a social worker for mental rehabilitation therapies Audiologist
health support and resources • Adaptive equipment for mobility (walker Child Life Specialist
• Assessment of sleep problems or a wheelchair)
• Assessment of bone health • Alternative or augmentative Neurodevelopmental
communication devices or methods Pediatrician
• Bracing to control a spinal deformity Neuropsychologist/
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity, Nurse
communication and fine motor skills such as botulinum toxin or phenol Nurse Practitioner
(functional status) • Management of associated conditions,
• X-ray of pelvis at 8 to 10 years of age and such as seizures Opthalmologist
every 6 to 12 months until skeletal maturity • Physical, occupational, and speech and Orthotist
• X-ray of spine language therapy
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to • Intrathecal baclofen pump to reduce Pediatric Neurologist
12 months to watch development, reduce spasticity Pediatric Neurosurgeon
deformities • Orthopedic surgery to correct hip Pediatric Orthopedist
• Spasticity management with gait analysis dislocation or other deformities
IV- and physical therapy to assess muscle
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and
provide stability to a joint
Pediatric Rehabilitation
Medicine Physician

V • Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/

psychology/neuropsychology for learning
• Collaboration with your school district
• Child life support during procedures and
Sleep Health Specialist
or behavior problems rehabilitation
• Meeting with a social worker for mental • Adaptive equipment for mobility (walker Social Worker
health support and resources or wheelchair) Therapeutic Recreation
• Assessment of sleep problems • Adaptive seating, with support as Specialist
• Evaluation of muscle tone needed
• Assessment of bone health • Equipment for bathing and/or toileting Therapists –
• Evaluation of bowel and bladder function • Modifications to your child’s home or Occupational
school environment Therapist
• Alternative or augmentative Physical Therapist
communication devices or methods Speech and Language
• Bracing to manage a spinal deformity Pathologist
24 Level
Adolescence (13 to 18)

Adolescence (13 to 18)
Level Mobility Musculoskeletal

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Walking on own without walking aids • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot and
• Walking wherever he or she wants to go, including ankle of the involved leg(s)
on uneven surfaces, on slopes or in crowds • Experiencing spasticity/contracture of calf muscles
• Going up and down stairs and curbs without needing • Experiencing toe-walking and/or in-toeing
to hold a handrail or caregiver’s arm • Experiencing tightness in forearm muscles (if
I • Running and jumping, but with limitations in speed,
balance and coordination
hemiplegia is present)
• Experiencing foot problems (flatfoot or high-arched foot)
• Participating in physical activities and sports

• Walking on own without walking aids • Having problems controlling movement of toes, foot and
• Having difficulty walking on uneven surfaces, on ankle of the involved leg(s)
slopes or in crowds • Experiencing increased muscle tone/tightness in leg
• Climbing stairs using railing or assistance muscles (calf, knee, inner thigh)
• Having limited ability to run and jump • Experiencing toe-walking, in-toeing or scissoring gait
II • Using a hand-held mobility device/wheeled mobility
for longer distances
• Experiencing tightness in forearm muscles (if
hemiplegia is present)
• Experiencing foot problems (flatfoot or high-arched foot)
• Experiencing long bone torsion of thigh/leg bones,
knees and feet that don’t align

• Able to stand on own • Having problems controlling movement in arms and

• Walking with a walking aid or using wheeled mobility legs, including hips
• Having difficulty walking on uneven surfaces • Experiencing increased tightness in legs, along with
• Climbing stairs with assistance other movement disorders, such as athetosis or
• Using adaptations, such as a manual wheelchair, to dystonia
III participate in physical activities and sports • Toe-walking, in-toeing or experiencing scissoring gait or
stiff knees
• Having poor pelvis positioning, hip instability
• Experiencing long bone torsion of thigh/leg bones,
knees and feet that don’t align

• Able to get around on own using a power wheelchair • Having problems controlling movement in arms and
• Using wheelchair at home, at school and in the legs, including hips
community • Experiencing spasticity of both the legs and arms (legs
• Using methods of mobility that require physical likely more involved)
assistance • Experiencing muscle contractures with growth
IV • Requiring physical assistance for transfers
• Rolling or crawling to get around at home
• Experiencing other movement disorders (athetosis/
• Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, long bone
torsion and foot deformities
• Experiencing spinal deformity

• Having difficulty controlling head and body posture in • Having problems controlling movement in arms and
most positions legs, including hips
• Struggling to control movement • Experiencing spasticity and or other movement
• Using a manual wheelchair to get around with disorders (athetosis/dystonia) in both legs and arms
assistance (legs likely more involved)
V • Needing to have someone help with all transfers
• Experiencing limited ability to get around
• Experiencing muscle contractures with growth,
especially in the legs
• Needing a supportive chair to be positioned • Experiencing hip subluxation/dislocation, foot
comfortably deformities, pelvic obliquity (tilt), long bone torsion
and/or spine deformity

Level Communication and Cognition Feeding and Nutrition

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Using language to learn • Feeding himself or herself

• Using stories to describe, contrast and compare • Learning how to cook
• Communicating by speaking and writing • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Using complex language structures encourage healthy food choices and monitor
• Having generally typical language skills and intellectual growth)
I development
• Having attention problems
• Easily overwhelmed
• Struggling to manage expectations
• Experiencing learning disabilities
• Using language to learn • Struggling with feeding if he or she has oral muscle
• Carrying out multistep directions weakness, tightness, and incoordination
• Using stories to describe, contrast and compare • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Communicating by speaking and writing encourage healthy food choices and monitor
• Using complex language structures growth)
• Having attention problems • Unable to eat foods with particular textures
• Experiencing learning disabilities or delayed intellectual • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
development diet are limited
• Struggling with speech and writing
II- • Using technology to communicate more independently
• Easily overwhelmed
III • Struggling to manage expectations

• Needing assistance in many situations, especially with • Having difficulty feeding and swallowing
unfamiliar people and environments • Having difficulty gaining weight (caregivers
• Demonstrating speech and muscle coordination encourage healthy food choices and monitor
problems that need communication growth)
• Using speech, gestures, facial expressions or • Experiencing choking or reflux
augmented or alternative communication devices • Having constipation, especially when mobility and/or
• Experiencing learning disabilities diet are limited
• Experiencing a delay in intellectual development • Gaining too much weight due to an inactive lifestyle


Adolescence (13 to 18) continued
Social/Emotional Self-Care and
Development and Behavior Daily Living Skills
Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Focusing on facts versus abstract thinking • Doing many self-care skills, such as dressing and
• Understanding the condition is not reversible eating on own
• Starting a grieving process • Needing more time than peers to learn skills (such
• Experiencing fears of loneliness and abandonment as zipping coat, managing backpacks, or changing
• Having attention problems clothes quickly for activities, such as swimming
I • Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and
demonstrating poor social skills

• Socially immature and preferring the company of

younger children
• Struggling to interpret social cues
• Needing help managing behavior and emotional
• Focusing on facts versus abstract thinking • Needing assistance with cutting food
• Understanding the condition is not reversible • Eating food independently if the environment is
• Starting a grieving process arranged to meet needs
• Experiencing fears of loneliness and abandonment • Needing assistance with positioning if he or she is
• Having attention problems struggling with using one hand to hold clothing, while
• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and using the other to push or pull through sleeves
demonstrating poor social skills
• Socially immature and preferring the company of
younger children
II- • Struggling to interpret social cues
• Needing help managing behavior and emotional
III reactions

• Easily frustrated, emotionally reactive, and • Needing adequate posture support to use hands
demonstrating poor social skills while eating
• Demonstrating disruptive and uncooperative • Requiring total assistance from caregivers to
behaviors complete feeding and dressing tasks
• Withdrawing from others • Learning parts of some dressing skills, such as
• At risk for self-injurious behaviors or aggressive offering a hand or foot when getting clothes or
behaviors shoes on
• More likely to have casts and/or braces due to
increased stiffness in muscles


Sensory Functions Recreation and Fitness

Your child might be: Your child might be:

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening still • Participating in supportive play that includes cooperation
essential) and compromise
• Experiencing a change in speech or language abilities • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
(hearing re-evaluation is essential) books and movies
• Playing team and competitive sports, perhaps with
adaptive equipment and modified participation
• Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence

• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed • Participating in supportive play that includes cooperation
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes and compromise
• Experiencing difficulty with fixing on and following some- • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
thing with the eyes (cortical vision impairment) books and movies
• Struggling to interpret visual information as it relates to • Struggling with activities that require fine motor skills,
space (visual-spatial learning disability) such as crafts or board games
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment • Playing team and competitive sports using adaptive
is essential) sports equipment and with modified participation
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially • Seeking play options that offer a sense of independence
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory
integration disorder)
• Not using involved arm because of sensory issues

• Experiencing normal hearing and vision (screening is still • Playing with hand-over-hand assistance
essential) • Socializing and interacting through adapted programs
• Experiencing eye muscle imbalance, such as crossed and camps
eyes (strabismus) or lazy eyes • Interacting with cause-and-effect toys (anything that
• Experiencing difficulty with fixing on and following makes a sound or movement based on child’s action)
something with his or her eyes (cortical vision impairment) • Identifying preferences for specific sports, types of music,
• Struggling with speech development (hearing assessment books and movies
is essential) • Using highly adapted sport options that provide hand-
• Experiencing distress from ordinary stimuli, especially over-hand or full assistance
sounds or things that he or she touches (sensory
integration disorder)
• Experiencing significant sensory impairments with sight,
hearing, smell, touch, taste or spatial awareness

Adolescence (13 to 18) continued
Evaluations and
Level Interventions
Your care team might recommend: Your care team might recommend:
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, communica- • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity, such
tion and fine motor skills (functional status) as botulinum toxin or phenol
• Clinical examination of hips, possibly with an • Management of associated conditions, such
X-ray as seizures
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to 12 • Physical, occupational, and speech and
months to watch development, reduce defor- language therapy
mities • Selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery or ortho-

I • Referrals to neurodevelopmental pediatrics/

psychology/neuropsychology for learning or
behavior problems
pedic surgery to correct skeletal deformities
• Orthotics to maintain alignment and provide
stability to a joint
• Meeting with a social worker for mental health • Collaboration with your school district
support and resources • Child life support during procedures and
• Monitoring growth that could lead to recur- rehabilitation
rent deformities
• Discussing transition to providers that offer
adult care
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, communi- • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
cation and fine motor skills (functional status) such as botulinum toxin or phenol
• X-ray of pelvis at 8 to 10 years of age and • Management of associated conditions, such
every 12 months until skeletal maturity as seizures
• Screening for spinal deformity • Physical, occupational, and speech and
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to language therapy Care Team
12 months to watch development, reduce • Intrathecal baclofen pump to reduce Key providers are
deformities spasticity in bold.
• Meeting with a social worker for mental health • Orthopedic surgery to correct skeletal

II- support and resources

• Assessment of bone health
• Correction of recurrent deformities due to
Adaptive Equipment
Specialist/Vendor of

• Discussing transition to providers that offer growth spurts Medical Equipment
adult care • Orthotics to maintain alignment and Audiologist
provide stability to a joint
• Collaboration with your school district Child Life Specialist
• Child life support during procedures and Neurodevelopmental
rehabilitation Pediatrician
• Adaptive equipment for mobility (walker
or a wheelchair) Neuropsychologist/
• Alternative or augmentative Psychologist
communication devices or methods Nurse
• Surgery to correct a spinal deformity
Nurse Practitioner
• Ongoing assessments of mobility, communi- • Medicine to reduce tightness/spasticity,
cation and fine motor skills (functional status) such as botulinum toxin or phenol Opthalmologist
• X-ray of pelvis at 8 to 10 years of age and • Management of associated conditions, such Orthotist
every 6 to 12 months until skeletal maturity as seizures
• X-ray of spine • Physical, occupational, and speech and Pediatric Neurologist
• Appointments with key providers every 6 to language therapy Pediatric Neurosurgeon
12 months to watch development, reduce • Intrathecal baclofen pump to reduce
deformities spasticity Pediatric Orthopedist
• Meeting with a social worker for mental health • Orthopedic surgery to correct hip Pediatric Rehabilitation
support and resources dislocation or other deformities Medicine Physician

• Assessment of bone health • Correction of recurrent deformities due to
• Discussing transition to providers that offer growth spurts Psychologist

adult care • Orthotics to maintain alignment and Sleep Health Specialist
provide stability to a joint
• Collaboration with your school district Social Worker
• Child life support during procedures and Therapeutic Recreation
rehabilitation Specialist
• Adaptive seating and mobility (manual or
power wheelchair) Therapists –
• Modifications to your child’s home or Occupational
school environment Therapist
• Alternative or augmentative devices or Physical Therapist
methods Speech and Language
• Surgery to correct a spinal deformity Pathologist
30 Level
This glossary will help you better understand terms associated with your child’s diagnosis.
When words in the definitions are italicized, those words are defined elsewhere in the glossary.

Abduction – Outward movement of a leg or arm away from the body.

Adduction – Inward movement of a leg or arm toward the body.

Ankle foot orthosis (AFO) – A brace that surrounds the ankle and at least part of the foot; used to
control the position and motion of the ankle, compensate for weakness or correct deformities.

Assessment (or evaluation) – Process to determine a child’s strengths and weaknesses; includes
testing and observations performed by a team of specialists.

Assistive technology – Equipment, such as walkers and crutches, used to compensate for weakness
or balance in order to accomplish a particular task, such as walking.

Ataxia – A condition in which damage to the brain results in an unbalanced way of walking (gait);
can affect movement, speech, eye movements and the ability to swallow.

Athetosis – Having uncontrolled writhing movements caused by damage to the brain.

Augmentative communication – Use of nonspeech techniques, such as signs, gestures, or pictures,

to supplement speech.

Bilateral – Relating to both sides of the body.

Bony deformity – Abnormality in the bone, often caused by the pressure of imbalanced muscles
on a growing skeleton.

Brain stem – Portion of the brain between the cerebellum and the spinal cord.

CT (computerized axial tomography) scan – X-ray procedure that uses a computer to combine many
X-ray images, creating cross-sectional views and three-dimensional images of the inside of the body.

Cavus – Deformity in which the arch of the foot is abnormally high; usually associated with hindfoot
varus—a type of deformity where the heel turns inward.

Cerebellum – Part of the brain that helps coordinate muscle activity and control balance.

Cerebral palsy – Movement and posture disorder resulting from nonprogressive damage to the brain.

Cognitive impairment – Problem with one’s ability to think and/or learn.

Congenital – Condition present at or before birth.

Contracture – Shortening of muscle fibers, which causes a restricted range of motion.

Contraction – Momentary tightening or shortening of muscles.

Cortical visual impairment – Total or partial blindness resulting from injury to the brain’s visual
centers; although the eyes can pick up visual information, the brain cannot process and interpret it.

Craniofacial – Pertaining to the skull and the bones of the face.

Crouch gait – Type of walking characterized by a bent posture amongst the hip, knee, and ankle
joints (sagittal plane); makes it difficult for a child to maintain upright posture.

Depakene – Valproic acid; an antiepileptic seizure medicine.

Development – Process of growth and learning during which a person acquires skills and abilities.

Developmental disability – An impairment beginning before age 18 that is likely to continue

indefinitely and that causes a substantial disability.

Developmental milestone – Developmental goal, such as sitting or using two-word phrases,

which health care providers use to measure developmental progress over time.

Diplegia – Type of cerebral palsy in which spasticity primarily affects the legs.

Dystonia – Sustained muscle contractions that cause slow, rhythmic twisting movements or
abnormal postures.

Epilepsy – A recurring condition in which abnormal electrical charges in the brain cause seizures.

Equinus – Walking on toes because the calf muscles are shortened or contracted.

Expressive language – The ability to use gestures, words and written symbols to communicate.

Femoral bone (femur) – The long, heavy bone connecting the knee to the hip.

Femoral torsion (femoral ateversion) – Inward twisting of the femur so that the knees and feet turn

Fine motor – Relating to the use of the small muscles of the body, such as those in the face, hands,
fingers, feet and toes.

Flexion – Bending of joints.

Floppy – Having weak posture and loose movements.

Foot drop (drop foot) – General term for difficulty lifting the front part of the foot while walking;
people with the condition might drag the front of the foot on the ground when they walk.

Foot orthosis – A brace that supports the foot but does not extend above the ankle.

Forefoot – Front third of the foot.

Gait analysis – The use of computers to measure joint motion, force production, muscle activity and
sometimes energy exertion when walking.

Gastroesophageal reflux – Condition in which stomach contents are forced back into the
esophagus and sometimes the mouth.

Gross motor – Relating to the use of the large muscles of the body, such as those in the legs,
arms and abdomen.

Hemiplegia – A type of cerebral palsy in which either the right or left side of the body is affected;
the face or trunk can be affected as well.

High tone – Tightness or spasticity of the muscles.

Hindfoot – Back third of the foot.

Hip dislocation – Occurs when the head of the thighbone (femur) slips out of its socket in the pelvis.

Hip subluxation – Incomplete or partial dislocation of the hip joint.

Hypertonia – Increased tension or spasticity of the muscles (high tone).

Hypotonia – Decreased tension of the muscles (low tone).

Individualized Education Program (IEP) – Written plan that describes what services a local school
has promised to provide.

Impairment – Decrease in strength, dexterity or ability to use a leg, arm or other body part.

Impaired coordination and balance – Interruption in equilibrium responses and balance

mechanisms as a result of damage to the central nervous system.

In-toeing – Walking with the feet turned in (internally rotated).

Intrathecal baclofen pump – A device that is surgically placed under the skin to dispense
baclofen into the fluid-filled areas around the spinal cord (known as the intrathecal space) to
reduce spasticity. If the catheter is advanced into a patient’s brain, the baclofen is dispensed into
a fluid-filled area known as the intraventricular space.

Inversion – When a part of the body turns in.

Knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) – Long leg brace of lightweight plastic, with hinges at the knee
joint, which supports the entire leg.

Kyphosis – A round-back (hunchback) deformity of the upper spine.

Learning disability – Difficulty processing information in one or more academic areas (reading,
writing or math), which interferes with school performance or everyday tasks that require reading,
writing, or math skills.

Lever arm dysfunction (LAD) – A bone deformity preventing the muscles that cross or are attached
to that bone from functioning normally.

Long-leg sitting – Sitting with legs extended in front of the body.

Long bone torsion – The twisting of the thigh or legbone(s) either outward or inward, which occurs
during growth.

Loss of selective motor control – Disruption of the timing, intensity, duration and coordination of
voluntary muscle control.


I The person:
 Handles objects easily and successfully.
 Experiences limitations in performing manual tasks requiring speed and accuracy.
(These limitations don’t interfere with independence in daily activities.)

II The person:
 Handles most objects, but with a reduced quality and/or speed in achieving tasks
and activities.
 Struggles with some activities; might need alternative ways of doing tasks. (These
limitations usually don’t interfere with independence in daily activities.)

III The person:

 Handles objects with difficulty.
 Needs help to prepare or adapt activities.
 Does tasks slowly.
 Experiences limited success regarding quality and quantity of tasks and activities.
 Performs activities independently only if they have been set up or adapted.

The person:
IV  Handles a limited selection of easily managed objects in adapted situations.
 Performs only parts of activities with effort and limited success.
 Requires continuous assistance and/or adapted equipment to attempt an activity.

The person:
V  Cannot handle objects.
 Experiences severely limited ability to perform even simple actions.
 Requires total assistance.

Low tone – Decreased muscle tone.

Lower extremities – Legs.

Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) – One way through which health care providers
discuss how people with cerebral palsy use their hands to handle objects in daily activities.

Malrotation – Abnormal rotation of a bone that changes the way the muscles are attached.

Midfoot – Middle third of the foot.

Midline – Imaginary reference line down the center of the body, separating left from right.

Motor delay – Slower than normal development of movement skills.

Motor patterns – Ways in which the body and limbs work together to make sequenced movement.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan – Medical technique used to see the details of structures
inside the body.

Muscle tone – Amount of tension or resistance to movement in a muscle.

Neuroleptic – Medicine that produces changes in the way the nervous system functions.

Neuromotor – Involving both the nerves and the muscles.

Oral motor – Relating to the movement of muscles in and around the mouth.

Orthopedic – Relating to the bones, joints or muscles.

Orthoses – Lightweight devices, made from plastic, leather or metal, which provide stability at the
joints or passively stretch the muscles.

Osteotomy – Surgery to cut and realign a bone.

Pes valgus – Foot abnormality in which the foot is flat and the back of the foot is turned outward.

Physical therapy – Evaluation and treatments aimed at helping people improve gross-motor skills,
strength and balance. Therapists also recommend, create and customize adaptive equipment, such
as power or manual wheelchairs, walkers, and standers.

Posture – Positioning or alignment of the body.

Quadriplegia – Type of cerebral palsy in which the whole body is affected.

Range of motion (ROM) – Degree of movement present at a joint.

Rhizotomy (full name: selective dorsal rhizotomy) – Neurosurgical procedure involving the cutting
of selected nerves in the spine to reduce spasticity in muscle groups.

Rigidity – Extremely high muscle tone in any position, combined with very limited movements;
muscle resistance occurs throughout the entire range of motion.

Scissoring gait – Crossing legs when standing or being held upright; legs appear to cross each other
in a scissors-like movement when walking.

Scoliosis – An abnormal side-to-side curvature of the spine when viewed from the back or front.

Seizure – Involuntary movement or changes in consciousness or behavior brought on by an

abnormal burst of electrical activity in the brain.

Selective dorsal rhizotomy – See Rhizotomy.

Sensory integration – Ability of the central nervous system to process and learn from sensations
such as sight, touch, sound, smell, taste and movement.

Sensory integration disorders – Central nervous system has difficulty handling information from
the senses (sight, touch, sound, smell, taste and movement).

Selective motor control – Ability of the brain to selectively control and coordinate the muscles
during activities such as walking, running and reaching for an object.

Speech and language pathology – Services that focus on improving speech and language skills, as
well as on improving oral motor abilities (swallowing).

Spasticity – Increased muscle tone (stiff muscles) and a wide range of involuntary muscle spasms
(sustained muscle contractions or sudden movements) that result in difficulty moving.

Stimulus – Physical object or environmental event that could affect behavior.

Strabismus – Lack of coordinated eye movement, resulting in crossing and/or wandering eyes.

Subluxation – Partial dislocation of a joint.

Tactile – Relating to touch or the sense of touch.

Toe walking – Walking with the foot and

ankle in a toe-down position.

Triplegia – Involvement of both legs and

one arm.

Upper extremities – Arms.

Visual-spatial learning disability – Inability

to make sense of what one sees; difficulty rec-
ognizing complex shapes like letters/numbers,
remembering visual patterns, and organizing
objects in space (such as understanding
a map).

Weakness – Inability to exert as much force

with one’s muscles as would be expected
given the person’s general physical fitness.

W-sitting – A sitting position where a

person’s legs form a “W” shape on the floor
(knees bent, legs rotated and facing away
from the body).

Your Care Team
Adaptive Equipment Specialist/ Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Vendor of Medical Equipment Provides comprehensive surgical care for patients who have
Evaluates a patient’s ability to use assistive technology medical conditions that affect the spine, neck, nerves and/or
devices; fits, fabricates or modifies equipment; and assesses brain. A pediatric neurosurgeon might perform surgeries such
equipment needs for home, work or school. as selective dorsal rhizotomy or intrathecal baclofen pump
implantation to reduce spasticity; implant shunts to reduce
Audiologist excessive fluid pressure in the brain; or implant vagus nerve
Provides customized hearing assessments and diagnostic stimulators to reduce the occurrence of seizures.
Pediatric Orthopedist
Child Life Specialist Examines a patient’s bones, muscle structure and joint
Helps children cope with hospitalization and medical movements in relation to posture, function and gait. An
procedures through therapeutic play and child-appropriate orthopedist might perform surgery to improve the function
hospital tours. Specialists also meet with siblings (to address of a child’s legs or arms as he or she grows.
their questions and concerns) and involve patients and
siblings in activities. Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
Specializes in rehabilitation services—including therapy,
Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician orthotics, and oral or injectable medicines—and recommends
Provides consultations for the evaluation and diagnosis of specialized equipment.
children with neurological developmental disabilities.
Physical Therapist
Neuropsychologist Evaluates patients’ function and abilities; recommends
Helps assess and treat developmental, medical, psychiatric, treatments that improve gross motor skills and help prevent
and neurological conditions or problems; might work with problems, such as muscle contractures and loss of strength.
developmental pediatricians, pediatric neurologists, child By monitoring range of motion, strength and functional abil-
psychiatrists, pediatricians, occupational therapists, and ity, physical therapists help patients increase their indepen-
speech and language therapists. dence and mobility. Physical therapists also help families
obtain assistive equipment, such as lifting devices and stand-
Nurse ing frames.
Provides care and comfort for patients and works together
with other health care providers. Nurses also educate pa- Psychologist
tients and families on diagnoses, medicines, procedures and Evaluates patients’ cognitive, academic and psychosocial
tests in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. abilities. Psychologists talk with patients and families about
the effects of a disability and help children cope with pain
Nurse Practitioner (NP) and stress. Our specialists also contact patients’ schools to
Performs physical exams and diagnostic tests, counsels discuss special academic services or behavior-management
patients, and develops treatment programs. strategies.

Occupational Therapist Sleep Health Specialist

Evaluates a patient’s fine motor skills, which might be lim- Evaluates and treats a range of sleep disorders. Testing may
ited due to spasticity or lack of motor control, and teaches uncover coexisting conditions, such as seizures, that may
patients how to use adaptive equipment for daily activities, accompany sleep issues.
such as feeding, dressing, writing, or accessing their environ-
ment. Occupational therapists also evaluate a patient’s need Social Worker
for power mobility devices and assist patients with cognitive Helps families determine strengths and needs, then identifies
skills related to memory and independence. community resources for services that meet family needs;
provides educational and emotional support to caregivers
Opthalmologist and families; helps families order special medical equipment;
Specializes in medical and surgical eye problems and and assists with practical needs like lodging and transporta-
addresses eye diseases, visual development and vision. tion. Social workers also provide counseling for patients and
An ophthalmologist might do eye surgery to correct vision families.
problems caused by conditions such as internal strabismus.
Speech and Language Pathologist
Orthotist Evaluates a patient’s ability to communicate, assesses
Designs, fabricates and fits a wide variety of orthoses (braces) swallowing disorders, and recommends ways to promote
for upper and lower limbs, the spine and the hips. safe eating and drinking. Speech and language pathologists
also might evaluate a patient’s need for augmentative com-
Pediatric Neurologist munication devices and help select appropriate equipment.
Evaluates, diagnoses and treats neurological conditions.
Pediatric neurologists manage seizures and collaborate with Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
pediatric rehabilitation medicine physicians to recommend Assesses the capabilities of patients and recommends
interventions for some associated conditions, such as learn- programs to help develop healthy leisure lifestyles.
ing, behavior and sensory issues. Therapeutic recreation specialists provide leisure education,
help develop leisure skills, and work with community
resources to help patients increase their participation in
recreational activities.
Our Mission
Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare provides specialized health
care for people who have short-term or long-term disabilities that
began during childhood. We help children, adults and their families
improve their health, achieve greater well-being and enjoy life.

St. Paul (Main) Campus

200 University Ave. E.
St. Paul, MN 55101

Patient Appointments
651-290-8707 / 800-719-4040

Provider Referrals & Consultations

651-325-2200 / 855-325-2200

To see all of our clinic locations, visit

Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare is named in honor of orthopedic

surgeon Arthur Gillette, MD, who helped found the nation’s first hospital for
children who have disabilities. We are an independent, not-for-profit children’s
hospital, and our organization has no affiliation with the Gillette Company or
the Gillette brand of personal care products.

©Copyright 2018. Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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