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Barangay Revenue Code

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Republic of the Philippines Section 1B.01. Definitions. When used

Municipality of ____________ in this Code, the term:
BARANGAY _______________
Agricultural Product – Includes the yield
of the soil, such as corn, rice, wheat, rye, hay,
OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BARANGAY coconuts, sugarcane, tobacco, root crops,
vegetables, fruits, flowers, and their by-products;
BARANGAY TAX ORDINANCE NO. 2006-__ ordinary salt; all kinds of fish, poultry; and
livestock and animal products, whether in their
CHAPTER A. – GENERAL PROVISIONS original form or not. The phrase “whether in
their original form or not” refers to the
ARTICLE A. SHORT TITLE AND SCOPE transformation of said products by the farmer,
fisherman, producer or owner through the
Section 1A.02. Title. This ordinance application of processes such as, freezing,
shall be known as the “Revised Revenue Code drying, salting, smoking, or stripping for
of Barangay __________, ____________ purposes of preserving or otherwise preparing
(2006)”. said products for the market.

Section 1A.02. Scope. This Code To be considered as agricultural products,

shall govern the levy, assessment and collection as defined, include those that have undergone
of taxes, fees, charges and other impositions not only simple but even sophisticated processes
within the jurisdiction of this barangay. employing advance technological means in
packaging liked dressed chicken or ground coffee
in plastic bags or styropor or other packaging
materials intended to process and prepare the each creditor, and which in case of insolvency
products for the market. passes on to a receiver.

The term by-products shall mean those Capital Investment – is the capital which
materials which in the cultivation or processing a person employs in any undertaking, or which
of an article remain over, and which are still of he contributes to the capital which a person
value and marketable, like copra cake from copra employs in any undertaking, or which he
and molasses from sugar cane. contributes to the capital of a partnership,
corporation, or any other juridical entity or
Amusement – is a pleasurable diversion association in a particular taxing jurisdiction.
and entertainment. It is synonymous to
relaxation, avocation, and pastime or fun. Charges – refer to pecuniary liability, as
rents or fees against persons or property.
Amusement Places – include theaters,
cinemas, concert halls, circuses and other places Cockfighting – shall embrace and mean
of amusement where one seeks admission to the commonly known game or term “cockfighting
entertain oneself by seeing or viewing the show is being held whether or not money bets are held
or performance. on the result of such cockfights.

Business – means trade or commercial Cockpits – include any place, compound,

activity regularly engaged in as a means of building or portion thereof, where cockfighting is
livelihood or with a view to profit. being held whether or not money bets are held
on the result of such cockfights.
Capital – signifies the actual estate,
whether in money or property owned by an Commercial Breeding of Fighting
individual or corporations; it is a fund with which Cocks - for purposes of imposing barangay fees
it transacts its business, which would be liable to and charges, commercial breeding of fighting
cocks shall mean an annual sale of more than another person excluding discounts if
five (5) fighting cocks of duly registered breeder. determinable at the time of sales, sales return,
excise tax and value-added tax (VAT).
Countryside and Barangay Business
Enterprise - refers to any business entity, Levy – means imposition or collection of
association or cooperative registered under the assessment, tax, tribute, or fine.
provisions of Republic Act numbered Six
Thousand Eight Hundred Ten (RA 6810), Motor vehicle – means any vehicle
otherwise known as Magna Carta for Countryside propelled by any power other than muscular
and Barangay Business Enterprises (Kalakalan power using the public roads, but excluding road
20). rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, sprinklers,
lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, forklifts,
Fee – means a charge fixed by law or amphibian trucks and cranes if not used on
ordinance for the regulation or inspection of a public roads, vehicles which run only on rails or
business or activity. It shall also include charges tracks and tractors, trailers and traction engines
fixed by law or agency for the services of a of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural
public officer in the discharge of his official purposes.

Gross Sales or Receipts – include the Operator - includes the owner, manager,
total amount of money or its equivalent administrator, or any other person who operates
representing the contract price, compensation or or is responsible for the operation of a business
service fee, including the amount charged or establishment or undertaking.
materials supplied with the services and deposits
or advance payments actually or constructively Persons - means every natural or
received during the taxable quarter for the juridical being, susceptible of rights and
services performed or to be performed for
obligations or of being the subject of legal Retail Stores - are business
relations. establishments with fixed business address in the
barangay where goods are kept for sale to
Places of recreation - include places of purchasers for personal consumption.
amusement where one seeks admission to
entertain himself by seeing or viewing the show Revenue - includes taxes, fees and
or performance or those where one amuses charges that a State or its political subdivision
himself by direct participation. collects and receives into the treasury for public
Residents - refer to natural persons who
have habitual residence in this place, where they Services - mean the duties, work, or
exercise their civil rights and fulfill their civil functions performed or discharged by the
obligations, and to juridical persons which the government officer, or by any private person
law or any other provision creating or contracted by the government, as the case
recognizing them fixes their residence in a maybe.
particular province, city, or municipality. In the
absence of such law, juridical persons are Tax - means an enforced contribution
residents of the province, city, or municipality usually monetary in form, levied by the law-
where they have their legal residence or principal making body on person and property subject to
place of business or where they conduct their its jurisdiction for the precise purpose of
principal business or occupation. supporting governmental needs.

Retail - means a sale where the Section 1B.02. Words and Phrases Not
purchaser buys the commodity for his own Herein Expressly Defined. Words and phrases
consumption, irrespective of the quantity of the embodied in this Code not herein specifically
commodity sold. defined shall have the same definitions as found
in R.A. 7160 and its Implementing Rules and c) Computation of Time. The time
Regulations as well as in other applicable laws. within which an act is to be done as provided in
this Code or in any rule or regulation issued
Section 1B.03. Rules of Construction. pursuant to the provision when expressed in
In construing the provisions of this Code, the days shall be computed by excluding the first day
following rules of construction shall be observed and including the last day, except when the last
unless inconsistent with the manifest intent of day falls on a Sunday or Holiday in which case,
the provisions or when applied they would lead the same shall be excluded from the
to absurd or highly improbable results. computation, and the next business day shall be
considered the last day.
a) General Rule. All words and
phrases shall be construed and understood d) References. All references to Chapters,
according to the common and approved usage of Articles, Sections are to Chapters, Articles,
the language; but technical words and phrases Sections in this Code unless otherwise specified.
and such other words in this Code which may
have acquired a peculiar or appropriate meaning e) Conflicting Provisions of
shall be construed and understood according Chapters. If the provisions of different chapters
such technical, peculiar or appropriate meaning. conflict with each other, the provisions of each
chapter shall prevail as to all specific matter and
b) Gender and Number. Every questions involved therein.
word in this Code importing the masculine
gender shall extend to both male and female. f) Conflicting Provisions of
Every word importing the singular number shall Sections. If the provisions of different sections
apply to several persons or things and every in the same chapter conflict with each other, the
word importing the plural number shall extend provision of the section which is last in point of
and apply to one person or thing. sequence shall prevail.
CHAPTER B - BUSINESS TAX preceding calendar
year of
ARTICLE A. TAX ON RETAIL STORES OR P 30,000.00 or less One Percent (1%) of
RETAILERS such Gross Sales or
Section 2A.01. Imposition of Tax. There is
hereby levied an annual tax on “ stores or
retailers with fixed business establishments” the Section 2A.02. Time of Payment and
following: Accrual of Tax. The tax imposed herein shall
accrue on the first day of January of each year
as regards subjects then liable therefore.
a) For a Barangay in a
City Section 2A.03. Collection of Taxes. The tax
must be paid to, and collected by, the Barangay
On Stores or Retailers Amount of Tax Per Treasurer or his duly authorized representative
with gross sales or Annum before any business or trade activity herein
receipts for the specified can be lawfully begun or pursued and
preceding calendar the tax shall be reckoned from the beginning of
year of the calendar year. When the business is
P 50,000.00 or less One Percent (1%) of abandoned, the tax shall not be exacted for a
such Gross Sales or period longer than the end of the calendar
Receipts quarter. When the tax has been paid for a period
b) For a Barangay in a longer than the current quarter and the business,
Municipality or trade activity, is abandoned, no refund of the
On Stores or Retailers Amount of Tax Per tax corresponding to the unexpired quarter shall
with gross sales or Annum be made.
receipts for the
Section 2A.04. Surcharge for Late Payment
and Interest on Unpaid Taxes. Failure to pay a] Requirement. Any person who shall
the tax prescribed in this Article within the time establish, or operate any retail store in this
required shall subject the taxpayer to a Barangay shall first obtain a Mayor’s Permit and
surcharge of Twenty-five percent (25%) of the pay the fee prescribed therefor and the business
original amount of tax due. tax imposed under this Article.

Such surcharge shall be paid at the same b] Issuance and Posting of Official
time and in the same manner as the original tax Receipt. The Barangay Treasurer shall issue an
due. official receipt upon payment of the business tax
imposed herein. Issuance of the said official
In addition to the surcharge imposed receipt shall not relieve the taxpayer from any
herein, there shall be imposed an interest of Two requirement being imposed in this barangay
percent (2%) per month from the date it is due under existing (city/municipal) ordinances, rules
until it is fully paid, provided, that in no case and regulations.
shall the total interest on the unpaid amount or a
portion thereof exceed thirty-six (36) months. Every person issued an official receipt for
the conduct of a business or undertaking shall
Where an extension of time for the keep the same conspicuously posted in plain
payment of the tax has been granted and the view at the place of business or undertaking. If
amount is not paid in full prior to the expiration the individual has no fixed place of bnusiness or
of the extension, the interest aforementioned office he shall keep the official receipt in his
shall be collected on the unpaid amount from the person. The receipt shall be produced upon
date it becomes originally due until fully paid. demand by the Punong Barangay; Barangay
Treasurer or their duly authorized
Section 2A.05. Administrative Provisions; representatives.
Rules and Regulations.
In acknowledging barangay taxes, fees and D] Sworn Statement of Gross Receipts
charges, it shall be the duty of the Barangay or Sales. Operators of business subject to the
Treasurer or his deputy to indicate on the official taxes imposed herein shall submit a sworn
receipt issued for the purpose, the number of the statement of their capital investment before the
corresponding tax ordinance. start of their business operations and upon
application for a Mayor’s permit to operate the
c] Invoices or Receipts. All persons business. Upon payment of the tax levied in this
subject to the taxes on business, shall, for each Article, any person engaged in retail store shall
sale or transfer of merchandise or goods, or for submit sworn statement of his gross
services rendered, valued at Five Pesos (P5.00) sales/receipts for the preceding calendar year or
or more at any one time, prepare and issue sales quarter in such manner and form as may be
or commercial invoices and receipts serially prescribed by the Barangay Treasurer.
numbered in duplicate, showing among others
their names or style if any, and business Should the taxpayer fail to submit a sworn
address. The original copy of each sales invoice statement of gross sales or receipts, for
or receipts shall be issued to the purchaser or whatever reason, including, among others, that
customer and the duplicate to be kept and he failed to provide himself with books, records
preserved by the person subject to the said tax, and/or subsidiaries for his business, the
in his place of business for a period of five years. Barangay Treasurer may verify or asses the
gross sales or receipts of the taxpayer under the
The receipt or invoices issued pursuant to best available evidence upon which the tax may
the requirement of the Bureau of Internal be based.
Revenue for determination of national internal
revenue taxes shall be sufficient for the purposes If the business or undertaking is
of this Code. terminated, the official receipt issued for the
payment of the business tax thereof shall be
surrendered to the Barangay Treasurer and a
sworn statement of the gross sales and/or business is continued by a person interested in
receipts of the current year or quarter shall be his estate, no additional payment shall be
submitted to the Barangay Treasurer within required for the residue of the term for which the
thirty (30) days following the closure. Any tax tax was paid.
due shall first be paid before any business or
undertaking is finally terminated. h] Retirement of Business. Any person
subject to the tax on business imposed herein
e] Issuance of Certification. The shall, upon termination of the business, submit a
Barangay Treasurer may, upon presentation of sworn statement of the gross sales or receipts
satisfactory proof that the original official receipt for the calendar year.
has been lost, stolen or destroyed, issue a
certification to the effect that the tax has been For purposes hereof, termination shall
paid, indicating therein, the number of the mean that the business operations are stopped
official receipt issued, upon payment of a fee of completely. Any change in ownership,
Twenty Five Pesos (P25.00). management and/or name of the business shall
not constitute termination as contemplated in
f] Transfer of Business to Other this Article. Unless stated otherwise, assumption
Location. Any business for which a barangay of the business by any new owner or manager or
tax has been paid by the person conducting it re-registration of the same business under a new
may be transferred and continued in any other name in the barangay will only be considered by
place within the territorial limits of this barangay the municipality for record purposes in the
without paying any additional tax during the course of the renewal of the permit or license to
period for which the payment of the tax was operate the business.
The Barangay Treasurer shall see to it that
g] Death and Licensee. When any the payment of taxes of a business is not
individual paying a business tax dies, and the avoided by the termination or retirement thereof.
For this purpose, the following procedural owner shall be liable to pay the tax or fee
guidelines shall strictly be observed: for the transfer of the business to him.

1] The Barangay Treasurer shall If it is found out that the retirement

verify every application for termination of or termination of the business is legitimate,
business and inspect the address of the and the tax due therefrom be less than the
business on record to verify if it is really no tax due for the current year based on the
longer operating. If he finds that the gross sales or receipts, the difference in
business is simply placed under a new the amount of the tax shall be paid before
name, manager and/or new owner, the the business is considered officially retired
barangay treasurer shall recommend to the or terminated.
Punong Barangay the disapproval of the
application for the termination or Provided, that the Mayor’s permit
retirement of said business. Thereafter, the issued to a business retiring or terminating
Punong Barangay shall submit a written its operation shall be surrendered to the
report on this matter to the Mayor for the (city/municipal) treasurer who shall
latter’s information and appropriate action. forthwith cancel the same and record such
cancellation in his books.
Accordingly, the business continues
to become liable for the payment of all Section 2A.06. Newly-Started Business. In
taxes, fees and charges imposed thereon the case of newly-started business subject of this
under existing tax ordinances of this Article, the tax shall be fixed by the quarter. The
barangay. And, initial tax for the quarter in which the business
starts to operate shall be one-fourth of one-tenth
2] In the case of a new owner to of one percent (1/4 of 1/10 of 1%) of the capital
whom the business was transferred by sale investment or One Hundred (P100.00) Pesos,
or other form of conveyance, said new whichever is higher.
the total consideration or in the absence of
In the succeeding quarter or quarters, in specific consideration, the gross sales or receipts
case where the business opens before the last of the preceding calendar year on file at the
quarter of the year, the tax shall be based on the barangay treasurer’s records, or the fixed
gross sales or receipts for the preceding quarter amount of Two Hundred Fifty Pesos (P250.00),
or quarters at a rate of One Percent (1%) of whichever is lower.
such gross sales or receipts.
Section 3A.02. Rules and Regulations.
In the succeeding calendar year, regardless
of when the business starts, the tax shall be 1. The new owner to whom
based on the gross sales and/or receipts for the the business was transferred shall be liable to
preceding calendar year or any fraction thereof, pay the unpaid taxes, fees or charges due the
at a rate of One Percent (1%) of such gross former owner, if there is any.
sales or receipts.
2. The permit issued to the
former owner shall be surrendered to the
municipal treasurer, thru the Office of the Mayor,
CHAPTER C - REGULATORY FEES who shall cancel the same in his record.

ARTICLE A. FEE ON THE TRANSFER OF 3. Any person who was

RETAIL STORE BUSINESS granted a permit to operate or conduct a retail
store in this barangay who transferred his
Section 3.A.01. Imposition of Fee. There is business to another shall inform in writing the
hereby levied a fee on the transfer of retail store Barangay Treasurer or the Punong Barangay,
subject of the preceding Article through sale, within ten (10) days of such transfer and submit
donation, barter, or any other form of mode of a sworn statement of the gross sales or receipts
conveyance at the rate of One Percent (1%) of of his business for the current year.
4. The Punong Barangay shall COMMERCIAL BREEDING
issue other necessary rules and regulations for OF FIGHTING COCKS
the effective implementation of this Article.
Section 3B.01. Imposition of Fee. There is
Section 3A.03. Time of Payment. The fee hereby imposed an annual fee on the commercial
imposed in this Article shall be paid to the breeding of fighting cocks of a duly licensed or
Barangay Treasurer by the buyer, donee, or heir registered breeder within this barangay, as
before the business or trade undertaking is follows:
operated, conducted, or pursued.
1. For Five (5) Fighting Cocks
Section 3A.04. Surcharge for Late Or less - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Exempt
Payment. Failure to pay the fee imposed in this
Article on time shall subject the taxpayer to a 2. For annual sale of Six (6)
surcharge of Twenty-five Percent (25%) of the but not more than Ten (10)
original amount of fee due and such surcharge Fighting Cocks - - - - P25.00 per annum
shall be paid at the time and in the same manner
as the fee due. 3. For annual sale of Ten (10)
But not more than Fifteen (15)
Section 3A.05. Penalty. Any violation of the Fighting Cocks - - - - P50.00 per annum
provisions of this Article shall be punished by a
fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos 4. For annual sale of Sixteen (16)
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand But not more than Twenty-five (25)
Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court. Fighting Cocks - - - -P75.00 per annum

5. For every Two (2) Fighting Cocks

In excess of Twenty-five (25)
Fighting Cocks, an Section 3C.01. Imposition of Fee. There is
Additional fee of - - - - - - - -P1.00 hereby imposed the following annual regulatory
Section 3B.02. Time of Payment. The fees
imposed herein shall be due and payable within 1. On the operation of duly
the first twenty (20) days of January of each Licensed cockpit in this
year. Barangay - - - - - - - - -P100.00 p.a.

Section 3B.03. Surcharge for Late 2. On the conduct of cockfights:

Payment. Failure to pay the fees imposed in
this Article on time shall subject the taxpayer to a. Ordinary Cockfight,
a surcharge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Per cockfight - - - - 5.00
original amount of fee due and such surcharge
shall be paid at the time and in the same manner b. During Pintakasi,
as the original fees due. Per cockfight - - - - 10.00

Section 3B.04. Penalty. Any violation of the c. During Derby,

provisions of this Article shall be punished by a Per Cockfight - - - - 20.00
fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand Section 3C.02. Time and Manner of
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. Payment.

ARTICLE C. FEE ON THE OPERATIONS OF 1. The annual regulatory fee for the
COCKPIT AND CONDUCT OF operation of cockpit shall be paid by the operator
COCKFIGHTS THEREIN. concerned to the Barangay Treasurer within the
first twenty (20) days of January of every year.
2. The regulatory fee for the conduct of
cockfight shall be paid by the promoter himself, Section 3C.05. Penalty. Any violation of the
or thru the operator of the cockpit, to the provisions of this Article shall be punished by a
Barangay Treasurer on the day of the cockfight, fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
or within One (1) day after the termination of the (P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand
game. Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.

Section 3C.03. Administrative Provisions.

1. The establishment and operation of WHICH CHARGE ADMISSION FEE
cockpit shall be subject to the provisions of
existing (city or municipal) ordinance; PD 449 Section 3D.01. Imposition of Fee. There is
and other existing laws. hereby imposed an amusement fee (Not tax)
from the operators of amusement places which
2. The annual fee for the operation of the charge admission fees at the following rates:
cockpit shall be paid by the operator thereof to
the Barangay Treasurer before the corresponding (a) Theaters and cinema
Barangay Clearance is issued by the Punong houses, per admission
Barangay or his duly authorized representative. ticket - - - - - - - - - - - - -Two percent
(2%) of the
Section 3C.04. Surcharge for Late admission fee
Payment. Failure to pay the fee imposed in this
Article on time shall subject to a surcharge of (b) Video-Moviehouses Utilizing
twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount Beta, VHS, JVC, Laser-Discs
of fee due and such surcharge shall be paid at Players or Similar Apparatus,
the time and in the same manner as the original Per admission ticket - - - - - One percent (1%)
fees due. Of the admission fee
(2%) of the
(c) Ambulant and itinerant admission fee
operators of recreation
apparatus, amusement (f) On duly licensed
devises or contrivances, Cockpit - - - - - - - Two percent (2%)
during fiestas or fairs: of the admission
1. Circus, carnivals or the like, (g) Other amusement
Per admission ticket - Two Percent (2%) Places which are
of the admission fee Open to the public
And charging admission
2. Merry-go-round roller Fee - - - - - - - - - - Two percent
Coasters, Ferris wheel, (2%) of the
Swing, shooting gallery, admission fee
and the like, per
admission ticket - - - Two percent (2%) Section 3D. 02. Time of Payment. The
of the admission fee fee imposed in this Article shall be paid to the
barangay treasurer daily or on the next day
(d) Boxing contest exhibitions, following the collection of such admission fees.
concerts, per admission
ticket - - - - - - - - - - - - Two percent (2%) Section 3D.03. Administrative
of the admission fee Provisions. The operation of the above-
mentioned amusement places are still subject to
(e) Recreation establishments, the provisions of existing (city/municipal)
such as resorts, swimming pool, ordinances, rules and regulations on this matter.
and the like, per Section 3D.04. Surcharge for Late
admission ticket - - Two percent Payment. Failure to pay the fee imposed in this
Article on time shall subject the taxpayer to a
surcharge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Single Faced - - - - - - - - - - P 10.00
original amount of fee due such surcharge shall Double Faced - - - - - - - - - - 20.00
be paid at the time and in the same manner as
the original fees due. (b) Billboards or signs
for professionals,
Section 3D.05. Penalty. Any violation of per square meter
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by or fraction thereof - - - - - - 8.00
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand (c) Billboards, signs, or
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. advertisement for
business and professions,
ARTICLE E. REGULATORY FEES ON painted on any building
OUTDOOR ADVERTISEMENTS or structure or otherwise
separated or detached
Section 3E.01. Imposition of Fee. therefrom, per square
There is hereby imposed a annual regulatory fee meter thereof - - - - - - - - - 9.00
on outdoor advertisements displayed or
maintained in any place exposed to public view (d) Advertisement for
within the territorial jurisdiction of this barangay, business or professions
at the following rates: by means of slides in
movies payable by
(a) Billboards or signboards the advertisements - - - - - 100.00
For advertisement of
Business, per square (e) Advertisement by means
meter or fraction of vehicles, balloons,
thereof: kites, etc.
store signs, placards, price strips, buntings,
- per day or fractioin and the like, belonging to manufacturers or
thereof - - - - - - - - - - - - 40.00 producers or professionals, but displayed at
- per week or fraction the place where a business or profession is
thereof - - - - - - - - - - - - 60.00 conducted, or displayed on delivery or
- per month or fraction other service and public utility vehicles, are
thereof - - - - - - - - - - - - 80.00 exempted from the provisions of this
Additional impositions:
Section 3E.03. Time of Payment. The
For the use of electric or fee imposed in this Article shall be paid to the
neon lights in billboards, barangay treasurer within the first twenty (20)
per square meter or days of January of every year.
fraction thereof - - - - - - 10.00
Section 3E.04. Administrative
Privilege panels shall be subject to Provisions. Installation and construction of
one-half (1/2) of the rates billboards, signboards and the like shall be
prescribed above. subject to the rules and regulations of existing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
Section 3E.02. Exemptions. The
imposition of the above prescribed rates is Issuance of permit for their installation and
subject to the following exemptions: construction shall be in accordance with the
provisions of existing laws and (city/municipal)
1. Signs, signboards, billboards, ordinances.
advertisements, including stickouts,
streamers, lighted signs, and other Section 3E.05. Penalty. Any violation of
electronic media, posters, privilege panels, the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos individual other than the owner of the
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand animal.
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
Section 3F.02. Imposition of Fee. There
ARTICLE F. POUNDAGE FEE ON is hereby imposed a poundage fee per day for
IMPOUNDING OF ASTRAY ANIMALS every animal found astray in public or private
places and then impounded at the barangay
Section 3F.01. Definition. As used in corral, or other place designated by the
this Article, the terms: Sangguniang Barangay as impounding area, at
the rate prescribed below:
a. “Large Cattle” – includes horses, mule,
carabao, cow and other domesticated a. Large Cattle P ______ per day
members of the bovine family. b. Swine/hogs/pig P ______ per day
b. “Astray animal” – means an animal c. Goat P ______ per day
which is set loose, unrestrained and not d. Dog P ______ per day
under the complete control of its owner
or the one in charge or in possession Section 3F.03. Time and Manner of
thereof, found roaming at large in public Payment. The poundage fee imposed shall be
or private places whether fettered or paid to the Barangay Treasurer before the
not. animal impounded is released from the corral.
c. “Public place” – includes national,
provincial, municipal, or barangay roads Section 3F.04. Administrative
and other places open to the public. Provisions. For purpose of this Article, the
d. “Private place” – includes privately- Barangay Tanods, or any concerned citizens, are
owned street or yards, rice fields or hereby authorized to apprehend and impound
farmlands, or lots owned by an astray animals in the barangay corral or place
designated for such purpose.
Baraqngay or his duly authorized representative
Impounded animals not claimed within five the following fees:
(5) days after the date of impounding shall be 1. Barangay Clearance for
sold at public auction in accordance with the any business or activity
generally accepted procedures. for purposes of securing
a Mayor’s Permit - - - - - - P30.00
The Punong Barangay shall issue the
necessary implementing rules and regulations for 2. Lupon Tagapamayapa
the proper and effective implementation of this Clearance - - - - - - - - - - 20.00
3. Certification for purposes
Section 3F.05. Penalty. Any violation of of securing housing or
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by multipurpose loan, calamity
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos or emergency loan from
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand private or government
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. institutions - - - - - - - - - 25.00

CHAPTER IV. SERVICE CHARGES AND 4. Certification of purposes

REGISTRATION FEES of seeking employment,
securing a driver’s license
Article A. CLEARANCE OR CERTIFICATION or applying for tricycle
FEE franchise - - - - - - - - - - 20.00

Section 4A.01. Imposition of Fee. 5. Any other clearance or

There shall be collected for the issuance of a certification for purposes
clearance or certification by the Punong other than those above-
mentioned - - - - - - - - - 20.00
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
Section 4A.02. Exemption. No fee shall (P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
be collected for the issuance of a certification or Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
clearance when it is officially requested by any
court or government agency. Article B. “LUPON” FILING FEE

Section 4A.03. Time of Payment. The Section 4B.01. Imposition of Fee.

fees imposed in this Article shall be paid to the There is hereby imposed a filing fee for any
Barangay Treasurer at the time of the request or dispute brought before the Lupon
before the request is granted. Tagapamayapa of this barangay subject for
amicable settlement, mediation, conciliation or
Section 4A.04. Administrative arbitration by the Lupon Tagapamayapa at the
Provision. Issuance of a barangay clearance for following rates:
any business or trade activity located, or
conducted, within the territorial jurisdiction of a. Civil dispute - - - - - - - - - - P50.00
this barangay as a requirement before the Mayor b. Criminal dispute - - - - - - - P50.00
issues a license or permit, shall be acted upon c. Other kinds of dispupte - - P30.00
within seven (7) working days from the filing
thereof. Section 4B.02. Time and Manner of
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be paid
In the event that a clearance is not issued to the Barangay Treasurer at the time of the
within the said period, the Mayor may then issue filing of the complaint. The Barangay Treasurer
the corresponding license or permit being applied shall issue the necessary receipt therefor.
for by the applicant.
Section 4B.03. Penalty. Any violation of
Section 4A.05. Penalty. Any violation of the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
(P200.00) but not more than One Thousand which shall set forth, among others, the name
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. and address of its owner.

Article C. ANIMAL DRAWN CART OR Section 4C.04. Penalty. Any violation of

SLEDGE REGISTRATION FEE the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
Section 4C.01. Imposition of Fee. (P200.00) nut not more than One Thousand
There shall be collected an annual registration Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court.
fee for each animal drawn cart or sledge being
used in this barangay at the following rates: Article D. REGISTRATION FEE ON “CALESA”
1. Animal drawn cart - - - - P25.00 p.a.
2. Animal drawn sledge - - - P15.00 p.a. Section 4D.01. Imposition of Fee.
There shall be collected an annual registration
Section 4C.02. Time and Manner of fee of _________________ Pesos (P_______)
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be due for each “calesa” or “caretela” being used in this
and payable within the first twenty (20) days of barangay which shall be registered with the
January every year. For each animal drawn cart Office of the Barangay Treasurer.
or sledge acquired after the first twenty (20)
days of January, the fee shall be paid without Section 4D.02. Time and Manner of
penalty within the first twenty (20) days Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be due
following the acquisition. and payable within the first twenty(20) days of
January every year. For each “calesa” or
Section 4C.03. Administrative “caretela” acquired after the first twenty (20)
Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall keep days of January, the fee shall be paid without
a register of all animal drawn cart and sledge penalty within the first twenty (20) days
following its acquisition.
January, the fee shall be paid without penalty
Section 4D.03. Administrative within the first twenty (20) days following its
Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall keep acquisition.
a register of all “calesa” or “caretela” which shall
set forth, among others, the name and address Section 4E.03. Administrative
of its owner. Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall keep
a register of all push carts which shall set forth,
Section 4D.04. Penalty. Any violation of among others, the name and address of its
the provisioins of this Article shall be punished by owner.
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
(P200.00) but not more than One Thousand Section 4E.04. Penalty. Any violation of
Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court. the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
Article E. PUSH CART REGISTRATION FEE (P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court.
Section 4E.01. Imposition of Fee.
There shall be collected an annual registration Article F. REGISTRATION FEE ON
fee of ________________________ Pesos AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY
(P______) for each “push cart” being used in this OF EQUIPMENT
barangay which shall be registered with the
Office of the Barangay Treasurer. Section 4F.01. Imposition of Fee.
There shall be collected an annual registration
Section 4E.02. Time and Manner of fee on the following agricultural machinery or
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be due equipment at the rates indicated below:
and payable within the first twenty (20) days of
January every year. For each “push cart” Hand Tractor, power tiller - - - - P_______
acquired after the first twenty (20) days of Farm Tractor - - - - - - - - - - - - P_______
Power Sprayer - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ equipment which shall set forth, among others,
Power Saw - - - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ the name and address of its owner.
Rice Thresher - - - - - - - - - - - P_______
Rice Harvester - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ Section 4F. 04. Penalty. Any violation of
Copra Dryer - - - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
Tobacco Dryer - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
“Kuliglig” (hand tractor fitted (P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
with a two-wheel cart being Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court.
use for transportation of
agricultural products, etc.) - - - P_______ Article G. BICYCLE REGISTRATION FEE
Other agricultural machinery
Or equipment not mentioned Section 4G.01. Imposition of Fee.
Above - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P_______ There shall be collected an annual registration
fee of __________________________ Pesos
Section 4F.02. Time and Manner of (P_______) for each bicycle for adult being used
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be due in this barangay which shall be registered with
and payable within the first twenty (20) days of the Office of the Barangay Treasurer.
January every year. For each agricultural
machinery or equipment acquired after the first Section 4G.02. Time and Manner of
twenty (20) days of January, the fee shall be Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be due
paid without penalty within the first twenty (20) and payable within the first twenty (20) days of
days following its acquisition. January every year. For each “bicycle for adult”
acquired after the first twenty (20) days of
Section 4F.03. Administrative January, the fee shall be paid without penalty
Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall keep within the first twenty (20) days following its
a register of all agricultural machinery or acquisition.
Section 4G.03. Administrative
Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall keep It is advisable for the President of the “Liga ng
a register of all “bicycle for adult” which shall set mga Barangay” who is the representative of the
forth, among other, the name and address of its “Liga” in the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Bayan,
owner. as the case may be, to work for the repeal of
those existing (city/municipal) ordinances that
Section 4G.04. Penalty. Any violation of tha barangays could enact and implement
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by themselves.
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
(P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00) at the discretion of the Court.


If the (city/municipality) has already an existing EQUIPMENT
ordinance dealing on the same subject matter as
that covered under Article 3 and 4, it is advisable Section 5A.01. Imposition of Fees.
for the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang There is hereby imposed the following rental fee
Bayan concerned to repeal its own. Thus, it will for the use of the following barangay-owned
pave the way for the Sanggunian Barangay to properties:
exercise its legislative power and solve its own
problem. It will also enhance and strengthen the
capability of the barangay government which is
one of the objectives of decentralization which 1. Palay-dryer
would, eventually, lead to the attainment of local Rental fee, per day,
autonomy. or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand
2. Tobacco-dryer Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
Rental fee, per day,
or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______
(Note: The following Article is applicable only in
3. Copra-dryer barangays situated along the seashore and
Rental fee, per day having a barangay wharf or pier, owned and
or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______ operated by the barangay).



The Sangguniang Barangay, thru a duly enacted Section 5B.01. Definitions. As used in
tax ordinance, may decide to adopt another this Article, the term:
method of imposing the rental fee. Example: Per
hour, or fraction thereof - - - - - - (P _______). Berthing charges or fee – is the amount of
fee assessed against the operator of a vessel,
boat, pumpboat, or similar watercrafts:
Section 5A.02. Time and Manner of
Payment. The rental fee imposed in this Article a) for mooring or berthing at the
shall be paid to the barangay treasurer before barangay-owned pier or wharf; and
the application or request to rent the barangay- b) for mooring or making fast to a vessel
owned property or equipment is granted. already berthed or moored.
Section 5A.03. Penalty. Any violation of Vessel – includes ships, yacht, boats and
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by other watercrafts used or capable of being used
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos as a means of transportation on water.
Section 5B.02. Imposition of Fees. Section 5B.03. Exemptions. The
There shall be collected from the operator of a following are exempted from the provisions of
vessel berthing in the barangay-owned and this Article, viz:
operated pier or wharf the following berthing
charges or fees: 1. Vessels owned and operated by the
AMOUNT OF FEES national, provincial, municipal or barangay
1. On non-motorized governments.
boats, or watercrafts,
per day, or fraction Section 5B.04. Administrative
thereof - - - - - - - - - - - - P _________ Provisions. The Barangay Treasurer shall
monitor, or cause the monitoring, of the arrival
2. On motorized boats or berthing of vessels in the barangay pier or
or motorboats of: wharf.

a) Less than three (3) No vessels already berthed or moored in

tons gross weights, the barangay pier or wharf shall be allowed to
per day, or fraction leave without first paying the fees imposed
thereof - - - - - - - - - - P _________ herein or proper clearance from the authorities
b) Three (3) tons or more,
per day, or fraction The Punong Barangay shall issue other
thereof - - - - - - - - - - P _________ necessary rules and regulations for the proper,
effective and efficient implementation of this
3. On other watercrafts, Article.
Per day or fraction
Thereof - - - - - - - - - - - - - P _______
Section 5B.05. Time and Manner of four-wheeled
Payment. The fee imposed in this Article shall vehicle - - - - - - - - - - - P _______
be paid to the Barangay Treasurer or his duly
authorized representative by the operator of the (b) For every public
vessels concerned upon its berthing or mooring Utility jeepney - - - - - - P _______
in the barangay-owned pier or wharf, or upon
mooring or making fast to a vessel already (c) For every tricycle-for-hire P _______
berthed or moored.
(d) For every private
Section 5B.06. Penalty. Any violation of tricycle - - - - - - - - - - - P _______
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos (e) For every public utility
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand bus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P _______
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
(f) For any other types
Aricle C. TOLL FEES ON BARANGAY ROADS of vehicle - - - - - - - - - - P _______

Section 5C.01. Imposition of Fee. Section 5C.02. Exemption. The fee

There shall be collected from operators of imposed under this Article shall not be collected
vehicles using the barangay-owned roads the from the following while using the above
following toll fees: mentioned vehicles:

1. Officers and enlisted men of the Armed

Forces of the Philippines and members
Amount of Toll Fee of the Philippine National Police while on
Per passage their official mission;
(a) For every private 2. Post Office personnel delivering mail;
3. Disabled citizens who are sixty-five (65) of the barangay-owned motorboat or pumpboat,
years or older; at the following rates:
4. Government officials on official business.
1. On Motorboat or Pumpboat:
Provided that, senior citizens who are per hour, (or per day),
driving the vehicle shall only pay one-half (1/2) or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______
of the rates prescribed above.
2. On Non-motorized boat and
Section 5C.03. Time and Manner of Other kinds of watercrafts:
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be paid Per hour, (or per day),
to the barangay treasurer or his duly authorized Or fraction thereof - - - - - - P ______
representative before or upon passing through
the subject barangay road. Section 5D.02. Time and Manner of
Payment. The fee imposed herein shall be paid
Section 5C.04. Penalty. Any violation of to the barangay treasurer or his duly authorized
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by representative upon filing the application to hire
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos or before the request to hire the said properties
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand is granted.
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
Section 5D.03. Penalty. Any violation of
Article D. RENTAL FEE ON BARANGAY- the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
OWNED MOTORBOAT, a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
PUBPBOAT OR OTHER KINDS (P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand
OF WATERCRAFTS Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
Section 5D.01. Imposition of Fee. The
following charges are hereby imposed for the use Article E. RENTAL FEE ON BARANGAY-
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand
Section 5E.01. Imposition of Fee. Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
There shall be collected a rental fee for the use
of the barangay-owned motor vehicle at the Article F. RENTAL FEE ON BARANGAY-
following rates: OWNED EQUIPMENT

1. Jeep; Jeepney; AUV Section 5F.01. Imposition of Fee.

Per hour, (or per day) There shall be collected a rental fee for the use
or fraction thereof - - - - - - P _______ of the barangay-owned equipment at the
following rates:
2. Motorized Tricycle
Per hour, (or per day) 1. Computer
or fraction thereof - - - - - - P _______ Per hour, (or per day)
or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______
3. Motorcycle
Per hour, (or per day) 2. Typewriter
or fraction thereof - - - - - - P _______ Per hour, (or per day)
or fraction thereof - - - - - - P ______
Section 5E.02. Time and Manner of
Payment. The rental fee imposed in this Article 3. Power Saw
shall be paid to the Barangay Treasurer upon Per hour, (or per day)
application to hire or before the request to hire or fraction thereof - - - - - - P _______
the said motor vehicles is granted.

Section 5E.03. Penalty. Any violation of 4. Stock on Dice

the provisions of this Article shall be punished by (Pipe Threader)
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos Per hour, (or per day)
Or fraction thereof - - - - - - - P ______ designated as such by the Sangguniang
5. Other equipment (specify)
Market Premises- refer to any space in the
Section 5F.02. Time and Manner of market compound, part of the market lot
Payment. The rental fee imposed in this Article consisting of bare ground, not covered by market
shall be paid to the Barangay Treasurer upon building, usually occupied by transient vendors
application to hire or before the request to hire especially during market day.
the said aforesaid equipment is granted.
Market Stall – refers to any allotted space
Section 5F.03. Penalty. Any violation of or booth on the public market where
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by merchandise of any kind is sold or offered for
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos sale.
(P200.00) but not exceeding One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. Market Section – refers to a subdivision of
the market, housing one class or group of allied
goods, commodities, or merchandise.
FEES The numbering, designation, classification
or other form of identifying market sections shall
Article A. BARANGAY MARKET FEES be the responsibility of the Market Administrator
or whoever is the officer-in-charge thereof.
Section 6A.01. Definitions. As used in
this Article Section 6A.02. Imposition of Fees.
Barangay Public Market – refers to any There shall be collected the following market
place, building or structure of any kind, fees:
A. RENTAL FEE ON MARKET PREMISES Tiendas - - - - - - - - P ______
Tiendas - - - - - - - - P ______
1. On stalls with booth constructed by the
barangay government, per square meter C. MARKET ENTRANCE FEE
or fraction thereof, per day or fraction
thereof: Fish and other seafoods
a) Fresh fish or seafoods
CLASS “A” stalls P _________ First class fish or seafoods,
CLASS “B” stalls P _________ per kilogram - - - - - - - P ______
Second class fish or seafoods
2. On stalls with booth constructed by the per kilogram - - - - - - - P ______
lessee, per square meter, or fraction
thereof, per day or fraction thereof: b) Dried, salted or smoked
fish or fish preserved
CLASS “A” stalls P _________ by other means:
CLASS “B” stalls P _________ Per kilogram, if
applicable - - - - - - - - - P ______
WITHOUT STALLS/BOOTHS: if applicable - - - - - - - P ______
Per pot,
1. On occupants of market premises if applicable - - - - - - - P _______
without stalls or booths, per square
meter or fraction thereof, per day or c) Fruits and vegetables
fraction thereof: Banana, per hundred - - - P 1.00
Indian Mango, per sack - - P 2.00
CLASS “A” space or Mango, per kaing, big - - - P 2.00
Mango, per kaing, small - - P1.00 4. For every sack of
Garlic per sack - - - - - - - - P 5.00 rice bran (ipa),
Mango, per sack - - - - - - - P 5.00 trigo, palay, and
Peanut, per sack - - - - - - - P 5.00 the like - - - - - - - - P 1.00
Corn, per sack, 5. For every can of
Fresh - - - - - - - - - - P 2.00 brown sugar - - - - P 1.00
Sweet Potato, 6. For every head of
Per sack - - - - - - - - - P 2.00 chicken, duck, goose,
Cassava, per sack - - - - - - P 1.00 turkey, and the
Ampalaya, per sack - - - - - P 2.00 like - - - - - - - - - - P 0.20
Rice, per sack - - - - - - - - P 1.00 7. For every head of
Pineapple, watermelon fighting cock - - - - P 0.50
and melon, 8. For every piece of
per piece - - - - - - - - - - P0.10 sawali (2m.x 4m.) – P 0.50
Miscellaneous commo- 9. For every jeepload
dities by sack - - - - - - - P 1.00 of pots and jars - - - P 1.00
Miscellaneous commo- 10. For every one
dities Hundred (100) eggs
1. For every sack Of chicken or duck - - P 0.50
of rice - - - - - - - - - P 1.00 11. For all other similar
2. For every sack of items not specified above,
Coffee, soybeans the fee shall be equiva-
(utaw), peanuts, lent to two percent
balatong, kibal, (2%) of its selling
and the like - - - - - - P 1.00 or prevailing
3. For every sack market price
of salt - - - - - - - - - P 1.00
For purposes of this Section, the Officer-in- c) For market entrance fee. The
Charge of the market administration shall issue fee shall be collected at the gate
the necessary rules and regulations including the of public market before the
classification of fishes and other seafoods. Such transient vendors are allowed to
rules and regulations issued by him shall be in sell their goods.
force and effect unless rescinded, modified or
revoked by the Punong Barangay. Section 6A.04. Issuance of official
receipt and cash tickets.
Section 6A.03. Time and Manner of
Payment. The Barangay Treasurer or his duly
a) For stalls. The fee for the rental authorized representative shall issue an official
of market stalls shall be paid to receipt as evidence of payment of rentals of fixed
the Barangay Treasurer or his stalls.
duly authorized representative A cash ticket shall be issued to an occupant
within the first twenty (20) days of the market premises or transient vendor and
of each month. In case of a new his name shall be written on the back thereof.
lease, the rental due for the The cash ticket shall pertain only to the person
month in which the lease starts, buying the same and shall be good only for the
shall be paid before occupancy of space of the market premises to which he is
the stall. assigned. If a vendor disposes of his
b) For occupancy of market merchandise by wholesale to another vendor,
premises. The fee for the the later shall purchase new tickets if he sells the
occupancy of market premises same merchandise, even if such sale is done in
shall be paid daily, in advance, the same place occupied by the previous vendor.
before any commodity or The cash tickets issued shall be torn in
merchandise is sold within market half, one-half to be given to the space occupant
premises. or vendor and the other half to be retained by
the market collector who shall deliver the same much as the regular rate for the
to the Barangay Treasurer for counter-checking space occupied.
against his record of cash tickets issued by him c) Any person occupying more space
for that day. that what is duly leased him shall
pay double the regular rate for
Section 6A.05. Surcharge for late or such extra space and any person
non-payment of fees. who fails to pay the monthly rent
within the time fixed herein shall
a) The lessee of a stall, who fails to pay a penalty of twenty-five
pay the monthly rental fee within percent (25%) of the rent due.
the prescribed period, shall pay a The lease contract of any person
surcharge of twenty-five percent found habitually incurring the
(25%) of the total rent due. foregoing violation shall be
Failure to pay the rental fee for cancelled.
three (3) consecutive months shall
cause automatic cancellation of Section 6A.06. Adjudication of Stall.
the contract of lease or stall
without prejudice to suing the a) Lease Period. The contract of lease for
lessee for the unpaid rents at the a stall shall be for a period of five (5)
expense of the lessee. The stall years, renewable upon its expiration,
shall be declared vacant and unless revoked in accordance with the
subject to adjudication. provisions of the Article.
b) Any person occupying space in b) Notice of vacancy. Notice of vacant or
the market premises without first newly constructed stall/booths shall be
paying the fee imposed in this made for a period of not less than ten
Article shall pay three (3) times as (10) days immediately preceding the
date fixed for their award to qualified
applicants, apprise the public of the fact be conducted on ____________, 19______ at
that such stalls or booths are 12:00 o’clock noon at the Office of the Punong
unoccupied and available for lease. Barangay by the Committee. This stall/booth is
Such notice shall be posted found in the _____________________ Section
conspicuously on the unoccupied stall or and is intended for the sale of (kind of
booth and the bulletin board of the merchandise, goods, services, etc.)
market. The notice of vacancy shall be
written on the cardboard, thick paper,
or any other suitable material and shall Barangay Tresurer
be in the following forms:

c) Application for Lease.

NOTICE 1) The application shall be under oath. It
shall be submitted to the Office of the
Notice is hereby given that Stall/Booth No. Punong Barangay by the applicant
________ Building or Pavilion No. __________ of either in person or through his/her
the ___________ market is vacant (or will be attorney.
vacated on ____________________ 19____. 2) It shall be the duty of the Market
Any person 21 years of age shall file an Committee to keep a registry book
application therefore on the prescribed form, showing the names and addresses of all
copies may be obtained from the Office of the applicants for vacant stalls or booths,
Barangay Treasurer during office hours and the numbers and descriptions of the
before 12:00 o’clock noon of ____________ stalls/booths applied for by them, and
19____. the date and hour of the receipt by the
In case there are more than one applicant, Market Committee; and to acknowledge
the award of the lease of the vacant stall/booth receipt of every application setting forth
shall be determined through drawing of lots to therein the time and date of receipt
thereof. The application shall be
substantially in the following form: 1) That while I am occupying or leasing this
(or these stalls) I shall at all times have my
pictures and that of my helper (or those of
my helpers) conveniently framed and hung
APPLICATION TO LEASE MARKET STALL up conspicuously in the stall.
2) I shall keep the stall (or stalls) at all times
Address in good sanitary condition and comply
Date strictly with all sanitary and market rules
and regulations existing or may hereafter
The Market Committee be promulgated.
Barangay _________________ 3) I shall pay the corresponding rents for the
Municipality of _____________ stall (or stalls) in the manner prescribed by
existing ordinance.
Thru: The Barangay Treasurer 4) The business to be conducted in the said
stall shall belong exclusively to me.
Sir: 5) In case I engage helpers, I shall
nevertheless personally conduct my
I hereby apply under the following contract business and be present at the stall (or
for the lease of Stall No. ______ of the barangay stalls). I shall promptly notify the market
public market. I am ______ years of age, authorities of my absence, giving a reason
married/single, and residing at or reasons thereafter.
_____________________________. 6) I shall not sell or transfer my privilege to
Should the above-mentioned stall be the stall (or stalls/booths) or otherwise
leased to me in accordance with the market rules permit another person to conduct business
and regulations, I promise to hold the same therein.
under the following conditions:
7) Any violation on my part or on the part of stall. If on the last day set for filing
my helpers of the foregoing conditions applicants there is no application from a
shall be sufficient cause for the authorities Filipino citizen, the posting of the notice
to cancel this contract. of vacancy prescribed above shall be
extended for another ten-day period. If
Very respectfully yours, after the expiration of the period there
is still no Filipino applicant, who filed his
Applicant application first. If there are several
alien applicants, the adjudication of the
TIN ____________ stall shall be made through drawing of
lots to be conducted by the market
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in committee on the date and hour
the (City/Municipality) of specified in the Notice.
___________________, Philippines, this ______ The result of the drawing of
day of _________________, 19_____, applicant- lots shall be reported immediately to
affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax the Barangay Treasurer for appropriate
Certificate No. _____________, issued at action.
__________________________ on 4) The successful applicant shall furnish
_____________, 19_______. the Market Committee two (2) copies of
his or her picture immediately after the
Official Authorized to Administer Oath award of the lease. It shall be the duty
of the Market Committee to affix one
copy of the picture to the application
and the other copy to the record card
kept for the purpose.
3) Applicants who are Filipino citizen shall
have preference in the lease of market
Section 6A.07. Miscellaneous
Provisions on Stalls. c) Lessee to personally administer his
stall. Any person who has been awarded the
a) Vacancy of stall before the right to lease a market stall in accordance with
expiration of the lease. Should for any reason the provisions therefor, shall occupy, administer
stallholder or lessee discontinue his business and be present personally at his stall, or booth,
before his lease of the stall expires, such stall is provided, however, that the helpers he employs
considered vacant and its occupancy thereafter are citizen of the Philippines, including but not
shall be disposed of in the manner herein limited to the spouse, parent and children of the
prescribed. stallholder who are actually living with him and
who are not disqualified under the provisions
b) Partnership with Stallholder. A hereof and, provided further, that the persons to
market stallholder who enters into business be employed as helpers shall under no
partnership with any part he had acquired the circumstances, be persons with whom the
right to lease such stall have no authority to stallholder has any commercial relation or
transfer to his partner or partners the right to transaction.
occupy the stall; Provided, however, that in case
of death or any legal disability of such stallholder d) Dummies; sub-lease of stall. In
to continue his business, the surviving partner any case where the person, registered to be
may be authorized to continue occupy the holder or lessee of a stall or booth, in the public
market stall under the provisions thereof, and market, is found to be in reality not the person
the spouse, parent, son, daughter or relative who is actually occupying said stall or stalls, the
within the third degree of consanguinity or lease of such stalls shall be canceled, if upon
affinity of the deceased is not applying for the investigation such stallholder shall be found to
stall, he shall be given the preference to continue have subleased his or her stall/stalls to another
occupying the stall or booth concerned, if he person or to have connived with such person so
applies therefore.
that the latter may, for any reason be able to
occupy the said stall or booth. a) Market hours – The public
market shall be opened for sale of articles
e) Appeals. Any applicant who is not permitted for sale therein from 5:00 o’clock in
satisfied with the adjudication made by the the morning until 7:00 o’clock in the evening
market committee of the stall applied for by him, everyday. The use of any stall or place in the
may file to the Sangguniang Barangay an appeal market as living quarter rooms and/or sleeping
therefrom. The decision of the Sangguniang quarter is strictly prohibited and no vendor or
Barangay in such cases shall be final without stall holder shall remain inside the market
prejudice to the right of the applicant to seek building after the same has been closed.
other legal remedial measures before the
Sangguniang Bayan or a proper court. b) This barangay shall not be
responsible to the occupant’s space and/or stalls
f) Creation of Market Committee. for any loss or damage by fire, theft, robbery,
There is hereby created a permanent market “force majuere”, or any other cause. All articles
committee composed of the Punong Barangay as or merchandise left in the public market during
Chairman; the Barangay Treasurer; a the closure time shall be at the risk of the
representative of the Sangguniang Barangay and stallholder or owner thereof.
the President of the market vendors association,
if any, in the barangay, as members whose All articles abandoned on any public market
duties are to conduct the drawing of lots and building in violation of any provisions of this
opening of bids in connection with adjudication Article or any regulation or rules relating to the
of vacant or newly constructed stalls or booths in management of the market, shall be deemed a
the barangay market and to certify to the results nuisance, and shall be the duty of the Market
thereof. Administrator, or officer-in-charge thereof and
his subordinates to take custody of such
Section 6A.08. General Provisions. abandoned articles. In case the articles are
claimed within twenty four (24) hours thereafter, performance of his duties, nor shall parents allow
they shall be returned for their safekeeping, their children to play in or around their stalls or
unless they are so deteriorated as to constitute a in the market premises.
menace to public health, in which case, they
shall be disposed of in the manner directed by e) It shall be unlawful for any
the Treasurer, who may also in his discretion, person to drink, serve or disperse liquor or any
cause the criminal prosecution of the guilty intoxicating drinks within the premises of the
party, or merely warn him against future public market at any time of the day.
violation, in case where the articles have not
deteriorated and are not claimed within the time f) It shall be unlawful for any
herein fixed, said articles shall be sold at public person within the premises of the public market
auction, and the proceeds thereof shall be to commit any nuisance, or boisterous noise, or
disposed in accordance with law. use any profance or vulgar languages, shall be
guilty of disorderly conduct, or stand without
c) It shall be unlawful for any business and obstruct the passageway of any
person to peddle, hawk, sell or offer for sale, or market, or any act which is calculated to lead to
expose for sale any article in the passageway breach of peace and tends to disturb the good
(pasillo) used by purchasers in the market and decorum therein.
premises. It shall be unlawful for any person to
idly chat, lounge, walk or lie in or around the g) It shall be unlawful for any
premises of the same, nor shall any person beg helper and/or vendor in the market premises to
or solicit contributions of any kind in the public expose, hang or place any article, whether the
market. same is for sale or a container of an obstruction
in the market not specifically as a stall. It shall
d) It shall be unlawful for any be unlawful to any person to carry in his
person to resist, obstruct, annoy or impede any possession deadly weapon such as knives, bolos,
market employee or personnel in the axes, ice picks, darts, etc., within the market
premises or in case of stallholders or their
helpers, outside their respective stalls. l) The peddling or sale outside
the public market site or premises of foodstuffs,
h) No merchandise or articles which easily deteriorate, like fish and meat is
shall be sold, offered for sale or exposed for sale strictly prohibited.
in the market unless the same have been legally
acquired by the vendors and/or stallholders and Section 6A.09. Administrative
that takes of any due thereon have been paid. Provisions.

i) It shall be unlawful for any a) No individual stallholders shall be

lessee to remove, construct and alter the original allowed to lease more than two (2) adjoining or
structure of any stall or booth, electrical wiring or contiguous stalls regardless of the number of
water connection without prior permit from the stalls they were occupying previously.
Market Administrator and approved by the
Punong Barangay. b) Those who were found to have
sub-leased or sold their stall to other parties shall
j) It is the duty and the forfeit rights over the sub-leased stalls and the
obligation of any person or owner of a house, present occupants enumerated in the stall
store or edifice situated near and around the physical audit list shall be granted the lease
public market to provide his house, store or contracts over the stalls.
edifice with appropriate receptacle for garbage
collection and disposal. The rationale for this is to discourage and
eliminate the practice of sub-leasing of stalls by
k) All sanitary rules and the registered stallholders and to save the sub-
regulations shall be strictly observed and lessee from paying double fees to the barangay
followed by all space and stall occupants and government and to the registered stallholders.
market personnel.
c) Ambulant and transient vendors a) Permit fee to slaughter. Before
will be given second preference in the any animal is slaughtered for public
adjudication of stalls in the market after all consumption, a permit therefore shall first be
regular bonafide stallholders and present secured from the assigned Veterinarian, if any,
occupants have been awarded stalls. or Livestock Inspector concerned, or his duly
authorized representative who will determine
d) All stalls and booths are to be whether the animal or fowl is healthy. The Meat
numbered properly and all such stall numbers Inspector, on the other hand shall determine if
must be included in the raffles, to prevent its carcass is fit for human consumption. The
reservation of choice stalls for preferred permit to slaughter shall be issued only upon
occupants. payment to the Barangay Treasurer, or his duly
authorized representative, of the corresponding
Section 6A.10. Penalty. Any violation of permit fee to slaughter, as follows:
the provision of this Article shall be punished by
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos Per Head
(P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. Large Cattle P5.00
Hogs 3.00
Section 6A.11. Applicability Clause. Goats 2.00
Existing laws, ordinances, rules and regulations Others 2.00
pertaining to the public market and its premises
are hereby adapted as part of this Article. b) Slaughter fee. The fee shall be
paid to cover the cost of service on the slaughter
Article B. SLAUGHTER AND CORRAL FEES of animals at the barangay slaughter house, in
Section 6B.01. Imposition of Fees. accordance with the following rates:
For public consumption, per head:
Large Cattle P10.00 corresponding fee collected on animals
Hogs 5.00 condemned, or recondemned by the assigned
Goats 4.00 Veterinarian or Livestock Inspector.
Others 3.00
Section 6B.03. Time of Payment.
For home consumption, per head:
a) Permit fee to slaughter. The
Large Cattle P5.00 fee shall be paid to the Barangay Treasurer upon
Hogs 3.00 application for a permit to slaughter with the
Goats 2.00 Officer in Charge of the Barangay
Others 2.00 Slaughterhouse upon recommendation of the
Livestock Inspector or his authorized
Corral fee, per head, per day or representative. Or, in the case of animals to be
fraction thereof: slaughtered elsewhere for home consumption,
the fee shall be paid before the permit is
Large Cattle P4.00 granted.
Hogs 2.50
Goats 2.50 b) Slaughter fee. These fees shall
Others 2.00 be paid to the Barangay Treasurer or his
authorized representative before the slaughtered
Post-mortem inspection fee, Per head animal is removed from the slaughterhouse or
after the post-mortem inspection.
Cattle P3.00
Swine/Hogs/Goats 2.00 c) Post-mortem inspection fee.
Poultry (chicken/duck, etc.) 0.50 This fee shall be paid to the Barangay Treasurer
Section 6B.02. Prohibition. Permit to before the post-mortem inspection.
slaughter shall not be granted nor the
d) Corral fee. This fee shall be paid name of the person applying for the permit if he
to the Barangay Treasurer before the animal is is not the original owner. If the owner is not the
kept in the barangay corral or any place original owner, and there is no certificate of
designated as such. If the animal is kept in the transfer made in his favor, one such certificate
corral beyond the period paid for, the fees due shall be issued and the corresponding fee be
on the unpaid period shall first be paid before collected therefore. For unbranded cattle that
the same animal is released from the corral. have not yet reached the age of branding, the
Barangay Treasurer shall require such evidence
Section 6B.04. Administrative as will be satisfactory to him regarding the
Provisions. ownership of the animals for which permit to
slaughter has been requested.
a) The slaughter, of any kind of
animal intended for sale, shall be done only in For unbranded cattle of the required age,
the barangay slaughterhouse designated as such the necessary certificate of ownership and/or
by the Sangguniang Barangay. The slaughter of transfer shall first be secured from the
animals intended for home consumption may be (City/Municipal) Treasurer before the slaughter
done elsewhere, except large cattle which shall permit is granted.
be slaughtered only in the public slaughterhouse.
The animal slaughtered for home consumption
shall not be sold or offered for sale. c) Before any animal is slaughtered
for public consumption, a permit therefore shall
b) Before issuing the permit for the first be secured from the assigned Veterinarian,
slaughter of large cattle, the Barangay Treasurer if there is any, or thru the Livestock Inspector, or
shall require for branded cattle, the production of his duly authorized representative.
the certificate of ownership if the owner is the
applicant, or the original certificate of ownership d) The permit to slaughter as herein
and certificate of transfer showing title in the required shall be kept by the owner to be posted
in a conspicuous place in his/her stall for a Section 6C.03. Time of Payment. The
reasonable time. fee imposed in this article shall be paid to the
Barangay Treasurer either monthly or annually.
Section 6B.05. Penalty. Any violation of If the option selected is monthly it shall be paid
the provisions of this Article shall be punished by on or before the tenth (10th) day of every month.
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos If annually, it shall be paid in advance within the
(P200.00) but not more than One Thousand first twenty (20) days of January of every year.
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.
Section 6C.04. Surcharge for late
Article C. SERVICE CHARGE FOR GARBAGE payment. Failure to pay the fee prescribed in
COLLECTION this Article within the time required shall subject
the taxpayer to a surcharge of ten percent
Section 6C.01. Imposition of Fees. (10%) of the original amount of fees due, such
There shall be collected from every operator of surcharge to be paid at the same time in the
business establishments located “within the area same manner as the fee due.
covered by the garbage collection service” a
garbage collection fee of ___________________ Section 6C.05. Administrative
(P ____________), per month. Provisions.

Section 6C.02. Exemption. a) The owner or operator of any

Establishment that are disposing of their garbage business establishment shall provide within his
or waste matters properly or maintaining an premises a garbage can or a receptacle duly
appropriate system of garbage disposal and prescribed which shall be placed in front of the
having no garbage or waste matters to be establishment before the time of the garbage
collected are exempted from the provision of this collection.
Section 6C.06. Penalty. Any violation of Section 6D.03. Surcharges of late
the provision of this Article shall be punished by payment. Failure to pay the fee prescribed in
a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos this Article within the time required shall subject
(P200.00) nut not more than One Thousand the taxpayer to a surcharged of ten percent
Pesos (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. (10%) of the original amount due, such
surcharge to be paid at the same time and in the
Article D. CHARGES FOR PARKING same manner as the fee due.

Section 6D.01. Imposition of Fee. Section 6D.04. Penalty. Violation of the

There shall be collected a parking fee for the use provisions of this Article shall be punished by a
of any barangay-owned parking area, in the fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos
amount prescribed below: (P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court.

Parking Fee Article E. TERMINAL FEE

a) Jeepney; AUV; Vans
Per hour, (per day) Section 6E.01. Imposition of Fee.
or fraction thereof - - - - P __________ There shall be collected a “terminal fee” for the
use of the barangay-owned “Jeepney and
b) Tricycle-for-hire Tricycle Terminal” in the amount prescribed
Per hour, (per day) below:
or fraction thereof - - - - P __________

Section 6D.02. Time of Payment. The a) Jeepney; AUV; Vans

fee imposed herein shall be paid to the Barangay Per day) or
Treasurer, or to his authorized representative, fraction thereof - - - - - - P _________
upon parking thereon.
b) Tricycle-for-hire
Per day) or [a] For metered connections
fraction thereof - - - - - - P _________ 1. Minimum charges for those consuming
not more than _______ cubic meters,
Section 6E.02. Time of payment. The per month:
fee imposed herein shall be paid to the Barangay
Treasurer, or his authorized representative, Residential services P ________
either everyday or monthly. Commercial services P ________
Industrial services P ________
Section 6E.03. Surcharge of late
payment. Failure to pay the fee prescribed in 2. For every cubic meter in excess of
this Article within the time required shall subject ________ cubic meters, per month:
the taxpayer to a surcharged of ten percent
(10%) of the original amount due, such Residential services P ________
surcharge to be paid at the same time and in the Commercial services P ________
same manner as the fee due. Industrial services P ________

Section 6E.04. Penalty. Violation of the [b] For unmetered connections

provisions of this Article shall be punished by a 1. Flat rate consisting of one faucet only:
fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos
(P1,000.00), at the discretion of the Court. Residential services P ________
Commercial services P ________
Article F. WATER SERVICE CHARGES Industrial services P ________
Section 6F.01. Imposition of Fees. The
following charges shall be collected for the 2. For each additional faucet fixture, per
services rendered by the municipal-owned and month:
operated Waterworks System, as follows:
Residential services P ________
Commercial services P ________ inch diameter P __________
Industrial services P ________ For three-fourth (3/4)
inch diameter P __________
[c] Application fee for connection For one (1)
with the system P ________ inch diameter P __________

[d] Guarantee deposit for Section 6F.02. Time of payment. The

every application P ________ water service fee (or water bill) shall be due and
payable to the Office of the Barangay Treasurer
[e] Installation fee for the first within the first twenty days of the following
lineal feet of pipe: month of water consumption.
Any consumer who fails to pay the monthly
Earth and gravel water bill shall be given a grace period of three
excavation P ________ (3) months after which he shall be liable to pay a
Asphalted road P ________ surcharge mentioned in the next section.
Cemented road P _________ Other fees and charges imposed in this
For every additional Article shall be paid in advance before availing of
pipe of ________ the needed services from the Barangay
lineal feet long or Waterworks System.
fraction thereof will
be charged: P __________ Section 6F.03. Surcharge for Late
Payment. Failure to pay the fee imposed herein
[f] Re-installation fee P __________ shall be subject to a surcharge of twenty percent
(20%) of the original among of fee due. Such
[g] Tapping fees: surcharge shall be paid at the same time and in
the same manner as the original amount due.
For one-half (1/2)
Section 6F.04. Administrative connection and every month thereafter.
Provisions. The meter shall be sealed and the seal
shall be broken only when the meter is to
1. A written be inspected, tested, or adjusted by the
application/contract filed with the Office of System. It shall be tested at any
the Punong Barangay shall be required for reasonable time by the duly authorized
any of the aforementioned services. representative/inspector of the System or
2. An advance deposit in cash in the amount upon the request of the customer and to
to be determined later thru an ordinance be witnessed by him if he so desires. If the
enacted for that purpose shall be required testing of the water meter is upon the
of every customer/applicant before the request of the customer and the test
initial service is rendered. It shall answer discloses that the meter is defective,
for any unpaid, due and demandable, corresponding adjustments shall be made
water bill in accordance with the foregoing and no fee shall be charged to the
rates which shall automatically be charged customer. If no defect is found in the
off against the cash deposits after failure to meter, then the customer shall pay to the
pay the monthly water bill within seven (7) Barangay Waterworks System the amount
days of the succeeding month. of __________________________ (P
3. The cash deposit shall be refunded by the _______) for every five-eight (5/8) and
Barangay Treasurer if the customer would three-fourth (3/4) of water meter and
later withdraw his application or decide to __________________ (P ___________)
discontinue the services being rendered to for every water meter bigger than the
him. Provided, however, that he has paid above.
fully his obligations to the System thru the
Barangay Treasurer. 4. For reopening of service upon request of
For billing purposes, a water meter the customer after it has been closed or
shall be read one month after its disconnected for delinquency, the amount
of _______________________________ 8. In cases where the Barangay Government
(P _________) shall be charged if the cannot meet the needed supply of water
service is closed or disconnected at the meter, the applicant for a service
metering point. If it is closed at the water connection, shall furnish himself with a
main or main pipe, the cost of the street new water meter of a recognized or
repair shall be the responsibility of the reputable brand which shall be submitted
customer. to and sealed by the Barangay Treasurer or
his duly authorized representative and the
5. Service connection for domestic or installation thereof shall be effected after
residential use shall not use pipes bigger the corresponding inspection fee shall have
than one-half (1/2) in diameter. been paid.

6. Service connection using pipes bigger than Section 6F.05. Penalty. Any violation of
one-half (1/2) inch in diameter may be the provisions of this Article shall be punished by
allowed for commercial and/or industrial a fine of not less than Two Hundred Pesos
uses only, provided that the applicant (P200.00) but not more than One Thousand
thereof shall satisfactorily justify in the Pesos (P1,000.00).
application the need for a bigger size which
shall, in all cases, be subject to the CHAPTER VII. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND
approval of the Punong Barangay. PENAL PROVISIONS

7. Every multi-door apartment shall have a

separate water service connection and Article A. COLLECTION AND ACCOUNTING
separate water meter for every apartment OF BARANGAY REVENUES
door being leased to the public.
Section 7A. 01. Collection. The
collection of Barangay taxes, fees, charges,
surcharges, interest and penalties accruing to Section 7B.01. Penalty. Any violation of
this barangay shall be the responsibility of the the provisions of this Code not herein otherwise
Barangay Treasurer or his deputies and in no covered by the specific penalty, or of the rules
case shall be delegated to any person. and regulations promulgated under authority of
Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Code, shall be punished by a fine of not less
this Code, or under existing laws or decrees, the than Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00) but not
Barangay Treasurer is authorized, subject to the exceeding One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00), at
approval of the Punong Barangay, to promulgate the discretion of the Court.
rules and regulations for the proper and efficient Payment of a fine as herein provided shall
administration and collection of taxes, fees and not relieve the offender from the payment of the
charges herein imposed. delinquent tax, fee or charge imposed under this
Section 7A.02. Issuance of Receipts. It If the violation is committed by any
shall be the duty of the Barangay Treasurer or juridical entity, the President, General Manager
his authorized representative to issue the or any person entrusted with the administration
necessary receipt to the person paying the tax, thereof at the time of the commission of the
fee or charge, indicating therein the date, violation shall be held responsible or liable
amount, name of the person paying and the thereof.
account for which it is paid.
In acknowledging payment of local taxes, Section 7B.02. Compromise
fees and charges, it shall be the duty of the Settlement Fee. The Punong Barangay is
Barangay Treasurer or his deputies to indicate on hereby authorized to enter into an “extrajudicial”
the official receipt issued for the purpose, the or out-of-court settlement of any offense
number of the corresponding local tax ordinance. involving violations of any provisions of this Code
subject, however, to the following conditions,
1. That the offense does not involve
fraud; Section 8A.02. Applicability Clause. All
2. That the offender shall pay a other matters relating to the impositions in this
compromise settlement fee of not less Code shall be governed by pertinent provision of
than Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00) but existing laws and other ordinances.
not more than One Thousand Pesos
(P1,000.00) as may be agreed upon by Section 8A.03. Repealing Clause. All
both parties; ordinances, rules and regulations, or parts
3. That the payment of the “compromise thereof, in conflict with, or inconsistent with any
settlement fee” above mentioned shall provisions of this Code, are hereby repealed,
not relieve the offender from the amended or modified accordingly.
payment of the corresponding tax, fee
or charge due from him as provided Section 8A.04. Effectivity. This Code
under this Code, if he is liable therefore. shall take effect after thirty (30) days from the
date of its enactment.
Article A. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ______________, ______.

Section 8A.01. Separability Clause. If x x

for any reason, any provision, section or part of
this Code is declared not valid by a Court of I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Tax
competent jurisdiction or suspended or revoked Ordinance No. _________ otherwise known as
by Sangguniang Bayan, such judgment shall not “The Revenue Code of Barangay
affect or impair the remaining provisions, _____________________,
sections, or parts thereof which shall remain or _____________________ (1997)” was enacted
continue to be in full force and effect. by the Sangguniang Barangay during its regular
session held at the Barangay Session Hall on
_______________________, 1997. APPROVED:

Hon. _____________ Hon. _______________

Councilman Councilman
Barangay Secretary
Hon. _____________ Hon. _______________
Councilman Councilman
Hon. ______________ Hon. ______________
Councilman Councilman

Hon. _________________

Hon. _________________
Punong Barangay



Presiding Officer

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