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The Leading Multiprotocol Intelligent Fire Panel

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The Leading Multiprotocol

Intelligent Fire Panel

the Unbeatable
Multiprotocol Fire Panel
Whatever your fire protection challenge,
Advanced brings you unrivalled solutions.
Whether you want to minimise false alarms, Its intuitive programming, powerful networking,
comprehensive cause and effect and unique
integrate with building management systems
diagnostic features put you in complete control
or remotely monitor networked sites, MxPro 5’s of your fire protection.
high-performance solutions bring you peace
Available in a range of flexible formats and
of mind that your fire system is actively supporting four leading detector protocols, MxPro 5
protecting people and property. delivers performance, quality and ease of use.

Building a safer future

Advanced – made in the UK. Trusted around the world.

Discover more: | | +44 (0)345 894 7000
The Standard in Fire Systems 4
The Unbeatable Multiprotocol Solution from Advanced 6
MxPro 5 8
MxPro 4 10
MxPro Panel Comparison 12
Advanced Networking 14
Dynamix Tools 15
TouchControl 16
AlarmCalm 17
Advanced360 18
AdSpecials 19
Project Leadership 20
MxPro Parts List 21

The Standard in Fire Systems

Manufacturing and Quality

Advanced is known We design ‘easy’ into all of our


Customer Service and Support
products. We make our software


all over the world for

tomer Se
intuitive. We deliver fast, R&D
making the best quality, accessible support, training and
service. Above all, we make it

best performing fire
r vice an
easy to rely on Advanced.

g and Q
systems. Fire Systems are in our DNA. Our people are
d Suppo

among the most talented and experienced in

the fire systems business. We train talented
engineers and technicians every year. 25%
of our business is dedicated to R&D. Our

knowledge is unmatched, anywhere in the

world and we’re determined to keep it there.

Our systems are protecting people and

property in over 60 countries worldwide,
in many of the most prestigious and
challenging locations. We realise our
growth comes from the strongest customer
We are proud to be part of Halma plc, a FTSE
relationships. We stay friendly, flexible
100 company dedicated to growing a safer,
and reactive to your requirements and
cleaner and healthier future for everyone,
our customer service is consistently
every day. Halma is an international market
rated excellent.
leader in specialist safety, health and
We manufacture all of our panels in the environmental technologies.
UK to demanding quality standards and
hold global approvals. We enjoy full ISO
9001 compliance across manufacturing
and design.

to the
world of

The Unbeatable Multiprotocol
Solution from Advanced
1. Choose your panel.
2. Choose your detector.
3. Choose your Installer.

Real freedom,
Advanced quality.


EN 54-2, 4 & 13

The multiprotocol market is driven by freedom. Specifiers want to choose the
best performing panel and match it with the most appropriate detector range.
End users want freedom from expensive maintenance contracts and installers
want to work with easy to use systems, free of restrictive agreements.
MxPro is the market-leading We do not lock customers into an installer
network. We design our panels to be easy
solution and delivers performance,
to install, configure and operate, from single
choice and real freedom. panel installations to 200 panel networks.
We offer our installers full, free training
MxPro includes two panel ranges, the
and the most comprehensive customer
advanced MxPro 5 and the benchmark
support available.
MxPro 4. Both come in 1-8 loop formats.
MxPro 5 is compatible with Apollo, Argus, We were the first panel manufacturer to
Hochiki and Nittan protocols, whilst offer a three year guarantee as standard but
MxPro 4 is compatible with Apollo and your MxPro system will last a lifetime. It’s
Hochiki protocols. MxPro is simply the a reliable, scaleable solution that can grow
best multiprotocol solution available. as your specification changes and we offer
lifetime support.


EN 54-2, 4 & 13

Our Most Advanced Panel

MxPro 5 is our highest

performance, analogue
addressable fire panel
and is fully approved to
MxPro 5 fire panels have been certified by FM Approvals,
EN54 Parts 2, 4 and 13. enabling them to carry the FM APPROVED diamond, one
of the most prestigious certifications marks in the world.

MxPro is the result of decades of fire Features

alarm and detection experience and
research and development involving • 1, 2, 4 or 8 loop formats • Autolearn and loop detection
installers, specifiers, consultants and • Up to 254 devices per loop • Quick start and protect -
end users across the world. (protocol dependent) a working system after
• Up to 2,000 fire detection an autolearn
MxPro 5 has been designed to offer industry
zones • Peripheral expansion built in
leading power and performance. It packs more
configuration, display, status and control options • Over 200,000 devices • 20 built-in, fully
into its interface as standard than any other per network programmable LEDs
Advanced fire panel to date. • 4 programmable push buttons
• True peer-to-peer networking
MxPro 5 utilises the latest technology making it • Networkable up to 200 nodes • 5,000 event log entries
significantly more powerful than the MxPro 4. Its • Complete device history
processing power means it delivers more features • Supports intelligent remote
from each panel
than other panels, an advantage it will maintain for terminals, BMS interface,
years to come. IP Gateway and I/O • 200 programmable false alarm
programmable I/O devices management areas per panel
Every MxPro 5 panel supports Advanced’s unbeatable
networking capabilities as well as our Dynamix Tools • Built in oscilloscope, voltage • Programmable screen logo
fire panel software making it both easy to use and and current meters • Timed enablement of isolated
configure, from the smallest to the largest of sites
• Circuit monitoring from zones, input and output devices
with the most complicated cause-and effects. • Advanced logic delivering huge
any panel or repeater
configuration opportunities
• Advanced diagnostics • On board or optional remote
includes ‘scope on board’ battery temperature sensor • Backward compatible
with MxPro 4 network
• Direct USB and RS232
PC connections • Compatible with Apollo
Discovery and XP95, Argus
• Advanced’s simple select Vega, Hochiki ESP and
and click programming Nittan Evolution protocols
and configuration
• Approved to EN54 Parts 2,
4 and 13
Why do I need Part 13?
Part 13 compliance ensures that (e.g. an incorrectly tightened screw Advanced’s MxPro 5 is one of the
a fire system will continue to perform in a sounder base), could prevent the few EN54 Part 13 approved panels
to its maximum capability during sounders and beacons from operating available. MxPro 5 continuously monitors
a fire situation. Increased current in on what would have incorrectly all transmission lines for compliance,
alarm conditions combined with appeared to have been an acceptable checking and reporting faults every
a high resistance connection ‘fault free’ installation. minute of every day.

MxPro 5 - 1 Loop MxPro 5 - 2 Loop
• Single loop • One or two loops
• Small enclosure • Medium enclosure
• Maximum 7Ah internal batteries • Maximum 12Ah internal batteries
• 20 programmable LEDs • Up to 50 additional
• Optional programmable key programmable LEDs
switch • Up to 8 programmable key
• Programmable Input switches or 4 plus printer
• Medium, Large and Deep • Plexi-glass door option
enclosure options • Large and Deep enclosure

MxPro 5 - 4 Loop MxPro 5 - 8 Loop

• One to four loops • Two to eight loops
• Large enclosure • Extended enclosure
• Maximum 17Ah internal batteries • Maximum 45Ah internal batteries
• Up to 200 additional • Up to 200 additional
programmable LEDs programmable LEDs, 2 x switch
• Up to 8 programmable key cards or mimic
switches or 4 plus printer • Up to 8 programmable key
• Plexi-glass door option switches or 4 plus printer
• Deep and Extended enclosure • Plexi-glass door and external
options battery box option

MxPro 5 - Integrated Peripheral Bus MxPro 5 - Remote Terminals

• Integrated P-Bus as standard on all MxPro 5 panels • Four types available including;
• Up to 32 expansion cards can be added to an MxPro 5 panel − TouchControl touchscreen with active maps
• Peripheral expansion option cards include − Remote Display Terminal
− 4 way relay card − Remote Control Terminal with additional Mute, Silence, Reset
− 4 way sounder card and Resound keys
− 10 way monitored input card − Remote Control Terminal with additional LED status indication,
four programmable push buttons, Mute, Silence, Reset, Resound,
− 10 way relay card Lamp Test and Evacuate Keys.
− Conventional zone card (8 class B or 4 class A zones • Optional level 2 access enable key switch. (Not TouchControl).
+ 3 programmable relays)
• Integrated standard or fault-tolerant network interface with screen
− 16 way push button/48 LED card termination point
− 16 way input/48 output (direct drive LED outputs) • Programmable display for up to 2,000 zones along with sector
− Fire and Fault Routing/Protection Card based controls
− Redundant Controller

MxPro 5 - Rack Mount

• Rack mountable control panels
• Additional 16U and 20U high IP55 enclosures
• Rack mount peripheral chassis plate, LED and switch card module options
• Dedicated Mimic door option

The Benchmark Fire Panel

The industry workhorse,

performing across the world,
in all kinds of applications.

MxPro 4 is approved to EN54

Parts 2 & 4

MxPro 4 is a world-proven multiprotocol • 1, 2 and 4 loop formats • Simplified logic delivers click
fire panel range. Built on Advanced’s well • Up to 254 devices per loop and go configuration
established Mx-4000 platform, it’s a fire (Protocol dependent) • Built in voltage and current
system installed in 100,000s of locations meters
• Up to 1,000 fire detection zones
worldwide, from single panel, single loop • Quick start and protect –
• Up to 203,200 devices per
installations to large multi-panel networks. a working system after
The precursor to the MxPro 5, it offers uncomplicated an autolearn
• True peer-to-peer networking
operation as standard and can be expanded with a • Single area false alarm
huge range of peripherals and accessories to meet
• Networkable up to 200 nodes
management facility
most needs and configurations. • Supports intelligent remote
• Programmable logo on screen
terminals, BMS interface,
MxPro 4 utilises a simplified version of our Dynamix IP Gateway and I/O • Compatible with Apollo
Tools fire system software allowing easy set up and Discovery and XP95, and
programmable I/O devices
management. Hochiki ESP protocols
• Circuit monitoring of local panel
circuits • Approved to EN54 parts 2
and 4

BS EN 54-2 & 4
• Autolearn and loop detection
• Simple select and click
• 1,000 event log entries

MxPro 4 - 1 Loop MxPro 4 - 2 Loop
• Single loop • One or two loops
• Maximum 7Ah internal batteries • Maximum 17Ah internal
• Aperture for 20 zone fire LEDs batteries
• Optional programmable key • Up to 100 additional zone
switch fire LEDs
• Optional access enable
key switches

MxPro 4 - 4 Loop MxPro 4 - Remote Terminals

• One to four loops • Three types available including;
• Maximum 17Ah internal − TouchControl touchscreen
batteries with active maps
• Up to 100 additional zone − Remote Display Terminal
fire LEDs − Remote Control Terminal with
• Optional access enable additional Silence, Resound,
key switches Reset and Evacuate Keys
• Optional level 2 access enable
key switch
• Integrated standard or fault-
tolerant network interface with
screen termination point
• Programmable display for up
to 1,000 zones along with
sector based controls

Panel Comparison
MxPro 4 MxPro 5
Hardware Features
Display Backlight Green backlit display White backlit display
Manual contrast adjustment Improved efficiency with programmable dimming options
Software driven contrast adjustment via menu
PC Connections RS232 USB, RS232
Peripheral Expansion Bus None Built in as standard on all panels
Extended range of P-Bus option cards
Wiring Fault Monitoring EN54-2: EN54-2:
Open circuit, short circuit Open circuit, short circuit
Continuous checking for increases in resistance, (loose terminations),
partial shorts etc.
Control Keys Reset, Mute, Silence/Resound and Evacuate Mute, Silence, Reset, LED Test, Resound, Evacuate and dedicated
More Alarms buttons on control panels and large repeater
Configurable keypad repeat keys
Front Panel Push Buttons None 4 programmable function buttons on control panels and large repeater
Battery Charging Charger current and voltage can be viewed on Charger current, voltage and temperature available from any display
local display on a network
Built in battery temperature sensor Built in or remote battery temperature sensor
Zone LEDs None as standard 20 integral red LED indicators included as standard on control panels
and large repeater. Can be assigned to any fire zone or programmable
Option 20 zone fire red LED card on 1 loop
for other uses.
Options for up to 100 red zone fire LEDs on
Up to 200 additional LEDs with Large, Deep and Extended enclosures.
2-4 loops
(Up to 50 in Medium enclosure). Options include red, yellow and (bi-
colour) red/yellow or green/yellow column format with slide-in labels.
Programmable Input None Dedicated monitored switch input as standard on all panels
Programmable Key Switch Inputs One optional access enable key switch Built in as standard on all panels
Printer None Optional on-board printer. No additional battery pack required. Integral
paper feed button. Printer fault conditions displayed on panel, prints
customer logo
Standards EN54-2 and 4 EN54-2, 4 and 13
Software Features
Independent General Event and Fire Yes – control panels only Yes – on all panels and repeaters
Event Logs Not on remote terminals Any panel can be configured as a network-wide main event log
Event log entries 1,000 + 500 Fire 5,000 + 500 Fire
Additional logging for Investigation delays and any Enable/Disable actions
Timed Disable Options Permanent only Permanent or automatic timed re-enablement of any input or output device
Enable/Disable Inputs by zone • All Inputs • All Inputs
• All Inputs except Call Points • Selected Inputs
• Selected Inputs • Only Automatic Inputs
• Only Manual Inputs
• All Other Inputs
Enable/Disable Outputs All Local Panel sounders, relays or individual Disable by Output Purpose
Configurable Disable Outputs Menu options include; Sounders, Relays,
Beacons, Fire Routing, Fault Routing, Fire Protection, Pager, All or Selected
Disablement of outputs across network configurable by sector mask
Real Time Clock Yes - requires lithium battery Yes - no lithium battery required
Languages Supports Western European languages Supports multiple different character sets (code pages) and languages

MxPro 4 MxPro 5
Network Features
Max devices per network 188,800 200,000
Max nodes on network 200 200
Sectors 50 200
Maximum Fire Zones Displayed 250 1 loop 2,000 on all panels
1,000 2 and 4 loop
Programming Features
Independent Building Areas for False Single area processing 201 areas per panel
Alarm Management Local or global alarm acknowledgement facility
Zone LEDs No programmable options All LEDs fully programmable
PC configuration presented graphically
Primary/secondary activation
Buzzer Options No programmable options Smart latch of faults
Fault notification can resound daily
Service option to Inhibit by time clock
Programmable Input actions 19 22 - including new Supervisory, Fire Routing and Fire Protection confirmed
+ Alarm Acknowledgement actions
Output Purpose n/a Output purpose configurable
Output Ringing styles 20 40 - Output activation priority configurable
Zone Qualifiers 15 categories of zone qualifiers 24 categories of zone qualifiers
Logic statements 500 Logic lines – Programmable options – 1,500 Logic lines – Programmable options –
• Inputs • Inputs
• General Events • Any 2 inputs
• Time Clocks • Zone qualifiers
• Any 2 zones
• General Events
• Time Clocks
General Events 10 categories 36 categories
Blocking Rules No options Programmable blocking rules – by General Event or Output Groups
Service and Diagnostic Features
Device History n/a For every device the time and date of the :-
• Last activation
• Last Test
• Last Disable
• Last Enable
• Date Created
On-board Digital Storage Scope n/a Yes
View Panel Voltages and Currents Available for local panel circuits only Available from any MxPro 5 repeater or panel on the network.
View Panel Status Local hardware and panel firmware version View status of all panel circuits across network
Firmware version of all internal hardware and peripheral devices can be
viewed at the panel
Firmware updates Panel firmware flash upgradable All hardware flash upgradable via panel USB or serial port
Detector Status Information View drift information at local panel New Warning state allows any devices nearing drift contamination limits to
be identified during routine servicing before a fault level is reached
Service tool Download device information Download device information
Extract Event log information
Download device History
View drift (contaminated) status of detectors
Network simulation and test facility

Advanced Networking
Our high performance network technology works across the MxPro range
delivering the easiest setup and best performing fire panel networks available.
Advanced Networking allows all MxPro series control panels, remote terminals and network peripherals to be connected together using
standard fire resistant two-core cable. It provides both the benefits of distributed intelligence and reduced installation costs whilst catering
for the smallest two-panel network through to the largest 200 panel, wide-area, networked system. The network operates as a true peer-to-
peer system and is therefore not reliant on a single ‘master’ panel to function. It allows information from any input or output device to be
passed over the network and displayed on any MxPro control panel or remote terminal as required. Details include Fire, General Alarm,
Pre-alarm, Fault, Control Inputs and Disablement as well as analogue values, test instructions and status information.

The zoning facility allows the networked

system to share up to 2,000 zones giving
non-confusing indication and allowing true
peer-to-peer cross panel report, control and
site-wide cause and effect functionality.

Simply adding and connecting a network card

allows any MxPro control panel or remote
terminal to be networked. Autolearning the
devices, adding text and assigning the zone
numbers allows a working and compliant fire
system to be achieved easily. All other nodes
on the system will be instantly aware of a
panel as soon as it is given a valid network
node address, allowing additional panels
to be added at any time with a minimum
amount of reprogramming.

All panels provide valuable diagnostic and

status information and also have the facility
to prevent the transmission of fires or faults
during commissioning. For more complex Graphics
systems, our Dynamix Tools software makes 32x on board
peripheral cards

for easy configuration of complicated cause-

and-effect, whilst all the configuration data
is contained within one user-friendly network
configuration file.

ipGateway PC-Net Graphical Control Advanced BMS

ipGateway provides a secure, Software The BMS Interface allows any
MxPro system to interconnect and
remote internet connection to • Highly configurable to specific
communicate with independent 3rd
an Advanced fire system via system
party BMS (building management
a standard web browser. No • Our graphical control software systems) as well as PC based graphical
special software is required. monitors the entire fire system control systems. This allows the fire
through site maps, text and icons system to be managed using existing
The state of each device on the • Users can isolate by selecting fire or facilities management systems.
network is displayed and users can icons and devices
Enable/Disable zones, Enable/Disable Physical connection to the external
• Fire panel controls include
devices, Reset, Mute, and Silence/ system is via a serial connection
Mute, Silence, Re-sound, Reset,
Resound sounders on the network. allowing the external BMS/Graphics
Disable/Enable and Evacuate
systems to issue commands and receive
The ipGateway can also be configured • Event reports and log with information whilst the BMS interface
to react to events on the network by analysis features handles all network traffic and event
sending emails or SMS messages to prioritisation. Multiple BMS interfaces
configured recipients. can be connected to an AdNet network
allowing independent connections to
a wide range of control systems.

Dynamix Tools is fire system software designed for users. It is easy to operate,
easy to understand and makes the complicated simple.
Dynamix Tools comprises a range Dynamix Tools is being continually Our position in the global fire industry
developed for the MxPro 5 panel range, means we help guide legislation and can
of specific tools allowing users to
adding new features and performance implement software changes quickly,
achieve what they want quickly enhancements. Recently these have included keeping our customer systems right up to
and easily, not get bogged down comprehensive false alarm management and date. We also listen closely to our customers
in large, clumsy and complicated alarm verification features. and often produce features for specific client
software. requirements.

Config Tool Service Tool Terminal Tool

• Full configuration of single panel or • Extract device information and event logs • Virtual panel display supports remote
network system from single or multiple panels interrogation
• Automatic design check of site • Device History including last activation, • Direct USB/RS232 or remote Modem/
configuration test, enable, disable and date created IP connection
• Assistants menu helps the engineer to • User defined filters allow data to be grouped • Real time status information and
easily configure panels and searched in many different ways control
• Import, export information and print • View device status, analogue values and • Event log can be downloaded
configuration reports drift (contaminated) information
• Network simulation and test feature
• Categorise events and create User defined

Logo Tool Map App

• Allows the installer’s logo to be displayed • Used to easily add site maps to
on the panels graphical LCD display TouchControl touch screen repeater
during Normal Operation • Can use any illustration from a photo to
• Uploads standard bitmap images a line drawing, isometric or plan.
• Tool allows creation of logos • Simply draw hotspots onto drawing to
• JPG and GIF images can be imported add fire zone
• Export to microSD card to add to
TouchControl RCT

Touchscreen. Remote Control Terminal. Active Maps & Zone Plans.
TouchControl is Advanced’s Features:
innovative new remote control
terminal and repeater. • Attractive, low-profile HD display • Interactive Maps and Zone Plans
10” screen enhances prestigious Easily added, using any diagram via our
Easily installed, its HD environments. Map App.
display enhances any • Easy Slide-in Installation • ‘At a Glance’ System Status
architectural environment Two-part slide in assembly for quick Unique interface allows easy monitoring
and takes system control and first fix and final install. and management of zones and devices.
monitoring to the next level. • Cost Minimising • Complete Control
It’s a stand alone unit, you don’t Three level access to all the controls
add cost to the fire panel with a you’d find on an Advanced RCT via an
compromised touchscreen. easy to use interface.
• Easily Configured • Customisable Screen
Fully active remote control terminal Choose from the preloaded
and network device almost background screens or add your own
immediately after installation. including installer logos. Run reception
presentations. Immediately reverts to
Fire use when system signal received.

Visit or contact us now for a demo

Fast Hardware Simple Software Intelligent Loop Devices

Red Line False Alarms

Complete False Alarm Management.
AlarmCalm uses fast hardware, Features:
powerful software and intelligent
loop devices to build a total • Complete Case-and-Effect • Flexible Verification
solution to false alarms that’s In depth control over alarm verification Set verification by Building Area,
powerful and easy to configure. and investigation delays to outputs. day/night, on or off, change verification
• Customised Management for any Site times, verification by second device of
The AlarmCalm Button is a fully Divide your building(s) into Building
device mode change.
intelligent verification device that Areas, each with quickly applied group • Multiple Verification Inputs and Outputs
is installed on the loop and works or unique false alarm management Inputs can include optical, heat and
with the AlarmCalm software to settings. 200 Building Areas per panel multisensors, callpoints and AlarmCalm
allow occupants to acknowledge or 40,000 per network. Button or other input modules. Outputs
a fire alarm signal locally, if • Unlimited points can be sounders, beacons and relays etc.
they believe it has been caused Sounder ring styles can be configured.
No restriction to the number of points
by say smoke from toast or in a Building Area and you can • Failsafe Operation
shower vapour. configure by point. Total control over verification times.
• Global Acknowledgement Users can only extend Verification once.
Set max number of areas in Verification
Panel inputs can be programmed to
before full Fire is signaled.
manage verification and output delays.
• Easy Management of Outputs
• Full Event Log
Output delays are handled in exactly
All verification and output delays
the same way as Verifications, making
recorded in panel event logs.
set up very simple.

Visit or contact us now for a demo

Highly-Rated Customer
Support. In Person and Online.

Advanced360 offers total Lifetime Support Portals

customer care from a staff of
industry experts and engineers. For as long as you are an Advanced customer, you will receive personalised support
via Advanced360. Services include:
Support can cover help specifying
a system or during installation or • Technical Support • Literature
maintenance. Advanced360 also delivers Open and view support tickets Manuals, specifications and technical
full, free-of-charge installer training, online and see full support history. information etc all available for
and telephone support and system and
• Training download.
fault modeling services. It’s advanced,
end-to-end fire system support, free to all View and book training slots. • Product Demos
customers. Download your certificates at Book a demo and request brochures,
any time. literature and technical information.
• Software • Approved Partner Certificates
Download software and save software Available for order and download.
packages by installation/site. • Warranty Certificates
Download warranty certs for your
sites. Include your company details
for end users. Request marketing and
PR support for interesting sites.

Sign up now at

The Best Custom Build in the Industry.
Advanced’s special engineering Solutions can include mimic panels, special enclosures, environmental
team develops unique interfaces protection, high specification control units, third party system monitors,
and panel solutions to specific interfaces and control units and 8+ loop panels in a variety of enclosures.
customer requirements. The AdSpecials team can manage the whole process from specification and
design to manufacture and delivery and will project manage the process so
deadlines are maintained.

Contact us now to discuss your requirements

Project Leadership
The quality, performance and Our systems hold global approvals and can scale from single panel, single loop
ease-of-use of Advanced’s fire to huge, multi-loop, high-speed networks covering vast areas.
systems means we are a supplier We are specified and installed in some of the most prestigious and challenging
of choice to fire and facilities locations in over 60 countries worldwide.
professionals globally.

Visit for more info.

MxPro Parts list
Product Code Description Product Code Description
MxPro 5 - 2 Loop V Series Panels
MxPro 5 Fire Control Panels MX-5201V 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in medium enc.
MxPro 5 Fire Control panels (Apollo/Hochiki Protocol) MX-5201VL 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc.
MxPro 5 - 1 Loop Panels MX-5201VD 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large-deep enc.
MX-5101 1 Loop fire panel in small enc. MX-5201VR 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card
MX-5101M 1 Loop fire panel in medium enc. MX-5202V 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in medium enc.
MX-5101L 1 Loop fire panel in large enc. MX-5202VL 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc.
MX-5101D 1 Loop fire panel in large-deep enc. MX-5202VD 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large-deep enc.
MX-5101R 1 Loop 19" rack mount FACP MX-5202VR 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards

MxPro 5 - 2 Loop Panels MxPro 5 - 4 Loop V Series Panels

MX-5201 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in medium enc. MX-5401V 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc.
MX-5201L 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc. MX-5401VD 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in deep enc.
MX-5201D 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large-deep enc. MX-5401VR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card
MX-5201R 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card MX-5401VE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc.
MX-5202 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in medium enc. MX-5402V 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc.
MX-5202L 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc. MX-5402VD 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop card in deep enc
MX-5202D 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large-deep enc. MX-5402VR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards
MX-5202R 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards MX-5402VE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc.
MX-5403V 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards in large enc.
MxPro 5 - 4 Loop Panels MX-5403VD 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop card in deep enc
MX-5401 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc. MX-5403VR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 3 loop card
MX-5401D 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in deep enc. MX-5403VE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc.
MX-5401R 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card MX-5404V 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop card in large enc.
MX-5401E 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc. MX-5404VD 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop card in deep enc
MX-5402 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc. MX-5404VR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 4 loop card
MX-5402D 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in deep enc. MX-5404VE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc.
MX-5402R 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards
MX-5402E 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in extended enc. MxPro5 - 8 Loop V Series Panels
MX-5403 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards in large enc. MX-5802V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5403D 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards in deep enc. MX-5803V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5403R 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 3 loop card MX-5804V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5403E 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards in extended enc. MX-5805V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5404 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards in large enc. MX-5806V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5404D 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards in deep enc. MX-5807V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5404R 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 4 loop card MX-5808V 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5404E 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards in extended enc. MX-5802V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5803V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MxPro 5 - 8 Loop Panels MX-5804V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5802 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Standard network MX-5805V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5803 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Standard network MX-5806V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5804 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Standard network MX-5807V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5805 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Standard network MX-5808V/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5806 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5807 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Standard network MxPro 5 Series Fire Control panels (Nittan Evolution Protocol)
MX-5808 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Standard network MxPro 5 - 1 Loop N Series Panels
MX-5802/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network MX-5101N 1 Loop fire panel in small enc.
MX-5803/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network MX-5101NM 1 Loop fire panel in medium enc.
MX-5804/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network MX-5101NL 1 Loop fire panel in large enc.
MX-5805/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network MX-5101ND 1 Loop fire panel in large-deep enc.
MX-5806/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network MX-5101NR 1 Loop 19" rack mount FACP
MX-5807/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network
MX-5200N Series panels
MX-5808/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Fault-tolerant network
MX-5201N 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card
MxPro 5 Series Fire Control panels (AV Protocol) MX-5201NL 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc.
MxPro 5 - 1 Loop V Series Panels MX-5201ND 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large-deep enc.
MX-5101V 1 Loop fire panel in small enc. MX-5201NR 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card
MX-5101VM 1 Loop fire panel in medium enc. MX-5202N 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards
MX-5101VL 1 Loop fire panel in large enc. MX-5202NL 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc.
MX-5101VD 1 Loop fire panel in large-deep enc. MX-5202ND 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large-deep enc.
MX-5101VR 1 Loop 19" rack mount FACP MX-5202NR 1-2 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards

MxPro Parts list
Product Code Description Product Code Description
MX-5400N Series panels MxPro 5 Peripherals
MX-5401N 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in large enc. Note; Additional Peripherals listed under MxPro4 / MxPro 5 Universal Peripherals
MX-5401ND 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in deep enc. MXP-501 Remote battery temperature sensor
MX-5401NR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 1 loop card MXP-502 Loop driver card - Apollo, Hochiki, Argus, Vega
MX-5401NE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc. MXP-567 Loop driver card - Nittan
MX-5402N 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards in large enc. MXP-503 * Network card - standard
MX-5402ND 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop card in deep enc. MXP-505 Sounder (pt13) active EOL
MX-5402NR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 2 loop cards MXP-506 Routing termination card
MX-5402NE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc. MXP-507 * 2-way relay card
MX-5403N 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards in large enc. MXP-509 * Network card - fault tolerant
MX-5403ND 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop card in deep enc. MXP-512 * Printer assembly
MX-5403NR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 3 loop card MXS-509 Spare paper roll for Mxp-512 printer
MX-5403NE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc. MXP-532 * Routing / protection interface
MX-5404N 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop card in large enc. MXP-536 * P-BUS 8-way conventional zone card
MX-5404ND 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop card in deep enc. MXP-537 * P-BUS 10-way switch input card
MX-5404NR 1-4 Loop 19" rack mount FACP c/w 4 loop card MXP-538 P-BUS 16-way switch (form factor) module 16 switches,
MX-5404NE 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card in extended enc. 3 integrated, programmable LED's per switch (red, yellow,
MX-5800N Series panels MXP-539 P-BUS MIMIC driver card (16 input + 48 output) 16
MX-5802N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Standard network switch inputs and 48 LED driver outputs. Supports up to
5 Mxp-052 10 relay output modules
MX-5803N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Standard network
MXP-547 * ESPA pager interface
MX-5804N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Standard network
* Add F - for fitted
MX-5805N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Standard network
MX-5806N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Standard network MxPro5 AlarmCalm
MX-5807N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Standard network MXP-541A-002 AlarmCalm button w buzzer (Apollo)
MX-5808N 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Standard network MXP-541V-002 AlarmCalm button w buzzer (Argus)
MX-5802N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards. Fault tolerant network
MX-5803N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MxPro 5 LED Indication
MX-5804N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MXP-513M-050RD * 50 Zone fire (red) - medium enc
MX-5805N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 5 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MXP-513M-050RY * 25 Zone fire (red) + fault (yel) - medium enc.
MX-5806N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 6 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MXP-513M-050YL * 50 Zone fault (yel) - medium enc.
MX-5807N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 7 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MXP-513L-050RD * 50 Zone fire (red) - large enc
MX-5808N/FT 2-8 Loop fire panel c/w 8 loop cards. Fault tolerant network MXP-513L-050RY * 25 Zone fire (red) + fault (yel) - large enc.
MXP-513L-050YL * 50 Zone fault (yel) - large enc.
MxPro 5 Remote Terminals MXP-513L-100RD * 100 Zone fire (red) - large enc.
MX-5010 Remote display terminal (RDT). Standard network MXP-513L-100RY * 50 Zone fire (red) + fault (yel) - large enc.
MX-5010/FT Remote display terminal (RDT). Fault tolerant MXP-513L-100YL * 100 Zone fault (yel) - large enc.
MX-5020 Remote control terminal (RCT) small. Standard network MXP-513L-200RY * 200 Zone - large enc (red/yel)
MX-5020/FT Remote control terminal (RCT) small. Fault tolerant MXP-513L-050CRY * 50 Zone column format - large enc (red/yel)
MX-5030 Remote control terminal (RCT) large. Standard network MXP-513L-050CRYG * 50 Zone column format - large enc. (30 x red/yel - 20 grn/yel)
MX-5030/FT Remote control terminal (RCT) large. Fault tolerant MXP-513-050RD * 50 Zone fire (red) - extended enc.
MXP-513-050RY * 25 Zone fire (red) + fault (y) - extended enc.
Touch Control
MXP-513-050YL * 50 Zone fault (yel) - extended enc.
TOUCH-10 Touch-screen terminal (standard network)
MXP-513-100RD * 100 Zone fire (red) - extended enc.
TOUCH-10/FT Touch-screen terminal (fault-tolerant network)
MXP-513-100RY * 50 Zone fire (red) + fault (y) - extended enc.
TOUCH-10-SBB Touch-screen terminal - surface back box
MXP-513-100YL * 100 Zone fault (yel) - extended enc.
Peripheral Expansion Network Node NEW MXP-513-200RY * 200 Zone - extended enc. (red/yel)
MXP-545 PENN - (standard network) MXP-513-050CRY * 50 Zone column format - extended enc. (red/yel)
MXP-545/FT PENN - (fault-tolerant network) MXP-513-050CRYG * 50 Zone column format - extended enc. (30 x red/yel -
20 grn/yel)
* Add F - for fitted

MxPro5 Modems
MXP-528 Modem card (24V)
MXP-528F Modem card (24V) - fitted*
MXP-028-BX Modem card (24V) - boxed
* Can be fitted to a medium, large or extended enclosure only

Product Code Description Product Code Description
MxPro 5 Key Switches MxPro 5 Enclosures
MXP-511 Access enable key switch MXM-504 Medium termination enc.
MXP-511F Access enable key switch - fitted MXM-505 Large termination enc.
MXP-516 2-POS key switch (trapped) MXM-506 Large-deep termination enc.
MXP-516F 2-POS key switch (trapped) - fitted MXM-516 Medium battery (18ah) / utility enc.
MXP-517 2-POS key switch (untrapped) MXM-517 Large battery (18ah) / utility enc.
MXP-517F 2-POS key switch (untrapped) - fitted MXM-518 Deep utility enc.
MXP-515 3-POS key switch (trapped) MXM-519 Chassis mounting plate for utility enc. (3 cards)
MXP-515F 3-POS key switch (trapped) - fitted MXM-546 MX-5000 deep battery (45ah) enc.
MXP-518-001 Access enable key switch for 5010/5020 MXM-522-BB Small enc. - spare back box
MXP-518-001F Access enable key switch for 5010/5020 - fitted MXM-522-D1 Small enc. - spare door
MXP-518-002 Access enable key switch for 5030 MXM-523-BB Medium enc. - spare back box
MXP-518-002F Access enable key switch for 5030 - fitted MXM-523-D1 Medium enc. - spare door
MXP-519 2-POS key switch (Mom - trapped) MXM-523-D2 Medium enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture)
MXP-519F 2-POS key switch (Mom - trapped) - fitted MXM-524-BB Large enc. - spare back box
MXM-524-D1 Large/deep enc. - spare door
MxPro 5 Spares
MXM-524-D2 Large/deep enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture)
MXS-501 * Spare single loop base card c/w PSU (no loop cards)
MXM-524-D3 Large/deep enc. - spare door (c/w 2 x switch apertures)
*Add V for AV protocol, N for Evolution
MXM-524-D4 Large/deep enc. - mimic door with single aperture
MXS-502 * Spare two loop base card c/w PSU (no loop cards)
*Add V for AV protocol MXM-524-D5 Large/deep enc. - blank door
MXS-503 * Spare four loop base card c/w PSU (no loop cards) MXM-525-BB Deep enclosure - spare back box
*Add V for AV protocol MXM-530 Cable clamp
MXS-504 Spare display card MXM-531 Medium document enc.
MXS-506 Spare MX-5010 card only MXM-532 Large document enc.
MXS-506/FT Spare MX-5010 card only - fault-tolerant MXM-533 Modem/ESPA/BMS interface enc.
MXS-507 Spare MX-5020 card only MXM-537-BB Extended enc. - back box
MXS-507/FT Spare MX-5020 card only - fault-tolerant MXM-537-BP Extended enc. - Blank plate for zone LED aperture
MXS-508 Spare MX-5030 card only MXM-537-D1 Extended enc. - spare door
MXS-508/FT Spare MX-5030 card only - fault-tolerant MXM-537-D2 Extended enc. - spare panel door with mimic aperture
MXS-511 Spare access enable key switch (Lorlin style) MXM-543-BB Mx-5010/5020 - spare back box
MXS-516 Spare 2-position key switch - trapped (Lorlin style) MXM-544-BB Mx-5030 - spare back box
MXS-517 Spare 2-position key switch - un-trapped (Lorlin style) MXM-543-D1 Mx-5010/5020 - spare panel cover
MXS-511-KEY Spare Mxp-511 access enable key MXM-543-D2 Mx-5010/5020 - spare panel cover + k/s app
MXS-518 MX-5000 spare kits MXM-544-D1 Mx-5030 - spare panel cover
MXS-519 MX-5000 rack mount spare kit MXM-543-D2 Mx-5030 - spare panel cover + k/s app
MXS-520 MX-5000 remote terminal spares kit
MxPro 5 Special Finishes
MXS-521 MX-5000 battery leads
MXM-501-SSB Semi-flushing bezel - small enc. stainless steel brushed
MXS-522 MX-5000 rack mount battery leads
MXM-501-SSM Semi-flushing bezel - small enc. stainless steel mirrored
MXS-5-FP-S Spare fascia plate and membrane - small
MXM-502-SSB Semi-flushing bezel - medium enc. stainless steel brushed
MXS-5-FP-ML Spare fascia plate and membrane - medium / large
MXM-502-SSM Semi-flushing bezel - medium enc. stainless steel mirrored
MxPro 5 Flushing Bezels MXM-503-SSB Semi-flushing bezel - large enc. stainless steel brushed
MXM-501 Semi-flushing bezel - small enc. MXM-503-SSM Semi-flushing bezel - large enc. stainless steel mirrored
MXM-502 Semi-flushing bezel - medium enc. MXM-509-SSB Semi-flushing bezel - RCT large. Stainless steel brushed
MXM-503 Semi-flushing bezel - large enc. MXM-509-SSM Semi-flushing bezel - RCT large stainless steel mirrored
MXM-509 Semi-flushing bezel - MX-5030 RCT - large MXM-521-SSB Semi-flushing bezel - MX-5010 / 5020 stainless steel brushed
MXM-521 Semi-flushing bezel - MX-5010 / 5020 MXM-521-SSM Semi-flushing bezel - MX-5010 / 5020 stainless steel mirrored
MXM-536 Semi-flushing bezel - extended enc. MXM-522-D1-SSB * Small enc. - spare door. Stainless steel brushed
MXM-522-D1-SSM Small enc. - spare door. Stainless steel mirrored
MxPro 5 Plexi glass (Lexan) Door - Retro-fit
MXM-523-D1-SSB * Medium enc. - spare door. Stainless steel brushed
MXM-507 Glazed door kit - large enclosure
MXM-523-D1-SSM Medium enc. - spare door. Stainless steel mirrored
MXM-507Z Glazed door kit (double aperture) - large enc.
MXM-523-D2-SSB * Medium enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture). Stainless
MXM-508 Glazed door kit - medium enclosure steel brushed
MXM-508Z Glazed door kit (double aperture) - medium enc. MXM-523-D2-SSM Medium enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture). Stainless
MXS-505 Spare key - MxPro 5 glazed door steel mirrored
MXM-538-D1 Glazed door kit with zone aperture - extended enc. MXM-524-D1-SSB * Large/deep enc. - spare door. Stainless steel brushed
MXM-538-D2 Glazed door kit with 2 x glazed apertures - extended enc. MXM-524-D1-SSM Large/deep enc. - spare door. Stainless steel mirrored
MXM-538-D3 Glazed door kit with mimic aperture - extended enc. MXM-524-D2-SSB * Large/deep enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture). Stainless
steel brushed

MxPro Parts list
Product Code Description Product Code Description
MXM-524-D2-SSM Large/deep enc. - spare door (c/w zone aperture). Stainless MXM-515-6U 19" Rack mount chassis plate - 6U
steel mirrored MXM-515-8U 19" Rack mount chassis plate - 8U
MXM-543-D1-SSB MX-5010/5020 - panel cover. Stainless steel brushed MXM-535-D1 19" Rack mount 13U hinged door (accepts 9 x MXP-538
MXM-543-D1-SSM MX-5010/5020 - panel cover. Mirror polished switch cards or blank plates)
MXM-543-D2-SSB MX-5010/5020 - panel cover + KS Ap. Stainless steel
MXM-543-D2-SSM MX-5010/5020 - panel cover + KS Ap. Mirror polished
MxPro 4 / MxPro 5 Universal Peripherals
MXM-544-D1-SSB MX-5030 RCT - panel cover. Stainless steel brushed. Network Boosters and Convertors
MXM-544-D1-SSM MX-5030 RCT - panel cover. Mirror polished MXP-030 Standard network booster/isolator (DIN-rail module)
MXM-544-D2-SSB MX-5030 RCT - panel cover + KS Ap. Stainless steel MXP-631-MM Ad-Net / fibre optic converter multi-mode
brushed MXP-631-SM Ad-Net / fibre optic converter single-mode
MXM-544-D2-SSM MX-5030 RCT - panel cover + KS Ap. Mirror polished MXP-542 24VDC - 24VDC convertor / isolator (for use with
MXM-524-BB- Spare large back box for use w/SS door (MW334E) Mxp-631 Fibre network convertors and MxPro 5)
MXM-523-BB- Spare medium back box for use w/SS door (MW334E) Mimic Driver Cards, Indicators & Network I/O Controllers
SSB MXP-020-100 100 way remote LED mimic driver (un-boxed)
MXM-522-BB- Spare small back box for use w/SS door (MW334E) MXP-020-100/FT Fault tolerant 100-way remote LED mimic driver (un-boxed)
SSB MXP-045 50-way network I/O controller (un-boxed)
MXM-525-BB- Spare deep back box for use w/SS door (MW334E) MXP-045/FT 50 way fault-tolerant network I/O controller (un-boxed)
SSB MXS-026 High intensity red LED & 600mm lead for Mxp-020 /
* Add F - fitted (includes Silver back box & hinge strip) 027 & 045
MXS-026-YEL High intensity yellow LED & 600mm lead for Mxp-020 /
MxPro 5 Rack Mount Enclosure 027 & 045
MXM-510-16U IP55 19" Rack mount enclosure - 16U high MXS-026-GRN High intensity green LED & 600mm lead for Mxp-020 /
MXM-510-20U IP55 19" Rack mount enclosure - 20U high 027 & 045
MXM-510-KL CAM key-lock kit for outer door MXP-052 Mimic driven 10-way relay output card
MXM-510-BS 19" Rack mount - battery shelf MXP-052-DIN Mimic driven 10-way relay output card in din-rail carrier
MXM-510-BS1 19" Rack mount - battery shelf lower MXS-031-2T 2-Position key switch trapped for Mxp-045
MXM-510-CP 19" Rack mount - chassis plate MXS-031-2U 2-Position key switch un-trapped for Mxp-045
MXP-513R- 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 50 zone fire (red) MXS-031-3U 3-Position key switch un-trapped for Mxp-045
MXP-513R-050RY 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 50 zone fire/flt (r/y) P-Bus Expansion Cards
MXP-513R-050YL 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 50 zone flt (yel) MXP-034 (F)* Peripheral bus - 4-way sounder card
MXP-513R- 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 100 zone fire (red) MXP-034-BXP Peripheral bus - 4-way sounder card with 4A PSU (boxed)
100RD MXP-035(F)* Peripheral bus - 4-way relay card
MXP-513R-100RY 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 100 zone fire/flt (r/y) MXP-035-BXP Peripheral bus - 4-way relay card with 1.5A PSU (boxed)
MXP-513R-100YL 19" Rack mount 4U LED card - 100 zone fault (yellow) * Add F - for fitted (except Mx-4100, Mx-5100)
MXP-513R-200RY 19" Rack mount 4U programmable LED card - 200 zone
(red/yel) EN54-4 'Approved' Power Supply Units
MXP-513R- 19" Rack mount 4U programmable LED card - 50 zone MXP-549 1.5A EN54-4 PSE & battery charger
050CRY column format (red/yel) MXP-550 3A EN54-4 PSE & battery charger
MXP-513R- 19" Rack mount 4U programmable LED card 50 zone MXP-550/D 3A EN54-4 PSE & battery charger. Deep enc.
050CRYG column format (30 x red/yel - 20 x grn/yel)
MXP-551 5A EN54-4 PSE & battery charger
MXP-514 MxPro 5 rack AC filter card
MXP-551/D 5A EN54-4 PSE & battery charger. Deep enc.
MXM-511-1U 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 1U
MXP-049 1.5A EN54-4 PSU & charger (boxed - 7Ah battery capacity)
MXM-511-2U 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 2U
MXP-050-001 3A EN54-4 PSU & charger (boxed - 7Ah battery capacity)
MXM-511-3U 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 3U
MXP-050-002 3A EN54-4 PSU & charger (boxed - 17Ah battery capacity)
MXM-511-4U 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 4U
MXP-051 5A EN54-4 PSU & charger (boxed - 17Ah battery capacity)
MXM-511-6U 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 6U
MXP-051/D 5A EN54-4 PSU & charger (boxed - 38Ah battery capacity)
MXM-511-1U-TOP 19" Rack mount blanking plate - 1U-TOP
MXM-512 19" Rack mount blanking LED plate - 4U MxPro Input and Output Cards
MXM-513-BB 19" Rack mount back box - 6U MXP-046 Damper interface module (Apollo protocol)
MXM-513-BP 19" Rack mount switch / LED blank plate - 6U MXP-046-BX1 Damper interface module - boxed (Apollo protocol)
MXM-513-D1 19" Rack mount door D1 blank - 6U MXP-053 2-way input stretch / latch module
MXM-513-D2 19" Rack mount door D2 LED - 6U
MXM-513-D3 19" Rack mount door D1 c/w aperture - 6U
MXM-513-FP 19" Rack mount fascia plate blank - 6U
MXM-513-MF 19" Rack mount switch / LED mounting frame - 6U
MXM-514-BB 19" Rack mount back box - 8U
MXM-514-D1 19" Rack mount door D1 c/w aperture - 8U
MXM-514-FP 19" Rack mount fascia plate blank - 8U

Product Code Description Product Code Description
MxPro Interfaces MxPro 4 Fire Control Panels (Apollo/Hochiki Protocol)
MXP-510-BX BMS / Graphics I/F (boxed) MxPro 4 - 1 Loop panels
MXP-510-BX/FT BMS / Graphics I/F (boxed) fault tolerant MX-4100 1 Loop fire panel (no loop driver required)
MXP-510 BMS / Graphics I/F (card only)
MxPro 4 - 2 Loop panels
MXP-510/FT BMS / Graphics I/F (card only) fault tolerant
MX-4200 1-2 Loop fire panel (no loop cards)
MXP-547-BX ESPA Pager interface (boxed)
MX-4201 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card
MXP-554-BX IP Gateway (boxed)
MX-4202 1-2 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards
MXP-554-BX/FT IP Gateway (boxed) fault tolerant
MXP-554 IP Gateway (card only) MxPro 4 - 4 Loop panels
MXP-554/FT IP Gateway (card only) fault tolerant MX-4400 1-4 Loop fire panel (no loop cards)
MXP-642 Commander- BACnet / Modbus (IP) interface MX-4401 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 1 loop card
(standard/basic) ** MX-4402 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 2 loop cards
MXP-642C Commander- BACnet / Modbus (IP) interface (configured) ** MX-4403 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 3 loop cards
23-PSU/250 Power supply for commander 12VDC 2.5A MX-4404 1-4 Loop fire panel c/w 4 loop cards
* Add F - fitted (except Mx-4100, Mx-5100). ** Requires Mxp-510 BMS Interface MxPro 4 Loop Drivers
MXP-002 Loop driver for MX-4400/4200 (Apollo or Hochiki protocol)
Dynamix Tools PC Software
See "Cables & Connectors" section for spare and USB compatible upload / download leads MxPro 4 Series Remote Terminals
PC-NET-003 MxPro configuration software & lead MX-4010 Remote display terminal with standard network interface,
PC-NET-003-USB MxPro configuration software & USB upload/download lead 24V DC
PC-NET-004 MxPro remote dial-up software (virtual panel) MX-4020 Remote control terminal with standard network interface,
PC-NET-005-L1 Graphical control software* standard version up to 3 panels 24V DC
PC-NET-005-L2 Graphical control software* standard version up to 15 panels MX-4010/FT Remote display terminal with fault-tolerant network
interface, 24V DC
PC-NET-005-L2p Graphical control software* premium version up to 15 panels
MX-4020/FT Remote control terminal with fault-tolerant network
PC-NET-005-L3 Graphical control software* standard version up to 200 panels interface, 24V DC
PC-NET--005-L3p Graphical control software* premium version up to 200 panels
PC-NET-005- Smart watch module MxPro 4 Network Cards
SWM MXP-003(F)* Standard network card
PC-NET-005- Smart watch module (4-6 panel) MXP-009(F)* Fault tolerant network card
* Add F - fitted to a Mx-4100, Mx-4200 or Mx-4400
PC-NET-005- Smart watch module (7-15 panel)
SWM15 MxPro 4 Zonal LED Indication
PC-NET-005- Smart watch module - 4 inputs MXP-024(F)* 20 Zone LED card for Mx-4100 - fitted
MXP-013-050F 50 zone LED card for Mx-4200/4400/4800 - fitted
PC-NET-005-SCU Smart cube unit
MXP-013-050 50 zone LED card for Mx-4200 /4400 with door and label
PC-NET-05-L1R- Dongle upgrade L1R - L2R (retro-fit)
MXP-013-100F 100 zone LED card for Mx-4200/4400/4800 - fitted
PC-NET-05-L2R- Dongle upgrade L2R to L3R
MXP-013-100 100 zone LED card for Mx-4200/4400 with door and label
PC-NET-05-L2R- Dongle upgrade L2R to L2P
* Add F - for fitted
Note; 20 zone card cannot be fitted with an onboard printer.
PC-NET-05-L2P- Dongle upgrade L2P to L3P
MxPro 4 Series Printers
PC-NET-05-L3R- Dongle upgrade L3R to L3P MXS-014 Spare shrink wrap battery pack for Mxp-012 printer
MXS-008 Spare paper roll for Mxp-012 printer (pack of 10)
PC-NET-007 MxPro logo programming software
* Add F - for fitted (**to a Mx-4200D or Mx-4400D only)
PC-NET-015 MxPro service tool software
Note: onboard printer cannot be fitted with a 20 zone LED card.
* requires Mxp-510 BMS interface
MxPro 4 Modem & Pager Interface
Cables & Connectors (Upload/Download Leads)
MXP-028 (F)* Modem card (24V)
UP-001 RS232 9-way to 3-way plug in connector (MX upload/
MXP-028-BX Modem card (24V) boxed
download lead)
MXP-047 (F) * ESPA Pager interface
UP-006 USB upload /download lead for MX config software
* Add F - for fitted to Mx-4200/4400/4800

MxPro 4 Key Switches

MXP-011 Access enable key switch assembly
MXP-011F Access enable Key switch assembly - fitted
* Add F - for fitted

MxPro Parts list
Product Code Description
MxPro 4 Mounting Bezels
MXM-001 Semi-flushing bezel for Mx-4100
MXM-002 Semi-flushing bezel for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXM-008 Semi-flushing bezel for Mx-4010/Mx-4020
* Add F - for fitted
MxPro 4 Enclosures, blanking plates and spare doors
MXM-018 Spare back-box for Mx-4100
MXM-018-002 Spare back-box for Mx-4100 without transformer
MXM-017 Spare back-box for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXM-030 Spare back-box for Mx-4010/Mx-4020
MXM-028 Termination enc. - 1-4 loop panel
MXM-040 Spare enc. c/w door for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXM-049 Spare lid for Mx-4100
MXM-047 Spare door for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXM-047-001 Spare door (double aperture) for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXM-031 Blanking plate for lower apeture on Mx-4200/Mx-4400 door
MXM-045 Spare lid for Mx-4010/4020

MxPro 4 Spares
MXS-001 Spare Mx-4100 single loop base card
MXS-002 (N) (V)* Spare Mx-4200 1 - 2 loop base card
(*Add N for Nittan Evolution or V for AV protocol)
MXS-003 (N) (V)* Spare Mx-4400 1 - 4 loop base card
(*Add N for Nittan Evolution or V for AV protocol)
MXS-004 Spare Mx-4000 graphic display card
MXS-005 Spare power supply unit for Mx-4400
MXS-006 Spare power supply unit for Mx-4200
MXS-008 Spare paper roll for Mxp-012 printer (pack of 10)
MXS-009-050 Spare 50 zone LED card
MXS-009-100 Spare 100 zone LED card
MXS-010 BMS/graphics network interface card
MXS-011 Spare panel door key
MXS-012 Spare access enable key
MXS-013 Spare panel lock and key
MXS-019 8-way input /output card (Hochiki protocol)
MXS-021 4-way sounder splitter card
MXS-024 20 Zone LED Card (PCB only)
MXS-025 5A Sounder booster card
MXS-027 Local 100 zone mimic driver card
MXS-028 Spare peripheral fault tolerant network interface
MXS-029 Spare 10-way earthing block for Mx-4200/Mx-4400/
MXS-034 2-way pluggable lead for key switch input card
MXS-030 Non-illuminated push button + 450mm long 2-way cable
MXS-030-R Illuminated (red) push button + 450mm long 2-way cable
MXS-030-G Illuminated (green) push button + 450mm long 2-way cable
MXS-038-xxx 20-way ribbon cable (xxx = 320, 550, 650mm)
MXS-039-xxx Cable, 2-way plug to plug (xxx = 320, 550, 650mm)
MXS-049 Spare 24V 1.5A EN54-4 PSU and battery charger card
MXS-050 Spare 24V 3A EN54-4 PSU and battery charger card
MXS-051 Spare 24V 5A EN54-4 PSU and battery charger card
MXS-055 Spare key for Mxm-059-001 Lexan door kit (alternate key)
MXS-056 Spare lock and key for Mxm-059-001 Lexan door kit
(alternate key)
MXS-057 Spares kit for Mx-4200/Mx-4400
MXS-058 Spare transformer assembly for Mx-4100




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