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Emergency Lighting - Cooper PDF

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The document discusses emergency lighting design and provides definitions for various lighting terms.

The document provides guidance on designing emergency lighting systems for indoor and outdoor use.

Cooper Safety provides emergency lighting, security, fire detection, light fixtures, notification systems and electrical installation materials. They also offer support from initial system design to monitoring and service.

Emergency Lighting

Design Handbook
Emergency Lighting
Design Handbook
Every day, thousands of people all over the world use products made by Cooper Industries. As a premier global manufacturing
company, we believe that great brands are built on high quality and excellent service, which is why our brands have earned
leading positions in the markets we serve. Cooper Safety specialises in products designed to save lives and protect property
in commercial, industrial and residential buildings. It’s just one of the seven divisions that continue to uphold our reputation
through unparalleled sales support and customer service.
Emergency Lighting
System Design Guide 16
Indoor Emergency
Lighting 26
Emergency Lighitng
Exit Signs 46
Outdoor Emergency
Lighitng 64
Beam Lights &
Conversion Kits 74
Systems 82

Glossary 90
About us
Cooper Safety
When it comes to protecting life and
property there’s no room to compromise.
You need a partner that can support you
with tried and tested products, global
capabilities and local delivery. That’s where
Cooper Safety comes in. A division of
Cooper Industries, we are a leading supplier
of emergency lighting, security, fire
detection, light fixtures, notification systems
and electrical installation materials.

Cooper Industries With our expertise you can count on

products that comply with national and
Cooper Industries plc (NYSE: CBE) is a
industry standards, while receiving full
global electrical products manufacturer with
support, from initial system design to
2011 revenues of $5.4 billion. Founded in
monitoring and service.
1833 Cooper's sustained success is
attributable to a constant focus on Cooper Safety’s strong customer
innovation and evolving business practices, connectivity is a result of the passion and
while maintaining the highest ethical expertise in the business units offering a
standards and meeting customer needs. heritage of excellence and innovation in the
respective areas of competence.
The Company has seven operating
divisions with leading market positions and
world-class products and brands including:
Bussmann electrical and electronic fuses;
Crouse-Hinds and CEAG explosion-proof
electrical equipment; Halo and Metalux
lighting fixtures; and Kyle and McGraw-
Edison power systems products.

With this broad range of products, Cooper

is uniquely positioned for several long-term
growth trends including the global
infrastructure build-out, the need to improve
the reliability and productivity of the electric
grid, the demand for higher energy-efficient
products and the need for improved
electrical safety.
that leads the world
With a history of innovation that dates back Driving successful
over a hundred years, Cooper Safety
provides innovative solutions for everyday new products to market
and prestigious projects around the world.
Using cutting edge techniques and
technology, we deliver products that meet
One Cooper
and exceed legislative and efficiency
requirements, offering you and your
No one can afford to take risks when it
customers, high quality products that
comes to safety, for over 30 years Cooper
reduce operating costs and improve
Safety has built a reputation for excellence in
design innovation and product development,
Within Cooper Industries’ Safety division, continually investing in new processes and
Cooper Lighting & Safety, Cooper France, technologies, this passion and dedication to
Cooper CEAG and Cooper Univel improving product performance can be seen
Emergency lighting equipment is part of a today through the many innovations brought
comprehensive portfolio of solutions which to the emergency lighting market by Cooper.
includes Central Battery Systems and
This process of continued development is
Emergency Lighting products. Cooper
exemplified by the fact that around 40% of
Safety specialises in products designed to
the current product sales did not exist seven
save lives and protect property in the most
years ago. We are planning for the future with
demanding industrial, residential and
new patents and designs, capitalising on the
commercial environments worldwide.
changes in technology and the inspiration
The companies high quality brands have and ideas of the R&D team, our commitment
earned leadership positions in the markets to providing innovative solutions for the safety
we serve and that leadership is sustained market has never been stronger and with the
through unparalleled sales support, market resource and backing of Cooper Industries,
expertise and local availability. Cooper Safety will maintain its position as the
market leader and driver in emergency
lighting applications.
built on experience

Over the years, Cooper Safety's product With an enviable reputation for quality,
range has evolved to include a wide range performance and innovation Cooper Safety
of emergency lighting solutions whilst is the partner of choice for many companies
developing unique expertise in design and who want to ensure quality, compliance and
manufacture. Frequently copied, but never risk free installation.
equalled, Cooper Safety’s products have
In today’s intensely competitive marketplace,
earned a reputation for consistency and
the proven reliability and expertise Cooper
Safety can offer, combined with an intuitive
understanding of your needs, means you
can concentrate on your customers, whilst
the Cooper Safety team deliver on your
that won’t let you down
Standing behind every major project is an Supporting customers
experienced team. From the architects at
the drawing board to the construction team
every step of the way
on the ground, we work as a partner at all Cooper Safety has sites in numerous
levels to deliver technical, integration and locations throughout Europe:
logistics support at every stage of a project.  Soest, Germany
 Doncaster, UK
With manufacturing and distribution  Riom, France
locations worldwide and global technical  Arad, Romania
 Katerini, Greece
sales and engineering teams, you can rely
 Kozarmisleny, Hungary
on our global expertise, locally delivered.  Breda, Netherlands
 Lisboa, Portugal
 Milan, Italy

These sites include a mixture of Design,

R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing and
Customer Services, speeding up
communication and ensuring a quick
resolution to any questions you may have in
regard to the status of your product or order.

Dedicated customer service advisors handle

the many sales and technical queries from
new, potential and existing customers during
the course of a normal working day. They are
totally committed to providing the very
highest levels of customer service.
to protecting the environment
Cooper Industries believes every company has a
duty to conserve energy, reduce waste and adopt
eco friendly policies. That’s why we’ve
implemented objectives to ensure all of our
businesses can reduce their impact on the
environment. We apply the same principles of
energy efficiency and waste reduction throughout
the life cycle of our products, from sustainable
design processes and recyclable packaging to fast,
efficient installation and ease of maintenance.

By thinking about how our products are used by

our distributors, installers and end users we aim to
provide environmentally friendly products that
deliver significant energy and labour savings for our

Cooper product life cycle

Energy Efficiency
Deliver significant energy efficiency

Improve operating efficiencies while
reducing the impact of the environment

Labor Savings
Generate labor savings through faster
and more efficient installation

Renewable Energy
Utilization and distribution of
renewable energy resources

Products and solutions that facilitate
the constructions of LEED- certified

Energy Demands
Reliable, secure, intelligent solutions
Eaton and Cooper united.
Energizing a world
that demands more.

Discover today’s Eaton.

Powering business worldwide

As a global diversified power management company,
we help customers worldwide manage the power
needed for buildings, aircraft, trucks, cars, machinery
and businesses.

Eaton’s innovative technologies help customers manage

electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more reliably,
efficiently, safely and sustainably.
We provide integrated
solutions that help
make energy—in all its
We deliver forms—more practical
and accessible.
•Electrical solutions that use less energy, improve power reliability
and make the places we live and work safer and more comfortable With 2012 sales of
$16.3 billion, Eaton has
• Hydraulic and electrical solutions that enable machines
approximately 103,000
to deliver more productivity without wasting power employees around the
world and sells products
• Aerospace solutions that make aircraft lighter, safer and less to customers in more
costly to operate, and help airports operate more efficiently than 175 countries.

• Vehicle drivetrain and powertrain solutions that deliver

more power to cars, trucks and buses, while reducing fuel consumption
and emissions

Eaton’s electrical business

Eaton is a global leader with expertise in: Eaton is positioned through its global solutions to
• Power distribution and circuit protection answer today’s most critical electrical power management
challenges. With 100 years of electrical experience behind
• Backup power protection us, we’re energized by the challenge of powering up
• Solutions for harsh and hazardous environments a world that demands twice as much energy as today.
• Lighting and security We’re anticipating future needs, engineering the products,
and creating solutions to energize our markets today and
• Structural solutions and wiring devices
in the future.
• Control and automation We are dedicated to ensuring that reliable, efficient
• Engineering services and safe power is available when it’s needed most.
Emergency Lighting System Design Guide
LEGAL REQUIREMENTS require that systems comply with EN  If the premises already have a fire
The main reason for installing an 1838, the code of practice for certificate to the latest standards
emergency lighting system is to enable emergency lighting. the employer still needs to provide a
the building to meet fire safety risk assessment, but it is unlikely
legislation in a way that is visually THE FIRE PRECAUTIONS that they will need any additional
acceptable and meets the user's (WORKPLACE) REGULATIONS equipment. If however the fire
needs for ease of operation and This directive controls the way that the certificate was issued prior to 1999,
maintenance. Consequently it is building will be used and the the risk assessment needs to check
important to establish all the relevant equipment and systems needed to whether improvements are needed
legal requirements for emergency safeguard the occupants. The legal to meet the latest standard.
lighting and fire alarm systems before requirement is that - “Emergency From this directive there are a number
commencing the design. These should routes and exits requiring illumination of points that are of major importance
ideally be agreed between the system must be provided with emergency to emergency lighting system design.
designer, user, fire authority, building lighting of adequate intensity in case  The evaluation of areas with a fire
control officer and system installer. the lighting fails”. The law is explained risk assists when deciding which
and the rules for compliance are given areas need protection, e.g. a school
BUILDING REGULATIONS in a joint Home Office and Health & chemical laboratory may be smaller
These regulations detail the design Safety Executive document - “FIRE than 60 m2 but still need emergency
and construction characteristics of a SAFETY - An employer's guide”. Main lighting, as combustible materials
building. It now defines that in addition points from the guide are: and sources of ignition would be
to escape routes, all open areas larger  The employer has legal present
than 60 m2 must be illuminated in the responsibility for compliance  The assessment of the location of
event of the failure of the normal  Any site with five or more employees and any visitors to the
lighting supply. It also clarifies that employees must keep a formal site assist in determining the most
emergency lighting is needed for all record of Fire Risk Assessment. appropriate escape routes
parts of schools that either do not This should evaluate the site and  The guidance to the directive gives
have natural light or are used outside detail the measures taken to ensure detailed requirements for the
normal school hours. The regulations the safety of the premises suitability of escape routes and calls
Table 1
Step 1 Identify fire hazards - such as sources of ignition, fuel or work processes

Step 2 Identify the location of people at risk in the case of fire

Evaluate the risks to check whether existing fire safety measures are adequate, including:
- Control of ignition and fuel sources
- Fire detection and warning
Step 3 - Means of escape and the provision of emergency lighting
- Means of fighting fire
- Maintenance and testing of fire precautions
- Fire safety training of employees

Step 4 Carry out any improvements needed

Step 5 Record findings and action taken

Step 6 Keep the assessment under review - revise provisions if the situation changes

for the installation of emergency theatres and cinemas, sport stadiums EMERGENCY LIGHTING - SYSTEM
lighting to be in accordance with EN and premises for public entertainment, DESIGN
1838 music, dancing, gambling and the sale This section provides guidance on
 It recommends that advice on the of alcohol. Other premises must be system design to meet EN 1838 and so
installation should be given by a registered with the Local Authority and achieve compliance with the European
competent person who specialises be inspected by the Fire Authority, and local legislation
in emergency lighting systems including nursing homes, children's DESIGN OBJECTIVE
 Continued maintenance and testing homes, residential care homes and When referring to the provision of
must be correctly carried out, to independent schools. Both licensed Escape Lighting it requires that when
comply with the fire and safety and registered premises have to pass the supply to all or part of the normal
directive a fire inspection to confirm that they lighting in occupied premises fails,
 The equipment used must be have systems complying with EN 1838 escape lighting is required to fulfil the
capable of being demonstrated as for the emergency lighting and EN 54 following function:
of adequate quality. Compliance for fire equipment. Records of a (a) To indicate clearly and
with the appropriate European system are now essential to maintain unambiguously the escape routes.
Standard, or other approved third the validity of approvals and licences.
(b) To provide illumination along such
party scheme, gives evidence of routes to allow safe movement
this. The standard for luminaires is towards and through the exits
EN 60598-2-22. ICEL 1001 provided.
registration endorses the spacing (c) To ensure that fire alarm call points
data of these luminaires. and fire fighting equipment
Note: When the premises are being provided along escape routes can
assessed for risk, shortcomings in be readily located.
other areas of fire protection can be (d) To permit operations concerned
compensated for by improved levels of with safety measures.
emergency lighting and fire alarms. EN 1838 recommends that
discussions should be held prior to
THE HEALTH AND SAFETY commencing the design, to
(SAFETY SIGNS AND SIGNALS) establish the areas to be covered,
REGULATIONS the method of operation, the
These regulations bring into force the testing regime and the most
EC Safety Signs Directive (92/58/EEC) suitable type of system. These
on the provision and use of safety discussions should include the
signs at work. owner or occupier of the premises,
The purpose of the Directive is to the system designer, the installer,
encourage the standardisation of the supplier of the equipment and
safety signs throughout the member the fire authority.
states of the European Union so that
safety signs, wherever they are seen,
have the same meaning. The
regulations apply to all safety signs
including those which provide
directional signage for escape routes.

In addition to fire safety legislation,
some workplaces require a licence
from the Local Authority, including

Initial design is conducted by situating luminaires to reveal specific hazards and highlight safety equipment and signs, in addition
to providing illumination to assist safe travel along the escape route. This should be performed regardless of whether it is an
emergency escape route or an open (anti-panic) area. Only when this is accomplished should the type of luminaire or its light
output be considered.
Specific locations where a luminaire must be provided are:

At each exit door All safety exit signs Outside and near each final exit

Near stairs so that each tread receives At each change of direction Near each first aid post
direct light

Near any other change of floor level At each intersection of corridors Near each piece of fire fighting
equipment and call point
EN 1838 suggests that signs which are provided at all exits intended to be used in an emergency and along escape routes shall
be illuminated to indicate unambiguously the route of escape to a point of safety. Where direct sight of an emergency exit is not
possible, an illuminated directional sign (or series of signs) shall be provided to assist progression towards the emergency exit.

Exit sign indication drawings

1. Exit Sign 1

Old-style signs now obsolete. Should have been

replaced by December 1998

2. Exit Sign
Signs are still acceptable, if they are already in the
3. European Signs Directive Format
This came into force on 1st April 1996, under The
Signs Directive
If there is any doubt as to the most
4 appropriate format of sign, guidance
4. New European Signs Directive Format should be obtained from the local Fire

Maximum viewing distances

For all format of safety signs the maximum viewing distances and luminance conditions are given in EN 1838. Signs can be
either internally illuminated, such as exit boxes or edge lit emergency luminaires with screened signs that have a controlled
illuminance, or painted signs with an external emergency light illuminating them. Maximum viewing distances are calculated
with the following formula:

Internally Externally
illuminated signs: illuminated signs:
200 x the panel 100 x the panel
height height

Illumination requirements min luminance = 2cd/m


The sign must conform to the colours of ISO 3864, which defines that exit and first aid
ratio of
signs must be white with green as the contrast colour. The ratio of luminance of the luminance shall
white colour to the green colour must be between 5:1 and 15:1. The minimum be less than
10:1 for either
luminance of any 10mm patch area on the sign must be greater than 2cd/m2 and the colour

ratio of maximum to minimum luminance shall be less than 10:1 for either colour. contrast of the colours must be
between 5:1 and 15:1

Internally illuminated exit signs are pre-tested to ensure they meet these requirements, provided that they comply with EN 60598-2-22. If the
sign is designed to be externally illuminated, considerable care must be taken by the system designer to see that these conditions are met.
Even though an emergency luminaire must be sited within 2 metres from the sign (see stage 1) calculations should still be made to check that
the sign is adequately illuminated.
These locations are not part of the escape route but because of their risk they require protection by emergency lighting.

a) Lift: although only in exceptional c) Toilets: all toilets for the disabled e) Covered car parks: the pedestrian
circumstances will they be part of the and facilities exceeding 8m2 floor area routes should be provided with non-
escape route, they do present a or without borrowed lights. maintained luminaires of at least 1 hour
problem in that the public may be duration.
trapped in them in the event of a supply

b) Escalators: to enable users to get d) Motor generator, control or

off them safely. plant rooms: require battery supplied
emergency lighting to assist any
maintenance or operating personnel in
the event of failure.

STAGE 4 design will meet the required levels at all
ESCAPE ROUTE LIGHTING times the data is de-rated, as required
by the standard, to cover the following
When the points of emphasis have
been covered, it is essential to provide
any additional luminaires to ensure that  Reduction in light as the battery

minimum illuminance levels are met to voltage reduces during discharge.

enable the routes to be used safely. In  Ageing of lamps in maintained circuits
addition, every compartment on the  The effects of dirt (Spacing tables use
escape route must have at least two a figure of 80%).
luminaires, to provide some light in the
event of luminaire failure.

Light Level Requirements

EN1838 calls for a minimum of 1 lux Photometric Design of Emergency
anywhere on the centre line of the Escape Routes
escape route for normal risks. A The use of spacing tables or a suitable
uniformity ratio of 40:1 maximum to computer program provides the
minimum must not be exceeded. This information to determine whether
illuminance must be provided for the luminaires are needed in addition to
full duration and life of the system. those for the points of emphasis (see
50% of the illuminance must be data section), to provide the minimum
available within 5 seconds and the full required level of illumination on the
value within 60 seconds of supply escape routes. To ensure that the
Example - luminaire spacing along escape route

Locate luminaires at mandatory

“Points of emphasis”
ceiling 2,5m

Add additional luminaire to achieve

1 lux minimum
ceiling 2,5m

STAGE 5 Light Level Requirements when using a computer program
OPEN (ANTI-PANIC) AREAS En1838 - 4.3 calls for 0.5 lux minimum Spacing data
Areas larger than 60m2, open areas with of the empty core area, which Specific data is available for self-contained
an escape route passing through them, excludes a border of 0.5m of the dedicated emergency luminaires. This can be
or hazards identified by the building risk perimeter of the area. Spacing tables found on each of the individual product
assessment all require emergency or a suitable computer program entries in this catalogue.
lighting. The current standard is easy to provide simple and accurate data that The data details the polar distribution for
design for and to verify, promoting can easily be used. The spacing tables common types of luminaires, from which a
systems that provide good uniformity for 0.5 lux are de-rated on the same suitable match should be elected. The factors
rather than ones that use a few large basis as those for escape routes. They considered should be the shape of the polar
output luminaires. can also be used as a guide for initial curve and the scale, which is shown by the
selection of the location of luminaires nadir intensity. Alternatively, a computer
program can be used and the light outputs of
Luminaire spacing in open (anti-panic) areas
the appropriate kit can be used with the
actual distribution data of the luminaire

0.5m border
(core area excludes a
border of 0.5m of the
perimeter of the area)

Minimum points
at which 0.5 lux is obtained

STAGE 6 achieved by whatever combination of of practice are:
HIGH RISK TASK AREA luminaire and conversion kit used. If Function test
tungsten projector units are selected, All emergency luminaires should be
a co-efficient of utilisation calculation tested by breaking the supply to them
Areas of high physical risk, or the
has to be performed for the required and checking that they operate
control rooms of dangerous plant and
value. satisfactorily. The supply must then be
production lines, need emergency
lighting to enable them to be shut STAGE 7 restored and the charging indicators
down safely. EN 1838 defines that must be seen to be operating correctly.
emergency lighting should provide This test must be performed at least
10% of the normal lighting level at the once per month and the results logged.
Non-maintained luminaires must be
hazard, with a minimum of 15 Lux. (In Discharge test
activated by failure of supply to the
practice this minimum is unlikely ever normal lighting. They must therefore The luminaires must be tested for their
to be a problem, as it would only be be connected to an unswitched live full rated duration period and checked
valid if the risk area had a normal taken from the local normal lighting for satisfactory operation. The supply
illumination level less than 150 lux). final circuit. must then be restored and the charging
indicators rechecked. This test must be
Once the design has been completed
DESIGN PROCEDURES performed at least annually and the
it becomes apparent that the
results logged.
Reaching the light levels needed would performance of the luminaire depends
normally be achieved by using a as much on the light distribution as it Note: As an alternative, the regulations
conversion of the normal luminaire, or does the light output available. allow for a six monthly test of 1 hour in
by using a tungsten projector unit. If Consequently it becomes essential the first 3 years of installation. However,
conversion units are selected, a direct that luminaire types specified for a the Fire Precaution Regulations
ratio can be obtained by the Ballast particular design do not get changed guidance document calls for the annual
Lumen Factor (BLF). i.e. to achieve without a re-appraisal of the test at all stages of the equipment's life.
10% of normal use either: photometric design.
 Emergency units with a BLF of MANUAL TESTING
10% are needed for each fitting in TESTING AND LOG BOOK If manual testing is utilised, the following
the area The Fire Precautions require that: points should be considered:
 Emergency units with a BLF of 20% appropriate testing is performed to  Is a single switch to be used? Unless
are needed for every other fitting maintain compliance of the system. the whole building is to be switched
 Emergency units with a BLF of The system should include adequate off, a separate switch should be used
100% are needed for one in 10 facilities for testing and recording the for each final circuit. As the feed to
fittings. system condition. These need to be non-maintained circuits must be
Care is needed to ensure that a appropriate for the specific site and taken from the switch this will
reasonably uniform distribution is should be considered as part of the probably mean that the building will
system design. Discussions with the have to be walked around twice,
user or system designer should once to check the luminaires and
identify: once to check that they are
 The reliability and technical skills of
 Are luminaires to be individually
staff available to do the testing
switched? In practice, only a single
 The level of difficulty in performing
walk around the building will be
the test
needed. However, the test switches
 If discharge tests need to be done
could spoil the décor of the building
outside normal working hours, or
and they must be of a type that is
phased so only alternate luminaires
tamper proof.
are tested in buildings that are
After the tests, the performance of the
permanently occupied.
luminaires must be logged.
The testing requirements in the code

MAINTENANCE LED Indications (1 LED luminaires) monitoring and control.
Stand by
Finally, to ensure that the system
remains at full operational status, Stand by, First test to be executed
essential servicing should be defined. or delayed duration test The wiring of emergency luminaires
This would normally be performed as should generally be in accordance with
Fault: Lamp Failure
part of the testing routine, but in the normal wiring practice (I.E.E. Wiring
case of consumable items such as Fault: Battery capacity too low or charge Regulations) statutory requirements
current incorrect
replacement lamps, spares should be applicable to the type of building, local
provided for immediate use. On Blinking Alternatively Blinking
by-laws and regulations. The supply
for self contained luminaires should be
operate. The LED indicator will remain
AUTOMATIC TEST SYSTEMS taken from the unswitched local light
“yellow” until the test is completed.
If the costs of engineer time and the source.
If during the 24 hours before the
disruption caused by manual testing The supply to self-contained luminaires
duration test a mains failure occurs,
are excessive, automatic systems should be such as to prevent
the test will be postponed and the
should be considered. Different unauthorised disconnection, but
“yellow” LED indicator will remain on
formats are available to match should incorporate suitable means for
steady. This does not indicate a fault
particular site requirements. Cooper simulating a mains failure for test
Safety offers alternative testing purposes. The source of supply should
Particularly suited to medium to large
systems: be from the same local fuse as the
sized installations, EasiCheck2 is a
normal lighting, so that in the event of
versatile addressable emergency
AUTOTEST EMERGENCY a fuse failure causing the normal
lighting system that uses a central
LUMINAIRES lighting to be extinguished, the
control panel to perform automatic
These luminaries utilise an additional emergency lighting is brought into
test schedules, initiate manual tests
built in microprocessor that is operation in the same locality.
and download event logs and test
responsible for operating a series of reports. It is available for use with both
automatic programmed tests to self-contained luminaires and central
determine its status. The type and the power systems. EasiCheck2
frequency of these tests are fully continuously monitors the emergency
compliant with the relevant European Wiring details
circuit, reporting faults as soon as they
Standard EN62034. In case of battery, occur. Up to 63 panels can be Non - Maintained installation
lamp or charging circuit failure, an networked together, ensuring
Mains lighting fuse
LED's indication will offer a direct EasiCheck2 can be utilised in the L
to mains lighting
warning that is clear enough even for largest of projects of up to 12,600 N

less experienced people to notice. emergency luminaires. It also has test switch
to additional
When the luminaire's battery is advanced software options for PC emergency luminaires

connected, this kick-starts a weekly

test sequence. Exactly a week later L
non - maintained emergency luminaire

the first weekly test (2 minutes

duration) will take place. Maintained or Sustained installation
Every 13th week a full discharge test
will operate and for that reason it is L
Mains lighting fuse

crucial to carefully choose the start N to mains lighting

time of the test so for the installation test switch

to additional
not to be occupied. emergency luminaires

When the luminaire's battery is

connected, this kick-starts a weekly N
maintained emergency luminaire
test sequence. 24 hours after mains L2
maintained lighting
power is connected for the first time, control switch
an emergency duration test will

EXAMPLE OF SYSTEM DESIGN Stage 3 emergency light
Stage 1 Other areas, which require emergency (ii) Office under 60m2 - no requirement
Locate luminaires at points of lighting but are not on the escape (iii) Under 60m2, but part of escape
emphasis on escape route. route area. route from office (ii) - 2 x 8 Watt
a) At each exit door 1 Lift car emergency light fittings, either as
b) To illuminate exit and safety signs 2 Toilet (above 8 m2 floor area) compartment of escape route or an
c) Near call points 3 Escalators open anti-panic area
d) Near each staircase 4 Plant room (iv) Workshop 4m high - 3 x 8 Watt
e) Change of direction emergency light + 1 conversion kit
Stage 4 for high risk or 4 conversion units
f) Near fire fighting equipment
(Use of conversion units is
g) Change of floor level Check minimum illuminance levels on
dependent on suitable mains
h) Near intersection of escape routes the escape routes. After selecting a
luminaires being used).
i) Outside final exits suitable luminaire, consulting the
k) Near first aid points spacing table shows the number of
fittings needed to provide a minimum Stage 6
of 1 lux on the centre line of the High risk lighting requirement for an acid
Stage 2 bath (m) is included in the design for
escape routes.
Exit sign location is covered by Stage stage 5. If a conversion of a mains
1, but it is important to check that luminaire is not suitable, a high power
Stage 5
maximum viewing distances are not tungsten projector, such as Beamlite
exceeded and that if the normal Anti-panic open areas (x) apply to any
could be used instead.
lighting is dimmed, e.g. in cinemas, areas over 60m2 floor area, or that
the exit signs must be permanently have an escape route passing through
illuminated while the building is them.
occupied (maintained lighting). (i) Office over 60m2 - 3 x 8 Watt


Indoor Emergency Lighting

Central Battery
Self contained

Easicheck 2







Installation Battery Operation Applications

pg. 28


pg. 30


pg. 32 NEW

pg. 33


pg. 34


pg. 36


pg. 37


pg. 38


pg. 39


pg. 42


pg. 43


pg. 44

The information given in this brochure is accurate at the time of compilation (errors and omissions excepted), however due to Cooper
philosophy of constant product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice

IP41 LED LiIon
 Innovative emergency lighting with the
use of LED technology
 Conforms with regulation EN60598-2-22
GuideLed recessed
 Lithium Ion batteries
 Selectable autonomy of 1h, 3h and 8h
 Available for ceiling mounting and
recessed applications

Light Source:
 High power LEDs 2 x1,6 W with a life GuideLED self-contained lighting fixtures have a unique and
innovative design using LED technology. Available for wall or
expectancy of 50.000 hours
ceiling installation with a flush mount option, these LED
Construction: emergency lights have a 50.000 hour lifetime and the internal
 White polycarbonate circuit technology diagnostics performs a self-test and checks
 Aluminium reflector (heat sink) the operating emergency autonomy.
 Module housing with steel sheet
Operation: Together with long life Lithium batteries, the sophisticated
 Maintained & Non-Maintained electronics allow a considerable energy saving and autonomy
 Selectable emergency duration of 1h, 3h, 8h in emergency for up to 8 hours. The self-contained series are
Installation options: available with optical GuideLED symmetric uniform illumination
for open anti-panic spaces, and asymmetric lighting for
 Flush mounting in false ceiling
escape routes.
 Model 138x1 composed by an optical part and
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux
by a separate container for batteries and
 Wall ceiling model 138x2 13821 03,00 04,50 09,40 03,40 09,40
13822 04,00 03,50 11,00 03,40 11,00
Versions: Symmetric 05,00 01,40 12,20 01,40 12,20
 Autotest
 With test button for manual testing model height (m) Distance for 1 Lux
 CGS versions available
 Hotels, offices, cinemas, theaters, museums, 13811 03,00 06,60 15,00
13812 04,00 08,10 18,00
Asymmetric 05,00 09,40 20,90
GuideLed recessed GuideLed
Alignment escape route

Ceiling cut-out 56

195 172






Ceiling thickness 1-20mm 337



Required height in cavity ceiling for recessing through ceiling cut-out: 150 mm 130

Lithium ion battery technology
Lithium ion batteries require much less space than NiCid or NiMh cells of equal capacity, allowing
more space in a compact design for cable routing. The Lithium ion batteries also don’t suffer from the
so-called memory effect associated with NiCid and NiMh cells.

Permanent safety Powered by

Capacity losses from ageing have been considered by corresponding dimensioning of the cells.
A multiple protective circuit, intergrated in the batteries ensures safe operation and high reliability.
NiCd and NiMh batteries have a significantly higher self-discharge and are therefore permanently
charged. This is no longer necessary with the new GuideLed luminaries, saving additional energy - Low spacial requirement
costs. - No memory effect
- Environmentally friendly

Rated duration of emergency operation Equipped for all situations

and its application With all GuideLed luminaries, selection can be made between
maintained and non-maintained mode of operation as well as
1h e.g. escape routes in places
of work
1h, 3h and 8h emergency light duration as standard. As such, all
accommodation establishments and homes can be equipped
with self contained luminairies.
e.g. escape of assembly,
3h sales areas, restaurants, schools,
exhibition halls If the the escape sign luminairies are operated in surroundings
with low background brightness, these can be adapted to such
conditions by dimming to 30% or 10% brightness via the testing
8h e.g. accommodation
establishments, homes button.

Light distribution for escape root illumination Light distribution for open area illumination

C270 GuideLed C270 GuideLed

ο ο ο ο
C180 C0 90 90 C180 C0 90 90
50 50
C90 C90
100 100

150 150

200 200
45ο 45ο 45ο 45ο
250 250

0 0ο

Order code Description

40071353093 GuideLed SL 13811, recessed asymmetric LED 2x1,6W 204 Lm 1h, 3h, 8h LiIon 3.7V 4Ah Maintained, Non Maintained
40071353092 GuideLed SL 13811, recessed symmetric LED 2x1,6W 204 Lm 1h, 3h, 8h LiIon 3.7V 4Ah Maintained, Non Maintained
40071353091 GuideLed SL 13912, wall mount asymmetric LED 2x1,6W 204 Lm 1h, 3h, 8h LiIon 3.7V 4Ah Maintained, Non Maintained
40071353090 GuideLed SL 13912, wall mount symmetric LED 2x1,6W 204 Lm 1h, 3h, 8h LiIon 3.7V 4Ah Maintained, Non Maintained

Micropoint 2
Micropoint 2
 Versatile multi functional use (escape and
open area anti-panic)
 Low power consumption reducing cost of
Micropoint 2 is a high specification competitively priced
 Excellent spacing reducing the quantity emergency LED luminaire. Micropoint 2 utilises the latest LED
of fittings required and optic technology to provide an unobtrusive, high quality,
 60.000 hour life LED for reduced high performance luminaire for indoor use where aesthetics
are of prime importance.
 Self-contained, self test and Easicheck2 The Micropoint 2 has been designed for ease of installation,
reduced power consumption, minimal maintenance, reducing
models the TCO (total cost of ownership) without compromising on
 Environmentally friendly NiMh Battery aesthetics. The innovative optic design used in the Micropoint
2, developed and produced by Cooper Lighting and Safety
Light Source: utilises light efficiently from the LED to provide a uniform
distribution in either an escape route or open area anti-panic
 1 x High power 1W white LED
emergency lighting, improving the performance and reducing
 Consumption (Maintained) - 6.9VA/5W the electrical power consumption.
 Consumption (Non-Maintained) - 3.6VA/2.5W
 Luminaire body: Aluminium, luminaire Head:
Polycarbonate, remote gear pod: flame retardant
 Battery, NiMh (self-contained version) NON-
 Installation: MAINTAINED

 Flush mounting
 Spring retaining clips for surface installation (install
from below ceiling) FULL LOW

 Plug and play socket for mains supply

Light Level Functions
 No disassembly required during installation
 Maintained luminaire can be operated in non-
maintained mode HIGH MEDIUM
 Can be used as security light with 3 pre set light
levels Preset light levels can be adjusted
 EasiCheck Addressable test system, Central Slave in maintained mode to operate
as security light, adjustable using touch
sensitive button on luminaire fascia
 All recessed indoor applications




The high power, high efficiency LED
light source provides uniform
illumination with asymmetric and
symmetric light patterns for escape
or open area use.

Micropoint 2 advanced optics

with rectangular distribution

Luminaire with ‘no’ optics require

overlap to eliminate dark spots

Open Area (Symmetric - 0.5 lux) Escape Route (Asymmetric - 1 lux)

C270 Micropoint 2 C270 Micropoint 2

ο ο ο ο
C180 C0 90 90 C180 C0 90 90
C90 C90

2000 2000

3000 3000
45ο 45ο 45ο 45ο

0ο 0ο

Distance for 1 Lux

Model Height (m) (escape route 2m wide) Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux

Micropoint 2 02,50 - - 07,80 17,10 Micropoint 2 02,50 04,30 09,40 01,70 09,40
(Asymmetric) 02,80 - - 08,40 18,60 (Symmetric) 02,80 03,30 09,30 01,40 09,30
03,00 - - 08,60 19,60 03,00 03,20 09,20 01,20 09,20

Order code Description

MP2O3H Micropoint2 Open Area 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained

MP2E3H Micropoint2 Escape Route 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
MP2O3HEC2 Micropoint2 Open Area Easicheck2 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
MP2E3HEC2 Micropoint2 Escape Route Easicheck2 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained

Micropoint 2 Surface
Micropoint 2 Surface NEW

 Versatile multi functional use (escape and
open area anti-panic)
 Versatile multi-functional use (escape
and open area antipanic)
Micropoint 2 is a high specification competitively priced
 IP44 ingress protection suitable for surface mounted emergency LED luminaire utilising the latest
bathrooms and wet environment LED and optic technology to provide an unobtrusive, high
 First fix base for ease of installation quality, high performance luminaire for indoor use where
aesthetics are prime importance.
 60,000 hour life LED for reduced
maintenance The Micropoint 2 has been designed for ease of installation,
 Environmentally friendly NiMh battery reduced power consumption, minimal maintenance, reducing
the TCO (total cost of ownership) without compromising
aesthetics. The innovative optic design used in the Micropoint
Light Source: 2, developed and produced by Cooper lighting and Safety
 1 x High power 1W white LED utilises light efficiently from the LED to provide a uniform
 Consumption (Maintained) - 6.9VA/5W distribution in either an escape route or open area anti-panic
 Consumption (Non-Maintained) - 3.6VA/2.5W emergency lighting, improving the performance and reducing
the electrical power consumption.
 Luminaire Enclosure - Polycarbonate Micropoint 2 utilises a touch sensitive keypad to improve
 Battery - NiMh (self-contained version) ingress protection against water and dust.
 Flush & Surface mount Open Area (Symmetric - 0.5 lux)
 20mm Conduit entry on all four sides Distance for 1 Lux
 BESA box entry on base Model Height (m) (escape route 2m wide)
 Self-contained - Maintained luminaire can be
Micropoint 2 02,50 - - 07,50 16,60
operated in non-maintained mode Surface 02,80 - - 08,10 18,10
(Asymmetric) 03,00 - - 08,30 19,10
 Can be used as security light with 4 pre-set light
 EasiCheck Addressable test system Escape Route (Asymmetric - 1 lux)
 Central Battery Slave versions
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux
 All recessed indoor applications
Micropoint 2 02,50 04,30 09,40 01,70 09,40
Surface 02,80 03,30 09,30 01,40 09,30
(Symmetric) 03,00 03,20 09,20 01,20 09,20

Order code Description

MP2SO3H Micropoint2 Surface Open Area 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained

MP2SE3H Micropoint2 Surface Escape Route 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
MP2SO3HEC2 Micropoint2 Surface Open Area Easicheck2 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
MP2SE3HEC2 Micropoint2 Surface Escape Route Easicheck2 1 x 1W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained

Briteway recessed
Briteway recessed
 Discreet flush installation
 Compact dimensions
 Plug and socket wiring aids fast
installation and minimum maintenance Sharing a common styling theme with Briteway, but designed for
 Long life 50.000 hour LED technology very discreet installation, Briteway recessed provides a low
 Low power consumption maintenance emergency lighting solution, utilising LED
 EasiCheck2 version
Briteway recessed is simple to instal, a purpose designed remote
gear pod, fits through the luminaire installation aperture, enabling it
Light Source: to be installed into suspended or solid ceilings. The use of a heavy
 2 x 1W high intensity LED duty self-locking plug-in mains connector enables installation
Materials: without any need to disassemble the gear pod.
 Base, remote pod enclosure and cover, fire The low energy consumption and carefully controlled light
distribution of the twin, high output long life LED light sources make
retardant ABS Briteway recessed ideal for night light or background illumination
 Lens optical grade, acrylic applications. Maintained versions have a variable light level feature.
Installation: This allows the maintained light level to be user controlled via a
 Flush mounting simple concealed push button to suit the required application.
 Remote head has spring clip retention
 Remote gear pod contains battery and charger
 Mains connection to remote pod is via self C270

locking plug in connector C180 C0

90ο 90ο
 Gear pod fits through head unit installation C90 50

aperture so can be fitted to solid ceilings 100

 Cut out diameter 51mm hole saw
 Maintained, Non-Maintained and Easicheck 2 45ο 45ο
Applications: 0ο

 All recessed indoor applications

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux

Briteway 02,60 01,56 03,38 02,60 07,71
recessed 02,80 00,49 03,50 01,96 08,00
03,00 00,48 03,75 02,00 08,35
03,20 00,45 04,00 02,06 08,81
03,50 00,48 04,21 02,19 07,25
04,00 00,42 01,41 01,62 05,58

Order code Description

BWRM Micropoint recessed LED 3W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-1,6Ah NiCd Maintained, Non Maintained
BWRMEC2 Micropoint recessed Easicheck2 LED 3W 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-1,6Ah NiCd Maintained, Non Maintained

 Unique elegant design
 Easy to install
 Compliant to European standards
 IP rating ΙΡ20 Briteway is a compact low profile emergency luminaire utilizing
LED technology to provide an unobtrusive, low maintenance,
 2 high intensity LED's
emergency lighting for a wide variety of areas.
 Low power consumption Unlike traditional fluorescent emergency luminaries, Briteway, is
optically engineered to provide maximum performance when
Light Source: mounted axially, thus complementing the typical mains lighting
 2 high intensity LEDs layout. Briteway is simple to install being surface mounted and
having a plug in mains connection and first fix back plate.
The low energy consumption of the twin, high output long light
 Base, mounting plate and cover, fire retardant sources make Briteway ideal for nightlight or background
ABS,lens optical grade acrylic illumination.
 Low profile surface fixing
 First fix back plate with self locking clip on main
 Designed to provide optimum performance
when mounted axially BRITEWAY
C180 C0
 Purpose designed surface cable pattress 90

available C90

 Pattress has 20mm knockouts in each side and
end 250

 Pattress accepts standard mini trunking 45 ο 300


terminations and fixings 350

Operation: 0

 Maintained, Non-Maintained and Easicheck 2

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux
 Student accomodation, offices, hotels, corridors
Briteway 02,60 00,32 03,12 02,42 07,26
02,80 00,32 03,23 01,89 06,51
03,00 00,32 03,46 01,95 06,41
03,20 00,28 01,13 02,00 06,40
03,50 00,00 00,98 00,00 06,53
04,00 00,00 00,84 00,00 05,40
36mm 107mm

Order code Description

BWM Briteway Maintained 2 x 1W LED 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-1,6Ah NiCd Maintained, Non Maintained
BWMEC2 Briteway Maintained, Easicheck 2 2 x 1W LED 30 Lm 180’ 4,8V-1,6Ah NiCd Maintained, Non Maintained

 Unique elegant design
 Low profile
 Easy to install
 Low consumption
 Automatic test (SATI) A distinctive and stylish appearance has been developed
combined with exceptional performance and an
Light Source: environmentally conscious design, to create the new
 32 white LEDs UltraLED400 Maintain luminaire.
Construction: As specially faceted reflector along with 32 white LEDs
 Base, mounting plate and cover, fire retardant designed for high light output (400 Lm) deliver excellent
spacing characteristics, reducing the quantity of luminaries
ABS, lens optical grade acrylic required compared with conventional products.
 Protection rate Ik10 The entire product is constructed from environmental recycled
Installation: plastic and provides a high recyclable material content when
 Low profile surface fixing returned at the end of life. UltraLed400 also benefits from an
automatic self-test facility as standard, for complete peace of
 Base for recessed applications in false ceiling mind.
and protection grid for demanding installations
 Multiple cable entries for ease of installation
 Non-Maintained Stip LEDs for reduced glare and
 Emergency duration 1h Low Consumption
 Ambient lighting of local tertiary institutions open
to the public or workers
 Shops, Schools, Offices. Ideal for renovations Express installation
hook for universal mounting

Recessed base for false ceilings


Screwless terminal blocks and
automatic connectors

Order code Description

LUM16043 UltraLed400 32 LED 400 Lm 60’ 5x1,2V / 1,7Ah NiCd Non Maintained
LUM10538 Recessed base
LUM10419 Protection grid

Ledus Ledus

 Easy to install
 IP rating ΙΡ42
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd Ledus16 Ledus8
 Opal diffuser version
 Low power consumption Ledus family is a compact low profile range of luminairies with a
stylish design which offers an attractive emergency lighting solution
for a wide variety of areas.
Light Source:
Two variants of LED strips of 16 and 8 LED of 2W & 1W relevant
 16 LEDs of 2 Watt total consumption (Ledus16) consumption are available along with 2 different housings per
 8 LEDs of 1 Watt total consumption (Ledus8) occasion. Suitable for small discrete applications up to normal anti-
Construction: panic emergency light installations.
 Base, mounting plate and cover, fire retardant A full range of accessories, including a recessed base for wall or
flush mounting and a plexiglass sign for deploying the luminary A
ABS, lens optical grade acrylic full range of accessories are available. These include a recessed
Operation: base for wall or flush mounting, a plexiglas sign for deploying the
 Maintained & Non-Maintained (selectable luminaire as an exit sign, as well as the opal diffuser version.
 2 hours emergency duration
 Night light mode operation Ledus16
C180 C0
Applications: 90ο 90ο
 Residential applications, Offices, Hotels, C90
Restaurants, Schools

45ο 45ο

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux

Ledus16 02,60 02,79 05,78 01,30 04,36
02,80 02,90 06,22 01,13 04,38
Ledus8 03,00 02,90 06,66 00,94 04,36
03,20 02,78 07,01 00,66 04,22
03,50 00,00 07,51 00,00 03,88

04,00 00,00 08,28 00,00 03,12

Order code Description

O-LEDUS16 Ledus16 NM 120min 16 LED 2W 95 Lm 120’ 3,6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained & Non Maintained
O-LEDUS8 Ledus8 NM 120min 8 LED 1W 55 Lm 120’ 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Maintained & Non Maintained
O-LEDUS8-3H Ledus8 NM 180min 8 LED 1W 55 Lm 180’ 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Maintained & Non Maintained
O-LEDUS8-ES Ledus8 NM 90min with Opal diffuser 8 LED 1W - 180’ 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Maintained & Non Maintained
O-EL6PSLR Double side exit sign (Left / Right)
O-EL6PSD Double side exit sign (Down)
O-EL6RB Recessed base (both for wall or flush mounting)

 Unit with innovative LED technology
 Can be installed in boxes type "503E"
 Compatible with most popular frames
 Ni-Mh HT guaranteed 4 years
MagicaLED is a modern and compact emergency light with
built-in LED. It can be mounted in a 3-module type "503E"
Light Source: frame and is ideal for residential, hotels, shops and office
 Two high-brightness LEDs of 1W with life cycle applications where it guarantees up to three hours life in a
50.000 hours power failure due to an innovative circuit with a
Construction: microprocessor capable of performing automatic tests of
 Basic unit in white polycarbonate operation.
 Polycarbonate metalized reflector It is compatible with the frames of the most popular domestic
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser series and integrates completely with the electrical system of a
Operation: house.
 Maintained and Non-Maintained
 Adjustable luminous flux from 0% up to 100% Along with the certification ENEC (valid throughout Europe),
with the touch of the diffuser MagicaLED has two 1W LED's and is compliant with the
 Selectable emergency duration from 1h, 2h European standard EN60598-2-22. This makes MagicaLed
and 3h suitable not only for domestic use, but also for commercial
 Complete recharge in 12h emergency lighting.
Installation: Marker lights, Emergency lighting,
installation at 30cm every 4m installation at up to 2,5m every 6m
 Flush mounting in boxes like "503E"
 Compatible with most popular domestic series
of plaques
 Residential, hotels, offices, shops, cinemas,
theaters, rooms used for medical purposes
 Escape routes, corridors


Various commercial frames


examples of installation


Order code Description

MGL-AD MagicaLED AD, Autotest 2 x 1W LED 50 Lm 60’-120’- 3,6V - 1,3Ah Maintained & Non Maintained

IP42 / IP65
 Easy mounting
 Complete range of accessories
 Certified family of emergency lights in
accordance to EN 60 598-2-22 The Sirios range of emergency lights are low profile, designed
and equipped with technical solutions and accessories for a
 ENEC certificate wide range of applications such as offices, restaurants, hotels,
 IP rating IP42 with the ability to upgrade it hospitals and general commercial applications.
to IP65
The range of accessories includes a recessed base for
 EasiCheck2 & CGS version available
installation to walls and false ceilings, an IP65 weatherproof kit
an exit sign label as well as a variety of lamp options (8, 2x8, 11,
Light Source:
18, 24W).
 Lamp. 8W fluorescent G5, 2G7 11W, 18W and
 Base and reflector unit in white ABS Just by pressing the plastic diffuser on all
Sirios models you can test the lamp
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser operation, the battery and electronic
Operation: circuit switching

 Maintained, Non-Maiantained and Sustain Test Point

 Autonomy from 1h up to 3h
Recessed base for false ceiling
 Functional test integrated into the diffuser
and wall recessed applications
 Inhibition and Rest Mode
 Autotest and Easichek 2 models available Recessed Base

 Ultra Models with lumens flow up to 350lm

 Low consumption in Maintained operation, with a
Retrofit IP65 weather proof kit provides
power save of 33% of the nominal output of the an upgrade from IP42 to IP65 installations
IP65 kit
 Wall and Ceiling - Installation kit for recessed wall Sirios Exit sign
and ceiling 30m viewing distance reduces
 Base for quick mounting (accessory) the quantity of fittings required and
in turn reduces power consumption
 Panel, double-sided printed for reporting security
 Distance view of 30 meters provides the ability to


use fewer products and less power consumption 336mm 359mm

per coverage area of an application

 Protection Kit IP65 for outdoor use



 Schools, universities, public administration,


Weatherproof base
commercial environments


 Areas with large heights



Recessed base

Range: Multi
Order code Description

O-S8 Sirios Non maintained 8W 1h30 FL8WG5 85 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8-3H Sirios Non maintained 8W 3h FL8WG5 85 Lm 180’ 2,4V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S11 Sirios Non maintained 11W 1h30 FL11W2G7 180 Lm 90’ 4,8V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S11-3H Sirios Non maintained 11W 3h FL11W2G7 180 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S18 Sirios Non maintained 18W 1h30 FL18W2G11 268 Lm 90’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S18-3H Sirios Non maintained 18W 3h FL18W2G11 268 Lm 180’ 4,8V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S24 Sirios Non maintained 24W 1h30 FL24W2G11 330 Lm 90’ 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S24-3H Sirios Non maintained 24W 3h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 180’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8M Sirios Maintained 8W 1h30 FL8WG5 85 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S8M-3H Sirios Maintained 8W 3h FL8WG5 85 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S11M Sirios Maintained 11W 1h30 FL11W2G7 180 Lm 90’ 4,8V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S11M-3H Sirios Maintained 11W 3h FL11W2G7 180 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S18M Sirios Maintained 18W 1h30 FL18W2G11 268 Lm 90’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S18M-3H Sirios Maintained 18W 3h FL18W2G11 268 Lm 180’ 4,8V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S24M Sirios Maintained 24W 1h30 FL24W2G11 330 Lm 90’ 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S24M-3H Sirios Maintained 24W 3h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 180’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S8S Sirios Sustain 8W 1h30 2 x FL8WG5 85 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,7Ah NiCd Sustain
O-S8S-3H Sirios Sustain 8W 3h 2 x FL8WG5 85 Lm 180’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Sustain
O-S8MAINS Sirios Mains 8W FL8WG5 - - - Mains
O-S11MAINS Sirios Mains 11W FL11W2G7 - - - Mains
O-S18MAINS Sirios Mains 18W FL18W2G11 - - - Mains
O-S24MAINS Sirios Mains 24W FL24W2G11 - - - Mains

Range: Ultra

Order code Description

O-S8U Sirios Non maintained 8W 1h FL8WG5 230 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8U-PLUS Sirios Non maintained 8W 1h FL8WG5 320 Lm 60’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8U-3H Sirios Non maintained 8W 3h FL8WG5 210 Lm 180’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S11U Sirios Non maintained 11W 1h FL11W2G7 350 Lm 60’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8MU Sirios Maintained 8W 1h FL8WG5 230 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S8MU-PLUS Sirios Maintained 8W 1h FL8WG5 320 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S8MU-3H Sirios Maintained 8W 3h FL8WG5 210 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S11MU Sirios Maintained 11W 1h FL11W2G7 350 Lm 60’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained

Range: Autotest

Order code Description

O-S8-AT Non maintained Sirios 8W Autotest 1h FL8WG5 200 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8-AT-3H Non maintained Sirios 8W Autotest 3h FL8WG5 100 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S11-AT Non maintained Sirios 11W Autotest 1h FL11W2G7 220 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S11-AT-3H Non maintained Sirios 11W Autotest 3h FL11W2G7 110 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S18-AT Non maintained Sirios 18W Autotest 1h FL18W2G11 230 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S18-AT-3H Non maintained Sirios 18W Autotest 3h FL18W2G11 120 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S24-AT Non maintained Sirios 24W Autotest 1h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S24-AT-3H Non maintained Sirios 24W Autotest 3h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 180’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-S8M-AT Maintained Sirios 8W Autotest 1h FL8WG5 200 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S8M-AT-3H Maintained Sirios 8W Autotest 3h FL8WG5 100 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S11M-AT Maintained Sirios 11W Autotest 1h FL11W2G7 220 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S11M-AT-3H Maintained Sirios 11W Autotest 3h FL11W2G7 110 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S18M-AT Maintained Sirios 18W Autotest 1h FL18W2G11 230 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S18M-AT-3H Maintained Sirios 18W Autotest 3h FL18W2G11 120 Lm 180’ 3,6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S24M-AT Maintained Sirios 24W Autotest 1h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 60’ 6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained
O-S24M-AT-3H Maintained Sirios 24W Autotest 3h FL24W2G11 330 Lm 180’ 6V-4Ah NiCd Maintained

Range: CGS models

Order code Description Nominal output Input Voltage

O-S8-CGS Sirios 8W CGS FL8WG5 400 Lm 230 VAC, 176 - 275 VDC, 50/60 Hz
O-S11-CGS Sirios 11W CGS FL11W2G7 800 Lm 230 VAC, 176 - 275 VDC, 50/60 Hz
O-S18-CGS Sirios 18W CGS FL18W2G11 1.100 Lm 230 VAC, 176 - 275 VDC, 50/60 Hz
O-S24-CGS Sirios 24W CGS FL24W2G11 1.800 Lm 230 VAC, 176 - 275 VDC, 50/60 Hz


Order code Description

O-S-WB Wall mounting base

O-S-RB Recessed base
O-S-IPKIT Weatherproof base
O-MP41 Vertical metal base
O-PU41 Horizontal metal base
O-S-LGD100 Exit sign Left
O-S-LGD200 Exit sign Right
O-S-LGD300 Exit sign Down

Sirios wall mount base for fast installation


C270 O-S8
90ο 90ο
C180 C0
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C90 100

200 O-S8 02,60 03,02 08,86 02,21 06,20 04,93 11,15 03,60 07,71
02,80 02,94 08,76 02,19 06,26 04,88 11,48 03,63 08,00
ο ο
45 45 03,00 02,83 08,67 02,13 06,34 04,83 11,78 03,67 08,26
03,20 02,67 08,68 02,06 06,40 04,84 12,04 03,70 08,43
0ο 03,50 02,33 08,68 01,92 06,32 04,84 12,37 03,66 08,64
04,00 01,49 08,26 01,50 06,16 04,63 12,23 03,58 08,88

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C270 O-S24
90ο 90ο
C180 C0 50
O-S24 02,60 04,65 11,68 03,59 08,83 06,34 13,41 04,91 10,66
C90 100
02,80 04,77 11,90 03,72 09,14 06,45 13,86 05,07 10,99
03,00 04,88 12,25 03,80 09,42 06,62 14,49 05,21 11,28 150
03,20 04,97 12,56 03,85 09,67 06,78 15,08 05,33 11,64
03,50 05,09 12,89 03,94 10,00 06,95 15,72 05,50 12,12
04,00 05,23 13,53 04,01 10,58 07,26 16,85 05,79 12,90 45ο 45ο


90ο 90ο
C180 C0

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux

O-S8U- 02,60 05,58 13,55 03,91 09,46 07,27 15,82 05,23 11,31
250 45
PLUS 02,80 05,74 13,86 04,00 09,82 07,43 16,26 05,41 11,79
03,00 05,89 14,49 04,13 10,15 07,74 16,94 05,57 12,30
0ο 03,20 06,04 15,00 04,25 10,44 08,00 17,58 05,72 12,56
03,50 06,26 15,50 04,32 10,78 08,25 18,33 05,89 13,17
04,00 06,30 16,40 04,49 11,43 08,70 19,80 06,21 13,86

 Compliant to EN 60 598-2-22
 Certificated by ENEC Kema Keur
 IP rating IP40
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd
Cronus 8W is a modern stylish emergency luminaire that utilises
 Autotest & Easicheck2 models an 8 watt fluorescence lamp, able to provide adequate
luminosity to several types of installations.
Light Source: A discreet test button is built in to the luminary giving the
 8W FL8W G5 opportunity for a quick and easy functional test to be undertaken
Construction: by anyone that needs to check the luminair's status.
 Base, mounting plate and cover, fire retardant A full range of accessories are available. These include a
recessed base for wall or flush mounting and a plexiglas sign for
ABS, lens optical grade acrylic deploying the luminaire as an exit sign.
 Maintained, Non-Maintained, Autotest and C270

Easicheck2 models C180 C0 CRONUS 8W

Applications: 90ο 90ο

C90 50
 Residential applications, offices, hotels,
restaurants and schools

45ο 45ο
Button for manual test

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux

O-EL8 02,60 03,33 07,98 02,42 06,33 04,49 09,01 03,67 07,86
02,80 03,34 08,30 02,43 06,44 04,65 09,54 03,72 08,03
O-EL8RB O-EL8PSLR 03,00 03,34 08,57 02,43 06,64 04,78 09,99 03,82 08,26
03,20 03,37 08,81 02,41 06,70 04,90 10,24 03,85 08,49
133mm 03,50 03,29 09,29 02,36 06,81 05,14 10,78 03,90 08,77
04,00 03,04 09,43 02,13 06,95 05,22 11,82 03,98 09,20

Order code Description

O-EL8 Cronus 8W NM 90min FL8W G5 100 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL8-3H Cronus 8W NM 180min FL8W G5 115 Lm 180’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL8C Cronus 2x8W NM 90min FL2x8W G5 250 Lm 90’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL8M Cronus 8W M 90min FL8W G5 100 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL8M-3H Cronus 8W M 180min FL8W G5 115 Lm 180’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL8SU Cronus 8W S 90min FL8W G5 85 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Sustained
O-EL8SU-3H Cronus 8W S 180min FL8W G5 100 Lm 180’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Sustained
O-EL8MAINS Cronus 8W Mains FL8W G5 - - - Mains
O-EL8-AUT Cronus 8W NM 60min Autotest FL8W G5 240 Lm 60’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL8M-AUT Cronus 8W M 60min Autotest FL8W G5 240 Lm 60’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL8PSLR Double side exit sign (Left / Right)
O-EL8PSD Double side exit sign (Down)
O-EL8RB Recessed base (both for wall or flush mounting)

 Low profile 4.8cm height
 Unique elegant design
 Easy to install
 Compliant to EN 60 598-2-22
The Cronus 6W is a compact low profile luminary with a stylish
 Certificated by ENEC Kema Keur design which offers an attractive emergency lighting solution for a
 IP rating IP42 wide variety of areas.
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd An additional small incandescence lamp is embodied in Cronus
 Opal diffuser version (EL5) 6W indicating the normal charging mode while providing a smart
night light solution.
 Autotest version
A full range of accessories are available. These include a recessed
base for wall or flush mounting, a plexiglas sign for deploying the
Light Source: luminaire as an exit sign, as well as the opal diffuser version.
 6W FL6W Τ5
 Base, mounting plate and cover, fire retardant C270

90ο 90ο
ABS, lens optical grade acrylic C180 C0
Operation: C90
 Maintained and Non-Maintained
 Residential applications, offices, hotels, 45ο 45ο

restaurants, schools 250


Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux

O-EL6 02,60 02,32 06,95 01,96 05,58 03,98 08,32 03,29 07,16
02,80 02,22 07,17 01,92 05,62 04,08 08,62 03,31 07,35
03,00 02,03 07,25 01,85 05,65 04,13 08,90 03,33 07,46
03,20 01,89 06,98 01,75 05,68 03,99 09,24 03,34 07,63
03,50 01,56 06,62 01,56 05,65 03,81 09,63 03,32 07,77
04,00 00,89 06,18 00,92 05,40 03,59 10,20 03,20 08,00

100mm 260mm



Order code Description

O-EL5 Cronus 6W NM 90min with Opal diffuser FL6W Τ5 - 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Non Maintained
O-EL6 Cronus 6W NM 90min FL6W Τ5 60 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Non Maintained
O-EL6-3H Cronus 6W NM 180min FL6W Τ5 70 Lm 180’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non Maintained
O-EL6-AUT Cronus 6W NM 60min Autotest FL6W Τ5 210 Lm 60’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non Maintained
O-EL6M-AUT Cronus 6W M 60min Autotest FL6W Τ5 210 Lm 60’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL6PSLR Double side exit sign (Left / Right)
O-EL6PSD Double side exit sign (Down)
O-EL6RB Recessed base (both for wall or flush mounting)

 Low profile
 Unique elegant design
 Easy to install
 Certificated by ENEC Kema Keur
The Star22 family of emergency luminaries has been developed
 IP rating IP42 to include a wide range of versions depending on the emergency
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd duration, the functionalism and the type of lamps. This
 Autotest version impressive variety, offers useful flexibility to the installer, who
 Wide range of different models now has several different choices that fulfil any requirements for
effective emergency lighting, from a range of simple residential
applications to specific industrial ones.
Light Source: A full range of accessories are available. These include a
 Lamp. 8W fluorescent G5, 2G7 11W and 2G11 recessed base for wall or flush mounting, and a plexiglas sign for
18W deploying the luminaire as an exit sign.
 Base and reflector unit in white ABS
 Maintained, Non-Maintained and Sustain versions
 Autonomy from 1h up to 3h
 Autotest, Inhibition and Rest Mode models available
 Wall, ceiling and recessed installations

Applications: 120mm

 Schools, offices, hotels, restaurants, warehouses


330mm 355mm

Order code Description

O-EL20 Star22 8W NM 90min FL8W G5 70 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained

O-EL20-3H Star22 8W NM 180min FL8W G5 100 Lm 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL20A Star22 11W NM 90min PL11W 2G7 130 Lm 90’ 3,6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL20A-3H Star22 11W NM 180min PL11W 2G7 100 Lm 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL20B Star22 18W NM 90min PL18W 2G11 210 Lm 90' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL20C Star22 18W NM 180min FL 2X8W G5 240 Lm 90' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL20M Star22 8W M 90min FL8W G5 70 Lm 90’ 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20M-3H Star22 8W M 180min FL8W G5 100 Lm 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20AM Star22 11W M 90min PL11W 2G7 130 Lm 60' 3,6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20AM-3H Star22 11W M 180min PL11W 2G7 100 Lm 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20BM Star22 18W M 90min PL18W 2G11 210 Lm 90’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20SU Star22 8W S 90min PL11W 2G7 75 Lm 90' 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Sustained
O-EL20SU-3H Star22 8W S 180min PL18W 2G11 75 Lm 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Sustained
O-EL20 MAINS Star22 8W Mains FL8W G5 - - - Mains
O-EL20A MAINS Star22 11W Mains PL11W 2G7 - - - Mains
O-EL20B MAINS Star22 18W Mains PL18W 2G11 - - - Mains
O-EL28-AUT Star22 8W NM Autotest 60min FL8W G5 230 Lm 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL28A-AUT Star22 11W NM Autotest 60min PL11W 2G7 230 Lm 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL28B-AUT Star22 18W NM Autotest 60min PL18W 2G11 230 Lm 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL28M-AUT Star22 18W M Autotest 60min FL8W G5 230 Lm 60’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL20RW Wall mounting base
O-EL20RB Flush mounting base
O-DS20 Double side diffuser
O-EL20PS Diffuser & legend (blank)
O-EL20PSD Diffuser & legend (down)
O-EL20PSLR Diffuser & legend (left/right)

Slim plexiglass diffuser for exit signs


Plastic cone diffuser for exit signs


Recessed bases for ceiling and

wall mount applications

C270 O-EL20
90ο 90ο
C180 C0
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C90 100

O-EL20 02,60 02,69 06,68 02,05 05,98 03,84 08,45 03,49 07,92
45ο 45ο 02,80 02,80 06,92 02,00 06,01 03,96 08,66 03,50 08,09
250 03,00 02,90 07,05 01,95 06,00 04,02 08,90 03,50 08,26
03,20 02,98 07,13 01,85 05,97 04,07 09,14 03,48 08,34
0ο 03,50 03,04 07,51 01,69 05,87 04,25 09,29 03,44 08,43
04,00 02,95 08,00 01,24 05,60 04,50 09,81 03,30 08,55

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C270 O-EL20A
90ο 90ο
C180 C0
O-EL20A 02,60 03,29 08,29 02,96 07,71 04,69 10,38 04,35 09,54
02,80 03,34 08,62 03,00 07,82 04,81 10,71 04,41 09,82 C90 100
03,00 03,40 08,83 03,02 07,96 04,91 11,05 04,48 10,11
03,20 03,44 08,97 03,07 08,16 04,99 11,31 04,58 10,32
03,50 03,50 09,19 03,05 08,28 05,09 11,65 04,64 10,74 200
45ο 45ο
04,00 03,76 09,50 03,03 08,55 05,25 11,32 04,77 11,09


C270 O-EL20B

90ο 90ο
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C90 100

O-EL20B 02,60 03,75 09,42 03,73 09,30 05,21 11,68 05,15 11,15
45ο 45ο 02,80 03,85 09,70 03,85 09,62 05,35 12,01 05,31 11,48
250 03,00 03,92 09,99 03,94 09,87 05,49 12,30 05,43 11,93
03,20 03,97 10,24 03,98 10,12 05,62 12,62 05,56 12,40
0ο 03,50 04,04 10,46 04,05 10,38 05,73 13,17 05,69 12,79
04,00 04,24 10,93 04,14 10,93 05,97 13,86 05,97 13,58

Emergency Lighting Exit Signs

Central Battery
Self contained

Easicheck 2







Installation Battery Operation Applications

pg. 48


pg. 52 NEW

pg. 56


pg. 57


pg. 58


pg. 59


pg. 60


pg. 61


pg. 62

The information given in this brochure is accurate at the time of compilation (errors and omissions excepted), however due to Cooper
philosophy of constant product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice

IP40/IP20 LED LiIon
 Unit with innovative LED technology
 Complies with EN60598-2-22 and En1838
 Lithium Batteries
 Range selectable 1h, 3h and 8h
GuideLED, demonstrates that compliance with regulations,
 Push button for test operation and multiple mounting options does not exclude an exemplary
 Wall, ceiling, suspension design.It has been developed in accordance with the
 Version 20m and 30m visibility provisions of ISO 3864-1, including the requirement of
 Selectable autonomy of 1h, 3h and 8h 500cd/m2 within the white surface, ensuring optimal
 Available for ceiling mounting and recessed recognition and a high level of safety.

applications The highly developed Lightguide technology transforms the

high point-sourced luminance of an LED into an illuminated
surface with absolute uniform brightness. The 3-chip LEDs
Light Source: used in this process ensure a high level of operational safety
 LED Strip with 3-chip technology with a lifetime of and with a service life of 50.000 hours, significantly reduce
50.000 hours maintenance efforts.
 Consumption of 4.1W for models from 20m and Its minimised power consumption of up to 60% below a
4.7W for models from 30m comparable luminaire with fluorescent lamp also ensures a
Construction: distinct reduction in operating cost.
 Housing unit in light grey polycarbonate The wide variety of versions available make the GuideLED
 Panel polymethylmethacrylate PMMA escape sign luminaire a versatile solution. Featuring viewing
 Brackets for steel suspension distances of 20m or 30m, single-sided or double-sided
Operation: options and multiple mounting types, they are ideal for a
 Maintained (M) and Non-Maintained (NM) variety of room sizes and applications. Concealed connections
and a slim-line construction also offer users an innovative
 Adjustable brightmess function, standing at100%,
solution and design.
30% and 10%
 Range selectable 1h, 3h and 8h
 Installation options: Wall, ceilings and recessed
 Ceiling, recessed, stiff suspension and cable
 External push button for manual execution of test
Applications: Viewing Distance
 Hotels, restaurants, meeting rooms, offices, shops, Maximum
cinemas, theaters, museums distance:
 Particularly suitable for local public performance by 20/30m.
adjusting the brightness

LED Lightguide technology
 Perfect, standard compliant illumination
 Low energy requirements
 3-Chip LEDs for increased safety with 50.000 hours service life
CGLine LED electronics
 Can be used for maintained mode and non-maintained mode
 Fully automatic function test (weekly) or duration test (every 6
 1 minute switch-back delay to normal operation after mains
 Blocking function prevents unitentional discharge during idle
operating times (via CG controller CGLine 400 or CGLine WEB
 Convenient and concise central monitoring in combination with
CG Controller, CG Web interface or CG Vision visualisation
Optimised connection technology
 Spacious insertion areas
 Equipped for through-wiring of mains cable and CGLine bus live
double terminals and 4 cable terminals
Display and test unit
 Testing button for manual triggering of function test and duration
 Simple fault analysis with bicolor LED (light source charging or
battery fault) and status display (operation, function test,
duration test)
 Setting of dimming level in mains operation (100%, 30%, 10%)
Innovative LiIon technology
 Large capacity with compact design 3-Chip LEDs for increased safety
 1 version for 1h, 3h and 8h emergency lighting operation Longevity, instant start up, high efficiency and compact size are the features that
 No memory effect make LEDs especially suitable for emergency and safety lighting. Precise
 Environmental friendly: no heavy metals and energy-optimized matching along with low temperatures and low operating current guarantees
charging process due to low self-discharge high luminous efficiency with maximum service life.
 Simple replacement via polarity reversal protected plug-in Up to 48 LEDs optimally illuminate the GuidLED pictogram. Three LEDs are
contacts and snap mounting enapsulated in a common housing to form each light point.
If one of the three LEDs fails, the intact LEDs illuminate more brightly. This
ensures excellent illumination on a permanent level.

Lightiguide technology for optimal illumination

The highly developed Lightguide technology converts the high point-sourced
luminance of the LED into an illuminated surface with absolute uniform
brightness, with luminance of over 50 cd/m² on white surface. Therefore the
escape sign always remains easily recognisable even with poor visibility
conditions or in bright surroundings.
Despite the very good photometric values, the new Lightguide technology with
particularly efficient LEDs requires up tp 60% less energy compared to previous
escape sign luminaires with fluorescent lamps.

Photometric requirements for escape sign

DIN 4844-1 (2005-05) and ISO 3864-1 (2002):
Lm ≥ 500 cd/m² (white surface)
For applications in bright ambient conditions (mains operation)
ISO 30061 (2007):
Lmin = 10 cd/m² (green surface)
In smoky conditions. The luminaires should be suspended by at
Badly illuminated escape sign GuideLED
least 0.5m
EN 1838 (1999):
≥100 cd/m2
Lmin = 2 cd/m² (green surface)
Emergency lighting operation
≥500 cd/m2 49
Wall Mount Wall Recessed
226 (20m) Wall mount Recessed
326 (30m) 41 56

134 (20m)
14 (30m)

GuideLED 10811 - 20m GuideLED 10812 - 20m
GuideLED 11811 - 30m GuideLED 11812 - 30m

Order code Description

40071353080 Wall mounting set for GuideLed, 20m and 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353070 Recessed mounting set for GuideLed, 20m and 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353050 LED pictogram (left), 11x11/11x12, 20m LED strip
40071353051 LED pictogram (right), 11x11/11x12, 20m LED strip
40071353052 LED pictogram (down), 11x11/11x12, 20m LED strip
40071353150 LED pictogram (left), 11x11/11x12, 30m LED strip
40071353151 LED pictogram (right), 11x11/11x12, 30m LED strip
40071353152 LED pictogram (down), 11x11/11x12, 30m LED strip

Ceiling mounted Suspended Ceiling mounted Suspended by cable 56


227 (20m)

327 (30m) 80

204 (20m) 304 (30m)


GuideLED 10825 - 20m GuideLED 10826 - 20m

GuideLED 11825 - 30m GuideLED 11826 - 30m

Order code Description

40071353065 Rope set 10825, intergated in canopy, 20m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353075 Rope set 10825, intergated in canopy, 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353081 Rope set 10826/11826, with ceiling holders, 20/30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353450 LED pictogram (left/right), 10x25/10x26 (rope), 20m LED strip
40071353550 LED pictogram (left/right), 11x25/11x26 (rope), 30m LED strip
40071353451 LED pictogram (down), 10x25/10x26 (rope), 20m LED strip
40071353452 LED pictogram (down/blank), 10x25/10x26 (rope), 20m LED strip
40071353453 LED pictogram (left/blank), 10x25/10x26 (rope), 20m LED strip
40071353454 LED pictogram (right/blank), 10x25/10x26 (rope), 20m LED strip
40071353551 LED pictogram (down), 11x25/11x26 (rope), 30m LED strip
40071353552 LED pictogram (down/blank), 11x25/11x26 (rope), 30m LED strip
40071353553 LED pictogram (left/blank), 11x25/11x26 (rope), 30m LED strip
40071353554 LED pictogram (right/blank), 11x25/11x26 (rope), 30m LED strip

Rope installation with ceiling rope holders, LED supply and

CGLine technology for mounting in cavity ceiling

Emergency Lighting Exit Signs

Ceiling Mount Ceiling Recessed Ceiling Suspended

GuideLED 10821 - 20m GuideLED 10824 - 20m

GuideLED 11821 - 30m GuideLED 11824 - 30m

GuideLED 10822 - 20m - bracket 0,5m

GuideLED 11822 - 30m - bracket 0,5m
GuideLED 10823 - 20m - bracket 1,5m
GuideLED 11822 - 30m - bracket 1,5m

Order code Description

40071353061 Ceiling mounting set 10821, with canopy 20m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353062 Ceiling mounting set 10822, with canopy and 0,5m bracket, 20m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353063 Ceiling mounting set 10823, with canopy and 1,5m bracket, 20m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353064 Ceiling mounting set 10824, ceiling recessed housing, 20m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353071 Ceiling mounting set 11821, with canopy 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353072 Ceiling mounting set 11822, with canopy and 0,5m bracket, 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353073 Ceiling mounting set 11823, with canopy and 1,5m bracket, 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353074 Ceiling mounting set 11824, ceiling recessed housing, 30m - 1h-3h-8h LiIon 3,7 / 2Ah Maintained & Non maintained
40071353250 LED pictogram (left/right), 10x21/10x22, 10x23, 10x24 20m LED strip
40071353251 LED pictogram (down/down), 10x21/10x22, 10x23, 10x24 20m LED strip
40071353252 LED pictogram (down/blank), 10x21/10x22, 10x23, 10x24 20m LED strip
40071353253 LED pictogram (left/blank), 10x21/10x22, 10x23, 10x24 20m LED strip
40071353254 LED pictogram (right/blank), 10x21/10x22, 10x23,10x24 20m LED strip
40071353255 LED pictogram (left/right), 10x21/10x22,10x23,10x24 20m vertical out LED strip
40071353256 LED pictogram (left/right), 10x21/10x22, 10x23, 10x24, 20m vertical in LED strip
40071353350 LED pictogram (left/right), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m LED strip
40071353351 LED pictogram (down/down), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m LED strip
40071353352 LED pictogram (down/blank), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m LED strip
40071353353 LED pictogram (left/blank), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m LED strip
40071353354 LED pictogram (right/blank), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m LED strip
40071353355 LED pictogram (left/right), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m vertical out LED strip
40071353356 LED pictogram (left/right), 11x21/11x22,11x23, 11x24 30m vertical in LED strip

227 (20m)
361 (20m) 461 (30m)
327 (30m) 80
262 (20m) 362 (30m) 75

227 (20m)
327 (30m) 80
167 (20m)
267 (30m)

134 (20m)
134 (20m)
134 (30m)

14 (30m)

12 12 12

226 (20m) 226 (20m)

326 (30m) 326 (30m)

Velos NEW

IP20 ClassII
 Unit with innovative LED technology
 Certified family of emergency exit signs in
accordance to EN 60598-2-22
 3rd party certification
 Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
 Push button for test operation The new Velos family of emergency lighting is designed and
equipped with technical solutions that make it suitable for a wide
 Ceiling, wall, suspension, recessed and range of applications. A complete range of accessories such as
lateral installation the recessed base for false ceiling installations, lateral and back
 Models of 30m and 40m visibility base as well as suspension options allow for a variety of
 Test functions mounting positions.
 Complete range of accessories Together with the choice of ISO and EURO exit sign labels, the
 EasiCheck2 model available Velos LED range is appropriate for emergency lighting
requirements in multiple e of places such as offices, restaurants,
Light Source: hotels, hospitals and general commercial applications.
 LED Strip with a lifetime of more than 60.000 hours
 24 LEDs producing 140 lumens
Viewing Distance
 Base and reflector unit in white Polycarbonate
Operation: viewing
 Maintained and slave versions distance:
30m / 40m
 Autonomy from 1h up to 3h
 Adjustable brightness function to 50% in mains
 Functional test button
 Telocommand, Inhibition operation
 Autotest and EasiCheck2 models available
 Ceiling, wall, recessed, suspended through rope or Distance view of 30 / 40 meters provides the ability to use fewer
products and less power consumption per coverage area
metal pipe and lateral installation of an application.
 No special tools required
 Schools, universities, public administration,
commercial environments
 Hotels, restaurants, meeting rooms, offices, shops,
cinemas, theaters, museums
 Areas with large heights and long distance view


Emergency Lighting Exit Signs

Power Supply Unit

 Easy to install with no use of special tools required.
 Environmentally friendly: no heavy metals and energy-optimized
charging process due to low self-discharge.
 Easy to connect power cables via screwless connectors for up
to 2.5mm2 cables.
 Multiple entrance points for power cables through base and
main body of the power supply unit.
 Construction Material: Polycarbonate.
 Large capacity NiMH batteries with small construction size for 6
compact luminaire design.

Velos electronics
 Fully automatic function test (weekly) or duration test (every 10 6
 Testing button for manual triggering of function test.
 Autotest models available with simple fault analysis with two LED
indication of battery / LED test and status display (operation,
function test, duration test, failure).
 Easily set the level in mains operation to 50% or 100%.
 Increased product reliability with LED matrix orientation. By
groups of 3, if one of the 24 LEDs fails, the intact LEDs will
illuminate more brightly.
Velos optimal illumination
Velos Exit Sign New exit sign plate used in Velos converts the high
 Design life time: exceeding 60.000 hours lifetime expectancy luminance of the LED into an illuminated surface with
using an EN1838 standard plate of 4mm thickness with 24 LED absolutely homogeneous brightness, with luminance of
producing 140lm with minimum 240 cd/m2 on white surface. over 38 cd/m² on the white surface. As such the
6  Simple parts clicking with each other ensuring fast installation. escape sign always remains easily recognisable even
with poor visibility conditions or in bright surroundings.

Velos LEDs illuminate with a high efficiency of more

than 112lm/W.

Uniformity of the
illumination >0.1

Contrast between
white and coloured
areas >5:1 but <15:1

distance view
of 20m.
≥ 38 cd/m2

distance view ≥ 240 cd/m2

up to 40m. Photometric requirements for escape sign
Velos distance view
 Velos provides a solution regarding distance view and EN 1838 (1999), Emergency lighting operation:
emergency exit signs Lmin = 2 cd/m² (green surface)
 Distance view from 30 up to 40 meters, minimizing the number Lgreen ≥ 2 cd/m²
of lights into an installation, reducing the energy consumption of Lwhite ≥ 10 cd/m²
the emergency lighting in a building and installation and 5 ≤ Lwhite / Lgreen ≤15
maintenance cost.
 Various accessories for ease of installation aiming to
accommodate all possible applications and areas, with recessed ISO 30061 (2007), When smoke is prime
base, wall mounting accessories, lateral direction base, consideration:
suspended from ceiling either with rope or metal pipes. Lgreen ≥ 10 cd/m²
Lwhite ≥ 50 cd/m²

Velos PSU self-contained
Order code
PSU unit of
O-ESC Velos PSU 1,5h NiCD 1,5h 4VTCs NiCD 1600mA Velos
O-ESC-3H Velos PSU 3h NiCD 3h 4VTCs NiCD 1600mA (order separately)
O-ESC-3H-EC2 Velos PSU 3h NiCD Easicheck2 3h 4VTCs NiCD 1600mA
O-ESMAINS Velos PSU Mains - -

Velos PSU Autotest

Order code

O-ESM-AT Velos PSU 1h NiMH Autotest 1h 4AA NiMH 1100mA

O-ESM-AT-3H Velos PSU 3h NiMH Autotest 3h 4VTCs NiMH 2000mA

Velos Exit Signs

Order code Description Dimensions

O-ESP-ELR Velos pictogram EURO LEFT/RIGHT 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm Exit sign of
O-ESP-ED Velos pictogram EURO DOWN/BLANK 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm (order separately)

O-ESP-EDD Velos pictogram EURO DOWN/DOWN 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-EU Velos pictogram EURO UP/BLANK 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-EUU Velos pictogram EURO UP/UP 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-E2R Velos pictogram EURO Lateral to Room 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-E2W Velos pictogram EURO Lateral to Wall 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-ILR Velos pictogram ISO LEFT/RIGHT 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-ID Velos pictogram ISO DOWN/BLANK 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-IDD Velos pictogram ISO Down/Down 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-IU Velos pictogram ISO UP/BLANK 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-IUU Velos pictogram ISO UP/UP 30m 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-I2R Velos pictogram ISO Lateral to Room 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP-I2W Velos pictogram ISO Lateral to Wall 24 LEDs 288x165mm

O-ESP40-ILR Velos pictogram ISO LEFT/RIGHT 40m 24 LEDs 370x220mm

O-ESP40-IDD Velos pictogram ISO Down/Down 40m 24 LEDs 370x220mm

O-ESP-H Velos Hydrant pictogram 30m 24 LEDs 370x220mm

Velos ordering
Velos exit sign consist of 2 parts, the PSU unit and the Exit sign.
In order to make your choice you need to add 2 lines in your ordering for both parts of Velos Exit Sign.

Emergency Lighting Exit Signs

Mounting applications of Velos (order codes examples)

Ceilling mount

PSU + Exit Sign

Wall mount Recessed (30m)

+ VeLos Wall FLEXI Joint + Recessed Base


Back wall mount Ceilling mount (40m)

Exit Sign 40m.
+ Velos Back Mounting Base (O-ESP40-IDD)

Lateral mount Recessed (40m)

+ Velos Lateral Base + PSU + Recessed Base (O-ESA-RB)

(O-ESA-LMB) + Exit Sign 40m. (O-ESP40-ILR)

Suspended with metal pipes Suspended with adjustable rope

to 150cm

+ Pipe Suspension + Rope Suspension

48cm (ISO30061) Adjustable 150cm

Velos Accessories

Order code

O-ESA-RB Velos Recessed Base

O-ESA-FLEX Velos Wall FLEXI Joint
O-ESA-RSA Velos Rope Suspension adjustable 150cm
O-ESA-PS30 Velos Pipe Suspension 48cm (ISO30061)
O-ESA-LMB Velos Lateral Mounting Base
O-ESA-BMB Velos Back Mounting Base

The information given in this brochure is accurate at the time of compilation (errors and omissions excepted), however due to Cooper
philosophy of constant product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice


 Unique elegant design
 Wall or ceiling
 Autotest (SATI)
 Low energy consumption
Plante60 combines the long life and low maintenance benefits of
Light Source: LED technology along with a light design making the product
 2 white LED applicable to almost all stylish application where emergency light
 No relamping: 100%-LED unit is used.
Materials: Energy efficient operation along with autotest reliable operation
 Interchangeable battery pack assures the long life of the LED light source, which is monitored
Operation: by an integral self test system.
Planete60 can be mounted in wall and ceiling installations.
 Maintained (M)
 Autotest in standard version
 Automatic execution of all regulatory tests
Installation: Viewing Distance
 Wall and Ceiling installations Maximum
Applications: viewing
 Schools, offices, hotels, restaurants, 21m.

Planete60, ceiling application

24 mm

Planete60, wall application

137 mm

192 mm
69 mm

240 mm

Planete60, LED light distribution technology

Order code Description

LUM17002 Planete 60 2 white LED 60’ 4x1,2V - 0,8Ah Maintained

LUM10514 Recessed base
LUM10518 Legend Down
LUM10517 Legend Left / Right

 Unique elegant design
 Wall or ceiling
 Autotest (SATI)
 Low energy consumption
UltraLED45 is an exit sign which can be altered according to the
Light Source: user and application requirements. With the smart change of the
 2 x 1,6W Power LED exit sing pictograms, it can be used in horizontal or vertical
 Reduced consumption (< 1.6W) orientation.
 No relamping: 100%-LED unit It has a long life duration as well as low maintenance with its
Materials: autotest reliable operation.
 Compact casing: 215 x 45 x 105 mm UltraLed45 can be mounted in wall installations.
 Translucent honeycomb-shaped bracket for
fast, universal fixing
 Non-polarised remote control entries
 Interchangeable battery pack Viewing Distance
 Connection to screwless terminals Maximum
 Colour: white RAL 9010 distance:
Installation: 21m.
 Wall and ceiling mounting
 Domestic applications, houses, flats, offices

Easy installation and cabling

Exit sign orientation and easy mounting of the unit

Recessed installation and diffuser accessory

Order code Description

LUM16025 Planete 60 2 x 1,6W LED 60’ 4x1,2V - 0,8Ah Maintained

LUM10534 Recessed base
LUM10533 Double side diffuser


 ICEL registered with verified light
 Ultra low profile design
 50.000 hour LED source for minimum
Using the latest in LED technology Britesign 2 has been
maintenance remodeled to suit most prestigious installations and
 EN1838 compliant legend panel commercial interiors. It has an ultra low profile of 40mm and
 Bezel colour options on request the stepped bezel creates an even slimmer appearance which
makes this LED exit sign blend unobtrusively into almost any
 EasiCheck2 and Autotest models environment.
available The picture frame style die cast aluminum bezel is available in
satin anodised finish as well as the ever popular white and
Light Source: houses a 33m viewing distance legend panel. The 50.000
 High intensity 3W white LED strip hour long life LED source provides outstanding savings in
lamp replacement and maintenance costs when compared to
a traditional 8W lamp.
 Housing - steel, powder coated in RAL9016
Viewing Distance
 Bezel - die cast Aluminum, satin anodised or viewing
powder coated in RAL9016 finish distance:
 Legend panel - clear acrylic with screen print
 Suitable for wall mounting
 First fix body with rear BESA entry and 20mm
conduit entry on top face
 Direct fix via keyhole slots
 Bezel assembly screwed securely to base
 Hotels, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, schools
40 mm
and hospitals 270 mm

40mm slim profile of Britesign 2 minimised

220 mm

further using stepped frame design

Order code Description

BS2M Britesign 2, Maintained LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained

BS2MIS Britesign 2, Maintained, Autotest LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained
BS2MEC2 Britesign 2, Maintained, Easicheck 2 LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained
BS2MA Britesign 2, Maintained, Aluminum finish LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained
BS2MAIS Britesign 2, Maintained, Autotest, Aluminum LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained
BS2MAEC2 Britesign 2, Maintained, Easicheck 2, Aluminum LED strip 180’ 4,8V - 1,6Ah Maintained
BSAD Legend Down
BSAL Legend Left
BSAR Legend Right


 Sleek modern looks blends into most
 50.000 hour LED source for minimum
maintenance EVOLED combines the long life and low maintenance benefits of
 Self-test as standard LED technology with energy efficient operation and prestigious
 EN1838 compliant legend for uniformity styling to produce an exit sign suitable for almost any application.
of appearance Available in a choice of either white or silver color finishes,
EVOLED is quick and simple to assemble with a snap together
 White or silver finish design incorporating a self locking clip in legend panel.
Reliable operation is assured by the long life LED light source,
Light Source: which is monitored by an integral self test system.
 1W high output high efficiency side emitting Thanks to the patented lighting technology Evoled signage
white LED luminaires comply with only an LED light source all the required
Materials: standards. EVOLEDis available standard in white and aluminum.
 Body and housing - polycarbonate
Viewing Distance
 Legend panel - clear acrylic with pre-applied
screen printed legend viewing
 Batteries - NiMH distance:
Operation: 28m.
 Maintained 3 hour duration
 Choice of colour finishes
 Suitable for ceiling and wall mounting
 Screwless snap together assembly
 Legend panel has a self locking mechanism to
prevent malicious removal
 Push in connectors for mains supply cables 196 196

 Hotels, cinemas, theaters, schools and 200 194 174




Wall mount plexiglass


Order code Description

100-001-105 EVOLED white, 1h, Autotest 1W LED 60’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
100-001-115 EVOLED silver, 1h, Autotest 1W LED 60’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
100-601-105 EVOLED white, 3h, Autotest 1W LED 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
100-601-115 EVOLED silver, 3h, Autotest 1W LED 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
175-000-050 Legend Right/Left
175-000-062 Legend Down
176-000-051 Legend Wall plex Right
176-000-052 Legend Wall plex Left



 Modern contemporary styling

 50.000 hour LED source for minimum
 EN1838 compliant legend
 Easy to install Contemporary styling and high quality materials blend together
 Luminaire and legend supplied as one perfectly to produce the attractive VIA8 range of pendant exit
unit signs. Injection moulded parts help reduce weight and provide
a distinctive sculptured appearance suitable for a wide variety
of interiors and applications. VIA8 also benefits from a
Light Source: frameless modern design of legend panel that offers a
 8 x 1W white LED strip maximum viewing distance of 24m. The long life LED strip
Materials: provides an excellent uniform illumination of the legend
 Body and housing - ABS white finish comfortably meeting the requirements of EN1838. VIA8 has an
LED source with a rated life of 50.000 hours ensuring reliable
 Legend - clear acrylic with pre applied legend operation and minimising onsite maintenance costs
 Batteries - sealed nickel cadmium - NiCd
Viewing Distance
 Suitable for ceiling mounting viewing
 Screwless snap together assembly distance:
 Legend panel has self locking mechanism to 30m.
prevent malicious removal
 Luminaire and legend supplied together
 Supplied with LED strip
 Commercial malls, cinemas and theaters, hotels,
restaurants, conference areas, hospitals


adjustable 70mm




Order code Description

O-VIA8-PSD VIA8, 2H, Legend Down 8 x 1W LED strip 120’ 2,4V - 1,5Ah Maintained
O-VIA8-PSLR VIA8, 2H, Legend Left / Right 8 x 1W LED strip 120’ 2,4V - 1,5Ah Maintained



 ICEL registered with verified light

 Fully meets EN 1838 for uniformity of
legend appearance
 Metal body construction
Briteblade is an unobtrusive recessed exit sign utilising a choice
 Long life 50.000 hour LED version of traditional fluorescent light source or the latest LED
 Suitable for single or doubled-sided use technology.
 Suitable for solid or suspended ceilings
Installation is simple into either solid or suspended ceilings due
 EasiCheck2 and Autotest models to innovative rotating fixing arms that allow the fitting to pass
available easily into the mounting aperture on solid ceilings and a
wishbone spring suspension system for ease of legend retention.
Light Source: A choice of white or silver trim finish makes Briteblade suitable
for use in a wide range of applications.
 8W T5 fluorescent 3500°K G5 cap
 3W LED strip Viewing Distance
Materials: Maximum
 Body - Steel powder coated in RAL9016 finish viewing
 Trim - Steel powder coated
 Choice of colour finish
 Legend panel - clear acrylic with pre applied
screen print legend
 Battery NiCd
 Maintained 3 hour duration
 Can be installed into solid or suspended ceilings
 Hotels, cinemas, theaters, schools and hospitals

Brideblade silver housing

Order code Description

BBM Briteblade, white 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained

BBMS Briteblade, silver 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
BBMIS Briteblade, white, Autotest 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
BBMISS Briteblade, silver, Autotest 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
BBMEC2 Briteblade, white, Easicheck 2 8W G5 180’ Maintained
MMBEC2S Briteblade, silver, Easicheck 2 8W G5 180’ Maintained
BBLM Briteblade, LED, white 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained & Non maintained
BBLMS Briteblade, LED, silver 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained & Non maintained
LUCADS Single sided panel, Down arrow
LUCALR Single sided panel, Left and Right arrow
LUCAD Double sided panel, Down arrow

Safe Edge

 Suitable for wall or ceiling mounting

 Legend panel pivots for use on walls or
sloping ceilings
 Long life 50.000 hour LED version
The ever popular Safe Edge has been fully restyled and
 Quick and easy to install redesigned to make it ideal for use in modern prestigious
 Available in a choice of colours applications. The new design retains popular features such as
 Available in self-contained, EasiCheck2 the universal legend arrangement, which pivots through a full
90 degrees making the product suitable for mounting on walls,
and Autotest models flat ceilings and even sloping ceilings.
Long life LED versions are now available where maintained
Light Source: applications with long illumination periods are experienced.
 8W T5 fluorescent 3500°K G5 cap, 3W LED Available in white or silver finish. The fitting provides clear
direction along with good aesthetic appearance, making it
strip suitable for use in a very wide range of applications.
 Body - Flame retardant ABS Viewing Distance
 Legend panel - clear acrylic with pre applied Maximum
legends viewing
 Batteries (self contained versions) - NiCd
 Suitable for ceiling or wall mounting, legend
rotates through 90°
 Commercial malls, cinemas and theaters, hotels,
restaurants, conference areas, hospitals

Safe Edge silver body

Order code Description

NSED Safe Edge, white 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained

NSEDS Safe Edge, silver 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
NSEDIS Safe Edge, white, Autotest 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
NSEDISS Safe Edge, silver, Autotest 8W G5 180’ 4,8V - 1,25Ah Maintained
NSEDEC2 Safe Edge, white, Easicheck 2 8W G5 180’ Maintained
NSEDEC2S Safe Edge, silver, Easicheck 2 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLED Safe Edge, LED, white 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLEDS Safe Edge, LED, silver 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLEDIS Safe Edge, LED, white, Autotest 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLEDISS Safe Edge, LED, silver, Autotest 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLEDEC2 Safe Edge, LED, white, Easicheck 2 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
NSLEDEC2S Safe Edge, LED, silver, Easicheck 2 3W LED strip 180’ Maintained
LUCADS Single sided panel, Down arrow
LUCALR Single sided panel, Left and Right arrow
LUCAD Double sided panel, Down arrow

Outdoor Emergency Lighting

Self contained

Easicheck 2







Installation Battery Operation Applications

pg. 66


pg. 68


pg. 70


pg. 72


pg. 73

Atlantic LED

 Innovative LED technology

 Complies with EN60598-2-22
 Rugged cast aluminum IK10
 Ni-Mh HT guaranteed 4 years
 Suitable for industrial environments AtlanticLED is a device for lighting and signaling safety. The
durable cast aluminum body along with the high IP65
Light Source: protection rating, makes this unit particularly suited to
 Two high-brightness LEDs of 1.6W with loop life industrial areas, underground car parks and tunnels.
of 50.000 hours The electronic circuit performs self-diagnosis functions and
Materials: independent tests for functionality and autonomy duration.
 Cast aluminum housing unit in grey AtlanticLED has internal jumpers that allows to switch
 White polycarbonate reflector between 200 lux or 75 lux light output. The optical asymmetric
lens are optimally designed to spread light in corridors and
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser escape routes.
 Maintained and Non-Maintained versions
 Autonomy 1h
 Manual test with magnet
 Wall and ceiling installations ATLANTIC LED can be used as exit sign
 Factories, warehouses, underground car parks,
workshops, tunnel
 Escape routes, corridors

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux (open area) Distance for 1 Lux (escape route)

62 303

ATLANTIC 03,00 03,00 07,90 07,50 16,70 - 15,00 - 06,60

LED 03,50 02,30 08,02 08,30 18,60 - 16,60 - 07,40

04,00 04,00 08,40 09,10 20,40 - 18,00 - 08,10

Order code Description

100-052-023 ATLANTIC LED R-AD, (open area) 2 x 1 6W LED 200 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Maintained & Non Maintained
100-052-022 ATLANTIC LED R-AD, (escape route, double 2 x 1 6W LED 200 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Maintained & Non Maintained
100-052-021 side) 2 x 1 6W LED 200 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Maintained & Non Maintained
171-000-033 ATLANTIC LED R-AD, (escape route, single
171-000-034 side)
155-000-001 900 bracket
155-000-002 Vertical bracket
155-000-003 Single side pictogram (right)
155-000-201 Single side pictogram (left)
155-000-202 Single side pictogram (down)
155-000-203 Double side pictogram (right)


 Innovative LED technology

 Complies with EN60598-2-22
 Rugged cast aluminum IK10
 Ni-Mh HT guaranteed 4 years
 Suitable for emergency exits
The durable cast aluminum along with the high degree of
protection (IP65) makes this outdoor wall unit particularly suitable
Light Source: for industrial areas, underground car parks and tunnels.
 Two high-brightness LEDs of 1.6W with loop life
Outdoor Wall has been developed to be mounted on the wall
of 50.000 hours above the safety exits of a building both inside and outside,
Materials: thanks to the special design which allows 90° installation and
 Cast aluminum housing unit in grey ensures the uniform illumination level required by law.
 White polycarbonate reflector Outdoor Wall has an internal jumpers that allows to switch
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser between 200 lux or 75 lux light output. The optical asymmetric
Operation: lens are optimally designed to spread light in corridors and
escape routes.
 Maintained and Non-Maintained versions
 Autonomy 1h
 Manual test with magnet
Installation: OUTDOOR LED light coverage
 Wall mounting over exits and escape routes
 Factories, warehouses, underground car parks,
h 2,5m

workshops, tunnel
 Escape routes, corridors
 Installation on emergency exits inside and
outside buildings
5 lx 7,5m

1 lx 12,0m




Order code Description

100-052-521 OUTDOOR WALL AD 2x1 6W LED 200 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Maintained & Non Maintained

i-P65 i-P65


 Versatile multi functional use (escape,

open area and exit sign use)
 Low power consumption reducing cost
of ownership
 Ease of installation, reducing installation
time and cost i-P65 is a high specification competitively priced emergency
LED bulkhead utilising the latest LED and optic technology to
 60.000 hour life LED for reduced provide an attractive, good quality, functional luminaire for
maintenance indoor and outdoor use. Boasting numerous features and
 EasiCheck and Autotest emergency benefits, the i-P65 can be used to provide escape route
versions available, reducing maintenance lighting, single sided exit sign or optional double sided exit
sign with a common look and feel where aesthetics are a
costs and offering ease of compliance primary concern.
with testing requirements The i-P65 has been designed for ease of installation, reduced
 Environmentally friendly NiMh battery power consumption, minimal maintenance, reducing the TCO
(total cost of ownership) with a compact attractive
appearance. The innovative optic design used in the i-P65,
Light Source: developed and produced by Cooper Lighting and Safety,
 2 x high power 1W white LED efficiently utilises light from the LED source to provide uniform
Materials: lighting distribution. For both escape route and open area anti-
 Luminaire Body: Polycarbonate panic emergency lighting applications, performance is
improved and electrical power consumption is reduced.
 Gear Tray: Polycarbonate
 Battery: NiMh 4 cell Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux
 Maintained luminaire can be operated in Non-
Escape 02,50 - - 07,80 17,10
maintained mode optic 02,80 - - 08,40 18,60
 EasiCheck addressable test system 03,00 - - 08,60 19,60

 Optional ISO7010 or Euro pictogram exit 02,50 05,30 10,50 05,30 10,50
Open area 05,70 11,50 05,70 11,50
legends optic
03,00 05,90 12,20 05,90 12,20
 Temperature controlled battery heater kit for 04,00 04,90 12,60 04,90 12,60

optimised performance in low ambient

temperatures 142
Applications: 263

 Hotels, cinemas, theaters, schools and

hospitals 55




Escape route (Asymmetric - 1 lux) Open area (Symmetric - 0.5 lux)

Order code Description

IP65LEDO3H i-P65, 3h, open area 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDE3H i-P65, 3h, escape route 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDO3HIS i-P65, 3h, open area Autotest 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDE3HIS i-P65, 3h, escape route Autotest 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDO3HEC2 i-P65, 3h, open area, Easicheck 2 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDE3HEC2 i-P65, 3h, escape route, Easicheck 2 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEG Single side legend kit, European format - - -
IP65LEG7010 ISO7010 signle side legend kit - - -
IP65LEDEX3H i-P65, double side exit sign, 3h 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDEX3HIS i-P65, double side exit sign, 3h, Autotest 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65LEDEX3HEC2 i-P65, double side exit sign, 3h, Easicheck 2 2x1W LED 180’ 4,8V-2Ah NiMh Maintained
IP65DBLLEG7010 Double side legend panel kit, ISO7010 - - -
IP65DBLLEG European format double side legend kit - - -
IP65CONDHEAT Low temperature battery heater - - -


 Low profile
 Unique elegant design
 Easy to install
 Certificated by ENEC Kema Keur
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd
 LED and Autotest models available The StarIP65 family of emergency luminaries has been
developed to provide a reliable solution to those installations that
are exposed to humidity and weather conditions. A wide range of
Light Source:
products depending on the emergency duration, the
 Lamp. 8W fluorescent G5, 2G7 11W and 2G11 functionalism and the type of lamp offers a useful flexibility to the
18W installer, who now has several different choices that fulfil any
 16 2W LED requirements for effective emergency lighting, from simple
residential applications to specific industrial ones.
A full range of accessories are available. These include several
 Base and reflector unit in white ABS
legend stickers, a recessed base for wall or flush mounting, and
Operation: plexiglas signs for deploying the luminaire as an exit sign.
 Maintained, Sustain and Non-Maintained
 Autonomy from 1h up to 3h
 Autotest, Inhibition and Rest Mode models
 Wall and ceiling installations
 Panel, double-sided printed 365mm



 Schools, offices, hotels, restaurants, warehouses



Order code Description

O-EL65-LED StarIP65 LED 60min 16 2W LED 90 Lum 60' 3,6V-1,7Ah NiCd Maintained & Non maintained
O-EL65-LED-3H StarIP65 LED 180min 16 2W LED 90 Lum 180' 4,8V-2,2Ah NiCd Maintained & Non maintained
O-EL65 StarIP65 8W NM 90min FL8W G5 80 Lum 90' 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65-3H StarIP65 8W NM 180min FL8W G5 80 Lum 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65A StarIP65 11W NM 90min PL11W 2G7 130 Lum 90' 3,6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65A-3H StarIP65 11W NM 180min PL11W 2G7 200 Lum 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65B StarIP65 18W NM 90min PL18W 2G11 220 Lum 90' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65M StarIP65 8W M 90min FL8W G5 80 Lum 90' 2,4V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL65M-3H StarIP65 8W M 180min FL8W G5 80 Lum 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL65AM StarIP65 11W M 90min PL11W 2G7 200 Lum 90' 3,6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL65AM-3H StarIP65 11W M 180min PL11W 2G7 200 Lum 180' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL65BM StarIP65 18W M 90min PL18W 2G11 220 Lum 90’ 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-EL65 MAINS StarIP65 8W Mains FL8W G5 - - - Mains
O-EL65A MAINS StarIP65 11W Mains PL11W 2G7 - - - Mains
O-EL65B MAINS StarIP65 18W Mains PL18W 2G11 - - - Mains
O-EL65-AT StarIP65 8W NM Autotest 60min FL8W G5 200 Lum 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65A-AT StarIP65 11W NM Autotest 60min PL11W 2G7 200 Lum 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65B-AT StarIP65 18W NM Autotest 60min PL18W 2G11 230 Lum 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Non maintained
O-EL65M-AT StarIP65 18W M Autotest 60min FL8W G5 200 Lum 60' 6V-1,5Ah NiCd Maintained
O-DS65 Double side diffuser
O-EL65RB Flush mounting base

StarIP65 is available in LED

O-DS65 Plastic cone diffuser for using StarIP65 as exit sign

StarIP65 LED

Recessed base for ceiling and wall applications


C270 O-EL65
90ο 90ο
C180 C0
C90 Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C90 100

O-EL65 02,60 02,89 07,05 02,34 06,38 04,03 08,32 03,69 08,01
45ο 45ο 02,80 02,91 07,32 02,35 06,44 04,16 08,62 03,72 08,24
250 03,00 02,97 07,60 02,32 06,57 04,30 08,90 03,79 08,38
03,20 02,98 07,85 02,27 06,63 04,42 09,14 03,81 08,59
0ο 03,50 02,93 08,05 02,19 06,67 04,53 09,63 03,83 08,86
04,00 02,68 08,28 01,95 06,59 04,64 10,35 03,80 09.20

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C270 O-EL65A
90ο 90ο
C180 C0
O-EL65A 02,60 03,39 08,13 03,10 07,74 04,57 09,90 04,37 09,42
02,80 03,46 08,37 03,21 08,00 04,68 10,23 04,50 09,70 C90 150
03,00 03,50 08,57 03,24 08,26 04,78 10,56 04,63 10,07
03,20 03,55 08,91 03,31 08,46 04,95 10,87 04,73 10,36
03,50 03,62 09.29 03,33 08,64 05,14 11,20 04,82 10,78 250
45ο 45ο
04,00 03,56 09,84 03,34 09,04 05,42 11,86 05,02 11,43


C270 O-EL65B

90ο 90ο
Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux
C90 100

O-EL65B 02,60 03,77 09,23 03,81 09,38 05,11 11,15 05,19 11,31
45ο 45ο 02,80 03,93 09,51 03,88 09,70 05,25 11,53 05,35 11,74
250 03,00 04,04 09,79 03,98 09,99 05,40 11,93 05,49 12,19
03,20 04,13 10,05 04,10 10,24 05,52 12,29 05,62 12,56
0ο 03,50 04,22 10,38 04,17 10,54 05,59 12,73 05,77 13,05
04,00 04,29 11,09 04,30 11,01 06,05 13,47 06,01 13,86


 Complies with EN60598-2-22

 ENEC approval
 IP rating IP42/IP65
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd
 High light output (24W PL)
StarNova provides an ideal combination of function and style,
Light Source: offering a solution for applications requiring a waterproof but
aesthetically pleasing luminaire. Utilising a 24WPL lamp,
 Fluorescent 24W 2G11 StarNova offers an impressively high light output that makes it an
Materials: ideal solution for a wide variety of installations.
 Base and reflector unit in white ABS
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser
 Maintained and Non maintained operation C270 O-SN65C
 Autonomy of 1h and 3h C180 C0

 Inhibition and rest mode in all models

 Autotest model available
 Wall and ceiling
 Schools, universities, public administration,
industrial, warehouse and outdoor environments
in general
 Lighting of escape routes and areas open

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux

O-SN65C 02,60 04,73 11,79 03,69 08,86 06,39 14,68 04,93 10,66
02,80 04,85 12,06 03,81 09,17 06,53 15,14 05,09 10,99
03,00 04,99 12,41 03,92 09,53 06,71 15,55 05,26 11,28
03,20 05,12 12,72 04,02 09,86 06,86 15,84 05,43 11,64
03,50 05,21 13,17 04,17 10,15 07,08 16,49 05,57 12,12
04,00 05,19 13,86 04,30 10,77 07,43 17,16 05,89 13,00

StarNova IP65 kit

Order code Description

O-SN65C StarNova, Non Maintained, 1h PL24W 2G11 330 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Non Maintained
O-SN65C-3H StarNova, Non Maintained, 3h PL24W 2G11 250 Lm 180’ 6,0V-4,0Ah Non Maintained
O-SN65CM StarNova, Maintained, 1h PL24W 2G11 330 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Maintained
O-SN65CM-3H StarNova, Maintained, 3h PL24W 2G11 250 Lm 180 6,0V-1,5Ah Maintained
O-SN65C-AUT StarNova, Non Maintained, 1h, Autotest PL24W 2G11 330 Lm 60’ 4,8V-2,2Ah Non Maintained
O-SN65C-MAINS StarNova, mains PL24W 2G11 - - - Mains



 BSI kitemarked for peace of mind

 ICEL registered with verified light
 Easy to install, with snap-on lens
Suitable for both exterior and interior applications, New Safe 8
 Optional semi-recessing bezel represents excellent value for money. Full third party
 Exit legend kit available approvals, via the BSI Kitemark and ICEL registration
 EasiCheck, Autotest models available schemes, provide complete peace of mind that quality has not
been compromised.
The luminaire is easy to install and is available with the latest
Light Source: stand alone or central addressable self-testing functionality as
 8W T5 fluorescent 3500°K G5 cap an option. New Safe 8 has an attractive, unobtrusive and
 3W LED strip compact profile that is suitable for a wide variety of
applications, from offices and hotels to factory units.
A semi-recessing bezel accessory is available to further
 Body and gear cover - polycarbonate, white enhance the appearance of this popular luminaire.
 Lens - clear polycarbonate with linear prisms NS8
Operation: C180 C0 90 ο
 Maintained and Non-maintained operation, 3
hour duration 100

 Autotest and Easichek 2 models available 150

Installation: 45ο
 Suitable for ceiling or wall mounting
 BESA entry drilling template on rear
 Cable entries rear and end
 Lens snap-fits into position
Applications: Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux

 Hotels, cinemas, theaters, schools and

hospitals NS8 02,60 02,42 07,16 02,28 06,26
(1 Lux) 03,00 02,42 07,18 02,20 06,43
04,00 01,85 06,88 01,62 06,36
330mm (0.5 Lux) 02,60 04,08 09,78 03,63 08,07
03,00 04,09 10,03 03,72 08,47
04,00 03,94 10,20 03,68 09,01

Order code Description

NS8 New Safe 8, Non maintained, 3h FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Non Maintained
NS8IS New Safe 8, Non maintained, 3h, Autotest FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Non Maintained
NS8EC2 New Safe 8, Non maintained, 3h, Easicheck 2 FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Non Maintained
NS8M New Safe 8, Maintained, 3h FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
NS8MIS New Safe 8, Maintained, 3h, Autotest FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
NS8MEC2 New Safe 8, Maintained, 3h, Easicheck 2 FL8W G5 80 Lm 180’ 2,4V-4Ah NiCd Maintained
NSR Semi recess mounting bezel
LEXSAS European format self adhesive legent kit

Beams Lights & Conversion Kits

Self contained

Easicheck 2







Installation Battery Operation Applications

pg. 76


pg. 77


pg. 78


pg. 79


pg. 80

The information given in this brochure is accurate at the time of compilation (errors and omissions excepted), however due to Cooper
philosophy of constant product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice

 Optical polycarbonate food industry use
 Minimal Environmental impact
 Low consumption - Eco Safe by SAFT
 Battery life 10 years
 Full warranty 4 year plus 6 years on the
battery Planete 2000 has been designed to provide the highest reliability
for antipanic lighting. Equipped with 2 LED lamp heads, it can
 Automatic tests (SATI) provide a light output of 2000 Lumens, making Planete 2000 the
 Large LED: visibility / speed reading product suitable for all applications of general emergency
 Multiple cable entries lighting.
 Easy installation It is suitable for warehoused and industrial use and is ideal for
areas that require anti-panic light where a large amount of people
may be such as in cinemas, shopping malls, stadiums and
Light Source: airports.
 LED The high intensity light source provides efficient illumination of
 Intergrated light diffuser long, narrow escape routes, but can also provide general
 No relamping coverage of a specific area when aimed at any degree specified
 Low consumption to each other, such as critical task locations where higher
illumination is required.
Planete 2000 is equipped with SATI, a sophisticated technology
 Optics from polycarbonate with auto test and self diagnostics for the lamps and battery,
 5 cables entries (IP42 model) and 3 cable keeping the cost of the unit low.
entries (IP65 model) It is available in IP65 certified casing for all outdoor applications.
 Cinemas and theatres, factories, warehouses,
shopping malls, industrial units, stadiums 402


Autotest diagnostics in all models

Weatherproof model available

LED technology of 2000 Lumens light output

Order code Description

LUM17010 PLANETE200, IP42 LED 2000 Lm 60’ 32 x 1,2V / Non Maintained

LUM17011 PLANETE200, IP65 LED 2000 Lm - 1.5Ah Non Maintained

 High light output
 Robust construction with a long
durable life
 Hinged front access door eases
 Multi-directional lamp heads for on site Beamlite can be used for a wide variety of interior emergency
lighting applications, particularly for warehouses and high ceiling
flexibility commercial areas. The high intensity light source provides efficient
 Weatherproof IP55 option illumination of long, narrow escape routes, but can also provide
 Easy to install, with snap-on lens general coverage of a specific area when aimed at 90º to each
other, for such as critical task locations where higher illumination is
required. Beamlite keyhole slot screw fixing holes and a hinged
Light Source: front access door providing ease of installation, whilst the standard
 12V, 21W tungsten - BA15d cap twin LED's give separate early warning of failure of each lamp, in
Materials: addition to mains and charging status.
 Body IP20 - sheet steel, powder coated in
white/black finish
 Body IP55 - sheet steel, powder coated in grey
 Lamp heads - polycarbonate, finished black

with clear front lens

 Suitable for wall mounting
 Cable entry on rear and top D1 D2

 Direct screw fixed with keyhole slots

 Weatherproof version drilled on site for fixing
Model Height (m) angle D1 (m) D2 (m)
and entry holes
 Lamp heads swivel and tilt, locked in position
by screws BEN 04,00 45o 3,6 9,0
(2x21W) 06,00 18o 3,5 7,6
Applications: 08,00 14o 3,5 7,6
 Cinemas and theatres, factories, warehouses, 10,00 11o 3,6 8,0
15,00 8o 3,8 8,4
shopping malls, industrial units, stadiums
1. Spacing achieves 1 lux min on centre line of escape route
2. Aiming angle at 4m height restricted by glare cut-off


308mm 110mm

Order code Description

BEN3 BEAMLITE, 2x21W, IP20 12V, 2x21W 110 Lm 180’ Lead 2x12V / Non Maintained
BEN3W BEAMLITE, 2x21W, IP55 12V, 2x21W 110 Lm 180’ 7,2Ah Non Maintained

 Easy to install
 Portable
 Multi-directional lamp heads
 IP rating IP20
 Compliant to EN 60-598.2.22
Smart design to provide a fully portable emergency beam light
 Lead battery that suits a wide variety of applications. Using a pair of adjustable
 Test button beam lights gives the ability to offer a high light outout to even
long narrow escape routes.
Light Source: A built-in test button allows the direct check of the luminaire's
functionalism while at the same time offers the user the choice to
 12V, 21W disable one of the beams in order to double luminary's
Materials: emergency duration.
 Base and reflector unit in white ABS
 Clear polycarbonate diffuser
Installation: 90ο 90ο
 Suitable for wall mounting 400

 Cable entry on rear and top 800

 Direct screw fixed with keyhole slots 1200

 Lamp heads swivel and tilt, locked in position by 1600
45ο 45ο
 Cinemas and theatres, warehouses, shopping 0ο

Model Height (m) Distance for 1 Lux Distance for 0.5 Lux

O-EL40 02,60 02,60 06,95 02,34 05,58 03,98 09,12 03,29 09,38
02,80 02,61 06,92 02,43 05,60 03,96 09,36 03,30 09,36
03,00 02,63 06,90 02,61 05,79 03,95 09,60 03,40 07,44
03,20 02,69 06,91 02,69 06,14 03,96 09,63 03,57 07,36
03,50 02,40 07,25 02,83 06,46 04,12 10,00 03,73 07,67
199mm 04,00 02,40 07,46 01,54 06,95 04,23 09,77 03,98 08,00



Order code Description

O-EL40 Beamlite, 2x21W 12V, 2x21W 115 Lm 90’ Lead 2x12V / Non Maintained


 Compact design, ideal for visible
installations at low mounting heights
 Modern, stylish appearance
 Multi-directional lamp heads for on site
 Easy to install, with first fix back plate
When conventional emergency lighting cannot be used for
architectural or installation reasons, Metrolite offers a stylish
Light Source: solution.
 12V, 12W tungsten halogen - G4 cap The compact design neatly fits into any interior, with the multi-
Materials: directional heads permitting the base unit to be ceiling or wall
 Base plate / geartray - zinc plated steel mounted. Metrolite is fitted as standard with a test switch.
 Body and lamp heads - flame retardant ABS
 Batteries - recombination lead acid,
maintenance free, 5 year life
 Suitable for wall mounting
 BESA and cable entry on rear H

 Can be direct screw fixed

 Body with lamp heads hinges and screw fixes to
base plate / geartray D1 D2
 Cinemas and theatres, shopping malls,
domestic applications Model Height (m) angle D1 (m) D2 (m)

METROLITE 04,00 35o 5,0 12,0

(2x12W) 06,00 30o 4,0 12,5
08,00 30o 2,0 12,0
10,00 30o 0,5 8,0

133mm Notes:
1. Spacing achieves 1 lux min on centre line of escape route
2. K factor of 0.55 and S factor of 0.8 have been applied


Order code Description

MT12102123 METROLITE, 2x12W 12V, 2x21W 180’ Lead 2x6V / 10Ah Non Maintained

 Easy to install
 Certificated by ENEC Kema Keur
EN61347 and EN60925-2-4
 Compatible with T5 fluorescent lamps
 Suitable for electronic and Conversion kit for the transformation of a mains lighting
electromagnetic ballasts apparatus of flourescent lamp mains lighting apparatus to
 LED indicator perform and in emergency lighting operation. Solutions like these
are ideal for large venues such as universities, supermarkets,
 Charging time of 24 hours warehouses, offices and open spaces which are integrated with
 High temperature batteries Ni-Cd the existing ordinary lighting.
 Fully compatible with high frequency
circuits The latest version of conversion kits delivers optimum
 Extensive range, covering a diverse performance for a diverse choice of fluorescence lamp types and
wattages. Low profile modules and unique chamfered battery
choice of fluorescent lamps end caps easing integration into swallow luminaries, are
 Low profile design for easy integration standard throughout the whole range of the conversion kits
particularly useful in the newest ranges of T5 lamp.
Light Source:
 Series compatible with most flourescent lamps TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
System Mode Maintained or Non-Maintained
(linear and compact)
Normal light output (maintained)Full rated output of lamp
Materials: Recharge period 24 hours
 Body - white ABS Charging monitor Green LED with cable 1m
Mains input voltage 230V ac / 50Hz
 Comes with LED status to be fixed to the body
Power Consumption Max 3VA@1H, 5VA@3H
appliance Temperature ratings Module 50oC - Battery 50oC
 Batteries - sealed nickel cadmium Dimensions L x W x H 148 x 39 x 31 mm
Fixing centers of module 137-139mm
Operation: Comply with EN 61347-2-7 & EN60925
 Non maintained
 Autonomy of 1h and 3h Conversion kit body


 Suitable for fitting integral to host luminaire,

where thermal and electro-magnetic test results 147 38,5

 Remote mounting of complete kit, or of Battery
batteries only. C

 Supplied complete with low profile end caps for B

mounting batteries and LED with 1000mm lead


 Universities, supermarkets, warehouses, offices Type of battery A B C D
and where it is required emergency lighting is 3,6 1,5Ah 155 145 26 26
3,6 4,0Ah 210 200 35 35
required. 4,8 1,5Ah 200 190 26 26
 Lighting of escape routes and open areas. 4,8 4,0Ah 280 270 35 35
6,0 1,5Ah 245 235 26 26
6,0 4,0Ah 340 330 35 35

Battery BK1 BK3 max 36W CK1 CK3 max 58W DK1 DK3 max 70W TK1 max 80W

LAMP 3,6V/1,7Ah 3,6V/4Ah Discharge Emergency 4,8V/1,7Ah 4,8V/4Ah Emergency 6V/1,7Ah 6V/4Ah Discharge Emergency 4,8V/4Ah Discharge Emergency
Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast
Diameter / Minimum Minimum Current Minimum Minimum Current Minimum Minimum Current Minimum Current
Lumen Lumen Lumen Lumen
Watts mA mA mA mA
Holder Duration Duration Factor % Duration Duration Factor % Duration Duration Factor % Duration Factor %

TLD 18W T8-60cm 1h 3h 700 11 2h 3h 600 12 2h 3h 510 12 - - -

TLD 30W T8-90cm 1h 3h 990 9 1,5h 3h 790 10 2h 3h 700 10 - - -

TLD 36W T8-120cm 1h 3h 1010 8 1h 3h 810 9 1,5h 3h 760 13 - - -

TLD 58W T8-150cm - - - - 1h 3h 990 7,5 1h 3h 810 9 - - -

TLD 70W T8-180cm - - - - - - - - 1h 3h 1040 6 - - -

TL5 24W T5-55cm 1h 3h 1000 7 1,5h 3h 750 7 2h 3h 600 7 2h 1200 22

TL5 39W T5-85cm - 2h 1350 7 - 2,5h 1050 7 1,5h 3h 820 7 1,5h 1720 18
TL5 54W T5-115cm - - - - - 2,5h 1150 5 1h 3h 950 6 1h 2050 16
TL5 80W T5-145cm - - - - - - - - - - - - 1h 2400 12
PLS 11W 2G7 1,5h 3h 730 11 2h 3h 600 15 2,5h 3h 450 16 - - -

PLC 13W G24q-1 1,5h 3h 780 15 2h 3h 624 19 2h 3h 500 20 - - -

PLC 18W G24q-2 1,5h 3h 870 12 1,5h 3h 725 16 2h 3h 580 18 - - -

PLC 26W G24q-3 1h 3h 920 10 1,5h 3h 830 13 2h 3h 690 15 - - -

PLL 18W 2G11 2h 3h 670 12 2h 3h 540 14 2,5h 3h 430 15 - - -

PLL 24W 2G11 1h 3h 885 11 2h 3h 680 12 550 13 - - -

2h 3h
PLL 36W 2G11 - 2,5h 1021 9 1,5h 3h 820 10 2h 3h 690 11 - - -

PLL 40W 2G11 - - - - 1h 3h 950 7 1,5h 3h 760 8 - - -

PLL 55W 2G11 - - - - - - - - 1h 3h 920 7

2D 16W GR10q 1,5h 3h 860 12 2h 3h 670 15 2h 3h 540 16 - - -
2D 28W GR10q 1h 3h 950 9 1,5h 3h 730 11 2h 3h 680 13 - - -

2D 38W GR10q - - - - 1,5h 3h 833 8 1,5h 3h 750 9 - - -

Note: Make sure that the terminals on

the module cannot be touched when
changing the lamp or starter by
shrouding them with earthed metal or
thermoplastic insulation kit

order code Description

O-BK1 Conversion kit, BK1 up to 36W 60’ 3,6V-1,5Ah

O-CK1 Conversion kit, CK1 up to 58W 60’ 4,8V-1,5Ah
O-DK1 Conversion kit, DK1 up to 70W 60’ 6,0V-1,5Ah
O-TK1 Conversion kit, TK1 up to 80W 60’ 4,8V-1,5Ah
O-BK3 Conversion kit, BK3 up to 36W 180’ 3,6V-1,5Ah
O-CK3 Conversion kit, CK3 up to 58W 180’ 4,8V-1,5Ah
O-DK3 Conversion kit, DK3 up to 70W 180’ 6,0V-1,5Ah

Maintenance Systems

EASICHECK 2 pg. 84

ZB-S pg. 87

The information given in this brochure is accurate at the time of compilation (errors and omissions excepted), however due to Cooper
philosophy of constant product development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice

 Centralized diagnostic system
 Test conforming to UNI11222
 Manages up to 200 devices
 Network up to 63 panels
 Automatic addressing of all self-
contained emergency lights of the
 Large touchscreen display

System features:
 Large LCD display with multilingual intuitive
 Touchscreen keyboard for entering text manually
 Automatic execution of test operation with a
duration of 5 minutes and independent test of Testing of emergency lighting systems has to be regular,
adjustable duration comprehensive and thorough. With Easicheck2,
 Possibility to split all lights into 16 groups for test it doesn't have to be difficult, disruptive or time consuming
execution schedules in different days
 Continuous monitoring of device status (power Easicheck2 is a diagnostic system for emergency lighting. The
supply and battery charge) with a realtime view in heart of the system is from the panel EC2001, which is
case of malfunction connected with a 2-wire bus to all self-contained emergency
 Relay output for the activation of auxiliary devices
 Input to override the system in case of emergency The user interface is a large Touchscreen display which the
 Ability to print all events and system information on a user and engineers can clearly see all the information. The
system constantly monitors the cycle of charging and
dedicated thermal printer (optional)
discharging batteries, the presence and the emergency
 Software for programming, upload and download response of each light, running automated tests and
configuration and log autonomy of operation in accordance with standard
Capacity and Compatibility: UNI11222.
 Each panel can handle up to 200 lights Using Easicheck2 lowers the maintainance costs of the
 Up to 63 panels can be LON networked for a emergency power systems, improves reliability and helps
maximum of 12.600 lights control maintain the standrad of emergency lighting in line with
 Compatible with all Cooper lights with a suffix EC2 European legislative requirements.
 Panel: Made of sheet steel painted grey epoxy
 Touchscreen display 120x90
 Can be wall mounted or recessed
45 mm
Enclosure material Powder coated steel backbox PC/ABS
Type of mounting Wall surface mount
Dimensions 365W x 375H x 80D(mm)
Weight 18 Kg (including batteries)
Communication RS232
375 mm

Remote signal VF C/O contacts 24V 1A

Connections 2.5mm
Input voltage 230V +10% -15% AC 50Hz
Display Monochrome touch-screen Display
50 mm 16 x Group monitor LED's
Degree of protection IP20

2 2


4 6
1 1

Automatic self test emergency lighting systems

provide the most reliable method of ensuring people
can safely exit a building in an emergency Network conenction

Up to 63 panels
 High integrity hard wired system
 Continuous monitoring
 Functional testing at fraction of the cost of manual
Simple twisted pair monitoring loop can monitor
testing up to 200 luminaire per panel
 Full history always available
 Touchscreen user interface for quick and easy  Up to 200 luminaires per loop
programming and reporting  Simple Belden type 8471 twisted pair loop provides
 Loop tester for wiring fault finding to speed test wiring
commissioning, and avoid damage. Auto learn  Wiring system can be simple loop or loop and spurs
programming feature, with manual mode, to  Up to 2km total cable length
facilitate fast flexible programming  Each luminaire has built in circuit isolators to isolate
 Web Browser access to Site Monitor. Scalable up to defective loop wiring
63 panels, up to 12.600 luminaires for the largest of  Spur isolators can also be fitted to provide additional
installations circuit splitting to aid commissioning and fault finding
 Low cost loop tester available for loop wiring ahead of
panel installation and commissioning

1 2 1 2 3 1 5 2

4 3 4 4 3

Simple twisted pair monitoring loop can Re-learn option re-starts Next free address option leaves
monitor up to 200 luminaire per panel addressing sequence existing addresses undisturbed

Network card that allows
Easicheck2 panels to share The programmer allows the manual
all messages across a common addressing of a light into the system
internal network. Up to 63
can be connected


Thermal printer to connect

The module MSI850 is used whenever
directly to the serial port of
there is need to create a spur
Easicheck2. Useful to print
from the main LOOP
the log event localy

EC170 MSI850

Interface for connecting a Required to connect the programming

typical self contained PC to the Easicheck2 panel.
Emergency light into the Suitable for PC without a serial port
Easichek2 system


LP800ECKIT allows the

Ec232 is used to convert the LON
commissioning engineer
signal from a Easicheck 2 panel
to simulate the loop
into LAN IP protocol
before initial start-up


Order codes
EC2001 Easicheck 2 Control Panel EC400 is used to assign an IP address
EC2001NC Easicheck 2 Control Panel from a local network
(networked card fitted) on an Easicheck2 panel.
ZPCB2202 Network card
EC170 Printer
ECS110 Scael interface for Easicheck 2 lights EC400
LP800ECKIT Loop Tester
CF800ECPROG Address Programer
MSI850 Spur Isolator
USBINT1 USB to RS232 interface
EC0232 LON to RS232
EC400 IP Network Router

 Centralized power supply system and
 Complies with EN50171
 Test conforming to UNI11222
 Network up to 32 stations
 Monitoring and programming the
individual device
 Handles up to 400W of power equipment

System features:
 Centralized power supply system conforms to the
requirements of standard EN50171
 Power supply 230/400Vac
 Output voltage emergency 216Vcc ZB-S is a modular system with diagnostic functions providing
 Routing and scheduling of the individual equipment centralised power to the emergecny lighting. It allows the use
for operation Maintained, Non-Maintained and start- of lighting devices as ordinary emergency lights with the
up from external command. simple insertion of an interface module.
 Monitoring form for three-phase electrical panels It can handle an unlimited number of lighting circuits as output
and partial intervention in emergency on the lines and the batteries are configured according to the amount of
affected by blackout. equipment and load consumed. The system is made up of a
 Patented battery charging system with temperature central unit, containing a CPU with LCD display, a patented
compensation. form of charging batteries and a series of output circuits. A
Capacity and Compatibility: series of accessories are available such as a printer, a booster
 Compatible with luminaires operating at 230 Vac for fast-charging, three-phase sensors and relay modules.
and 216Vcc up to 400W.
 Max 20 lights per circuit individually programmed. The lights, even if connected to the same output line, are
 Max 80 output circuits for each project. managed individually, with the possibility of having devices off
 Networking of up to 32 stations. (operation emergency-only), on (permanent operation
Construction: Maintained) and apparatus controlled by switch. The cabinet
 Made of sheet steel painted epoxy RAL 7035, can contain the electronic part and the batteries and can be
available in more than 30 different configurations custom built in line with project requirements in collaboration
depending on project size. with Cooper engineers..
 Possibility for top and bottom cable entry.
 Battery set to 216V (18 blocks 12V) compliant
accordance with the requirements of EN50171.
 Lifecycle of 10 years available with capacities from
5.5 to 240Ah.

2.0 Emergency Light

Central monitor battery systems

The ZB-S systems are available in a wide variety of cabinet configurations

and sizes. For more detail on all central battery monitoring systems by Cooper Safety,
please contact your local Cooper office and request the complete catalogue

Cooper recommends their high integrity
system which combines its central
battery monitoring system or
Easicheck2 continuous fault monitoring
system, together with up to 50.000 hour
LED light sources and independent
non-maintained luminaires for
maximum reliability in buildings such as
hospitals, schools colleges, airports,
and government buildings with the
highest levels of security, where
maximum reliability is required to
ensure quick and safe exit from a
Anti-Panic (Open) - Area Lighting The part of Housing 850°C - Test Mandatory test for emergency Non-Maintained Emergency - Luminaire A luminaire
emergency escape lighting provided to avoid panic and luminaires used on escape routes, to establish that containing one or more lamps, which operate from the
provide illumination allowing people to reach a place materials do not burn at a given temperature. Self- emergency supply only upon failure of the normal
where an escape route can be identified. extinguishing grades of plastic must be used, or mains supply.
alternatively glass and/or steel.
Ballast - The component that controls the operation of Rated Duration - The manufacturers declared
a lamp from a specified low or high voltage AC or DC Illuminance (lux) - The luminous flux density at a duration for a battery operated emergency lighting unit,
source (typically between 12 and 240 volts). surface, indicated in lm/m2. specifying the time for which it will operate after mains
failure. This may be for any reasonable period, but is
Ballast Lumen Factor - The ratio of the light output of Ingress Protection (IP) - Number classification of the
normally one or three hours (when fully charged).
the lamp in emergency operation compared with the degree of protection a luminaire provides against the
light output of the same lamp operated by a reference entry of solid foreign bodies and moisture (See page 90 Rated Load - The maximum load which may be
ballast at its rated voltage and frequency. for classification) connected to the system which will be supplied for the
rated duration.
Battery - Secondary cells providing the source of Isolux Diagram - Diagram showing contours of equal
power during mains failure. illuminance Re-charge Period - The time necessary for the
batteries to regain sufficient capacity to achieve their
Battery Capacity - The discharge capability of a K Factor - The ratio of the light output from the lamp in
rated duration.
battery, being a product of average current and time, its worst condition, normally at end of discharge and
expressed as Ampere-hours (Ah) over a stated with any cable volt drop, to the output at nominal Self Contained Emergency Luminaire - A luminaire
duration.Note: At fast rates of discharge the full ampere voltage or sign providing Maintained or Non-Maintained
hour capacity of the battery is not available. emergency lighting, in which all the elements such as
Light Output Ratio (LOR) - The ratio of the total light
battery, the lamp and the control unit are contained
Candela (cd) - The unit of luminous intensity. output of a luminaire, compared with total lamp light
within the housing or within 1 metre of the housing.
Central Battery System - A system in which the
Single Point Luminaire - See self-contained
batteries for a number of emergency luminaires are
emergency luminaire.
housed in one location. Usually for all the emergency
luminaires on one lighting sub-circuit, but sometimes Slave Luminaire - An emergency luminaire without its
for all emergency luminaires in a complete building. own batteries, which is designed to work in conjunction
with a central battery system.
Colour Temperature (°K) - All materials emit light
when heated (e.g. metal glows red through to white as Spacing to Height Ratio (SHR) - The ratio of the
the temperature increase). The temperature to which a distance between luminaire centres in relation to their
full radiator (or 'black body') would be heated to height above the working plane. Maximum spacing to
achieve the same chromaticity (colour quality) of the height ratio (SHRmax) is the maximum spacing of an
light source being considered, defines the correlated array of luminaires that will achieve a ratio of min/max
colour temperature of the lamp, quoted in degrees direct illuminance of at least 0.7.
Standby Lighting - The part of emergency lighting
Combined Emergency Luminaire - A luminaire which may be provided to enable normal activities to
containing two or more lamps, at least one of which is continue in the event of a mains supply failure.
energised from the emergency supply and the
remainder from the normal supply (If the emergency Sustained Emergency Luminaire - See combined
lamp is only illuminated in a mains failure condition this emergency luminaire.
luminaire is regarded for Fire Authority approval as non- Uniformity - The ratio between minimum illuminance
maintained). (or luminance) to average illuminance (or luminance),
Design Voltage - The voltage declared by the Lumen (lm) - The unit of luminous flux used to usually measured at the working plane.
manufacturer to which all the ballast characteristics are describe the quantity of light emitted by a source or
related. received by a surface.
Discomfort Glare - Glare which causes visual Luminaire - Apparatus which distribute the light given
discomfort. by a lamp or lamps, including all the items necessary
for fixing and protecting the lamps and for connecting
Emergency Lighting - The lighting provided for use them to the electrical supply.
when the supply to the normal mains lighting
installation fails. Luminance (cd/m2) - The perceived brightness of a
surface, measured by the intensity of light emitted or
Escape Route Lighting - Lighting provided to ensure reflected from a surface area in a given direction.
that the means of escape can be effectively identified
and safely used when a location is occupied. Luminous Efficacy (lm/W) - The ratio of light emitted,
to the power consumed by a lamp.
Emergency Exit - The way out of a building, which is
intended to be used at any time whilst the premises are Luminous Flux (lm) - The total light emitted by a
occupied. lamp, measured in lumens.
'F' Mark - Mark indicating that a luminaire is suitable Luminous Intensity (cd) - The power of a light source
for mounting on to normally combustible surfaces. or illuminated surface to emit light in a given direction,
measured in candela.
Final Exit - The terminal point of an escape route,
beyond which point persons are no longer in danger Lux - The unit if illuminance, equal to one lumen per
from fire or any other hazard requiring evacuation of the square metre (lm/m2)
Maintained Emergency Luminaire - A luminaire
Glare - The discomfort or disability that occurs when containing one or more lamps, all of which operate
there is an excessive change of luminance in the field of from the normal supply or from the emergency supply
vision. at all material times.
High Risk Task Area - Lighting Emergency lighting Mounting Height - The vertical distance between the
provided to ensure the safety of people involved in a luminaire and the working plane. Note: For emergency
potentially dangerous process or situation and to lighting the floor is always taken to be the working
enable proper shut down procedures for the safety of plane.
the operator and other occupants of the premises.

Head Office
Cooper Safety Limited
Jephson Court Tancred Close
Leamington Spa
CV31 3RZ, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1926 439200

Fax: +44 (0) 1926 439240


Cooper Industries Plc

Unit F10, Maynooth Business Campus
Maynooth, Ireland


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