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Health and Safety Protocols For The Philippine Film and Av Industry

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07 JUNE 2020 | VERSION 1


Introduction 03
How to Use this Document 04
About COVID-19 05
Personal Health Flowchart 07
Duties Under Applicable Laws 08
Safe Filming Program 12
Mandatory Control Measures 14
Implementing Guidelines Under the Mandatory Control Measures 15
COVID-19 Immigration Protocols and Domestic Restrictions 19
Guidance on COVID-19 Health Declarations 22
Useful Guide in Preparing And Setting Up Workplaces Under COVID-19 23
Useful Guide in Scene Locations and Restrictions 24
General Guidelines During The Stages of Production 25
Going Home After Work 33
Specific COVID-19 Protocols 35
Transportation Protocol 43
Guidance on COVID-19 Physical and Mental Health And Well-Being 45
Guidance on COVID-19 Testing and Referral for Symptomatic Workers 46
COVID-19 Production Zone 48
Production, Department, Location and Crew Zone Overview 52
Incident Management and Response 53
Suspected or Confirmed Cases at Work 54
Cleaning and Disinfection Guide 55
Appendices 58
Relevant Government Issuances 65

In one way or another, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has challenged and affected all industries
and workplaces, including the film and audiovisual industry. In response to the unprecedented threat of the pandemic, the
government has imposed restrictions on public health and emergency management. The strict limitations in social and
mass gatherings, physical distancing requirements and disruptions to the supply chain have resulted in many film and
audiovisual productions coming to a halt.

Starting May 16, 2020, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID)
stated that baseline restrictions would begin to ease with regard to the Implementation of Community Quarantine in
the Philippines in that under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) film, music, and television production
may operate at fifty percent (50%) operational capacity while encouraging work-from-home and other flexible work
arrangements where applicable. Operating establishments are mandated to comply with minimum public health standards
at all times. In the absence of a vaccine or definitive cure for COVID-19, non-pharmaceutical interventions remain the most
effective ways to prevent the spread and mitigate the risks of COVID-19.

On June 7, 2020, the Department of Health (DOH), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and Film Development
Council of the Philippines (FDCP) released Joint Administrative Order (JAO) No. 2020-001 on the Health and Safety
Protocols for the Conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production Shoots and Audiovisual Activities During COVID-19 Pandemic.

The FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001 is a tripartite government issuance that sets the minimum
public health and safety standards that production shoots must abide by in order to ensure that all film and audiovisual
content workers are protected as operations resume during the pandemic. As line agencies that cover all sectors, DOH and
DOLE cooperated with FDCP which served as a participating agency in providing context, inputs, and recommendations
on the health and safety guidelines governing film and audiovisual production activities.

The FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001 aims to provide guidance to all companies and workers
for the resumption of film and audiovisual content production and other audiovisual activities following the established
minimum public health standards for COVID-19 mitigation within various levels of community quarantine. It prescribes the
necessary prevention, detection, and rapid response measures to be implemented while maintaining business continuity
across the film and audiovisual sector.


These guidelines cover the following sectors:

1. All film and audiovisual companies;

2. All film and audiovisual workers including but not limited to employees, regardless of employment status,
and independent contractors/freelancers;
3. All forms of film and audiovisual content including but not limited to motion picture, film, television,
animation, advertising, and other audiovisual content;
4. All production stages from Pre-Production, Production or Principal Photography, and Post-Production;
5. All venues of production, including on-location, studios, workplace, production sites, post-production
facilities, and other venues; and
6. All others concerned with the conduct of Film and Audiovisual Production Shoots in all stages

These guidelines, which contextualize the sector-based health and safety protocols prescribed in the FDCP-DOLE-DOH
Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001, should be read in conjunction with the minimum health standards in the JAO, as
well as the policies and procedures already applicable in workplaces and production sites. In addition to consideration of
these Guidelines, stakeholders and employers in the industry must ensure that they take the necessary steps to safeguard
their cast and crew, as well as others who interact with the industry by preparing their own COVID-19 Safe Filming Plan
based on the risk assessment prior to recommencing work.

It is important to note that this manual is a living document and has been developed to support and assist in eliminating
or minimizing the exposure of all personnel to COVID-19 while working on your production or project. This document
will continue to evolve based on the most recent evidence and users are advised to check the official channels of FDCP,
DOLE, DOH, and other government agencies for up-to-date information.

Visit for the most updated and full content of the JAO annexes which are the basis of this Manual.

The steps below set out how these Guidelines should be used in performing a risk assessment and preparing for a
COVID-19 Safe Filming Plan:

1. Review the JAO Guidelines and Annexes.

2. Assess the risks and hazards particular to your production activity.
3. Prescribe the necessary mandatory control measures applicable to your production. The controls set out
in Section G of these Guidelines are mandatory control measures applicable to all film and audiovisual
productions as part of the COVID-Safe Filming Plan. The rest of the Guidelines prescribe a comprehensive set
of controls but it is understood that circumstances faced by each individual production are different. Producers
and employers must select a set of controls which are appropriate to the unique characteristics of their particular
4. Prepare your COVID-19 Safe Filming Plan for your production. Productions should consider the combination of
those specific departmental controls and make sure that they are reasonably applicable for their production to
implement based on the risk assessment the production has undertaken. Further, while these control measures
are by no means exhaustive, individual productions may choose to go beyond these control measures.
5. Begin your production.


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel respiratory virus which was first identified in December 2019. It is
an illness an individual experiences when he/she is infected by the virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronaviruses 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency
of International Concern on January 30, 2020. On the same day, the Department of Health reported the first case of
COVID-19 in the country with a 38-year-old female Chinese national. On March 7, 2020, the first local transmission of
COVID 19 was confirmed.

On March 8, 2020, President Rodrigo R. Duterte, recognizing that the COVID-19 constitutes a threat to national security
and prompts a whole-of-government approach in addressing the outbreak, declared a State of Public Health emergency
throughout the entire Philippines through Proclamation No. 922.

On March 11, 2020, WHO declared COVID-19 to be a Pandemic.

Currently, there is no vaccine or cure. Individuals with mild cases can generally manage their symptoms through rest and
recuperation at home. However, in severe cases, hospitalization and intensive care may be necessary. Complications of
COVID-19 can be fatal. Furthermore, COVID-19 is highly infectious as it can be transmitted through direct and indirect contact.

There is no conclusive set of symptoms which indicates whether a person has COVID-19. At the moment, a test is needed
to confirm a diagnosis of COVID-19. However, there are a set of common and less common symptoms which patients
generally present, including the following:

cough high temperature shortness sore throat sneezing and temporary loss
(37.5°C or higher) of breath runny nose of smell

These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have COVID-19. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much
more common, such as cold and flu.

Shortness of breath is a sign of possible pneumonia and requires immediate medical attention. Around one out of every
six people who get COVID-19 become seriously ill and develop difficulty in breathing. Some people, referred to as
asymptomatic cases, experience no symptoms at all even though they are infected.

If you have these symptoms and have recently been overseas or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with
COVID-19, contact your doctor for the next steps depending on your condition.

The manner by which COVID-19 is spread continues to improve based on information reported about the virus locally and
from around the world.

Currently, it is understood that COVID-19 spreads in the following ways:

• Direct contact with a person while they are infectious

• Direct or indirect contact with respiratory droplets (such as when a person coughs or sneezes)
• Direct contact with objects and surfaces which are contaminated by respiratory droplets
• Droplet transmission especially in enclosed spaces

The virus is most likely to be spread within the first three days of symptoms appearing. This seems to be when there is
the most shedding of the virus in the nose and throat. However, it is important to practice good hygiene after this time as
spread may still occur. In severe cases, a person may have breathing difficulties or develop pneumonia.

Generally, the average time for symptoms to manifest is 5 to 6 days after infection. Some people who contract COVID-19
may not present any symptoms at all but can still spread the virus. On the other hand, some individuals will present
with symptoms after the sixth day past infection. At the moment, the medical consensus seems to be that a person with
COVID-19 displays symptoms within a 14-day window.

Every person has the same risk of contracting COVID-19. However, some persons have a higher risk of serious illness/
complications. Pursuant to DOH 2020-0015, DOH has identified the following persons to have a higher risk:

1. Individuals above 60 years old

2. Individuals with underlying medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer, respiratory illnesses,
or cardiovascular diseases
3. Individuals with a high-risk pregnancy

For persons below 21 years old, the IATF Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the
Philippines state under Section 2 that these individuals stay at home for the duration of the quarantine.



Are you vulnerable to COVID-19? Notify your producer/employer and follow FDCP-
Is there a vulnerable person in your YES DOLE-DOH JAO Guidelines for vulnerable
home? people.

NO Do you have any of these symptoms?

Have you travelled to areas with travel

restrictions recently? YES

High temperature Shortness of breath

(more than 37.5 °C)

Cough Sore throat

Did you have a close contact with Sneezing and Temporary loss
someone with symptoms (suspect YES runny nose of smell
or confirmed)?


Immediately notify your producer/employer

and your respective Barangay Health
Did you have indirect contact* with Emergency Response Team (BHERT) or
someone with symptoms (suspect or
confirmed)? Local Health Office for monitoring.
*Being in the same area (hospital waiting room,
restaurant, open office, etc.) for a prolonged time

Advised to

Immediately notify your producer/employer

and your respective Barangay Health
Emergency Response Team (BHERT) or
Local Health Office for monitoring. Take extra care and stay at home.
Inform your producer/employer. Don’t go back to
work until you are well and are allowed by your
producer/employer to do so.
Self-quarantine Advised to
not needed? self-quarantine?



Every person working in the film and audiovisual industry has a role and responsibility to ensure the health, safety, and
well-being of themselves and others at the workplace. Every person is required to comply with the provisions in the
FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001 and other applicable laws. It is important that all players in the
industry understand their respective obligations to eliminate or minimize the possibility of exposure to COVID-19 at the
workplace and production sites.

Overview of Applicable Laws

1. Republic Act No. 11332 - Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health
Concern Act
2. Republic Act No. 11058 - Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards Act
3. DOLE Department Order No. 198 S. 2018
4. DOH Administrative Order 2020-0015
5. DOLE-DTI Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
6. DOLE-FDCP Joint Memorandum Circular 2020-001
7. FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001

Duties of Government Agencies

In this time of pandemic, it must be emphasized that the FDCP-DOH-DOLE Joint Admin Order No. 2020-001 aims to
protect the health and safety of film and audiovisual workers as they resume their livelihoods under the new normal setup.

The Department of Labor and Employment shall provide technical assistance in developing the necessary labor
standards, protocols, and guidelines in the workplace during the COVID-19 Pandemic and enforce penalties for reported
violations of this Order.

The Department of Health shall provide technical assistance in developing the necessary health standards, protocols,
and guidelines in the workplace during the COVID-19 Pandemic and continue to update the set minimum public health
standards based on most recent evidence available and issue succeeding updates through DOH Department Circulars.

The Local Government Units (LGUs) shall implement and monitor compliance with the COVID-19 mitigating guidelines
and impose necessary sanctions according to IATF guidelines and local government ordinances.

The Film Development Council of the Philippines shall consolidate the production registration forms and requirements
and report the intended location of production shoots to the concerned LGUs (whether in the workplace, studio, on-
location, or other venues), DOH, and DOLE.

Duties of an Employer/Producer
Employers/Producers have a duty to ensure the health and safety of workers in the workplace or production sites. They
must also make sure that the health and safety of other persons is not put at risk from the work carried out as part of the
conduct of their production and activities.

The definition of a producer/ employer captures most modern working arrangements. A non-exhaustive list of examples of
producer/employer in the industry is set out below:

• Production companies
• Producers as Individuals undertaking the production (including pre-production, production or shoot, and post-
• Businesses or contractors providing services such as creative or technical services
• Agencies or companies responsible for advertising, editing, event production, film distribution and marketing,
and other audiovisual activities

To comply with this duty, a producer/employer must:

1. Comply with the provisions of the FDCP-DOLE-DOH JAO and other relevant issuances in ensuring the health
and safety of all individuals involved in film and audiovisual productions.
2. Provide alternative structures and arrangements for work:
a. Pre-production meetings, technical meetings, and other prep work must be done online.
b. Workers who are under the vulnerable group (above 60 years old, individuals with underlying
medical conditions, or individuals with a high-risk pregnancy).
c. For other pre-production meetings and activities that absolutely cannot be done online, the basic
guidelines of physical distancing and having a minimal number of people in the workplace must be
put in place.
3. Provide and maintain safe systems of work (e.g. by adapting scripts, modifying production schedules, and
implementing work zones)
4. Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers at work (for example, through providing sufficient hygiene
5. Provide the necessary training, information, instruction, and supervision for workers, visitors and
other persons at the workplace to protect against risks to health and safety (such as through infection control
training, hygiene training, and putting up posters and signage in prominent locations)
6. Ensure that the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace are monitored for the purpose of preventing
the transmission of COVID-19.
7. Ensure that a worker has access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
8. Ensure that all individuals involved in production shoots adhere to the guidelines specified in this Order.
9. Report to FDCP and DOLE on their scheduled location shoots.
10. Submit other reportorial requirements as may be required by FDCP, DOLE, or DOH.
11. Keep a record of all OSH-related forms, as well as contacts of relevant government offices and health facilities
for coordination and assistance in observance of the guidelines.

Duties of Workers
Each worker’s duty is to be responsible in taking care of their own well-being and complying with the guidelines to ensure
not only their own health and safety but of other workers as well. A worker is any person who carries out work in any
capacity in a film and audiovisual production, including the following:

• Employees regardless of status (regular, contractual, project-based)

• Independent contractors or subcontractors (and their employees)
• Freelancers
• Apprentices
• Trainees
• Volunteers
• Interns

Workers may help in securing the health and safety of the worksite by complying with the following minimum standards:

1. Follow their production’s COVID-19 Safe Filming Plan and all directions and instructions given in relation to
minimizing or eliminating the risk of COVID-19 at work and as prescribed by the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint
Administrative Order No. 2020-001.
2. Follow physical distancing and hygiene protocols.
3. Inform their producers/employers and not report to the workplace and production site if they are displaying
symptoms of COVID-19 or feeling unwell.
4. Report suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workplace or production site to their supervisors.
5. Use PPE as instructed.
6. Take reasonable care of their health and safety outside the workplace (in respect of COVID-19 transmission)
for the duration of the shoot.
7. Report directly to the DOLE/Safe Filming Program for any violations committed by the employer/producer
that endangers the production and its workers.

Duties Of Occupational Safety And Health (OSH) Officers

The necessary OSH officer/s must be present in all workplaces and areas, at all times, during working hours. The number
and types of OSH officers will depend on the activities and the total number of workers present in the shoot, as prescribed
in Sections 14 and 15, Chapter IV of DOLE Department Order No. 198 S. 2018. Regardless of whether it is a workplace
or production site, the qualified OSH personnel shall conduct an ocular inspection of the area and institute the necessary
control measures. They must also conduct a health and safety orientation to all workers prior to the start of the production.

For the purposes of COVID-19 mitigation, an additional function will be given to the OSH officer to ensure that the
COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be in place for the safe conduct of production shoots and activities.

Creation of a Safety and Health Committee

A safety and health committee must be organized by the production in accordance with Sec.13(b) of DOLE DO
No. 198 s. 2018. The producer must ensure that all persons engaged in a production are qualified and competent
to undertake the duties for which they have been engaged.

Compliance with Local Community Quarantine Guidelines

Without prejudice to these guidelines, production companies and workers must comply with the current community
quarantine protocols where the production site or workplace is located, including curfews and other related guidelines and
local issuances.

Interzonal Movement
Interzonal movement for the purpose of conducting audiovisual productions shall remain prohibited except when the localities
have the same quarantine setup, in which case such movement shall be considered movements within a single quarantine
zone. All producers/employers and workers are strongly encouraged to carry out production within their areas of domicile.

Workplace with Imminent Danger Situations

In workplaces where workers are evidently at risk of infection as in healthcare and other frontline services, the producer/
employer must ensure that there is access to a health care provider, as appropriate to the projected risks of the environment
and activities of the workers.

Workers in said workplaces shall take extra precautionary measures which include strict hygiene and the rational use of
PPE. Producers/Employers must ensure that PPE (e.g. surgical masks, gowns, gloves) is properly worn by the workers
while at work and disposed of accordingly after use.

Refusing Unsafe Work
In line with Section 5.4 (d) of the FDCP-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 S. 2020 Guidelines Governing The
Working Conditions And Occupational Safety And Health Of Workers In The Audio-visual Production, all workers shall
have the right to refuse work which they reasonably believe is potentially hazardous to their own health and safety or
that of others. All workers must also be oriented on safety and health hazard identification, risk assessment and control
(HIRAC) to assess and identify occupational hazards in their workplace accurately. Reported unsafe conditions and
actions must be immediately investigated and remedied without delay by the OSH Officer.

Reporting of production shoots and Illnesses/Diseases/Injuries

In line with the reportorial requirements of the FDCP-DOLE JMC No. 001 S. 2020, all scheduled production shoots
(whether for film, TV, web, and other audiovisual content) must be reported to DOLE and Safe Filming Program at least
seven (7) days before the production shoot day. Further, every notifiable accident or injury must be submitted to the DOLE
Regional Office or the Safe Filming Program within 30 days after the date of the accident.

The Safe Filming Program is a program by the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) in partnership with
the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which implements the strategies
and guidelines of the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001. It provides a global resource website
that outlines the principles of safe production and provides information about systems, resources, forms, and all related
documents and issuances to ensure working safely in the Philippines for both local and international film and audiovisual

Safe Filming is also a platform that allows for an active collaboration with stakeholders through the project registration
process which FDCP coordinates with government agencies such as DOLE, DOH, and authorities for the monitoring
of compliance with the guidelines of the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001. Other OSH-related
concerns from the OSH Officers or workers including work-related injuries, illnesses, and any and all unsafe working
conditions may also be coursed through the Safe Filming Program for proper inspection.

Development of Specific Guidelines

Through the Safe Filming Program, film and audiovisual companies and organizations may develop their own applicable
and specific guidelines, provided that they are in line with the minimum standards of the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint
Administrative Order No. 2020-001, which may be submitted to the Agencies for review and endorsement.

How to Register your Production

The following mandatory forms must be filled out and submitted by the producer/employer to the Safe Filming Program
prior to the start of the production.

1. Production Registration Form. Pursuant to the Reportorial Requirements as specified in the FDCP-DOLE-
DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001, the Production Registration Form may be filled out and sent to The form will contain specific details of the planned production shoot and must be
submitted at least seven (7) days before the first day of shoot.
2. Health and Safety Commitment Declaration. This form is for production companies to manifest their
compliance with Republic Act 11058 or the OSH Law, DOLE-FDCP Joint Memorandum Circular 001,
Series of 2020 on the Guidelines Governing the Working Conditions and Occupational Safety and Health
of Workers in the Audio-visual Production Industry and the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order
No. 2020-001. This also spells out their commitment in providing and maintaining a safe and healthy
workplace for all workers. This must be submitted to the Safe Filming Program prior to the start of the
production shoot.

After submission of these forms, a registration acknowledgement certification will be received by the producer/employer
as well as useful resources, documents, and tools for the safe conduct of their production.

Other Safe Filming Documents

The following are the Safe Filming Forms available for producers and workers in accordance to their activities and needs.
These are not mandatory documents that need to be submitted but must be kept as records by the producers/employers
in case of inspection.

1. COVID-19 Health Declaration Form. All workers must fill out the COVID-19 Health Declaration Form for
reporting on their medical status and known/unknown contact with the novel coronavirus. As a preventive
measure to mitigate the risk of outbreak in the workplace, workers must provide their contact details, describe
their recent travel history, list people they have come into contact with, and check off any symptoms they
may be experiencing. This must be submitted to the workers’ respective production prior to the start of the
production shoot or to the workplace prior to returning to work.
2. COVID-19 Sign-In Registration Form. The OSH must ensure that all workers at the beginning of the production
shoot must fill out this form indicating history of travel and other pertinent details for contact tracing purposes.
This record must be kept by the producer and may be required by the DOH for contact tracing.
3. Illness and Injury Investigation Form. This is to record injuries or illness sustained by any worker during the
course of the production shoot along with recommendations on how to prevent such from happening again.
This must be reported to FDCP, DOH, and DOLE within thirty (30) days after the occurence of the illness and
4. Health and Safety Orientation. All workers must be able to undergo a Health and Safety Orientation in order
for them to be trained in assessing risks and ensuring safety in the workplace. This form may be used to
record that their Health and Safety Orientation has been completed and must be kept as a record by the
5. Safety Requirements for Call Sheets. This is a guide for producers to use as a checklist in including safety
information about the production shoot in their Call Sheets. This is to ensure that the cast and crew are
equipped with information with regard to health and safety on set. This form must be kept by the Producer.
6. Incident Register. This is to record any health-related incidents that occur during the production and must be
kept as a record by the production.
7. Risk Register. This form must be filled out that takes stock of each production site’s possible risks on the
venue that may cause injury or illness to the workers. This also controls to eliminate and minimize the
same risks. This must be filled out by the OSH Officer and submitted to the Producer prior to the start of the


In simplifying the core principles that must be followed to ensure the health and safety of a production, the following key
measures are introduced in this Manual.

• Limit the number of workers and create alternative work arrangements.
• A maximum of 50 individuals will be allowed in production sites.
• Those who can work from home are urged to do so as only essential workers are permitted to go to workplaces and
production sites.
• No visitors will be allowed.

• Necessary revisions of scripts and production executions must be done to comply with health and safety restrictions
due to the pandemic.
• Producers and employers must consider reviewing creative executions and production schedules to allow for the
safety measures to be implemented in production sites and workplaces.

• A safety orientation must be conducted before the resumption of production work.
• Producers and employers must disseminate all COVID-19-related information and health and safety protocols to
workers and must plan their work and productions to comply with the requirements of the JAO.

• Maintain physical distancing.
• No less than one (1) meter away from other people must be observed wherever possible.
• The specified distance varies between 1 to 2 meters as there will be controlled spaces that employ strict safety
measures (1 meter), uncontrolled spaces where there is an expectation for workers to interact with external spaces
and people (2 meters), and even close contact spaces for tasks that entail person-to-person contact (e.g., hair and
makeup, and intimate scenes) which would need additional control measures.

• Employ engineering controls for limiting physical contact and hygiene.
• There must be handwashing stations, footbath mats in all entrances, and physical barriers in common areas.
• The sanitation of workplaces and production and shooting sites must be done regularly.
• Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces, provide partitions and barriers to separate the production sites into zones,
and designate areas for workers who are feeling unwell or showing flu-like symptoms, etc. in locations and workplaces
for all stages of production.

• Effective implementation of the JAO through Administrative controls and compliance to existing laws.
• Producers must understand the measures in place to hold productions accountable for any violation to the JAO, OSH
LAW and RA1132.

• Proper use of PPE.
• Workers must wear their PPE like surgical masks, face shields, and gloves at all times. They should use alcohol or
hand sanitizer religiously, on top of washing their hands properly.
• Producers and employers must provide ample amounts of PPE and alcohol or hand sanitizer.

Note: You may use “REMEDIES” to easily remember these key principles.

Practicing safe work to limit exposure to COVID-19, while operating under community quarantine conditions, means
assessing the risks first, and then implementing the appropriate controls, whenever applicable. All work must be
approached to reduce possible contact between workers and promote physical distancing wherever possible.

• A maximum number of people on the production site must be limited to fifty (50) people, unless a locality’s community
quarantine guidelines prescribe a less maximum number.
• Work from Home arrangements (WFH) must be utilized for all stages of production as applicable. Physical contact
may be reduced by conducting online meetings, electronic transactions, virtual reviews, and checks.
• Provision of alternative structures and arrangements for work:

a. Pre-production meetings, technical meetings, and other prep work must be done online.
b. Employees who are able to accomplish their duties off-site must adopt work-from-home arrangements.
c. For other pre-production meetings and activities that absolutely cannot be done online, the basic guidelines of
physical distancing and having a minimal number of people in the workplace must be put in place.

• Prolonged face-to-face interaction between workers and clients is discouraged, and face masks must be worn at all
times and not removed. Meetings needing physical presence must be kept to a minimum and with a short duration.
Videoconferencing must be utilized for lengthy discussions among workers whenever possible.
• Only essential workers necessary to perform physical work, supervise work, or conduct work will be allowed to report
physically at the workplace or shooting site.
• All workers who can work from home must work from home. Visitors to the site will be restricted to the minimum
necessary to deliver work.

• Producers and employers must consider reviewing creative executions including altering scripts/storyboards to allow
for the safety measures to be implemented in production sites and workplaces
• Modify your production schedules to adapt to the current restrictions amid the pandemic.
• The person completing the breakdown needs to have a solid understanding of COVID-19 associated risks and all
requirements under R.A. 11058 or the OSH Law, taking into account the current community quarantine conditions and
having a solid understanding of the structure, processes, departmental requirements, and on set protocols required to
achieve the sequences described in the script or storyboard.
• Script/Storyboard Consideration Amid The Pandemic:

a. The requirement for persons to be within the recommended physical distancing or contact parameters
b. The need for multiple people to be in contact with multiple surfaces
c. Larger numbers of persons in one place, a gathering
d. Locations to be filmed at, considering if it is possible to do
e. The number of crew required
f. Any travel locally or internationally should be essential to the project
g. If suitable, consider flexible worksite strategies, i.e. to minimize or eliminate overlap between departments
h. Alternative methods in order to eliminate or minimize risk

• The Producers/Employers shall ensure that the plan and work protocols are communicated effectively to workers and
other individuals by the OSH Officer before entering the site, or work. Language, culture, and disability requirements
must be taken into account to ensure information is understandable for all.
• The Producer/Employer must ensure that all hazards have been reviewed and are appropriately controlled. This
includes workers’ understanding of the operations, having fit-for-purpose equipment, checking the material, and
environmental conditions. The plan and work protocols must take into account the possibility that a site or location
where film and audiovisual activity will take place may have become unsafe during the quarantine period.
• The Producers/Employers must communicate and engage with their workers regularly on how to safely carry out work
in a COVID-19 environment. Planning and implementing COVID-19 protocols must involve workers.
• Producers/Employers must train workers in the proper use, cleaning, and disposal of PPE designed to minimize
COVID-19 transmission in line with DOH guidelines.
• Producers/Employers must ensure that all concerned departments and workers are aware of scene and location
• Workers must be given guidance by the Producer/Employer on how to decontaminate themselves and their clothing
when returning to their home living arrangements, and accessing other services where they may be in contact with
others (including public spaces, retailers, and medical services).

Physical distancing means keeping a safe distance from others. No less than one (1) meter away from other people must
be observed wherever possible. This is an important measure to help protect from COVID-19 which spreads via droplets
from coughing and sneezing.

There are varying measurements of physical distancing within spaces depending on the type of space where work is
undertaken. These are broken down in controlled, uncontrolled, and close contact spaces.

i. Controlled Space is a situation where a Producer/ Employer can reasonably provide. In a Controlled Space, the
required separation is no less than one (1) meter between people whenever applicable because of the
additional measures implemented.

1. Hand sanitizing/cleaning
2. Cleaning between groups when they occupy an area
3. Maintain the required physical distancing
4. Health screening
5. Contact tracing (recording name, phone, and address)

ii. Uncontrolled Space is a situation where a producer/employer cannot reasonably provide the above measures.
For these spaces (e.g. public spaces, shops, etc.), there is an expectation of two (2) meters separation
whenever applicable between workers and other persons because these spaces are outside of the
production zone.

iii. Close Contact Space involves close personal contact that results in workers not being able to maintain one
meter physical distancing, e.g. hair and makeup or intimate scenes. Close contact safety measures need to
meet the same requirements as the controlled space above as well as taking additional control measures
such as PPE and increased ventilation.

iv. Workplaces must be separated into zones to keep different crews, staff, and contractors physically separated
at all times. Some locations may need to apply alternative methods for the creation of work zones to achieve
work group separation.

v. Work that requires close personal contact between workers (e.g. lighting, camera operation, sound, grip work,
cast, makeup, wardrobe) must be minimized. Work of this nature must be planned and managed to establish
a safe system of work following the COVID-19 Community Quarantine conditions for operation. Risk of
COVID-19 transmission must be included in risk assessments, and the highest level of control must be
considered and properly implemented.

Engineering Controls refer to physical interventions or modifications in spaces or environments that are meant to prevent
the transmission of infectious diseases.

• Handwashing facilities, hand sanitizers, and dispensers with an alcohol-based solution must be placed in all
entrances, exits, and areas with high foot traffic
• Where possible, redesign office layout to ensure that physical distancing can be observed. Alternatively, physical
barriers may also be placed.
• Physical markers for physical distancing will also help enforce physical distancing. Visual cues must be placed to
guide individuals to maintain a distance of at least one (1) meter apart from each other.
• An isolation area or space must be designated in any workplace or venue in all stages of production. This area will be
where workers who are showing signs of contagion will stay while waiting for transport to healthcare facilities.
• Waste management protocols, especially for infectious wastes, must be in place. Trash bins must be made available
in strategic locations in the workplace.
• Where possible, appropriate ventilation and management of movement must be implemented as measures for
infection prevention (e.g. separate paths for entry and exit).
• Protocols for transport of suspect COVID-19 cases must be in place, including provision of ambulance. (Hospitals will
report suspect cases of COVID-19 to DOH.)
• Routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and objects, and routine replacement of disinfectant solutions in
footbaths must be observed.
• Availability of hand soaps, sanitizers, and other disinfectants in restrooms and in all entrances and facilities
must be ensured.
• Footbath mats must be placed in all entrances. Solutions may be 1:10 bleach solution i.e. 1 liter bleach mixed with
9 liters of clean water.

• The Producers/Employers must craft a compliance plan to achieve the requirements of this Joint Administrative Order,
focusing on managing work to maintain the health of workers engaging in the film and audiovisual sector.
• The Producers/Employers must assign the necessary OSH officer/s required to be present in all workplaces at all
times during working hours. For each location or workplace, OSH officer/s must monitor and manage Occupational
Safety and Health within the work environment including COVID-19 site protocols.
• Workers must be subject to temperature checks prior to entering the building, office spaces, or production sites.
Workers who exhibit a temperature of above 37.5 °C or show flu-like symptoms must not report to work, and must
exhibit no symptoms for a minimum of 14 days before being cleared for work.
• Producers/Employers must follow the DOH guidelines in referring and transporting symptomatic workers or those who
will register symptoms to appropriate facilities.
• The Producer/Employer must monitor current national issuances and local ordinances for disease control and
implementing of local and national regulations before production so that plans or schedules may be adjusted.
• Movement of workers, service providers, and contractors between projects and sites must be planned and coordinated
properly with their respective producers/employers to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
• All vehicles and transportation must be in line with the Department of Transportation’s omnibus public transport
protocols and guidelines.
• All items in the workplace or production site, including deliveries, must be carefully managed, controlled, and regularly
• Equipment and material deliveries must be planned and managed to avoid the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
• All violations and concerns regarding failure to meet COVID-19 plans and policies must be immediately reported to

• Observe strict personal hygiene and sanitation practices both at work and away from work.
i. Wash hands with soap and water, or use alcohol or sanitizers to disinfect hands.
ii. Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing using disposable tissue or the inner portion of the elbow.
iii. Avoid unnecessary touching of face, mouth, and eyes.
• Wear appropriate PPE at all times. Reusable, washable cloth face masks are recommended to the general population,
while medical-grade, surgical face masks are recommended to be used by individuals with symptoms or underlying
health conditions.
• Producers may test workers for COVID-19 following protocols expounded in this manual.
• The Producer/Employer must provide transportation, food, and other services to workers, as needed.
• The Producer/Employer must provide mental and psychosocial support such as, but not limited to, providing
mindfulness activities/sessions, in-house counseling sessions, online counseling, and support groups to workers.
• All offices and workplaces must implement additional disinfection measures of common areas, as recommended
by the DOH. Additional sanitary measures must be implemented at the work location, including but not limited to,
establishing proper respiratory hygiene practice and handwashing protocols.
• Work areas with the potential for close interaction with members of the public or other persons not involved in the
work must be arranged to achieve physical distancing.
• Work vehicles must be sanitized after each journey through cleaning of internal surfaces and external handles
and touchpoints. Physical distancing must be observed when using the vehicle (i.e. reduced capacity) pursuant to
Department of Transportation guidelines.
• Smoking and use of electronic cigarettes or vaping devices is prohibited, especially in the workplace and production
site. For designated smoking areas outside of these places, protocols must be compliant with Executive Order No. 26,
s. 2017 Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed Spaces.
• After daily operations, management must ensure routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and objects, and
routine cleaning and replacement of disinfectant solutions in footbaths.
• Inform the production immediately and subject themselves to 14-day self-quarantine if:
i. Workers live with or have had close contact with people who are confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases; or
ii. Workers exhibited COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days.

The Philippine Government has implemented strict border control measures restricting travel into and out of the Philippines
to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The Philippine Film and Audiovisual industry engages international partners for audiovisual services, production of
content, and utilization of crew for their own productions. Local productions also utilize international crew and artists for
their own projects.

A. Inbound Travel Restrictions by the Philippine Government on Foreign Travelers

The entry of foreign nationals in the Philippines via sea or air is restricted effective March 22, 2020. Otherwise,

allowed travelers entering the Philippines must go into either stringent or mandatory quarantine facilities based on
the assessment of the quarantine medical officer until COVID-19 test results and the corresponding Quarantine

Certificate have been released or if the 14-day stringent or mandatory quarantine has been complied with, whichever

comes first.


Cannot travel to the Philippines All countries

Can travel to the Philippines but must go into • Foreign Government and International
either stringent or mandatory quarantine facilities Organization officials accredited to enter the
based on the assessment of the quarantine Philippines.
medical officer until COVID-19 test results and
the corresponding Quarantine Certificate have • Foreign Spouse and children of Filipino
been released or if the 14-day stringent or nationals
mandatory quarantine has been complied with,
whichever comes first. • All arriving Filipino passengers, including their
spouse and children (Filipino or foreign)

• Foreign airline crew members

• Land, air, and sea travel of uniformed

personnel for official business, especially
those transporting medical supplies,
laboratory specimens related to COVID-19,
and other humanitarian assistance

• Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)

Can travel to the Philippines and must self- No countries

quarantine for 14 days if unwell


International The entry of foreign nationals in the Philippines via sea or air is restricted effective March 22, 2020.
Travel Otherwise, allowed travelers entering the Philippines must go into either stringent or mandatory
quarantine facilities based on the assessment of the quarantine medical officer. Travelers are to
remain in stringent or mandatory quarantine until COVID-19 test results are released, are found
negative, and the corresponding Quarantine Certificate has been released, or if the 14-day stringent
or mandatory quarantine has been complied with, whichever comes first. Travelers shall be referred
to step-down facilities or for home quarantine, if found capable of home quarantine based on
FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-0001 on the Guidelines on Local Isolation
and General Treatment Areas for COVID-19 cases (LIGTAS COVID) and the Community-based
Management of Mild COVID-19 Cases.

Domestic Strict Home Film and Audiovisual Film and Audiovisual Film and Audiovisual
Travel Quarantine for Production Shoots Production Shoots Production Shoots
everyone except for are allowed with a are allowed with a are allowed with a
Head of Household maximum of fifty maximum of fifty (50) maximum of fifty (50)
obtaining goods and (50) people following people following Health people following Health
Health and Safety and Safety Protocols and Safety Protocols
Protocols of DOLE, of DOLE, DOH and of DOLE, DOH and
Only essential
workers in industries Travel is allowed to All persons shall be
Travel is allowed to
involved in the access workplaces allowed out of their
access work. Limited
provision of medical, but no public residences.
public transportation is
health, and basic transportation is
allowed to operate. available. Mass gatherings such
necessities are
permitted to travel to as, but not limited to,
Travel is limited from Movement for leisure movie screenings,
and from work.
place of residence purposes is not concerts, sporting
to the workplace allowed. events, and other
No public unless deemed as an entertainment activities
transportation is essential service. and assemblies shall
Ban is implemented
allowed to operate. be allowed provided
on mass gathering
Ban is implemented activities. that participants shall
Quarantine passes on mass gathering be limited to 50% of
are required for activities. the venue’s seating
Travel is restricted capacity.
movement of
Travel is restricted between regions.
between regions. Road, rail, maritime,
Shuttle service must and aviation sectors of
Film and audiovisual
Shuttle service must be provided by the public transportation
productions and be provided by the shall be allowed to
activities are not producer/employer. operate at the capacity
allowed. Shared vehicles in accordance with
Shared vehicles must have a cleaning DOTr guidelines.
must have a cleaning protocol and follow
protocol and follow transport guidelines
transport guidelines for physical distancing
for physical distancing measures.

B. Approval Processes Required Before Travelling to the Philippines for Allowed Individuals

a. Only the following can currently apply for the limited exemption:

i. Partners, dependent children, and legal guardians of Filipino citizens and residents
ii. People with one of the following critical purposes in the Philippines:

• Essential health workers

• Other essential workers who are allowed explicitly by the Philippine Government
• Critical humanitarian travel

b. Commercial international flights to the Philippines are significantly reduced, and transit hubs may require
additional visa requirements, have implemented travel restrictions, or have closed borders. In the event of
allowed resumption, producers/employers must ensure that international crew can arrive in the Philippines
before making arrangements for the production shoot.
c. Procedures for International Arrivals to the Philippines during the COVID-19 border restrictions:

i. Every traveler entering the Philippines will be screened for COVID-19 by the quarantine medical officer-
on-duty upon arrival to determine if the traveler will undergo stringent or mandatory quarantine.
ii. If travelers have a domestic transit flight, they will not be allowed to immediately connect to that flight.

C. Quarantine Facilities

• The Department of Health is using multiple facilities.

• Stringent quarantine facilities are being used for travelers coming from a high-risk place of origin or layover,
identified as areas with high level of community transmission according to the latest issuance of the WHO
COVID-19 Situation Report, and travelers with symptoms when arriving in the Philippines. These people shall be
under the supervision of the Bureau of Quarantine for the duration of the quarantine period.
• Mandatory quarantine facilities are being used for all other travelers who shall not be classified for stringent
quarantine. While in these facilities, they shall be under the supervision of the Overseas Workers Welfare
Administration (OWWA) and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

D. Domestic travel after completing the Quarantine Period

• Upon release of COVID-19 test results and the corresponding Quarantine Certificate, the individuals will be able
to leave the facility and travel to their final destination, provided they have a suitable travel plan in place.
• Travelers will be provided with appropriate supporting documents to travel to their final destination.
• Before leaving the facility, a final health check will be carried out confirming that the traveler:

i. Has a temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or less.

ii. Has not tested positive for COVID-19 or is not a probable cause.
iii. Does not have symptoms of COVID-19.
iv. Has a suitable travel plan.

Please note that key crew in audiovisual live events are not currently classified as essential workers.

The COVID-19 Health Declaration Form must be accomplished by all workers prior to the production activities. For those
involved in multiple productions, workers must submit separate forms for each. For those working in offices, one form may
be submitted prior to returning to work.

The declaration will assist the workers in meeting their obligations under the FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order
No. 2020-001 and these records must be kept by the Production.

The information collected is personal information and will be kept confidential.

A. Importance of the Declaration Form

• It is important to ensure that workers and individuals entering the workplaces and production sites are healthy to
assist in combating the spread of COVID-19. It will also assist in meeting obligations for the recording of people’s
movements to enable contact tracing if required. If a particular workplace or production site ends up having cases
of COVID-19 infection, it may be necessary to use the information collected to determine the person’s movements
across multiple projects over a 14-day period especially if they are a casual crew, a supplier, or a visitor.

B. Covered Individuals who must Accomplish the Declaration Form

• All workers engaged permanently or casually who are or may be entering any site or premises in relation to the
• Any person entering or visiting any workplace or production site for any reason e.g. suppliers, third party
contractors, and visitors.

C. Completion and Submission of the Form

• The declaration needs to be completed and submitted to the producer/employer before starting work and before
entering or visiting any site or premises for or on behalf of the production.
• The information being collected will be specifically for the purpose of assisting the management in their
compliance with the Health and Safety Protocols amid COVID-19 pandemic.

D. Collection of Personal Information

• Workplace or production site officers in charge of collecting and sorting Declaration Forms and other personal
data must be adequately briefed on the Data Privacy Act and the need for confidentiality and the secure storage
of such information.

A. Producers/Employers must consider the current Community Quarantine condition of the area where the workplace or

production site is located before setting up or returning to operations.

B. Producers/Employers must determine workers who need to work from the office, and those who may work from home

for all or some of their duties and discuss these options with those involved. Workers working from home is a practical

step towards eliminating and minimizing the risks.

C. The following must be considered when setting up workplaces or production sites for operation under the different
Community Quarantine conditions:

1. The number of personnel required at various stages of the project

2. The office configuration that will allow for the recommended physical distancing under the Community
Quarantine conditions. This includes the distance between personnel when seated at their workstation
and when accessing their workstation.
3. The provision of adequate hygiene facilities e.g. hand washing facilities, sanitizing stations
4. The placement of doors between offices or dividers between workstations. Automatic sliding doors
may be considered for some doors especially if particular offices are visited regularly by workers.
5. The placement of adequate signage and/or posters promoting best practices and processes
6. Establishment of adequate processes in place to control persons entering the office/building like
couriers, suppliers, and placement of proper signage to explain what they need to do
7. Full engagement with workers to ensure that the implemented measures are suitable and realistic for
all workspaces
8. Fog sanitizing the areas before use. This may be a one-off or a regular requirement depending on
other factors such as the number of persons using it and/or coming and going from the space.
9. The shared and common areas and if the measures in place are sufficient to deal with possible
surface contamination like in the kitchens, photocopiers, and supply cupboards
10. The workspaces that require daily or potentially more frequent sanitizing

A. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 112 and the Omnibus Guidelines on Community Quarantine, a ban on mass

gatherings shall be enforced. Therefore, scenes (including the following examples) that constitute mass gatherings

are restricted, including but not limited to the following:

1. Religious mass gatherings such as, but not limited to, a church congregation, fellowship meetings, etc.
2. Entertainment-related mass gatherings such as, but not limited to, those in theater venues, cinemas,
large concerts, festivals, carnivals, conventions, shows, and pubs and bars
3. Business-related mass gatherings such as, but not limited to, trade shows, conferences, conventions,
workshops, and retreats
4. Sports-related mass gatherings such as, but not limited to, trainings, games, tournaments, and
5. Politically-related mass gatherings such as, but not limited to, election rallies, polling centers, and
public speeches and addresses
6. Gambling and betting activities
7. Social events scenes such as birthday parties and large weddings
8. Party scenes
9. Classroom scenes

B. Interior and exterior scenes with a larger number of people where physical distancing can be upheld, may

be permitted - for example, no more than ten (10) people spaced around an office or a street scene, with background


C. For kissing, love scenes, or scenes that require one actor to touch another’s face or body, full and explicit consent

must be secured from the actors involved. Otherwise, actors may refuse to act or participate in such scenes. Further,

the production may consider testing the on-camera performers in accordance with DOH testing guidelines.


Considerations Before Starting

• Keep the minimum number of workers needed for the project on any site at any time. Engage a regular crew base
instead of short-term crews for the duration of the project.
• Make sure that all physical distancing and hygiene measures are achievable (e.g. space at site, sanitizing, and
handwashing facilities available).
• Perform a deep clean of all production sites (studio and locations) before and after each shoot.
• Ensure that there are no big crowd scenes requiring close physical contact.
• Ensure that the production calendar is agreed upon by the production heads with the necessary workers in every
stage of production.
• Ensure that for workspaces, the layout must allow for avoiding face-to-face desks, with a distance of two (2)
meters apart where possible. Installing engineered barriers is necessary where this is not possible.

General Work Arrangement

• Conduct pre-production meetings, technical meetings, approvals, and other prep work online and within a
reasonable amount of time before the shoot.
• Conduct sanitation of the area and objects for face-to-face meetings and provide handwashing areas with
adequate water and soap, hand sanitizers, tissue supplies, and covered trash bins.
• Establish a clear and realistic shoot schedule and shot list, and disseminate them before the shoot day.
• Ensure that all workers’ COVID-19 health declaration forms are submitted before the shoot, with those who
reported to be experiencing flu-like symptoms being required to stay at home.
• Ensure that creative executions comply with current health and safety requirements.
• Consider sequestering cast and crew in hotels or appropriate lodging.
• Ensure that all items in the general guidelines (face masks, temperature checks, proper hygiene, and physical
distancing) are observed.

• Conduct casting sessions and callbacks online when possible.
• For face-to-face casting activities, discourage open calls where anyone can just report to the casting site. Assign
individual window times of arrival.
• Encourage on-camera performers to wait in their cars, not in the waiting area of the casting facility, and do their
check-in from outside via text or email.
• Install waiting areas with visual cues for physical distancing (i.e., ground markers, barriers, etc.) and proper
• Treat audition sets as closed sets where only essential crew are allowed. Allow only ten (10) people in an area
for moderate-risk areas, and a maximum of fifty (50) people for low-risk areas.
• Assign one dedicated personnel to sign all performers in and out.
• Require on-camera performers to wear PPE (face masks, gloves, etc.) and maintain physical distancing for in-
group auditions. When casting families, engage real families so physical contact is kept within an existing family
• Identify wardrobe specifications in advance so that on-camera performers may bring their own outfits during the
• Require on-camera performers to bring their own makeup and brushes, sample, or test wardrobe/props.
• Prohibit close physical contact between or among performers during auditions or callbacks, i.e. for an intimate
scene, etc.
• If using hard copies of the scripts/sides, dispose of copies after each reading.
• Observe strict implementation of general guidelines on venue sanitation.

Location/Ocular Work
• Consider the number of locations that must be scouted in-person by the location manager. Refer to stock and
online sources for initial location proposals.
• Consider the size, space, and availability of air ventilation that can accommodate the safety and health protocols
when deciding among location options e.g. ample space for holding areas, foot traffic, and the proposed work
• While on location, conduct conversations outside as much as possible for better ventilation.
• Consider studio shoots for better control and security. The use of other private venues (private houses,
clubhouses) may also be considered, as long as these are exclusive for the use of the production.
• Public venues such as streets, markets, malls, and the like are highly discouraged and must be avoided.
• Location managers must be understanding and supportive of production companies that have reservations and
must fully understand the precautions being undertaken by the production company they are scouting for.
• Prepare backup locations in case a location becomes unavailable.
• Shoot Day for Day and Night for Night to minimize equipment to be used.
• Secure permit applications as early as possible.
• When filming in private homes, alternative lodging may be provided to the house occupants for the duration of
the shoot, including pets.
• Self-drive during scouting as much as possible. If carpooling, everyone must be in face masks, gloves, etc. inside
the vehicle and follow physical distancing restrictions.
• For on-location scouting, drivers must wipe down the vans (seats, handles, etc.) inside and out every time people
exit the vehicle.
• Thoroughly sanitize all locations before and after use.
• Carefully use disinfectants which are fit for purpose to avoid damage to the structures and furniture.
• Provide soap dispensers, preferably sensor-activated, and hand dryers, etc. in locations when possible.


General Working Arrangements

• Limit the total maximum number of people on the production site to fifty (50) people and below.
• Keep team sizes as small as possible and utilize a skeletal workforce system.
• Keep a record of who is in each team every day for contact tracing purposes.
• Issue Production IDs to all personnel attending the shoot. The Production IDs must be worn prominently during
the entire duration of work.
• Display posters or signages to promote COVID-19 guidelines.
• Post all guidelines and reminders around the site, including bathrooms, hair and makeup, wardrobe, dressing
areas, and common areas.
• The production sites may be separated into zones (or by other methods or systems) as much as possible to keep
different teams/departments physically separated.
• Designate an isolation area or space in the production site for workers who feel unwell or show flu-like symptoms
during the shoot.
• Design the site layout to allow for unidirectional movement in aisles, corridors, or walkways as well as in high-
traffic areas, such as elevators and stairs. Encourage the use of stairs instead of elevators and lower the maximum
capacity of elevators to reduce congestion and contact.
• Regularly clean touchpoints, doors, buttons, etc.
• Increase ventilation in enclosed spaces.

General Hygiene
• Require a dress code for workers, e.g. pants, closed shoes, and shirts as minimum requirements.
• Require workers to sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer or soap and running water before entering the site. If
soap and water are not available, provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers or sanitizing wipes.
• Place antibacterial solutions, tissue, and covered trash bins on set to be used throughout the shoot for all
workers. Sanitizers are best if hands are not soiled.
• Since alcohol-based sanitizers are flammable, remind workers to ensure that their hands are completely dry of
sanitizer before coming into contact with any heat or ignition sources.
• Remind workers to respect people’s personal space and discourage handshakes, hugs, and kisses.
• Practice coughing or sneezing into your elbows and using single-use tissue, and refrain from using or touching
other people’s phones or personal work tools.
• Separate any personal items brought to the site by workers, as well as individual PPEs.
• Frequently clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the work environment using alcohol-
based sanitizing wipes.
• Require all eating and drinking utensils to be cleaned by the user or handled by an adequately trained person
who is wearing gloves. Provide paper towels for drying of hands to be disposed directly to a suitable trash bin
that is regularly emptied.

Health And Medical Precautions

• An OSH-certified Health and Safety Officer must be present on set at all times.
• A Health and Safety Orientation must be conducted by the OSH officer before the grind. Periodic reminders must
be announced by the Assistant Director or the assigned Production Assistant for handwashing, disinfecting, and
proper respiratory etiquette. These must be announced during strategic hours of the principal photography (e.g.
before and after lunch and other breaks, before and after rolling, after scene, or production wrap, etc.).
• The OSH officer must check the temperature of all workers and ensure that all safety and health measures are
• Workers must get their temperature taken at the beginning of each day and every six (6) hours after that, as well
as for every entry to the workplace or production site.
• For multi-day shoots, keep a chart to monitor temperature changes in the workers.
• Anyone who registers a temperature above the standard temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius (indicating a fever),
or has a cough or a cold or muscle pain, or has traveled within the last 14 days in high-risk areas, must be denied
entry or sent home.
• Workers must self-monitor for signs or symptoms of illness and must immediately report to the officer-in-charge

who must report to the producer/employer.
• Workers must wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their specific responsibilities,
including but not limited to gloves, goggles, face shields, face masks that cover the nose and mouth and finger
cots (suitable for finger-only touch points such as copier and microwave) which must be provided by the producer/
• Provide replacement masks after eight (8) hours.
• Other additional Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. PPE suit) may be used at the worker’s discretion and expenses.

External Interactions and Deliveries

• Designate only authorized member/s of the production to receive supplies and deliveries.
• Keep interactions with external and delivery individuals as brief as possible.
• Require delivery drivers to remain in their vehicles if the load will allow it.
• Require related paperwork to be e-mailed rather than handed over as much as possible.
• Sanitize items upon receipt, and before their departure.
• Require personnel handling the items to wear gloves and wash hands before and after handling items.

Site Entry
• No visitors may be allowed on the site.
• Provide an official list of production workers indicating the zones they belong to.
• Require one person to handle and record the Sign-In Form which must not be passed around.
• Observe staggered start and finish times for each activity whenever possible.
• Monitor site access points to ensure physical distancing. It may be needed to change the number of access
points, increase them to minimize congestion or decrease them to facilitate better monitoring.
• Access points and entries must be free of unnecessary furniture and equipment to encourage physical distancing.
Facilitating unidirectional foot traffic will also help.
• Frequently clean entry systems that require skin contact like fingerprint scanners or keypads as well as common
contact surfaces in receptions like turnstiles, screens, telephone handsets, and desks especially during peak
flow times.
• Place footbath mats at all entrances of the production site.
• Require all workers to wash or clean their hands before entering and leaving the site and observe distancing of
no less than one (1) meter for those waiting to enter the site.
• Disinfecting tents at the entrances may be installed but are not required.

Site Meetings
• A remote briefing may be done before arrival on-site via video conferencing or by phone. If an in-person briefing
is required, reduce the number of people present and hold them outdoors wherever possible. If rooms will be
used, the same should be well-ventilated by opening the windows to allow fresh air circulation.
• For physical meetings, only necessary meeting participants must attend.
• Attendees should be no less than one (1) meter apart from each other wherever possible.
• Physical production meetings must be carried out with physical distancing of one (1) meter. If possible, particularly
if in a confined space, a 10-person limit is recommended. PPE must be available for use.

Close Contact Work

• Plan all work to minimize contact among workers.
• For situations where it is not possible or safe for workers to distance themselves from each other by one (1) meter:

a. Those working in close contact space should stay in the same pairings or combinations for any close work.
b. Members for the same team must be maintained.
c. Work carried out in a close contact space should be done using the appropriate PPE and/or adequate safe
work measures.

• Thoroughly clean reusable PPE after use and properly dispose of single-use PPE.

Site Installations
• For site installations like public exhibitions, keep the number of workers to a minimum and follow all FDCP-DOH-
DOLE Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001 provisions and guidelines in the locality.
• For public spaces, secure appropriate permits (location, health and safety, etc).

• Clean equipment and tools used by workers at the end of each day. Shared ones must be regularly sanitized
within the day.
• Distribute common equipment (i.e. radios) and/or paperwork via a separate distribution desk on location with
sanitizing equipment available before pick-up.
• Designate an area for drop-off of radios, batteries, and similar accessories for replacement. These must be
sanitized before reuse and distribution.
• Ensure the cleaning/sanitizing of microphones (in audio booths) and other equipment that will be in close contact
with the on-camera performers.

Set Protocol
• Treat sets as closed sets with essential workers only.
• The Assistant Director/s, Location Supervisor or Manager, and OSH Officer must constantly monitor the number
of people on set as well as entry and exit points.
• For enclosed shooting sets, observe regular ventilation with open windows when possible. It is recommended
that crew members are allowed time during the day to get fresh air.
• When working on location, all instructions from the Assistant Director and guidelines from the OSH Officer must
be followed. If not required on set, workers must wait at their respective work zones until needed.

Toilet Facilities
• Clean toilets regularly and have running water, soap, and tissue at all times. Maintenance personnel must be
assigned to periodically disinfect and wipe down all surfaces and shared areas including handles, locks, toilet
flushes, and sanitary bins.
• Apply physical distancing rules in the use of shared facilities, including lining up to use toilets.
• Install additional facilities like multiple portalets if the numbers require it.
• Install posters to remind workers to wash hands properly before and after use of the facilities.
• Enough suitable trash bins must be provided for single-use tissue with regular removal and disposal.

Catering Arrangements
A. Hygiene Protocols
• If workers need to leave the production site for any reason, entry and exit procedures must be followed.
• As a general rule, on-set catering must adhere to government guidelines regarding food service. It is
recommended that food to be served during the shoot be provided by a caterer that has safety certifications
for safe food handling.
• Require all personnel handling food to wear new and fresh masks and shields, gloves, and hairnets and
to thoroughly wash their hands before and after.
• Serve all meals in individually packed single-serve containers with individually wrapped utensils and
distribute them to avoid surface contamination and handling of shared utensils.
• When possible, use disposable, ecologically friendly flatware, plates, and cups.
• A craft service table may be set up for food and drinks, like individually packed snacks. Discourage sharing
of food.
• Provide handwashing facilities or hand sanitizers at the entrance of any area where people eat.
• Encourage workers to bring their own pre-prepared meals, refillable drinking bottles, and utensils, as well
as to be responsible for keeping them clean and sanitized.
• Workers must sit a minimum of two (2) meters apart while eating and avoid all contact.
• Avoid sharing of utensils, cups, etc. unless a dishwasher is available to clean them.
• All individuals must be responsible for picking up their food and drinks and disposing of their trash after.
• Thoroughly clean all areas used for eating at the end of each break, including chairs, door handles, and

vending machines.
• To minimize contact, limit the access and use of coffee machines. Otherwise, the machine must be wiped
down after each use with disinfecting wipes.

B. Physical Distancing
• Stagger lunch and other meal times to reduce congestion and contact.
• Prohibit self-service stations or buffet-style catering.
• Discourage eating in communal areas. It is best to eat in the individual work area, and dispose wastes
• If eating in individual work areas is not possible,
i. Maintain physical distancing in dining areas—one worker per table and a two-meter distance per table.
ii. Identify dedicated eating areas on-site to reduce food waste and contamination.
iii. Discourage workers from engaging in conversation with masks off during meal times.

Holding And Common Areas

• Set up all common and holding areas for cast and crew outside whenever possible. If rooms will be used, they
must be well-ventilated. Windows and doors must be kept open to allow fresh air circulation.
• Arrange seating to promote distancing and minimize social interaction between departments.
• Consider providing larger tents with portable A/C units.

Changing Facilities, Showers, and Drying Rooms

• Stagger start and finish times for these facilities to reduce congestion and contact.
• Observe enhanced cleaning of all facilities throughout the day and at the end of each day.
• Increase the number or size of the facilities if the numbers require it.
• Establish the number of people that can use the facilities at any one time based on a two-meter distance
between each individual.
• Provide enough trash bins which must be regularly emptied and cleaned.

• Smoking or use of electronic cigarettes or vaping devices must be prohibited in workplaces and production sites
as smoking/vaping increases the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
• If smoking/vaping is absolutely unavoidable, smokers/vapers must use outdoor designated areas outside of
workplaces and production sites and must remain compliant with Executive Order No. 26, s. 2017 Providing for
the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed Spaces. Cigarette butts must be placed
in designated receptacles and hands must be washed/sanitized before and after smoking.
• The designated areas must ensure that smoke or vapor produced will not go into another person’s breathing
zone or at least three (3) meters from another person.


General Working Arrangements

• Ensure that post-production workers are oriented before reporting back to work, including on the correct use of
• Require workers to work remotely as much as possible and conduct interdepartmental meetings online.
• Carry out physical meetings with distancing of one (1) meter between individuals. If possible and particularly if
in a confined space, limit the number to ten (10) persons. PPE should be available.
• Implement a physical distancing of two (2) meters wherever possible between workstations.
• Split office workers into smaller workgroup zones if applicable.
• Designate officers who will be in charge of keeping records for contact tracing purposes, as well as ensuring that
PPE and hand/workspace/equipment sanitizer requirements are provided for each department. They will also be
in charge of collecting and sorting Declaration Forms and other personal data and must be adequately briefed
on the Data Privacy Act and the need for confidentiality and securing storage of such info. For larger productions,
a specific Post-production Role may need to be created for these responsibilities.
• Any worker who feels unwell must not come to work and if they become unwell at work, they must go home.
• Notify the OSH officer if a worker displays any of the symptoms of COVID-19 and identify those that he/she has
had contact with.
• If a worker tests positive for COVID-19, the closure of the workplace must be undertaken. This decision must be
made on DOH guidelines based on information on the extent of the exposure.
• Require workers arriving at the workplace or post-production facility to wash/sanitize their hands upon arrival
and before touching any surfaces. They must also be required to observe a strict personal hygiene and hand
washing/sanitizing regime.
• Clean/sanitize personal workstations every day.
• Provide PPE (gloves and face masks) for those who either require or wish to use them.

Work Space Hygiene & Office Protocols

• Provide hand sanitizing stations at the workplace/post-production facility.
• Design the workspace layout to avoid face-to-face desks, and keep desks two (2) meters apart where possible.
Consider installing engineered barriers if this separation is not possible.
• Provide laptop/screen/equipment cleaning products in the workspace.
• Office equipment must be used only by one person as much as possible (i.e., laptops, printers, scanners,
stationery, etc.). Otherwise, provide appropriate PPE for shared equipment.
• Regularly clean computer terminals and phones, and common work surfaces including door handles, shared
photocopiers, taps, light switches, and the like. Floors must be mopped at the end of each day.
• Keep a cleaning record of rooms, surfaces, and equipment.
• Provide PPE (gloves, face masks) as needed.
• Ensure that rooms are well-ventilated with open windows to allow fresh air circulation.
• Put air-conditioning on a fresh air setting, not on recirculation.
• Use stairs instead of elevators when possible.
• No visitors may be allowed in the workplace. Only workers involved in the project may enter any locations in the
• Designate a specific delivery spot for each workplace. Unless impractical, all deliveries must be dropped off at
the gate/door of the workplace only.

Site Entry
• Require all crew to sign in when arriving and sign out when departing the post-production facility and/or workplace.
• Provide a contactless sign-in process if possible.
• All entry and exit points must be controlled and monitored.
• Require workers to keep a log of non-worksite locations (e.g. stores) and interactions (meeting suppliers, location
owners, etc.) that they may have had during working hours, as well as take note of interactions outside of work
hours (while on a job).

Kitchen & Catering
• Stagger meal times where possible so physical distancing measures can be observed.
• No open snacks, fruit, or food must be shared. Encourage workers to bring their own pre-prepared meals. Where
appropriate, the producer/employer may consider providing a subsidy for workers who are required to bring their
own lunch.
• Sterilize all communal cutlery and utensils after each use. If not possible, provide single-use cutlery and utensils.

Toilets and Showers

• Apply physical distancing rules in the use of shared facilities, including bathrooms and showers.
• Provide sanitizing stations outside of communal facilities (i.e. toilets or portalets).
• If the numbers require it, consider installing additional facilities.
• Prominently post hygiene posters and signages in shared spaces like kitchens, toilets, entrances, and exits.

Interaction with Other Departments, External Vendors, and Suppliers

• Workers must keep within their own work zones as much as possible.
• Follow physical distancing protocols for external interactions with other divisions, crew, and the public.
• As much as possible, avoid handing out physical paperwork unless essential.
• Designate an officer as a contact between departmental zones.
• Keep a daily log of the office’s interactions with external vendors/suppliers.
• Collect all Declaration, Health and Safety, and Registration Forms digitally. Otherwise, these must be noted down
by a designated officer.

• Conduct interdepartmental meetings remotely or on digital platforms as much as possible. Otherwise, meetings
must be held in open areas.
• Maintain physical distancing on essential interdepartmental meetings and work (i.e., meetings, tech recces, etc.).
PPE must be worn, especially when dealing with external contacts.
• If attended by multiple people, keep post-production approval sessions to a minimum, with anyone who can
reasonably participate remotely doing so. The size of the space and the time required to be spent in the room
must be considered. Regular breaks and open doors/windows must also be considered.

• No communal travel must be done by workers. Where this is not possible, adhere to physical distancing and
clean vehicles before and after use.
• Keep windows open while travelling as much as possible.
• Make workers who travel together be part of the same work zone.
• Keep a passenger log for shared vehicles.
• Discourage using shared vehicles outside of work purposes.

Cast and Voice Performers

• Distribute information on COVID-19 and health and safety guidelines to the cast and voice performers before
they arrive at the post-production facility.
• Require all cast and voice performers to wash/sanitize their hands on arrival at the location/studio or post-
production facility.
• Whenever possible, set up a specific area for the cast and voice performers with physical distancing observed.

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 from production sites and workplaces to workers’ homes
It is important for workers going home to take precautions to stop the possible spread of COVID-19 among their loved

ones at home and in their communities. Here are five easy guidelines to follow:

Wash hands first Bags and clothes

Try not to touch anything when you get Have a container for your bags and clothes that
home until you have washed your hands. were used for work. Work clothes must be placed in
washing machines or hand-washed properly.

Footwear Take a bath

Remove your shoes. Don’t enter the house Make sure that your hands, nails, wrists,
with them, just leave them outside. Clean arms, neck, and ears are thoroughly
and disinfect the soles of your shoes later. cleaned when you take a bath, along with
other areas that could have been exposed
to the virus.

Disinfect items used at work that have to
be brought home like mobile phones and
laptops. For other non-essential items, leave
them at the work site or workplace.


Increase Physical And Mental Resilience REDUCE CONTACT RATE

Follow hygiene protocols and

Eat nutritious and well-cooked food.
physical distancing measures.
Maintain a distance of at least one
(1) meter from co-workers.

Stop smoking during this pandemic

because COVID-19 attacks the lungs Habitually clean and disinfect
and affects the rest of the respiratory doorknobs, railings, and other often-
system. touched surfaces.

Wash your hands for at least 20

Working hours must be strictly
seconds every time to dissolve
the protective coating of the
• For production sites, a maximum of
up to 14 hours virus. Production sites must
• For workplaces and offices, a have handwashing stations with
maximum of up to 12 hours ample supply of water, soap, and
disposable hand towels. Hand
sanitizers are also useful.
A 12-hour turnaround time for
all must be observed to allow for
workers to rest and recoup. Stop the spread of the virus when
you cough by coughing into your
elbow, and not on your hands.

Stop Transmission
A face mask, when worn correctly, COVID-19 H&S Protocols
helps in stopping people from
touching their face. This helps The government has set sector-specific
prevents the virus from getting on the standards and protocols through the FDCP-
hands and entering through the eyes
DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No.
or mouth.
2020-001 on the Health and Safety Protocols on
Stay home if you are ill. Producers and the Conduct of Film and Audiovisual Productions
employers must send sick workers Shoots and Audiovisual Activities During
home. If you have just returned
from an overseas trip, have been in COVID-19 Pandemic. These protocols are in
contact with a confirmed COVID-19 place for protecting workers against the risks
case, or are showing symptoms of of COVID-19. The procedures cover the steps
being sick, you are advised to go on
self-quarantine for 14 days.
for operating a site including Before arriving on
site, Site entry, Site operations, Leaving site and
If you have been in contact with
Management Protocols. The protocols include
someone with COVID-19, stay at some useful guides and resources to assist with
home. Assume that you may have implementing the protocols on site.
the virus, too.



Before Work
• Require all workers to fill out and provide COVID-19 Health Declaration Forms. For those involved in multiple
productions, workers must submit separate forms for each. For those working in offices, one form may be
submitted prior to returning to work.
• If workers or someone they live with or have close contact with become sick or exhibit flu-like symptoms, workers
must notify production immediately and must not come to work.
• Workers must also consider if they are in regular close contact with individuals with serious health conditions
or compromised immunities before accepting work that requires them to physically report to the workplace or
production site.
• Workers must also maintain high hygiene practices away from work. Whenever possible, DOH’s physical
distancing guidelines must be followed.
• As it is common for workers to be involved in several productions at one time, workers must discuss their
movement with each production so that safety precautions may be undertaken.
• Workers charged with collecting and sorting Declarations and other personal data must be adequately briefed on
the Data Privacy Act and the need for confidentiality, and secure storage of such information.
• COVID-19 information and health and safety guidelines must be distributed to all workers before their arrival on
the production site or workplace.

Health and Safety Orientation and Sanitation

• A Health and Safety Orientation must be conducted by the OSH officer before the grind. Periodic reminders must
be announced by the Assistant Director or the assigned Production Assistant for handwashing, disinfecting, and
proper respiratory etiquette. These must be announced during strategic hours of the principal photography (e.g.,
before and after lunch and other breaks, before and after rolling, after scene, or production wrap, etc.).
• Hands must be washed and sanitized regularly, particularly when entering or exiting a workplace or production site.
• Coughing or sneezing must be done into the elbow.
• Workers must ensure that they have or are given access to all necessary PPE and hand/equipment/workspace
sanitizers or cleaning products.
• Workers must not touch other departments’ equipment.

Contact Tracing
• Workers must adhere to the production’s strict sign-in/sign-out procedures.
• Workers must take note of or record who they meet up with and where they go outside of work.
• Team sizes must be kept as small as possible.
• Individual work stations must be identified and workers must limit any interactions with other departments,
suppliers, or other work zones that may be in the same location.
• Splitting shifts and/or creating separated work zones among workers or departments may be considered.
• Work from home must be done whenever possible.

Controlled, Uncontrolled or Close Contact Space:

• In a Controlled Space, the minimum separation is no less than one (1) meter between people whenever possible.
• In an Uncontrolled Space where workers would need to interact with other persons (public spaces and shops, etc.),
the minimum separation must be two (2) meters between people because these spaces are outside of the
production zone.
• A Close Contact Space involves close personal contact that results in workers not being able to maintain at
least one-meter physical distancing such as hair and makeup artist activities and intimate scenes for on-camera
performers. Close Contact Spaces must follow specific protocols from this Order. Workers must make sure to
engage in discussion with the production and other relevant departments about these situations to make sure that
recommendations are adhered to.

These are minimum recommended guidelines that will support departments in proper planning so that workers will be

aware of how to perform their tasks in line with the health and safety standards in the workplace or production site.

Producers/Employers may employ additional stringent control measures depending on the nature of the workers’

responsibilities and departments.


• The director must be briefed on the logistical effects of implementing COVID-19 safety measures and the
resulting limited capacity for last-minute changes.
• Distribute call sheets and other production paperwork digitally.
• Include key COVID-19 information and pertinent contact details in the call sheets.
• Include COVID-19 mitigation practices in all daily safety orientation briefings by the Assistant Director. As much
as possible, the Assistant Director should be the only crew member permitted to travel the set, costume area,
and makeup areas for coordination.
• The Script Continuity Supervisor must limit his/her interactions to the on-set zone only.
• Limit the production assistants’ interactions to the off-set zone only.
• Key individuals who require communication may be given personal communication units (e.g. radios, headphones,
• Those with communication units must change their own batteries.
• Sanitize communication boxes upon delivery and before return.

• Set up the video village outside as much as possible. If rooms will be used, the same should be well-ventilated
or have windows opened to allow fresh air circulation.
• Additional monitors may be set up to allow for physical distancing.
• Each person that needs to view the scene may be provided separate monitors that are distanced two (2) meters apart.
• Disinfect chairs before and after people sit down.
• Use plastic chairs as they are easier to disinfect.


• Observe a one-meter distancing from the cast to the other crew (DOP, grips, lighting crew).
• The zone around the camera is a close contact zone and must be created with no more than three (3) persons
within the zone at any given time.
• The grip crew may be split into smaller workgroups and zones where possible (e.g. main unit vs. 2nd unit, or
off-set vs. on-set team).
• On-set and off-set zones must be maintained whenever possible.
• Consult the sound and grip departments in advance if they need to plug in or require additional equipment to go
on camera.
• Only the workers from the camera, grip, and lighting departments may handle their own equipment. As much as
possible, equipment must not be shared.
• Provide PPE (gloves, face masks, face shields) for use.
• Provide hand sanitizing stations at the production office/site/grip truck.
• The crew must be trained in appropriate equipment cleaning/sanitizing, particularly for delicate and wireless
electrical equipment like drones, remote heads, etc.
• Disinfect gear during breaks in the activities.
• Color code equipment with tape or stickers to identify when equipment has been cleaned and is ready for next
• Wipe down personal equipment upon arrival and before departure each day.
• More gear may be required (e.g apple boxes and stands) to ensure that people don’t pass or share equipment.
• Use a clapperboard only where physical distancing is achievable.
• Provide digital notes/sheets instead of handwritten ones.

• For enclosed production sets, ensure regular ventilation with open windows when possible. It is recommended
that workers be allowed time during the production day to get fresh air.
• The workers doing pick-up of equipment must handle cases with gloves and cases must be wiped down before
loading into the vehicle.
• Assign a designated person who is dedicated to maintaining hygiene practices with the equipment transported
to and from the truck or warehouse for larger productions.
• Consider using a sanitizing fogging machine to sanitize trucks/vans in order to avoid additional time/crew to
individually clean/spray equipment.
• Observe regular ventilation of the grip truck with open windows when possible.
• Set the air-conditioning in the grip truck to run on a fresh air setting, not on recirculation.
• Only the approved grip crew must be allowed access for gear storage areas like at the studio or warehouse or
other long-term locations.

• Include the members of the sound department (i.e. sound recordist/sound mixer/sound department head) in the
pre-production stage.
• Prioritize locations that are quiet and conducive to clear and good sound recording.
• Wear PPE for the duration of person-to-person contact.
• All equipment handovers must be contactless.
• Disinfect gear during breaks in the activities.
• Color code equipment with tape or stickers to identify when equipment has been cleaned and is ready for next use.
• Boom-only audio must be utilized whenever possible.
• Some multi-talent scripts may require a second Boom Operator.
• Should lavalier microphones be necessary, follow a 1:1 ratio of lavalier set to actor. This means the number of
wireless lavalier sets required is dictated by the number of actors with speaking lines called for the work day.
• Don’t share lavalier microphones at any point.
• Label microphones with the name of the user.
• There must be enough mounting tapes, expendables, etc. for the application of microphones to keep them fresh
and sanitary for each use.
• Replace mounting components that cannot be thoroughly cleaned.
• Submit script, lines/dialogue, and characters with lines for any given scene ahead of time (e.g. five (5) days before
the shooting day) to ensure that the necessary number of wireless lavalier sets and sound personnel are allocated.
• Develop appropriate handling procedures for workers handling cards and rushes.
• A dedicated wireless/radio frequency coordinator (ideally the production recordist/sound mixer/sound department
head) must be present on set to coordinate the frequencies. If possible, these frequencies may be assigned and
set before the shoot.
• Timecode boxes and wireless hops for camera crew must be prepped, labelled, packed, and sealed with batteries
and cables, etc.
• Sanitize all timecode equipment, including the slate, before installation.
• Directors, script supervisors, and any person that needs to monitor the production mix must bring their own
personal headphones for use.
• Disinfect communication headsets before and after every shoot. Furthermore, the crew may be requested to
bring their own headphones or ear cup covers for additional protection.
• To minimize human contact, transfer sound files via online transfer protocols.


• Hair and makeup teams must be in a separate zone that will be closed off to other non-essential workers.
• Separate hair and makeup stations with a minimum distance of two (2) meters.
• Limit close contact-related tasks to three (3) people.
• PPE (face shields and face masks) must be worn by the hair and makeup artists for the duration of person-to-
person contact.
• Provide a hygiene station near the entrance of the makeup area.
• Require actors and makeup artists to wash their hands with soap before and after sessions.
• Minimize the application time for makeup or prosthetics as much as possible.
• Considering that they will be used directly on an on-camera performer, any sanitizer used on makeup tools and

equipment must be fit for purpose.
• Makeup applicators, towels, hair wraps, and removal supplies must be single-use only and disposed of properly.
• Use disposable makeup kits and brushes and dispose each after application.
• Wash and sanitize reusable equipment in between use.
• Place used equipment in a lidded container until they can be cleaned.
• Personal toiletry bags may be provided for makeup removal by the on-camera performers.
• Supplies must only be handled by the hair and makeup department, and ideally, by only one person within the
hair and makeup department.
• Wigs and hair extensions must be covered overnight, cleaned, and disinfected before being used by the on-
camera performers. They may only be handled by the person applying and removing them.
• Avoid hair and makeup for secondary/back up on-camera to reduce person-to-person contact.
• Require extras to arrive with their own hair and makeup done, and with their own basic personal makeup supplies
for touch-ups.
• Prohibit bringing of any additional items into the makeup area (including the consumption of food).
• Share continuity notes and photographs digitally.
• Provide separate arrival times for on-camera performers to allow for adequate cleaning of any tools, equipment,
or furniture as required.
• Wipe down makeup chairs with disinfectant wipes between uses by different on-camera performers.
• Spray all surfaces and interiors with disinfectant at regular intervals especially when in use.

• Conduct wardrobe meetings remotely or on digital platforms as much as possible.
• Conduct wardrobe planning ahead of shopping and pulling out from clothing suppliers or retail stores.
• Require workers to use PPE when looking through garments from clothing suppliers and retail stores.
• Booking of on-camera performers must be made as early as possible to get their sizes ahead of time.
• Provide additional time after casting to allow for online purchases/delivery and separate individual fittings.
• Maintain physical distancing during necessary meetings and work (e.g. costume fitting). PPE must be worn
especially in close contact tasks.
• Conduct in-person fittings with only one on-camera performer and one stylist/designer per office/fitting room.
They must wash their hands before and after fitting.
• Clean and sanitize high-touch surfaces in between fittings.
• Bag up costumes and outfits individually per performer.
• Factor in production requirements when establishing dressing areas.
• All pieces of wardrobe that will be used must have undergone deep cleaning before and after the shoots.
• Provide handwashing/sanitizing facilities at the entrance of all dressing areas.
• Observe regular ventilation through open windows in dressing areas.
• A designated worker may be assigned specifically to ensure frequent cleaning/sanitizing of dressing areas.
• Only the wardrobe department may touch clothing and other wardrobe elements until it’s decided what the on-
camera performer will put on.
• Use steaming or anti-bacterial spray to disinfect outfits.
• When feasible, require on-camera performers to arrive in their wardrobe.
• Disinfect jewelry and glasses in between use.
• Clean outfits, robes, and towels at the end of each day if used.
• Costume pieces must not be shared as much as possible, including for stunts, unless they are washed and dried
(or otherwise sufficiently cleaned) between uses by different on-camera performers.

• The set design and other related details must be discussed and approved online.
• Train all art department workers in appropriate equipment cleaning/sanitizing, particularly for delicate and
electrical equipment.
• Meetings, designs, and checks must be coursed through the Production Designer who will also enforce the
health and sanitation protocols in the design team.
• Only approved art department workers must be allowed access to workshop and props storage areas.
• The number of workers performing tasks within a specific work zone must be limited to ten (10) people only.
• A preparation team may be designated to act as a separate unit to the on-set unit when needed.
• Ensure that allocated work zones have enough room to adhere to physical distancing guidelines.
• Maintain adequate airflow/ventilation for studio/indoor spaces.

• Allow for additional time for cleaning of sets and props.
• Plan and list purchases in advance to minimize needed trips to stores for supplies.
• Disinfect goods in the props store when necessary.
• Sanitize high-touch set surfaces before use and in between takes.
• Minimize handling of art department objects by the art department workers and on-camera performers. In the
case of shared props, performers must wash their hands between each use.
• On-camera performers must handle handheld props out of a sanitized bag and return the props to the same bag
or another bag when finished.
• Provide each worker with their own supply of disinfectant and hand sanitizer.
• Sanitize props from the box/sealed container before use.
• Thoroughly clean props before and in between takes.
• Props must be disinfected prior to being sealed.
• Color code equipment with tape or stickers to identify when equipment has been cleaned and is ready for next use.
• Props to be used for product consumption shots must undergo thorough cleaning and proper disposal.
• Maintain a record of props and handlers for contact tracing purposes.

• Disinfect all workstations and suites thoroughly before and after a work session.
• Prioritize a work-from-home arrangement with workers in post-production.
• Require all workers involved in the post-production process (e.g. post-production assistants, drivers, office
employees) to duly accomplish a Health Declaration Form.
• Post-production must be included in the pre-production planning to set a timetable and workflow that will be
mutually agreed upon by all parties involved including the producer, director, post-production house operator,
editor, and post-production supervisor. This agreement may be in the form of a post calendar where preview
schedules, deadlines of deliverables, and the like are specified in advance. Any changes in the timetable must
be consulted with all parties involved and mutually agreed upon.
• Post-production workers must work no more than 12 hours a day on a project, with a 12-hour turnaround time.
Curfew hours must also be considered for community quarantine areas.
• Post-production workers and other individuals involved in the process must make consolidated efforts to address
potential piracy, as well as other eventual online communication and technical concerns.
• Post-production workers who will be working on-site i.e. on location during production must be included in the
applicable protocols for principal photography.
• Provide workers required to report to the workplace or production site with the appropriate means of transportation
to the location, especially for community quarantine areas where public transport is limited.
• It is recommended that drivers transporting any production-generated materials to post-production workers or the
post-production house remain the same for the duration of the project. This is to allow for easier contact tracing
and to safeguard against piracy.
• Third party courier services must be discouraged. If third party couriers are needed, deliveries must be made by
authorized personnel who will sign a waiver to ensure protection from piracy.
• Bare hard drives must not be used. All drives should be in appropriate protective enclosures (e.g. hard plastic,
disposable bubble wrap, etc).
• Disinfect hard drives using appropriate methods.
• All documents generated by the production (e.g. sound report, camera report, script continuity sheets, etc.) must
be sent by e-mail to the assistant editor.
• For preparatory work, only proxy materials with burned-inviolators (text overlays on image) must be prepared for
editors working from home to combat piracy.
• It is recommended that prominent violators be placed on the image area of every shot indicating the following

i. Project name;
ii. Post-production house;
iii. Complete name of the Editor; and
iv. Complete name of Assistant Editor.

• It is recommended that the post-production house or independent digital imaging technician (DIT) prepare a
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) between them and the post-production team, with sanctions indicated in the

said agreement for violations.
• For offline editing, previews of dailies, edits, and revisions must be done online via secure or private networks
such as Vimeo, FTP, etc. To avoid piracy, these uploads must be password protected, non-downloadable, and
must expire after a few days.
• It is recommended that prominent violators be placed on the image area of the entire video indicating the

i. Project name;
ii. Full name of the recipient; and
iii. Date of export.

• There must be no sharing of links. If there are multiple recipients, each will be given their own link indicating
unique violators.
• The account must be under the control of the producers or post house.
• For presenting cuts and final edits with clients, interlocks or viewing or sit-down sessions must have limits on
the maximum number of people working in a space depending on the size of the space to comply with social
distancing rules.
• For the finishing process (grading, VFX, sound design, online editing, etc.), post-production staff may be required
to work on premises due to monitor and speaker setup calibrations specific to the theatrical experience.
• If the client chooses to pursue a fully digital and remote finishing process, the post-production must undertake
the due diligence of explaining the technological limits of the clients’ monitor and/or speaker setup. In return, the
client must acknowledge that disparities in theatrical or other distributions may arise due to the nature of remote
• The post-production house operators must set the number of attending people for finishing interlocks depending
on the size of the space since rooms are usually small, enclosed, and/or in air-conditioned places.
• It is recommended that only key representatives from each relevant client or department must be allowed to be
physically present. For example:

i. Director for editing sessions;

ii. VFX supervisor for VFX previews;
iii. Director of Photography for color-grading; and
iv. One more representative (Producer or Post-Production Supervisor)

• Post-production house operators are recommended to limit movements to and from the post-production house
for the safety of post-production workers.


• Require all on-camera performers to fill out and provide their COVID-19 Health Declaration Forms.
• If the performers, or someone they live with or have close contact with become sick or exhibit flu-like symptoms,
they must notify production immediately and must not come to work.
• On-camera performers must also consider if they are in regular close contact with individuals with serious health
conditions or compromised immunities before accepting work that requires them to physically report at the
production site.
• Performers must also maintain high hygiene practices away from work. Whenever possible, DOH’s physical
distancing guidelines must be followed.
• Hands must be washed and sanitized regularly, particularly when entering or exiting a production site.
• Coughing or sneezing must be done into the corner of the elbow.
• Performers must ensure that they have or are given access to all necessary PPE and hand/equipment/workspace
sanitizers or cleaning products.
• Performers must adhere to the production’s strict sign-in and sign-out procedures.
• On-camera performers must be provided with sufficient space to keep their wardrobe, makeup, props, and
personal belongings separate, and it must be ensured that additional time is allocated to allow for physical
distancing requirements.
• On-camera performers may be provided with the option to do their own hair and makeup (including touch-ups
and removal), including through virtual tutorials with hair and makeup personnel.
• On-camera performers must take note or record of who they meet up with and where they go outside of work.

• Install a temporary, transparent barrier between actors while establishing marks and positions and only remove
it right before the take.
• Actors may consider showing up having done their own hair and makeup.
• Actors may do their own touch-ups and remove their own makeup as much as possible.
• Alternate shot setups, camera angles, and lenses must be explored to ensure the distance between actors.
• For kissing, intimate, or love scenes, or scenes that require one actor to touch another’s face or body, full and
explicit consent must be secured from the actors involved. Otherwise, actors may refuse to act or participate in
such scenes. Further, the production may consider testing the on-camera performers in accordance with DOH
testing guidelines.
• Hygiene and safety measures must be observed before and after scenes.

• Distribute COVID-19 information and health and safety guidelines to extras before their arrival on the production
site. A safety orientation and health check must be done upon their arrival by the OSH Officer.
• Keep the number of extras to a minimum.
• All extras must wash/sanitize their hands on arrival at the production site.
• Set up a holding area for extras with enough space and tables and chairs to practice physical distancing.
• Provide an assigned seat for each person within the holding area which will be used for the day when not on set,
i.e. no seat swapping and mingling.
• Provide one pen to each talent to execute paperwork. Otherwise, shared pens must be disinfected after every
• Leave all personal belongings in the holding area. No personal items may be taken to the set.
• Crowd scenes can only be filmed if physical distancing is achievable.

Note: No more than a total of 50 crew/cast/extras must be on-site.

• Producers are discouraged from allowing minors to work on-set. Refer to DOLE’s latest issuances on allowing
minors for work (Labor Advisory No. 24, Series of 2020).
• Minors may be scheduled as arranged with their schooling. They must be appropriately briefed on safety
protocols in a production site.
• Productions must have PPE on hand that fits minors.
• No makeup may be applied to minors by the hair and makeup team unless absolutely necessary.

• Distribute COVID-19 information and health and safety guidelines to stunt performers before their arrival on the
production site. A safety orientation and health check must be done upon their arrival by the OSH Officer.
• No physical contact may be done on scenes without the approval of a specific production/stunt coordinator.
• As it is common for stunt performers to be involved in several productions at one time, each production’s stunt
coordinator must discuss such movement of performers with each production so that safety precautions may be
• Showers may need to be available for training sessions.
• Fitting of harnesses and padding may be done by the stunt performers themselves whenever possible under the
strict supervision of the stunt crew.
• Limit blocking and rehearsals to essential personnel only.
• Set up a holding area for stunt performers that facilitates physical distancing.
• Leave personal bags or items in a designated area.


Transport services have the potential to involve an encroachment on physical distancing requirements and the potential
to compromise hygiene protocols due to space restrictions in vehicles. To ensure these risks are eliminated or minimized,
producers/employers must consider a variety of the following options for the COVID-19 mitigation plan:

• Workers required to travel in vehicles must travel separately as much as possible. Otherwise, the production’s
safety plan must reflect the DOTr’s current position for traveling in vehicles for work as specified in the omnibus
public transport protocols and guidelines. This includes travel to and from work sites, traveling between work
sites, and traveling as part of your work activities.

• If traveling on public transport, workers must follow the distancing guidelines as displayed in the public
transport or requested by the operator/driver.
• Where it is necessary to have more than one (1) person in a vehicle, physical distancing is important,
and every occupant should sit as far apart as possible.
• Private cars will only be allowed one (1) passenger to occupy the front passenger seat, while front-facing
seats shall not exceed two (2) passengers per row.
• In larger vehicles, vans, or SUVs, space must be maximized with two (2) passengers per row and sitting
on alternating sides of the row with the vehicle filling from the back row.
• The number of people using or sharing a vehicle must be limited as much as possible and a log must
be kept of who have been in the vehicle and when.
• People traveling in the same vehicle repeatedly must always use the same seat each time and travel with
the same group of people in the vehicle as much as possible.
• Vehicles must be thoroughly sanitized after each trip, and if the vehicle does need to be used for different
groups, it must be thoroughly sanitized between these groups.
• Everyone must wash or sanitize their hands before entering the vehicle and on exiting the vehicle.
• Air-conditioning should be run in a fresh air setting, not on recirculation.
• All travel time in shared vehicles should be minimized with individual vehicles used where possible.

• Hired vehicles must be cleaned and sanitized, including trucks and vans. In particular, the steering wheel and
inner/outer door handles must be wiped down at the end of the day or in between drivers.
• Vehicles must be supplied with hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and appropriate PPE.
• Drivers must avoid picking up or delivering outside their designated area.
• Passengers must wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer prior to entering the vehicle for transportation to and
from the production site.

Physical distancing and hygiene protocols can be compromised by transport services, that’s why producers and employers
are given the following options to help stop the spread of COVID-19:

a. When aboard vehicles to and from work sites and between locations, workers are recommended to travel
separately. If that’s not possible, a production’s vehicle travel set-up must abide by the protocols of DOTr.

Workers using public transport Should there be more than In private cars, only one The space between two (2)
must follow the physical one person in a vehicle, (1) person is allowed in the passengers per row must be
distancing guidelines imposed passengers must be as far front passenger seat and in maximized in larger vehicles.
by the driver or operator. apart as possible from one front-facing seats, only two Passengers must occupy
another and from the driver. (2) passengers are allowed alternating sides of rows in a
per row. larger vehicle.

The number of workers in a As much as possible, workers Thorough disinfection must be Workers and the driver must
vehicle must be reduced to must travel with the same done on vehicles after every sanitize or wash their hands
the minimum. Producers and group of colleagues. A worker trip, and after every use of before entering the vehicle
employers must keep a log of who repeatedly rides the different groups. and upon alighting the
the schedule of travels and same vehicle should always vehicle.
passengers per trip. use the same seat.

The aircon should run in a Individual vehicles are preferred

fresh air setting instead of over shared vehicles. The travel
being on recirculation. time in shared vehicles should
be minimized.

b. Vans, trucks, and other hired vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected. The vehicle’s inner and outdoor handles
and steering wheel must be sanitized in between drivers and at the end of the day.
c. There must be an ample supply of alcohol or hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and appropriate PPEs in all
d. Picking up or delivering outside designated areas must be avoided by all drivers.

Pursuant to Republic Act 11058 and the DOLE Department Order No. 28, employers have the responsibility to ensure the
physical safety of workers and also craft mental health policies which are integral parts of occupational safety and health

It must be emphasized to all workers to observe the following actions to stay healthy and active:

• Eat nutritious and well-cooked food.

• Drink plenty of fluids and avoid alcoholic beverages.
• Increase the body’s resistance by having adequate rest and at least eight (8) hours of sleep.
• Exercise regularly.

Regarding Hours of Work, the following working hours must be strictly enforced:

• For production sites, a maximum of up to 14 hours.

• For workplaces and offices (e.g. post-production houses and animation studios), a maximum of up to 12 hours
• A 12-hour turnaround time for all must be observed to allow for workers to have ample time to rest and recoup
mentally and for proper sanitation to be done between call times.

The method of how producers/employers promote mental health must be included in their COVID-19 Safety Plan as
workers have a significant risk of experiencing distress during a pandemic due to uncertainty on production security,
financial status, and the overall pandemic situation.

Referrals to mental health professionals must be provided for workers needing counseling or presenting with mental health

The following are other considerations and techniques for producers/employers to support their own and others’ mental
health and well-being within a production as individuals at all levels of production are at risk of experiencing distress.

If workers are working from home, they may feel additional pressure from the added distraction of household members and
chores. Workers tend to overwork, especially if there is a tight deadline or a large amount of work to do. Remind workers
to take breaks from work so they don’t become over-tired as this is harmful to mental health.

• Keeping active will help. If gym facilities aren’t open, workers could be encouraged for walks, runs, yoga, or
workouts at home.
• It is important to reach out. Encourage workers to stay connected with their family, friends, and colleagues from
the industry.

The IATF-EID Omnibus Guidelines for Community Quarantine recommends that testing of all returning workers is not a
requirement precedent to his or her return. Furthermore, the DOH emphasizes that implementing non-pharmaceutical
interventions and other minimum health standards in the workplace is of paramount importance, as stated in the DTI and
DOLE Joint Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19.

The DOH also underscores that screening of returning workers shall be based on symptoms and/or exposure.

A. Producers may test workers for COVID-19. Testing kits used and procured shall be the responsibility
of the producer. However, DOH Protocols should be followed for the testing of workers and the
interpretation of results. For the procurement of tests and further guidelines, producers may refer to the following:

• DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0180: Revised Interim Guidelines on Expanded Testing for
COVID-19, April 16, 2020
• DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0014: Guidelines in Securing a License to Operate a COVID-19
Testing Laboratory in the Philippines, April 7, 2020
• DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0220: Interim Guidelines on the Return-to-Work, May 11, 2020

B. COVID-19 Expanded Testing, defined as the testing of individuals who are at risk of contracting COVID-19
infection, may be administered to suspect cases or individuals with a relevant history of travel and exposure
(or contact) whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, provided that there is adequate testing capacity.

C. Workers with a negative result for COVID-19 may be allowed to continue to work; however,
when initially tested negative but developed symptoms, employees must be tested accordingly.

• If found positive, all close contacts of returning employees and workers shall be isolated and tested accordingly,
as stated in DOH DM 2020-0180.
• Employers shall report results to DOH.

D. For FDA-approved rapid antibody tests, workers who test IgM negative and IgG negative or IgG positive
regardless of IgM results may continue to work.

• Workers who test IgM positive but IgG negative on the first test shall be isolated for 14 days and repeat testing
on the 14th day. If the results are still IgM positive and IgG negative, the quarantine will be extended in seven-
day increments, and testing will be repeated. If persistently IgM positive but IgG negative for two consecutive
retesting after the first 14-day period, potential false positives may be considered, and the worker must be
referred to an infectious disease specialist.
• Employers shall submit to the results of the rapid antibody tests among the
sample representatives using the format available on

E. A Production Policy on COVID-19 testing must be formulated and agreed upon by employers and workers
in conformity with the DOH protocols.

F. For symptomatic workers who present symptoms at the workplace or production site, the producer/employer
must refer and transport the workers to the appropriate healthcare facilities.


All patients Primary care facility for triaging, via telemedicine, if


Asymptomatic with close contact Home quarantine for 14 days OR

Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility for

quarantine of 14 days

Symptomatic, mild classified as Suspect, Probable, Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility for
or Confirmed COVID-19 case isolation of 14 days (preferred) OR

Level 1 Hospital or Infirmary OR

Home isolation provided with clearance from the

patient’s attending physician

Symptomatic, severe, or critical classified as COVID-19 Referral Hospital OR

Suspect, Probable, or Confirmed COVID-19 case
COVID-19-Accepting Level 2 or 3 Hospital
Symptomatic, mild, classified as Suspect, Probable
or Confirmed COVID-19 case plus any of the two:
(1) 60 years old and above
(2) comorbidities

Clinically recovered Suspect, Probable, and Level 1 hospital, Infirmary, or Temporary Treatment and
Confirmed COVID-19 cases awaiting completion of Monitoring Facilities selected for Step-down Care
quarantine period

More information on these are provided under DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0178
Interim Guidelines on Health Care Provider Networks during COVID-19 Pandemic.


What is a Production Zone?

The creation of the Production Zone allows for the production to be broken down and operate within physical distancing
protocols. Through this layout measure, zones ensure how a crew can work safely.

The Production Zone includes on-site or off-site operations and will have smaller department zones.

What is an On-Site Production Zone?

The full area of the production site is considered the On-Site Production Zone.

Here are things to consider in a Production Zone:

• Risk assessment of locations and sites/workplaces and identifying risks and control measures, must be done
to minimize the risk of infectious diseases.
• The script and casting must be reviewed to allow the limiting of on-camera performers present on set and
enable physical distancing.
• The Producer/Employer must ensure that all workers are engaged and able to raise concerns over any risks
associated with their work and infectious diseases.
• Locations may be closed or restricted due to influences of COVID-19 and due diligence must be undertaken
to assess the risks at each workplace.
• Health screenings must be conducted by productions to monitor worker health and identify any risks.
• Immigration considerations must be considered for international workers.
• Catering arrangements must be contactless and should follow relevant hygiene standards. Prepackaged food
may be considered while open service and buffet-style tables are not allowed.
• Staggered lunch breaks or separated areas must be implemented to deter crew congregations.
• Scheduling must consider the increased amount of time required to undertake work due to COVID-19 risks
and controls.
• Worker fatigue and wellness must be considered and factored into the shoot day.
• Accounting must use a paperless system where possible.
• Call sheets, scripts, and other paperwork with the crew must be communicated online.
• Suppliers must be restricted from coming on-site to undertake work like site or equipment repairs. They must
be scheduled to arrive after hours or when there are limited people on site.

What is an Area Zone?

These are separated spaces within the Production Zone and may be divided further into department zones. These include
but are not limited to the following:

• On-Set Area Zone (On-Site)

• Off-Set Area Zone (On-Site)
• Location and Prep Area Zone (On-Site)
• Workshop Area Zone (Off-Site)
• Remote Area Zone (Off-Site)

A. It is recommended to keep area zones as small as possible with no more than ten (10) people inside to
undertake the required tasks safely.
B. A minimum distance of no less than one (1) meter is to be observed at all times as a general rule. This includes

rest breaks, meal breaks, travel, and use of toilets. However, there are varying measurements of physical
distancing within zones depending on the type of space where work is undertaken.

1. Uncontrolled Spaces
• When production interacts with the public, a physical distancing of two (2) meters should be
maintained at all times.
• Two (2) meters of separation is needed to maintain physical distancing with the crew and other
persons because these spaces are outside of the production zone.

2. Controlled Spaces
• Where a production can manage and control a site or workplace, then the minimum physical
distancing of one (1) meter applies. Additional control measures may also be implemented.

3. Close Contact Space

• Crew can undertake close contact tasks where interaction between workers have a distance of
0 to 1 meter. Any crew working within this distance needs to use PPE as well as implement
additional control methods.

C. Spending over fifteen (15) minutes within one (1) to two (2) meters is considered as close contact, and therefore
stringent contact tracing measures must be in place.
D. Only production-approved crew who have implemented safety precautions can work closer than one (1) meter,
(i.e. cast and makeup) or for critical safety and emergency reasons. Safety precautions must be adhered to at
all times.

What is a Department Zone?

The Department Zone is contained inside an area zone and consists of multiple workgroups. These are Essential
Departments to enable on-set operations including, but not limited to, Camera, Sound, Grips, Lighting/Electrics, ADs,
Script Continuity, On-Set Art, and Locations.

Specific Safety Guidelines

On-Set Area Zone

• Review scripts to accommodate limiting the number of on-camera performers.
• Limit the number of crew behind the camera, as well as the number of equipment.
• Conduct an on-set safety briefing to highlight risks and the control measures in the venue.
• The OSH officer may assist in guiding the correct health and safety protocols on set as per the FDCP-DOLE-
DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001 and Occupational Safety and Health Law.
• Only select members of the crew may be allowed to do final checks on set that involve close contact. No one else
should undertake these tasks, and they should adhere to all necessary control measures.
• Perform final checks that require close contact in as little time as possible.
• If a workstation on set is required, it should be set up in a way to facilitate physical distancing.
• The daily shoot schedule should be achievable to avoid worker fatigue and considering the extra time needed
to complete tasks.
• Give each area zone and its workers enough time and space to complete their work.
• Remote/multiple monitors may be installed for review. Crew must be restricted from gathering around monitors.
• Electronic call sheets may be used.
• Radios or phones must be used to talk remotely.
• Frequently disinfect items taken on set like radios and tech equipment.
• Minimize common touch items from being passed around the workstations.

Off-Set Area Zone

• Limit interaction among department zones.
• As travel may be necessary between on-set and off-set area zones, observe cleaning, physical distancing, and
handwashing protocols.

• Send on-camera performers to the on-set zone as camera-ready as possible.
• Hair and Makeup, Costume, and on-camera performers must only roam in their respective zone.
• Catering and craft services arrangements must be contactless.
• Any location moves to be undertaken must take into consideration the limited crew on site.
• For controlled spaces, physical distancing must follow the general rule of no less than one (1) meter apart per
• Regularly disinfect equipment and all common touch surfaces within each area zone.
• Separate workstations to allow for correct physical distancing.
• Radios or phones must be used to talk remotely.

Location and Set Preparation Area Zone

• Install risk control measures at the production site before the crew and workers arrive on-site. It may take several
hours, days, or even weeks to set up a site ready for the production shoot, depending on the scale of the
• The production site must be controlled, and access must be recorded to enable contact tracing and prevent close
contact with the general public.
• Area Zones required to fabricate and construct sets must maintain physical distancing and should be separated
from the shoot and on-site production zone.
• There must be applicable physical distancing controls for the crew in place such as one-way foot traffic, barriers,
or floor markings.
• Hygiene facilities must be set up, including handwashing and/or sanitizing stations.
• PPE must be made available for set preparation and shoot crew.
• Appropriate cleaning supplies must be made available for the crew to clean equipment.

Workshop Area Zone

• This Workshop Area Zone includes construction workshops where set pieces are fabricated.
• Set up an isolation area for potentially contaminated equipment/props/set pieces or decorations.
• Physical distancing controls for the crew must be in place such as one-way foot traffic, barriers, or floor markings.
• Set up hygiene facilities, including handwashing and/or sanitizer stations.
• Provide PPE to workers.
• Establish drop-off areas to enable sanitizing/quarantining equipment products as they arrive on-site.

Remote Worker Area Zones

• For Production members required to work in a shared office, observe physical distancing guidelines.
• Workers must work remotely as much as possible.
• Location managers must communicate online as much as possible. Online resources and location photo libraries
may be utilized to limit any travel and interactions.
• Location Landlords/Owners are required to ensure that any potential risks are communicated to the producers
leasing the location and controls are identified to mitigate the risks.
• Production companies must undertake due diligence and establish if there are any additional controls they will
need to implement to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all cast, crew, and other persons.
• LGUs in coordination with DOH, DOLE, and FDCP may audit the health and safety structures of productions
and review for compliance.

Department Zones with Close Contact Interactions

• These involve workers that perform tasks with close physical interactions including cast, makeup, and stunt
performers. Time spent when performing close contact tasks must be limited as much as possible.
• Close contact tasks (0 to 1 meter) introduce a higher risk, and producers/employers must eliminate or minimize
this increased risk by applying the appropriate control measures.
• Designate close contact areas for each area zone that involves close contact whenever possible e.g. on-set or
off-set rehearsals for on-camera performers.
• Take precautions to limit interactions with those performing close contact tasks.

• If possible, one (1) person must perform multiple tasks so as to reduce the number of close contact workers.
• Whenever possible, engage a regular crew base as opposed to short-term crews.
• Reduce common touch items from being passed around the workstations.
• Post hygiene practice reminders in close contact department zones and provide single-use products as much
as possible.
• Provide PPE (gloves, face shields, face masks) for use.
• Allow additional time to perform close contact work with the required safety precautions.
• Items must not be shared between workers.
• Clean equipment and items at the start and end of each day and at appropriate intervals throughout the day.
• There must be direct routes from the close contact zones to the set and other essential locations to limit contact
with other persons and contact with common touch surfaces.
• In case someone becomes unwell or exhibits flu-like symptoms especially in close contact zones, records must
be kept for effective contact tracing. Workers who are spending over 15 minutes within one (1) to two (2) meters
proximity from each other must be particularly taken note of.
• For every close contact zone, the number of crew that is allowed on set must be limited.
• The time spent when undertaking close contact tasks must be limited as much as possible.
• It is recommended that close contact zones within a Department Zone must not have more than three (3) people.



On Set Tech Crew

Production Site
On Set Production Costume,
On Set Tech Crew Prosthetics, Craft
Producers, Production
Director, AD, Grip, Lighting, Services, Other
DOP, Camera Crew, PD,
Art Dept, Sound, Special requirements
OSH Officer/s
e.g. rain, pyrotechnics,
Cast, Extras, Hair Script Continuity, Supervisor, stunts, etc.
and Makeup Artist/s, Location Manager

Off Set Zone Set and Location

Production Site
Prep Zone
Tech and Unit Base Off Set Suppliers Production Site
Grip, Lighting, Camera,
Sound, Costume, Location
(e.g. Security)
Catering, Craft Services LOCATIONS/SET Preparation
Production Designer,
Location Manager
Manager, Drivers, Hair and Art Director,
Makeup Artists, Set Dresser
Art Department

Remote Worker Zone Workshops Zone

Off-Production Site
Off-Production Site
Construction/Art Workshops
Producers Offsite Rehearsals Remote Art Storage facilities for set pieces, props,
Production Manager Stunts, Casting Department equipment, off set workrooms, constructions
Production Office workshop
Design, Buyers
Location Manager Post-Production
Health and Safety Officer Processes Location Scouts
Editors, Musical Scorer,
Department Coordinators

Productions may require additional zones or find that not all roles or zones apply.
This will be reflected in the size or complexity of the project.

Each production must have an incident management and response plan in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of
COVID-19. Any incident management and response plan should, at minimum, involve the steps set out in the diagrams below:

Steps for dealing with suspected or confirmed cases at the workplace or production site

• If a worker is suspected of having COVID-19, he/she must immediately proceed to the isolation area
ISOLATE designated in the workplace or production site and never remove his/her mask.
• The OSH officer attending to the worker must wear appropriate PPE and, if needed, must transport
the affected worker to the nearest hospital.

TRANSPORT • Protocols for transport for suspect COVID-19 cases, whether from the workplace or production site,
must be in place, including provision of an ambulance.

NOTIFY • The hospitals will be responsible for reporting to the DOH the COVID-19 suspect case.

CLEAN • The workplace or production site must be decontaminated with appropriate disinfectants (e.g.,
chlorine bleaching solution and 1:100 phenol-based disinfectant). Prohibit persons from entering
those areas until the process is complete - if required, evacuate and close down these areas. After
decontamination of the workplace or production site, the production or work may resume after 24

• Workers who were present in the workplace or production site with the suspect COVID-19 case
QUARANTINE must go on a 14-day home quarantine with specific instructions from the clinic staff on monitoring
of symptoms and possible next steps. If the suspected COVID-19 case has a negative result, the
personnel may be allowed to report back to work earlier.

• If a worker is sick or has a fever but is not suspected of having COVID-19 (e.g.. urinary infection,
SUPPORT wound infection, or any disease not related to the lungs or respiratory tract), the producer/employer
must advise the worker to take prudent measures to limit the spread of infectious diseases, as follows:

1. Stay at home and keep away from work or crowds.

2. Take adequate rest and take plenty of fluids.
3. Practice personal hygiene to prevent the spread of disease.
4. Seek appropriate medical care in the case of persistent fever, when the difficulty of breathing
has started, or when he/she becomes weak.

• Trace who the person had close contact with in the past 14 days. Advise close contacts that they
CONTACT TRACE have been/may have been exposed, and encourage them to get tested and follow advice on
quarantine requirements.
1. Contact the DOH Epidemiology Bureau or their respective Regional Epidemiology and
Surveillance Units to report possible exposure and facilitate contact tracing, as necessary;
2. Gather records of all persons who have been on-site, or who have had close contact or
have gotten involved with the person who has tested positive from the past two weeks of the
onset of symptoms. These records must be presented to the DOH to aid in contact tracing;
3. Inform the wider workforce of the situation while protecting the individual’s privacy so that
further health monitoring can take place for individuals that a confirmed COVID-19 case
potentially had contact with.


If a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 is at work, make sure to:

Isolate Support
• If a worker is suspected of having • If a worker is sick or has a fever but is
COVID-19, he/she must immediately not suspected of having COVID-19 (e.g..
proceed to the isolation area designated urinary infection, wound infection, or
in the workplace or production site and any disease not related to the lungs or
never remove his/her mask. respiratory tract), the producer/employer
• The OSH officer attending to the worker must advise the worker to take prudent
must wear appropriate PPE and, if measures to limit the spread of infectious
needed, must transport the affected diseases, as follows:
worker to the nearest hospital.
1. Stay at home and keep away from
Transport work or crowds.
• Protocols for transport for suspect 2. Take adequate rest and take plenty of
COVID-19 cases, whether from the fluids.
workplace or production site, must 3. Practice personal hygiene to prevent
be in place, including provision of an the spread of disease.
ambulance. 4. Seek appropriate medical care in the
case of persistent fever, when the
difficulty of breathing has started, or
Notify when he/she becomes weak.
• The hospitals will be responsible for
reporting to the DOH the COVID-19 Contact Trace
suspect case.
• Trace who the person had close contact
with in the past 14 days. Advise close
contacts that they have been/may
have been exposed, and encourage
Clean them to get tested and follow advice on
• The workplace or production site must quarantine requirements.
be decontaminated with appropriate
disinfectants (e.g., chlorine bleaching 1. Contact the DOH Epidemiology
solution and 1:100 phenol-based Bureau or their respective Regional
disinfectant). Prohibit persons from Epidemiology and Surveillance
entering those areas until the process Units to report possible exposure
is complete - if required, evacuate and facilitate contact tracing, as
and close down these areas. After necessary;
decontamination of the workplace or 2. Gather records of all persons who
production site, the production or work have been on-site, or who have had
may resume after 24 hours. close contact or have gotten involved
with the person who has tested
positive from the past two weeks
Quarantine of the onset of symptoms. These
records must be presented to the
• Workers who were present in the DOH to aid in contact tracing;
workplace or production site with the 3. Inform the wider workforce of the
suspect COVID-19 case must go on a situation while protecting the
14-day home quarantine with specific individual’s privacy so that further
instructions from the clinic staff on health monitoring can take place
monitoring of symptoms and possible for individuals that a confirmed
next steps. If the suspected COVID-19 COVID-19 case potentially had
case has a negative result, the personnel contact with.
may be allowed to report back to work


All workplaces and production sites located in localities that are allowed to operate need to ensure they are protecting their
workforce and minimizing the risk of spread of infection.

Key Cleaning Tips

• All offices and sites must implement additional cleaning measures in common areas as recommended by the
Department of Health and help minimize the spread of COVID-19.
• The workspace must be considered for disinfection, especially those that are frequently used and touched by
workers, clients, and visitors.
• Regular cleaning of the workplace environment will minimize the spread of infection by reducing workers’ contact
with contaminated surfaces. In some areas, this may need to be done more than once a day. This assessment
needs to be done specific to your site’s individual work areas/department’s needs.
• The virus can be spread from person to person or by touching uncleaned equipment or surfaces. Therefore,
areas where the virus is more likely to spread, such as the kitchen, toilet, and other common spaces must be
more frequently cleaned.
• Physical distancing must be practiced when cleaning offices and sites with the following reminders:

• Schedule and keep a record of regular cleaning.

• Use suitable cleaning products, following the manufacturer’s instructions for use. When choosing an
appropriate cleaning product, factors to be considered include what the product is effective against and
the length of time the product needs to be left on a surface to clean it properly.
• Disposable cloths may be used if available. Reusable clothes must be disinfected and dried after use as
bacteria and viruses can still survive on damp cloths.
• Disposable gloves must be used when cleaning and handling soiled items and must be properly disposed of.
• Hands must be washed immediately after removing gloves or after handling the same items.
• Touching one’s face while wearing gloves must be avoided.

• Common internal touchpoints must be frequently cleaned, including:

• Coffee machines, photocopiers, and water stations

• Common pens for sign-in and sign-out sheets
• Doors and/or door handles
• High-touch surfaces such as stairs, handrails, tabletops, elevator buttons, microwaves, and other kitchen

• Screens and tables must be wiped after use, as well as tablets, photocopiers, digital check-in scanners, and
desktop stations.
• Floors must be cleaned with disinfectant or bleach solution, starting from one end of the premises to another
(from the exit inwards).
• Wash items such as towels and other fabrics and these must be dried thoroughly outside or with a dryer.

Disinfecting cleaning aids

• Cleaning aids, such as cloths or mops, must be germ-free, or else these can spread germs to other surfaces.
• For cloths and sponges:
• Disposable cloths or paper towels must be used when possible.
• Reusable cloths and sponges must be disinfected or washed and dried after each use.

• For brushes:
• Brushes must be washed in a dishwasher regularly or cleaned with detergent and warm water after
each use.
• Brushes must be dried before being used again.

• For mops and buckets:

• Two buckets for mopping must be used – one for detergent and the other for rinsing.
• Mops and buckets must be cleaned and dried after each use.

Site cleaning
• Before leaving the workplace at the end of the working day or end of each shift, wipe down any tables/surfaces,
door handles, and railings with a disinfectant such as disinfectant wipes. All workers must be checked out of the
site, and a daily record must be kept.
• Waste and disposable PPE must be securely disposed of.
• All workers must be responsible for cleaning their workstation areas with disinfectant wipes or spray cleaner
using paper towels.
• “High-touch” surfaces such as desks, counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, light switches,
phones, and keyboards must be cleaned every day with antiseptic wipes or disinfectant, including bleach

Cleaning bathrooms, toilets and showers

• Toilets must be cleaned with a separate set of cleaning equipment, e.g. disposable cleaning cloths, mops, etc.
• Sinks must be frequently cleaned.
• If the workplace or production site has a shower, shower trays and shower curtains must be frequently cleaned.
• If a shower hasn’t been used for a while, users must let the hot water run first before using it.
• Tiles and grouts must be kept in good condition.
• Toilet bowls must be cleaned by flushing after each use.
• Limescale must be regularly removed using descaling products.
• The toilet seats, handles, and rims must be cleaned using a disinfectant.

Cleaning Tools and Equipment

• Clean tools and equipment before and after each day’s work with fit for purpose disinfectant or disinfecting
equipment, concentrating on frequent contact points such as handles.
• Workers must clean their hands after handling tools and equipment to prevent the spread of germs.
• If possible, tools must not be shared. If sharing cannot be avoided, precautions must be taken, following the
handwashing guide before and after each use.

Cleaning vehicles
• Assign drivers to particular vehicles.
• Vehicles must not be shared if possible. Otherwise, commonly touched areas of the vehicle (steering wheel,
handbrake, gear stick, dashboard, handles, etc.) must be wiped down after each use. Drivers and passengers
must wash hands before and after using the vehicle.
• For vehicles with more than one person, as much distance between people must be observed as possible, the
windows must be kept open to keep air circulating, and passengers must face towards the window to reduce the
spread of germs.

Cleaning PPE & Clothing
• Work clothes must be placed in washing machines or hand-washed properly. Reusable PPE must be disinfected
separately following manufacturing guidelines.
• Follow the directions on the labels of laundry or clothing detergent when washing. In general, laundry and
clothing must be washed and dried with the warmest temperatures recommended on the label.
• When handling soiled laundry, the cleaner must wash his/her hands afterwards. All clothes and towels must
be washed with a laundry detergent to prevent germs from spreading. Laundry must not be left in the washing
machine as any remaining germs can multiply rapidly.

Deep Clean
• If a worker is unwell and removed from the workplace or production site, a professional deep clean must be
completed in the area/areas identified where the worker was working and has accessed. These areas must be
isolated until a “deep clean” has taken place.


1 2 3
Wet your hands under clean Wash your hands with soap Rub soap on both sides
running water. for at least 20 seconds. of hands.

5 6
Rinse the soap under running
Remember your fingers And your palms
and thumbs.

Dry your hands for at least 20
seconds, with a paper towel if


Wash your hands Mask The Right Side

Always wash your hands before There are various kinds of masks Make sure you wear the mask
and after touching a mask. depending on your needs. on the correct side.

Placement Attachment Stretch

Place the mask on the correct side. Pull the elastic bands over your Stretch the mask so that it covers
ears. your chin.

Adjust Taking off the mask Disposal

Adjust the mask so that it fits Pull the elastic bands away from Always place the used mask in the
comfortably. your ears. proper waste disposal bin.


When to wear gloves

When cleaning When caring for

Use disposable gloves when cleaning and someone who is sick
disinfecting surfaces that may be frequently Use disposable gloves when cleaning and
touched. After using disposable gloves, throw disinfecting the area around the person who is
them out in a lined trash can. sick especially when touching or having contact
with body fluids, such as saliva, mucus, vomit, etc.


Do not disinfect or reuse Avoid touching your face while After you have removed the gloves, Practicing personal hygiene and
the gloves. wearing gloves. Wash your hands thoroughly with physical distancing are still crucial
soap and water for 20 seconds. even if you’re wearing gloves as
Dry your hands using a clean gloves alone won’t keep you safe
towel or air dry them. from the virus.

This is about what you can do to protect yourself, your family, and the people around you from COVID-19. The most up-to-
date information for the Philippines is at the Department of Health website.

COVID-19 is a new contagious illness that can affect the lungs and airways; it is caused by a type of coronavirus.
Experience of COVID-19 to date shows that all people are at risk of contracting the virus, however, some people are at
higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. This includes older adults and people who have medical conditions like
heart disease, lung disease, asthma, and diabetes.

It spreads through tiny droplets of saliva or body fluids spread by activities such as talking, sneezing, kissing, and coughing.
The disease can survive on surfaces such as benchtops and door handles for a number of hours and can then be picked
up from there which is why washing your hands is very important.


Some people get a very mild form of the disease but it can kill some people quite quickly, especially if they have diabetes
or heart disease.

The signs and symptoms are:

Cough High temperature Shortness Sore throat Sneezing and Temporary loss
(more than 37.5 °C) of breath runny nose of smell

Milder symptoms can be helped with normal medicines but if there is trouble breathing, people may need to go to the

If you have these symptoms, call the Department of Health’s special COVID-19 number (02) 8942-6843 at any time. Or
call your doctor, but don’t go to the clinic without prior notice. We can’t have doctors getting infected as they will have
to go into isolation.

Preventing the spread of germs

Always dispose of your used Cough or sneeze into a Clean and disinfect surfaces Avoid close contact with
tissues in a waste bin or tissue or your elbow. and objects that people people who are displaying
plastic bag after use. frequently touch. symptoms.

Avoid touching your face Stay at home if you feel sick. Wash your hands frequently
with unwashed hands. and thoroughly.

You must self-quarantine for two weeks (14 days) if you…

Recently travelled from outside Are showing symptoms Have been in close contact with a
the country of COVID-19 confirmed case of COVID-19 in the
last two weeks

Symptoms include:

Cough High temperature Shortness of breath Sore throat Sneezing and Temporary loss
(more than 37.5 °C) runny nose of smell


Remember the 4Ws

1 Work from home

whenever possible. 2 Wear a mask
at all times.

1 meter

3 Watch your distance

no less than one (1) meter apart. 4 Wash your hands
for at least 20 seconds
frequently and thoroughly.


• FDCP-DOLE-DOH Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-001

• Republic Act No. 11332 - Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health
Concern Act
• Republic Act No. 11058 - Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards Act
• DOLE Department Order No. 198 S. 2018
• DOH Administrative Order 2020-0015
• DOLE-DTI Interim Guidelines on WorkPlace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
• DOLE-FDCP Joint Memorandum Circular 2020-001
• Executive Order No. 26, s. 2017 Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and
Enclosed Spaces.



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