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TO : All PEZA Developers and Locators/Enterprises,

Zone Administrators, Zone Managers, OICs, and
Building Officials in the PEZA Zones and IT Centers


Director General

SUBJECT : PEZA Construction Safety Guidelines for its Developers and Locators
within the PEZA Zones and IT Centers Including PEZA Projects for
Areas under Various Types of Quarantine Classifications during the
COVID-19 Crisis

DATE : 20 May 2020


The DPWH has issued Department Order No. 39 dated 19 May 2020 (see attached copy)
repealing for the same purpose the Department Order No. 35, series of 2020, regarding the
implementation of the construction safety guidelines for various infrastructure projects during the
COVID-19 public health crisis.
In the said revised DO 39, priority public and private construction projects such as those that refer
to, among others, manufacturing and business process outsourcing (BPO), are allowed to
commence construction activities through a skeletal workforce for areas under MECQ and ECQ.
Whereas, for areas under GCQ and MGCQ, all public and private construction projects are
allowed to commence its construction activities subject to strict compliance with the Revised
Construction Safety Guidelines stated in the attached DO 39.
As provided in the Monitoring and Enforcement section in the said DO 39 relative to PEZA,
the Director General or the Building Official (as delegated by the DG) shall monitor compliance
with the stated guidelines and issue quarantine pass (QP) to the individual qualified personnel,
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers based in the list submitted and certified by contractors,
subcontractors and suppliers.

Notwithstanding the above-mentioned DO 39 guidelines, PEZA shall require all ecozone locators
and IT enterprises to file online their application for building permits together with supporting
documents through the respective Office of the Building Official. Moreover, prior to the project
construction, the locator-enterprise applicant or its authorized contractor shall coordinate first with
the Zone Administrator/Zone Manager/Officer-in-Charge and the Building Official assigned for the
briefing on COVID-19 safety compliance and developer's construction house rules.

For strict compliance.

D.O. No. _____, Series of 2020
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis,
Repealing Department Order No. 35, Series of 2020
Page 2 of 6

4. Sewerage projects, water service facilities projects, and digital works;

5. Priority public infrastructure projects; and
6. Priority private infrastructure projects defined as those that refer to food
production, agriculture, fisheries, energy, housing, communication, water
utilities, manufacturing, and business process outsourcing (BPO).

B. Areas under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ)

In addition to those allowed construction projects enumerated under Section A hereof,

other essential and priority projects shall be allowed to operate subject to strict compliance
with the herein Revised Construction Safety Guidelines; provided, however, that small-
scale projects shall not be allowed.

Small-scale projects are defined as those construction projects which are intended for
private and personal use, and because of scale, would not be able to or would impractically
be unable to comply with the herein Revised Construction Safety Guidelines in areas under

C. Areas under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) or Modified General

Community Quarantine (MGCQ)

All public and private construction projects shall be allowed, subject to strict compliance
with the herein Revised Construction Safety Guidelines.



A. Prior to Deployment

1. Any person below twenty-one (21) years old, those who are sixty (60) years old and
above, those with immune deficiencies, comorbidities, or other health risks, and pregnant
women, including those who reside with the aforementioned, shall not be part of the
workforce for construction projects except as may be allowed under the Revised Omnibus
Guidelines issued by the IATF.

2. Construction personnel shall undergo quarantine for fourteen (14) days prior to
deployment; or in the alternative, the employee may undergo any available Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) - approved COVID-19 test, as may be prescribed by the
Department of Health (DOH), and be retested as the need arises. In this regard,
consultation with medical doctors (duly accredited by DOH, if possible) prior to the conduct
of COVID-19 test shall be made. Further, COVID-19 test procedures and return-to-work
policies of the contractors should comply with DOH Circular No. 2020-0160 dated 31 March
2020, Department Memorandum No. 2020-0220 dated 11 May 2020, and other pertinent
issuances of the DOH on the matter.
D.O. No. _____, Series of 2020
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis,
Repealing Department Order No. 35, Series of 2020
Page 3 of 6

3. The concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers shall provide for their
personnel/workers the necessary welfare facilities and amenities, such as employees’
quarters for board and lodging, ensuring compliance with social distancing, proper
hygiene, etc.

4. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall ensure that their projects are in
compliance with DOLE D.O. No. 13, Series of 1998, and the DTI and DOLE Interim
Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19. Contractors shall provide
their personnel and workers continuous supply of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, other
over-the-counter medicines, quarantine facilities, and oxygen tanks for emergency

5. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall provide disinfection facilities at

their respective project sites in compliance with pertinent DOH and IATF Guidelines, to be
placed at strategic locations to ensure the safety and welfare of all personnel.

6. Proper information dissemination regarding COVID-19 construction protocols, on top of

existing construction safety practices, shall be conducted by Safety Officers to all

B. During Deployment

1. Conduct an inventory of works for the construction sequencing to be followed and

undertaken to uphold the required social distancing. Break times shall be conducted in a
staggered manner.

2. Employees shall be housed in their respective quarters for the entire duration of the
project covered by the ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, and MGCQ. In case there is a need to leave the
said quarters during the project duration, “Prior to Deployment” procedures shall be
conducted at every instance of re-entry.

3. Errands to be conducted outside the construction site premises shall be kept to a

minimum. Number of personnel running errands shall be limited and shall be properly
disinfected and closely monitored for symptoms within fourteen (14) days upon re-entry.

4. Field offices, employees’ quarters, and other common areas shall be regularly maintained,
including the daily disinfection of such facilities.

5. Adequate food, safe/potable drinking water, disinfectants, and hand soaps shall be made
available by the concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers to their in-
house personnel.

6. Daily monitoring of the pre and post-work health conditions of workers shall be undertaken
by the concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, including but not
limited to temperature, health, and exposure monitoring, as preventive measures.
Personnel with manifestations or symptoms relative to COVID-19 shall be immediately
D.O. No. _____, Series of 2020
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis,
Repealing Department Order No. 35, Series of 2020
Page 4 of 6

isolated and quarantined for fourteen (14) days and if necessary, brought to the nearest
DOH COVID-19 treatment facility under strict confidentiality and privacy. Proper protocols
in accordance with the DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and
Control of COVID-19 shall likewise be strictly observed.

7. Work activities shall be strictly monitored daily by the Safety Officer on site to ensure
compliance with safety standards and quarantine protocols.

8. There shall be a full-time Safety Engineer/Officer assigned at the site who shall strictly
monitor work activities. Said Safety Engineer/Officer shall ensure strict compliance with
DOLE D.O. No. 13, Series of 1998 and the DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace
Prevention and Control of COVID-19 with regard to the wearing of additional personal
protective equipment (PPE) required such as, but not limited to, face masks, safety
glasses/goggles, face shields, and long sleeve T-shirts, and other measures to contain the
spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, as provided in these Guidelines.

9. For off-site employees’ quarters, transport service, duly disinfected before and after use,
shall be provided, and social distancing shall likewise be observed therein at all times in
accordance with DOTr guidelines.

10. Sharing of construction and office equipment is discouraged. However, if necessary, the
shared equipment must be disinfected in between transfers amongst personnel.

11. All material and equipment delivery and disposal shall be conducted by a specific team of
personnel on an isolated loading/unloading zone while limiting contact with the
delivery/disposal personnel. All material and/or equipment entering the construction site
shall be duly disinfected as much as possible.

12. Non-essential personnel, visitors, and the general public shall be restricted to enter the
construction site, employees’ quarters, and field offices. Otherwise, all personnel entering
the construction site premises on a temporary basis (e.g. delivery truck drivers, inspectors,
etc.) shall be properly logged and checked for symptoms. Gatherings, liquors, and/or
merry-making are strictly prohibited within the construction site premises.

13. Clustered and staggered deployment of employees within the construction site shall be
observed to minimize personnel contact and for easier contact tracing.

14. Proper waste disposal shall be provided for infectious waste such as PPEs and other waste
products coming from outside the construction premises.


A. For DPWH infrastructure projects, the head of the concerned DPWH Implementing Office
(IO) shall monitor compliance with these Guidelines and issue construction quarantine
pass (QP) to the individual qualified personnel of the concessionaires, contractors,
subcontractors, and suppliers based on the list submitted and certified by the said
D.O. No. _____, Series of 2020
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis,
Repealing Department Order No. 35, Series of 2020
Page 5 of 6

concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, clearly stating the

identification, designation, nature of work, validity, and destination (A copy of the QP form
is attached hereto as Annex “A”). It is understood that the QP referred in these
Guidelines shall cover transit of personnel from (a) MGCQ, GCQ, MECQ area to ECQ area,
and vice versa, and (b) an area not under community quarantine to a MGCQ, GCQ, MECQ,
ECQ area, and vice versa.

B. For LGU implemented projects and private construction projects, the LGU concerned,
through its City/Municipal Engineering Office, shall monitor compliance with these
Guidelines and shall issue QPs to the individual qualified personnel of the concessionaires,
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers based on the list submitted and certified by the
said concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.

C. For infrastructure projects implemented by other national government agencies,

Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC), and other government
instrumentalities, the head or representative of the agency, GOCC, or government
instrumentality concerned shall monitor compliance with these Guidelines and issue QPs
to the individual qualified personnel of the concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors,
and suppliers based on the list submitted and certified by the said concessionaires,
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.

D. For monitoring purposes, personal records and health report of all personnel necessary
for contact tracing shall be submitted by the concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors,
and suppliers to the DPWH IO, LGU, or Implementing Government Agency,
Instrumentality or GOCC, as the case may be, and shall be resubmitted and updated
monthly, or as the need arises (Copies of the monitoring forms are attached hereto as
Annexes “B” and “C”).

E. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall submit the design for disinfection
facilities and amenities, for monitoring purposes, to the DPWH IO, LGU, or Implementing
Government Agency, Instrumentality or GOCC, as the case may be, as mentioned in
Section III (A) (5).

F. Concessionaires, contractors, and subcontractors shall submit to the DPWH IO, LGU, or
Implementing Government Agency, Instrumentality or GOCC, as the case may be, a
certification under oath that they have complied and shall continue to comply with the
provisions of these Guidelines within fifteen (15) days from commencement of work (A
copy of the certification is attached hereto as Annex “D”).

F. The allowed government and private construction projects are subject to the visitorial and
enforcement powers of the Department of Labor and Employment and the Department of
Trade and Industry in order to ensure compliance with the provisions on maximum
allowable operational capacity in establishments as well as minimum health standards and
protocols in accordance with Section 8 (4) of the Revised Omnibus Guidelines.
D.O. No. _____, Series of 2020
Revised Construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of
Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis,
Repealing Department Order No. 35, Series of 2020
Page 6 of 6


Violation of any provision of this Revised Construction Safety Guidelines shall be subject to the
following penalties, without prejudice to the imposition of additional administrative sanctions as
the internal rules of DPWH may provide and/or further criminal action that may be filed against
such erring concessionaires, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers, as may be provided by
applicable laws:

A. Termination of contract for breach thereof resulting to default pursuant to Item III (A)
(2) (c) (i), Annex I of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184
in relation to Section 37.2.3 of the same, which provides that bidding documents requiring
bidders to know and be familiar with all existing laws, decrees, ordinances, acts, and
regulations, including the Department Orders of DPWH, shall form part of the contract
awarded, and refusal or failure to comply with the valid instruction of DPWH, as the
procuring entity, shall justify the contract’s termination;

B. Contract termination/rescission under Section 12.21 (b) of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by Republic Act No. 7718 (BOT Law);

C. Referral to the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board of any such violation by the
contractor/subcontractor, which shall constitute as prima facie case of construction
malperformance of grave consequence due to negligence, incompetence, or malpractice
contemplated under DOLE D.O. No. 13, Series of 1998 and DPWH D.O. No. 56, Series of
2005 in relation to Republic Act No. 4566 (Contractors’ License Law); and

D. Institution of criminal action under Republic Act No. 11469 (Bayanihan to Heal as One


These Guidelines shall take effect immediately upon publication in the Official Gazette or any
newspaper of general circulation.

This Order hereby repeals D.O. No. 35, Series of 2020, and Annex 1 thereof.

For information and guidance.



Name of Project :

General Contractor:
Sub-Contractor :

Had any
Location of Origin Prior to Site Mode of COVID-19
No. Name Age Sex Address Contact No. Signature
Deployment Transportation SYMPTOMS
(Annex “C”)




Pangalan: Petsa:
Edad: Kasarian: Telepono:
Lugar ng Tirahan: Trabaho:
Lugar ng Trabaho:

≥380C Presensya ng mga sumusunod (Presence of the following):

____ Ubo (Cough) (productive or non-productive cough

____ Igsi ng paghinga (Shortness of breath)
____ Oo (Yes) ____ Sipon (Colds)
____ Namamagang lalamunan (Sore throat)
____ Hindi (No) ____ Tumutulong sipon (Runny Nose)
____ Naninikip na ilong (Nasal Congestion)
____ Nananakit na kalamnan (Muscle Pains)
____ Sakit ng ulo (Headache)
____ Hirap sa paghinga (Difficulty of Breathing)
____ Pagtatae (Diarrhea)
____ Pagkawala ng pang-amoy (Loss of Sense of Smell)
____ Pagkawala ng panlasa (Loss of Sense of Taste)

____ WALA (NONE)

Kung mayroong presenya ng mga nasa taas, simula kailan. (If

identified with presence of the above, since when)?


Pagpapahayag: Ang mga impormasyon na aking ibinigay dito ay totoo, tama at kumpleto.
Aking na-iintindihan na ang hindi pagsagot sa mga katanungan o ang maling sagot ay
maaaring may seryosong kinahihinatnan. (Article 171, & 172 of the Revised Penal Code of
the Philippines and Republic Act No. 11332.)

Annex “D”
Department of Public Works and Highways
Department Order No. ____
Series of 2020


Pursuant to DPWH Department Order No. ____, Series of 2020 (DO No. ___, s2020),
the undersigned, (name and position)_ of (name of company and address) ,
contractor of (name of office/s, name of project/s and project/s details) , duly
authorized to act for and in behalf of the said company (as evidenced by Board
Resolution/Secretary’s Certificate/Special Power of Attorney, dated __________________,
and attached hereto), hereby:

1. Attest that, in relation to our abovementioned project(s), our company has

duly complied with all the requirements for the
commencement/resumption/continuation of the operations/activities
thereof during the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis, as set forth in DO No. ___,
s2020; and

2. Undertake to:

a) Ensure strict and continued compliance with DO No. ___, s2020 and
any DPWH issuances that may be issued in the future, in relation to
the implementation of infrastructure projects during the COVID-19
Public Health Crisis Community Quarantine;

b) Allow and fully cooperate with the DPWH and other monitoring
agencies’ mentioned in the DPWH Revised Construction Safety
Guidelines for the initial and regular inspection, and the monitoring of
our abovementioned office/s and project/s, pursuant to DO No. ___,
s2020; and

c) Regularly submit (at the end of each month, beginning on the month
following the resumption of operations/activities of our company’s
abovementioned office/s and project/s) to the DPWH and other
monitoring agencies’ mentioned in the DPWH Revised Construction
Safety Guidelines concerned electronically (or through courier service
or by personal service, if the former mode is not available/feasible or
timely, and such DPWH Office concerned is not under ECQ), proof of
our continued compliance with the existing or subsequently-issued
requirements of the DPWH relative to the COVID-19 Public Health
Crisis Community Quarantine, in the form of scanned, certified
documents, photos, or videos, as part of the regular monitoring and
post-audit process.
Annex “D”
Department of Public Works and Highways
Department Order No. ____
Series of 2020

Name of Company
Contact Details



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __________ day of __________ 2020, affiant
exhibiting to me his/her competent evidence of identity/valid government
ID/Passport No. ____________________ issued on _________________ at _________________.

Doc. No: _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 2020.

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