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Thermally Conductive Separator With Hierarchical Nano/microstructures For Improving Thermal Management of Batteries

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Nano Energy (2016) 22, 301–309

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Thermally conductive separator

with hierarchical nano/microstructures
for improving thermal management
of batteries
Yuan Yanga,b,n, Xiaopeng Huanga, Zeyuan Caob, Gang Chena,nn

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139,
United States
Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia
University, New York, NY 10027, United States

Received 23 October 2015; received in revised form 20 January 2016; accepted 28 January 2016
Available online 21 February 2016

Thermal conduction; Thermal management is critical to improving battery performance and suppressing thermal
Batteries; runaway. Besides developing external cooling technologies, it is important to understand and
Nanocomposite control thermal transport inside batteries. In this paper, heat transfer inside batteries is first
analyzed and the thermal conductivity of each component is measured. The results show that
low thermal conductivity of the separator is one major barrier for heat transfer in Li-ion
batteries. To improve thermal conductivity of the separator, a hierarchical nano/micro-Al2O3/
polymer separator is prepared with thermal conductivity of  1 W m  1 K  1, representing an
enhancement of 5  compared to commercial polyethylene-based separators. Modeling has
been performed to understand mechanism behind the enhancement of thermal conductivity,
which suggests that addition of nanoparticles significantly reduces thickness of polymer coating
on micron-sized Al2O3 particles and thus increase the thermal conductivity of the composite
separator. This Al2O3-based separator also has similar ionic conductivity with commercial
polymer separators. Such composite separator may have potential applications in developing
batteries with better performance and safety.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139,
United States.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Yang), (G. Chen).
2211-2855/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
302 Y. Yang et al.

Introduction Cross-plane thermal conductivity measurement

High-performance batteries are important for various appli- The thermal conductivity is measured by stacking multiple
cations ranging from portable electronics, electric vehicles electrode films together to ensure that thermal resistance
and grid-level energy storage [1,2]. Thermal management of sample is one order of magnitude higher than the thermal
of state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries (LIBs) and future higher contact resistance between copper and sample. After the
energy batteries is critical to their performance and safety, environmental temperature is stabilized, the thermoelec-
especially at large scale [3–6]. The high temperature tric plate cools the bottom side of the sample while the
significantly deteriorates cycle life and it is one important heater is used to keep temperature of the top surface the
reason to trigger thermal runaway, especially for batteries same as the environment. The heater power (Q) is recorded
with high energy and power density [7–10]. Past efforts after temperature is stabilized, indicated as the average
mainly focus on modeling of external cooling technologies, power over 30 s after stabilization. Temperature data is
such as forced air and liquid cooling, to lower battery recorded by K-type thermocouple. More details can be
temperature [5,11–19], where the lumped heat transfer found in Section 2 of the supporting information.
model is widely used without considering thermal conduc-
tivity (k) of a battery itself [15–18]. Only a few references Ionic conductivity measurement
took battery thermal conductivity into account with
assumed values [5,11,19]. Improving thermal transport Ionic conductivity is measured by sandwiching the separator
inside batteries can also facilitate heat dissipation, reduce between two pieces of stainless steel with the same size and
temperature inhomogeneity and thermal stress in batteries. applying an AC voltage with amplitude of 10 mV at 50 kHz.
In this paper, we first measured thermal conductivity of The electrolyte is 1 M LiClO4 in Ethylene carbonate/Diethyl
different components in batteries and identified that the carbonate (EC:DEC) with weight ratio of 1:1.
battery separator is a major limiting factor for heat
dissipation in batteries. Then a thermally conductive
COMSOL simulation
Al2O3/polymer composite separator was developed to
improve heat dissipation in batteries. The Al2O3/polymer
In simulation of temperature rise, external heat transfer
hybrid separator contains both micron-sized and nano-sized
coefficient is assumed to be 1000 W m  1 K  1 and 20 W m  1
Al2O3 particles as the thermally conductive phase, and Poly
K  1 for forced liquid cooling and force air cooling, respec-
(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene) (PVdF-HFP) as the
tively. The voltage loss due to internal resistance is sup-
binder. The large surface area of nanoparticles reduces
posed to be 0.6 V. The simulation time for 3 C rate is 1200 s.
thickness of polymer coating on Al2O3 and enhances thermal
The capacity of 18650 cell is set to 3.1 Ah. Liquid cooling is
conductivity of the separator. At the optimized materials
applied to all surfaces. For prismatic cells, the volumetric
loading ratio, a thermal conductivity of 1.0570.16 W m  1
energy density is set to 600 W h L  1 for the all cells. More
K  1 is reached, which is more than five times that of
details can be found in Section 4 in the supporting
commercial polyethylene/polypropylene (PE/PP)-based
commercial separator. Such separators could improve heat
conduction and reduce the temperature rise of batteries in
operations. Meanwhile, the composite separator shows Results and discussions
similar ionic conductivity as commercial polyethylene-
based separators, avoiding excessive joule heating due to A typical Li-ion battery is made up of a triple-layer structure
slower ionic transport across the separator. with a porous separator sandwiched between two composite
electrodes (Figure 1a). The porous separator is typically
made of polypropylene and polyethylene [20], while two
Materials and methods electrodes are mixtures of active materials (e.g. LiCoO2 or
graphite,  80–95 wt%), carbon black (2–10 wt%) and poly-
Materials meric binder (1–10 wt%) (See Figure S1 for SEM images of
electrodes and separators). The triple-layer structure is
Micro-Al2O3 particles ( 10 μm) were purchased from Sigma assembled together to form either a roll in a cylindrical cell
Aldrich. Kynar 2801 PVdF-HFP was received from Arkema. or a cuboid in a prismatic cell (Figure 1b). Voids in
Commercial single-side coated LiCoO2 and graphite electro- electrodes and separators are filled with carbonate-based
des, separators and nano-Al2O3 particles ( 100 nm) were organic electrolyte. In battery operation, heat is generated
purchased from MTI Corporation. The Al2O3/PVdF-HFP com- throughout the cell due to joule heat and entropy change in
posite separator was prepared by dispersing micro-Al2O3 electrochemical processes [21]. The heat produced is first
particles, nano-Al2O3 particles and PVdF-HFP binders in THF conducted inside the cell through both in-plane and cross-
for 12 h and drop casting onto a flat glass substrate. A mold plane directions of the triple-layer structure, followed by
made of Aluminum is used to confine the dispersion and dissipation process outside the cell, such as air/liquid
shape the separator to the desired dimension. The typical convection (Figure 1b). The in-plane direction of the
sample size is 3 cm by 3 cm. The weight ratio of PVdF-HFP triple-layer structure corresponds to the axial direction in
to THF is fixed as 1:11. The ratio of PVdF-HFP to Al2O3 varies cylindrical cells and width/length directions in prismatic
from 20: 80 to 10: 90. After drying, the Al2O3/PVdF-HFP film cells with a thermal conductivity of k== , while the cross-
is peeled off from the glass substrate and pressed under plane direction corresponds to the radial direction in
0.1 ton for 5 min at room temperature. cylindrical cells and thickness direction in prismatic cells
Thermally conductive separator with hierarchical nano/microstructures 303

Nomenclature kAl2 O3 ;polymer The effective thermal conductivity of an

Al2O3 particle coated with PVdF-HFP
A Cross-section area of a sample, or a battery, (W m  1 K  1)
surface area for convection keff Effective thermal conductivity of an Al2O3/poly-
h Heat transfer coefficient mer composite with DEC (W m  1 K  1)
k Thermal Conductivity of the sample k┴;separator Cross-plane thermal conductivity of a separa-
(W m  1 K  1) tor (W m  1 K  1)
k┴ Cross-plane thermal conductivity of a battery l Heat transport distance
component saturated with DEC (W m  1 K  1) Trise temperature rise due to heating inside batteries
k== In-plane thermal conductivity of a battery com- Δx Thickness of the sample (m)
ponent saturated with DEC (W m  1 K  1) λ Volume portion of a certain phase

Figure 1 The structure of common Li-ion batteries and heat dissipation. (a) A typical Li-ion battery consists of three layers:
composite cathode (e.g. LiCoO2) with Al as the substrate, porous separator, and composite anode (e.g. graphite) with Cu as the
substrate. The cross-plane heat transport is mainly limited by thermal resistance of the separator layer due to its low thermal
conductivity. (b) Heat transfer in both in-plane and cross-plane directions of the triple-layer structure inside batteries, and then
dissipate through convection outside batteries.

with a thermal conductivity of k┴ . To understand limiting discussed in our previous work [23] (Figure 2a), which uses
factors for heat dissipation in batteries, thermal conductiv- heat flux applied to the sample, temperature difference
ity of battery components is measured first, followed by across the sample and sample geometry to derive k┴ based
estimation of thermal resistance of different directions and on the Fourier’s law. To reduce the effect of contact
external convection. thermal resistance, multiple layers of battery electrodes
The first step in our analysis is to obtain thermal or separators are stacked together so that the thermal
conductivity of electrodes and separators by experimental resistance of sample ( 1  10  3 m2 K W  1) is much larger
measurements. In the past, Maleki et al used laser flash than contact resistance between copper plates and the
method to measure k┴ and k== of electrodes and the triple- sample ( 1  10  4 m2 K W  1). To mimic a real battery, we
layer structure at different state-of-charge [22]. Their focus on electrodes and separators saturated with diethyl
results show that k┴ of electrodes and trilayer are 3 W carbonate (DEC), one major component in LIB electrolyte.
m  1 K  1 when saturated with electrolyte, while k== is 20– No salt is added since it contributes little to thermal
30 W m  1 K  1. However, a single-layer model is applied to conductivity [24] and it is sensitive to moisture. k┴ of
multi-layer samples with distinct thermal properties in their LiCoO2 electrode, graphite electrode and separators satu-
study. In this report, k┴ of electrodes and separators are rated with DEC are measured to be 1.0670.16, 2.070.3,
measured by a differential steady state method, as and 0.1970.03 W m  1 K  1 (Table 1), which are in the same
304 Y. Yang et al.

Figure 2 Measurements and simulations of heat transfer in Li-ion batteries. a) A schematic of the differential steady state method
to measure thermal conductivity. A thermoelectric (TE) cooler cools the bottom side of a sample with a thickness of Δx while a thin
film heater keeps top surface at the same temperature as the environment, which minimizes heat loss to the environment and
improves accuracy of measured heat flux through the sample. Copper plates are used to realize uniform temperature distribution at
two ends of the sample, which are measured by thermocouples (TCs). b) and c) Calculated thermal resistances of b) the cylindrical
cell configuration and c) the prismatic cell configuration. The cylindrical cell dimension is scaled from an 18650 cell. The definition
of directions in b) and c) is the same as Figure 1b. Symbols in parenthesis indicate corresponding thermal conductivity in the
direction. d) Numerical simulation by COMSOL Multiphysics on temperature rise against thermal conductivity of separator in a four-
prismatic-cell pack and a 18650 cell, respectively. e) Corresponding temperature distribution in the cross section of an 18650 cell
with the same simulation described in (d). The cross section passes the central axis of the cylindrical cell.

literature values [25] on thermal conductivity of metals. k==

Table 1 Measured thermal properties of electrodes and
of the separator is considered to be the same as k┴ . Details
separators in batteries.
of experimental procedures and calculations can be found in
Positive Negative Separator Sections 2 and 3 in the supporting information.
The next step in our study is to estimate thermal
Electrode material LiCoO2 Graphite PP/PE/PP resistance and heat generation/dissipation in batteries to
Substrate 15 μm Al 9 μm Cu N/A understand the limiting factor. Two cell geometries are
Thickness of active 82 106 24 considered. One is the cylindrical cell scaled from 18650
materials (μm) cells with height of 65 mm and diameter of 18 mm, which
Cross-plane thermal 2.070.3 1.0670.16 0.1970.03 means that the ratio of height to diameter is kept at 65/18.
conductivity with Another geometry is stacked prismatic cells where a single
DEC cell has two sides of 216 and 290 mm, respectively, and
(k┴ , W m  1 K  1)a thickness of 7 mm. This dimension is the same as that used
Effective in-plane 28 31 0.1970.03 in Nissan leaf [26]. Thermal resistances along different
thermal conductiv- directions are simply estimated based on one-dimensional
ity heat conduction along the corresponding direction. It is
(k== , W m  1 K  1)a defined as ΔT/Q at steady state with uniform heat genera-
tion inside the cell, where ΔT is the temperature difference
With metal substrate taken into account for both positive between the center and surface of the cell, and Q is total
and negative electrodes. heat transferred at cell surface. In calculation, the thermal
conductivity along a direction in the cell is supposed to be
the same as the effective thermal conductivity of the triple
order of previous results by the laser flash method [22]. The layer along the same direction, since the thickness of a
in-plane thermal conductivities (k== ) of electrodes are triple layer (200–300 μm) is much smaller than the cell
dominated by metal substrates (Al for LiCoO2 and Cu for dimension (45 mm). The thermal resistance of external
graphite), so k// of electrodes are calculated based on the heat transfer is estimated as 1=hA, where h is the heat
Thermally conductive separator with hierarchical nano/microstructures 305

Figure 3 Micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite separator. a) A schematic of micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite to improve thermal

conductivity of a separator. b) and c) Optical and SEM images of the composite separators. The particle size is  10 μm. The weight
ratio of micro-Al2O3 to PVdF-HFP is 85:15. d) Cross-plane thermal conductivity of the micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP separator.

transfer coefficient, and A is the surface area for external

Table 2 Properties of micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP and com-
mercial separators.
Calculation results are shown as Figure 2b and c for
cylindrical and prismatic cell configuration, respectively. Al2O3:PVdF-HFP 80:20 85:15 90:10 Commercial PP/
Although k┴ is much smaller than k== in batteries, the total (weight) PE/PP Separator
thermal resistance along the cross-plane direction is actu- Density (g cm  3) 1.83 1.93 2.0 0.57
ally smaller, as the cross-plane direction has larger cross Volumetric Por- 0.58 0.58 0.56 0.61a
sectional area and smaller length for heat transfer. This tion of Solid
indicates that heat dissipation along the cross-plane direc- Ionic Conductiv- 0.64 0.68 0.75 0.88
tion is actually more efficient than in-plane. Regardless of ity (mS cm  1)
cell geometry and dimension, thermal resistance of forced Thickness (μm) 30–200 25
liquid cooling is much less than the cell, as h of liquid is very
high, typically in the order of 1000 W m  2 K  1 [27], which a
Based on porosity of 0.39.
indicates that heat dissipation is limited by the cell itself
under forced liquid cooling. In the scenario of forced air
cooling, thermal resistance of air convection is the limiting To further validate this argument, COMSOL simulation
factor instead of heat conduction inside a cell, as h of was carried out to understand the effect of k┴;separator on
forced convective air is only 20 W m  2 K  1 [27]. There- temperature rise (Trise) of a battery in operation. For
fore, improving k┴ of the triple layer structure in batteries example, Under 3 C rate (charge or discharge in 1/3 h)
can effectively enhance total heat dissipation in batteries, and forced liquid cooling, Trise at the end of discharge in a
especially when forced liquid cooling is used. Further four-prismatic-cell pack and a single 18650 cell decreases
analysis shows that the separator layer counts for 46% of from 40 1C to 27 1C and from 8 1C to 6 1C, respectively, when
total cross-plane thermal resistance of the triple-layer k┴;separator increases from 0.185 W m  1 K  1 to 1 W m  1 K  1.
structure (Section 3 in Supporting information), while the These values correspond to reduction of 33% and 25% in
LiCoO2 and graphite electrodes contribute 33% and 21%, Trise, respectively. Higher thermal conductivity of separator
respectively; thus the key to enhance heat dissipation is to also leads to more uniform temperature distribution inside
increase the separator’s cross-plane thermal conductivity the cell, as illustrated in temperature distribution of the
(k┴;separator ). cell cross section (Figure 2e and S4). The more uniform
306 Y. Yang et al.

temperature distribution helps reduce performance degra- resistance between particles, which is typically 10  4 10  5
dation due to thermal stress. Further enhancement of m2 K W  1, while the effective thermal resistance of an
k┴;separator beyond 1 W m  1 K  1 does not significantly reduce individual Al2O3 particle is much less, in the order of
Trise or improve temperature homogeneity, as thermal 10 μm / 35 W m  1 K  1 = 3  10  7 m2 K W  1. However,
resistance of electrodes begins to dominate. Therefore, higher thermal conductivity is still observed in samples with
1 W m  1 K  1 is set as the target for thermally conductive large portion of Al2O3, suggesting the effectiveness of
separators. However, common polymers only have k of 0.2– adding Al2O3 particles in enhancing thermal conductivity.
0.5 W m  1 K  1 [15,28]; thus pure polymer-based separators After the composite film is saturated with DEC, its effective
are difficult to achieve k of  1 W m  1 K  1, especially along thermal conductivity (keff ) dramatically increases to
the cross-plane direction. To address this challenge, we 0.7170.11, 0.8370.12, 1.1370.17 W m  1 K  1, for micro-
develop an inorganic/organic hybrid separator to realize Al2O3/PVdF-HFP ratio of 80:20, 85:15 and 90:10, respec-
high cross-plane thermal conductivity, where the inorganic tively, representing an enhancement of 4-5 X compared to
phase, such as Al2O3, provides pathway for efficient heat dry samples (Figure 3d). The value is also 4-5X higher than
transfer, as Al2O3 is of low cost and has high thermal commercial separators saturated with DEC as measured
conductivity of  35 W m  1 K  1 [29], and the polymeric above (0.185 W m  1 K  1). Although the sample with 90%
phase acts as binder to maintain integrity of the separator Al2O3 meets the target of 1 W m  1 K  1, the low content of
(Figure 3a). The high portion of nonflammable Al2O3 in the PVdF-HFP inside indicates that the film may have a poor
separator also helps reduce risks of thermal runaway. mechanical strength, especially under swelling condition
The separator is prepared by dispersing  10 μm Al2O3 with electrolyte presented. Ideally separators should have
particles (Sigma-Aldrich) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride-hexa- both high thermal conductivity and reasonable polymer
fluoropropylene) (PVdF-HFP) binders (Kynar 2801) in tetra- content to provide enough mechanical strength.
hydrofuran (THF) for 12 h and drop casting onto a flat glass To increase thermal conductivity of the separator while
substrate. The weight ratio of PVdF-HFP to Al2O3 varies from maintaining a reasonable polymer content, we first try to
1: 4 to 1: 9, corresponding to 1:1.8 to 1:4.1 in volume ratio. understand why thermal conductivity of the composite
After drying, the Al2O3/PVdF-HFP film is peeled off from the separator (1 W m  1 K  1) is much lower than Al2O3 itself
glass substrate and pressed under 0.1 ton for 5 min. ( 35 W m  1 K  1). The heat transfer in the composite
Figure 3b and c shows optical and SEM images of a typical electrode is simplified as two polymer-wrapped Al2O3 sphe-
sample. The size of granular Al2O3 particle is  10 μm and it rical particles in contact with each other. COMSOL simula-
is wrapped by PVdF-HFP. The film thickness can be con- tion shows that the thickness of polymer coating layer and
trolled between 30 μm and 200 μm by adjusting volume of thermal conductivity of the liquid phase are two dominant
dispersion dropped onto the glass substrate. Density data factors to impede heat transfer (Figure 4b and c), while
indicate that 50–60% of the film is filled by Al2O3 and
polymer, and the portion left is void (Table 2). The separator
shows a reasonable ionic conductivity of 0.64–0.75 mS Table 3 Properties of nano/micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP
cm  1, slightly lower than our measurements (0.88 mS composite separator.
cm  1) and previous results [30] of commercial separators.
We will show later that extra joule heating due to this Micro-Al2O3:nano-Al2O3 65:20 70:15 75:10 80:5 85:0
slightly lower conductivity has negligible impact on the cell (weight)
temperature rise. Density (g cm  3) 1.70 1.74 1.85 1.88 1.93
The thermal conductivity of a dry composite separator is Volumetric portion of 0.51 0.52 0.55 0.59 0.6
quite low, which are 0.1770.03, 0.2270.03 and solid in the separator
0.2670.04 W m  1 K  1 for samples with 80%, 85% and 90% Ionic conductivity 0.74 0.69 0.75 0.67 0.68
of micro-Al2O3 (Figure 3d), respectively, as the thermal (mS cm  1)
transport is mainly limited by the thermal contact

Figure 4 Thermally conductive separator with both nano- and micro-Al2O3. a) A conceptual schematic of adding Al2O3
nanoparticles to improve thermal conductivity. The addition of nanoparticles reduces thickness of polymer coating on micro-
Al2O3 and enhances thermal conductivity of the matrix. b) and c) Dependence of keff on b) the thickness of PVdF-HFP coating on
Al2O3 particles, and c) k of electrolyte.
Thermally conductive separator with hierarchical nano/microstructures 307

comparable to samples without nano-Al2O3, suggesting that

the addition of nanoparticles does not apparently affect
ionic transport (Table 3). Experimental results on thermal
conductivity are illustrated in Figure 4b. For dry samples,
the thermal conductivity is basically the same as those
without nano-Al2O3 in Figure 3d, as the thermal transport is
still limited by contact resistance. After saturating the
composite with DEC, the thermal conductivity increases
first as the content of nano-Al2O3 becomes higher, from
0.8170.12 W m  1 K  1 with 0 wt% nano-Al2O3 to
1.0570.16 W m  1 K  1 with 15 wt% nano-Al2O3, which is
consistent with our prediction and meets the goal of
1 W m  1 K  1. However, the thermal conductivity drops
down when the content of nano-Al2O3 is over 20 wt% in
the solid phase. This may arise from the fact that micro-
Al2O3 particles are separated by nano-Al2O3 particles and
they no longer form a network to efficiently conduct heat at
low portion of micro-Al2O3.
To better understand thermal transport in the composite
and help future development, we use effective medium
theory to model the dependence of keff on separator
composition. The Bruggeman's model with spherical inclu-
sion is used here and it is applied to micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP
separator saturated with DEC first. The Bruggeman’s model
[32] indicates that
X ki keff
λi ¼0 ð1Þ
ki þ2keff
where λ is the volume portion and subscript i means
different phases in the composite. As PVdF-HFP is coated
onto Al2O3 particles, two phases exist: PVdF-HFP wrapped
Al2O3 and DEC. The effective thermal conductivity of a
PVdF-HFP wrapped Al2O3 particle (kAl2 O3 ;polymer )) is calcu-
Figure 5 keff of the composite separator calculated by the
lated based on following assumptions and approximations:
Bruggeman's model. a) Micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite
1) all PVdF-HFP is uniformly coated onto Al2O3 particles and
separators. b) Nano/micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite separa-
the shape of Al2O3 particle is spherical. 2) The thermal
tors. The weight percentage of PVdF-HFP is fixed as 15%.
resistance of the particle is that of Al2O3 and PVdF-HFP in
series. Interfacial thermal resistance between DEC and solid
is neglected as it is typically much smaller than thermal
resistances of micro-Al2O3 particles (10  7 10  8 m2 K W  1
other factors, such as interfacial thermal conductance and vs. 10  6 10  4 m2 K W  1) [29]. k used in calculations are
contact area, have little effect on the effective thermal 35 W m  1 K  1 for micro-Al2O3, 0.19 W m  1 K  1 for PVdF-
conductivity (Figure S5). Based on simulation results, we HFP and 0.16 W m  1 K  1 for DEC [33].
proposed to replace certain amount of micron-sized Al2O3 keff of the micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite separator
(micro-Al2O3) particles with nanoparticles (nano-Al2O3) to predicted by the Bruggeman’s model fits well with experi-
address the two dominant factors discussed above. First, mental results (Figure 5a). We further apply the model to
the large surface area of nanoparticles helps reduce the calculate keff of nano/micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP composite. In
thickness of polymer layer on Al2O3 as polymer is assumed to such a composite, three phases exist: PVdF-HFP wrapped
be uniformly coated onto all Al2O3 particles. Second, micro-Al2O3, PVdF-HFP wrapped nano-Al2O3 and DEC.
nanoparticles could distribute in the gap among large Besides assumptions used in the micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP
Al2O3 particles to improve heat transfer in the DEC matrix. composite above, the thickness of PVdF-HFP on both
Based on the argument above, composite separators with micro-Al2O3 and nano-Al2O3 are assumed to be the same,
10 μm Al2O3, 100 nm Al2O3 and PVdF-HFP are prepared with and k of nano-Al2O3 is supposed to be 12 W m  1 K  1 to take
the same procedure as samples without nano-Al2O3. The size-dependent thermal conductivity into account [29].
weight portion of PVdF-HFP is fixed to be 15 wt% (28.1 vol%) However, the predicted values are 50–100% higher than
of all solids. The SEM image shows that Al2O3 nanoparticles experimental results (Figure 5b). This suggests that the
distribute among micro-Al2O3 particles and they are glued assumption of uniform coating of PVdF-HFP on both nano-
by PVdF-HFP (Figure S6b), which is similar with observations Al2O3 and micro-Al2O3 may not be valid. It is well known
in composite battery electrodes [31]. Further analysis, such that nanoparticles tend to agglomerate due to strong
as 3D imaging by synchrotron, could help us understand the interaction among themselves. Therefore it is speculated
distribution and connectivity of particles in the composite. that there is less PVdF-HFP on nano-Al2O3 than the well
The ionic conductivity of samples with nano-Al2O3 is dispersed situation; thus the thickness of PVdF-HFP on
308 Y. Yang et al.

Figure 6 Stability of Al2O3/polymer separator against lithium metal. The composite separator is attached to lithium and soaked in
1 M LiPF6 in EC/DEC for seven days. (a) XRD pattern before and after contacting with Li. (b) Optical image of a composite separator
before and after contacting with Li. No change has been observed. It is supposed that polymer coating effectively block direct
reaction between lithium and Al2O3.

micro-Al2O3 is larger than that in uniform coating, which the polymer coating layer on Al2O3 avoids the direct contact
gives a lower keff than the prediction. The higher keff between Al2O3 and lithium. As a result, the degree of
predicted by the model also implies that further optimiza- reaction is very limited and it should have little impact on
tion of particle dispersion and polymer coating may boost thermal conductivity of the whole composite. Further
keff to 2 W m  1 K  1. investigation is needed to evaluate the long term stability
A concern in applying Al2O3/polymer separator to enhance of such composite separator.
heat dissipation is that whether the lower ionic conductivity
of Al2O3/polymer separator increases heat generation in
batteries and thus compensates its higher thermal conduc-
tivity. Tables 2 and 3 show that the ionic conductivity of Conclusion
Al2O3/polymer is 0.2 mS cm  1 lower than commercial
separators. Let us use 18650 cell as an example. The typical In summary, k┴ of battery separator is important to thermal
thickness and size of separator in a 18650 cell are 25 μm and management of batteries. A nano/micro-Al2O3/PVdF-HFP-
6  50 cm2, respectively, it is estimated that the extra over- based composite separator is developed with high thermal
potential due to lower ionic conductivity is 25 mV at 3 C conductivity ( 1 W m  1 K  1), which is  5 times that of
rate, which is only 4% of the total overpotential of  0.6 V common PE-based separators. The addition of Al2O3 nano-
and has little effect on heat generation. COMSOL simulations particles helps further enhance thermal conductivity of the
show that this extra overpotential only causes an extra composite. The mechanism is assumed to be that Al2O3
temperature rise of 0.27 K, which is only 12% of the nanoparticles help reduce thickness of polymer coating on
temperature reduction due to enhanced thermal conductiv- micro-Al2O3 and improve effective thermal conductivity of
ity of separator (2.16 K). Similarly, this extra overpotential the electrolyte. Such thermally conductive separator could
results in an extra temperature rise of 1.1 K for four- have potential applications to dissipate heat faster in
prismatic-cell pack discussed above, which corresponds to batteries and reduce temperature rise in operation, espe-
only 8.5% of the temperature reduction due to enhanced cially under external forced liquid cooling.
thermal conductivity of separator (12.9 K). Moreover, as the
porosity of Al2O3/polymer separators is similar to that of
commercial ones, we believe that ionic conductivity of such
composite separators can be further improved. Another Acknowledgment
concern is the mechanical strength of the separator when
it is soaked in electrolyte, as the organic electrolyte in Li-ion We would like to thank Daniel Kraemer for developing the
batteries could swell the separator. This issue could be differential steady-state method to measure thermal con-
addressed by replacing PVdF-HFP with other polymers with ductivity and helpful discussions. This material is based
better mechanical properties, such as polyvinyl alcohol. upon work supported as part of the Solid State Solar-
The stability of such composite separator is also tested by Thermal Energy Conversion Center (S3TEC), an Energy
attaching it to a lithium metal and soak in electrolyte (1 M Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department
LiPF6 in EC/DEC) for seven days. XRD data do not show any of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences
new peaks, and there is no obvious change in camera images under Award number DE-SC0001299/DE-FG02-09ER46577.
(Figure 6). These results indicate that no or only trace Yuan Yang thanks support from startup funding from Colum-
amount of Al2O3 has reacted with lithium. We believe that bia University (Grant no. UR007667).
Thermally conductive separator with hierarchical nano/microstructures 309

Appendix A. Supplementary material [30] Y.M. Lee, J.E. Seo, N.S. Choi, J.K. Park, Electrochimica Acta 50
(2005) 2843–2848.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be [31] G. Liu, H. Zheng, X. Song, V.S. Battaglia, J. Electrochem. Soc.
found in the online version at 159 (2012) A214–A221.
[32] D.A.G. Bruggeman, Ann. Physik 24 (1935) 636–664.
[33] X.G. Jin, J.T. Wu, Z.G. Liu, J. Pan, Fluid Phase Equilibria 220
(2004) 37–40.

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