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Screw Extrusion Based 3D Printing, A Novel Additive Manufacturing Technology

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International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing

Screw Extrusion Based 3D Printing, a Novel Additive

Manufacturing Technology
H. Valkenaers
1, 2
, F. Vogeler
, A. Voet
1, 2
, J.P. Kruth

KU Leuven- Faculty of Engineering Sciences- Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Division PMA, Belgium
KU Leuven- Faculty of Engineering Technology- Campus De Nayer, Belgium

Extrusion based 3D printing is a popular additive manufacturing process for the production of
plastic prototypes and single or small series of functional products. The most common known
extrusion based technique is Fused Deposition Modeling, based on filament deposition.
Although this is a popular 3D printing technique, there are some disadvantages which impose
some limitations for the end users. Primarily the limited range of commercially available materials,
secondly the feed material needs to be a filament, with a narrow tolerance with respect to the
nozzle diameter, in order to prevent blocking of the nozzle. Especially the limited range of
materials discourages a lot of end users to produce parts by means of filament extrusion 3D
printing. This resulted in the development of alternative extrusion based additive manufacturing
processes. A good processing technique was found in the conventional plastic extrusion process
in which granulate is fed into a plastic processing screw. The paper compares three extrusion
based processes (filament, syringe and screw extrusion), resulting in the choice for the screw
extrusion based process. A concept for this process has been worked out and a functional screw
extrusion based 3D printing process has been developed that complies with the objectives.

Additive Manufacturing, Extrusion Based 3D Printing

Additive manufacturing (AM), also called 3D
printing, is a generic name for a group of novel
production processes that joins materials to make
objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon
layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing
methodologies [1].
The AM process starts from a digital surface model
of an object; this can be generated from a CAD
software or scan data. Next process specific
software will process this data; cross-sections are
determined by dividing the model into layers
depending on the layer resolution of the process.
Each of these cross-sections will be hatched with a
certain pattern as infill structure for the object. The
construction starts by sending the patterns to the
selected additive system, which will build the object
by joining the material layer upon layer. Afterwards
a finishing step is mostly applied to remove support
structure and smooth the layered texture of the
The first AM-processes were limited to the quick
production of prototypes, so called rapid prototyping,
due to the limited mechanical properties of the
objects [2]. Thanks to the increasing interest and
technological evolution, these production processes
evolved and are nowadays used for the production
of single or small series of objects with functional
aspects and high added value.
3D printing is a subgroup of these processes
fabricating objects through the deposition of a
material using a print head, nozzle or another
printing technology [1]. This paper will present the
preliminary research and development of a screw
extrusion based 3D printing process to overcome
the limitations of the filament based extrusion
Filament based extrusion, as shown in figure 1, is a
popular process for the creation of functional
products. A spooled filament of a thermoplastic
polymer is fed into the liquefier using a pinch feed
mechanism [3]. The incoming solid filament acts as
a plunger/ram to extrude the material through the
nozzle [4]. This extruded polymer is deposited
according to the pattern generated from the 3D
model on the build platform or previous layer. After
the layer is finished the building platform is lowered
a layer thickness and a new layer can be created.

Figure 1 - Filament based 3D printing

Extrusion using the filament based extrusion 3D
printing technique requires the material to be
processed in a filament form. This filament is
produced with a conventional polymer extrusion
process, but in comparison to conventional
production, this filament will be extruded to a very
tight diametric tolerance which cant be achieved by
conventional extruders [5, 6]. Since the filament
based 3D printing machine drive pushes the
filament feedstock through the liquefier, a variation
in diameter may cause blocking. Further drawbacks
of this process are buckling [4, 7, 8] and slippage of
the wire on the pinch wheel [7], causing an
interruption of the building process and requiring an
interaction of the operator [3, 5, 6].
Besides these process drawbacks, also a limitation
of available polymer materials is a shortcoming of
the filament based 3D printing process. Commonly
objects are made in acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS), sometimes blended with polycarbonate (PC)
to improve mechanical properties [9]. Also some
engineering plastics are available with superior
thermal and mechanical properties (for example
polyphenylsulfone, PPSF/PPSU) [9, 10]. A material
called Ultem 9085 can be processed, with
applications for aerospace and marine industry [9,
10]. Besides these materials, some small producers
can deliver machines able to process polylactic acid
(PLA), a bio-degradable polymer. Very little effort
has been made to develop or adapt the filament
extrusion to process a broad range of thermoplastic
materials. [11]
Some research has been done in the field of screw
extrusion based 3D printing systems. Research was
mostly done to avoid the extrusion of a filament of
new designed or existing materials as feedstock for
the 3D printing process. Most of this research was
applied in the area of bioengineering, thanks to the
small amount of polymer required for the production
of an object in comparison to other AM-processes.
Another field of application is 3D printing of
In 2005 A. Bellini reported a mini screw deposition
(MED) 3D printing system for the processing of
ceramic materials [11]. A mini extruder with a
constant inner diameter was applied, as can be
concluded from their presented work [11, 12]. The
same hardware was used for the fabrication of
polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds, whether or not
blended with hydroxyapatite [13, 14, 15]. The major
drawback of this system is the trapped air in the
polymer, causing interruptions in the extrusion
Also the School of Engineering, Auckland University
of Technology in cooperation with National
University of Singapore reported the implementation
[16, 17] of the Screw Extrusion System (SES),
mounted on a positioning system. They are studying
the ability of curved layer fused deposition
modelling. The shown processing screw also has a
constant inner diameter [16], with the same
limitations as the one presented by A. Bellini.
The department of applied engineering sciences of
the university college of Ghent published their
findings of the new developed COMET-system [18].
This system, designed to reduce the thermal
degradation of biodegradable thermoplastics during
processing [19, 20], consists of a plunger pushing
the material through a heated torpedo, to melt the
material, in a designed screw that transports the
material to the nozzle. Also other thermal sensitive
thermoplastics can be processed with the system.

Filament extrusion based 3D printing has several
drawbacks as described in the previous paragraph.
For these reasons new processes as syringe based
extrusion and screw extrusion are investigated to
overcome those problems.
2.1 Syringe based extrusion

Figure 3 - Syringe based 3D printing
An alternative way to create an extrusion based AM-
system is based on the syringe principle. This
method is generally used for materials that use a
chemical reaction to cause solidification [3]. A
reservoir is filled with the designated material and
heated or cooled to processing temperature. A
controlled plunger will push the material out of the
For the processing of thermoplastic polymers a
proof of concept was worked out at KU Leuven,
Campus De Nayer by creating a syringe tailored for
polycaprolactone (PCL) (Perstorp Capa 6506)
(Figure 3, 4). The components of this process,
barrel, nozzle and plunger, need to withstand an
elevated temperature depending on the processed
material and must be suitable to transfer the applied
heat to melt the polymer.
A heater is mounted around the barrel to heat up the
polymer. A homogeneous temperature around the
barrel surface was created with the application of
highly thermal conductive copper, also the nozzle is
constructed from the same material to prevent
blocking of the small extrusion diameter. Besides
the material selection also the tolerance between
barrel and plunger need to be considered. To
prevent leakage between these components a
narrow tolerance is required. Furthermore a frame is

constructed around the syringe to mount a stepper
motor to control the position of the plunger.
To start the 3D printing process a certain amount of
material is placed inside the barrel. Then, the heater
will heat up the polymer in the barrel. The remaining
air inside the barrel is evacuated by a vacuum pump
connected to a coupling on the side of the barrel. On
the same spot as the coupling, holes are made in
the barrel to evacuate the air. The vacuum is
applied for several minutes and then the barrel is
closed by moving the plunger over the holes. The
deposition of the material is controlled by pushing
down the plunger. The extruded material is laid
down according to the predetermined pattern
generated by the controlling software, creating the

Figure 4 - Tailored syringe and frame.
Scaffold test objects (figure 5) were printed with a
nozzle diameter of 0,5 mm to test the processing
parameters and capabilities of the system.

Figure 5 - Syringe based extrusion test objects
Nevertheless the satisfying results of this proof of
concept, some important disadvantages were found.
- After a long printing time the material in the
syringe will undergo thermal degradation,
resulting in poor material properties.
- Also differences in melt viscosity were noticed
during processing caused by an inhomogeneous
temperature distribution inside the barrel.
- Furthermore, during the production of large
objects, the syringe needs to be refilled
repetitively causing an interruption in the
building process, cooling down of the product
and syringe, resulting in a poor adhesion
between the influenced layers [21].
As indicated by the disadavantages of this process,
it is not been considered as applicable for the
production of functional objects.
2.2 Screw based extrusion
In an attempt to provide a solution to the problems
mentioned a screw based extrusion process is
studied (figure 6), as is commonly used in the plastic
processing industry to create continues fixed
shaped profiles. Especially a three section screw is
desired to create a stable process and
homogeneous melt.

Figure 6 - Screw based extrusion process
Polymer granules are fed into the hopper and
transported to the nozzle by the screw. Heat is
applied to soften and finally melt the polymer
granules into a viscoelastic melt. The pressure is
built up by the geometry of the screw to overcome
the backpressure from the nozzle, acting as a die for
the extrusion process, to achieve extrusion and
finally the material deposition.
A number of benefits speak for this extrusion based
3D printing system:
- Granules can be fed directly into the barrel,
avoiding that granules first need to be processed
into a filament by a similar extrusion process.
- By using granules as feedstock, a continuous
process is realized.
- A broad range of polymer materials can be
processed in a wide range of viscosities,
increasing the application area of 3D printed
- Less thermal degradation of the polymer due to
the homogeneous melt process and the small
amount of melted polymer.
A setback for the implementation of a screw
extruder system is the design and construction of a
three section screw. This type of screw is required
to avoid trapped air in the polymer melt, preventing
interruption of extrusion [7, 8, 11].

3.1 Screw extruder
The design strategy of this extruder is comparable
to the design of a conventional plastic extrusion
process. The first step in the design is the selection
to apply

of the materials to be processed, in this case
different types of thermoplastic polymer materials
are requested. Plastics from the two subcategories
of thermoplastic polymers were selected: poly-
styrene (PS) as representing the amorphous
plastics and polypropylene (PP) representing the
semi-crystalline plastics. Furthermore, the
application of bio degradable materials needs to be
considered, e.g. polycaprolactone (PCL) and
polylactic acid (PLA). Due to the fact that different
materials are used, as described above, the design
of the screw cant be optimised for a single type of
material. An all-rounder design has to be developed
to be able to process the broad range of materials.
Besides the material, the nozzle diameter and the
processing speed will determine the dimensions of
the extruder. These parameters will constrain the
backpressure of the nozzle. This pressure will
determine the geometry of the extruder, which
needs to build-up a pressure to overcome the
backpressure of the nozzle.
Starting from the design of the nozzle geometry, the
screw will be designed. In addition the barrel is
determined by the existing pressure as well.
Besides these three important parts of the extruder,
a frame to attach the extruder to the machine and a
motor to drive the screw are needed. These
assembled components will create the extruder as
shown in figure 6.

Figure 6 - Design of the screw extruder unit
3.1.1 Nozzle
In comparison with conventional extrusion
processes, the printing nozzle should be seen as
the die creating the required shape. For extrusion
based 3D printing this die will commonly have a
round section. The diameter of this nozzle should be
as small as possible, due to the fact that this
diameter will determine the smallest printable
feature. On the other hand this diameter will
determine the backpressure of the system: the
smaller the diameter the higher the pressure.
Moreover, die swell depends on the shape and
backpressure of the nozzle. For this design nozzle
diameters from 0,5 mm to 0,2 mm were selected.
With the simulation software Virtual Extrusion
Laboratory (VEL), different geometries were
simulated. The result is a smooth profile (figure 7)
with a gradual restriction of the diameter and a low
To minimise the die swell (diameter increase of the
extrudate when the plastic leaves the nozzle), the
nozzle is equipped with a small shaft with
continuous diameter in the nozzle to create a
section for the relaxation of the plastic. Also an extra
heater is mounted to the nozzle of the extruder to
heat the nozzle improving the relaxation and
preventing blocking of the system.
The nozzle as shown in figure 7 is divided in two
parts, one fixed to the barrel with the supplementary
heater attached to it and a second exchangeable
part in highly thermal conductive copper with the
extrusion channel in it. In this way quick changes
can be made between different extrusion

Figure 7 - Nozzle
3.1.2 Screw and barrel
A conventional extrusion screw is shown in figure 8
and contains 3 sections: the feed section (L
), the
melting section (L
) and the metering section (L
). At
the feed section material is fed from the hopper into
the extrusion process. The granules are preheated
by use of an external heater, until they are softened.
Next the softened granules enter the melting
section, where the plastic is equally melted to a
viscoelastic liquid. The melting is stimulated by
internal friction between the molecules of the
polymer caused by the compression of the plastic
granules. A second advantage of the compression is
the evacuation of the entrapped air in the melt. This
compression section will also generate the required
pressure to overcome the backpressure of the
nozzle. Before entering the nozzle the viscoelastic
melt will pass through the metering section to create
a homogeneous melt, both in composition and
temperature. The lengths of the three sections are
related to the processed material.

Figure 8 - Extrusion screw and barrel

The calculation of a screw can be found in standard
polymer processing handbooks [22], but also a lot of
work has been done by simulation software, e.g.
VEL. The most important parameters characterizing
the screw are:
1. Diameter of the screw (D)
2. L/D-ratio: often used to determine the relative
length of the screw.
3. Compression ratio (CR): the ratio between the
depth of the feed section and the depth of the
metering section.
A L/D-ratio of 10 was selected to minimise the
amount of material in the extruder resulting in a
reduction of the amount of time that the plastic
would stay at elevated temperature.
The CR is used to give an idea of the screw
compression. This ratio should be high enough to
compress the low bulk density of the unmolten
plastic granules into a viscoelastic liquid without air-
bubbles and generates the required pressure to
overcome backpressure of the nozzle.
Last, the clearance between the screw and barrel
needs some attention. If this gap is too large the
productivity of the extruder will decrease due to the
back flow of the melt. The barrel surrounding the
screw also needs to withstand the pressure that is
built up in the system.
3.1.3 Peripherals
To assist the melting process two ceramic band
heaters are mounted around the barrel to heat up
the system. During the start-up of the system, these
heaters together with the nozzle heater will melt the
present polymer. After the start up and during
production, the heaters will guard the temperature
preventing the system from being blocked. These
heaters are controlled by use of five thermocouples,
equally spaced on the barrel. The temperature
control-loop is integrated on the same system that is
used for the motion control.
To drive the extrusion screw a stepper motor is
connected to this screw. The specifications of the
motor are depending on the existing torque caused
by pushing the polymer forward during processing.
This motor is proportionally controlled in function of
the speed of the positioning system.

The main objective of the development of the screw
extruder for 3D printing is the processing of a broad
range of thermoplastic polymer materials. Therefore,
the initial tests to prove the functionality of the
extruder were carried out with the three materials:
PP, PS and PCL as mentioned above. The selected
materials have a melt flow index (MFI) between 1
gram/10min (PCL) and 12 gram/10min (PS). The
temperature for the extruder was adapted for each
material according to the melting or softening
temperature of the polymer.
A nozzle with extrusion diameter of 0,20mm was
selected for these tests.

Figure 9 - Extruded PCL
As shown in figure 9 a fine PCL filament was
extruded, with a smooth surface and without trapped
air. Also the die swell is negligible. For both other
materials PS and PP comparable results were

A novel screw extrusion based 3D printing process
was presented. Starting from a preliminary research
of extrusion based processes, a concept for a screw
extruder system was realised. A solution was given
to the existing limitations and drawbacks, as there
are the limited range of materials, extra step of
filament extrusion, material degradation, trapped air
and a discontinuous working principle.

Figure 10 - Screw extrusion based AM-system
From the concept a design is worked out, based on
the conventional screw extrusion process, fulfilling
the requirements of processing a broad range of
materials without the need of creating a filament.
The design of the screw extruder is realised and
implemented on an own build XYZ printing system
(figure 10). First tests, with three different polymer
materials (PS, PP and PCL) have proven that the
screw extruder fulfils all functional requirements.
Nevertheless the satisfying results, there is still
some room for improvements, e.g. optimising
process settings (temperature, extrusion speed).


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Hans Valkenaers obtained his
MSc. Eng. degree in Electro
Mechanics at University College
De Nayer , Belgium, and in
Industrial Plastic Processing at
University College KHBO,
Belgium. He is currently candidate
for the Ph.D. degree in
Mechanical Engineering at KU
Leuven, Belgium. Since 2010, he
is affiliated researcher at KU
Leuven, Faculty of Engineering
Sciences, Department Mechanical
Engineering, Division Production
Engineering, Machine Design and
Automation, research field
Additive Production Processes

Frederik Vogeler obtained his
MSc.Eng. degree in Electro
Mechanics at University College
De Nayer, Belgium. He is currently
researcher at the research group
Manufacturing Engineering at
University College De Nayer,
Belgium. His specific research
interests are in Meso and Micro
Additive Manufacturing and

Andr Voet, MSc.Eng. in Electro
Mechanics, since 1977 lecturer at
University College De Nayer,
Department Industrial Engineering
Sciences, where he is in charge of
the disciplines Manufacturing
Engineering, Geometrical
Metrology, Quality Engineering,
Problem Solving & Design and
also Business Management. Since
2000 he became the head of the
research group Design and
The last decade he has built up a
wide experience involving 12
national and international research
and development projects:
promoter or co-promoter of 9
projects supported by the Flemish
Government and 3 projects
supported by the European
Community. All these projects are
in the field of innovative
production techniques, among
Additive Manufacturing. Besides
the optimisation of these
techniques, he has built up an
experience in injection moulding -
especially rapid tooling - and
geometrical measuring systems.
This has led to several
publications at national and
international level.
He is affiliated researcher at KU
Leuven, Faculty of Engineering
Sciences, Department Mechanical
Engineering, Division Production
Engineering, Machine Design and
Automation, research fields
Additive Production Processes
and Geometrical Metrology.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre
KRUTH is full professor at the
Catholic University of Leuven (KU
Leuven, Belgium), where he is
responsible for Production
Engineering research and
education at the division PMA of
the Department of Mechanical
Engineering (Recipient of the
1998 CASA/SME University LEAD
Award). His activities involves:
CAD, CAPP, CAM, production
processes, metal cutting, non-
traditional machining (EDM, LBM),
additive manufacturing,
dimensional metrology, quality
control, reverse engineering. He
obtained his Ph.D. at KU Leuven
in 1979 and worked at the Institute
Technology Bandung (ITB,
Indonesia) from 1979 till 1982. He
was research engineer at the
Scientific and Technical Center of
the Belgian Metalworking Industry
(CRIF/WTCM) and half-time
consulting engineer at the national
Stand-by CAD/CAM service for
industry (IWONL), till being
nominate full-time at KU Leuven in
1987. He is among others Fellow
of CIRP and SME, Honorary
member of the Romanian Society
of Mech. Eng. He is founding
board member of the companies
(now Nikon Metrology N.V.) and
Layerwise N.V.

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