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Practical Manual FST 221

1. Estimation of TSS-acid ratio of fruits

2. Testing of adequacy of blanching.
3. Calculation and mixing of sugar syrup
4. Pectin determination in fruits and vegetable products.
5. Recipe calculation for Jam/jellies/squash
6. Preparation of fruit juices/squash
7. Canning of fruits/vegetables
8. Preparation of jam/jellies
9. Preparation of pickles
10. Preparation of tomato product
11. Drying of fruit/ vegetables and mushroom
12. Visit to fruits and vegetable processing industries (show washer and grader)

Record 10
Exercise No.: __________ Date: _____________

Judgment of Maturity of Fruits by TSS: Acid ratio

Test Sample : ____________________.

Objective : To understand the method of judging maturity of fruits by TSS/Acid ratio.

Relevance : Maturity indices are important for deciding when a given commodity
should be harvested to provide some marketing flexibility and to ensure
the attainment of acceptable eating quality to the consumer. Fruits picked
at the wrong stages of maturity may develop physiological disorders in
storage and may exhibit poor eating quality. Therefore, for selecting the
harvest maturity of fruits or vegetables it should be kept in mind that
harvested commodity should have its peak acceptable quality with
adequate shelf life.
It is the TSS/acid ratio which contributes towards giving many fruits
their characteristic flavour and so is an indicator of commercial and
organoleptic ripeness. At the beginning of the ripening process the
sugar/acid ratio is low, because of low sugar content and high fruit acid
content, this makes the fruit taste sour. During the ripening process the fruit
acids are degraded, the sugar content increases and the TSS/acid ratio
achieves a higher value. Overripe fruits have very low levels of fruit acid
and therefore lack characteristic flavour. Characteristic TSS/acid ratio at
maturity for different fruits are as follows-
Citrus :- 12:1
Guava (Allahabad Safeda) :- 35.81:1
Pomegranate :- 19.5:1
Grape (Thompson Seedless) :- 32.83:1
Grape (Pusa Seedless) :- 29.24:1
Principle : Total acid is estimated by titrating the sample aliquot against 0.1N NaOH.
It is calculated as equivalent amount of NaOH required to neutralize all
free carboxylic groups present in the sample aliquot.
Soluble solids content can be determined in a small sample of fruit juice
using hand refractometer. The hand refractometer employs the principle of
total internal reflection to measure refractive index, which indicates how
much a light beam will be refracted when it passes through the fruit juice
which is then correlated with TSS as degree brix or % TSS. The TSS
reading should be corrected for temperature using correction factor from
the table.
The TSS reading is then divided by the acidity percentage to obtain TSS/
Acid ratio.

Reagents : 1. 0.1N NaOH: Dissolve 2 g of NaOH pellets in distilled water and make
and up the volume to 500 ml.
Materials 2. Phenolphthalein indicator solution: Dissolve 1 g in 100 ml of ethanol.
3. Hand Refractometer
4. Temperature correction chart
Procedure : Measurement of Acidity
(a) Weigh approx. 20 g of the sample to a 100 ml beaker.
(b) Transfer it to 50 ml volumetric flask and make p the volume to 50 ml
by distilled water.
(c) Take 10 ml sample aliquot to 100 ml conical flask.
(d) Add few drops of phenolphthalein to the conical flask
(e) Take the 0.1N NaOH solution in a 25 ml burette.
(f) Titrate the sample solution against 0.1N NaOH. Appearance of light
pink colour indicates the end point.
(g) Note the volume of NaOH consumed.
(h) Repeat the titration twice more.
Measurement of TSS
(a) Rotate the eye piece knob and adjust eyepiece to focus clear image of
(b) Make the prism surface clean and dry. Place one drop of distilled water
on specimen chamber and close the cover tightly. Look into the
eyepiece with projection inlet facing the light and the boundary line
appears on the scale. Now, adjust the scale correction device by a screw
driver to align boundary line with zero line on the scale.
(c) Again make the prism surface dry by wiping the water using tissue
paper. Now, place one or two drop of the test solution in the specimen
chamber and close the cover tightly. Look into the eyepiece with
projection inlet facing the light and the boundary line appears. Read the
measurement of the point where the boundary line coincides with the
scale for desired percentage of sugar content.
(d) As the scale is graduated upon standard temperature of 20 oC, correct
reading value according to the correction table; in case of measuring
substances does not correspond with standard temperature.
Observation : (i) Weight of sample taken (g) =
(ii) Final volume made up to (ml) =
(iii) Volume of sample aliquot taken for titration (ml) =
(iv) Volume of NaOH consumed (ml) = (a) (b) (c)
(v) Average of three observations (ml) =
(vi) % TSS observed =
(vii) Temperature of the test solution =
(viii) Correction to be made (from temperature correction table) =
(ix) % TSS at 20oC =
Calculation : Titre X Normality X Volume X Equivalent X 100
of NaOH made up wt. of acid
Total Acidity (%) =
Volume of sample X Wt. of sample taken X 1000
taken for estimation

TSS/Acid ratio= =
𝑇𝑆𝑆 𝑎𝑡 20𝑜 𝐶

Conclusion :

Remarks :

Signature :

Table: For temperature correction of reading of the refractometer

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
10 0.50 0.54 0.58 0.61 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.78 0.79
11 0.46 0.46 0.53 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.64 0.70 0.71
12 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.63 0.63
Deduct from reading

13 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.55
14 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.48
15 0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.40
16 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.32
17 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24
18 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16
Temperature oC

19 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
22 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16
23 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24
Add to reading

24 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.33 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
25 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
26 0.40 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
27 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56
28 0.56 0.57 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64
29 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.69 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
30 0.72 0.74 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________

Calculation by Pearson Square Method for Preparation and mixing of Sugar


Objective : To understand the calculation involved in preparation and mixing of sugar


Relevance : In canning fruits, sugar in the form of syrup is used to bring out the full
flavour of the fruits. Care must be taken not to make the contents
excessively sweet. Strength of the syrup would depend on the kind and
variety of fruit. Generally the more acidic fruits require denser syrup.
In commercial practice, syrups of desired Brix are prepared according to a
formula by which a known weight of sugar is added to a given volume of
water. Sometimes, it will be found necessary in practice to dilute a syrup or
increase its strength. This is facilitated by what is known as the "Pearson
Square Method".

Procedure : Draw a square ABCD with the centre marked E. at A, note the Brix reading
of the heavy syrup and the amount of sugar present per liter of the syrup.
At D, write the Brix degree of the light syrup and the amount of sugar
present per liter of the syrup. This is marked zero when water is only to be
added for dilution, and 100 when sugar is to be added. At E, write the Brix
degree and the sugar present per liter of the desired syrup. Now work
diagonally across the square. Subtract the smaller number from the larger
and write the difference at the opposite corners C and B. These numbers
represent the ratio in which the two syrups are required to be mixed.



Problem : Example: Prepare a syrup of 45o Brix from syrups of 62oBrix and 10o
62oBrix A B 438 (542-104)
liter (805 g sugar per liter) or 35 kg
45o (542g
Per liter)

10o Brix D C 263(805-542)

(104 g sugar per liter) or 17 kg
Thus, to prepare a syrup of 45o Brix, mix syrup of 62o Brix and 10o Brix in
the ratio of 483:263, by volume.
Syrup can be mixed by weight also as illustrated in the following examples.
Thus, to prepare a syrup of 45o Brix starting with a syrup of 62o Brix and
10o Brix, mix 45 – 10 = 35 kg of syrup of 62o Brix with 62 – 45 = 17 kg of
syrup of 10o Brix to obtain 52 kg of syrup of 45o Brix.

Assignment : Prepare syrup of 50 oB and 20 oB and mix them to prepare a syrup of 30


Remarks :

Signature :
Relationship between degree Brix reading and composition of syrup

Degree Brix at Weight of sugar to be added to Volume of syrup from one liter Weight of sugar contained in
20oC each liter of water (g) of water (liter) one liter of syrup (g)
10 111 1.067 104
11 123 1.076 114
12 136 1.085 125
13 149 1.093 136
14 163 1.101 147
15 176 1.111 158
16 190 1.119 170
17 204 1.127 181
18 219 1.137 193
19 234 1.146 204
20 250 1.157 216
21 266 1.167 228
22 282 1.176 240
23 300 1.187 252
24 317 1.198 264
25 334 1.208 276
26 352 1.220 289
27 370 1.231 301
28 389 1.243 313
29 409 1.256 326
30 430 1.269 338
31 450 1.281 351
32 472 1.294 364
33 794 1.309 377
34 517 1.323 390
35 540 1.338 403
36 564 1.353 417
37 589 1.369 430
38 614 1.384 444
39 641 1.401 458
40 669 1.419 471
41 697 1.437 485
42 726 1.454 499
43 756 1.474 513
44 788 1.494 517
45 820 1.514 541
46 855 1.536 557
47 890 1.558 571
48 926 1.580 586
49 964 1.604 601
50 1003 1.628 616
51 1044 1.654 631
52 1086 1.681 645
53 1131 1.710 661
54 1177 1.739 677
55 1236 1.770 693
56 1277 1.803 708
57 1329 1.837 723
58 1385 1.871 740
59 1443 1.907 757
60 1505 1.948 773
61 1569 1.988 789
62 1637 2.032 805
63 1708 2.077 831
64 1784 2.124 839
65 1862 2.174 857
66 1947 2.229 875
67 2039 2.287 892
68 2132 2.344 910
69 2223 2.411 927
70 2340 2.480 944
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________

Determination of Effective Blanching Time in Vegetables

Test Sample : ____________________.

Objective : To study the effectiveness of blanching process and to optimize the

blanching time and temperature of vegetable.

Relevance : Blanching is a mild heat treatment given to vegetables slices before drying
or canning. It is also known as scalding, parboiling or precooking. The
activity of polyphenol oxidase, catalase and peroxidase often carry out
undesirable changes (browning, off-flavour etc.) in fruits and vegetables.
Blanching is mainly done to inactivate enzyme by denaturing the protein
part of the enzyme. The degree of enzyme inactivation indicates the
effectiveness of the blanching treatment. Of the various enzymes present
in fruits and vegetables, peroxidase is considered to be most heat stable.
Therefore, in blanching study, peroxidase is taken as index enzyme.
Blanching is mainly done in case of vegetable. There are different methods
of blanching viz., Hot water blanching, Steam blanching, Microwave
blanching etc. Hot water blanching is most commonly carried out.

Principle : Peroxidase present in the vegetable tissue produces brown colour when
treated with Guaiacol solution in presence of hydrogen peroxide.
Therefore, if a blanched vegetable tissue does not give brown colour with
Guaiaol, then it may be concluded that peroxidase in the tissue is
completely inactivated i.e., the vegetable is sufficiently blanched.

Reagents : 5. 0.08% H2O2: Dilute 2.7 ml of 30% H2O2 to 100 ml with water and
store in a dark bottle in a refrigerator.
6. 0.5% Guaiacol solution: Dilute 0.5 ml Guaiacol to 100 ml with 50%
ethyl alcohol.

Procedure : (i) Cut the vegetable into thin slices. Put the cut slices into a beaker
containing water.
(j) Take water into a pan and place over an electric heater and let it boil.
(k) Check the temperature of the water intermittently using a thermometer.
(l) Take the slices in a stainless steel strainer and immersed in the hot
water when the temperature of the water reaches 90oC.
(m) Try to maintain the temperature within 90 ± 2oC by putting the
switch on and off.
(n) Take out 3-4 slices after each one minute interval in Petri dishes.
(o) Then to these blanched slices, add 1 ml 0.5% Guaiacol solution and
then 1 ml 0.08% H2O2. Then look for brown colour development.
(p) If the colour develops within 3.5 min, the test is considered to be
positive i.e., the product is not sufficiently blanched. Then repeat the
test using slices that are blanched for longer time.
(q) If no colour develops in 3.5 min, considered the test to be negative and
that the product is adequately blanched.
(r) Consider this to be the blanching time and temperature for the product.
Any further boiling will over cook the product.
Observation :
Sl No. Time (min) Temperature (oC) Test Response
1 0
2 1.0
3 2.0
4 3.0
5 4.0
6 5.0
7 6.0

Conclusion :

Remarks :

Signature :
Exercise No.: __________ Date: _____________

Estimation of Pectin as Calcium Pectate by Gravimetric method

Test Sample : ____________________.

Objective : To understand the process for estimation of pectin content in fruits and

Relevance : Pectic substances abundantly exist in the middle lamella of the plant cells.
There are three types of pectic substances – pectic acids, pectinic acids and
protopectin. Pectic acid is an unbranched molecule made up of about 100
units of D-galacturonic acid residues. The monomers are linked through ∞-
1, 4- glycosidic linkage. Pectinic acid is an extensively esterified pectic acid.
Several carboxyl groups exist as methyl esters. Pectic acid is water soluble
whereas pectinic acid forms a colloidal solution. Protopectin is a larger
molecule than pectic and pectinic acid. During ripening of fruits, conversion
of protopectin into pectic acid and pectinic acid takes place. The pectinic
acids in fruits vary in their methoxyl content and in jellying power.

Principle : Pectin is extracted from plant material and saponified with alkali. It is
precipitated as calcium pectate by the addition of calcium chloride to an acid
solution. The calcium pectate precipitated is washed thoroughly to eliminate
chloride ions, dried and then weighed.

Reagents : 1. 1 N Acetic acid: Dilute 30 ml of glacial acetic acid to 500 ml with

distilled water.
2. 1 N Calcium chloride solution: Dissolved 27.5 g anhydrous CaCl2 in
distilled water and dilute to 500 ml.
3. 1% Silver Nitrate: Dissolve 1 g AgNO3 in 100 ml distilled water.
4. 0.01 N HCl
5. 0.05 N HCl
6. 0.30 N HCl
7. 1 N NaOH
8. Whatman No. 1 filter paper

Procedure : (a) Weigh 50 g of blended sample into a 1 L beaker and add 300 ml 0.01 N
HCl. Boil for 30 min and filter. Wash the residue with hot water and
collect the filtrate.
(b) To the residue add 100 ml 0.05 N HCl; boil for 20 min, filter, wash and
collect the filtrate.
(c) To the residue now add 100 ml 0.3 N HCl; boil for 10 min, filter, wash
and collect the filtrate.
(d) Pool the filtrates. Cool and make up the volume to 500 ml.
(e) Pipette out 200 ml aliquot into 1 L beaker.
(f) Add 250 ml distilled water and neutralize the acid with 1 N NaOH using
phenolphthalein indicator. Add an excess of 10 ml 1 N NaOH with
constant stirring and allow it to stand overnight.
(g) Add 50 ml 1 N acetic acid and after 5 min, add 25 ml 1N calcium
chloride solution with stirring. Allow it to stand for 1 hour.
(h) Boil for 1-2 min.
(i) Filter through a pre-weighed Whatman No. 1 filter paper (Wet a
Whatman No. 1 filter paper in hot distilled water, keep it in a covered
Petri dish, dry in oven at 102oC for 2 h. Cool in a desiccator and weigh).
(j) Wash the precipitate with almost boiling water until the filtrate is free
from chloride.
(k) Take the filtrate in a test tube and test with silver nitrate for chloride.
(l) Once the filtrate is free of chloride, transfer the filter paper containing
the calcium pectate to the original Petri dish, dry overnight at 100o C,
cool in a desiccator and weigh.

Work Sheet : (a) Wt. of the Petri dish (g) =

(b) Wt. of the Petri dish + dried filter paper (g) =
(c) Wt. of the dried filter paper (g) = (b) - (a) =
(d) Wt. of the Petri dish + dried filter paper containing Ca-pectate (g) =
(e) Wt. of the dried filter paper containing Ca-pectate (g) = (d) - (a) =
(f) Wt. of the Ca-pectate = (e) - (c) =

Calculation : Wt. of Calcium Pectate (f) x Vol made up (500) x 100

% Calcium Pectate =
ml of filtrate taken (200) x Wt. of sample for estimation

% Calcium pectate
% Protopectin =

Results : % Calcium Pectate =

% Protopectin =

Conclusion :

Remarks :

Signature :

*The empirical formula for calcium pectate is C17H22O16Ca. The calcium pectate yield of
highly purified pectinic acid is usually about 110% of the pectinic acid.
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________

Recipe calculation for Jam, Jelly and Marmalade

Objective : To understand the calculation involved in determining a suitable recipe for

preparing Jam, Jelly and Marmalade from a particular fruit.

Relevance : The raw materials for preparation of jam, jelly and marmalade are fruit pulp, acid,
pectin, sugar and water. Fruit pulp contributes a part of acid, pectin, water and
TSS required for jam preparation. But the quality of fruits with respect to TSS,
acidity and pectin content may vary from fruit to fruit even from variety to variety
for a particular fruit. In order to meet the specification laid down by the regulatory
agencies, it is important to formulate a recipe for preparing jam, jelly and
marmalade from different fruit.

Problem : Calculate the amount of pulp, pectin, citric acid, and stock syrup required for the
preparation of 50 kg mango jam of 40% fruit content and 70% TSS. The pulp
contains 98% fruit, 12.3% TSS and 0.8% acidity. 150 grade Pectin and 64 o Brix
stock syrup should be used for this purpose. It is assumed that only 25% of the
sugar is inverted during boiling.

Solution : 40
Weight of the pulp required = x 50 = 20.41 kg
Soluble solids derived from the pulp = x 20.41 = 2.51 kg
Sugar required = x 50 = 35 kg
Pectin required = x 35 = 0.23 kg
Acidity level required to adjust the pH of the finished product to 3.1 is
approximately 0.6%.
Acid required = x 50 = 0.3 kg
Acidity contributed by the pulp = x 20.41 = 0.163 kg
Acid to be added = 0.3 – 0.163 = 0.137 kg
Sugar to be added = 35 – (2.51 + 0.23 + 0.137) = 32.123 kg
It is assumed that only 25% of the sugar is inverted.
Sucrose ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
Glucose + Fructose
342 g ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
180g + 180g
Inversion of 342 g sucrose yields 360 g of invert sugar (Glu+Fru).
Therefore, 100 kg of Sugar (sucrose) with 25% inversion will originally yield
 360 
 75 kg + 25 x kg  = ( 75 + 26.32 ) kg =101.32 kg sugar
 342 
As 101.32 kg sugar is obtained from 25% inversion of 100 kg sugar (sucrose),
 100 
32.123 kg sugar will be obtained from  x32.123  = 31.70 kg sugar
 101.32 
We have a stock syrup of 64o Brix,
 100 
Therefore, weight of stock syrup to obtain 31.70 kg sugar =  x 31.70  = 49.53 kg
 64 
Hence, the basic recipe is:
Mango pulp = 20.41 kg
Stock syrup = 49.53 kg
150 grade = 0.23 kg
Citric acid = 0.137 kg
Quantity of = 70.31-
water to be 50.0 =
boiled off 20.31 kg

Assignment : Calculate the amount of pulp, pectin, citric acid, and stock syrup required for the
preparation of 40 kg pineapple jelly of 38% fruit content and 65% TSS. The pulp
contains 95% fruit, 11% TSS and 0.75% acidity. 100 grade Pectin and 60o Brix
stock syrup should be used for this purpose. It is assumed that only 40% of the
sugar is inverted during boiling.

Fruit Pulp: 18.94 Kg

Pectin: 0.26 Kg
Acid: 0.98 Kg
Sugar Soln: 38.45 Kg
Water to be evaporated: 14.74 to be evaporated.

Remarks :
Signature :
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________

Recipe calculation for Preparation of Squash

Objective : To understand the calculation involved in determining a suitable recipe for

preparing squash from a particular fruit.

Relevance : Mango, orange and pineapple are used for making squash commercially. It can
also be prepared from lemon, lime, bael, guava, litchi, pear apricot, pummelo,
musk melon, papaya etc., using potassium metabisulphite (KMS) as
preservative, or from jamun, passion fruit, peach, phalsa, plum, mulberry,
raspberry, strawberry, grapefruit, etc., with sodium benzoate as preservative.
According to the specification of FPO, the squash should have minimum of
40% total soluble solid (TSS), 1.5% acidity and a minimum of 25% fruit juice.
Permissible limits of sulphur dioxide and benzoic acid as preservative are 350
ppm and 600 ppm respectively. Therefore, before formulating a recipe for
squash from different fruits, one has to consider the TSS and acidity content of
the fruit juice.

Problem : Calculate the amount of different ingredients required to prepare 1000 kg jamun
squash following the specification of FPO. The jamun juice contains 120 Brix
TSS and 0.5 % acidity. KMS available is of 80% purity.

Solution : Quantity of squash to be prepared is 1000 kg.

FPO specification: Minimum fruit juice content = 25%
Minimum TSS in finished product = 45%
Acidity required = 1.5%
SO2 required = 350 ppm
Weight of the juice required = x 1000 = 250 kg
Soluble solids derived from the juice = x 250 = 30 kg
Acidity contributed by the juice = x 250 = 1.25 kg
Acidity required for 1000 kg squash = x 1000 = 15 kg
Acidity (citric acid) to be added = (15-1.25) = 13.75 kg
Conc. of SO2 (ppm) x Quantity of squash (kg) 666
KMS required (kg) = x x 100
Purity % of KMS x 106 384
3 K2S2O5 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→
In presence of citric acid
6SO2 + 3H2O
Potassium Metabisulphate Sulphur dioxide Water
666 g 384 g
350 x 1000 666
Therefore, KMS required = x x 100 = 0.76 kg
80 x 106 384

TSS required for 1000 kg squash = x 1000 = 45 kg
Sugar to be added = 450 - (30 + 13.75 + 0.76) = 405.49 kg
Water to be added = 1000 - (405.49 + 250 + 13.75 + 0.76) = 330 kg
Acid to be added = 0.3 – 0.163 = 0.137 kg
Hence, the basic recipe is:

Jamun juice = 250 kg

Sugar = 405.49 kg
Citric acid = 13.75 kg
KMS = 0.76 kg
Water = 330 kg

Assignment : Calculate the amount of different ingredients required to prepare 500 kg orange
squash. The final product should have minimum of 45% total soluble solid
(TSS), 1.25% acidity and a minimum of 25% fruit juice. The orange juice
contains 110 Brix TSS and 0.75 % acidity. KMS available is of 85% purity.

Qty of Fruit Juice: 125 Kg

Qty of Acid: 5.31 Kg
Qty of KMS: 0.357 Kg
Qty of Sugar: 205.58 Kg
Qty of Water: 150 Kg

Remarks :
Signature :
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________

Preparation of Fruit Squash

Product to be prepared : ___________________

Objective : To understand the process of squash preparation.

Relevance : This is a type of fruit beverage containing at least 25 per cent fruit juice or pulp and
40 to 50 per cent total soluble solids, commercially. It also contains about 1.0 per
cent acid and 350 ppm sulphur dioxide or 600 ppm sodium benzoate. It is diluted
before serving.
Mango, orange and pineapple are used for making squash commercially. It can also
be prepared from lemon, lime, bael, guava, litchi, pear, apricot, musk melon,
papaya, etc. using potassium metabisulphite (KMS) as preservative or from jamun,
passion-fruit, peach, phalsa, plum, mulberry, raspberry, strawberry, grapefruit, etc.
with sodium benzoate as preservative.

Recipes : Sl Fruit Ingredient for 1 L pulp/juice

No. Sugar (Kg) Water (L) Citric acid (g) Preservative (g)
1 Orange 1.75 1.0 20 2.5 KMS
2 Mango 1.75 1.0 20 2.5 KMS
3 Lime, lemon 2.00 1.0 - 2.5 KMS
4 Bael 1.80 1.0 25 2.5 KMS
5 Litchi 1.80 1.0 25 2.25 KMS
6 Pineapple 1.75 1.0 20 1.9 KMS
7 Guava 1.80 1.0 20 2.0 KMS
8 Papaya 1.80 1.0 25 2.5 KMS
9 Jamun 1.80 1.0 15 3.0 SB
10 Water melon 0.50 0.25 10 1.5 SB
KMS – Potassium metabisulphite
SB – Sodium Benzoate
Material required :

1. Fully ripe fruit, 7. Sugar,

2. Cooking vessel, 8. Citric acid,
3. Strainer, 9. Preservatives,
4. Nylon net/Juicer, 10. Glass bottles,
5. Measuring cylinder, 11. Paraffin wax etc.
6. Weighing balance,

Procedure : (m) Select fully ripe fruit to get maximum amount of juice and complete flavour
profile of the fruit.
(n) Remove the damaged and immature fruits and wash thoroughly.
(o) Prepare the fruit for juice extraction as per requirement of individual fruit. It
may be peeling, cutting into pieces or grating.
(p) Take the prepared fruit into nylon net and squeeze to extract the juice. Juice
can be also be extracted by using juicer or pulper.
(q) The juice is then strained to remove any impurities.
(r) Measure the amount of extracted juice. Keep the juice under cover to avoid
contamination and oxidation in contact with air.
(s) Weigh the required amount of sugar, citric acid, water and preservative.
(t) Mix water, sugar and acid and heat just to dissolve.
(u) Cool and strain the syrup to remove suspended impurities.
(v) Mix the cold syrup and fruit juice.
(w) Take a small amount of the squash in a beaker and dissolve the preservative
in it. Now this concentrated preservative solution is mixed with the bulk of
the squash and stirred well for uniform mixing.
(x) The prepared squash is then filled in a previously sterilized bottle leaving 1
inch at the top of the bottle.
(y) For sterilization of bottles, fill the bottle with water and place them in a
vessel containing water. Care should be taken to avoid introduction of any
air bubble into the bottle. The vessel along with the bottles is then heated to
(z) The bottle is then corked and capped. To make the capping air-tight the neck
of the bottle with cap is dipped in molten paraffin wax.
(aa) Store in a cool, dry place.

Observation : 1. Weight of fruit taken =

2. Weight of the juice extracted =
Weight of the juice extrated
3. Edible index = X 100 =
Weight of the fruit taken

Wt. of the fruit taken - Wt. of the juice extracted

4. Waste index = X 100 =
Weight of the fruit taken

5. Volume of juice extracted =

6. Volume of water taken =
7. Weight of sugar =
8. Weight of citric acid =
9. Weight of preservative =
10. Weight of the final product =
Organoleptic evaluation:
1. Appearance:-
2. Colour:-
3. Texture:-
4. Taste:-
5. Aroma:-
6. Overall acceptability:-
Economics : Expenditure Sale Price

1. Fruit Rs.
2. Sugar Rs.
3. Citric acid Rs.
4. Preservative Rs. Profit
5. Bottles Rs.
6. Energy Rs.
7. Labour Rs.
8. Miscellaneous Rs.
Conclusion :

Remarks :

Signature :
Experiment No.: __________ Date: _____________


Objective : Extension of shelf-life of fruits and vegetables by canning

Relevance : Canning is a preservation technique used to preserve fruits and vegetables

in order to increase their shelf life. It also enables the processor, to store
excess amount of fruits and vegetables available in season to be used in
off-season. The principle of canning is to sterilize the food inside by a heat
process, after sealing the can, to increase its shelf life.
Requirements : • Heating vessels

• Stainless steel sieve

• Weighing balance
• Measuring cylinders
• Heating equipment a) cooking gas cylinder; b) gas burner
• Double seamers.
Testing of : The empty cans are tested for leaks with a vacuum or air pressure tester.
Can is subjected to the gradual air pressure inside it. It is kept in water and
the leakage is determined by bubbling. Thus, the maximum pressure the
can is able to withstand is determined.
Specifications for a can is that it should be able to withstand pressure not
less than 15 pounds.
Canning of :
fruits and
Canning of fruits/vegetables involves the following steps:

Preparation of i) Sorting and grading
fruit and :
vegetable for ii) Washing
canning iii) Peeling, coring and pitting

The washed fruits and vegetables are prepared for canning by

peeling, coring, etc.
a) Peeling
: • By hand or with knife
• By machine
• By heat treatment
b) Cores and • By lye solution
In fruits they are removed by hand or by machine. e.g., Pineapple. Coring
removes fibres and proteolytic enzymes.

B) Filling in iv) Blanching

the cans
C) Syruping
or Brining
D) Liding
E) Exhausting
F) Sealing


: • Size of the can used

• Amount of fruit or vegetable/Number of cans used
• Time of exhausting
• If there is any leakage
• If there is any swelling of can
• If can remains flat (seems to be normal and properly processed without
any defect)
• Tapping sound a) metallic; b) dull.

The given fruit/vegetable is adequately canned. The procedure followed

for canning of fruits and vegetables is correct. The can remains flat and
without any defect.

• The cans used should be checked for corrosion.
• Fruits and vegetables should be absolutely fresh. It should be free from
all-unsightly blemishes, insects damage and malformation
• Ripe, firm and evenly matured fruits should be selected. Over ripe fruit
is generally infected with microorganisms and would yield a pack of
poor quality. Under-ripe fruit will generally shrivel and toughen on
• Worker should wear apron and cover the head with a cap.
EXPERIMENT No. ……….. Date……………..


Objective: Preparation of Tomato juice, ketchup, puree and paste.

Tomato is grown in our country in abundance, both in summer and
winter seasons, but those grown in winter are superior in quality
because they contain more total solids. They are a good source of
vitamin C. Often they are sold at distress prices during the peak
harvest season and nearly 25% of the produce is spoiled due to
mishandling. Such losses can be avoided by converting tomatoes into
delicious products like paste, puree, juice, ketchup and sauce. This
processing of tomato will not only minimize the chances of distress
sale but also permit the growers/ their dependents to generate more

The quality of a tomato product is judged by its colour, which is

dependent on the redness of the tomatoes used. In fact, the red pigment
(lycopene) can be used as an index of the amount of tomato actually
present in a product. High quality tomato products can be prepared
only by: (i) using plant-ripened uni-formly red tomatoes as the yellow
and greenish portions not only mask the red colour but also cause
browning due to oxidation; (ii) avoiding prolonged heating, and
cooling the product quickly after preparation; and (iii) not using iron
and copper equipment at any stage of processing. Lycopene (self-
oxidizing isomer of carotene) turns brown when it comes into contact
with iron. Iron also forms black compounds with the tannin in the
Requirements tomatoes and the spices used. Equipment used should be glass-lined
or made of stainless steel.
Raw materials, equipment and apparatus

1. Tomato, spices, etc.

2. Pulper
3. Filter cloth / sieve
4. Pans of suitable size
5. Heaters
6. Thermometer
7. Crown corking / capping machine
8. Corks / caps
9. Sterilizer/Pasteurizer
10. Volumetric flask
11. Measuring cylinder
12. Weighing balance
13. Potable water
Chemicals and reagents
1. Salt
2. Sugar
3. Citric acid/Vinegar
Procedure 4. Spices
a) Tomato Juice

Plant-ripened, fully red fruits are selected, discarding all green,

blemished and over-ripe fruits. A good quality juice should be of
deep red colour, possess the characteristic taste and flavour of
tomato, contain about 0.4 % acid (in terms of citric acid), be
uniform in appearance and have high nutritive value. In addition
the juice should contain 0.5% salt, and 1% sugar.
An average of 10 kg of tomatoes yields 7 litres of juice. Wash
tomatoes, remove stems, and trim off bruised or discoloured
portions. To prevent juice from separating, quickly cut about 0.5
kg of fruit into quarters and put directly into saucepan. Heat
immediately to boiling while crushing. Continue to add and crush
freshly cut tomato quarters to the boiling mixture. Make sure the
mixture boils constantly and vigorously while you add the
remaining tomatoes. Simmer 5 min. after you add all pieces. Press
heated tomatoes through a sieve or food mill to remove skins and
seeds. Heat juice again to boiling.

Hot pulping is superior to cold pulping because in the latter case,

extraction of juice is somewhat difficult and its yield is less,
vitamin C is oxidized more rapidly, the juice is lighter in colour
and there are chances of microbial spoilage. On commercial scale,
a pulper or continuous spiral press is used for juice extraction but
in homes tomatoes are strained through a steel sieve. To one litre
b) Tomato of juice add 10g of sugar, 5g of salt, 1g of citric acid and 1g of
Sauce/Ketchup sodium benzoate. Herbs, onion, garlic, and spices may be added
to meet individual's taste requirements.

It is made from strained tomato juice or pulp and spices, salt, sugar
and vinegar, with or without onion and garlic, and contains not
less than 12% tomato solids and 25% total solids.

General considerations: About one-third of the sugar required is

added at the time of commencement of boiling to intensify and fix
the red tomato colour. If the whole quantity of sugar is added
initially, the cooking time will be longer and the quality of pulp
will be adversely affected. Generally, the sugar content in
ketchups/sauces varies from 10-26%. On the other hand, salt
bleaches the colour of the tomato product. It is, therefore, desirable
to add it towards the end of the cooking process. Spices are
generally added in powdered form to the product by spice bag
method. Instead of whole spices, essential oils of spices, oleoresins
and spice extract can also be used. Essential oils, however, do not
give the characteristic true aroma of whole spice but oleoresins
provide true aroma. At present, spice extract is used in many
industries for sauce/ketchup preparations. These do not adversely
affect the colour of the product and are generally added a few
minutes before the end of cooking.

The salt content of the product should be 1.3-3.4%. Good quality

vinegar is essential for the preparation of high quality
sauce/ketchup. It should contain 5.0-5.5% acetic acid and should
be added when the product has thickened sufficiently, so that the
acid is not lost by volatilization. Tomato sauce/ ketchup generally
contains 1.25-1.5% acetic acid. Sometimes glacial acetic acid
(100% acetic acid) is used which is colourless and cheaper than
vinegar. In order to increase the viscosity and prevent the
separation of pulp form clear juice, pectin can be added to the
extent of 0.1-0.2% by weight of the finished product. The ketchup
should be filled hot (about 88°C) to prevent browning and loss of
vitamins during subsequent storage. If it is made from tomatoes of
good quality, using sugar, salt, vinegar and spices in the correct
proportion, it does not spoil for a fairly long time, even after
opening the sealed bottle, if the latter is kept in a cool and clean
place. It is, however, advisable to add 0.025% sodium benzoate to
the product before bottling and then pasteurize the bottles as a
precaution against spoilage during the 3 to 4 weeks that the
ketchup remains in the opened bottle before it is used up.

Recipe: Tomato pulp 1 kg, sugar 75g, salt 10g, onion (chopped)
50g, ginger (chopped) 10g, garlic (chopped) 5g, red chilli powder
5g, cinnamon, cardamom (large), aniseed, cumin, black pepper
(powdered) 10g each, clove (headless) 5 numbers, vinegar 25 ml
c) Tomato Puree or glacial acetic acid 5 ml and sodium benzoate 0.25g per kg final
and Paste product.

Concentrated tomato pulp without skin or seeds, with or without

added salt, and containing not less than 9.0 % of salt-free tomato
solids, is known as ‘medium tomato puree’. It can be concentrated
further to ‘heavy tomato puree’, which contains not less than 12%
solids. If this is further concentrated so that it contains not less than
25% tomato solids, it is known as tomato paste. On further
concentration to 33% or more of solids, it is called concentrated
tomato paste.

Tomato pulp is prepared from plant ripened tomatoes in the same

manner as tomato juice. Cooking for concentration of the pulp can
be done either in an open cooker or a vacuum pan. In the former
most of the vitamins are destroyed and the product become brown.
On the other hand, use of vacuum pans, which are expensive, help
to preserve the nutrients and also reduce the browning to a great
extent. In vacuum pans the juice is boiled at about 71°C only.
Ordinarily tomato juice can be concentrated to 14-15% solids in
an open cooker, but for obtaining higher concentrations a vacuum
pan is required. Moreover, sterilization of the product is also
possible in a vacuum pan. While cooking in an open cooker, a little
butter or edible oil is added to prevent foaming, burning and
If, after cooking, the total solids content of the juice is higher than
required, more juice is added to lower it, if it is lower, cooking is
continued till the desired concentration is reached. The end-point
d) Tomato of cooking puree and paste can be determined either with a hand
Cocktail refractometer or by measuring the volume (a known volume of
juice is concentrated to a known volume of final product) with the
help of a measuring stick.

Tomato cocktail is gaining popularity in many high class hotels

and restaurants. It is prepared before serving and is also served
Observations from stock. The cocktail is preserved by pasteurizing it in bottles.
The main constituent is tomato juice to which tobasco sauce,
Result common salt, vinegar, lemon, worcestershire sauce are added in
different proportions to suit the palate.

Determine TSS and acidity.

Acidity of the tomato product = % (w/v)

TSS of the tomato product = %

• All equipment used in the preparation of fruit juices and squashes
should be rust and acid proof.

• Copper and iron vessels should be strictly avoided as these metals

react with fruit acids, and cause blackening of the product.

• Avoid exposure of juice to atmosphere as it will spoil the colour,

taste and aroma and also reduce the Vitamin content.
Roll no.

















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