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Enrollment No.:
AIM: To determine the percentage composition of a given acid mixture containing a
strong acid (HCl) and a weak acid (CH3COOH) pH metric method.

REQUIREMENTS: N/10 oxalic acid, N/2 NaOH solution, unknown acid mixture,
pH meter, glass electrode, buffer solution pH-9.2, phenolphthalein indicator.

 Standardize NaOH by oxalic acid (0.1 N) using phenolphthalein indicator.
 Dilute the unknown acid mixture up to 250 ml using dis. water.(Take 25 mL)
 Standardize the pH meter using buffer solution.
 Take 100 ml of acid mixture in a beaker and dip a glass electrode in the beaker
and measure the pH of the solution.
 Measure pH on addition of 1-1 ml of NaOH (N/2) from burette with constant
 Plot the graph of measured pH versus volume of NaOH added.
 Select the ranges of volume where maximum change in pH are observed.
 Repeat the above mentioned procedure by adding 0.2 ml of NaOH solution from
burette in the above selected ranges of volumes of NaOH.
 Plot ΔpH/ΔV vs volume of NaOH added. Two peaks would be obtained
corresponding to netralization points of strong acid (V1) and complete acid
mixture (V2)


Volume of NaOH added pH



Volume pH ΔpH ΔV ΔpH/ΔV






Calculate the normality of HCI in the mixture by

X = 0.5 x V1/ 100

Calculate the normality of acid mixture by

Y= 0.5 x V2 / 100

Calculate the normality of CH 3COOH = Y-X = Z

Percentage composition of HCI in the given mixture = X/Y x 100

Percentage composition of CH 3COOH in the given mixture = Z/Y x 100

The percentage composition of given strong acid and weak acid in the given mixture
is_____________ and_____________ respectively.
AIM: -To determine equivalent conductance, degree of dissociation and dissociation
constant of 0.1 N weak acid conductometrically.
 In order to find out the equivalent conductance, first of all we have to measure
cell constant.
 Prepare N/10 and N/50 and N/100 KCl solution, take approx. 25 ml of KCl
solution in a 50 ml beaker, dip the conductivity cell, connect the bridge and
observe the coconductance
 The specific conductance of N/10 and N/50 KCl is known , the cell constant can
be calculated using as follows:
Cell constant =specific conductance /measured conductance
 The solutions of different concentrations of the weak acid are supplied. Take
100 mL N/10, N/20, N/40, N/80 acetic acid solution in separate small beakers,
immerse the cell in such a way so that the platinum plate of the cell should be
in the solution.
 Calculate the conductance, equivalent conductance and dissociation constant
using the following formula :
Specific conductance = Cell constant × measured conductance
Equivalent conductance = 1000 x Sp. cond / Concentration = ƛc
Degree of Dissociation (α) = ƛc

Dissociation constant (k) =


Sr No. Normality Conductance Sp. Conductance Cell constant

(ohm-1) (ohm-1 cm-1 )

1) N/10 Conductance =

Specific conductance =

Equivalent conductance=
Degree of Dissociation: α

Dissociation Constant: k
(Similarly for all concentration)


conductance Sp. Conductance Eq. conductance α k

(ohm-1 cm-1 ) (ohm-1 cm2 equv-1)



AIM: To determine the percentage composition of a given acid mixture containing a
strong acid (HCI) and a weak acid (CH3COOH) conductometrically.

REQUIREMENTS: N/10 oxalic acid, N/2 NaOH solution, unknown acid mixture,
phenolphthalein indicator, conductivity meter, conductivity cell.

 Standardize NaOH by oxalic acid (0.1 N) using phenolphthalein indicator.
 Dilute the unknown acid mixture up to 250 ml using conductivity water.(Take 25
 Take 100 ml of acid mixture in a beaker and dip a conductivity cell.
 Measure conductance on addition of 1-1 ml of NaOH (N/2) from burette with
constant stirring.
 Plot the graph of measured conductance versus volume of NaOH added,
 Two intersection points will be observed in the above platted graph corresponding
to the volume of NaOH required to neutralize strong acid (V1) and whole acid
mixture (V2).


Volume of NaOH added Conductance (m mho)


Calculate the normality of HCI in the mixture by
X = 0.5 x V1/ 100

Calculate the normality of acid mixture by

Y= 0.5 x V2 / 100

Calculate the normality of CH 3COOH = Y-X = Z

Percentage composition of HCI in the given mixture
= X/Y x 100
Percentage composition of CH 3COOH in the given mixture
= Z/Y x 100
The percentage composition of given strong acid and weak acid in the given mixture
is_____________ and_____________ respectively.
AIM To determine the viscosity average molecular weight of given polymer (polystyrene)
by viscosity method.

REQUREMENT: 1% polymer solution, toluene solvent, Ostwald’s viscometer, stop

watch, controlled temperature bath or water bath

i) Rinse viscometer with acetone & dry well using 1 mL toluene.
ii) Take 12 ml toluene in Ostwald's viscometer. Note the time of flow (t 0)of pure solvent
between two designated marks of viscometer.
iii) Prepare various concentration of polymer solution as mentioned in the table below:
Conc. Of Volume of polymer Volume of toluene Total
polymer solution (ml) (ml) volume
solution(in (ml)
0.2 5 20 25

0.4 10 15 25

0.6 15 10 25

0.8 20 5 25

1.0 25 0 25

iv) Take 12 ml of polymer solution from each flask in the viscometer and measure time flow
(t) of each solution. At least 3 readings have to be taken for each solution.
v) Plot a graph between ηsp / C versus concentration of polymer solution (in %).
Extrapolate the straight line to get an intercept on y-axis (ηintrine ? C) axis to obtain [η].


Sr.No. Concentration of Time of flow (in ηrel ηsp ηintrin

polymer solution sec.)’t’ (t/t0) (ηrel-1) ηsp/C
(in %) ‘C’ Average
t1 t2 t3
1 0.2

2 0.4
3 0.6

4 0.8

5 1.0

CALCULATION : Using Mark Houwink ruation

[η] = k Mva
Where ‘k’ and ‘a’ are Mark-houwing constants. For polystyrene-
toluene system ‘k’ and ‘a’ are 1.15*10-4 and 0.72 respectively.
Using the [n]value obtained from the graph M v of the given
polymer sample can be calculated.

RESULT : The viscosity average molecular weight of given polymer sample . . . . . .. . . . .

Aim: To study the effect of concentration of oxalic acid on charcoal.

Requirements: N/2 Oxalic acid, N/10 NaOH, activated charcoal, conical flask, funnel

i) Take 5 dry and cleaned conical flask and number them properly. Take one
gram of activated charcoal in each of them. Prepare the following solution in
the conical flask according to the following table.
ii) Total volume should be 50 ml and shake them at least 40 minutes or max.
iii) After that filter conical flask No.1 solution. Discard the upper part of the
iv) Pipette out 5 ml of the filtrate in to a conical flask and titrate it against 0.1 N
NaOH in the presence of phenolphthalein as an indicator till to get slightly
pink colour.
v) Repeat the same procedure for the other flask.
vi) Titrate 5 ml of original solution of oxalic acid solution against 0.1 N NaOH
in the usual way.

Flask No. Volume of Volume of

Oxalic acid water(ml)

1 50 0

2 40 10

3 30 20

4 20 30

5 10 40
Flask B.R Amount log log
No. (ml) Initial Final adsorbed Ce x/m
Concentration Concentration x=Co-
of oxalic of oxalic Ce
acid acid
Co Ce


m = weight of charcoal.

Co = normality of oxalic acid x (V)


Ce = normality of NaOH x (B.R)

Plot the graph
(i) x/m vs Ce
(ii) log x/m vs log Ce

The value of 1/n to check the Freundlich adsorption isotherm can be calculated from
the slope of the graph (ii). n= slope.

AIM: To determine the composition of a given liquid mixture by viscometric method.

Requirements: Ostwald viscometer, water cylinder, stop watch, 10 ml pipette.

1. First clean and dry the viscometer and set it vertically in the water
2. Introduce the definite measured volume of water (say 10 ml) into the large
bulb through a glass tube.
3. Now suck the liquid up into the bulb through a rubber tube to a level
somewhat above the upper mark, at this point it should be checked that
the U band at the bottom of the viscometer is full of liquid.
4. Allow the liquid to flow freely through the capillary and note the time t,
in a stop watch for the flow of the liquid from upper mark to lower mark.
Similarly take two readings for t, and take the average.
5. Remove the first liquid (water) , clean and dry the viscometer again and
repeat the experiment by taking exactly the same volume of each liquid
in the bulb as the volume of water was taken. Record the time of low for
each liquid.
Observation Table
Liquid Time Constant

Density of water and other liquids and viscosity of water are given. Now, the viscosity
of the liquid is given by
η2 = d2t2 η1
η1= viscosity of water poise
η2= viscosity of given liquid in poise
t1 = time for water
t2= time for given liquid
d1 = density of water
d2 = density of given liquid
Plot η vs % composition to obtain a calibration curve from which composition of
unknown liquid can be determined.

Result: The composition of unknown liquid is_____________.

AIM: To determine the ƛmax and concentration of given unknown potassium
permanganate (KMnO4) using visible spectroscopy technique.

REQUIREMENT: potassium permanganate KMnO4, volumetric flask and distilled


I. Prepare 100ml of 0.02M KMnO4 solution using distilled water.
II. Pipette 10ml of 0.02M KMnO4 and dilute it up to 100ml.
III. Take 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ml 0.002M solution and dilute it up to 100ml in
volumetric flask. Prepare an unknown solution of KMnO4 lying between
1-10 ml of 0.002 M solution and dilute it up to 100ml in volumetric flask.
IV. Use 1.2x 10-4 M solution (6ml diluted solution) for determination of ƛmax
V. Calibrate the visible spectrophotometer as the procedure described below.
set the filter 1 and set dark reading at 0% transmittance.
 Change the position to 3 and bring the wavelength position to 450nm.
Take two balanced cuvette, fill one of them with distilled water and
other with KMnO4 solution.
 Calibrate the instrument for 100% (or 0% absorbance) transmittance
with water as absorbing medium.
 Now , record the absorbance of the solution at 450 nm.
 Change the wavelength by 10 nm and again calibrate the instrument
for 100% (or 0% absorbance) transmittance with water as absorbing
medium and repeat the process up to 550 nm wavelength. Record the
absorbance at different wavelengths and plot a graph between
absorbance vs wavelength. A wavelength corresponding to highest
absorbance represent ƛmax of KMnO4 solution.
VI. For second part of the experiment set the wavelength of instrument on ƛmax.
value determined in the first part. Set 100% (or 0% absorbance) transmittance
with water at ƛmax wavelength.
VII. Now fill one of the cuvette with different diluted solutions (0.4 x 10-4, 0.8x
10-4, 1.2 x 10-4, 1.6 x 10-4, 2.0 x 10-4 M one by one and measure the
VIII. Plot a curve between absorbance vs concentration of KMnO4 solution. Find
the concentration of unknown solution from the straight line obtained.

Table 1 (for determination of ƛmax)
Wavelength (nm) Absorbance



Table 2 (for determination of concentration of unknown solution)

Concentration of Absorbance
KMnO4 solution (M)

0.4 x 10-4

0.8x 10-4

1.2 x 10-4

1.6 x 10-4

2.0 x 10-4


RESULTS: i) The ƛmax of KMnO4 solution is ___________ nm.

ii) The concentration of unknown KMnO4 solution is ___________________M

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