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The Runeblade

"The secrets of the world contain power you have never seen before. Are you ready to face
the consequences?" - Donavan Braveheart, The First Runeblade

Image: goldentigers
The Runeblade

n the farthest reaches of the world, certain
individuals noticed that they had talent for both the
art of the sword, and for the art of the arcane. For a The Runeblade
long time, it was thought that it was very difficult to Proficiency Rune
wield both, and only the best of Eldritch Knights Level Bonus Features burst Die
were able to actually pull it off. It was only recently
that some scholars discovered the ancient art of 1st +2 Rune Burst (1), Parrying d4
Runelore by studying strange, almost alien sites in the deeps 2nd +2 Runelore d4
of the world. Inspired by its design, the individuals found 3rd +2 Aspect Archetype d4
ways to harness the powers of these sites by applying these
runes of power to their weapons. Thus the art of the 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement d4
Runeblades was born. 5th +3 Aspect Feature, Rune Burst d6
(2), Spellforged
In search of knowledge 6th +3 Rune Regeneration d6
Though from the outside, Runeblades look like warriors, but 7th +3 Aspect Feature d6
within lives the mind of a curious scholar, interested in
knowing all the secrets these powers hold. Constantly finding 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6
new uses to this power, their lives turned into a living 9th +4 Rune Burst (3) d8
experiment. They now travel the world in search of more
sites that hold the knowledge of these runes. They often 10th +4 Riposte d8
enlist themselves as mercenaries or dungeon delvers in order 11th +4 d8
to find more of those one day. 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8
13th +5 Rune Burst (4) d10
14th +5 Aspect Feature d10
15th +5 Spellweaver d10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10
17th +6 Rune Burst (5) d12
18th +6 Aspect Feature d12
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d12
20th +6 Runic Surge d12

Image: cehenot, Keun-ju Kim

Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal Edit: Steven van Rosendaal
Creating a Runeblade Rune Burst
The Runeblade thanks his power to the ancient ruins he After prolonged study of ancient runes you discovered that
studied. These ruins are very important to him and are the when you apply symbols of power on your weapon, you can
main thrive of the Runeblade to travel the world, to uncover make them burst with a surge of magic power, enhancing the
more of these ruins in search for power. Most Runeblades damage it can inflict. By waving your free hand over the rune
have an origin in either archeology or worked on some kind you activate the rune, making it glow vibrant white. Before
of mining site, and almost always have some experience with you take the attack action, you can declare your wish to rune
weapons in their past. Where were these ruins that gave you burst. You can consume a rune on your sword to deal extra
your power? What are you trying to achieve after gaining Force damage to a target. The damage is as shown in the
more power? What drives you to seek out these sites? Or are Rune Burst Die column of the Runeblade table. If the attack
you perhaps trying to protect those you love? A Runeblade misses, the rune is still spent. The Runeblade must be able to
can have many reasons for adventuring, but like mercenaries, use a somatic component, but it is not considered casting a
it will mostly be for some sort of personal gain. spell. The maximum number of runes you can have on your
weapon equals your Intelligence Modifier + twice your
Quickbuild Runeblade level. You recover all spent runes on a long rest.
You can make a Runeblade quickly by following these On 5th level you can choose to burst two runes in the same
suggestions. First Strength should be your highest ability attack. This increases to 3 runes at 9th level, 4 runes at 13th
score, followed by Intelligence. Second choose the Sage level and 5 runes at 17th level. Whenever you use an effect
background. that consumes runes, that requires the target creature to
make a Saving Throw, the save spell save DC for these
attacks is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your intelligence
Class Features modifier.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Runeblade level Parrying
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Needing one free hand to activate runes on the weapon, the
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Runeblade has limited defensive options. That is why they
modifier per Runeblade level after 1st were trained heavily in the art of parrying, trying to defend
their most vital organs. As a reaction, when an attacker hits
Proficiencies the Runeblade with a melee attack, and the Runeblade can
Armor: Light and Medium armor see the attacking creature, he can roll a d4 and add the result
Weapons: Simple weapons, longswords, rapiers, to his AC against the triggering attack, provided that he is
shortswords. wielding a melee weapon without the two-handed property,
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence and no shield or offhand weapon.
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Arcana, Athletics, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Runelore
Perception, Survival.
Runeblades possess the ancient knowledge of the Runes, and
Equipment can use this knowledge in day to day tasks. Starting at 2nd
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the level, Runeblades can cast Detect Magic without expending a
equipment granted by your background: resource. Because of their ability to decipher runes and
scripts, they can make an Intelligence (History) check to try
(a) a Longsword or (b) a Rapier and read any language they don’t know. Finally they have
(a) Leather Armor or (b) Chain Shirt advantage on Intelligence (History or Arcana) checks to
10 javelins identify magical runes throughout the world.
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) a Dungeoneer’s Pack or (c) a
Scholar’s Pack Aspect Archetypes
Inscribe Weapon At 3rd level, you choose an archetype in the form of an aspect
the Runeblade is trained in: the Aspect of the Elements, the
Your weapon is your greatest tool. That is why a Runeblade Aspect of the Mind or the Aspect of the Body, all detailed at
has a special connection with his weapon. A Runeblade the end of the class description. Your archetype choice grants
knows the ancient art of runes, and by studying these runes, you features at 3rd level, and then again at 7th, 14th and 18th
they have learned to draw runic symbols upon themselves level.
resembling the weapons they carry. A Runeblade can spend
one hour inscribing a detailed rune of their weapon on their Ability Score Improvement
hand, which can be done on a short rest. The weapon must
be within the Runeblades reach in order for the inscription to When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and
work. Once you have inscribed a weapon, you can summon 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
the weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
teleport instantly to your hand. You can only have one 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
inscribed weapon at any time. Inscribing a new weapon using this feature.
causes the old inscription to fade.

Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal 2

Spellforged Aspect Archetypes
Beginning at 5th level, all weapon attacks you make with your The Runes a Runeblade has studied, all relate to the same
inscribed weapon are considered magical. You also gain a kind of magic, defining his abilities. Depending on which
better control of your Runic powers, so that they can be used runes he found, he will begin to show new abilities as he
to enhance the Runeblade’s own abilities. Once on each of learns more and more about these strange symbols, and it
the Runeblade’s turns, you get access to one of the following will start defining how he functions.
You can declare to spend a rune before any strength or Aspect of the Elements
dexterity skill check to add your proficiency modifier to that The runes the Runeblade has studied begin to show signs of
check, even if you are already proficient in that skill. control of the elements, radiating strange power when
You can spend a rune to triple your jumping distance or exposed to raging fire, flowing water, freezing cold or other
height this turn. elemental occurrences. The Runeblade has learned to
You can declare to spend a rune before taking the shove harness this magical energy to empower his strikes with
action on your turn. If you pass the check, you can push the elemental wrath to outwit his enemies.
target creature an additional 5 feet backwards.
You can spend a rune to increase your speed by 10 this turn. Elemental Wrath
Rune Regeneration At 3rd level, you can learn five Elemental Wrath moves of
your choice, which are detailed under “Elemental Wrath
Starting at 6th level, whenever you take a short rest, you may Moves” below. As an action, you can spend the described
recover half your maximum runes (rounded down). You must rune cost to use one of these moves. This action behaves just
finish a long rest before you can use this feature again. like a Rune Burst Action, in that the user must be able to use
a somatic component, and that it is treated as a class action.
Riposte You can choose one additional move of your choice at 7th,
Starting at 10th level, When you use a reaction to parry, you 11th, 15th and 19th level. You can choose to increase the
may roll a d6 instead. If the roll results into a 6 and the attack spent rune cost of an Elemental Wrath to deal one Rune
is successfully blocked, you may make one melee attack on Burst Die of damage extra for each rune spent after the
the attacker as a part of your reaction. original cost. On 5th level you can choose to burst two extra
runes in the same Elemental Wrath move. This increases to
Spellweaver 3 runes at 9th level, 4 runes at 13th level and 5 runes at 17th
Starting at 15th level, your inscribed weapon can store spells
that are willingly cast upon it. It can then store up to 5 levels Extra Attack
worth of spells at a time. A spellcaster can cast a spell of 1st Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once,
through 5th level into the weapon by touching it as the spell whenever you take the attack action on your turn. You may
is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the use the Rune burst action or the Elemental Wrath action
weapon. If the weapon can’t hold the spell, the spell is separately on both attacks.
expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the
spell determines how much space it uses. While wearing the Spellbounce
weapon, the Runeblade can cast any spell stored in it. The At 7th level, you can use your reaction to deflect the brunt of
spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and an attack that hits the Runeblade that deals either Fire, Cold,
spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise Acid, Lightning or Poison damage. You have resistance to the
treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the triggering damage type during this attack. Starting at 10th
weapon is no longer stored into it, freeing up space. level, you can also fling back elemental energy towards the
attacker. Make a ranged spell attack against the attacker.
Runic Surge When it hits, you deal one rune burst die of damage where
Starting at 20th level, you uncovered the mystery of the runes the type is equal to the damage type of the deflected attack.
that fuel your power. As an action, you can enter a state in Elemental Prowess
which you have total control over your runic powers. For the At 14th level, after a short rest, you can chose one damage
next minute you regain runes equal to your intelligence type described under Elemental Wrath Moves below, and
modifier each of your turns. You must finish a long rest gain resistance to that damage type. Additionally you deal
before you can use this feature again. one Rune Damage Die more when using either Rune Burst
or an Elemental Wrath that deals the chosen type of damage.
Elemental Summoning
At 18th level, as an action you may spend 5 runes to cast
Conjure Elemental. This elemental will not require
concentration to maintain, as it is bound to the Runeblade’s
weapon, but you can’t have more than one summoned at a

3 Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal

Elemental Wrath Moves Freezing Blade (1 runes). Your weapon begins to freeze,
The moves are presented in alphabetical order. releasing a slight fog of freezing air. Make a melee weapon
attack against a target. On a hit, you deal regular weapon
Acid Blob (2 runes). The runes in your weapon release a damage, and one Rune Burst Die of cold damage and the
dark green blob that sticks onto it. Make a melee weapon target must make a Constitution saving throw versus your
attack against a target. On a hit, you deal regular weapon spell save DC. If the creature failed the save, it’s movement is
damage, and one Rune Burst Die of acid damage and the halved. That creature can reroll the save at the end of each of
creature must make a Constitution saving throw versus your its turn to end the effect.
spell save DC. If the creature failed the save, it is now held in
place by a sticky blob that holds it in place, making its speed Ice Spike (2 runes). The runes on your weapon begin to
0. After the end of the Runeblade’s next turn, each creature glow a chilling blue. You then strike the ground with your
within 10ft of the affected creature must make a Dexterity weapon. All creatures within 15ft must make a dexterity
saving throw. The creature itself automatically fails this save saving throw versus your spell save DC. If the creature failed
but regains its speed after the effects take place. If the the save, you deal one Rune Burst Die of cold damage to the
creatures failed the save, they take one Rune Burst Die of creature. Shards of ice spread through the affected area,
acid damage. making it difficult terrain for an hour, or until it's thawed.
Infected Strike (1 runes). Your weapon starts secreting a
Conducting Blast (2 runes). The runes in your weapon glow blackish fluid from its runes. Make a melee weapon attack
a strong purple, and it releases jolts of lightning. Make a against a target. On a hit, you deal regular weapon damage,
melee weapon attack against a target. On a hit, you deal and one Rune Burst Die of poison damage and target must
regular weapon damage, and one Rune Burst Die of lightning make a Constitution saving throw versus your spell save DC.
damage. Then the jolt of lightning jumps to 3 other creatures If the creature failed the save, it is poisoned for the next
+ 1 for every additional rune spent (as described in the minute. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end
Elemental Fury feature). Each of those creatures must make of each of its turn to end the effect.
a Dexterity Saving throw versus your spell save DC. If a
creature fails the save, it takes the same amount of lightning Lightning Lunge (1 runes). You thrust your weapon forward
damage the initial target received, or half as much on a causing a lightning bolt to appear from its tip. All creatures in
successful one. a 5ft wide 30ft long line must make a dexterity saving throw
versus your spell save DC. You deal one Rune Burst Dice of
Corrode (1 runes). Your weapon releases a slimey corrosive lightning damage to all creatures that failed the save, or half
substance. Make a melee weapon attack against a target. On as much on a success. If a creature that is hit by this move is
a hit, you deal regular weapon damage, and one Rune Burst within melee range of you, and it failed the save, it also
Die of acid damage and the target must make a Constitution receives the weapon damage from a regular weapon attack.
saving throw versus your spell save DC. If the target fails its
saving throw, choose one of the two following options: (a) Pleaguespread (2 runes). The runes on your weapon start to
decrease the target’s AC by 2 (With a minimum of 10 + the glow an eerie green as you wave it round and round in the air.
target creature's Dexterity modifier) or (b) decrease the All creatures within 15ft must make a Constitution saving
targets weapon attack rolls and damage rolls by 2. These throw versus your spell save DC. If the creature failed the
effects last one minute. One creature cannot be affected save, they take one Rune Burst Die of poison damage and are
twice by the same effect as long as it is still affected by it. plagued. A creature that is plagued has disadvantage on
strength and dexterity skill checks and saving throws. When
Fiery Strike (1 runes). Your weapon bursts into flame. Make a plagued creature hits 0hp, all creatures within 5ft of it must
a melee weapon attack against a target. On a hit, you deal make a Constitution saving throw or be plagued. An affected
regular weapon damage, and one Rune Burst Die of fire creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its
damage and the target must make a Constitution saving turn to end the effect. The Runeblade may choose which
throw versus your spell save DC. If the creature failed the creatures are unaffected by the plague.
save, it will set the target aflame. For the next minute, at the
start of each turn of the afflicted target, it takes an additional
Rune Burst Die of fire damage. That creature, or a creature
within 5 feet of it, can use an action to douse the flames.
Alternatively that creature may reroll the save at the end of
each of its turn to end the effect.
Fire Spin (2 runes). You swirl your weapon around and
release a fiery blast emanating from your weapon. All
creatures within 10ft must make a dexterity saving throw
versus your spell save DC. You deal one Rune Burst Die of
fire damage to all creatures that failed the save, or half as
much on a success. Creatures within melee range that failed
the save also receive the weapon damage from a regular
weapon attack.

Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal 34

Aspect of the Mind Psionic Expert
The Runeblades dreams are filled with flashes of unknown Starting at 14th level, you gain proficiency on Wisdom Saving
symbols, and over time, the knowledge that seeps into his Throws. The maximum range of your Mystic Weapon and
unconsciousness will start granting psychic powers. While Mystic Attack increases to 30ft.
keeping a clear mind, he seems like any other person around Mystical Equilibrium
him, but when focusing his mind, his thoughts shift towards a Starting at 18th level, you can bind to yet another Mystical
hidden knowledge of wielding weapons in both his hand, and Weapon like in the Mystical Weapon feature, each having
his mind. their own Mystic Attack action. Additionally, both Mystic
Weapons now Crit on a 19 and a 20.
Mystic Weapon
Starting at 3rd level, Runeblades trained in the Aspect of the Aspect of the Body
Mind gain a telekinetic bond with a weapon, able to control it
flawlessly while it’s floating in mid-air. The Runeblade can Corporeal Runes
Inscribe an additional weapon making it a Mystic Weapon Some Runeblades are trained to use runes in order to alter
retaining the same rules as for a inscribed weapon. This their own, and others physical state. Starting at 3rd level, the
Mystic Weapon can be any type of melee weapon, even if the you can learn 5 corporeal runes moves of your choice, which
Runeblade is not proficient with it. The Runeblade can then are detailed under the "Corporeal Rune Moves" section on
levitate the Mystic Weapon as long as it stays within 15ft of the next page. As an action, the Runeblade can place one or
him. If the Runeblade moves out of range of the weapon, it more runes on himself or a creature within 5ft. range. These
automatically follows the Runeblade. If the Runeblade cannot runes stay until the Runeblade’s next long rest. The
be followed, the weapon teleports to the Runeblade’s current Runeblade can use a bonus action to activate runes applied to
space. The Runeblade can use a bonus action to move the one creature within 120ft that he can see, to apply one of the
Mystic Weapon to a space within 15ft of him. It can freely known Corporeal Rune Move effects (listed on the end of this
move into the space of an allied creature without posing any archetype), by spending runes applied to that creature equal
kind of disadvantage, but cannot enter a space containing a to the rune cost of that move. Corporeal Runes cannot be
hostile creature, but a hostile creature can willingly enter its applied multiple times for each individual effect on a
space. When the Mystic Weapon is in the space of an allied creature. If a creature dies that has your runes still on them,
creature, it protects him from incoming attacks. That you regain those runes, and the runes on the body disappear.
creature increases its AC by 2 as long Alternatively, you can spend an action to remove all your
runes from a creature, and regain that amount of runes to
Mystic Attack reuse. You can choose one additional Corporeal Rune Move
Beginning at 5th level, the Runeblade can use a bonus action of your choice at 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th level.
to move the Mystic Weapon to a space within 15ft of him and
make one weapon attack against a target. For the attack roll, Extra Attack
use your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency modifier, Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once,
and for the damage roll, use the weapon’s regular damage whenever you take the attack action on your turn. You may
dice and add your Intelligence Modifier. It is also possible to use the Rune burst action separately on both attacks.
Rune Burst while making this attack.
Mind of the Protector Starting at 7th level, the Runeblade may choose spend a rune
Starting at 7th level, the Runeblade can sense distress from is to apply one rune to the body of a creature that it hits with a
companions, knowing where more help is needed. It gains melee weapon attack, or two runes on a crit.
the following Benefits:
The Runeblade can now parry melee and ranged attacks. Improvised Rune
When the Mystic weapon makes a melee weapon attack Starting at 14th level, you can take a minute to apply an
against a creature, that creature has disadvantage on any Improvised Rune to an ally. The Runeblade can choose one of
attack roll against an allied creature in the same space as the available Corporeal Rune moves. When the Runeblade
the Mystic Weapon. decides to apply the chosen rune effect on that ally, decrease
The Runeblade can choose to change the damage type of the effective rune cost by 1 rune. Allies can only receive an
his Rune Burst to deal psychic damage. Improvised Rune once every short rest of the Runeblade, and
When an ally within 15ft of the Runeblade reaches 0 hit all the unused Improvised runes fade on a short or long rest
points, the Mystic Weapon may move to the location of of the Runeblade.
that ally. Turn the Battlefield
Starting at 18th level, you can use your bonus action to
activate any amount of Corporeal Runes applied to creatures
you can see within 120ft. of the Runeblade.

5 Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal

Corporeal Moves
The moves are presented in alphabetical order.
Rune of Ailment (2 runes). The affected creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw versus the Runeblades Spell
Save DC. If the creature fails the save, it gets one of the
following conditions of the Runeblade’s choice. Blinded,
Poisoned, Deafened, Frightened or Charmed. The affected
creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turns.
Rune of Empowerment (2 runes). The affected creature
increases one of it’s ability scores of the Runeblade’s choice
by 2 for one minute.
Rune of Expulsion (1 rune). All creatures within 5ft. of the
affected creature are pushed back 5ft.
Rune of Fury (1 rune). The affected creature can make one
extra weapon attack as part of its attack action on its next
Rune of Misdirection (2 runes). The affected creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw versus the Runeblades Spell
Save DC. If the creature fails the save, it must spend its next
turn moving towards, and attacking a creature within its
range of the Runeblades choice.
Rune of Precision (2 runes). The affected creature has
advantage on all melee and ranged attack rolls until the
Runeblade’s next turn.
Rune of Protection (1 rune). The affected creature has
resistance to all damage until the Runeblade’s next turn.
Rune of Reflection (2 runes). Half of the damage inflicted to
the creature, gets reflected back to the source (rounded
down) until the Runeblade’s next turn.
Rune of Repositioning (1 rune). The affected creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw versus the Runeblades Spell
Save DC. A willing target does not have to make a saving
throw. If the creature fails the save, it must immediately move
unwillingly half its movement towards a space designated by
the Runeblade, without provoking opportunity attacks. The
creature will not however walk into areas that are
immediately harmful to it, like jumping off a high place, or
walking into a damaging spell effect.
Rune of Vitality (2 runes). The affected creature gains
temporary hit points equal to one Rune Burst Die + your
Intelligence modifier for 8 hours.
Rune of Weakening (1 runes). The affected creature must
make a Wisdom saving throw versus the Runeblades Spell
Save DC. If the creature fails the save, one of its attribute
scores of the Runeblade’s choice is decreased by 2 for one

Image: Greg Opalinski

Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal 6

Nerfed Plaguespread. No more flat strength reduction.
Credits And made plaguespread no longer spread each turn, but
This is not for sale and shouldn't be as it's Homebrew instead when a creature hits 0hp, because this would be a
material. DM nightmare. Added disadvantage on dex saves to
Done by DyingDutchmanNL (/u/DyingDutchmanNL). Gave Corrode a DC, and nerfed the duration. Also made it
unstackable. Instead i increased the effect to compensate.
Credits to stolksdorf for creating The Homebrewery. Removed the ability for Mystic Weapons to parry. Instead
the give a flat AC bonus.
Artwork Mind of the protector no longer parries spells. Like above,
Art was pulled from the internet, so not any piece of art removed the parrying for Mystic Weapons and reworked
belongs to me, and its uses belongs to the original artist as the way protecting downed allies work.
per usual. Reduced the cost of Rune of Empowerment and Rune of
Weakening, but also reduced their effects from 4 to 2.
Magic Runes on the cover is from goldentigers Cleared up Elemental Wrath’s wording concerning increasing the Rune Burst Die count.
tournament-magi-part-4-magic.html Reworded Lightning Lunge’s wording to let the range
Magical Swordsman on page 1 is from Keun-ju Kim (a.k.a. make sense.
rabbiteyes) at DeviantArt Fiery strike now only lasts a minute and the afflicted creature can now save every turn.
Magical Landscape on page 1 from cehenot (no specific Added Special Thanks to the last page
Magic Sword on page 6 is from Greg Opalinski at Special Thanks
DevianArt Special thanks to the following Reddit users for suggesting
363332101 improvements and playtesting.
Dungeons and Dragons Drazarus - DM’ing
Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast and ImpromptuDuel - Balancing
all other Wizards of the Coast product are trademarks of
Wizard of the Coast. Merzor - Balancing
v1.0 Thelordruler02 - Balancing
Initial Release Cynicalredgiant - Balancing
v1.1 Roastandtoasty - Playtesting
Removed Inscribe Rune and added Runelore instead. wonder590 - Balancing
Added flavour text for the Aspect of the Body.
Made Corporeal Rune Moves like Elemental Wrath moves If at any point you want your name removed. Please contact
in that you have to pick which ones you learn. me through Reddit or
Removed Proficiency to Charisma Saving Throws from
Psionic Expert, but added that Mystic Attack's range
increases instead.
Worked Intensify into Elemental Wrath and replaced it for
Made sure that a couple of Corporeal Rune Moves had a
Cosmetic changes to the document.
Corrected some spelling errors.
Changed the parry die from a d6 to a d4 for balancing
Added more moves at certain levels to Corporeal Runes,
and reworded it to make more sense.
Reworked Riposte to benefit both Str and Dex builds.
Reworded Mystical Equilibrium to avoid confusion
regarding Mystic Attacks.
Moved the info on spell save DC’s in Elemental Wrath and
Corporeal Runes to the Rune Burst section for sheer
Expanded Spellforged with more ways to spend runes.

7 Version 1.1 | By Steven van Rosendaal

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