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5'S Formula (Conducive Learning Environment)

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5’S FORMULA (CONDUCIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT)  In the implementation of curriculum at the

classroom level, ineffective strategies are called

(Seiri) Sort- Sort through materials, keeping only the
“Red”- overemphasis on drill and emphasis
essential items needed to complete tasks. (This action
 Classroom green flag- student interest
involves going through all the contents of a workspace
 The starting point of learning is knowing the nature
to determine which are needed and which can be
of the learner.
removed. Everything that is not used to complete a
 Self-directed learning- students discover answers to
work process should leave the work area.)
(Seiton) Set in Order- Ensure that all items are  Teachers (eyes in the back of their heads)- to know
organized and each item has a designated place. what is going on at all times
Organize all the items left in the workplace in a logical  Ripple effect- effects of escalating situations of
way so they make tasks easier for workers to complete. uncontrolled misbehaviors inside a classroom
This often involves placing items in ergonomic locations  Voice- not an example of teacher’s nonverbal
where people will not need to bend or make extra communication
movements to reach them.  Brainstorming- a tool to foster creativity
 Exploratory strategies
(Seiso) Shine- Proactive efforts to keep workplace areas
High student involvement
clean and orderly to ensure purpose-driven work. This
Teaching facilitated
means cleaning and maintaining the newly organized
Inquiry teaching
workspace. It can involve routine tasks such as
 Le, demonstrate, illustrate- to achieve the outcome
mopping, dusting, etc. or performing maintenance on
that students know how to apply a concept
machinery, tools, and other equipment.
 Punishing while angry- least desirable strategy for
(Seiketsu) Standardize- Create a set of standards for classroom management
both organization and processes. In essence, this is  No bullying- an offshoot of the principle that non-
where you take the first three S's and make rules for threatening environment enhances learning
how and when these tasks will be performed. These  Routine- regular or normal practice that can
standards can involve schedules, charts, lists, etc. efficiently contribute to good classroom
(Shitsuke) Sustain- Sustain new practices and conduct
 Convergent- type of question that will least
audits to maintain discipline. This means the previous
promote interaction among students
four S's must be continued over time. This is achieved
 Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is
by developing a sense of self-discipline in employees
best described as automated.
who will participate in 5S.

 Rote learning- memorization of ideas based on

 Psychomotor- reflex movements, perceptual
abilities, and non-discursive communication
 Responding (affective domain)- includes active
attention to stimuli such as acquiescence,
willingness to answer and feeling of satisfaction
 Application (cognitive domain)- transfer of
knowledge from one concept to another
 Non-discursive communication- use of movements
 Basic rule in framing interaction
Ask the question
Call on a student

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