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NCBTS Volume 1 Teachingprof Socdime FS 274 315

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• There was a controversial report that in a certain

country, toddlers were disciplined by being beaten,

scalded with boiling water and tied to the chairs for
hours. According to the same report, the orphanages
limited the number of orphans according to the budget.
They did this by selecting children, especially the ugly
and the naughty ones, and placed them in “dying room”
where deliberately they were left to starve to death. Is
this morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify the means.
b. No, the children no matter how naughty have basic
c. Yes, government cannot afford to maintain crowded
d. Yes, the children are naughty anyway and may grow
to be undesirable citizens.
• There was a controversial report that in a certain
country, toddlers were disciplined by being beaten,
scalded with boiling water and tied to the chairs for
hours. According to the same report, the orphanages
limited the number of orphans according to the budget.
They did this by selecting children, especially the ugly
and the naughty ones, and placed them in “dying room”
where deliberately they were left to starve to death. Is
this morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify the means.
b. No, the children no matter how naughty have basic
c. Yes, government cannot afford to maintain crowded
d. Yes, the children are naughty anyway and may grow
to be undesirable citizens.
• Teacher Ton knows of the illegal activities
of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not
to be involved in any investigation. Which
principle of morality does Teacher Ton fail
to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means.
b. Always do what is right.
c. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.
d. The principle of double effect.
• Teacher Ton knows of the illegal activities
of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not
to be involved in any investigation. Which
principle of morality does Teacher Ton fail
to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means.
b. Always do what is right.
c. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.
d. The principle of double effect.
• Teacher Ton knows of the illegal activities
of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not
to be involved in any investigation. Which
principle of morality does Teacher Ton fail
to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means.
b. Always do what is right.
c. Between two evils, do the lesser evil.
d. The principle of double effect.
• Teacher Naty teaches in a remote barrio. In order not
to incur salary deduction, she does not file her leave
of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she
uses that amount which is supposed to be deducted
from her salary on account of her absence to buy
pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is
teacher Naty right?
a. Yes, the poor students are benefited.
b. No, the end does not justify the means.
c. Yes, the amount is little compared to the
millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government
d. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her
• Teacher Naty teaches in a remote barrio. In order not
to incur salary deduction, she does not file her leave
of absence every time she gets absent. Anyway, she
uses that amount which is supposed to be deducted
from her salary on account of her absence to buy
pencils and paper for the poor pupils in her class. Is
teacher Naty right?
a. Yes, the poor students are benefited.
b. No, the end does not justify the means.
c. Yes, the amount is little compared to the
millions of pesos stolen by corrupt government
d. Yes, she is not the only one benefited by her
• In time of war, soldiers must be ready to
give up their lives in defense of the
nations. Which principle is applied?
a. Nobler person- God before man
b. Closer relationship- Friends before
c. More common good- Public safety before
private safety
d. wide social order – family before
• In time of war, soldiers must be ready to
give up their lives in defense of the
nations. Which principle is applied?
a. Nobler person- God before man
b. Closer relationship- Friends before
c. More common good- Public safety before
private safety
d. wide social order – family before
• To earn MA units for promotion you pay your
tuition fee but don’t attend class at all. Does
this help you grow professionally?
a. No, it is simply earning MA units for
b. Not immediately but yes once I get
c. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is
already professional growth.
d. It depends on the school I am enrolled in.
• To earn MA units for promotion you pay your
tuition fee but don’t attend class at all. Does
this help you grow professionally?
a. No, it is simply earning MA units for
b. Not immediately but yes once I get
c. Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is
already professional growth.
d. It depends on the school I am enrolled in.
• A student often bullies his classmates and
misbehaves but he passes his periodic tests
and participates in class activities. What is
the responsibility of the teacher in this case?
a. Report the student’s behavior to the
b. Deduct points for behavior from the
scholastic ratings.
c. Refer the misbehavior to the Values
Education/ CERC teacher.
d. Write an anecdotal record to the guidance
• A student often bullies his classmates and
misbehaves but he passes his periodic tests
and participates in class activities. What is
the responsibility of the teacher in this case?
a. Report the student’s behavior to the
b. Deduct points for behavior from the
scholastic ratings.
c. Refer the misbehavior to the Values
Education/ CERC teacher.
d. Write an anecdotal record to the guidance
• The pupil has not paid the Boy Scout
membership fee at the time of
distribution of the report card. Can the
teacher refuse to give the report card to
the parent?

a. No, if it’s not a PTA policy.

b. Yes, if it’s a school policy.
c. Yes, certainly.
d. No, definitely
• The pupil has not paid the Boy Scout
membership fee at the time of
distribution of the report card. Can the
teacher refuse to give the report card to
the parent?

a. No, if it’s not a PTA policy.

b. Yes, if it’s a school policy.
c. Yes, certainly.
d. No, definitely
• The present values education program is
based on the philosophy of “understanding
the human person.” This philosophy is best
illustrated by a curriculum that is

a.Learner centered
b.driven by spiritually
c. focused on social needs
d.prescribed by teachers
• The present values education program is
based on the philosophy of “understanding
the human person.” This philosophy is best
illustrated by a curriculum that is

a.Learner centered
b.driven by spiritually
c. focused on social needs
d.prescribed by teachers
• The Code of Ethics stipulates that the
accountability of teachers includes
his/her participation

a. Community linkages
b. Teaching of religion
c. Political activities
d. Continuing professional
• The Code of Ethics stipulates that the
accountability of teachers includes
his/her participation

a. Community linkages
b. Teaching of religion
c. Political activities
d. Continuing professional
• A teacher shall transact all official
business through

a. negotiations
b. channels
c. anonymosity
d. contracts
• A teacher shall transact all official
business through
a. negotiations
b. channels
c. anonymosity
d. contracts
• The teacher’s responsibility includes
observing and following the principles of
personal behavior in all relationships
with others. Premium shall be placed on
a. honesty and integrity
b. interpersonal relationship
c. self-respect and self-discipline
d. intrapersonal relationship
• The teacher’s responsibility includes
observing and following the principles of
personal behavior in all relationships
with others. Premium shall be placed on
a. honesty and integrity
b. interpersonal relationship
c. self-respect and self-discipline
d. intrapersonal relationship
• What produces the condition for
excellent team performance?

a. disciplined action
b. team norms
c. complementarily of team
d. member selflessness and
• What produces the condition for
excellent team performance?

a. disciplined action
b. team norms
c. complementarily of team
d. member selflessness and
• Which does/do NOT indicate need for frequent
monitoring of teaching and learning?
I. Teachers modify classroom practice based on
new strategies learned.
II. Classroom assessment is aligned with the
III. Instruction is aligned to the needs of learners.
IV. Experienced teachers are paired to mentor
less-experienced teacher.
a. I,II,III,and IV c. I and II
b. I,II,and III d. I only
• Which does/do NOT indicate need for frequent
monitoring of teaching and learning?
I. Teachers modify classroom practice based on
new strategies learned.
II. Classroom assessment is aligned with the
III. Instruction is aligned to the needs of learners.
IV. Experienced teachers are paired to mentor
less-experienced teacher.
a. I,II,III,and IV c. I and II
b. I,II,and III d. I only
• The norms in the school culture is
centered on the
• The norms in the school culture is
centered on the
• Quality teaching thrives in the strong
Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
What characterize a PLC?
I. Collegial interchange
II. Complicated conservation
III. Building blocks
IV. Reflective theory
a. I, II, II, and IV
b.II and III
c. II, III, and IV
d.I and IV
• Quality teaching thrives in the strong
Professional Learning Communities (PLC).
What characterize a PLC?
I. Collegial interchange
II. Complicated conservation
III. Building blocks
IV. Reflective theory
a.I, II, II, and IV
b.II and III
c. II, III, and IV
d.I and IV
• Which is NOT an element of high-
morale environment?

a.Support personal growth

b.Develop prejudice for a group
c.Foster sense of accomplishment
d.Promote sense of belonging
• Which is NOT an element of high-
morale environment?

a.Support personal growth

b.Develop prejudice for a group
c.Foster sense of accomplishment
d.Promote sense of belonging
• Which of the following is demonstrated
when the teachers conduct themselves
with respect, maintaining proper ethics
and decorum inside and outside the
b.Quality teaching and efficacy
c. Service and commitment
d. Personal achievement and self-worth
• Which of the following is demonstrated
when the teachers conduct themselves
with respect, maintaining proper ethics
and decorum inside and outside the
b.Quality teaching and efficacy
c. Service and commitment
d. Personal achievement and self-worth
• The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
stipulates that educational institutions shall offer
quality education for all Filipino citizens. How is
quality education defines in R.A. 9155?
a. Relevance and excellence of education are
emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an
individual and society.
b. All school aged children should be provided free and
compulsory education.
c. Children with special needs should be
mainstreamed with regular classes in the public
d. Public and private basic education schools should
provide relevant education.
• The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
stipulates that educational institutions shall offer
quality education for all Filipino citizens. How is
quality education defines in R.A. 9155?
a. Relevance and excellence of education are
emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of
an individual and society.
b. All school aged children should be provided free and
compulsory education.
c. Children with special needs should be
mainstreamed with regular classes in the public
d. Public and private basic education schools should
provide relevant education.
• The teacher should provide an
environment conducive to learning in
line with his/her function as a

–leader in the community

–change agent
–responsible citizen
–facilitator of learning
• The teacher should provide an
environment conducive to learning in
line with his/her function as a

–leader in the community

–change agent
–responsible citizen
–facilitator of learning
• Which action of the teacher is
inimical to the declared policies of
the state?
a. Investigative studies supportive of
government programs
b. Conducting studies to enhance reforms
c. Sharing research results against the
d. Enjoying academic freedom
• Which action of the teacher is
inimical to the declared policies of
the state?
a. Investigative studies supportive of
government programs
b. Conducting studies to enhance reforms
c. Sharing research results against the
d. Enjoying academic freedom
• A teacher shall behave with honor and
dignity at all times. What activities should
he/she refrain from indulging?
I. Gambling
II. Smoking
III. Illicit relations
IV.Lotto betting
a. I only
d. III only
• A teacher shall behave with honor and
dignity at all times. What activities should
he/she refrain from indulging?
I. Gambling
II. Smoking
III. Illicit relations
IV.Lotto betting
a. I only
d. III only
• In R.A.783, otherwise known as the
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of
1994, what collegial body has the power to
revoke the certificate of registration (license)
of teachers after due process?
a. Board of teachers education
b. Board of Alliance of Concerned
c. Board for Professional Teachers
d. Board of Teacher Examiners
• In R.A.783, otherwise known as the
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of
1994, what collegial body has the power to
revoke the certificate of registration (license)
of teachers after due process?
a. Board of teachers education
b. Board of Alliance of Concerned
c. Board for Professional Teachers
d. Board of Teacher Examiners
• What is the hallmark of

a. Topping in the board examination

b. Earning a Ph.D degree
c. Conducting researchers
d. Complying with norms of conduct
and possessing technical skills
• What is the hallmark of

a. Topping in the board examination

b. Earning a Ph.D degree
c. Conducting researchers
d. Complying with norms of
conduct and possessing technical
• Professionalism is NOT an end state for
an occupation rather it is a continual
process of reaching the forms

a. Responsibility
b. Accountability
c. Obligation
d. Prestige
• Professionalism is NOT an end state for
an occupation rather it is a continual
process of reaching the forms

a. Responsibility
b. Accountability
c. Obligation
d. Prestige
• What are the qualities of empowered
I. Learn and grow on the job
II. Work individually to solve problems
III. Believe that the learner is at the center of
the school culture
IV. Believe that improve instruction is
everyone’s responsibility
–I and II
–III and IV
• What are the qualities of empowered
I. Learn and grow on the job
II. Work individually to solve problems
III. Believe that the learner is at the center of
the school culture
IV. Believe that improve instruction is
everyone’s responsibility
–I and II
–III and IV
• Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates
that the evaluation of the learner’s work
should be based on merit and quality of
academic _______________________.

a. Marks c. performance
b. evaluation d. results
• Article XIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates
that the evaluation of the learner’s work
should be based on merit and quality of
academic _______________________.

a. Marks c. performance
b. evaluation d. results
#300 in BOOK
• What disciplinary actions are imposed on
teachers violating the provisions of the Code
of Ethics?
I. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration
and License
II. Suspension from the practice of teaching
III. Cancellation of temporary or special permit
A. I only c. II only
B. I, II, III d. I and II
• What disciplinary actions are imposed on
teachers violating the provisions of the Code
of Ethics?
I. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration
and License
II. Suspension from the practice of teaching
III. Cancellation of temporary or special permit
A. I only c. II only
B. I, II, III d. I and II
• The Code of Ethics stipulates that the
accountability of teachers includes his/ her
participation in
a. Community linkages c. political activities
b. Teaching religion d. continuing
professional education
• The Code of Ethics stipulates that the
accountability of teachers includes his/ her
participation in
a. Community linkages c. political activities
b. Teaching religion d. continuing
professional education
• Ranking of teacher applicants based on LET
rating, college GPA, demo teaching, interview,
etc. is accordance with the hiring principle of
– Meritocracy
– Selective retention
– Selective admission to the profession
– Aristocracy
• Ranking of teacher applicants based on LET
rating, college GPA, demo teaching, interview,
etc. is accordance with the hiring principle of
– Meritocracy
– Selective retention
– Selective admission to the profession
– Aristocracy
• In a PTA meeting where contribution for a PTA fund raising project
was discussed, a parent with three children enrolled in the school
pleaded that she may not be charged the total of P900 (since each
child is asked P300), “Marami kasi kayong anak; wala na tayong
magawa dyan!” To maintain your cordial relations with parents,
which could be the BEST answer?
– “We understand your plight. Let’s find out how we can help. Do you have any
– “This was agreed upon by all of you. This amount did not come from me or not
from any one. Unless everyone in this meeting now changes his/ her mind.
– “We feel for you. But agreement is agreement unless we erase what we agreed
upon from the very start.”
– “It may be quite late to raise the question. This should have been raised in the first
• In a PTA meeting where contribution for a PTA fund raising project
was discussed, a parent with three children enrolled in the school
pleaded that she may not be charged the total of P900 (since each
child is asked P300), “Marami kasi kayong anak; wala na tayong
magawa dyan!” To maintain your cordial relations with parents,
which could be the BEST answer?
– “We understand your plight. Let’s find out how we can help. Do you have any
– “This was agreed upon by all of you. This amount did not come from me or not
from any one. Unless everyone in this meeting now changes his/ her mind.
– “We feel for you. But agreement is agreement unless we erase what we agreed
upon from the very start.”
– “It may be quite late to raise the question. This should have been raised in the first
• A male teacher has photography as sideline.
He offers his photography services with
discount during school functions like
intramurals. Is this ethical?
– No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.
– No, he should not deprive other photographers of their
– Yes, his services are much cheaper than those of others
and are, therefore, of great help.
– Yes, this photography service is so personalized that he is
able to establish rapport with parents,
• A male teacher has photography as sideline. He
offers his photography services with discount
during school functions like intramurals. Is this
– No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.
– No, he should not deprive other photographers of their job.
– Yes, his services are much cheaper than those of others and are,
therefore, of great help.
– Yes, this photography service is so personalized that he is able to
establish rapport with parents,
• Teacher A is observed to be a bit from the
children of the Aetas. She justifies her action by
saying. “We are but human, we cannot like every
pupil.” Is she acting ethically?
– No, under circumstances shall a teacher be prejudge against
– No, unless she has extraordinary reason for being aloof to the
– Yes, persons have their own peculiarities and we cannot expect
everybody to like us.
• Yes, because Teacher A is not yet engaged in
destructive behavior
• Teacher A is observed to be a bit from the
children of the Aetas. She justifies her action by
saying. “We are but human, we cannot like every
pupil.” Is she acting ethically?
– No, under circumstances shall a teacher be prejudge against
– No, unless she has extraordinary reason for being aloof to the
– Yes, persons have their own peculiarities and we cannot expect
everybody to like us.
• Yes, because Teacher A is not yet engaged in
destructive behavior
• Teacher A, a young high school teacher, senses that the oldest
student in the class, Student Z, is attracted to her. The attraction is
becoming mutual. Is there anything unethical?
I. There is, if Teacher A gives preferential treatment to Student Z
and their action become scandalous.
II. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It is
what we do with makes it ethical or unethical.
III. There is, if the attraction is the beginning of the unethical
a. I only
b. II and III
c. IIand III
d. III only
• Teacher A, a young high school teacher, senses that the oldest
student in the class, Student Z, is attracted to her. The attraction is
becoming mutual. Is there anything unethical?
I. There is, if Teacher A gives preferential treatment to Student Z
and their action become scandalous.
II. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It is
what we do with makes it ethical or unethical.
III. There is, if the attraction is the beginning of the unethical
a. I only
b. II and III
c. IIand III
d. III only
• Teacher D shout at Juanito : “For misbehaving, you get
minus 10 from your score”! Which provision/s in the
Code of Ethics for Teachers did she violate?
I. No deductions shall be made from students’ scholastic
rating as a punishment for misbehavior.
II. Maintain a dignified personality at all times.
III. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced
nor discriminatory against any learner.
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
• Teacher D shout at Juanito : “For misbehaving, you get
minus 10 from your score”! Which provision/s in the
Code of Ethics for Teachers did she violate?
I. No deductions shall be made from students’ scholastic
rating as a punishment for misbehavior.
II. Maintain a dignified personality at all times.
III. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced
nor discriminatory against any learner.
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
• When a failing student comes to you for help
and asks you for extra work so he can pass,
what is ethical for you to do?
– Find out why he is delinquent and extend the needed
assistance in solving his difficulties.
– Make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult
for him to learn the lesson.
– Give him the extra work he is asking than if he passes
quality work, give him a passing mark.
– Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass.
• When a failing student comes to you for help
and asks you for extra work so he can pass,
what is ethical for you to do?
– Find out why he is delinquent and extend the needed
assistance in solving his difficulties.
– Make the extra work that he is asking extremely difficult
for him to learn the lesson.
– Give him the extra work he is asking than if he passes
quality work, give him a passing mark.
– Give an easy extra work so he can really be helped to pass.
• Teacher L does not agree with one legitimate
school policy in a memorandum of the school
head. What is ethical for him to do?
– Discuss the policy in class and insinuate to the students his
sentiment against the policy.
– Openly express his disagreement against that legitimate
policy for he cannot be hypocrite.
– Seek audience with school head to persuade them to
abandon such policy.
– Exert an honest effort to understand, support the legimate
policy and request for an audience with the school head.
• Teacher L does not agree with one legitimate
school policy in a memorandum of the school
head. What is ethical for him to do?
– Discuss the policy in class and insinuate to the students his
sentiment against the policy.
– Openly express his disagreement against that legitimate policy
for he cannot be hypocrite.
– Seek audience with school head to persuade them to abandon
such policy.
– Exert an honest effort to understand, support the legimate
policy and request for an audience with the school head.
• According to the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, upon which are
appointments/promotions/transfers made?
– Merit and need
– Health
– Exigency of the services
– Civil status
• According to the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers, upon which are
appointments/promotions/transfers made?
– Merit and need
– Health
– Exigency of the services
– Civil status
• Is there anything unbecoming when
teachers sell all sorts of merchandise
in school during class hours?
I. No, there is none. Better to earn money from
one’s honest labor.
II. Yes, there is. Every teacher should use a class
hours for teaching.
III. None, as long as classes are not disrupted.
a. II only
b. I only
c. I and III
d. III only
• Is there anything unbecoming when
teachers sell all sorts of merchandise
in school during class hours?
I. No, there is none. Better to earn money from
one’s honest labor.
II. Yes, there is. Every teacher should use a class
hours for teaching.
III. None, as long as classes are not disrupted.
a. II only
b. I only
c. I and III
d. III only
• To create a creativity-inducing
environment one should encourage

a. Recognition of failures
b. Rules of conformity
c. Spontaneity by publicity
d. Competition and division
• To create a creativity-inducing
environment one should encourage

a. Recognition of failures
b. Rules of conformity
c. Spontaneity by publicity
d. Competition and division
• What teacher development strategy should
characterized a program for upgrading the skills
of a non-science major to teach physics?
I. Research-based
II. Theory-based
III. Practice-based
IV. Content-based
a. I and III c.III and IV
b. II and III d. I and IV
• What teacher development strategy should
characterized a program for upgrading the skills
of a non-science major to teach physics?
I. Research-based
II. Theory-based
III. Practice-based
IV. Content-based
a. I and III c.III and IV
b. II and III d. I and IV
• Which activity is characterized by a
relationship of mutual trust and respect,
with individuals agreeing to observe each
other’s teaching and solving problems

a. Group dynamics
b. Mentoring
c. Peer evaluation
d. Brainstorming
• Which activity is characterized by a
relationship of mutual trust and respect,
with individuals agreeing to observe each
other’s teaching and solving problems

a. Group dynamics
b. Mentoring
c. Peer evaluation
d. Brainstorming

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