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Publisher E-ISSN:2456-6454

Tropical Journal of Ophthalmology P-ISSN:2581-4907


and Otolaryngology Case Report 2020 Volume 5 Number 6 July-August

A rare case report of Blepharophimosis syndrome associated with

esotropia and nystagmus
Kalaria H.1*, Sabnis M.2, Kulkarni V.3, Devkar P.4
Hardik Kalaria, MBBS, 3rd Year Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Institute,
Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Milind Sabnis, Professor and Head, Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Institute,

Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

Vedesh Kulkarni, MBBS, 3rd Year Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Institute,

Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

Parag Devkar, MBBS, 2nd Year Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College Hospital and Research Institute,

Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.

The authors report here a rare case of blepharophimosis syndrome which was associated with
esotropia and nystagmus. Blepharophimosis syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by
blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus, and telecanthus. In our case, it was also associated
with horizontal nystagmus and esotropia. Our patient also had a bilateral mature cataract. It can
either be type 1 or type 2 depending on the associated systemic manifestations. The present study
describes a case of BPES type 2 with associated nystagmus and esotropia with a bilateral mature

Keywords: BPES syndrome, Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, Epicanthus inversus, Telecanthus,

Nystagmus and esotropia

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse

Hardik Kalaria, MBBS, 3rd Year Resident, Department Kalaria H, Sabnis M, Kulkarni V, Devkar P. A rare
of Ophthalmology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College case report of Blepharophimosis syndrome

Hospital and Research Institute, Kolhapur, associated with esotropia and nystagmus. Trop J

Maharashtra, India. Ophthalmol Otolaryngol. 2020;5(6):163-167.

Email: Available From


Embryological evidence suggests that upper

and lower eyelids fuse together by the 8th
BPES or blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus week of development and separate again by
inversus syndrome is a quartet of clinical 5th and 7th month [2]. Humans have been
anomalies of eyelids specifically characterized found to have abnormal eyelid development,
by blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus however the molecular events associated with
inversus, and telecanthus. The inheritance is this eyelid development have not yet been
autosomal dominant [1] in nature. fully understood [3,4].
Manuscript Received Review Round 1 Review Round 2 Review Round 3 Accepted
2020-07-31 2020-08-16 2020-08-23 2020-08-26

Conflict of Interest Funding Ethical Approval Plagiarism X-checker Note

No Nil Yes 6%

© 2020 by Hardik Kalaria, Milind Sabnis, Vedesh Kulkarni, Parag Devkar and Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social
Welfare Society. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unported [CC BY 4.0].

Tropical Journal of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 2020;5(6) 163

Kalaria H. et al: A rare case report of Blepharophimosis syndrome

Some progress has now been made to understand From the lower lid that was inserted in the upper lid
the molecular genetics associated with this medially suggestive of epicanthus inversus [Figure
syndrome [5]. It is predominantly divided into two 3]. The patient also had increased distance between
types: BPES type 1 and BPES type 2; type 1 refers the medial canthi of around 35 mm which is
to the classical syndrome complex associated along suggestive of telecanthus [Figure 4]. The patient
with premature ovarian failure, whereas type 2 presented with horizontal nystagmus. The patient
refers to the syndrome complex exclusively limited also had esotropia of 45° in the left eye. The patient
to the ocular manifestations. Various ocular had severe bilateral ptosis with a flat nasal bridge
manifestations may include lacrimal duct anomalies, and there was overaction of the frontalis muscle
strabismus, amblyopia, and refractive errors. Other [Figure 5]. The length of the vertical palpebral
extraocular manifestations may include broad nasal fissures is around 3 mm and that of horizontal
bridge, low set ears, and short philtrum [6]. palpebral fissures was 21mm which is suggestive of
Diagnosis of BPES is made on clinical presentation, blepharophimosis [Figures 6 and 7]. There was an
however various genetic aberrations of the gene increase in the size of eyelashes (trichomegaly).
FOXL2 have been also implicated. There was deficient action of the LPS and absent
upper eyelid crease. The corneal examination
Genetics: Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus
revealed bilateral opacities in lower 1/3rd of the
inversus syndrome is an autosomal dominant
cornea suggestive of healed exposure keratitis.
disorder; the causative gene of which is FOXL2,
Conjunctival examination in both eyes was normal.
which is localized to the 3q23 chromosome. The
Bilateral lenticular examination showed opacities of
genetic aberrations associated are mainly
pearly white color indicating bilateral mature
translocations or interstitial deletions of the 3q23
chromosome. The development of the ovary and the
eyelid is affected by the FOXL2 gene [7].n The BCVA of the patient was the perception of light
and projection of rays in all four quadrants. Lacrimal
Case Report sac syringing shows patency of both the
nasolacrimal duct. The fundus examination shows
The present study hereby reports a 65-year-old hazy media due to cataracts. B-scan of both eyes
male who reported to the outpatient department of shows no abnormalities in the posterior segment.
DY Patil hospital Kolhapur with complaints of
decreased vision for the last 6 months. The patient
gave no history of systemic disease, ocular trauma,
or ocular surgeries in the past and allergy to any
medications. The patient had drooping of eyelids
since birth and there was a family history of similar
eyelid complaints in his father, sister, brother,
brother’s daughter, and son (Figure 1).

Pedigree chart

Fig-2: Initial ocular examination of the patient.

Fig-1: Pedigree chart (The arrow indicates


On ocular examination, the resting gaze of the

patient had a backward head tilt with arching of
eyebrows [Figure 2]. On examination of the lower
lids, it was seen that a vertical fold of skin arose Fig-3: Arrows indicate epicanthal inversus.

164 Tropical Journal of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 2020;5(6)

Kalaria H. et al: A rare case report of Blepharophimosis syndrome

BPES syndrome consists of eyelid surgery [9]. In

this report, six members of the same family were
affected across three generations. In a separate
Chinese study, in a family, there were 12 affected
individuals across 3 generations [10].

The surgical management of BPES is usually carried

out in two stages, the first of which is to perform a
medial canthoplasty for the correction of
blepharophimosis, epicanthus inversus, and
Fig-4: The red line indicates telecanthus.
telecanthus and it is usually done between three to
five years. The second stage is the correction of
ptosis, done about a year later with a brow
suspension procedure. The surgical procedure
chosen for medial canthoplasty depends on the size
of epicanthal folds. In the case of small epicanthal
folds, Y-V canthoplasty is performed and if the
epicanthal folds are severe, then double Z-plasty is
performed [11].

Ptosis correction in adults is done mostly by

Fig-5: The red lines indicate ptosis. frontalis muscle flap suspension. In order to have a
good cosmetic outcome and improved muscle
function, Decock et al preferred the method of
super-maximal resection and frontalis suspension

An alternate procedure in which, medial

canthoplasty and ptosis correction is performed
simultaneously has also been described [13]. Study
shows that one-stage correction with standard
Fig-6: Red lines indicate a vertical palpebral surgical techniques is not just safe, but also efficient
fissure size of around 3mm. by two retrospectives, interventional studies
performed on 21 subjects [14,15].

The causes of abnormal lower eyelid position have

now been researched to greater depths and hence
has made possible more targeted surgical
reconstruction that allows more natural appearance

Another procedure that has been described for

blepharophimosis is lateral canthoplasty described
by Aginew [17], in which lateral canthotomy and
Fig-7: The red lines indicate the horizontal
cantholysis is done after which mobilization of the
palpebral fissure of around 21mm.
conjunctiva is done and then attached to the skin at
the lateral canthus. The lateral fornix is formed by a
Discussion double arm suture.

Blepharophimosis was first described by Von Mustarde’s rectangular flap operation is also
Ammon in 1841 and Vignes first described BEPS in considered to give better results than the V-Y
1889 after which it has been repeatedly described in procedure as described by Verwey [18,19]. In this
literature throughout the globe [8]. Treatment of procedure, paramarginal incisions are made first
after which the lids are stretched. This prevents any
damage to the canaliculi and also prevents the
development of postoperative ectropion. The medial

Tropical Journal of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 2020;5(6) 165

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