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Tragus Reconstruction after Tumor Excision with Preauricular

Folded Flap

T wo patients with a defect of the tragus

area, after excision of a basal cell carcinoma
under frozen section control, were operated on
82-year-old man. Neither patient

in our department during 2005. The first patient Both patients had full-thickness tragal defect ex-
was a 66-year-old woman with a history of tending to the pretragal area (Figure 1). How would
diabetes and the second patient was an you manage this wound?

Figure 1. Postexcision defect of the tragus area.

All authors are affiliated with the Department of Plastic Surgery, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tiqva
and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

& 2007 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.  Published by Blackwell Publishing 
ISSN: 1076-0512  Dermatol Surg 2007;33:723–726  DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.2007.33150.x


Figure 3. Elevation of the flap and its rotation laterally.

Figure 2. Flap design and dimensions: a ¼ a; b ¼ b þ c  2.

reconstruction after tumor excision based on the

patient’s earlobe.5

The tragus and pretragal depression are one of the In our patients the tragus was reconstructed in a
many fine components of the normal ear. The tragus single-stage procedure with preauricular flap. The
holds aesthetic importance, as its distortion or flap can be superiorly based, as in our cases, or
absence creates an unnatural appearance of con- inferiorly based. It is designed as a transposition flap.
tinuity of the cheek and ear. It also serves a minor The medial limb should begin at the upper aspect of
functional role as a protective hooding for the the defect and extend along it. The lateral limb
external meatus.1 should begin at the same height and finish hidden in
the preauricular wrinkle (Figure 2). The distance
The aesthetic importance of the tragus presents between the medial and lateral limbs of the flap (flap
itself especially in two situations in plastic width) should be about the length of the defect
and reconstructive surgery: (1) tragus (Figure 2, a ¼ a), although a slightly narrower flap
reconstruction is part of ear reconstruction in should be as effective. It is important to make sure
microtia2–4 and (2) many techniques exist that the donor site can be closed without tension to
in rhytidectomy incisions to try to avoid tragus avoid an unacceptable scar. This can be checked by
distortion.1 using a pinch test. If there is tension, the adjacent
cheek should be undermined.
A less common presentation of the need to recon-
struct the tragus is after local tumor excision The flap length can be slightly less than the defect
such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell width plus double the width of the planned tragus.
carcinoma. Although many techniques of tragus The size of the reconstructed tragus can be deter-
reconstruction in microtia are described,2–4 there is mined by measuring the contralateral one (Figure 2,
only one report in the medical literature of such b ¼ b þ c  2).

724 D E R M AT O L O G I C S U R G E RY

Figure 5. 82-year-old patient, at 1-year follow-up.

Figure 4. Folding of the flap.

The flap is raised distally to proximally in the Aesthetically we noted good projection of the
subdermal layer. Its thickness should be greater near tragus, which was even better than that in
the base to include 2 to 3 mm of subcutaneous tissue the immediate postoperative period even without
to ensure adequate blood supply. Then the flap is cartilage graft for support. The reconstructed
rotated laterally (Figure 3) and folded onto itself tragus closely resembled the contralateral one
(Figure 4). Before folding of the flap, an absorbable (Figure 5). The scar at the donor site was
suture can be passed from the subcutaneous tissue in well hidden by the preauricle wrinkle. Both
the pretragus area to the flap lying above it, in order patients reported satisfaction with the
to create a pretragus depression. The distal end of results.
the flap is sutured to the edges of the external meatus
using 5–0 monocril. The donor site is closed primary
with 5–0 nylon.
Conundrum Keys
The preauricular flap is a random pattern
 Tragus reconstruction techniques have four major
cutaneous flap based on the rich blood supply of
this area. Perfusion of the preauricular area
is mainly through the superficial temporal
vessels. 1. A pretragus depression without continuity of
the cheek and ear.
The postoperative course was unremarkable except
for some superficial (epidermal) skin sloughing in 2. Good tragus projection.
one patient which resolved with no treatment
3. Hidden external meatus.
within 1 week. At the 1-year follow-up there
were no wound complications in either patient. 4. Inconspicuous donor site scar.

33:6:JUNE 2007 725


 The preauricular folded flap is a safe and simple References

solution for tragus reconstruction after local excision. 1. Ramirez OM, Heler L. The anchor tragal flap: a method of
preserving the natural pretragal depression during rhytidectomy.
 Patients with local skin tumors, such as basal or Plast Reconstr Surg 2005;116:1115–21.
squamous cell carcinoma, are usually older and have 2. Tanzer RC. Correction of microtia with autogenous costal
wrinkles in the preauricular region. Thus, the donor cartilage. In: Edegerton MT, editor. Symposium on
reconstruction of the auricle, Vol. X. St. Louis: Mosby, 1974:
site scar can be hidden in the natural skin lines. 46–7.

3. Brent B. Technical advances in ear reconstruction with autogenous

 In men, the preauricular area is usually hairy, and rib cartilage grafts: Personal experience with 1200 cases. Plast
the flap might include hair follicles. Because the Reconstr Surg 1999;104:319–34.
tragus sometimes grows hair naturally, however, 4. Nagata S. Modification of the stages in total reconstruction of the
use of a flap is acceptable. auricle: Part 1. Grafting the three dimensional costal cartilage
framework for lobule type microtia. Plast Reconstr Surg
 Although the tragus is composed of soft tissue and
5. Martinez JM, Olivares AC, Cimorra GA. Reconstruction of
cartilage, and cartilage graft might be considered
the tragus after tumor excision. Br J Plast Surg 1997;50:
for support during reconstruction, good projection 552–4.
may be achieved without it, sparing patients
additional operative time and potential complica-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to:
tions. It is possible that the contracture of the scar
Neta Adler, MD, Department of Plastic Surgery, Rabin
pulls the reconstructed tragus outward, thereby Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tiqva 49100,
creating a projection. Israel, or e-mail:

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