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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.

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Designation: F 1476 – 95a An American National Standard

Standard Specification for

Performance of Gasketed Mechanical Couplings for Use in
Piping Applications1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1476; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope A 153 Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and

1.1 This standard provides the performance characteristics Steel Hardware4
and qualification tests required for gasketed mechanical cou- A 183 Specification for Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts5
plings including grooved-type mechanical couplings for A 193 Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel
grooved end pipe, mechanical restraint couplings for plain end Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service3
pipe and mechanical compression couplings for plain end pipe. A 194 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for
These couplings are for use at temperatures within the recom- Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service3
mended temperature range of their respective gaskets. Consult A 325 Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat-
manufacturer for details. Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength6
1.2 The values stated in metric units (SI) are to be regarded A 536 Specification for Ductile Iron Castings2
as the standard. The values given in parentheses (inch/pound) A 563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts6
are provided for information purposes. A 574 Specification for Alloy Steel Socket-Hand Cup
1.3 Measuring and test equipment (M&TE) used in the Screws6
performance of the tests described herein shall be calibrated A 743/A743M Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium,
using equipment which is traceable to the National Institute of Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General
Standards and Technology (NIST) or calibrated in accordance Application2
with the requirements detailed in BS5781 Part 1 against B 26/B26M Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Cast-
standards traceable to National Standards. ings7
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the B 88 Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube8
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the B 633 Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- on Iron and Steel9
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- D 2000 Classification System for Rubber Products in Auto-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. motive Applications10
1.5 As this is not a dimensional standard, nor does it contain F 837 Specification for Stainless Steel Socket Head Cap
component dimensions, the intermixing of sub-components Screws6
such as gaskets and housings between manufacturers is not 2.2 ANSI or ANSI/AWWA Standards:
recommended and constitutes non-conformance with this stan- B 36.10—Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe11
dard. B 36.19—Stainless Steel Pipe11
C 151/A21.51—Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in
2. Referenced Documents Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds, for Water or Other
2.1 ASTM Standards: Liquids11
A 47 Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings2 C 606-87—Grooved and Shouldered Joints11
A 53 Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, 2.3 NFPA Standards:
Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless3 NFPA 13—Sprinkler Systems12
A 135 Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel
Pipe3 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.06.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.08.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.02.
1 8
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-25 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01.
Shipbuilding and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.13 on Piping Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.05.
Systems. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 1995. Published October 1995. Originally Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street,
published as F 1476 – 93. Last previous edition F 1476 – 95. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
2 12
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.02. Available from National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01. Quincy, MA 02269.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1476
2.4 Military Standards:
MIL-STD-105—Sampling Procedures and Tables for In-
spection by Attributes13
MIL-STD-45662—Calibration Systems Requirements13
MIL-A-8625—Anodic Coatings, For Aluminum and Alu-
minum Alloys13
MIL-T-704—Treatment and Painting of Material13
2.5 British Standards:
BS 1706 Method for Specifying Electro Plated Coatings of
Zinc and Cadmium on Iron and Steel14
BS 2494 Specification for Elastomeric Seals for Joints in
Pipework and Pipelines14
BS 5781 (IEC 550) Measurement and Calibration Sys-
BS 6104 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners14
BS 6105 (ISO 3506) Corrosion Resistant Stainless Steel

3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 class—differentiates joint characteristics such as rigid, FIG. 1 Type I Typical Construction
flexible, restrained and unrestrained.
3.1.2 failure—any leakage or joint separation, unless other- grooved mechanical coupling housing—the struc-
wise determined to be due to a pipe or fitting defect. tural parts of a grooved mechanical coupling which mechani-
3.1.3 fitting—a device used to change pipe direction, size or cally fit into pipe or fitting grooves providing mechanical pipe
adapt to other joining methods. This device is used with pipe or or fitting restraint and enclosure of the gasket.
other fittings to create a working system. Shapes such as 3.1.8 plain end mechanical coupling:
elbows, tees, crosses, reducers and special shapes are used as (Type II—Classes 1 and 2)—Device consisting of
needed to fulfill system design specifications. gasket(s), housing(s), sleeve(s), end rings, threaded fasteners,
3.1.4 flexible—characteristic of a joint wherein there is pipe or fitting anchoring (gripping) features and seal retainers
available limited angular and axial pipe movement. as applicable. These devices are used to create a seal and
3.1.5 gasketed mechanical coupling (GMC)—a device used restrain plain end pipe or fittings. See Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
to join pipe to pipe, pipe to fitting, or fitting to fitting wherein (Type II—Class 3)—Device consisting of gasket(s),
an elastomeric (gasket) is used to seal the joint. Coupling may housing(s), sleeve, end rings and threaded fasteners as appli-
or may not provide mechanical restraint of the pipe or fitting. cable. Tightening of the fasteners compresses the gasket(s),
3.1.6 grade—the joint working pressure as established by creating a seal on the outside of the plain end pipe. See Fig. 4.
tests using representative pipe or tube and the gasketed 3.1.9 joint—interface formed between pipe and pipe, pipe
mechanical coupling (GMC). Test pipe or tube shall be: and fitting, or fitting and fitting where a GMC is used to seal
NPS—Standard Weight Steel Pipe per ANSI B 36.10 and
Specification A 53 Grade B, or Specification A 135 Grade B.
AWWA—Class 53 Ductile Iron Pipe per ANSI/AWWA
C 151/A-21.51 for 39–169. For other sizes, consult manufac-
Tubing—Type K Copper Tube per Specification B 88.
Other—As agreed to by GMC manufacturer and purchaser.
3.1.7 grooved mechanical coupling (Type I)—a device
which consists of two or more housings, closure members such
as sets of bolts and nuts or pins, and a pressure-responsive
gasket. It is used to mechanically join and seal grooved pipe or
fitting, forming a joint. Grooves conform to ANSI/AWWA
Standard C 606 as applicable. Groove dimensions for tubing
and other sizes and types of pipes shall be as specified by the
manufacturer. See Fig. 1.

Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D,
700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. Attn: NPODS.
Available from British Standards Institute, 2 Park Street, London, England
W 1A2B5. FIG. 2 Type II—Class 1 Typical Construction

F 1476
sorbed by the joint but by other means such as pipe anchors or
thrust blocks.
4. Classification
4.1 Gasketed mechanical couplings (GMC) are classified
into the following design types:
4.1.1 Type I grooved mechanical couplings.
4.1.2 Type II plain end mechanical couplings.
4.2 The gasketed mechanical couplings (GMC) are classi-
fied into various grades based on successful completion of
testing defined herein. Grades range from approximately 100
psi to 4000 psi and vary by GMC manufacturer. Consult GMC
manufacturer for specific grades available.
4.3 The gasketed mechanical couplings (GMC) are classi-
fied by the following joint characteristics:
4.3.1 Class 1—rigid and restrained.
4.3.2 Class 2—flexible and restrained.
FIG. 3 Type II—Class 2 Typical Construction 4.3.3 Class 3—flexible and unrestrained.
5. Ordering Information
within a specified working pressure this interface and where 5.1 Orders for GMC (Gasketed Mechanical Couplings)
applicable, provide mechanical holding strength. under this specification shall include the following:
3.1.10 joint pressure rating—the working pressure for the 5.1.1 ASTM designation, title, number and year of issue,
joint on the pipe or fitting material and thickness to be used in 5.1.2 Quantity (number of gasketed mechanical couplings),
the actual piping application. 5.1.3 Size and appropriate suffix (examples: 89 NPS, 76.1
3.1.11 leakage—the escape of fluid (gaseous or liquid) from mm OD),
any point of the specimen. 5.1.4 Type (I, II),
3.1.12 penalty run—a penalty run is performed with penalty 5.1.5 Grade (consult GMC manufacturer),
run specimens when the original test specimen leaks or 5.1.6 Class (joint characteristic),
separates during testing as a result of any cause which is not 5.1.7 Housing material and finish,
related to the design of the GMC being qualified. 5.1.8 Gasket material,
3.1.13 penalty run specimens—additional specimen(s) 5.1.9 Bolt (stud) and nut material and finish,
which are tested in the place of the original specimen(s). These 5.1.10 Supplementary requirements, if any,
additional specimen(s) are assembled using the same methods 5.1.11 Other requirements agreed to between purchaser and
along with additional GMC’s of the same type, grade, class, GMC manufacturer.
and configuration; and additional pipes or fittings with the 5.2 Optional Ordering Requirements:
same sizes, nominal wall thickness material and material 5.2.1 Certification requirements,
condition as the original test specimen. 5.2.2 Special marking requirements.
3.1.14 pipe—hollow tubular products conforming to ANSI
B 36.10 and B 36.19, ANSI/AWWA C 151/A-21.51 Nominal 6. Materials and Manufacture
Dimensions, or O.D. tube sizes. 6.1 Type I—Grooved Mechanical Coupling:
3.1.15 pressure responsive gasket—gasket design such that 6.1.1 Grooved Mechanical Coupling Housings:
application of a pressure load to the gasket enhances its sealing Ferrous Materials—Housings shall be constructed
capabilities; that is, additional pressure results in additional of ductile iron in accordance with Specification A 536, Grade
force between the gasket and the surface to which it is sealing. 65-45-12 or malleable iron in accordance with Specification A
3.1.16 restrained—characteristic of the joint wherein thrust 47, Grade 32510 or 35018.
loads generated by internal pressure or external means are Grooved mechanical coupling housings shall be
absorbed within the joint. coated with the manufacturer’s standard preparation and paint,
3.1.17 rigid—characteristic of a joint where there is essen- or at the purchaser’s option, hot-dip galvanized in accordance
tially no available free angular or axial pipe movement. with Specification A 153, or other finish as agreed upon
3.1.18 specimen—a prepared assembly consisting of the test between purchaser and manufacturer.
joint including GMC and pipes or fittings. The specimen is Aluminum Alloy Materials—Housings shall be con-
placed into a controlled environment and tested to determine if structed of aluminum alloy in accordance with Specification
the joint performs to the standards established by the test. B 26, Grade 356-T6 or A 356-T6.
3.1.19 type—differentiation of kind of pipe or fitting which Finish for aluminum alloy housings shall be bare,
gasketed mechanical couplings (GMC) are used to join (that is, anodized in accordance with MIL-A-8625, painted in accor-
grooved or plain end). dance with MIL-T-704 or as otherwise agreed between pur-
3.1.20 unrestrained—characteristic of a joint wherein thrust chaser and manufacturer.
generated by internal pressure or external means is not ab- Iron-chromium-nickel, corrosion resistant material:

F 1476

FIG. 4 Type II—Class 3 Typical Construction

Housings shall be constructed of iron-chromium-nickel alloy in 6.2.2 Plain End Mechanical Coupling—Gaskets shall be of
accordance with Specification A 743/A 743M, Grade CF-8 or materials suitable for the intended service (consult manufac-
Grade CF-8M. turer for recommendation). Elastomer shall comply with Clas- Finish for iron-chromium-nickel shall be bare or sification System D 2000 or BS 2494.
otherwise agreed between purchaser and manufacturer. 6.2.3 Plain End Mechanical Coupling—Bolting:
6.1.2 Grooved Mechanical Coupling—Gaskets shall be of Carbon Steel Material—Bolts shall be in accor-
materials suitable for the intended service. Elastomers shall dance with Specification A 183, Grade 2, Oval Neck or
comply with Classification System D 2000. Specification A 325—Type 2 Heavy Hex; Cap screws shall be
6.1.3 Grooved Mechanical Coupling—Bolting: in accordance with Specification A 574 or BS 6104; Female Carbon Steel Material—Bolts shall be in accor- threaded parts, other than nuts, shall be in accordance with
dance with Specification A 183, Grade 2, Oval Neck. Nuts Specification A 183, Grade 2; Nuts, if required, shall conform
shall be in accordance with Specification A 194, Grade 2. to Specification A 183, Grade 2 or Specification A 563—Grade
Finish shall be black or at the purchaser’s option, zinc C3 or DH3, or as otherwise agreed by purchaser and manufac-
electroplated to Specification B 633. turer. Finish shall be zinc electroplated to Specification B 633 Corrosion Resistant Material—Bolts shall be in or BS 1706.
accordance with Specification A 193, Grade B 8, Class 2 (AISI Corrosion Resistant Material—Bolts or threaded
Type 304) or Specification A 193, Grade B 8M, Class 2 (AISI female parts other than nuts shall be in accordance with
Type 316). Nuts shall be in accordance with Specification Specification A 193, Grade B 8, Class 2 (AISI Type 304) or
A 194 Grade 8. Grade B 8M, Class 2 (AISI Type 316); Cap screws shall be in
6.2 Type II—Plain End Mechanical Coupling: accordance with F 837 or BS 6105; Nuts, if required, shall be
6.2.1 Plain End Mechanical Coupling Housings or Center in accordance with Specification A 194, Grade 8 or as agreed
Sleeves: upon by purchaser and manufacturer. Cast Ferrous Materials—Cast housings or center 6.3 Other Materials—Where other materials are required,
sleeves shall be constructed of ductile iron in accordance with the material and mechanical properties of the product shall be
Specification A 536, Grade 65-45-12 or malleable iron in as agreed upon by the GMC manufacturer and the purchaser.
accordance with Specification A 47, Grade 32510 or 35018. 6.4 Material Quality: Steel Materials—End rings and sleeves made from 6.4.1 The material shall be of such quality and purity that
carbon or stainless steel shall be made from material with a the finished product shall have the properties and characteris-
minimum yield strength of 172 MPa (25,000 PSI). tics to meet the performance requirements of this standard. Plain end mechanical couplings shall be coated with 6.4.2 The manufacturer is encouraged to use materials
the manufacturer’s standard preparation and paint or other produced from recovered materials to the maximum extent
finish as agreed upon between the purchaser and manufacturer. practicable without jeopardizing the intended use. The term
Finish for iron chromium-nickel parts shall be bare or other- “recovered materials” means: “Materials which have been
wise agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer. collected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to

F 1476
become a source of raw material, as opposed to virgin raw tested within the temperature range stated by the type of test
materials.” Used or rebuilt products shall not be used. being performed.
NOTE 1—When no temperature is specified within a test, the test shall
7. Other Requirements be conducted at ambient conditions.
7.1 Testing Requirements: 7.6 Performance Requirements:
7.1.1 GMC shall be subjected to the tests described in the 7.6.1 Pass criteria for each test shall require meeting or
Annex for the purpose of qualifying the GMC design. exceeding the performance requirements specified in each test.
7.1.2 These tests shall be repeated when changes are made
in the design, material, or manufacturing process that degrade 8. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
the performance of the GMC. Degradation determination is to 8.1 GMC Dimensions:
be made by the manufacturer or at agreement between the 8.1.1 Type I GMC dimensions shall be as specified by the
manufacturer and purchaser. manufacturer and shall provide the degree of axial and angular
7.2 Qualification Requirements: deflection (as applicable) specified by the manufacturer when
7.2.1 GMC shall be qualified using specimens of the same used on pipe grooved in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C-606,
type, grade and class. Each type, grade, and class shall be as applicable, or manufacturer’s recommendation(s).
tested in order to qualify the design. Qualification of the GMC 8.1.2 Type II GMC dimensions shall be as specified by the
requires successful completion of required testing. Each GMC manufacturer. Type II Class 2 shall provide angular deflection
design is only qualified for use on the pipe or fitting material as specified by the manufacturer. Type II Class 3 GMC shall
and wall thickness on which it was tested. provide axial movement and angular deflection as specified by
7.2.2 All GMC’s tested shall be comprised of an equal the manufacturer.
number of specimens from the smallest, most intermediate
size, and largest sizes within the size range of the GMC being 9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
qualified. 9.1 GMC Machined Surfaces:
7.2.3 Through reasonable interpolations between the GMC 9.1.1 Machined surfaces shall be free from burrs, cracks,
sizes tested, other sizes of GMC’s within the same type, grade laps, and seams which would affect the suitability for the
and class will be considered qualified if the specimens accord- intended service.
ing to 7.2.2 pass the testing requirements. Extrapolation shall 9.1.2 Machined surface finishes shall be as specified by the
not be used for qualification purposes. manufacturer.
7.3 Qualification Test Report: 9.2 Unmachined Surfaces:
7.3.1 Upon completion of testing, a qualification test report 9.2.1 Unmachined surfaces, such as forging or casting
shall be written and maintained on file during the life cycle of surfaces, shall be free from scale, blisters, fins, folds, seams,
the design. A copy of this report shall be made available for laps, segregations and cracks which would affect suitability for
inspection at the manufacturer’s facility. the intended service.
7.3.2 Any failure during qualification testing shall be ana-
lyzed and the failure analysis and corrective action shall be 10. Sampling
included in the qualification test report. 10.1 In-process Inspection Sampling of GMC Products:
7.3.3 A retest as specified in Section 11 (number of tests and 10.1.1 Inspection samples of GMC being manufactured or
retests) may be allowed when failure to the original joint processed shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-105.
occurs during qualification testing. When retesting is permit- Level of inspection and acceptable quality level (AQL) shall be
ted, the failure analysis and corrective action shall be included in accordance with the GMC manufacturer’s quality assurance
in the qualification test report specified in 7.3.1. procedures. Other inspection or sampling plans may be used
7.4 Test Equipment and Inspection Facilities: upon mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the
7.4.1 Test equipment and inspection facilities shall be of purchaser.
sufficient accuracy and quality to permit performance of 10.2 Lot Acceptance:
required inspections and tests. 10.2.1 Lot acceptance shall be based upon meeting the
7.4.2 Calibration System Requirements—The testing and sampling and pass/fail requirements of MIL-STD-105. Other
inspection facilities shall maintain a calibration system for inspection or sampling plans may be used upon mutual
Measuring and Test Equipment (M&TE) in accordance with agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
MIL-STD-45662 with traceability to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), or shall maintain a calibra- 11. Number of Tests and Retest, for Qualification Testing
tion system in accordance with the requirements detailed in BS 11.1 Number of Test Specimens:
5781 Part 1 against standards traceable to National Standards. 11.1.1 Each test shall be performed on specimens as de-
7.5 Test Conditions: noted in Table A1.1.
7.5.1 Test pressures as specified within each test shall be 11.2 Replacement of Test Specimens:
used. 11.2.1 When untested specimens are rejected as a result of
7.5.2 Fluid used in the testing of GMC shall be water or air, inferior workmanship or materials, or assembly, the specimens
as specified. shall be dispositioned in accordance with the manufacturer’s
7.5.3 Unless otherwise specified herein, GMC shall be quality assurance procedures.

F 1476 New test specimens of the same type, grade, and 12.4 Test specimens may be disposed of following approval
class, and pipe or fittings of the same O.D. size and wall of the qualification test report by the GMC manufacturer.
thickness shall be prepared in accordance with Section 12.
13. Test Methods
11.3 Penalty Runs:
11.3.1 In the event of not passing a test, the manufacturer 13.1 Standard Qualification Tests for GMC shall be as
shall proceed with one of the following options: specified in the Annex. The following tests described herein are If the leak or separation is determined to be design required for GMC qualification as applicable to the type, grade
related, the manufacturer shall redesign the GMC and start all and class.
tests from the beginning. Name of Test Annex If the leak or separation is determined to be Performance Tests for GMC Annex A1
unrelated to the design, the test specimen shall be rerun. A Examination of Specimen Annex A2
replacement test specimen shall be prepared in accordance with Pneumatic Proof Test Annex A3
Vacuum Test Annex A4
the requirement specified in 11.2. Hydrostatic Proof Test Annex A5 If the leak or separation cannot be shown to be Flexibility Test Annex A6
either design related or non-design related, the manufacturer Hydrostatic Burst Test Annex A7
Rigidity Test Annex A8
shall test three (3) additional penalty specimens. The require- Bending Moment Proof Test Annex A9
ments specified in 11.3.2 shall apply. Bending Moment Ultimate Test Annex A10
11.3.2 Penalty run specimens shall be prepared when GMC 13.2 Certification of Test Results:
has failed any of the tests specified in the Annex. 13.2.1 When specified in the purchase order or the contract, The GMC’s used for penalty run(s) shall be of the the purchaser shall be furnished certification that samples
same type, grade, and class as the failed GMC being replaced. representing the GMC have been tested as directed in this The pipe or fitting used in penalty runs shall be of specification and the requirements have been met. When
the same material, O.D., and wall thicknesses as the pipe or specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the
fitting being replaced. results shall be available for inspection at the manufacturer’s Preparation of the penalty run specimens shall be in facility.
accordance with Section 12. 13.3 In-Process Material Tests—In-Process Material Tests Penalty run specimens shall be identified in accor- shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer’s standard
dance with 12.3 and in-process test procedures. In addition to the part number and test specimen
number, a designator shall be placed after the test specimen 14. Inspection
number which allows the specimen to be identified as a penalty 14.1 Terms of Inspection:
run specimen. The method used to identify penalty run 14.1.1 Inspection of GMC shall be in accordance with
specimens shall be at the manufacturer’s option. manufacturer’s standard inspection procedure or as agreed
upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer or supplier
12. Specimen Preparation
as part of the purchase contract.
12.1 Specimen Preparation and Installation: 14.2 Raw Material Inspection:
12.1.1 Specimen preparation and installation on appropriate 14.2.1 Raw material shall be inspected for compliance with
testing apparatus shall be in accordance with the manufactur- its material specification. A certificate of compliance or mill
er’s recommended procedures. certificate shall be obtained from the material supplier, as
12.2 Assembly of Specimens: applicable.
12.2.1 GMC qualified under the requirements of this speci- 14.3 Quality Conformance Inspection:
fication shall be tested and qualified as a completed assembly; 14.3.1 GMC samples shall be visually and dimensionally
that is, joint. examined to verify compliance with the manufacturer’s appro-
12.2.2 The intermixing of sub-components of the same type, priate drawings.
grade, and class, but of different brands or trade name, 14.4 Process Control Inspection:
constitutes non-compliance with this standard. 14.4.1 GMC shall be inspected throughout the entire manu-
12.2.3 Test specimens used in testing shall be assembled facturing and processing cycle. Methods of inspection shall be
using a GMC of a single type, grade and class. in compliance with manufacturer’s quality assurance proce-
12.2.4 The wall thickness and O.D. size of the pipe or fitting dures.
shall be as specified for the GMC joint being qualified. 14.5 Inspection Records:
12.3 Identification of Test Specimens: 14.5.1 Inspection records shall be maintained by the manu-
12.3.1 Each test specimen shall be identified with a unique facturer. The length of time on file shall be in accordance with
number to provide traceability back to the test records. the manufacturer’s quality assurance procedures.
12.3.2 Identification of test specimens shall be permanent.
In those cases where size or design does not permit permanent 15. Certification
markings, tagging or bagging may be used. 15.1 Certification of Testing (see 13.2). When, as a result of testing, a test specimen is 15.2 Certification of Material.
sectioned into two (2) or more pieces, each piece shall be 15.2.1 A certificate of compliance shall be obtained from
marked with the original unique identification number. the material supplier, when applicable. This certificate shall

F 1476
state that applicable requirements for the raw material have provided purchaser and supplier have agreed upon such prior to
been met. As a minimum, the material specification shall issuance of the contract or purchase order.
specify the chemical and mechanical requirements of the
material, as applicable. 17. Packaging
16. Product Marking 17.1 The GMC shall be boxed, crated, wrapped and other-
wise protected during shipment and storage in accordance with
16.1 Product Marking:
manufacturer’s standard practice. Care shall be taken to prop-
16.1.1 Each GMC shall be marked with the manufacturer’s
erly protect the GMC from distortion and other damage during
name or trademark, size, and markings traceable to the type,
shipment and storage. GMC’s may be shipped assembled; or
grade and class. When shape or size does not permit inclusion
bolts and gaskets may be packaged separately in suitable
of all required markings, the information may be omitted in the
containers to withstand handling and storage.
reverse order presented.
16.2 Additional Markings:
18. Keywords
16.2.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
additional markings other than those specified shall be applied, 18.1 coupling; flexible; gasketed; grooved; plain end; rigid


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Scope Workmanship, Finish, 9

and Appearance
A1.1.1 This section lists the tests to be used in the qualifi- Number of Tests and Retest 11
cation of GMC. In addition, statements that apply to all tests Specimen Preparation 12
Test Methods or Analytical 13
are specified to minimize redundancy. Methods
A1.1.2 The values stated in acceptable metric units are to be Inspection 14
Certification 15
regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses (inch/
pound) are provided for information purposes only. A1.2 Significance and Use
A1.1.3 The tests required to qualify GMC may involve A1.2.1 List of All Tests Required to Qualify GMC (Except
hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This standard additional tests specified by customer)—A1.1.4 provides a
does not purport to address all of the safety problems associ- listing of all standard tests specified. The requirements for each
ated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard test shall be as specified in Annex A2 through Annex
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices A10.
and determine the applicability of regulations/limitations prior A1.2.2 General Information—All of the general informa-
to use. tion which applies to the tests described shall be as specified in
A1.1.4 The test procedures appear in the following order:
Procedure Section
A1.3 General Testing Requirements:
Examination of Specimen Annex A2 A1.3.1 Table A1.1 provides information on the tests that
Pneumatic Proof Test Annex A3
Vacuum Test Annex A4 shall be performed and the number of specimens for each test.
Hydrostatic Proof Test Annex A5 A1.3.2 Ambient temperature tests shall be performed at
Flexibility Test Annex A6 24°C 6 5°C (75°F 6 10°F).
Hydrostatic Burst Test Annex A7
Rigidity Test Annex A8 A1.3.3 Tests may be performed by the manufacturer or by a
Bending Moment Proof Test Annex A9 test facility designated by the manufacturer. In all cases, the
Bending Moment Ultimate Test Annex A10 testing apparatus used to test GMC shall be calibrated in
A1.1.5 The sections listed below are from the main body accordance with the requirements specified in 7.4.2.
of this standard and apply to the test specimens used in the A1.3.4 Pipe or fitting shall be prepared and installed in
performance of the tests listed in A1.1.4. accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
A1.3.5 When pressure testing with water, test specimens
shall be purged of air prior to pressurizing.
Title Section A1.3.6 End caps, adapters, and plugs used to block off a
Scope 1 pipe or fitting end shall be of design(s) designated by the
Referenced Documents 2 manufacturer. The end caps, adapters, and plugs shall be
Terminology 3
Classification 4 constructed to preclude their failure during testing.
Materials and Manufacture 6 A1.3.7 Failure of any test specimen which is related to
Other Requirements 7 separation or leakage at the end cap, adapter or pipe/fitting

F 1476
TABLE A1.1 Testing Requirements Replacement test specimens shall be prepared in accordance
NOTE—As far as practical, specimens may be used for more than one with Section 12.
test. A1.3.8 Failure of any test specimen at the GMC pipe or
Num- fitting joint being proof tested constitutes failure of the GMC
ber of
Description of Test
Applicability of Test design.
mens A1.3.9 GMC shall be assembled in accordance with manu-
Section A 2—Examination of All Type I & II—Class 1, 2, 3 facturer’s recommended procedures.
Section A 3—Pneumatic 5 Type I & II—Class 1, 2, 3 A1.3.10 Qualification of GMC shall be based upon a
Proof Test successful passing of the tests described in Annex A2 through
Section A 4—Vacuum Proof 5 Type I & II—Class 1, 2, 3
Annex A10. The flexibility test (see Annex A6) does not apply
Section A 5—Hydrostatic 5 Type I & II—Class 1, 2, 3 to Class 1 GMC’s, the rigidity test (see Annex A8) does not
Proof Test apply to Class 2 and 3 GMC’s and the bending moment proof
Section A 6—Flexibility 5 Type I & II—Class 2
Proof Test and 3 test (see Annex A9) does not apply to Type II Class 2 or 3
Section —Hydrostatic 5 Type I & II—Class 1, 2, 3 GMC’s.
Burst Test
Section A 8—Rigidity Proof 5 Type I & II—Class 1
Test A1.4 Precision and Bias
Section A 9—Bending 5 Type I—Class 1, 2 and
Moment Proof Test Type II Class 1 A1.4.1 No statement is made about either the precision or
Section A 10—Bending 5 Type I—Class 1, 2 and bias of Section A1 “Performance Tests for GMC” since this
Moment Ultimate Test Type II Class 1
section contains general information only.

shall be recorded in the test report, but shall not be considered

a failure of the GMC pipe or fitting combination being tested.


A2.1 Scope A2.3.3 Quality and workmanship of the test specimens shall
A2.1.1 This procedure covers the inspection and examina- be in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 9.
tion of test specimens prepared in accordance with the require- A2.3.4 End caps or adapters used to close off pipe or fitting
ments specified in Section 12. ends shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer or desig-
nated testing facility (see A1.3.6).
A2.2 Significance and Use
A2.3.5 During visual examination of the test specimens, any
A2.2.1 GMC’s are comprised of couplings which are at- unusual findings in accordance with the requirements specified
tached to or onto pipes or fittings using a variety of methods. in Section 14 shall be recorded.
In order to ascertain the integrity of each GMC type covered,
it becomes important to subject all types of GMC to essentially A2.3.6 The following information shall be recorded in the
the same tests. When the same tests are used, the assembly of test report (or form) at the time of examination: Date exam-
some of the test specimens may become critical to the results ined, GMC specimen number, pipe or fitting material and
of the test performed. The usefulness of this procedure lies in finish, measured pipe or fitting O.D. and wall thickness.
the examination of GMC test specimens to ensure that resulting
assemblies duplicate appropriate stresses for all types of GMC A2.4 Precision and Bias
qualified using the tests specified herein. A2.4.1 Precision is based upon the accuracy of the GMC
A2.3 Procedure dimensions in accordance with applicable drawings. The pipe
or fitting used in conjunction with GMC shall be in accordance
A2.3.1 GMC test specimens shall be assembled in accor-
with specification(s) recommended by the manufacturer. There
dance with the manufacturer’s assembly procedures.
may be bias for the examination of specimen based upon the
A2.3.2 The materials used to assemble the test specimens
shall be in accordance with Section 12. The pipe or fitting human elements involved in the visual inspection and mea-
dimensions may vary (tolerances), as allowed by the manufac- surement methods used.

F 1476


A3.1 Scope Method 2

A3.1.1 This section covers pneumatic proof testing of GMC Where submersion under water is impractical, leak detection
test specimens. using a soap type leak detecting fluid may be substituted.
A3.2 Significance and Use A3.3.4 The pneumatic proof test shall be performed at
ambient (see A1.3.2) temperature.
A3.2.1 This test is the initial test of all GMC specimens
prepared for qualification. The test is performed by internally A3.3.5 Nitrogen (N2) or dry air shall be used to internally
pressurizing the test specimen(s) using dry air or nitrogen (N2). pressurize the test specimens to .55 MPa 6 .03 MPa (80 psi
A pressure of .55 MPa (80 psi) is applied. If the specimen [64.3 psi]). A stabilization period shall be allowed to remove
shows no evidence of leakage, the specimen has successfully surface bubbles. The test period following stabilization shall be
passed the test. This test is useful in determining if the GMC five minutes. There shall be no evidence of leakage during the
pipe or fitting connection has been assembled correctly, if the test period. If leakage occurs during the test period, the test
gasket is seated and installed correctly, and if the GMC design shall be discontinued and the affected specimens shall have
performs as proposed at this pressure. failed the test. The test report shall be filled out noting the
reason for discontinuing the test (see A1.3.7 and A1.3.8 for
A3.3 Procedure of Test
further information).
A3.3.1 The test specimen shall be placed in an appropriate A3.3.6 If there is no evidence of leakage during the test
chamber and secured in place in accordance with the manu-
period, the test specimens shall have passed the pneumatic
facturer’s recommended procedures. Classes 1 and 2 shall not
proof test. If specimens do not pass this test, proceed per
be longitudinally restrained. Class 3 shall be longitudinally
Section 11.
A3.3.2 The chamber shall be equipped with calibrated
pressure gages (see A1.3.3) to permit visual readings of the A3.4 Precision and Bias
actual internal pressure being applied. A3.4.1 The precision of this test is the calibrated accuracy
A3.3.3 The test shall be performed by one of the following of the pressure gages. The gage(s) used to measure the internal
methods. pressures applied shall be calibrated to 61 % throughout the
range shown on the gage(s). There shall be no bias for Annex
Method 1
A3. Pneumatic Proof Testing, as the allowable test pressure
The test joint shall be completely submerged in water (H2O) tolerances of 6.03 MPa (4.3 psi) are well above the range of
prior to beginning the test. Uppermost portion of GMC shall be accuracy required to attain accurate readings.
no more than one foot below the surface of the water.


A4.1 Scope vacuum gage(s) to permit visual readings of the actual vacuum
A4.1.1 This section covers Vacuum Proof Test of GMC test being applied.
specimens. A4.3.3 The Vacuum Proof Test shall be performed at
ambient temperature (see A1.3.2).
A4.2 Significance and Use A4.3.4 An internal vacuum shall be drawn on the test
specimen using a suitable vacuum pump. The test specimen
A4.2.1 This test is performed by drawing an internal shall be drawn down to 635 mm (25 in.) of mercury [Hg]
vacuum in the GMC test specimen, isolating the GMC by vacuum 65 % and then isolated using appropriate isolation
closing shut off valves and checking for loss of vacuum. The valves. Following a stabilization period, the vacuum of 635
vacuum is internally applied to the assembled specimen to mm (25 in.) Hg shall be re-established, if necessary, and
determine if it can maintain specified vacuum. If the specimen monitored for 5 min. There shall be no evidence of loss of
shows no loss of vacuum after 5 minutes, it shall pass the test. vacuum. If leakage (loss of vacuum) occurs during the
5-minute time test period, the specimen shall fail the test.
A4.3 Procedure of Test Proceed per Section 11.
A4.3.1 The test specimen shall be placed in an appropriate A4.3.5 If there is no evidence of loss of vacuum during the
test area and secured in place in accordance with the manu- 5-minute test period, the test specimen shall pass the vacuum
facturer’s recommended practice. Classes 1 and 2 shall not be test.
longitudinally restrained. Class 3 shall be longitudinally re-
strained. A4.4 Precision and Bias
A4.3.2 The test set up shall be equipped with a calibrated A4.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated

F 1476
accuracy of the vacuum gages. The gage(s) used to measure the A4 Vacuum Test, as the allowable vacuum tolerances of 65 %
vacuum applied shall be calibrated to 61 % or better through- are well above the range of accuracy required to attain accurate
out the range shown on the gage(s). There shall be no bias for readings.


A5.1 Scope pressure gages (see A1.3.3) to permit visual readings of actual
A5.1.1 This section covers hydrostatic proof testing of internal pressure being applied.
GMC test specimens. A5.3.4 The hydrostatic proof test shall be performed at
ambient temperature (see A1.3.2).
A5.2 Significance and Use A5.3.5 The test specimens shall be initially pressurized to
A5.2.1 This test is performed by internally pressurizing the .690 MPa (100 psi) 6 .03 MPa (4.3 psi) for a total period of 5
test specimens using water. The initial pressure applied, .690 min. There shall be no evidence of wetting of the surface or
MPa (100 psi), tests the assembled specimen to determine if it leakage during this 5-min period. If wetting of the surface or
can retain fluid without wetting of the external surface or leakage occurs, the test shall be discontinued and the affected
leakage at the GMC joint. If there is no leakage, the pressure specimens shall fail the test. Proceed per Section 11.
is gradually increased to 150 % of the proposed rated pressure A5.3.6 If there is no evidence of leakage after the initial 5
of the pipe or fitting GMC joint. This elevated pressure level min period, the internal pressure shall be gradually increased at
tests the ability of the specimens to hold fluid without wetting a rate not to exceed 138 MPa/min (20 000 psi/min) to 150 % 6
of the surface, and not to leak or fail structurally. Holding time 5 % of the proposed rated pressure of the pipe or fitting GMC
for this pressure test shall be 10 min. joint. This pressure shall be maintained for an additional period
A5.2.2 If the specimen still shows no evidence of leakage of 10 min. There shall be no evidence of wetting of the external
after this test, the specimens shall pass the test. This test is surface or leakage during this 10-min period. If wetting of the
useful in determining the integrity of the fitting joint to hold surface or leakage occurs, the test shall be discontinued and the
fluid at an elevated pressure without any wetting of the surface affected specimens shall fail the test. Proceed per Section 11.
or leakage. After successful completion of this test, the test A5.3.7 If there is no evidence of wetting of the external
specimens are ready for additional testing (see Table Test surface or leakage within the fitting area or joint during both
Sequence). pressurized periods, the test specimens shall pass the hydro-
static proof test.
A5.3 Procedure of Test
A5.3.1 Test specimens shall be installed onto an appropriate A5.4 Precision and Bias
testing apparatus, filled with water and purged of all air. A5.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated
A5.3.2 The test specimens shall be placed in a burst accuracy of the pressure gages. The gages used to measure the
chamber and secured into place in accordance with the pressures applied shall be calibrated to 61 % or better through-
manufacturer’s recommended procedures. Class 1 and 2 GMC out the range shown on the gages. There shall be no bias for A5
shall be tested with no longitudinal restraint provided by the hydrostatic proof test, as the allowable tolerances (65 %) are
test operator. Class 3 GMC shall be longitudinally restrained. well above the range of accuracy required to attain accurate
A5.3.3 The chamber shall be equipped with calibrated readings during both pressurized periods.


A6.1 Scope A6.2.1.2 Type II Class 2—The test for angular movement is
A6.1.1 This section covers flexibility proof testing of Types performed by filling and pressurizing the GMC with water to
I & II Class 2 and Type II Class 3 GMC. the proposed working pressure, then deflecting the joint to the
test angle. The test angle shall be the maximum deflection
A6.2 Significance and Use angle specified by the manufacturer. No leakage shall be
A6.2.1 The significance of this test is to verify the axial pipe allowed during or after this deflection. No permanent damage
and angular pipe movement available with Types I & II Class shall occur to the GMC.
2 and Type II Class 3 couplings. A6.2.1.3 Type II Class 3—The test for axial movement shall
A6.2.1.1 Type I Class 2—The test for axial movement is be performed by assembling the GMC in accordance with the
performed by assembling the GMC with the pipe or fitting ends manufacturer’s instructions. The joint shall then be pressurized
fully inboard and then pressurized to extend the joint to its to its proposed working pressure, while allowing the pipe to
furthest extended position. The test for angular movement is move longitudinally to the maximum allowable movement
performed by applying bending moment from Table A6.1 (see specified by the manufacturer. No leakage shall be allowed
Note 2) to the joint and measuring the resultant angular during or after this movement. The test for angular movement
deflection. shall be performed by assembling the GMC at the test angle

F 1476
TABLE A6.1 Bending Moments for Flexibility (Note 2) Rigidity (Note 3) and Proof Test Pipe Schedule

NOTE 1—For sizes and wall thicknesses not listed.

M 5 F (L)
F 5 Weight of Pipe + Weight of Water
L 5 (1⁄2) (Hanger Spacing)
EX: For 2“ Schedule 40 steel pipe with NFPA Hanger Spacing where L 5 71⁄2 ft
F 5 3.653 (15) + 40.27 (15) (.036) Where 3.653 is the pounds per foot of 2“ Schedule 40 pipe, 40.27 is the cubic inches of water per foot of
2“ Schedule 40 pipe, .036 is the pounds per cubic inch of water, 15 is total length of pipe in feet.
F 5 54.796 + 21.746 5 76.542 pounds
M 5 F (L); M 5 (76.542) (71⁄2); M 5 574 FT-LBS for Rigidity and Proof Test
Moment 5 2M 5 1148 FT-LBS for Ultimate Test
NOTE 2—Use 10 % of Moments listed for flexibility tests.
NOTE 3—Use 25 % of Moments listed for rigidity tests.
NOTE 4—Values in table are for NFPA 13 Hanger Spacing.


5 10 30 40 Class 53 D.I.
Nominal Size N.M. (Lb.-Ft.) N.M. (Lb.-Ft.) N.M. (Lb.-Ft.) N.M. (Lb.-Ft.) N.M. (Lb.-Ft.)
11⁄2 358 264 464 342 ... ... 549 405 ... ...
2 507 374 644 475 ... ... 780 575 ... ...
21⁄2 759 560 899 663 ... ... 1200 885 ... ...
3 1039 767 1492 893 ... ... 1645 1213 2240 1652
4 1572 1159 1797 1325 ... ... 2471 1823 3000 2213
5 2454 1810 2639 1946 ... ... 3551 2619 ... ...
6 3286 2424 3512 2590 ... ... 4803 3543 5262 3881
8 5179 3820 6114 4509 7146 5271 7663 5652 8176 6030
10 8024 5918 8817 6503 10540 7774 11379 8393 11516 8494
12 ... ... ... ... 14262 10519 15558 11475 15467 11408
14 ... ... ... ... 17435 12859 18609 13725 19962 14738
16 ... ... ... ... 21614 15942 24299 17922 24847 18326

and pressurizing to the proposed working pressure. Deflection leakage shall be allowed during the test. Holding time for this
angles shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. test shall be no less than 10 min. The deflection angle shall be
measured using an inclinometer or by measuring the deflection
A6.3 Procedure of Test and distance between the support points and calculating the
A6.3.1 Type I Class 2—Pipe shall be grooved (roll or cut as angle.
applicable) in accordance with ANSI C 606 as applicable or A6.3.3 Type II Class 3—The pipe shall be prepared in
maufacturer’s recommendation(s) and a line scribed 1 in. from accordance with the coupling manufacturer’s recommenda-
each groove away from pipe end. The GMC shall be assembled tions. The GMC shall be assembled with pipes at their most
with the pipe ends touching or as fully inboard as the GMC in-board position. A line shall be scribed 19 from the outside of
permits. The distance between the two scribe lines shall be
the coupling on each pipe. The distance between the two
measured and recorded. The specimen shall not be longitudi-
scribed lines shall be measured and recorded. The specimen
nally restrained. The specimen shall be filled with water and
shall be pressurized and filled with water to its working
pressurized to .69 MPa (100 psi) or 25 % of GMC proposed
pressure. The restraint on the pipe shall be adjusted to provide
rating, whichever is larger. The new distance between the
10 mm (3⁄8 in.) of total longitudinal movement for 254 mm (10
scribe lines shall be measured and recorded. The difference
between the two scribe line measurements is the measured in.) and larger pipe. Smaller size shall be tested in accordance
axial movement. The test for angular movement consists of with manufacturer’s published limits. No leakages shall be
applying a small bending moment per Table A6.1 (see Note 2) allowed during this test. Movement shall be determined by
to the same assembled specimen from above with no internal measuring between the two scribed lines and subtracting the
pressure and measure the total deflected angle achieved. The original line spacing. The test for angular movement shall be
angle shall be measured using an inclinometer or by measuring performed by assembling the GMC with the pipe in the
the deflection and distance between the support points and deflected position, and filling and pressurizing with water to
calculating the angle. the working pressure. The deflection angles shall be the
A6.3.2 Type II Class 2—Prepare the pipe in accordance with maximum deflection angle specified by the manufacturer. No
the coupling manufacturer’s recommendations. The test for leakage shall be allowed when the GMC is pressurized. The
angular movement shall be performed by assembling the GMC deflection angle shall be measured using an inclinometer or by
onto the pipe, filling and pressurizing with water to the measuring the deflection and distance between the support
proposed working pressure, and deflecting the joint to the test points and calculating the angle. Holding time at pressure for
angle. The test angle shall be the maximum deflection angle axial and angular test shall be no less than 10 min for each test.
specified by the manufacturer. No damage to the GMC or A6.3.4 The flexibility proof test shall be performed at

F 1476
ambient temperature (see A1.3.2). throughout its range. The inclinometer shall be zeroed prior to
each reading. The accuracy of the readings is dependent solely
A6.4 Precision and Bias on the ability to read the scales typically 61°. There may be
A6.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibration bias for the examination of the movement based upon the
accuracy of the measuring equipment. The calipers used to human elements involved in the visual inspection used.
measure the movement shall be calibrated to .03 mm (.001 in.)


A7.1 Scope of the specimen assembly is attained, the pressure shall be

A7.1.1 This section covers the test requirements for burst gradually increased until burst occurs. The test specimens have
testing. passed the hydrostatic burst test when three times the proposed
rated pressure of the specimen assembly has been attained.
A7.2 Significance and Use Pressure attained at the time of burst shall be recorded in the
A7.2.1 This test verifies the mechanical integrity of the pipe Qualification Test Results.
or fitting and GMC to withstand, without leakage or burst, a A7.3.6 For Class 2 and Class 3 GMC’s, the specimen shall
minimum pressure equal to three times the proposed rated be mounted in a test fixture such that the joint is held fixed at
pressure of the pipe or fitting and GMC, which form a joint. To its maximum angular deflected position (determined from the
successfully pass this test, the pipe or fitting and GMC shall not test in Annex A6). This test specimen shall then be subjected to
leak or burst. a gradual increase of pressure at a rate not to exceed 138
MPa/min (20 000 psi/min) to three times the proposed rated
A7.3 Procedure of Test pressure of the specimen assembly. If leakage or burst occurs
A7.3.1 Test specimens shall be filled with water prior to before three times the proposed rated pressure of the specimen
installation onto the appropriate testing apparatus and purged assembly, the test shall be discontinued and the affected test
of entrapped air. specimens shall fail the test for the proposed rating. If there is
A7.3.2 The test specimens shall be placed in a burst no evidence of leakage or burst when three times the proposed
chamber. Class 1 and 2 GMC shall not be longitudinally rated pressure of the specimen assembly is attained, the
restrained. pressure shall be gradually increased until burst occurs. The
A7.3.3 The chamber shall be equipped with calibrated test specimens have passed the hydrostatic burst test when
pressure gages (see A1.3.3) to permit visual readings of actual three times the proposed rated pressure of the specimen
pressure being applied. assembly has been attained. Pressure attained at the time of
A7.3.4 The hydrostatic burst test shall be performed at burst shall be recorded in the Qualification Test results.
ambient temperature (see A1.3.2).
A7.3.5 Class 1 test specimens shall be subjected to a gradual A7.4 Precision and Bias
increase of pressure at a rate not to exceed 138 MPa/min to A7.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated
three times the proposed rated pressure of the specimen accuracy of the pressure gages. The gages used to measure the
assembly. If leakage or burst occurs below three times the pressures applied shall be calibrated to 61 % or better through-
proposed rated pressure of the specimen assembly, the test out the range shown on the gages. There may be bias in this test
shall be discontinued and the affected test specimens shall fail if the pipe or fitting selected bursts below three times its
the test for the proposed rating. The test report shall be filled proposed rated pressure. If this occurs, the test specimens may
out noting the reason for discontinuing the test. See A1.3.4 or be replaced in accordance with A1.3.7. There also may be bias
A1.3.5 for further information. If there is no evidence of based upon the human elements involved in the visual inspec-
leakage or burst when three times the proposed rated pressure tion used.


A8.1 Scope generated by the pipe when filled with water and supported at
A8.1.1 This section covers rigidity proof testing of Class 1 the maximum allowable hanger spacing (see Table A6.1, Note
GMC specimens. 3). The GMC is to be pressurized with water to its rated
pressure during application of the bending moments. The GMC
A8.2 Significance and Use shall pass this test if the included angle of the pipe sections
A8.2.1 The significance of this test is to demonstrate the adjacent to the GMC does not change by more than angle Q
suitability of the GMC for use when the piping system is with the test moment applied at the GMC, and there is no
supported as a rigid system. The test is performed by applying evidence of leakage. Q shall be calculated as follows: Q 5 608
a moment to the specimen equal to the maximum moment (minutes) − [28 (minutes) 3 (nominal pipe size in inches)].

F 1476
A8.3 Procedure of Test included angle has not changed more than angle Q, the GMC
A8.3.1 The test shall be conducted with a specimen using shall pass the test. Q shall be calculated as follows: Q° 5 608
test pipe not less than .38 m (15 in.) in length. The support (minutes) − [28 (minutes) 3 (nominal pipe size in inches)]. The
points for the pipe shall be not less than .305 m (12 in.) from deflection angle e shall be defined as the difference between the
the GMC. The test load may be applied directly to the GMC or initial and final included angles above.
to the pipe adjacent to the GMC with appropriate load
adjustment. The joint shall be internally pressurized to the A8.4 Precision and Bias
proposed rated pressure (65 %) of the GMC pipe or fitting A8.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated
(specimen), whichever is lower. The initial included angle shall accuracy of the pressure gages and the accuracy of the reading
be measured and recorded. Do not apply any bending moment of the inclinometer or dial gage. The gages used to measure the
while measuring the initial angle. The bending moment listed pressure applied shall be calibrated to 61 % or better through-
in Table A6.1 shall be applied (see Note 3) to the joint. The out the range used for the test. The inclinometer shall be zeroed
final included angle shall then be measured and recorded. The prior to each reading. Therefore, the accuracy of the readings is
deflection angle shall be determined either by measuring the dependent solely on the ability to read the scales, typically
movement of the GMC and calculating the angle or by direct 61 %. There may be bias for the visual reading of the
measurement. The test shall be conducted at ambient tempera- inclinometer or dial gage based upon the human elements
ture (see A1.3.2). If there is no evidence of leakage and the involved in the visual reading of the meter(s).


A9.1 Scope inches) from the GMC. The test load may be applied directly
A9.1.1 This section covers the bending moment proof test to the GMC or on the pipe adjacent to the GMC. In either case,
for Type I Class 1 and 2 and Type II Class 1 GMC specimens. the applied load shall be such that the test moment acts at the
GMC. The joint shall be pressurized to the proposed rated
A9.2 Significance and Use pressure (65 %) of the specimen. The moment (see Table
A9.2.1 This test verifies the ability of the GMC to resist a A6.1) shall be applied to the joint and held for not less than one
bending moment equal to the bending moment generated by minute. The test shall be conducted at ambient temperature
the pipe when filled with water, supported at one side of the (see A1.3.2). If the GMC withstands this moment and shows no
GMC by a hanger and with the next hanger broken on the evidence of leakage, it shall pass this test.
maximum allowable hanger spacing. The GMC is to be
pressurized to its proposed rated pressure 65 % during the test. A9.4 Precision and Bias
The GMC shall have passed this test if it withstands this
moment without failing and no evidence of leakage is ob- A9.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated
served. accuracy of the pressure gages. The gages used to measure the
pressure applied to the specimen and to the bending moment
A9.3 Procedure for Test apparatus, as applicable, shall be calibrated to 61 % or better
A9.3.1 The test shall be conducted with a specimen using throughout the range used for the test. There is no bias for this
test pipe at least .38 meters (15 inches) in length. The support test because the allowable tolerance of 65 % is well above the
points for the pipe shall be a minimum of .305 meters (12 range of accuracy required to attain accurate readings.


A10.1 Scope that withstands two times the bending moment for Annex A9
A10.1.1 This section covers the bending moment ultimate without failure has passed this test.
test for Type I Class 1 and 2 and Type II Class I GMC A10.3 Procedure for Test
A10.3.1 The test shall be conducted with a specimen using
test pipe not less than .38 meters (15 inches) in length. The
A10.2 Significance and Use support points for the pipe shall be not less than .305 meters
A10.2.1 This test verifies the safety factors available in the (12 inches) from the GMC. The test load may be applied
GMC when tested with the bending moment from Annex A8 directly to the GMC or on the pipe adjacent to the GMC. In
and Annex A9. This test is performed by pressurizing the either case, the applied load shall be such that the described test
specimen to its proposed rated pressure and then applying a moment acts at the GMC. This test shall be conducted at
bending moment to cause failure. The pressure is maintained at ambient temperature (see A1.3.2). The joint shall be internally
the proposed rated pressure throughout the test. The test is pressurized to the proposed rated pressure (65 %) of the
conducted at ambient temperature (see A1.3.2). A specimen specimen. Increasing moments shall be applied to the GMC

F 1476
while maintaining the internal pressure at the proposed rated accuracy of the pressure gages. The gages used to measure the
pressure until failure occurs. This bending moment shall be pressure applied to the specimen and to the bending apparatus,
applied at a rate not to exceed 27,116 Newton meters (20,000 as applicable, shall be calibrated to 61 % or better throughout
Ft-Lbs) per minute. GMCs that withstand two times the test the range used for the test. There is no bias for this test because
moment from Annex A9 without evidence of leakage shall pass the allowable tolerance of 65 % is well above the range of
the test. The moment at failure shall be recorded. accuracy required to attain accurate readings.
A10.4 Precision and Bias
A10.4.1 The precision of this test shall be the calibrated

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