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Surge Suppressors For Shipboard Use

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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1507 – 99

Standard Specification for

Surge Suppressors for Shipboard Use1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1507; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This standard establishes performance requirements of 3.1 Definitions:
surge suppressors for use on shipboard ac power circuits.
NOTE 1—These definitions other than specific to the standard are taken
1.2 Surge suppressor shall be a protective device for limit- from UL 1449, ANSI/IEEE C62.41, and MIL-STD 1399 to provide for
ing voltage transients on equipment by discharging, dissipating harmonization of terms.
internally, bypassing surge current, or a combination thereof
3.2 power interface—The electrical points where the surge
and which prevents continued flow of follow current to ground
suppression device is electrically connected to the ac power
and is capable of repeating these functions.
1.3 Surge suppressors covered by this specification may
3.3 combination wave—A surge delivered by an instrument
consist of a single circuit element or may be a hybrid device
that has the inherent capability of applying a 1.2/50-µs voltage
using several suppression devices.
wave across an open circuit and delivering an 8/20-µs current
2. Referenced Documents wave into a short circuit. The exact wave that is delivered is
determined by the instantaneous impedance to which the
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the
combination wave is applied. (Also called combination
date of material purchase form a part of this specification to the
voltage/current surge or combination V/I surge.)
extent referenced herein:
3.4 crest (peak) value (of a wave, surge or impulse)—The
2.2 American National Standards:2
maximum value that a wave, surge, or impulse attains.
ANSI/IEEE Std 4 IEEE Standard Techniques for High
3.5 electric power source—The electric power that is sup-
Voltage Testing
plied for testing.
ANSI/IEEE C62.41 Recommended Practice on Surge Volt-
3.6 electric power system ground—Ground is a plane or
age in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
surface used by the electric power system as a common
ANSI/IEEE C62.45 Guide on Surge Testing for Equipment
reference to establish zero potential. Usually, this surface is the
Connected to Low-Voltage AC Power Circuits
metallic hull of the ship. On a nonmetallic hull ship, a special
ANSI/IEEE C84.1 Electrical Power Systems and
ground system is installed for this purpose.
Equipment—Voltage Ratings
3.7 follow (power) current—The current from the connected
2.3 Military Standard:3
power source that flows through a surge protective device
MIL-STD-1399 Section 300; Military Standard Interface
following the passage of discharge current.
Standard for Shipboard Systems, Section 300, Electric
3.8 frequency tolerance—Frequency tolerance is the maxi-
Power, Alternating Current
mum permitted departure from nominal frequency during
2.4 Underwriters Laboratories Standard:4
normal operation, excluding transient and cyclic frequency
UL 1449 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, 2nd Edition
variations. This includes variations such as those caused by
load changes, switchboard frequency meter error, and drift.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships Unless specified otherwise, frequency tolerance shall be con-
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.10 on sidered to be 610 % of nominal frequency.
Electrical. 3.9 inrush current—The inrush current is a sudden change
Current edition approved Nov. 11, 1999. Published March 2000. Originally
published as F 1507 – 94. Last previous edition F 1507 – 94. in line current that occurs during startup or as a result of a
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th change to the operating mode. Inrush current is dependent on
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
the type of load connected to the surge suppressor, and
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
typically will rise to a maximum value in a few milliseconds
Available from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, and decay to rated value in several milliseconds to several
IL 60062. seconds.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1507 – 99
3.10 leakage current—Line current drawn, either line-to- 3.23 transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS)—A surge
line or line-to-ground, by the suppressor when operated at the protective device intended for connection electrically on the
maximum continuous operating voltage. load side of the main overcurrent protection in circuits not
3.11 maximum continuous operating voltage—Maximum exceeding 600 V. (Location Categories A and B as described in
sinusoidal rms voltage which may be continuously applied ANSI/IEEE C62.41.)
without degradation or deleterious effects. 3.24 two-port transient voltage surge suppressor—A TVSS
3.12 measured limiting voltage—The crest (peak) value of having one set of electrical connections (terminals, leads and
the voltage measured at the leads, terminals, receptacle con- the like) intended for connection to the ac power circuit and
tacts and the like, intended for connection to the load(s) to be one or more separate sets of electrical connections (terminals,
protected, and resulting from application of a specified surge. leads, outlet receptacles, and so forth) intended for connecting
3.13 nominal frequency—the nominal frequency is the des- the load(s) to be protected. This device is series-connected such
ignated frequency in Hz. that load current will flow through the transient voltage surge
3.14 nominal system voltage—A nominal value assigned to
3.25 voltage drop—Voltage differential measured from in-
designate a system of a given voltage class in accordance with
put terminals to output terminals under conditions of rated load
ANSI/IEEE C84.1. For the purpose of this standard, nominal
current for two-port surge suppressors.
system voltages are 120, 208, 240, and 480 vac. All voltages in
3.26 voltage protection level—A suppression rating (or
this standard are root-mean-square (rms) unless stated other-
ratings) in volts or kilovolts, selected by the manufacturer that
wise. All tolerances are expressed in percent of the nominal
is based on the measured limiting voltage determined during
system voltage.
surge testing. Also referred to as the suppression voltage rating.
3.15 one-port transient voltage surge suppressor—A TVSS 3.27 voltage spike—A voltage spike is a voltage change of
having one set of electrical connections (terminals, leads and very short duration (100 µs to 1⁄2 cycle). The standard 1.2/50-µs
the like) intended only for shunt-connection to the ac power lightning impulse, as defined by ANSI/IEEE Std 4, is the
circuit, such that load current in the ac power circuit bypasses characteristic voltage spike used for test purposes.
the TVSS.
3.28 voltage tolerance—Voltage tolerance is the maximum
3.16 peak overshoot voltage—Maximum voltage above the permitted departure from nominal system voltage during nor-
voltage protection level (peak voltage minus suppression mal operation, excluding transient voltage variations. Voltage
voltage rating) across the suppressor output terminals during tolerance includes variations such as those caused by load
initial response to a voltage spike. changes, switchboard meter error, and drift. Unless otherwise
3.17 rated rms voltage (varistor)—Maximum continuous specified, voltage tolerance shall be considered to be 610 % of
sinusoidal rms voltage which may be applied to a varistor. nominal system voltage.
3.18 response time (varistor)—The time between the point
at which the wave exceeds the voltage protection level (sup- 4. Classification
pression voltage rating) and the peak of the voltage overshoot. 4.1 Surge suppressors covered in this specification shall be
For the purpose of this definition, voltage protection level is classified by class and type.
defined with an 8/20-µs current waveform of the peak current 4.2 The two classes of surge suppressors covered in this
amplitude as the waveform used for this response time. specification are based on and reflect ANSI/IEEE C62.41
3.19 secondary surge arrestor—A surge protector device locations.
acceptable ahead of the service entrance equipment on circuits 4.2.1 Class A—Surge suppressor associated with long cir-
not exceeding 1000-V rms (location category C as described in cuit branch that being greater than 30-ft cable distance from the
ANSI/IEEE C62.41). distribution panel and usually installed as a series-connected
3.20 surge—A transient overvoltage superimposed on the ac TVSS at the distribution system receptacle (wall outlet).
power circuit. A voltage surge is generally one in which the 4.2.2 Class B—Surge suppressor for short branch circuit,
superposition of the surge and normal power frequency voltage either installed at loads within 30-ft cable distance from the
involves peak voltage levels of twice or more the normal circuit breaker distribution panel or within the distribution
voltage of the ac power system and generally lasting not more panel.
than one-half period of the nominal system voltage waveform. 4.3 Type designations for surge suppressors covered in this
3.21 surge protective device (SPD)—A protective device specification are as follows:
composed of any combination of linear or non-linear circuit 4.3.1 Type I; Permanent Connected Type—A suppressor
elements and intended for limiting surge voltages on equip- designed for hard-wired or panel-mount applications. This type
ment by diverting or limiting surge current; it prevents contin- surge suppressor is the only one-port-type TVSS.
ued flow of follow (power) current and is capable of repeating 4.3.2 Type II; Plug-In Type—A suppressor provided with
these functions as specified. blades for direct connection at a receptacle and with integral
3.22 temporary overvoltage (TOV)—A voltage swell from a output receptacle(s). By nature of its design, a plug-in suppres-
sudden change in voltage which goes outside the voltage sor is inserted into the circuit as a series connection.
tolerance limits but does not exceed 120 % of nominal system 4.3.3 Type III; Cord-Connected Type—A suppressor that is
voltage and returns to and remains within these limits within 2 connected to a receptacle through a flexible cord that is
s after the initiation of the disturbance. permanently attached to the suppressor device. The cord shall

F 1507 – 99
be in accordance with requirements of UL 1449. Cord- Inrush current 10 times rated current for 10
connected devices shall not have means for permanent mount- cycles
Peak surge current 3000 A
ing. Operating temperature −10 to 60°C
4.3.4 Type IV; Power Director (Power Center) Type—A Storage temperature −40 to 85°C
suppressor unit with two-pole main circuit breaker, a master Minimum insulation resistance to 10 MV at 500 VDC
switch for controlling all receptacle outlets, and individual Humidity resistance 0 to 100 %
switches for controlling all outlets. Minimum life 2000 operations

5. Ordering Information A
For two-port (plug-in and series-connected) suppressors only.
5.1 Orders for suppressors under this specification shall Measured line-to-line and line-to-neutral with an 8/20-µs, 3000-A peak wave-
form per ANSI/IEEE C62.41 applied.
include the following:
7.2 Operating Requirements:
5.1.1 This specification number;
5.1.2 Nominal system voltage—120, 208, 240, and 480 V; 7.2.1 Protection modes for all two-port hybrid surge protec-
5.1.3 Frequency—50, 60, and 400 Hz; tive devices shall provide protection for common mode (line-
5.1.4 Service—single-phase, three-phase delta, three-phase to-ground and neutral-to-ground) and normal mode (line-to-
wye; line) transients.
5.1.5 Load current; 7.2.2 Fails to an open (versus short) circuit unless otherwise
5.1.6 Surge suppressor—class and type; specified and provides indication (visual) of failure.
5.1.7 Protection modes; 7.2.3 Capable of installation into a dedicated container for
5.1.8 Voltage protection level (suppression rating), if mounting or as an assembly or component of a switchboard or
known; power supply.
5.1.9 Quantity; 7.2.4 Maximum voltage drop for two-port devices at full
5.1.10 Testing requirements—include only if tests other current/voltage shall not exceed 0.25 % of nominal system
than the production tests required by this specification are to be voltage.
performed; 7.3 Grounding Requirements:
5.1.11 Certification requirements; and 7.3.1 The surge suppressor shall be provided with a means
5.1.12 Packaging and shipping requirements. for grounding all exposed dead-metal parts that might become
energized. Grounding shall be accomplished in accordance
6. Materials and Manufacture with the requirements of UL 1449.
6.1 Materials—All materials used in the construction of 7.3.2 Type I (permanently connected) suppressors requiring
these surge suppressors shall be of a quality suitable for the grounding shall have a field-wiring terminal or an insulated
purpose intended and shall conform to the requirements of this ground lead that is intended solely for connection of a
specification. grounding conductor.
6.1.1 All metallic enclosures shall be either painted or 7.3.3 The flexible cord of Types III and IV suppressors
coated with corrosion resistant material. which requires grounding shall have a grounding conductor
6.2 Manufacture—Plastic, when used, shall be a suitable connected to the suppressor enclosure. Type II, direct plug-in,
thermoplastic or thermosetting material so molded as to suppressors requiring grounding shall be provided with a
produce a dense solid structure, uniform in texture, finish, and grounding pin as one of the attachment plug contacts.
mechanical properties. 7.3.4 Any leads emanating from a suppressor are to be of
color coded insulated wire. The color green shall be used for
7. Requirements the grounding conductor and shall not be used for any other
7.1 Performance Requirements: purpose.
7.4 Supplementary Protection:
7.4.1 Surge protective devices that are series-connected
Maximum continuous operating 110 % of nominal voltage (Types II, III, and IV) shall have supplementary overcurrent
Temporary overvoltage withstand 120 % of nominal voltage for protection and overtemperature protection.
2s 7.4.2 Supplementary overcurrent protection using fuses
Voltage drop Less than 0.25 % of nominal
voltage at rated current
shall be readily replaceable while circuit breaker protected
System frequency tolerance 610 % of nominal frequency devices shall be resettable.
Voltage protection levelB 7.4.3 Supplementary overcurrent protection shall interrupt
120-V nominal suppressor 6350 V
208-V, 240-V nominal suppres- 6700 V all phases of the source circuit plus the circuit neutral where
sor applicable to assure suppressor isolation of the load.
480-V nominal suppressor 61200 V
Maximum peak overshoot voltage Less than 250-V overvoltage
7.4.4 Overtemperature protection shall sense suppressor
protection level for voltage enclosure or suppression device overtemperature condition and
spike with 5 kV/µs or lower initiate opening of the voltage supply.
rate of rise
Response time Less than 50 ns 7.4.5 Suppressor supplementary protection shall provide a
Maximum leakage current Less than 30-mA line-line or line- visual or audible indication or both of the opening of the
ground protective device.

F 1507 – 99
8. Enclosures leakage currents at the conclusion of the test shall be less than
8.1 Unless specified differently by the purchaser, the sup- 30 mA and shall be less than 110 % of the initial leakage
pressor shall be packaged in a safety grounded enclosure with current for each sample.
foundation attachments that meets the requirements of UL 10.2.2 Maximum Line-to-Ground Voltage—Rated maxi-
1449. mum continuous operating voltage shall be applied to the three
8.1.1 The enclosure shall be capable of confining any test suppressors between each line terminal and ground for a
material that may be expelled during a catastrophic failure of period of 1 h. A single-phase voltage source may be applied
any suppression device. between all line terminals (in parallel) and ground for this test.
Leakage current to ground shall not increase by more than
9. Receptacles 10 % at the conclusion of this test.
9.1 Receptacles provided as part of a suppressor shall have 10.2.3 Temporary Overvoltage—The three test samples
a current rating not more that the current rating of the shall be exposed to ten cycles of temporary overvoltage. Each
suppressor and a voltage rating consistent with rating of the overvoltage cycle shall consist of 120 % of rated nominal
suppressor. voltage for a period of 2 s followed by the maximum
9.2 All receptacles shall be of the grounding type. continuous operating voltage for a period of 1 min. The leakage
currents shall not exceed 30 Ma and the leakage current
10. Design Tests immediately following the 1-min period of the last cycle shall
not exceed 110 % of the value obtained at the conclusion of the
10.1 Insulation Withstand Test—The assembled insulating
maximum continuous operating voltage test.
members of the surge suppressor shall withstand impulse and
power-frequency voltages applied between each pair of line 10.3 Impulse Voltage-Time Tests—The impulse voltage-
terminals and between each line terminal and the grounded time tests demonstrate the suppressor’s ability to limit over-
case. Internal parts designed to conduct to discharge impulses voltage in response to varying voltage spike rates of rise.
shall be removed or rendered inoperative to permit these tests. Voltage impulses with fast (5–kV/µs) and slow (150–V/µs)
10.1.1 Impulse Insulation Withstand—A 1.2/50-µs impulse rates of rise and of both polarities shall be applied between
voltage wave, as defined by ANSI/IEEE Std 4, shall be applied each set of input line terminals and between each line terminal
between each set of line terminals and between each line and ground. Normal operating voltage need not be applied for
terminal and ground. The magnitude of the impulse voltage these tests. The tests shall be performed on three samples, and
shall be at least 1.2 times the sum of the voltage protection the highest crest voltage recorded at the output terminals shall
level (suppression rating) and the maximum peak overshoot be less than the maximum peak voltage (voltage protection
voltage, but need not exceed 6 Kv. level plus peak overshoot). The response time shall also be less
10.1.2 Power Frequency Insulation Withstand—An ac po- than 50 ns. For one-port type suppressors, input and output
tential of the nominal system frequency shall be applied for a terminals are the same terminals. Where three-phase suppres-
period of 1 min between each set of line terminals and between sors consist of three identical circuits, these tests need only be
each line terminal and ground. The magnitude of the test performed on one of the three circuits in each sample. If the
voltage shall be 1000 V plus twice nominal system voltage. suppressor discharge current exceeds 3000 amps, a resistance
The same test voltage magnitude shall be applied for line-to- of up to 2 V may be added in series with the surge generator
line and line-to-ground tests. to limit the current after suppressor operation to 3000 amps.
10.2 Power Frequency Withstand Test—Power frequency 10.3.1 Fast-Front Impulse Suppression Tests—A 1.2/50-µs
withstand tests shall be performed to demonstrate the ability of voltage impulse wave having a prospective crest voltage of
the surge suppressor to withstand sustained periods of opera- 6-kV (5-kV/µs rate of rise) shall be used for the fast-front test.
tion at the maximum continuous operating voltage and periods Five impulses of each polarity shall be applied to each set of
of transient power frequency overvoltage without degradation. terminals and the maximum peak voltage and response time
The power supply voltage, measured at the input terminals of obtained line to line and line to ground shall be recorded.
the suppressor, shall be maintained as close as practicable to, 10.3.2 Slow-Front Impulse Suppression Tests—Slowfront
but not less than, the specified test voltage. Three suppressors tests shall be performed using a voltage impulse with a
shall be connected across a power supply within the tolerances prospective crest of 4.5 kV and a wavefront (time from zero to
of the nominal frequency. The power supply shall have a short crest) of 30 to 60 µs (approximately 150-V/µs rate of rise). The
circuit capacity, measured at the suppressor input terminals, of time to half-crest value on the tail of the prospective waveform
at least 500 amps. For multi-phase suppressors, tests shall be should be at least twice the wavefront time. Five impulses of
performed for the assembled suppressor and power frequency each polarity shall be applied to each set of terminals and the
voltage shall be applied to all phases. maximum voltage and response time obtained line-to-line and
10.2.1 Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage—The three line-to-ground shall be recorded.
test samples shall be placed in a controlled-temperature cham- 10.4 Voltage Protection Level Tests—The purpose of this
ber with an ambient temperature of 85°C 6 5°C and the rated test is to determine the voltage protection provided by the
maximum continuous operating voltage shall be applied for a suppressor when passing a surge current. The voltage protec-
period of 1000 h. The suppressor leakage currents shall be tion level shall be measured at the output terminals of the
measured at the beginning of the test (after the suppressor suppressor using 8/20-µs current impulse waveforms of both
temperature has stabilized), and again after 1000 h. The polarities applied to the input terminals. Three new specimens

F 1507 – 99
(not previously surged) shall be subjected to five 1500-amp 10.6.1 Voltage Impulses—Upon successful completion of
impulses of each polarity, followed by one 3000-amp surge of the duty cycle tests, the suppressor selected for duty cycle
both polarities, applied between each set of input terminals and testing shall have a series of 1000 voltage impulses with a
between each input terminal and ground. The time interval 1.2/50-µs waveshape and 6-kV magnitude applied between one
between current impulses shall not exceed 120 s. In the event phase and ground (or between the same two phases if no
that the input voltage developed by the current impulse ground connection is used). Power frequency voltage need not
generator exceeds 6 kV after the initial suppressor overshoot, be applied during these tests. If the suppressor discharge
the current impulse magnitude may be limited to a value which current for these tests exceeds 750 A, a resistance of up to 8 V
produces a 6-kV input voltage. The maximum value of may be added in series with the surge generator to limit the
line-to-line and line-to-ground voltage protection level at each current after suppressor operation to 750 A. Surges shall be
current level shall be recorded and shall be less than the rated applied at 5-s intervals. Measurements of the maximum peak
maximum suppression voltage rating. The range of voltage voltage (voltage protection level plus peak overshoot) shall be
protection level values obtained with the series of 1500-amp taken for the first ten surges and for the last ten surges. The
impulses across the same set of terminals on any one unit shall average of the maximum peak voltage for the first ten surges
not vary by more than 10 %. and for the last ten surges shall not vary by more than 10 %.
10.5 Duty Cycle Tests—The duty cycle test establishes the 10.6.2 Current Impulses—Following the 1000 voltage im-
ability of the suppressor to interrupt follow current successfully pulses, 1000 current impulses with an 8/20-µs waveshape and
and repeatedly. Duty cycle tests shall be performed using one 750-A magnitude shall be applied to the same set of terminals
of the three suppressors previously used in the power fre- as were used for the 1000 voltage surges. If the voltage
quency withstand tests. The suppressor shall be connected developed at the input terminals exceeds 6 kV, the current
across a power supply within the tolerances of the nominal impulse magnitude may be limited to a value which produces
frequency. The power supply voltage, measured at the input an input voltage of 6 kV. Nominal frequency voltage shall be
terminals of the suppressor, shall be maintained as close as applied to the suppressor immediately before and for at least 10
practicable to, but not less than, the rated maximum continuous s following application of the current impulse. Current surges
operating voltage. The power supply shall have a short circuit shall be applied at 5-s intervals. The value of voltage protection
capacity, measured at the suppressor input terminals, of at least level and the leakage current through the suppressor 10 s
500 amps.
following the impulse shall be measured for the first ten surges
10.5.1 A series of ten 8/20-µs current impulse waves with a and the last ten surges. The average of these two parameters for
crest value of 1500 A and constant polarity shall be applied the first ten and last ten measurements shall not vary by more
line-to-line with a time interval between surges of 50 to 60 s. than 10 %.
The first surge shall be timed to occur 30° after voltage, zero in
10.7 Load Current and Voltage Drop Tests—For two-port
the power-frequency half-cycle of the same polarity as the
surge suppressors, tests of the ampacity and voltage drop shall
impulse. The second impulse will be timed to occur at 60°, and
be conducted on one sample. A reduced voltage source may be
the timing will be increased an additional 30° for each
used for the performance of these tests. For multi-phase
subsequent surge. A second series of ten current impulses shall
suppressors, tests shall be performed using the assembled
be applied line to ground, with the first surge of this series
suppressor and the specified magnitude of test current shall be
occurring within 2 min of the tenth line-to-line surge. The
conducted through all phases simultaneously.
leakage current before the first impulse and immediately
following the last impulse of each series of impulses and the 10.7.1 Rated Current and Voltage Drop—A current not less
suppression voltage rating during each surge shall be mea- than the rated current of the suppressor shall be passed through
sured. The measured leakage currents shall be less than 30 mA. the device (from “input” to “output” terminals) for a period of
The leakage current following the last (tenth) impulse shall not 1 h. The maximum voltage between corresponding input and
have increased by more than 10 % of the value obtained before output terminals shall be measured with rated current flowing
testing. The measured suppression voltage rating shall be less through the suppressor at the end of the 1-h test period and
than the rated voltage protection level. The range of voltage shall not exceed 0.25 % of the nominal system voltage. The
suppression values obtained shall not vary by more than 10 %. temperature rise of the suppressor case and any internal
If the voltage produced at the suppressor input terminals current-carrying components shall not exceed 20°C.
exceeds 6 kV, the current impulse magnitude can be limited to 10.7.2 Inrush Current—A current equal to ten times rated
the value which results in a 6-kV input voltage. Where a current shall be passed through the suppressor (from input to
three-phase unit consists of three identical circuits, or the peak output terminals) for ten cycles without loss of continuity
overvoltages and clamping overvoltages determined by the (including interruption of fuses or other protective devices),
previous tests are within 10 % for all three phases, only one causing the suppressor to shunt or limit current, or elevating
line-to-line and one line-to-ground test need be performed. the temperature of the suppressor or any of its current-carrying
10.6 Life Cycle Tests—Life cycle tests establish the ability components by more than 20°C. Maximum continuous oper-
of the suppressor to retain its voltage limiting function follow- ating voltage shall be applied immediately following the
ing exposure to a large number of impulses equivalent to the application of the inrush current, and the measured leakage
suppressor’s life expectancy. current shall be less than 30 mA.

F 1507 – 99
11. Conformance and Production Tests an input voltage equal to, but not less than, 6 kV. The voltage
11.1 Conformance testing of a random sample may be protection level and response time at the output terminals and
requested by the purchaser to verify that selected performance the suppressor leakage current would be measured and should
characteristics demonstrated in the design tests have been be less than the rated maximum values.
maintained in the production suppressors supplied. These tests 11.1.2 Production Tests:
would not normally be performed unless specifically required. Insulation Withstand—Each suppressor shall with-
Production tests are routine tests performed on production units stand, without electrical breakdown, a voltage applied between
(or samples thereof) to ensure that basic safety requirements the line terminals and the grounded case (including accessible
are met. dead metal parts). The voltage applied shall be 1000–V ac plus
11.1.1 Conformance Tests—Conformance tests shall be per- twice rated maximum continuous operating voltage for a
formed only as required by the purchaser on a representative period of 1 minute or 1200–V ac plus 2.4 times rated maximum
sample, selected at random, of the units supplied by the continuous operating voltage for a period of 1 s. This test shall
manufacturer. When required, testing shall be performed on the be performed when the suppressor is fully assembled. Alter-
assembled suppressor. Sample size, testing required, and pass/ natively, where the test voltage can damage solid-state com-
fail criteria must all be specified by the purchaser. The ponents, the insulating structures of the suppressor may be
following sample sizes and tests are suggested for conformance tested before assembly of internal components, provided the
testing. test is representative of the completed suppressor and a random Sample Size: sample representing at least 1 % and at least three suppressors
from the day’s completed production are tested with any
No. Supplied Test Sample Size
internal components which may be damaged by the test
1–20 1 11.1.3 Ground Continuity—Each suppressor provided with
21–50 3
51–100 5
a means for grounding (for example, ground terminal or pin)
101 and above 5 % of total shall be tested using an ohmmeter, battery/buzzer circuit tester,
or similar device to determine continuity between the ground- Power Frequency Test—Each sample would be
ing connection and all accessible dead metal parts.
placed in an ambient temperature of at least 25°C, and the rated
maximum continuous operating voltage would be applied for a 12. Certification Requirements
period of two hours. Five cycles of 120 % of nominal system
voltage for a period of 2 s, followed by 1 min at the maximum 12.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
continuous operating voltage would then be applied. The producer’s or supplier’s certification shall be furnished to the
leakage current at the beginning and end of this test would be purchaser that the material was manufactured, sampled, tested,
measured to verify that it is less than the 30 mA rated leakage. and inspected in accordance with this specification and has
Leakage current at the conclusion of the test should be less than been found to meet the requirements. When specified in the
110 % of the initial leakage to demonstrate no permanent purchase order or contract, a report of the test results shall be
degradation. Additionally, the maximum continuous operating furnished.
voltage should be applied between the line terminals and the
13. Marking Requirements
ground connection for a period of 5 min. The leakage current
after 5 min should be less than 30 mA and should not have 13.1 The product shall be labeled or tagged to show:
increased by more than 10 % from the initial value at the 13.1.1 Manufacturer’s name, model, serial number, and
beginning of the power frequency test. country of origin, Impulse Voltage Test—A single 1.2/50-µs voltage 13.1.2 Product name,
impulse wave having a prospective crest voltage of 6 kV would 13.1.3 Surge suppressor class and type,
be applied between each pair of input line terminals and 13.1.4 Nominal rated voltage, current, frequency, and ser-
between each input line terminal and ground for each sample. vice,
The maximum peak voltage and response time measured for 13.1.5 Voltage protection level (in volts or kilovolts) for
each impulse should not exceed the rated maximum values. each protective mode. Impulse Current Test—Each sample would be con-
nected across a power supply with the nominal system voltage 14. Packaging Requirements
and frequency. A single 8/20-µs current impulse with a peak 14.1 Product shall be packaged, boxed, crated, or wrapped
amplitude of 750 A would be applied between one pair of input to provide suitable protection during shipment and storage.
line terminals and between one line terminal and ground
(selected at random) for each sample. If the voltage at the input 15. Keywords
terminals of the suppressor exceeds 6 kV, the amplitude of the 15.1 ac power; circuits; surge current; surge suppression;
current impulse could be reduced to that value which produces surge suppressors; voltage transients

F 1507 – 99

The following supplementary requirements are applicable to Navy procurements and shall apply
only when specified by the purchaser in the contract or purchase order.

S1. Performance S2.1 The surge suppressors shall meet all the life cycle
S1.1 The surge suppressors shall meet the performance requirements specified in 10.6 with the following exceptions:
requirements of 7.1 except for voltage protection level at 480 S2.1.1 Number of applied voltage impulses as described in
V and minimum life which shall be in accordance with Table 10.6.1 shall be 2500. Surges shall be applied at 12-s intervals.
S1.1. In addition, the surge suppressors shall meet the perfor- S2.1.2 Number of applied current impulses as described in
mance requirements for minimum energy capability and mini- 10.6.2 shall be 2500. Surges shall be applied at 12-s intervals.
mum average power capability specified in Table S1.1. S3. Testing—The supplier is responsible for the perfor-
S2. Life Cycle Test Requirements mance of all testing and inspections. Except as otherwise
specified, the supplier may use his own facilities or any
commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The
TABLE S1.1 Performance Requirements
Government may reserve the right to perform any of the testing
Voltage Protection Level at 480 V 61600 V
or inspections set forth in the specification requirements. This
Minimum life 5000 operations testing shall assure qualification on a one-time basis unless the
Minimum energy capability 450 J/phase
Minimum average power capability 2W manufacturer makes a significant change in materials or


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Shipboard Electrical Systems Environment: X1.2.2 Hybrid transient voltage surge suppressors are de-
X1.1.1 Transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSS) devices signed to take advantage of several different types of compo-
work better and can more effectively shunt damaging transient nents thereby enhancing overall performance and reliability.
overvoltages and current pulses to electronic equipment, if Hybrids usually incorporate a high energy capable, primary
system grounding is done properly and has good integrity. suppression section and tighter clamping, lower energy section.
Therein lies the major problem with TVSS devices for ship- A hybrid design appears simple, however the proper compo-
board use. Unlike industrial or commercial electrical systems nent selection by the manufacturer is critical so that they
which have an ac supply ground and an equipment ground, function together as a coordinated system. A properly designed
most shipboard electrical systems are “ungrounded.” Without a hybrid TVSS will vastly outperform any single component
system ground (normally referred to as the neutral or com- suppressor.
mon), then shipboard TVSS devices have protective modes
that are limited to line-to-line and/or line-to-ground shunting of X1.3 Series Versus Parallel Devices:
transients. Equipment (safety) grounds are achieved by proper
X1.3.1 Surge suppressor components are inherently parallel
mounting of equipment to the ship’s metal hull or structure or
or “across the line” components making them insensitive to
installation of grounding straps between the hull and isolated
load currents. However, because any impedance between the
equipment. The effectiveness of shipboard TVSS will be highly
surge suppressor component and the transient-carrying line
dependent on the equipment grounding techniques.
greatly reduces their effectiveness, lead length is an important
X1.2 Single Component Versus Hybrid Transient Voltage consideration. The ideal one-port (parallel or shunt-connected)
Surge Suppressors: surge suppressor configuration is one with leads as short as
X1.2.1 Activated by transient voltage and current, a TVSS possible. Longer leads, especially those excessive in length,
component redirects or shunts a portion of the transient current may entirely negate the capability of the surge suppressor.
through the device and away from the load. A number of TVSS Unfortunately, most transient voltage suppressors are parallel
components are available with each having distinct advantages in design and require long wire-up leads.
and disadvantages. These components consist of two basic X1.3.2 Series-connected (two-port) TVSS systems require
types of protector: clamps and crowbars. Clamps (metal-oxide load current sensitivity because all load currents pass through
varistors and silicon avalanche suppressors) simply limit, while them. However, leads may be minimized in two-port designs,
crowbars (gas tubes and carbon-block arrestors) exhibit steep thereby significantly enhancing performance. Additionally,
negative resistance characteristics that result in voltage protec- most two-port surge suppressors offer hybrid designs that
tion levels well below their striking potential. incorporate multiple components and a coupling inductor.

F 1507 – 99
X1.4 Envelope Clamping Versus Sine Wave Clamping: diode), then a portion of the transient is reflected (bounces
X1.4.1 There are two main types of surge suppressors, back) in the opposite direction with an opposite polarity. That
envelope or threshold clamping devices and sine-wave clamp- portion of energy which finds its way in between two suppres-
ing devices. Envelope devices, which represents the majority sion devices separated by (wire) inductance, bounces back and
of surge suppressors available today, use only solid-state forth until it is dissipated or escapes into other forms of energy.
protection components such as metal oxide varistors (MOVs)
or silicon avalanche diodes and operate by limiting or clamping X1.6 Safety Features:
the voltage across their terminals. This voltage protection level X1.6.1 There is a fire hazard with surge suppressors. Surge
depends on the transient current and waveshape and must be suppressors can and do catch fire. Suppressors used to protect
chosen high enough not to interfere with the normal operation sensitive electronic equipment in home, office, industry, Naval
of the protected line. and marine against transient voltages on ac circuits have failed
X1.4.2 Envelope clamping devices are very effective at in service, some overheating seriously, melting and even
preventing transient damage from occurring to simple devices catching on fire. The theoretical cause has been debated and
such as motors or power supplies, where insulation breakdown fire hazard tests proposed, however the most practical solution
from high voltage would occur. They are not effective at is to include provisions in the equipment design to preclude the
keeping transient energy from low-voltage supplies to sensitive devices catching fire. Those recommended for consideration by
electronics or microprocessors. the purchaser would include:
X1.4.3 Sine-wave clamping suppressors consist of complex X1.6.1.1 Enclosure shall be metallic.
hybrid filter/suppressor circuits that effectively attenuates high X1.6.1.2 Two-port devices shall include a circuit breaker
frequency transients at whatever phase angle it occurs. Sine- that interrupts all phases (and neutral where applicable) of the
wave clamping devices create lower clamping levels ensuring supply circuit.
that any residual transient which propagates through low X1.6.1.3 Thermal protection of TVSS shall interrupt supply
voltage power supplies is too small to cause circuit damage or circuit for overtemperature condition.
logic disruption at the circuit board level. X1.6.1.4 Fail open circuit that automatically shuts off power
X1.4.4 Although more costly than single-component or to connected equipment in the event of a suppression compo-
envelope (threshold clamping) devices, the use of hybrid surge nent failure and protects equipment from being exposed to
suppressors that offer high-energy suppression, high-speed unfiltered “raw” power.
suppression and a EMI/RFI filter be adopted. Such devices X1.6.2 Thermal failure modes of gapless, varistor-based
should be installed at power distribution panels and critical surge suppressors is considered significantly more likely than
electronic equipment and computers. failure to a surge suppressor during a large, single energy
transient. Thermal failure involves thermal runaway from one
X1.5 Networking Surge Suppressors: of three sets of circumstances:
X1.5.1 Networking surge suppressors gives superior perfor- X1.6.2.1 Following a large transient that elevated the tem-
mance and reduced costs over the application of single devices. perature of MOV beyond point of recoverable thermal equi-
Suppression networks are built by distribution of components librium.
at more that one point within as electrical system. Networks do X1.6.2.2 During an extended temporary overvoltage (some-
more than just protect more loads at more places; they actually times referred to as a “voltage swell”).
improve the performance of individual components, by taking X1.6.2.3 At the end of the life of a device previously
advantage of the wire’s self-inductance between surge suppres- exposed to repetitive temporary overvoltages or surges, when
sors. Suppressor networks result in superior performance at a the rated number and magnitude of pulses for that device has
lower cost since the very best single point devices are no longer been exceeded and the standby current has slowly increased to
needed for effective protection. a point where thermal runaway develops.
X1.5.2 Networked surge suppressors reduce the amplitude X1.6.3 Surge suppressors, as recommended in this standard,
of the transient step by step. The relationship of voltage should include a thermal cutoff device (in addition to an
protection level to current for suppression devices like MOVs overcurrent protective device) that will sense the varistor
is that the lower the current the lower the voltage protection temperature and interrupt the supply source during the initial
level and, therefore the lower the residual voltage getting part of the thermal runaway. In reality, the thermal failure
through to the load you are trying to protect. Transients act like modes of X1.6.2.1 and X1.6.2.2 may happen too fast for a
waves in a transmission line. When the wave encounters a cut-off device to act before terminal thermal runaway. The
change of impedance (which occurs with the introduction of failure mode defined in X1.6.2.3 is the most preventable by a
suppression component such as an MOV or silicon avalanche closely coupled cutoff device.

F 1507 – 99
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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