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Husky Energy Scholarship Application Form

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students

2018 Application Form

Applicant Information

First Name:

Last Name:


Permanent Address:


Province / State:

Postal Code / Zip Code:




* How did you hear about this scholarship program?

Email Employer Facebook Family or Friend Internet

Magazine Online ad School or Teacher Twitter Other

* Have you ever been a recipient of this award?

* If so, please indicate the date(s) (yyyy-mm-dd)

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
2018 Application Form


Scholastic History

Please list the educational institutions attended during the last two academic years.

Name of School From (yyyy-mm-dd) To (yyyy-mm-dd) Country Grade Completed

Name of School From (yyyy-mm-dd) To (yyyy-mm-dd) Country Grade Completed

Post-Secondary Data

List the name of the educational institution you plan to attend during the upcoming academic year.

Institution Name Campus Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Length of Program (years) Proposed Field of Study Degree or Diploma Sought

Institution Name Campus Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Length of Program (years) Proposed Field of Study Degree or Diploma Sought

Institution Name Campus Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Length of Program (years) Proposed Field of Study Degree or Diploma Sought

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
2018 Application Form

Additional Information

Are you a Canadian citizen of indigenous ancestry?

Do you self-identify as status, non-status, Métis, Inuit or other?


Please attach your essay(s) to your application.

* Volunteer/Community Involvement and/or Extracurricular Activities

Please provide a short essay describing your community involvement over the past five years.

Maximum 250 words.

* Financial Need

Please describe your personal and family financial circumstances (family employment, economic situation, etc.), and the financial needs
you will face while attending university or college.

Maximum 250 words.

* Essay

Please describe your interest and/or future plans in the Oil and Gas Industry. How this scholarship would assist in meeting your career

Maximum 250 words.

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
2018 Application Form

Authorization for the Distribution of Personal Information

In compliance with Privacy Law, information about your application will not be released to anyone who has not been specifically
authorized by you, the applicant. Third parties (parents, guardians, etc.) may contact Universities Canada on your behalf, in person,
by phone, or by email, to receive information about your application but only if you have authorized them on your account.

To add an individual to your file, please provide the names of family members or legal guardians to whom Universities Canada may
release your personal information. Please also provide a verbal password for their use when contacting Universities Canada.
Information about your file will be only be given to those individuals who appear on your list and can provide this password. It is your
responsibility to ensure the parties named below are aware of the password you have provided Universities Canada.

Note: You are not required to provide access to your file and may change the information at any time.

First Name:

Last Name:


First Name:

Last Name:


Supporting Documentation

As part of this application, the supporting documentation described below is required. If any of these documents are not received and
accepted, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be evaluated. Supporting documents must be received by Universities
Canada on or before 2018-06-15.

Documents may be uploaded through submitting an online application or sent directly to the address below.

Letters of Reference

All letters must be dated, typewritten on letterhead, signed with an original non-electronic signature and include the
reference’s contact information. If possible, the person writing the letter of reference should describe their relationship to
the applicant in the letter. Reference letters must be written in the year of application.

Letter(s) of Reference (Extracurricular)

One letter of reference is required to support your application and must come from an individual who is not related to the ap plicant. The
letter must come from a person who is familiar with your volunteer, community involvement and/or extracurricular activities.

To assist you in the preparation of this letter, please refer to the instructions for referees.

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
2018 Application Form


Please provide an official transcript of the last 2 terms of available marks. A transcript will be only considered acceptable if it is presented on
the official paper of the institution AND it bears the appropriate signature(s) and/or seal of the institution. Home school g rades will only be
accepted if they have been validated through a recognized, independent evaluation process.

Transcripts may be uploaded to the online application, however an original copy may be requested at any time, in order to verify its

Applicant Consent & Declaration

Husky Energy has contracted with Universities Canada for the administration of their scholarship program. This administration role
includes the application process, the evaluation and selection process, the processing of recipients' files and the administering of
payments for the scholarship on behalf of Husky Energy. The purpose of this statement is to set out Universities Canada's
commitment to the protection of personal information collected, used, disclosed or retained in performing this function. Universities
Canada will comply with the requirements of the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
for the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information provided by you in the course of your scholarship

Universities Canada has appointed a Privacy Officer with overall responsibility for Universities Canada privacy compliance. Should
you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding the privacy of your personal information please contact the Privacy
Officer by calling (613) 563-1236 or by writing to: Privacy Officer at 1710-350 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1R 1B1.

Please find below a summary of Universities Canada's privacy policies concerning the collection, use, disclosure and retention of
the personal information you will be submitting in this application. Please read the information below carefully as by submitting your
application you are consenting to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information as summarized below. A
full version of Universities Canada Privacy Code which outlines Universities Canada's complete personal information management
practices, policies and procedures is available on line at or by requesting a copy from Universities Canada Privacy


Your personal information is being collected on behalf of Husky Energy for the purposes of processing and evaluating scholarship
applications, selecting and processing scholarship recipients and administering scholarship payments once awarded. Your personal
information will be collected from you and may also be collected from references, secondary and postsecondary educational
institutions, government, community or other sources based on the information provided by you in this application. This process will
include the release of any or all of your personal information to Husky Energy and Selection Committee members as well as any
other third parties where such release is necessary for verification, scholarship evaluation, selection, administration purposes as
well as internal Universities Canada system administration purposes. Your personal information may be used in the future for the
purposes of contacting you and by Universities Canada in evaluating outcomes associated with the scholarship program. There will
be no other uses or disclosures of your personal information by Universities Canada unless required or authorized by law or unless
you are contacted and your permission is requested. The personal information being collected in the application is limited to only
that information which is necessary for the full consideration of your scholarship application and the purposes noted herein.


Husky Energy may from time to time wish to announce scholarship winners, their current educational institution, the university or
college where they intend to study and the course of study funded by the scholarship, as well as the amount of the scholarship, or to
use or disclose recipient information for promotional purposes. Husky Energy shall be responsible for obtaining the consent of
recipients for such purposes.


Upon request to Universities Canada Privacy Officer, you will be given access to your personal information held by Universities
Canada. Universities Canada will, on request, correct inaccuracies in your information. Please be advised that inaccuracies must be
brought to the attention of Universities Canada prior to the selection of a scholarship recipient[s] in order for us to record and bring
the correction to the attention of the Selection Committee.

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Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
2018 Application Form


Universities Canada and Husky Energy will securely retain personal information about applicants for the purposes of verifying
applications, completing the assessment and evaluation, selecting a recipient, administering scholarship payments, and addressing
any concerns regarding scholarship awards. Furthermore, Universities Canada and Husky Energy will retain certain personal
information collected throughout the application process for the purposes of contacting you in the future, for assessing the efficacy
of the scholarship and for undertaking aggregate analysis with regards to Universities Canada programs. This personal information
may be kept indefinitely. Universities Canada will retain a permanent listing of the names and internal identification numbers of the
recipients of the scholarship program in any given year. Universities Canada requires that Husky Energy comply with Universities
Canada Privacy Policy as outlined herein or follows a policy with comparable privacy standards.

You may refuse to provide personal information to us. You may also withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or
contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. However, in either case, this may limit your scholarship eligibility and our ability to
administer the scholarship payments. By completing and signing [submitting] this application you are consenting to the collection,
use, disclosure and retention of your personal information for the above stated purposes.

I have read and agree with the above consent. I have also read the scholarship guidelines and understand the eligibility
requirements for this program. I certify that all information provided in this application form and attached documents are
true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that acceptance of this application or receipt of any
scholarship/award issued to me may be revoked without notice if any information in this application is subsequently found
to be false.

Print Name:

Signature of Applicant: Date:

Contact Us

Scholarship Partners Canada

Ref: Scholarship Program for Indigenous Students
1710-350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1R 1B1

Tel.: (613) 563-1236

Toll free: 1-844-567-1237
Fax: (613) 563-9745

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