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Personal Best A2 - TB Unit4

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4 Home and away

LANGUAGE prepositions of time ■ daily routine verbs

4A 24 hours in the dark

1 Do you usually do these things in the morning? Discuss in pairs.

check emails go to the gym have a bath have a shower have breakfast

Go to Vocabulary practice: daily routine verbs, page 142

2 A Look at the title of the lesson and the pictures in the text. Which countries sometimes
have 24 hours of darkness?

B Read the text. Match the headings in the box with the paragraphs A–E.

Light and dark Summer activities Our daily routine My city Winter activities

I’m from New York, but I now live in the north of Norway in a small city called
Tromsø. I like living here. I have an interesting job and I like the people.

I work from 8.00 in the morning to 4.00 in the afternoon. I usually wake up
at 6.00 and get up at 6.15. I have a shower and get dressed. At 6.45, I have
breakfast and check my emails. I leave home at 7.15. My wife and children
leave home at 8.00. The children start school at 8.30 and finish at 2.30. I get
home at about 5.00.
by Tom Sanders Our lives are different in the summer and the winter. In the summer, there are
60 days when the sun doesn’t set. From May to July, it’s light at midnight.
And in the winter, we have 60 days of night. From November to January, it’s
dark at midday!
It’s very dark, but it isn’t a bad time of year. At the weekend, we spend time
together as a family or we go skiing. We sometimes see the Northern Lights at
night. They’re really beautiful.
In the summer, we spend a lot of time outdoors. In the evening, we often have
a barbecue on the beach and, on Friday nights, we sometimes go to outdoor
concerts. In July, we go on holiday. We usually visit my family in New York and
also spend some time with my wife’s family in the mountains.


72 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 20; photocopiable activity 4A Vocabulary


Home and away 4

UNIT 4 OVERVIEW:  This unit looks at different aspects of travel. Sts read a text about an American who now
lives and works in the north of Norway, then talk about their own preferences for their daily routine. They
watch or listen to people talking about the weather and discuss the weather in their country. They read posts
from someone who is visiting a new city, then imagine they are in a new city and practise phoning a friend.
They end by reading an email from someone who is on holiday and writing an email to a friend in which they
talk about their holiday and describe some photos they are attaching.

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Writing
Prepositions of time; Daily routine verbs; Sentence stress; consonant-to- Listening for the Describing a photo; using
present continuous the weather vowel linking; contractions main idea(s) personal pronouns

4A 24 hours in the dark
Sts read a text about an American who now lives and works in the north of Norway and describes his daily routines. They
then practise talking about their own daily routines.

Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Communication

Prepositions of time Daily routine verbs (get dressed, get home, get up, go Sentence stress Talking about your
(in, on, at, from ... to) to work/school/bed/sleep, have a shower/bath, have daily routine
breakfast/lunch/dinner, leave home/school/work, wake up)

WARMER Go to Vocabulary practice: daily routine verbs, SB page

142/TB page 297.
Ask: What do you like doing in the summer? Elicit a few ideas, Sts will find more language presentation and practice for
e.g. having a barbecue/picnic, going to the beach. Ask: What daily routine verbs here. Do these exercises with the class,
about winter? What do you like doing then? Elicit a few ideas, or set them for homework, before continuing with exercise
e.g. watching films, sitting by the fire. Ask: Is your daily 2A of lesson 4A.
routine different in summer and winter? Do you sleep more in
the winter? Are you more active in the summer? Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study
vocabulary practice of daily routine verbs.
1 Read through the activities with the class and pre-teach if
necessary. Sts work in pairs and discuss which things they 2 A Refer sts to the title of the lesson and the pictures.
usually do in the mornings. Get feedback on their answers. Discuss as a class which countries have 24 hours of
3 x PRACTICE  SB page 72, exercise 1 B Point out the gaps in the text for the paragraph
headings. Read through the paragraph headings with the
1 Do the exercise as normal. When you get feedback class and make sure sts understand them all. Sts read the
from sts, ask about each activity in turn: Who (checks
text and match the headings with the paragraphs. Check
emails) in the morning? Ask questions to encourage sts
answers with the class.
to say more, e.g. Do you check emails before you have
breakfast? Do you sometimes answer emails?
2 Books closed. Tell sts there were five activities in exercise A My city
1. Give them a minute to remember as many as they B Our daily routine
can. Sts can look in their books to check. See who C Light and dark
remembered them all. D Winter activities
3 Put students into pairs. Student A says one of the nouns E Summer activities
from exercise 1 and Student B must make a sentence
using it with the correct verb. Student A does this
for all the nouns, then they change roles and do the
activity again.

prepositions of time ■ daily routine verbs LANGUAGE 4A
3 A Read paragraph B again. Cover the text. Ask and answer questions about Tom and his family’s
daily routine with the verb phrases in the box. What can you remember?

wake up have breakfast leave home start work/school finish work/school get home

A When does Tom wake up? B I think he wakes up at 6.00.

B In pairs, compare your daily routine with Tom’s. What is the same? What is different?
I have breakfast at home, too. I don’t check my emails at home. I get home at six o’clock, not five o’clock.

4 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. Use the text to help you. Then read
the Grammar box.
1 I leave home at / in 7.15. 4 At / In the summer, we spend a lot of time
2 In / From May on / to July, it’s light at / in midnight. outdoors.
3 We sometimes see the Northern Lights 5 On / At Friday nights, we sometimes go to
in / at night. outdoor concerts.

Grammar prepositions of time

in: on: at: from … to:

the morning(s) Saturday(s) 5.30 … Monday … Friday
the winter Friday night(s) midnight/midday … November … January
July Monday morning(s) the weekend … 9.00 a.m. … 5.00 p.m.

Go to Grammar practice: prepositions of time, page 118

5 A Read about Tom’s daughter, Mia. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 I usually wake up 5.45 on weekdays.
2 I swim 6.30 7.30. the weekend, I get up the afternoon!
3 Fridays and Saturdays, I go to bed late.
4 the summer, I often go to concerts night. They don’t finish until 2.00 the
morning, but it’s still light.

B 4.3 Listen and check your answers. What does Mia love doing? Do you enjoy this activity?

6 4.4 Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen and repeat the sentences. Which words are stressed?
1 I get up at six in the morning. 4 I walk to work in the summer.
2 I work from Monday to Friday. 5 My wife gets home at midnight.
3 I go swimming on Wednesday evenings. 6 We have dinner at 8.30.

7 A Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Write one false sentence.
1 I get up at . 4 I the
2 I work from . summer.
3 I evenings. 5 I don’t the
B In pairs, say your sentences. Guess the false sentences.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student B page 169

8 A Read and answer the questions. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
1 What time do you usually get up at the weekend?
2 What time do you usually go to bed at the weekend?
3 When do you like working or studying?
4 When do you enjoy doing exercise?
B Find a classmate who is like you. Discuss what you like doing in the morning or in the evening.
Tell the rest of your class.
David and I are morning people. We like getting up early and going to the gym before work.

Personal Best Think of someone that you know well. Describe his/her daily routine during the week and at the weekend. 31

74 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 20;

00; photocopiable activity 4A Grammar
3 A Allow sts time to read paragraph B of the text again, 6 4.4   Allow sts time to read through the sentences.
then ask them to cover it. Sts work in pairs to ask and Check they understand everything. Play audio track
answer questions about Tom and his family’s daily routine 4.4. See the SB page opposite for audio script. Sts listen
and see how much they can remember. They can read the and repeat. Play the track again for sts to decide which
paragraph again to check their answers. Find out who has words are stressed. Check answers and point out that the
a good memory! prepositions of time are not stressed.
B Sts work in pairs and compare their own daily routine
to Tom’s. Get feedback on their answers, and see whose Answers
routine is similar to Tom’s and whose is very different. 1 I get up at six in the morning.
2 I work from Monday to Friday.
4 Sts choose the correct prepositions in the sentences. They 3 I go swimming on Wednesday evenings.
can refer back to the text to help them. Check answers. 4 I walk to work in the summer.
5 My wife gets home at midnight.
Answers 6 We have dinner at 8.30.
1 at  2  From, to, at  3 at  4 In  5 On
7 A Sts complete the sentences about their own daily
Grammar routines. Make sure they understand that all their
Read the Grammar box with sts about prepositions sentences should be true except one.
of time. Point out that the use of prepositions is not B Sts work in pairs to read their sentences to each
always logical, for example we say on Monday but other and guess which is false. Ask some sts to read
at the weekend, and we say at night but on Monday their sentences to the class. Correct any errors with the
night. Explain to sts that they need to learn how each prepositions of time. Ask who guessed the false sentence.
preposition is used and practise using them until
the different patterns come naturally to them. Ask Go to Communication practice
questions to check concept. Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All ‘Student
Concept check questions: A’ sts should go to SB page 160. All ‘Student B’ sts should
Which prepositions can we use to talk about time? (in, go to SB page 169. Go to TB page 333 for the teacher
on, at, from ... to). Which preposition do we use with notes. Do the activity, then continue with exercise 8A of
days of the week? (on). Which do we use with months lesson 4A.
and seasons? (in). Which do we use with times of day? 8 A Sts read the questions and answer them, and then
(at). Which two do we use to say how long something decide if they are a morning person or an evening person.
continues? (from ... to). at night or in night? (at). in the
morning or at the morning? (in). B Sts walk around the classroom and ask and answer the
questions with different people to find someone who is
like them. Stop the activity after a few minutes and ask
Go to Grammar practice: prepositions of time, SB page
some sts to tell the class who is like them and why. See if
118/TB page 249.
there are more morning people or evening people in the
Sts will find more language reference, presentation
and practice for prepositions of time here. Do these
exercises with the class, or set them for homework, before
continuing with exercise 5A of lesson 4A. PERSONAL BEST
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study Sts can practise talking about daily routines further. They
grammar practice of prepositions of time. think of someone they know well and write sentences about
their daily routine during the week and at the weekend. They
5 A Sts complete the sentences with the correct can compare their answers in pairs and discuss whose routine
prepositions. Don't confirm answers yet. is similar to theirs.
B 4.3   Play audio track 4.3. See below for audio script. Weaker sts can write five sentences about their own routines,
Sts listen and check their answers. Check answers with the using daily routine verbs and a range of prepositions of time.
class. They then close their books and read their sentences to each
other in pairs, omitting the prepositions of time. Their partner
must complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
4.3   Audio script
I usually wake up at quarter to six on week days because I go
swimming every day. I swim from half past six to half past seven.
I love swimming, but I hate getting up early! At the weekend, I
don’t go swimming, so I get up in the afternoon! I often go out
with my friends and on Fridays and Saturdays, I go to bed late. In
the summer, I often go to concerts at night. They don’t finish until
two o'clock in the morning, but it’s still light.

1 at  2  from, to, At, in  3 On  4  In, at, in

41 SKILLS LISTENING listening for the main idea ■ sentence stress ■ the weather and the seasons

4B Weather around the world

Curve 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

snowing hot cold raining cloudy foggy

1 It’s . 2 It’s . 3 It’s . 4 It’s . 5 It’s . 6 It’s .

Go to Vocabulary practice: the weather and the seasons, page 142

2 A Complete the table. Then tell your partner about the activities that you do in
different seasons.

Season Months Weather My activities

B What is your favourite season? Why? Tell your partner.

Skill listening for the main idea(s)

It is important to understand the main idea when someone is speaking.

• Use any pictures to help you understand what the topic is.
• Think about who is speaking and what the situation is.
• Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything. Listen for the important words.

3 4.6 Read the Skill box. Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Match places 1–4
with the types of weather a–d.
1 New York a rainy and very cloudy
2 Mount Emei b usually warm
3 Bay of Bengal c very rainy
4 Rome d sometimes snowy in winter

4 4.6 Watch or listen again. For 1–3, tick ( ) the correct sentence, a or b.
a It never snows in autumn in New York.
b Ethan wears his snow boots every day in winter.
a It rains a lot in Mount Emei, but it rains more in the Bay of Bengal.
b It’s very cloudy in the Bay of Bengal.
a It doesn’t often snow in Rome.
b When it snows in New York, the schools always close.


76 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 21; photocopiable activity 4B Vocabulary

4B Weather around the world
Curve Sts learn vocabulary for the weather and watch or listen to people talking about the weather. They discuss the
weather in their country.

Listening Skill Listening builder Vocabulary

Sts watch a video or listen to a Listening for the Sentence stress The weather and the seasons (cloudy, cold,
recording about the weather in main idea(s) foggy, hot, icy, raining, snowing, sunny, warm,
different parts of the world. wet, windy; spring, summer, autumn, winter)

WARMER Allow sts time to read through the places and the types of
weather. Play video/audio track 4.6. See TB page 358 for
Ask: What’s the weather like today? Elicit answers from video/audio script. Sts watch/listen and match the places
individual sts. Ask: What’s your favourite weather? Why? Elicit with the types of weather. Check answers.
a range of answers.
1 Check understanding of the words in the box and pre- 1 d  2 a  3 c  4 b
teach as necessary. Sts look at the pictures and complete
the sentences with the correct words. Check answers and
model pronunciation of the words. 4 4.6   Allow sts time to read through the sentences. Play
video/audio track 4.6 again. Sts watch/listen and tick the
Answers correct sentences. Check answers.
1 hot  2 cold  3 snowing  4 raining  5 foggy
6 cloudy Answers
1 b  2 a  3 a

Go to Vocabulary practice: the weather and the seasons,

SB page 142/TB page 297.
Sts will find more language presentation and practice for
the weather and the seasons here. Do these exercises with
the class, or set them for homework, before continuing
with exercise 2 of lesson 4B.
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study
practice of vocabulary for the weather and the

2 A Sts complete the table with information about the

weather and seasons in their country, and the activities
they do in each season. They can compare their answers in
B Sts discuss in pairs what their favourite season is and
why. Get feedback on their answers.
Read the Skill box with sts about listening for the main

3 4.6   NB all the B lessons in this level which focus on

listening skills are accompanied by video (i.e. an episode
of Learning Curve). In this lesson, Ethan and Penny
talk about the weather and interview people about the
weather in their country. Pre-teach the following words
from the video: on camera (= in a photo or film), the
Coliseum (a monument in Rome), a thermometer, degrees
(= unit of measurement of the temperature), minus seven,
Fahrenheit, Celsius (= two different scales for measuring

listening for the main idea ■ sentence stress ■ the weather and the seasons LISTENING SKILLS 4B
5 4.7 Watch or listen to the second part of the show. For each sentence, write M (Marina),
S (Sam) or J (Jenny).

Marina Sam Jenny

1 Once in 100 years, 2 I get about 100 days of 3 It’s like this 200 days
there’s snow! sun a year. a year.

4 I love it. Winter is 5 I sleep early and wake 6 We don’t usually talk about
here! up early. the weather.

6 4.7 Watch or listen again. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 Marina says it’s 17°C / –7°C / 18°C.
2 She goes to her sister’s house after breakfast / in the afternoon / in the evening.
3 Sam says it’s sometimes / usually / always hot and sunny in Egypt.
4 His advice is to wear a hat / wear boots / carry an umbrella in hot weather.
5 Jenny says the weather forecast is good for Saturday / Monday / Tuesday.
6 She likes / doesn’t like / hates living in Newfoundland.

7 In pairs, think of some advice for visitors to your country for different seasons.
In the winter, it’s a good idea to wear warm clothes.

Listening builder sentence stress

In English, we usually stress the most important words in a sentence. These stressed words are usually nouns,
verbs, adjectives and adverbs. You can usually understand the general idea if you only hear these words:
Mount Emei in China gets twenty-seven feet of rain in a year.
In the evening, we have dinner at my sister’s house.

8 A Read the Listening builder. Read the text and underline the most important words.

Patagonia is a beautiful part of South America. It’s

always windy in Patagonia. The wind is sometimes
very strong – about a hundred and twenty kilometres
an hour. You can’t walk when it’s so windy.

B 4.8 Listen and check which words are stressed.

9 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 Do people in your country talk about the weather a lot?
2 Do you talk about the weather a lot? Who do you talk about it with?
3 What kinds of weather do you like? (sunny weather, rainy weather, etc.)
4 What kinds of weather do you hate?
5 What do people do in your country when the weather is bad?
6 Do you sometimes have strange weather? Describe it.

Personal Best
Challenge! Write a guide to the weather in your country for tourists. 33

78 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 21

5 4.7   Sts look at the pictures and read the sentences PERSONAL BEST
in the speech bubbles. Play video/audio track 4.7. See Sts can practise vocabulary for the weather and seasons
TB page 359 for video/audio script. Sts watch/listen and further. They write a guide to the weather in their country for
write the correct person for each sentence. Check answers. tourists. They can compare their guides in small groups.
Answers Weaker sts can work in pairs. They write three or four
1 S  2 J  3 J  4 M  5 M  6 S sentences about the weather in their country. They can then
practise saying their sentences, stressing the important words
to give the correct sentence stress. Ask some sts to read their
6 4.7   Sts read the sentences. Check they understand
sentences to the class.
how to say –7 (minus seven) and teach the word Celsius.
Play video/audio track 4.7 again. Sts watch/listen and
choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check
answers. Play the track again, pausing for sts to hear why Sts work in groups of three. They take turns to use their
each answer is correct. phones to film their classmates asking and answering the
questions in exercise 9. Allow sts time to watch the films
Answers of themselves. Watching themselves on film will help sts to
1 –7°C  2  in the evening  3 usually  4  wear a hat evaluate how naturally and fluently they can speak.
5 Tuesday  6 likes

7 Sts work in pairs to think of some advice for visitors to

their country. Get feedback on their answers.

Listening builder
Read the Listening builder box with sts about sentence
stress. Explain that stressed words are often said
slightly louder and more slowly than unstressed
words. Remind sts that in unstressed words, vowels are
often reduced to a schwa. Model pronunciation of the
sentences in the box, putting stress on the important
(underlined) words. Ask questions to check concept.
Concept check questions:
Which words do we stress in a sentence? (the most
important words). What kinds of words are these?
(nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs). Which words
are unstressed? (articles, prepositions, pronouns, etc.).
What often happens to vowels in unstressed words? (they
are pronounced as a schwa).

8 A Sts read the text and underline the important words.

They could work in pairs for this.
B 4.8   Play audio track 4.8. See Answers for audio
script. Sts listen and check their answers. Check answers
with the class. You could play the audio track again,
pausing after each line for sts to repeat. Encourage them
to copy the sentence stress on the recording.

Patagonia is a beautiful part of South America. It’s always
windy in Patagonia. The wind is sometimes very strong –
about a hundred and twenty kilometres an hour. You can’t
walk when it’s so windy.

9 Sts As a round-up, sts talk about the weather in their

country. They read the questions and prepare their
answers, then discuss the questions in pairs. Get feedback
on their discussions.

41 LANGUAGE present continuous

4C A long weekend
1 What do you like doing when you visit a new city? Tell your partner.

2 A In pairs, look at the pictures of Charlotte and Pete’s trip. Which city are they in?
B Read Charlotte’s posts. Which famous places does she mention?

3 Read the posts again. Answer the questions.

1 Do they like their apartment? 3 How do they travel around?
2 What’s the weather like? 4 Do they like the food?

a b c d

We’re going away for a We’re here. We’re staying Today, we’re visiting the Look, it’s the Eiffel Tower!
long weekend. I’m so in a private apartment Rodin Museum. We’re I feel like a real tourist.
excited! We’re sitting on with a view of the city. It’s walking around the We’re having a sandwich
the train and we’re waiting so romantic! beautiful gardens in the and waiting in the queue.
to leave for Paris on the warm spring sunshine.
Eurostar. I’m having a
good time already!

e f g h

I’m having a good time, We’re at a lovely little It’s late. We’re tired and It’s our last day. We’re
but Pete isn’t happy. restaurant. I’m having we’re getting a taxi back buying some food to take
We’re going shopping on the steak! The weather’s to the apartment after a home. It’s raining, but we
the Champs-Élysées. He’s lovely and warm. What’s great night out. The city don’t mind.
carrying my bags. I’m Pete doing? He’s trying lights are amazing!
feeling hungry – time for to speak French to the
lunch. waiter.

4 Match Pete’s posts 1–8 with pictures a–h.

1 I’m looking for some French cheese as a present for my mum.
2 The weather’s great. We’re having a fun time at the museum.
3 We’re going to Paris!
4 What a cool apartment! Charlotte’s having a shower and I’m relaxing after the journey.
5 We’re visiting a very famous monument. I want to take a selfie at the top.
6 I’m not enjoying this! I hate shopping!
7 We’re going back to the apartment now. Brilliant night out!
8 Finally, I’m sitting down! What’s for lunch?

5 A Underline the verbs in exercise 4. Which ones describe an action that is happening now?
B Choose be or have to complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
We form the present continuous with the verb be / have + -ing form.


80 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 22

4C A long weekend
Sts read someone’s posts about a long weekend away in a new city. They then imagine they are on holiday and phone a
friend to tell them where they are and what they are doing.

Grammar Pronunciation Communication

Present continuous Consonant-to-vowel linking Talking about what you are doing now

WARMER 3 x PRACTICE  SB page 34, exercise 4

Ask: What do you usually do at the weekend? Elicit a few
answers, then ask: Do you sometimes go away for a weekend? 1 Do the exercise as normal. To check answers, read
Where do you go? What’s your favourite place for a weekend out each sentence in turn and ask: Which picture is it?
away? Elicit a few answers and elicit which cities sts know Why? Ask sts who have different answers to explain
and like. Ask: Where would you like to go for a weekend? Why? their choices. Other sts can look at those pictures again
Elicit a range of answers from individual sts. and read the texts, and decide which one is correct.
2 Ask sts to cover the text in exercise 3 and uncover just
1 Read out the question and elicit a few possible answers, the first row of pictures. They work in pairs and try
e.g. visit museums, eat in nice restaurants. Sts discuss the to remember what each post said. They can use the
question in pairs. Get feedback on their answers and see sentences in exercise 4 to help them. They repeat this
what the most popular activities are. with the second row of pictures. They can look at the
text again to check.
2 A Sts look at the pictures and discuss in pairs where
Charlotte and Pete are. Discuss the answers as a class and 3 Ask sts to work in their pairs and prepare a
ask sts how they know. conversation between Charlotte and Pete at one of the
places in exercise 3. They can use the information in
Answer the text to help them, and encourage them to use their
They are in Paris. There is a picture of the Eiffel Tower. imaginations too. Monitor and help while they are
working. Sts can practise their conversations in pairs.
Ask some pairs to perform their conversation for the
B Sts read the posts and answer the question. Check class. Other sts can listen and guess which picture it
answers. refers to.
the Rodin Museum, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs- 5 A Sts look at the verbs in exercise 4 again and decide
Élysées which ones describe an action that is happening now.
They could work in pairs for this. Check answers.
3 Sts read the posts again and decide if the sentences are
true or false. Check answers. Answers
Verbs (The bold verbs describe an action that’s happening
Answers now.): I’m looking, is, We’re having, We’re going,
1 Yes, they do. It's romantic. Charlotte’s having. I’m relaxing, We’re visiting, I want
to take, I’m not enjoying, I hate, We’re going back. I’m
2 It's warm and sunny.
sitting down, ’s
3 They walk, and when they are tired at the end of the
evening, they take a taxi.
4 Yes, they do. They buy some to take home. B Sts read the rule and choose the correct option to
complete it. Check the answer.
4 Sts read Pete’s posts and match them with the pictures. Answer
Allow sts time to compare their answers in pairs. Check
answers with the class.

1 h  2 c  3 a  4 b  5 d  6 e  7 g  8 f

present continuous LANGUAGE 4C
Grammar present continuous

Positive: Negative: Questions and short answers:

I’m having a good time. I’m not enjoying this. What’s Pete doing?
He’s carrying my bags. It isn’t raining. Are you eating steak?
We’re getting a taxi home. Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Go to Grammar practice: present continuous, page 119

6 A 4.10 Pronunciation: linking consonants and vowels Listen and repeat the sentences.
I’m getting up. It   isn’t raining. He’s eating a sandwich.
B 4.11 Listen and underline the words that are linked. Listen, check and repeat.
1 What are you talking about? 3 We’re sitting in a café.
2 I’m not enjoying this game. 4 They’re going away for a weekend.

7 Complete the dialogues with the present continuous form of the verbs. Then act out the
dialogues in pairs.
1 A What you (do) here? B I (wait) for my friends.
2 A it (snow)? B No, it . It (rain).
3 A Why James (wear) a suit? B He (go) to a job interview.
4 A your friends (leave) now? B Yes, they . They
(look) for their umbrellas.
5 A Who Ben (phone)? B I don’t know. He (not / talk) to Ryan
because Ryan’s here!
Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student B page 169
8 Work in groups. Take turns to mime and guess the actions.

get dressed have dinner in a restaurant

have a shower wait for a train

sit in a café go shopping go to bed

finish work relax

A Are you getting dressed? B No, I’m not. A Are you having a shower? B Yes, I am!

9 A Charlotte phones her friend, Olivia. Complete the conversation with the correct form
of the verbs in the box. Who is Nacho?

visit have do make play wait

Olivia Hello, Charlotte! How are you?

Charlotte Hi, Olivia! I’m good, thanks. I’m in Paris with Pete! We 1 a great time!
Olivia Paris! That’s fantastic. What 2 at the moment?
Charlotte We’re at the Eiffel Tower. We 3 to go up. Where are you?
Olivia I4 my parents-in-law with Nacho and the girls.
They 5 in the garden with Nacho’s mum. And Nacho’s
dad 6 lunch for us.
Charlotte That sounds nice.

B 4.12 Listen and check your answers.

10 Imagine you are on holiday. Decide where you are. Phone your partner and tell each other where
you are, who you are with and what you are doing.
A Hello, Ana. It’s Daniel. B Hi! Where are you? A I’m in London. I’m going for a walk in Hyde Park.

Personal Best Imagine your long weekend. Write eight sentences to describe what you’re doing. 35

82 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 22; photocopiable activity 4C Grammar

Grammar Go to Communication practice
Divide the class into Student A and Student B. All ‘Student
Read the Grammar box with sts about the present A’ sts should go to SB page 160. All ‘Student B’ sts should
continuous. Explain that we use the present go to SB page 169. Go to TB page 333 for the teacher
continuous, NOT the present simple, for things that are notes. Do the activity, then continue with exercise 8 of
happening now, e.g. It’s raining. Explain that we form lesson 4C.
the present continuous with the correct form of be and
the -ing form of the verb. Point out the negative form 8 Demonstrate the activity by miming one of the actions
He isn’t sleeping, NOT He doesn’t sleeping. Point out that yourself. Get sts to guess what you are doing. Sts work
in questions be comes before the subject: What are you in groups and take turns to mime and guess the actions.
doing? NOT What you are doing? Point out that in short Monitor while sts are working and correct any language
answers we only use the appropriate form of be, and errors in a feedback session at the end. Ask sts which
we don’t repeat the -ing form. Ask questions to check actions were the most difficult to mime.
concept. 9 A Sts read the conversation and complete it with the
Concept check questions: correct form of the verbs. They can compare their answers
Which verb form do we use for things that are happening in pairs, but don’t confirm answers yet.
now? (present continuous). She is talk to Sam – correct?
(no – she is talking). They sitting outside – correct? (no – B 4.12   Play audio track 4.12. See the SB page opposite

they are sitting outside). Do we use ‘don’t/doesn’t’ in the for audio script. Sts listen and check their answers. Check
negative? (no – we use negative forms of be). You are answers with the class.
feeling happy? – correct? (no – Are you feeling happy?).
1 ‘re having
Go to Grammar practice: present continuous, SB page
2 are you doing
119/TB page 251.
3 ‘re waiting
Sts will find more language reference, presentation
4 ‘m visiting
and practice for the present continuous here. Do these
5 ‘re playing
exercises with the class, or set them for homework, before
6 ‘s making
continuing with exercise 6A of lesson 4C. (Nacho is Olivia’s husband.)
Remind sts to go to the app for further self-study
grammar practice of the present continuous. 10
Allow sts time to prepare their ideas individually. With
weaker classes, you could brainstorm some ideas as a
6 A 4.10   Allow sts time to read the three sentences.
class. Sts then work in pairs and practise phoning each
Point out the linking marks between some consonants other to say where they are and what they are doing.
and vowels. Play audio track 4.10. See the SB page Encourage sts to ask their partner questions to find out
opposite for audio script. Sts listen and notice the way the more details, e.g. Where are you staying? Ask some sts to
consonants and vowels are linked. Play the audio track tell the class where their partner is and what he/she is
again for sts to repeat. doing. Discuss whose holiday sounds the most fun!
B 4.11   Allow sts time to read the sentences, then
play audio track 4.11. See the SB page opposite for audio PERSONAL BEST
script. Sts listen and underline the words that are linked.
Check answers, then play the audio track again for sts Sts can practise using the present continuous further. They
to hear the linking. Play the audio track again for sts to write eight sentences describing what they are doing on their
repeat. long weekend. Sts can compare their ideas in small groups.
With weaker classes, decide on a weekend destination as a
Answers class, and brainstorm some ideas of what you can do there.
1 Whatare you talkingabout? Sts then work in pairs to imagine they are there and write
2 I’m notenjoying this game. three sentences about what they are doing. Elicit sentences
3 We’re sittingina café. from pairs in turn and write them on the board. Ask sts to
4 They’re goingaway fora weekend. read the sentences on the board and ask: Does it sound like a
good holiday?
7 Sts read the dialogues and complete them with the present
continuous form of the verbs. Check answers. Then sts act
out the dialogues in pairs.

1 are, doing, ‘m waiting
2 Is, snowing, isn’t, ‘s raining
3 is, wearing, ‘s going
4 Are, leaving, are, ‘re looking
5 is, phoning, isn’t talking

41 SKILLS WRITING describing a photo ■ using personal pronouns

4D A holiday with friends

1 Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 When do you go on holiday? 3 Who do you go with?
2 Where do you usually go? 4 What do you like doing there?

2 A Look at the pictures. Guess where the people are.

B Read the email and check.

Hi Lucy,
1 How are you? How’s work? I hope everything’s OK.

2 I’m in Argentina! I’m visiting Leo and Maria in Buenos Aires, and I’m having a wonderful time. The
weather’s amazing! It’s 25 degrees and it’s never cloudy. It’s hot all day and warm at night. It’s so nice
after the cold autumn weather at home.
3 Most days I get up early here and I go for a run with Leo before breakfast. He loves doing sport in the
morning. Then we return home and have breakfast. Leo and Maria start work at 8.30, and I leave the
apartment with them. I go into the city and visit different places like Casa Rosada and Teatro Colón. In the
evening, we go for a walk and then have dinner. The restaurants are great here and the steaks are fantastic!
4 I’m sending you a couple of photos that I took. The first photo’s of some colourful houses in an area
called La Boca. It’s a really cool part of town with some amazing buildings. In the second photo, you can
see Leo and Maria. We’re having a coffee at a local café near their apartment. It sells great coffee and
delicious pastries.
My flight’s on Friday. See you at work on Monday!
Love, Gemma

3 Read the email again. In which paragraph does Gemma …

1 write about the weather? 3 ask Lucy questions?
2 describe the pictures? 4 write about her daily routine on holiday?

Skill describing a photo

When you send a photo, describe who or what the photo shows. If it shows people, describe
what they are doing:
The first photo’s of some colourful houses. In the second photo, you can see …
In this photo, I’m in the park with my friends. We’re playing football.
This photo’s of my sister. She’s playing the piano. Here’s a photo of our new car.

4 Read the Skill box. Look at Gemma’s email again. How does she describe the pictures?


84 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 23 and 75

4D A holiday with friends
Sts read an email from someone who is on holiday. They then imagine they are on holiday, and write an email to a friend.

Writing Skill Text builder

An email Describing a photo Using personal pronouns

Write the word holiday on the board. Put sts into pairs and
give them two minutes to write as many words as they can to
do with holidays. Tell them the words can be nouns, verbs or
adjectives, e.g. beach, swim, happy. Bring sts’ ideas together
on the board. If some words don’t seem directly relevant
to holidays, ask sts to explain the connection. Explain the
meaning of any words sts don’t know, and see who wrote the
most words correctly.

1 Sts work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Get

feedback on their answers.
2 A Ask sts to look at the pictures. Discuss as a class where
the people might be. Elicit a range of possible answers, but
don’t confirm them yet.
B Sts read the email to check their ideas. Ask who
guessed correctly.

They are in Buenos Aires, in Argentina. Gemma is the only
person on holiday.

3 Students read the email again and answer the questions.

They can compare their answers in pairs. Check answers
with the class.

1 paragraph 2
2 paragraph 4
3 paragraph 1
4 paragraph 3

Read the Skill box with sts about describing a photo.
Point out that we use the present simple to describe
what we can see (I’m in the park, This photo is of ...,
Here’s a photo of ...) and we use the present continuous
to describe what the people are doing in the photo.
(We’re playing football. She’s playing the piano.) Point
out that we say a photo of ... .

4 Sts look at Gemma’s email again and discuss how she

describes the pictures. Discuss the answers as a class.

In the first picture, she describes a place. In the second
picture, she describes what they are doing (having a
coffee at a local café) and what the food and drink are

describing a photo ■ using personal pronouns WRITING SKILLS 4D
5 A Match the halves to make complete sentences.
1 In this photo, I’m with a Red Square in Moscow!
2 Here’s a photo b repairing our bikes.
3 In this photo, we’re c of Sydney at night.
4 Here’s a photo of us in d my niece, Eliza. We’re reading a story.
B Match the completed sentences with pictures a–d.

a b

c d

Text builder using personal pronouns

We often use personal pronouns (he, she, it, etc.) to avoid repeating words and names:
I’m with Sergio and Ana. We’re eating fish. It’s delicious!
Eleni’s helping me with my French homework. She speaks really good French.

6 A Read the Text builder. Read paragraphs 3 and 4 in the email again and underline the personal
pronouns. What do they refer to?
B Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns.
1 I’m with Theo. ’re waiting for the train.
2 This is the hotel pool. ’s on top of the hotel.
3 Theo’s shopping. ’s spending all his money!
4 Katie’s in bed. ’s sleeping!
5 The kids are out. ’re on their bikes.

7 A PREPARE Imagine you’re on holiday. Decide where you are, what the weather’s like, how you’re
feeling, who is with you and what you do every day. Imagine two or three photos of your holiday.

B PRACTISE Write an email to a friend. Use personal pronouns to avoid repeating words/names.
• Begin your email.
• Paragraph 1: Ask your friend how he/she is.
• Paragraph 2: Describe where you are, what the weather is like and who is with you.
• Paragraph 3: Describe your daily routine on holiday.
• Paragraph 4: Describe two or three photos of your holiday.
• Finish your email.

C PERSONAL BEST Swap emails with a partner. Does his/her email contain personal pronouns to
avoid repeating words/names? Can you add any more?

Personal Best
Challenge! Find a photo of people on holiday. Describe their holiday. Where are they? What are they doing? 37

86 EXTRA PRACTICE  Workbook page 23; photocopiable activity 4D Skills

5 A Sts match the halves of the sentences. Check answers. B Sts complete the sentences with the correct personal
pronouns. Allow them to compare their answers in pairs.
Answers Check answers with the class.
1 d  2 c  3 b  4 a
B Sts match the completed sentences in exercise 5A with 1 We  2 It  3 He  4 She  5 They
the pictures. Check answers.
7 Students follow the steps to write their own email.
1 b  2 a  3 d  4 c
A PREPARE   Sts prepare their ideas. With weaker classes,
you could brainstorm some ideas as a class and make
notes on the board.
3 x PRACTICE  SB page 37, exercise 5B B PRACTISE   Sts use the email in exercise 2 as a model
and write their own email. Refer sts back to the Skill
1 Do the exercise as normal. To check answers, read out
box on page 36 to help with describing their photos, and
each completed sentence in turn and ask: Which photo?
remind them to use personal pronouns. You could set this
How do you know? Ask sts to explain why each sentence
stage for homework if you prefer.
matches a particular picture.
2 Ask sts to cover the sentences in exercise 5A and just C PERSONAL BEST   Sts work in pairs. They exchange their

look at the pictures. In pairs, sts try to remember the email with their partner, check to see if their partner has
sentence that goes with each picture. They can look at used personal pronouns and see if they can add any more.
exercise 5A again to check. They could also check for mistakes. They give feedback to
each other on how well they have used personal pronouns.
3 In pairs, sts look at the sentence beginnings in exercise
Encourage a spirit of peer support and cooperation.
5A again and write alternative endings, to match
the pictures. Tell them to be creative and use their
imagination, e.g. In this photo, I’m with my friend Tom. PERSONAL BEST
He’s showing me how to build a new bike. Sts work in Sts can practise describing photos further by finding a photo
pairs to prepare their new sentences. They then work of people on holiday. They could use a photo from their
in groups of four. They show the pictures to each other, phone or tablet if they have one available, or they could look
using their sentences. online for a photo. They write sentences describing where the
people are and what they are doing. They can present their
photos to each other in pairs.
Text builder
Weaker sts can work in pairs. They each choose a photo from
Read the Text builder box with sts about using personal their phone or from the internet, and then work together
pronouns. Explain that we use pronouns because a to write sentences describing each one. Ask some pairs to
text would be repetitive if we kept repeating the same present their photos to the class.
words and names.
Remind sts that there are different pronoun forms for EXTRA PRACTICE
male and female (he/she) and also different forms for
subject and object pronouns (she/her, he/him, etc). Ask With books closed, write the following gapped sentences on
questions to check concept. the board:
Concept check questions: 1 Most days I ___ early.
Why do we use personal pronouns in a text? (to avoid 2 I ___ for a run with Leo.
repeating the same words or names). Which pronouns 3 He loves ___ sport.
can I use for myself? (I/me). Which can I use for my 4 Leo and Maria ___ work at 8.30.
brother? (he/him). Which can I use for my mother? 5 I ___ the flat with them.
(she/her). Which can I use for a place? (it). When do I 6 In the evening we ___ for a walk and then ___ dinner.
use ‘we’ and ‘us’? (for me and someone else). When do I
use ‘they’ and ‘them’? (for more than one person). Sts work in pairs and complete the sentences with the correct
daily routine verbs. They can check their answers in the text
on page 36. Remind them that they should keep reviewing
6 A Sts read the email again to underline the personal vocabulary that they have learned, to help them remember it.
pronouns and decide what they refer to. Sts could work in
pairs for this. Check answers.
Answers 1 get up  2 go  3 doing  4 start  5 leave  6  go, have
Paragraph 3 – I (Gemma), He (Leo), we (Gemma and Leo),
them (Leo and Maria), we (Gemma, Leo and Maria)
Paragraph 4 – I (Gemma), We (Gemma, Leo and Maria), It
(the local café), It (La Boca)


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