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AEF1 Grammar 7 12

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7A Grammar simple past of be: was / were

 a Complete with was / wasn’t or were / weren’t to make true sentences.

1 Edward VIII wasn’t King for very long.

2 Julius Caesar the first Roman emperor.

3 Tchaikovsky the composer of Swan Lake.

4 The Vikings from Germany.

5 Kristen Stewart in the Harry Potter movies.

6 Roald Dahl a famous British musician.

7 The 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

8 Brad Pitt married to Jennifer Aniston.

9 Socrates and Plato Brazilian soccer players.

10 Pablo Picasso Spanish.

11 Beethoven a Swiss composer.

12 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first men

to walk on the Moon.

13 Hilary Clinton President of the US in the


14 The Incas from Mexico.

15 Marco Polo born in Italy.

16 The Beatles from Liverpool.

17 Vincent van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci

famous German painters.

18 William Wallace (Braveheart) from Ireland.

19 The last Olympic Games in Asia in Beijing in


20 The Wall Street Crash in 1939.

  b Work with a partner. Make questions and test your partner’s memory.
Was Edward VIII King for very long?     No, he wasn’t.

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7B Grammar simple past: regular verbs
 a Complete the dialogues in the past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.

1 Annie 1Did you study French in college? (study)

Beth No, I 2 French, I 3 Italian. I 4 in
Rome for six months in my third year. (not study, study, live)
Annie Where 5 you in Rome? (live)
Beth Near the Forum. I 6
a house with some Italian students. (rent)
Annie 7
you Italian all the time? (speak)
Beth Not always, because they to practice their English. But I

to cook great pasta! (want, learn)

2 Huan 10
you Brazil? (like)
Ben We 11
it! We 12
to come home. (love, not want)
Huan 13
you around the country? (travel)
Ben We 14 much because we were only there for two weeks.
(not travel)
Huan 15
you in hotels? (stay)
Ben No, we 16
. We stayed with Brazilian friends.

3 Dave 17
you the game? Arsenal and Real Madrid? (watch)
Carlos No, I 18 .
Dave Why not?
Carlos I 19 late last night. I 20 until 7:00.
(work, not finish)
Dave But the game 21 at 7:45. (start)
Carlos Yes, but I 22
my train. I 23 home until 9:30.
(miss, not arrive)
Dave That’s too bad! It was a great game.

4 Sam I 24 you three times last night, but you 25 .

(call, not answer)
Lucia Sorry. I was at the movie theater with my sister.
Sam And I 26 you, too. Why 27 you me back?
(text, not text)
Lucia Because I was angry.
Sam Angry? Why?
Lucia Because you 28 to me at the party last week. You
to Eva for about an hour. (not talk, talk)
Sam I 30 to Eva for an hour! She had a problem and she just
to tell me about it. (not talk, want)
Lucia A problem? Is that why you 32 with her for twenty minutes?

  b Practice the dialogues on this page in pairs.

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7C Grammar simple past: irregular verbs
 a Complete the story with the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.

My memorable night at the Edinburgh Festival

by Lotte

his happened in my first summer when I was at Edinburgh University. I lived in a room in a big
house with three friends. That summer, some musicians rented two other rooms in our house. It
was (be) August, and the Edinburgh Music and Arts Festival was going on. The musicians
(be) from Poland, Italy, and the Netherlands. One afternoon, they 3
about a Latin music club. My friends and I 4
(tell) me
(say) that we wanted to go with them. We
(meet) them at the club that evening at 9:00 p.m. It 6 (have) a really friendly
atmosphere, and the music 7 (be) fantastic! Our new friends 8 (speak) English
very well and we 9 (spend) the evening dancing and talking. When we 10 (leave)
11 12 13
the club, we (find) that we (not have) the money for a taxi home. It
(be) a warm night, so we walked home through the streets. The musicians 14
(see) the historic buildings and monuments for the first time, and they 15 (think) that they
(be) really beautiful. We 17 (get) home at 4:00 a.m., but we 18
(not go) to bed. We 19 (make) some coffee and talked. Then our friends played their guitars
and we 20 (sing) songs that we all 21 (know). It 22 (be) a wonderful,
memorable evening and, ten years later, we are still friends.

  b Complete these questions about the story.

1 Which month was the Edinburgh Festival in? It was in August.
2 Where from? They were from Poland, Italy, and the
3 What Lotte about? They told her about a Latin music club.
4 What time at the club? They met at 9:00 p.m.
5 good? Yes, it was fantastic.
6 What at the club? They danced and talked all evening.
7 Why a taxi home? Because they didn’t have enough money.
8 What for the first time? They saw Edinburgh’s historic buildings
and monuments.
9 when they got home? No, they made coffee and talked.
10 What after that? They played their guitars and sang.

  c Work with a partner. Cover the answers. Take turns answering the questions. Then cover the
questions and take turns making the questions from the answers.

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8A Grammar simple past: regular and irregular verbs
 a Complete the conversation with the past tense of the verb in the parentheses.
Be careful with + , – , and ? .

A new life
Detective Granger OK, Mr. Thomas. Please just relax
and tell me the problem.
Mr. Thomas It’s my wife. She 1went (go) out
yesterday evening. And she
(not come) back.
Detective Granger When 3
(you / see) your wife for the last time?
Mr. Thomas Yesterday evening, at about nine thirty.
Detective Granger Tell me what happened
yesterday. 4 (you / do)
anything unusual?
Mr. Thomas No, it 5 (be) just a
normal day. We 6
(wake up) at seven. I 7 (have) breakfast. Then I 8 (drive) to work. My
wife 9
(not have) breakfast. In the morning, I think she 10 (go)
shopping. She 11 (come) home at lunchtime. I don’t know what she 12
(do) in the afternoon. She probably 13 (make) dinner.
Detective Granger When 14 (you / come) home?
Mr. Thomas I 15 (arrive) home at about seven thirty. I 16 (sit) down and
(read) the newspaper, and 18 (check) my email. We 19
(have) dinner at about eight. After dinner, I 20 (watch) TV. I 21
(go to sleep) in my chair.
Detective Granger 22
(you / speak) to your wife at all? What
(she / say) to you?
Mr. Thomas We 24 (not talk) during
dinner. After dinner she 25
(say), “This isn’t a life. I need to go out.” She
(call) a taxi.
I 27 (hear) the taxi about fifteen
minutes later. She 28 (take) her
bag and her coat and
(close) the door. She
(not say) goodbye.
Detective Granger I see, sir. I think I know why
she 31 (leave).

  b Read the story again. Then cover it. Can you remember five things that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
did yesterday?

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8B Grammar  there is / there are, some / any + plural

 a Write the questions and short answers.

1 shower / bathroom? Is there a shower in the bathroom? Yes, there is.
2 pictures / hall? Are there any pictures in the hall? No, there aren’t.
3 double bed / bedroom?
4 DVD player / living room?
5 plant / study?
6 dishwasher / kitchen?
7 cupboards / bathroom?
8 chairs / bedroom?

  b Write + or – sentences.

1 table / kitchen There’s a table in the kitchen.
2 plants / living room
3 mirror / hall
4 books / living room
5 desk / study
6 clock / kitchen
7 fireplace / living room
8 shelves / study

  c Test your memory. Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then A (picture face up) ask B

(picture face down) five questions about the house. Then change roles.
Is there a in the ? Are there any in the ?

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8C Grammar there was / there were
 a Complete the sentences with there was / there wasn’t, there were / there weren’t, or Was there /
Were there …?

A 1Was there a supermarket in your town when you were a child?
B No, 2 .3 a bakery and a
small store.
A 4
any Italian restaurants? I love pizza!
B No, 5
, but 6 a cafe.
And 7 two restaurants!

 e stayed in a great hotel in Spain. 8
a huge TV in our room!
B Wow! 9 a swimming pool?
A Yes, 10
two, and 11
a fantastic gym.
B 12
a good restaurant in the hotel?
A Yes, the food was delicious!

A 13
a very old castle in the town I lived in as
a child. People said 14
secret rooms in it.
B Really? 15 ghosts in the castle, too?
A Yes, 16
. My aunt saw one once. She said that
suddenly 17 a strange light and then she
saw a face looking in through the window – but she was on the
second floor!

A Did you get anything nice at the sale?
B Yes, I did. 18 some cool sweaters. I got two.
A Great! 19
any jeans?
B Yes, 20
, but 21 any in
my size.

  b Work with a partner. Say three things that there were on the street or in the area where you live
but are not there now.

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9A Grammar  countable / uncountable nouns;
a / an, some / any

 a Look at what’s in the refrigerator. Write the questions and short answers.
1 butter? Is there any butter? No, there isn’t.
2 sushi?
3 carrots?
4 cheese?
5 fish?
6 chicken?
7 eggs?
8 orange juice?

  b Write + or – sentences with a / an, some, or any.

1 onions There aren’t any onions.
2 tomato juice
3 pineapple
4 strawberries
5 peppers
6 milk
7 mushrooms
8 ice cream

  c Test your memory. Work with a partner. A (picture face up) ask B (picture face down) five

questions about what’s in the fridge. Then change roles.

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9B Grammar how much / how many, a lot of, etc.
 a Circle the right word in bold. Then answer the question with a complete sentence. Use a lot of,
not … much, not … many, or not … any.

Fast Food Fred

1 How much / many orange juice does he drink?
He doesn’t drink any orange juice.
2 How much / many hamburgers does he eat?

3 How much / many French fries does he eat?

Valerie the Vegetarian

4 How much / many meat does she eat?

5 How much / many vegetables does she eat?

6 How much / many water does she drink?

Baby Belinda
7 How much / many milk does she drink?

8 How much / many bread does she eat?

9 How much / many apples does she eat?

Fabio the Food Fan

10 How much / many cereal does he eat?

11 How much / many pasta does he eat?

12 How much / many cups of espresso does he drink?

  b Work with a partner. Answer questions 1–12 about yourself. Then ask your partner some
questions and discuss.
I don’t drink much orange juice. How much orange juice do you drink?

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9C Grammar comparative adjectives
 a Use the information to make comparative sentences.
1 2
Length 1 T
 he Golden Gate bridge is Speed
shorter than the Akashi-Kaikyo
the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge (Japan) bridge.
12,831 ft human 27.79 mph
the Golden Gate bridge (US) horse 47.50 mph
8,980 ft

short slow

3 4
Inventions 3 Size

Blu-ray technology 1998 Russia 6,592,800 sq mi
MP3 technology 1989
4 Canada 3,854,085 sq mi

new big

5 6
Price 5 People per sq mi

Cartier watch $5,170 Shanghai 9,400
Swatch watch $115 6 Istanbul 6,530

expensive crowded

7 8
Average summer 7 Risk
temperature deaths per year worldwide traveling
by car approx. 1.2 million
London 75.2°F 8 deaths per year worldwide traveling
New York City 83°F
by plane approx. 600

hot dangerous

9 10
Vitamin C 9 Height
Burj Khalifa tower (Dubai)
oranges: approx. 70 mg per orange 2,717 ft
apples: approx. 9 mg per apple 10 Empire State Building (New York)
1,454 ft

healthy tall

11 12
Annual rainfall 11
Paris (France) average hours
Buenos Aires 38.7 inches sunlight per day 4.9
Rome 23 inches Stockholm (Sweden) average hours
sunlight per day 5.4

dry sunny

  b Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the boxes. Compare the things.

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10A Grammar superlative adjectives
 a Write the questions.

1 busy / airport / world

What’s the busiest airport in the world?

2 windy / city / world


3 large / desert / world


4 high / mountain / world


5 high / city / world


6 long / river / world


7 populated / city / world


8 wet / town / world


9 popular / tourist destination / world


10 active / volcano / world


  b Match questions 1–10 to the answers below.

France Wellington in New Zealand

Cherrapunji in India La Rinconada in Peru
Kilauea in Hawaii the Sahara
Mount Everest Shanghai in China
the Nile in Egypt Hartsfield-Jackson International
Airport in the US 1

  c Test your memory. Cover the questions and look at the answers. Make sentences about

each place.
Wellington in New Zealand is the windiest city in the world.

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10B Grammar be going to (plans); future time
 a Complete the sentences with be + going to. Use the verb in parentheses. Use contractions
where possible.
A 1
Are you going to watch the game tonight? (watch)
B I don’t think so. I 2 with my
girlfriend’s parents, and they hate baseball. (have dinner)

A Juan and Pablo 3 here next year.
(not study)
B Why not?
A Because they 4 in Washington. (live)

A I 5 this evening. (not go out)
B Why not?
A I need to get up early tomorrow morning. I
at 10:00. (go to bed)

A 7
Lin at the party? (be)
B Yes, and she says that she 8
new boyfriend. (bring)

A What 9 you next weekend?
B We 10 with our friends in Chicago. (stay)
A 11
you the children? (take)
B Yes. We 12
the museum and then go
sightseeing. (visit)

A Where is your sister?
B She’s out shopping. She 13 a new laptop. (buy)
A What 14
she with the old
one? (do)
B I don’t know, but she 15 it to me! (not give)

  b Practice the dialogues on this page with your partner.

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10C Grammar be going to (predictions)
 a What are they going to do? Write a prediction for each picture. Use a verb in the list.

buy  get married  have (x2)  learn listen play snow take win

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

1 He’s going to learn Italian.


Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the predictions.

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11A Grammar adverbs (manner and modifiers)
 a Make adverbs from the adjectives.
bad dangerous good noisy
careful easy hard quiet
cheap fast loud slow

  b Write sentences for pictures 1–12. Use an adverb from a.

1 2
1 She’s eating noisily.
2 He’s driving .

3 4
3 He’s writing .
4 She passed the exam .

5 6
5 They’re dancing .
6 She’s opening the door

7 8
7 She’s running .
8 He’s working .

9 10
9 She bought them .
10 He’s driving .

11 12
11 She’s singing .
12 They’re talking .

  c Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the sentences with a modifier (very, really,
He’s driving very slowly.

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11B Grammar verbs + infinitive
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with to + a verb in the infinitive.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1 Steve wants to buy a new computer.

2 We need at the airport by 7:00 a.m.!
3 Would you like basketball on Saturday?
4 She’s learning .
5 We’re planning to Mexico for our vacation next summer.
6 They decided for a swim.
7 I’m hoping a job in a nice restaurant.
8 I promise my homework when the TV show is finished.

  b Complete the dialogues with Would or Do / Does.

1 A your roommates like to come to dinner?
B Why don’t you ask them? I’m sure they’d like to.
2 A you like another coffee?
B No, thanks. Just a glass of water, please.
3 A your husband like cooking?
B Yes, he loves it.
4 A you like R&B?
B No, I prefer rock music.
5 A you like to come to the movies with us tonight?
B Sorry. I’m going out to a restaurant with Mark tonight.

  c Test your memory. Cover the sentences in a. Look at the pictures and say the sentences.

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11C Grammar articles: a, the, and no article (–)
 a Complete the articles column with a, the, or (–).
1 Jarek is 1 best student in our English class. He’s 1 
journalist, and he reads 3 English newspapers 2  a  3 –
on 4
Internet. 4  the

2 A I think 5 men are more interested in soccer than 5 

women. 6 
B Hey! I’m 7 girl and I really like 8 soccer! 7 
A Do you?
B Yes, my father was 9 professional soccer player when he was 9 
A Oh, really? There’s 10 good game on next Saturday. Would 10 
you like to come?
B Sure, if you pay for 11 tickets! 11 

3 A Hello. What can I get you?

B I’d like 12 bottled water and 13 chicken sandwich, please. 12   13 
A Would you like 14 sandwich hot or cold? 14 
B Hot, please. And can I have 15 glass, please? 15 
A Of course. Would you like me to close 16 window? 16 
B No, I’m fine, thanks. It isn’t cold.

4 A What do you use your iPad for?

B Well, I have a lot of 17 books. I love 18 reading. 17 
A Me too. I’m reading 19
book by John le Carré right now. 19 
B Really? What’s it called?
A It’s called Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
B What’s it about?
A It’s about spies, and the Cold War. There was 20 movie of it, 20 
and it was also on 21
TV some years ago. 21 

5 A What time do you finish 22 work? 22 

B About 5:30. But I don’t usually get 23 home before 7:00. 23 
A What time do you have 24 dinner? 24 
B About 8:00, when 25
children are in 26 bed. 25 
A How do you relax in 27
evening? 27 
B I watch 28
TV. I usually go to sleep on 29 sofa! 28 

  b Cover the ARTICLES column. Practice the dialogues on this page with a partner.

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12A Grammar present perfect
 a Write sentences in the present perfect.

1 2

1 you this movie? (see) 2 Oh, no! I my glasses. (break)

3 4

3 It was a mistake. I it. (not wear) 4 They a new car. (buy)

5 6

5 Alex all over the world. 6 you Anna’s new

(travel) boyfriend? (meet)

7 8

7 They all the cookies! (eat) 8 Don’t turn it off! The movie .
(not finish)
9 10

9 the boss ? (arrive) 10 He my bag! (take)

  b Test your memory. Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Remember the sentences.

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12B Grammar present perfect or simple past?
 a Write the verbs in the present perfect or simple past. Use the correct form of be or go.

1 A Where’s Suzie?
B She 1’s gone home. (go)
A When 2 she ? (leave)
B About half an hour ago.

2 A 3
you to the new Italian restaurant on Elm Street? (be)
B Yes, we have. We 4
last week. The food 5 great. (go, be)

3 A 6
Marianna ? (arrive)
B No, she couldn’t come. Her mother 7
an accident yesterday, and she’s
with her in the hospital. (have)

4 A I 8 the new Clive Cussler book last night. I 9 it.

Did you? (finish, not like)
B I 10 it. (not read)

5 A 11
you ever karaoke? (sing)
B No, I 12
.I 13
to a
karaoke party with some friends a few months ago,
but I 14 anything. (go, not sing)

6 A 15
you to Paris? (be)
B Yes, I 16
A When 17
you there? (go)
B When I 18
in school, for an end-of-year trip. (be)
A 19
you a good time? (have)
B Yes. It 20 fantastic. (be)

Practice the dialogues on this page with a partner.

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12C Grammar review: question formation
 a Write questions for the answers.

1 What does your brother do? (do) He’s a doctor.

2 to class today? (get) I came by bus.

3 Shakira from ? (be) From Colombia, I think.

4 on the weekend? (get up) At 8:00. I like getting up

5 brothers and sisters ? One brother. I don’t
(have) have any sisters.
6 on vacation last year? (go) We went to Tenerife.

7 your grandparents ? (live) In a town about

50 miles away.
8 anything good right now? Yes, I’m reading a Terry
(read) Pratchett book.
9 , Indian food or Chinese Chinese food. I don’t like
food? (prefer) Indian food very much.
10 your homework? (do) No, I’m going to do it
this evening.
11 on Friday night? (go out) Yes, we are. We have
tickets for a concert.
12 your brother? (be) He’s 22.

13 English classes? (have) Twice a week.

On Tuesdays and
14 Maria home early? (go) Because she didn’t feel
15 Shakespeare ? (be born) In 1564.

  b Test your memory. Cover the questions and look at the answers. Remember the questions.

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