Lawn grasses are sold in nurseries along with other ornamental and horticultural
plants. The sale and laying out of lawn is presently a good source of income. A
beautiful lawn can be successfully made by applying the following guide lines.
1. The lawn should really appear green in colour like a green carpet.
2. The grass should grow closer to soil.
3. The grass should grow evenly throughout the area.
4. The lawn grass should not be invaded by weeds which may result in starving
of grass. If well fed the grass will grow and establish quickly.
5. The correct type of grass and the proper site should be selected. Areas with
deep shade, steep slopes, dry spots, flooded places and with excessive trafic
should be avoided.
6. The garden should not be cut into small areas since it becomes difficult to
water and mow and the grass may not develop uniformly.
7. The lawn should not be made into square or rectangle with tight corners
since it makes mowing difficult.
8. Lawns with free floating curves outlined with a mower strip are the easiest
to be worked with.
To make a good lawn it requires great effort and skill and its
successful completion gives us tremendous joy. Only in a small area a good variety
grass can be made use for establishing successful lawn. Firstly the location and
shape of the area for a lawn should be decided. The area has to be calculated based
on the size of the building and shape based on our taste. Mostly a rectangular shape
is preferred, but others like square, round, semicircular, elliptic, triangular, etc can
also be adopted. In some cases informal lawn with irregular outline gives more
The common species ideal for lawn planting include - Cynadon dactylon, Poa
annua, Zoysia matrella, Z. japonica, Z. tenuifolia and Stenotaphrum
secundatum. A number of varieties are available in the market to be utilised
depending on the situation and they include-
1. Carpet grass : It is grown in places with full sunlight and is very suitable
for home and office gardens. There are two types of carpet grasses grown in
our places. One grows very close to ground surface giving a soft feeling to
feet and the other grows quickly with needle like leaves and requires
frequent mowing. The first type is more attractive.
2. Velvet grass : This is a hybrid of indian burmuda grass and alos called as
fine- leaved burmuda grass. It is known in other names like, sun-turf, tex-
turf, diffin, diflon, diff- grass, etc.
3. Burmuda grass : It is the common Cynadon dactylon used in regions where
rainfall is very low.
4. St. Augustin’s grass : Suitable tobe grown in shady places. The leaves are
longer and strap shaped and good to be grown near to big buildings like
institutions, universities, offices, etc.
Rainy season is the most ideal for growing lawn grass. The site selected should
be tilled and ploughed well one foot below ground for removing roots, stems,
rhizomes and tubers of other plants. Lawn grass requires very high amount of
fertilizers as underground manure. Fine cattle dung and dry leaves both 5kg each
along with 250 gms of bone meal is the most ideal one. If soil has more clay, add 5
– 10 kg of sand to the above mixture before spraying. This is to be thoroughly
mixed with soil where lawn is to be started. Lumps of cow dung, decaying logs
and such other materials if present will result in growth of white ants . This can be
checked by adding oil cakes of Hydnocarpus seeds to the soil. After the addition of
underground manure, the region should be leveled and made firm. If the region is a
little higher than the surface soil level the lawn will be more appealing. By raising
certain areas and bordering them using bricks and cement will also give a good
appearance. Care should be taken to see that there is no stagnant water amidst the
lawn. It will affect growth of grass and promote weed growth. Tall plants should
not be kept or grown near or around lawns. But dwarf flowering plants like
Portulaca, Lantana, Verbena, China Balsam, etc and foliage plants like Duranta.
Amaranthus, etc. are good since they form a live edge. A rock garden and a small
lily pond near to the lawn will add more beauty, giving a natural look. Lawns can
be made in same level on aground or as small hills and valleys. The common
methods of growing lawn grass include-
Dibbling : A little slow, common and cheap method. Grass pieces along with
roots and portion of rhizome free from weeds are prepared , planted and watered
Turfing : Uniform pieces of grass along with soil is taken and arranged carefully
close to each other evenly. It is then made firm by beating with a stick or roller and
liberal watering is done. Grass starts growing in a very short period.
Seeding : This is practiced in seed producing varieties like fine -leaved burmuda
grass. Before sowing seeds , soil should be finely tilled followed by light rolling.
Seeds should be uniformly and evenly sownon a wind less day. Bulk materials like
sand or ash should be used for even distribution of seeds. The ground should be
lightly rolled again. Gentle watering should be done initiall, followed by sprinkler
irrigation later.
Mowing and rolling : Newly planted lawn is not mowed till it has established
well. It is done to give more strength and induce dense branching of grass. In rainy
and winter seasons, it is required at an interval of 7-10 days. In spring it is done at
an interval of 15 days and in summer at monthly intervals. The height of lawn can
be maintained by adjusting height of shears of the lawn mower. Different types of
mowers like hand driven, tractor driven are available, that is selected based on size
of lawn.
Irrigation : Water requirement depends on season, type of soil and the type of
grass used. Lawn should be watered uniformly and regularly depending on the
climate. Grass being shallow rooted are surface feeders and should be watered
adequately and frequently. Flood irrigation followed by sprinkler system is better.
Sandy loam soils require frequent watering than heavy soils. Permanent and
temperory sprinklers can be made use of. Best way is to have underground pipes
and sprinklers fitted at ground level. The number of sprinklers to be fitted depends
on the amount of water to be sprayed and area it can cover.
Scrapping of Lawn : It is done when grass becomes old or compact. After 3-4
years during summer lawn should be scrapped completely. Before onset of rain, a
top dressing mixture of garden soil, sand and sieved leaf mould (1:2:1) should be
applied. The soil used should be free of pests, weeds and of same texture as that of
turf soil. This hepls in easy establishment of roots and rhizomes. With the onset of
rains bone meal should be applied. Thus grass will grow luxuriantly to make a
compact and healthy turf.
Fairy Ring : This is caused by soil borne fungi like Fusarium, Marasmius,
Psalliota, Lepiota, Cortisium, etc. They cause a circular ring of thin coloured or
dead grass. Rings may not be complete but appear like horse shoe. As grass turns
brown the rings will widen. This can be controlled by drenching soil with bordeaux
mixture or spraying copper fungicides like Blitox, Bavistin, etc.
Pale or Yellow Lawn : This occurs due several reasons like water logging, poor
drainage, N-deficiency, hardening of soil, O2 deficiency of roots,etc. Loosening of
soil with rakes will reduce yellowing.
White Ants : They attack lawn grass and cause great damage. Can be eliminated
by spraying BHC in water (2gms of 50% BHC in litre water).
Larvae : Larvae of certain bugs, beetles, flies and worms are also found to destroy
the leaves of grass. This can be checked by spraying suitable insecticides.