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ECE Syllabus July-Dec 2017

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2nd year/3rd Semester


Sub Code Subject

TDP 201 Soft Skills- I 0 0 1 60 40 100 0.5

TDT 202 Aptitude -III 0 2 0 40 60 100 1

ECT 201 Analog Electronic Circuits 3 1 0 40 60 100 3.5

ECT 202 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECT 203 Network Analysis and Synthesis 3 1 0 40 60 100 3.5

ECT 204 Electronic Instrumentation 2 0 0 40 60 100 2

ECT 205 Advance Object Oriented 2 0 0 40 60 100 2

ECP 206 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECP 207 Digital Electronics Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECP 208 Electronics Instrumentation Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECP 209 Advance Object Oriented 0 0 4 60 40 100 2

Programming Lab
ECI 210 Institutional/Summer Training* 0 0 0 100 100 200 2

Total 13 4 11 22.5

Mandatory non-Graded Courses 4

AMY 215 Engineering Mathematics (LEET 3 1 0 40 60 100 3.5

PCY 201 Verbal Ability 2 0 0 40 60 100 2

PCY 202 French language 2 0 0 40 60 100 2

ECY 212 Principles of Management 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECY 213 Linux and Python 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

*Institutional/ Summer Training will be four week duration after the 2nd semester

Subject Code Total Contact Hours: 40 3 1 - 3.5
ECT-201 Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2014-2018
Prerequisite : Basics of Electronics Engineering
Internal (40) External (60)
Course Objective
1. To provide and over view of operation and applications of the analog building
blocks likes diodes, BJT and FET
2. To understand the basic concept of Biasing.

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand:
Various categories of feedback in amplifier circuits and their effects on
2. Analyze the performance of an Multi Stage and Power amplifiers.

UNIT – 1

BJT: Need for biasing, Biasing techniques& analysis, Fixed bias, Emitter Bias and
Voltage divider bias, Bias Stabilization, Thermal run away.
AC analysis of Small signal Transistor amplifiers, Ebers-Moll model, Hybrid Model
and its parameter (analysis of general Amplifiers) , Emitter follower.

UNIT - 2
Principle of Feed back in amplifiers, Effects of Feedback circuits, analysis of different
amplifiers on Band width, frequency response, noise and stability.
Oscillators: - Feedback concept and connection types, Conditions for Oscillations
(Barkhusan Criteria),L-C Oscillators: Hartley Oscillators, Clapp Oscillators and
Collpits Oscillators
R-C Oscillators: Phase shift & Wein Bidge, Crystal Oscillators

Need and benefits of Cascading, RC coupled amplifiers, Effect of Emitter bypass
capacitor and coupling capacitor, Loading effect, Frequency Response and Mid Band
Gain. Transformer coupled amplifier and Direct coupled amplifier.
POWER AMPLIFIERS: Class A amplifier, 2nd harmonic distortion, Class B
amplifier, push pull amplifier.
Text Books:-
1. Halkias, C.C., Millman, J , Electronic Devices and Circuit, Edition 3rd(2010)
,Tata MC Graw Hill, India Ashish Dixit, Solid State Devices and Circuits ,
Edition 1st (2010) University Science Press India
2. Boylestad, R, R , Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory, Edition 10th (2009)
Pearson Publication, India.
Reference Books:
1. Sedra, Smith, Microelectronic circuits, Oxford, 3 ed.
2. Paul Horwitz, Winfield hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University
Press, 2nd ed.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.

Subject Code ECT-

Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016 9 May 2015

The student outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health & safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Digital Electronics L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 40 3 - - 3
Subject Code-
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: BEE
Internal (40) External (60)
Course Objective
1. To understand Merits of digitization.
2. To enable you to understand common forms of number representation in digital
electronic circuits and to be able to convert between different representations
3. To Impart Knowledge about various digital circuits and systems.
Unit Course Outcome
Students will be able to understand:
Merits of digital systems, various number systems and their applications.

Combinational and Sequential Digital Designing and solution to basic digital

Merits/Demerits of Logic families, Implementation of gates using logic
families and analog to digital/digital to analog conversion process.

Introduction: Why Digital is needed, Merits and Demerits, Difference between
Analog and Digital Electronics.
Number System: Introduction, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number system.
Signed and unsigned number; Binary operations: Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and division; Subtractions using 1's and 2's compliment.
Introduction to Codes: Weighted & non-weighted codes, BCD code, Gray code.
Logic gates and Minimization: OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-OR, Basic
theorem of Boolean Algebra, sum of products and product of sums, canonical form,
Simplifications using K-map
Combinational Circuits
Introduction to Combinational circuit design, half adders, full adder and ripple carry
adder, BCD adder, subtracters, multiplexers, demultiplexer, encoders, decoders,
converters, magnitude comparators.
Sequential Circuits
Introduction, latches & flip flops (SR, JK, D and T), race around condition,
conversion of flip flops, Shift registers: types, circuit diagram, timing wave forms.
Counters: synchronous and asynchronous counters, Timing waveforms.
D/A & A/D Converters
Introduction, Weighted register D/A converter, binary ladder D/A converter, D/A
accuracy and resolution. A/D converters: flash type A/D converter, Successive
approximation A/D converter, A/D accuracy and resolution.
Logic Families: Characteristics and classification of Logic Families, RTL, DTL, TTL,
ECL, CMOS, Comparison of logic families.

Semiconductor Memories
Introduction, Classification: RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Introduction
to PLA and PAL.

1. Mano,Morris, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Malvino, Digital principle and applications, Tata Mc Graw Hill .
3. Floyd & Jain, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson.
1. Fletcher, An Engg. Approach to digital design, Prentice Hall of India.


The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.

Course Code ECT-

Digital Electronics
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016 9 May 2015

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health & safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Subject Code- Total Contact Hours: 48 3 1 - 3.5
ECT-203 Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of basic electrical components.
Internal (40) External (60)
Unit Course Objective
1. To provide a clear understanding of all analysis techniques of electric networks.
2. To know the detailed study of different types of systems and networks
3. To design suitable electrical networks
Unit Course Outcome

Application of various network theorems to the two port networks.
2 Time and frequency domain analysis of networks.

Checking the networks stability and designing passive filters.

Introduction: Classification of basic elements, Elementary signals, Voltage and
Current sources, Dependent and Independent sources, KCL, KVL, Series resistors and
voltage division, Parallel Resistors and current division, Wye-Delta Transformations,
source Transformation, Mesh and Nodal analysis.
Network Theorems and Two Port Networks:
Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem,
Superposition theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Two port description in terms of open
circuit impedance Parameters, Short circuit admittance parameters, Inter-connection
of two port network, Reciprocity and Symmetry conditions in two port networks.


Steady State AC Circuits: AC source across resistor, inductor and capacitor. RL
Series Circuit, RC Series Circuit, RLC Series Circuit, RL Parallel Circuit, RC,
Parallel Circuit, RLC Parallel Circuit, RMS Value, Average Value, Foam Factor,
Peak Factor, Instantaneous Power, Series Resonance, Parallel Resonance, Q factor,
cut-off frequencies and bandwidth, Tank Circuit. (9)
Transient Analysis: Transient analysis of networks using differential equation
methods and Laplace Transform methods, concepts of time constants and initial
conditions. (9)

Network Synthesis: Introduction, Hurwitz polynomials, positive real functions,
driving point and transfer impedance function, LC-network, synthesis of dissipative
network, Two-terminal R-L network, Two-terminal R-C networks, Synthesis of R-L
and R-C networks by Cauer and Foster – methods.

Graph Theory and Network Equations: Introduction, graph of a network, trees, co-
trees and loops, incidence matrix, Cut-set matrix, Tie-set matrix and loop currents,
Analysis of networks using graph theory and duality.


1. Van Valkenburg, M.E, Network analysis and synthesis, Prentice Hall of India
Learning, 2009
2. Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric
Circuits, , Tata Mcgraw Hill


1. Mohan, Sudhakar Sham, Circuits and network analysis and synthesis, 2nd
Edition, TATA MC GRAW HILLS, 2005
2. Franklin F. Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis (English) 2nd
Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd


The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.

Course Code ECT-

Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health & safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Electronic Instrumentation L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 32 2 - - 2
Subject Code-
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
ECT 204
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: BEE
Internal (40) External (60)
Course Objective
1. To study various type of electronics measuring devices.
2. To develop the capabilities in the field of transducers.
3. To develop skills for data acquisition and its usage

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand:
Various types of oscilloscopes.

Classifications and applications of transducers.

Measurement and testing instruments and various systems for data

3. acquisition.


Transducers: Principles and classification of transducers, guidelines for selection and

application of transducers, basic requirements of transducers. Different types of
transducers, displacement, strain gauge, LVDT, potentiometer, capacitive &
inductive, Piezoelectric, temperature and optical transducers. Measurement of
parameter: length, angle, area, temperature, pressure flow, speed force, torque,
vibration, concentration (conductivity and ph). (11)


Oscilloscopes and wave analyzers: CRT, digital storage oscilloscope. Wave analyzer,
Harmonic distortion analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers.
Digital multimeters:- Digital frequency meter, Digital Measurement of time, Digital
Tachometer, Digital pH meter, Digital phase meter, Digital Capacitance meter.


Data Acquisition System: Elements of Digital and Analog Data Acquisition System.
Interfacing Transducers to electronic control and measuring systems: Instrumentation
amplifier, Isolation Amplifier, V to F and F to V converters. Multiplexing - Digital to
Analog Multiplexing, Analog to Digital Multiplexing, Spatial Encoders.

Virtual Instrumentation: Introduction of Virtual Instrumentation, Historical

perspective, Block Diagram and Architectures of VI, Various Programming Tools,
Applications in Biomedical: Examination, Monitoring,Training & Education and
Biofeedback. (5)

1. William David Cooper, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement

Techniques, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Joseph J. Carr. , Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, 3
edition, Pearson
3. N.Mathivanan, PC-based Instrumentation: Concepts and Practice , Eastern
Economy Edition, PHI Learning private Ltd,2007


1. Oliver and Cage, “Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”, TMH,

2. Alan S. Morris, “Measurement and Instrumentation Principles”, Elsevier
Heinmann), 2008
3. E. W. Golding, Electrical Measuring Instruments & Measurements, Pitman,
4. Klaas B. Klaassen, Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Cambridge
university Press
5. David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Prentice Hall
6. Jovitha Jerome, Virtual Instrumentation Using Lab VIEW, Eastern Economy
Edition, PHI Learning private Ltd., 2010.
7. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for
Measurement, Instrumentation and Control, Newnes, 2000.


The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.

Course Code ECT

Electronic Instrumentation
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category BS ES PD PC PE OE

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health & safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Total Contact Hours: 30 2 - - 2
Subject Code- Applicable to which branch (ECE):
ECT 205 Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: Basics of C Language like Data types, Looping
statements, Array, ,Structure, Basics Concept of OOPs and their
Internal (40) External (60)
Course Objective
1. To understand object oriented programming concepts.
2. To differentiate between object oriented and procedural concepts.
3. To understand the Concept of classes, objects, constructors, destructors,
inheritance, operator overloading and polymorphism, pointers, virtual
functions, templates, exception handling, file, file operations and handling.

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand:
Features of OOPS and basic constructs of C++.

Study of types of inheritance, constructors and destructors, operator

2. overloading and type conversion.

Detail study of Pointers


Various operations related to file, polymorphism and exception handling.



Review: Review of basic concepts of object-oriented programming, Comparison between

procedural programming paradigm and object-oriented programming paradigm.

Classes and Objects: Specifying a class, Creating class objects, Accessing class members,
Access specifiers – public, private, and protected, Classes, Objects and memory, Static
members, The const keyword and classes, Static objects, Friends of a class, Empty classes,
Nested classes, Local classes, Abstract classes, Bit fields and classes. (3)

Constructors and Destructors: Need for constructors and destructors, Copy constructor,
Dynamic constructors, Destructors, Constructors and destructors with static members,
Initializer lists. (2)

Operator Overloading and Type Conversion: Defining operator overloading, Rules for
overloading operators, Overloading of unary operators and various binary operators, Type
conversion - Basic type to class type, Class type to basic type, Class type to another class
type. (4)

Inheritance: Introduction, Defining derived classes, Forms of inheritance, Ambiguity in

multiple and multipath inheritance, Virtual base class, Object slicing, Overriding member
functions, Order of execution of constructors and destructors.
Pointers: Understanding pointers, Accessing address of a variable, Declaring & initializing
pointers, Accessing a variable through its pointer, Pointer arithmetic, Pointer to a pointer,
Pointer to a function, Pointer to an Array.

Dynamic Memory Management: new and delete Operators, Pointers and classes, Pointer to
an object, Pointer to a member, this Pointer, Self-referential classes, Possible problems with
the use of pointers - Dangling/wild pointers, Null pointer assignment.

Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Concept of Binding - Early binding and late binding,
Virtual functions, Pure virtual functions, Abstract classes, Polymorphism.

Exception Handling: Review of traditional error handling, Basics of exception handling,

Exception handling mechanism, Throwing mechanism, Catching mechanism, Rethrowing an
exception, Specifying exceptions.

Templates and Generic Programming: Template concepts, Function templates, class

Templates, illustrative examples.

Managing Data Files: File streams, Hierarchy of file stream classes, Error handling during
file operations, Reading/Writing of files, Updating files.

Standard Template Library (STL): Programming model of stl – Containers, Algorithms,

Iterators, Description of containers – Vector, List and map containers.

Text Books:
1. Lippman, S.B. and Lajoie, J., C++Primer, Pearson Education (2005) 4th ed..
2. Stroustrup, Bjarne, The C++ Programming Language, Pearson Education
(2000)3rd ed.

Reference Books:
1. Eills, Margaret A. and Stroustrup , Bjarne, The Annonated C++ Reference Manual,
Pearson Education (2002).
2. Rumbaugh, J.R., Premerlani, W. and Blaha, M., Object Oriented Modeling and
Design with UML, Pearson Education (2005) 2nd ed.
3. Kanetkar, Yashvant, Let us C++, Jones and Bartlett Publications (2008) 8th ed.


The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.
Course Code ECT
Teaching the Electronics and Communication Engineering
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015
The students outcomes are:
a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health & safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions
in global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Principles of Management L T P C
Subject Code-
Total Contact Hours : 36
ECY 212 3 0 0 3
Prerequisite; General Concepts of Management

Marks 100
Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
To impart analytical ability in solving behavioral problems in respect to today business
Unit Course Outcome
To expose the students to fundamental concepts of management and to understand
the evolution of management thought.
To make students understand the basic Principles of Management and their
2. application in modern day business at different layers of organization so as to
understand how to run an organization smoothly and efficiently.
Student will also get sensitized about new and contemporary developments in
the field of management in relation to organizational behavior.
To impart in-depth knowledge about working of an organization in relation to
various aspects of behavior of the employees.
Content of the Syllabus


Nature, Scope and Significance of Management; Process of Management;

Management as an Art, Science and Profession; Management and Administration;
Role of Managers; Principles of Management; Evolution of Management Thought:
Classical, Neoclassical and Contingency. Leadership: Styles, Theories, Leaders Vs

Planning: Meaning and Importance of Planning; Planning Process; Making Planning

Effective; Types of Plans.
Decision Making: Nature, Importance, Process
Organizing: Principles of Organizing, Line, Staff and Functional; Formal vs.
Informal Organizations, Authority and Responsibility. Delegation- Advantages of
Delegation, Barriers to Delegation

Co-ordination: Need - Type and Techniques Problems in Coordination - Impact of

Coordination, Requisites for excellent Co-ordination.
Controlling: Meaning and Importance of controlling - Relationship between Planning
and Controlling, Control Process.

Text Books –

1. Koontz – Principles of Management (Tata McGrew Hill, 1st Edition 2008)

2. Robbins & Caulter – Management (Prentice Hall of India, 8th Edition)
Reference Material –

1. Essentials of Management - Weihrich and Koontz.

2. Principles of Management - L.M. Prasad

Course Code ECY

Principles of Management
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with 
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies :


The syllabus has been divided into three units. Paper setter will set 3
questions from each unit and 1 compulsory question spread over the whole
syllabus consisting of 5 short answer questions of 2 marks each. Compulsory
question will be placed at number one. Candidate shall be required to attempt 6
questions in all including compulsory question and selecting not more than 2
questions from each unit. All questions carry equal mark
Linux and Python L T P C
Total Contact Hours – 36 Hours
Subject Code- 0 0 6 3.0
ECY 213 Applicable to ECE – 3rd Semester
Pre-requisites: None

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To help students to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs
and map scientific problems into computational framework.
Unit Course Outcomes
Students will be able to demonstrate a competency in using programming
language for various platforms
6. Students will be able to design various graphic applications and games.

7. Students will be able to familiarize and work on Linux OS.

Unit 1
Python Programming

Introduction to Python: Printing Text, Comments and how to use them, Types,
Variables and Simple I/O: Make programs to do Math, Store data in computer
memory, Use variable to access and manipulate that data, Branching, while Loops, for
Loops, Strings,

Unit 2
Making Games
The Guess My Number, The Word Jumble Game.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Understanding Graphics and Animation, Understanding Sprites and Images, Get
Started with Surfaces, Define Colors, Draw Shapes, Animate an Object

Unit 3

Introduction to Linux, Reading and Navigation Commands: Navigating and

Searching the File System, Reading Directories and Files, Reading the Beginning or
End of Files with the head and tail, Manipulation and Searching Commands:
Manipulating Files or Directories, Searching Files, Compressing and Uncompressing
Files, Task: File handling and Copying Operations
Making and Running executable files on Linux

1. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, by Richard Petersen
2. Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming: 5th Edition, by Mark
Lutz, Oreilly publication
3. Practical Guide to Linux Commands Editor by Mark G. Sobell, pearson publication
4. Building Machine Learning Systems With Python by Willi Richert

Subject Code- ECY

Linux and Python
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015


Analog Electronic Circuit Lab L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 2 1
Subject Code-
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015

Internal (60) External (40)
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:
The students will be able to compare the experimental data to the
1. theoretical response of the oscillators.

The students will be able to evaluate the characteristics of the operational

amplifiers. Students will built the various circuits based on op-amp, predict
the results, and observe the gain and frequency response.

List of Experiments:

1. To Design and calculate the Hybrid parameter of CE configuration.

2. To design and study the response of an Emitter Follower.
3. To Design and Study the Voltage Series Feedback Circuit.
4. To Design and Study the Current Shunt Feedback Circuit.
5. To implement an RC phase shift oscillator on bread board, determine its
frequency of oscillations and to study its response.
6. To implement Hartley oscillator and Colpitt’s oscillator on bread board,
determine its frequency of oscillations and to study its response.
7. To implement Wien Bridge oscillator on bread board, determine its frequency
of oscillations and to study its response.
8. To study the response of Two Stage R-C coupled Amplifier (Frequency
Response & Band Width).
9. To study the response of Direct coupled Amplifier (Frequency Response &
Band Width).
10. To study the response of Class A amplifier (Cross over distortion &
11. To study the response of Class B amplifier (Efficiency)

Course Code ECP-

Analog Electronic Circuit Lab
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
The students outcomes are:
a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Digital Electronics Lab L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 2 1
Subject Code-
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015

Internal (60) External (40)
Course Objective
1. To implement truth tables using basic gates.
2. To design various Digital circuits using basic logic gates.

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:
Able to analyze and design combinational and sequential circuits .
Understand the importance and need for verification, testing of digital logic
2 and design for testability.

Course Objectives:
List of Experiments:

1. To familiarize and study the truth tables of various ICs 7400, 7402, 7404,
7408 and 7432, 7436.
2. To design and implement the Boolean expression using universal NAND and
NOR gates.

3. (a) To design and verify the truth table of Half Adder using gates.
(b) To design and verify the truth table of Full Adder using gates.

4. (a) To design and verify the truth table of Half Subtractor using gates.
(b) To design and verify the truth table of Full Subtractor using gates.

5. (a) To verify the truth table of Multiplexer using IC 74150.

(b) To design and implement the 4:1 Multiplexer using gates.

6. (a) To verify the truth table of Demultiplexer using IC 74154.

(b) To design and implement the 1:4 Demultiplexer using gates.

7. To design and implement the Binary Code to BCD converter.

8. To design and implement the Odd Parity Check and Generator.

9. To design and implement the 2-bit Magnitude Comparator.

10. (a) To verify the truth tables of Flip Flops 7476 (J-K) and 7474 (D)
(b) To design and implement the S-R flip flop using NAND / NOR gates.

11. To design and implement the Shift Register using D Flip Flops, for various

12. To design and implement the 4-bit Asynchronous Counters using J-K Flip
13. To design and implement the MOD-n Asynchronous Counter.

14. To design and implement the Synchronous Counter using flip flops.
Course Code ECP-
Digital Electronics Lab
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Electronics and Instrumentation Lab L T P C

Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 2 1

Subject Code-
ECP-208 Applicable to which branch (ECE): Batch

Pre-requisite: BEE Lab


Internal (60) External (40)

Course Objective

 To understand the concepts of basic electronic instruments.

 To practically implement the concepts of instrumentation.
Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:

1. Operation of different instruments.

2. Principles of various types of transducers and sensors.

List of Experiments:

1. Hand's on session on Analog CRO, function genrator and determination of voltage,

time period, rise time, fall time, frequency & phase angle.

2. Hand's on session on Analog CRO and determination of voltage, time period, rise
time, fall time, frequency & phase angle.

3. Hand's on session on Digital Multimeter and to observe the loading effect of a

multimeter while measuring voltage across a low, high resistance and the limitations
of a multimeter for measuring high frequency voltage.

4. Hand's on session on LCR Meter and determination of inductance, capacitance, Q

of a coil using LCR meter.

5. Hand's on session on Clamp Meter and determine current drawn by various


6. Hand's on session on Spectrum analyzer and observe various frequency plots for
various input signals.

7. Design a circuit and implement it on bread board using the Analog to digital
converter to convert low voltage analog signal into digital signal .

8. To determine output characteristic of a LVDT and determine its sensitivity.

9. Interfacing LM35(Temperature sensor) with ADC and display temperature on any

output device.
10. Controlling speed of a fan using potentiometer.

Course Code ECP-

Electronics and Instrumentation Lab

Teaching the Electronics and Communication Engineering

a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome

Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome

Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Advanced Object Oriented
Programming Lab
Subject Code- Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 4 2
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: Basics of C Language like Data types, Looping
statements, Array, Pointers.
Internal (60) External (40)
Course Objective
1. To implement basic programs using C++
2. To implement various object oriented concepts like classes, objects,
inheritance, polymorphism, overloading etc. using C++

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:
To apply object-oriented programming features to program design and
1. implementation.

To understand implementation issues related to object-oriented

2. techniques.

List of Experiments:
1. Write a program that uses a class where the member functions are defined inside and
outside a class.
2. WAP to access the private data of a class by non-member function
through friend.
3. Write a program to demonstrate the use of static data members.
4. Write a program to demonstrate the use of const data members.
5. Write a program to demonstrate the use of dynamic constructor.
6. Write a program to demonstrate the use of initializer lists.
7. Write a program to demonstrate the overloading of binary arithmetic operators.

8. Write a program to demonstrate the use of multiple Inheritances.
9. Write a program to demonstrate the Virtual base class concept.
10. WAP to demonstrate the use of Pointers.
11. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Pointer to Function.
12. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Pointer to Array.
13. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Pointer to Pointer.
14. WAP to demonstrate the use of new and delete operators.
15. WAP to demonstrate the use of this Pointer.


16. WAP to demonstrate the use of Static Polymorphism.

17. WAP to demonstrate the use of Run time Polymorphism.
18. WAP to demonstrate the use of exception handling.
19. Write a program to demonstrate the use of function template.
20. Write a program to demonstrate the use of Class template.
21. WAP to store the information of about 5 students in a file student and
read the content and print them on screen.
22. Write a program to demonstrate the use of File Pointers.

Course Code ECP-

Object Oriented Programming Lab
Teaching the Electronics and Communication Engineering
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course I, I,
outcome with II, II,
Program outcome III III
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015
The students outcomes are:
a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Name of the subject : APTITUDE 3 L T P C
Total Contact Hours -28Hours
Subject Code Applicable to which branch -All 0 2 0 1.5
TDT 202 Branches
Prerequisite-Aptitude 2

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
To Impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective
branches of Engineering
Unit Course Outcome
To build up analytical skills with the proficiency in aptitude.
To enhance the ability to mining the useful data with help of graphs, figures and
9. symbols.

To generate and develop the idea to make equations related to various parameters.
Content of the Syllabus


1.weighted average: To find the mean of series of frequency distribution, mean and median
of even and odd series.

2.Mixtures & Allegations: How to find the ratio of two or more mixed quantities, profit
percentage and share.

3.Chain Rule: Concept of direct and indirect proportion.

4.Time & Work: Concept of wages and work efficiency with short cut methods.

5. Pipes and cistern: Concept of addition and subtraction with short cut methods.


6.Pie Charts:Concept of representing a given numerical data in the form of sector of a circle.

7.Cubes & Dices: Concepts of to find smaller cubes painted and unpainted both.

8.Figure matrix: In this type of questions, candidates have to check the missing term in the
MATRIX given by using some relation in all the rows & the columns

9.Symboperation: Concept in which certain relations b/w different sets of elements is

given (in terms of ‘less than’, ‘greater than’ or ‘equal to’) using either the real symbols or
substituted symbols.


10.Time speed & distance: Concept of Average speed , relative speed and short cut methods.
11.Circular Track Race: Concept of Race course, Starting and winning point and dead heat

12.Problems on Trains: Concept of Average speed , relative speed of two trains and short
cut methods.

13.Boats and streams: Concepts of Downstream , Upstream , Speed of water and speed of

Text Books -

Reference Material -


Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Name of the subject : SOFT SKILLS

Subject Code Total Contact Hours
0 0 1 0.5
TDP 201 Applicable to which branch

Internal : 60 External : 40
Course Objective
To Impart soft skills practical knowledge to prepare the students for placements and make them
industry ready.
Unit Course Outcome
To train the students in the basics of effective speaking and interaction.
To help them understand themselves and create a positive self concept. To plan their
12. time efficiently and to set and balance the right goals for their career and life.

To motivate the students and develop their interpersonal skills. To also help them to
quickly adapt to the changing scenarios and teach them the ways to relieve their stress
and become more productive.

Content of the Syllabus



What /Why/How of
1 Communication 1 Discussion and videos

2 Public speaking 2 Role plays : Application

Audio files case study

3 Listening Skills 3 discussion

Individual and group

4 Presentation Skills 4 presentations

What /Why/ How of Self Esteem SWOT Analysis & self

5 /self 5 assessment questionnaire
awareness/SWOT Analysis

Case study and short

6 How to create positive self concept 6 story discussion

Preparing to do notes,
Daily planners, Weekly
7 Time management 7 planners

Identifying personal and

8 Goal Setting 8 professional goals


9 Change management 9 Discussion & case study

Discussion and case

10 Interpersonal skills 10 study

11 Stress management 11 Stress buster Activity

Case studies discussion

12 Motivation 12 and Videos

Text Books -

Reference Material –

1.How to Win Friends and Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

2.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

by Stephen R. Covey

3.The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
by Peter F. Drucker
4.The One Minute Manager
by Kenneth H. Blanchard

Course Code
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies
Total contact hours : 45 Hrs 3 1 0 3.5
Applicable to which branch: All branches of Common to all
Subject Code branches of
AMY-215 Engineering LEET -2015
Engineering LEET
(Mandatory Non Graded Course ) (3rd semester)
Prerequisite: Knowledge of mathematics up to
senior secondary level.
Internal (40) External (60)
To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective
branches of Engineering
To have knowledge in linear algebra and infinite series.
To improve their ability of computation in matrices and complex nos.
To familiarize students with partial differentiation.
To enable the students to apply the notions practically.
To introduce various ordinary differential equations.
To practice various methods of solving differential equations.

Contents of the Syllabus



Matrices: Rank of matrix; elementary operations; reduction to normal form; consistency

and solution of homogenous and non homogeneous simultaneous equations
Complex Numbers: De-Moivre’s theorem, applications of De-Moivre’s theorem ;
Exponential function; logarithmic function ; circular function
Infinite Series: Convergence and divergence of series; tests of convergence (without
proofs), comparison test; ratio test and Gauss test; convergence and absolute convergence
of alternating series.

Partial Differentiation: Review of basic differentiation, Definition of Partial

Differentiation, Function of two or more variables; homogeneous function; Euler’s theorem.

Differential equations: Ordinary Differential Equation, Exact differential equations,

Variable Separable method to solve ODE .



Double and Triple Integration: Review of basic of integration, Double and triple

Vector Calculus : Scalar and vector fields; differentiation and integration of vectors ; vector
differential operators: del, gradient, divergence, curl , properties; Statement of Gauss,
Green and Stoke's theorem.

1. Grewal, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 42th

Reference Material:

1. Kreyszig , E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley,10th Ed.2011.

2. Ray Wylie, C., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed., McGraw Hill.

3. Jain, R.K. and lyengar, S.R.K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 3rd Edition.

Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,2004.

4. Ramana , B.V Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill, July 2006.

Instructions for the paper-setter

Please go through these instructions thoroughly and follow the same pattern while setting the
paper as the students have been prepared according to this format.

Maximum Marks = 60 Time: 3 Hrs

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

Course Code-AMY-
Teaching the Department of Applied Sciences
Program Outcome a b c d e f g h i j k
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
BS ES PD PC PE OE Project/Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Total Contact Hours -30
PCY-201 Applicable to all branches of 2 0 0 2
Engineering - 3rd sem(Batch- 2014)
Prerequisite -Studied English Language upto senior secondary
Internal - 40 External - 60
Course Objective
Course Outcome- To prepare good written communication skills essential to
become successful in professional life.
1. To correct grammatical errors through practice.
To make the students think logically and critically, then speak their thoughts

Unit-I (10

Vocabulary: Root words (suffixes and prefixes), Synonyms, Antonyms, Contextual Usage,
Vocabulary games (spell bee, unscramble the words, Pictionary, Brain Box- make n number of
words from a given set of letters. All the words from A to F with their synonyms & antonyms

Parts of speech: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction,

Interjection (With practice exercise on each topic)

Unit-II (10

Subject verb agreement: Rules and exceptions, Common errors, Practice exercises

Verbal Analogies: Introduction to the topic - What are verbal analogies? How to read
analogies? Tips for doing analogies, Common relationships between pairs
Example: synonyms, antonyms, classification order, difference of degree, part and
whole, cause and effect, qualities or characteristics objects and its function, implied
relationships, symbol and what it represents

Unit-III (10

Sentence completion: Introduction to the topic, Strategies to follow, Rigorous practice


Para Jumbles/Sentence rearrangement: Introduction to the topic, Types of Para jumbles –

4 sentences to be put in order or 6 sentences with beginning and ending of the paragraph is
given to be put in order, Strategies to solve Para jumbles, Practice exercises

Cloze reading test: What is cloze reading? Cloze reading test types- multiple choice or based
on vocabulary skills, Practice exercises

Text Books:
1. Verbal Ability - Workbook, Chandigarh University.

Reference Books -
1. Murphy, R; English Grammar in Use -Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate
Learners of English, Cambridge University Press (2012).
2. Hewing, Martin; Advanced English Grammar, Cambridge University Press (2013).


Department Teaching the
Communication Skills
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
x x
Mapping of Course outcome
1-3 2
with Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
French Language- I L T P C
PCY-202 Total Contact Hours :30
Applicable to all branches of Engineering 2 0 0 2
(Batch -2014)
Marks : 100
Internal: 40 External: 60
Course Objective
Course Outcome- The course is aimed at familiarizing the students with basics of French language.
This course will help the students understand French language.
1. The language has become second to English. Students will learn the basic vocabulary.
2. To use grammar in formation of phrases and small sentences for beginners.

3. Introducing them to the culture and cuisine of France.

Unit I (10 Hrs)

France –Culture, Gastronomy, Geographical and Political Conditions

Les Nombres(Numbers), Les Salutations(Greetings)
Self-description, compléter un formulaire
1st and 2nd group verbs

Unit II (10 Hrs)

Terms related to time, date & money

Name of days, months and seasons
Les Couleurs, Parts of body, Fruits and Vegetables
3rd group verbs

Unit III (10 Hrs)

Tenses- present, futur proche, passé compose avec être

Vocabulary (related to daily life)

Text Books -
Apprenons Le Francais: Methods De Francais (Volume - 1) Mahitha Ranjit and
Monica Singh: Saraswati Publishing House, Delhi
Apprenons Le Francais Cahier d'Exercices-1

(Livre) Connexion – 1 Méthode de Français, Unité – 1 to 6 (Edition DIDIER 2004),
Goyal Publisher Delhi
Régime Mérieux
Yves Loiseau

PCY - 202 French Language - I

Department Teaching
Communication Skills - Applied Sciences
the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
x x
Mapping of Course
outcome with Program 1-3 2
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) Ability to communication effectively by learning the vocabulary of the language.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary/current issues.

3rd year/5th Semester


Sub Code Subject L T P INT EXT TOTAL

ECT 301 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECT 302 Digital Communication 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECT 303 Microelectronics 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECT 304 Microcontrollers 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECT 305 Linear Integrated Circuits 2 0 0 40 60 100 2

ECT 306 Engineering Practice 0 2 0 40 60 100 1

ECP 307 Microcontroller Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECP 308 Digital Communication Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECP 309 Linear Integrated circuits Lab 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

ECR 309 Project 0 0 4 60 40 100 2

ECI 310 Institute/Industrial Summer 0 0 0 60 40 100 2

Total 14 2 10 22

*Institutional/Industrial training of Six Week Duration after 4th Semester Examination.

Electromagnetic Field Theory L T P C
Total Contact Hours 35
3 0 0 3
ECT 301 Applicable to which branch ECE
Prerequisite Applied Physics

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

Understand the basics theory of electromagnetic waves traveling from source
to destination
2. Understand the basics of radiating elements
3. Get in depth knowledge of transmission lines and wave guide

Content of the Syllabus

Basics of EMFT: Introduction to electrostatics and magnetostatics, Integral
Theorems: Gauss’s Divergence and Stroke’s theorem, Gauss’s Law, Poisson’s
Equation and Laplace Equation, Faraday’s Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction,
Ampere’s Circuital Law. (7)
Maxwell's equations: Concept of displacement current, Maxwell's equations in
differential and integral forms, Boundary Conditions.
Electromagnetic Waves: Uniform Plane waves. Wave equation and its solution in
different media, Polarization, Skin depth, Poynting theorem.
Transmission Lines: Types of transmission lines, Circuit representation of parallel
plane transmission lines, transmission line equations, Propagation constant, loss less
transmission lines, Distortion less condition, Reflection, SWR.

Wave guides: Rectangular waveguides, TE and TM waves in rectangular wave
guides, characteristics of TE and TM mode in rectangular wave guide: Propagation
constant, Cut-off frequency/wavelength, Guide wavelength, Phase and Group
velocity. Dominant mode of rectangular wave guide, Impossibility of TEM wave in
hollow wave guides, Wave impedance and Characteristic impedance.

Text Books:
1. Electromagnetic waves and Radiation systems; Edward C. Jordan, Keith G.
Balmain, Prentice Hall of India,2nd ed.
2. Engineering Electromagnetics, Willian H. Hayt, John A. Buck, Tata Mc Graw
Hill, 6th ed.
Reference Books:

1. Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Constantine A. Balanis, Wiley-

India, 4th ed
2. Electromagnetic field theory and Transmission lines, Gottapu Sasibhushna
Rao, Willey India, 2001 reprint.

ECT 301 Electromagnetic Field Theory

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies
Instructions for paper setter.
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.
The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

ECT-302 Total Contact Hours : 48
3 0 0 3
Applicable to which branch: ECE
Prerequisite: Analog Communication, Digital Electronics

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
To present the fundamentals of modern digital communication system design and to
evaluate the performance of digital signaling schemes on realistic communication
Emphasis is placed on physical layer digital communications, including waveform
design and receiver design. This is a course in "communication signal processing."

Unit Course Outcome

1. Understand the concepts of pulse modulation systems.
2. Analyze the digital formats and various digital modulation techniques.
Familiarize with the error free transmission of digital data.

Content of the Syllabus


Pulse Modulation Systems: 10

Model of digital communication systems, Noisy communications channels, Channel
capacity, Hartley Shannon Law , Bandwidth – S/N tradeoff, Shannon’s limit,
Sampling, natural sampling, Flat top sampling, Quantization of signal, Quantization
error, Source coding &companding.

Pulse code modulation:

PCM, Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), Adaptive pulse code modulation
(ADPCM), Delta modulation (DM),Calculation of O/P signal power, O/P signal to
noise ratio in PCM, Quantization noise in delta modulation, The O/P signal to
quantization noise ratio in delta modulation, O/P signal to noise ratio in delta
modulation Adaptive delta modulation, Time division multiplexed systems,
Intersymbol Interference, Nyquist criteria.


Digital Formats and Baseband Modulation: 10

Unipolar and bipolar(NRZ, RZ), Duo binary signaling, Modified duo binary
signaling, Signal design or pulse shaping for band-limited channels for no
intersymbol interference and controlled ISI, Sincfunction, Raised cosine spectrum,
Filter roll off factor, Eye-pattern.

Digital Modulation Techniques-I: 10

Digital modulation formats(ASK,FSK,PSK), Coherent binary modulation techniques,
Coherent quadrature-modulation techniques, Non coherent binary modulation
techniques, M-ary modulation techniques, Comparison of signal constellations and
power spectra analysis.

Digital Modulation Techniques-II:10

QAM, DPSK, MSK, GMSK, Bit error, Bit error vs symbol error probabilities,
Coherent and non-coherent receivers, Correlator, Optimum receiver, Matched filter
receiver, Probability of error of the matched filter receiver, Error calculations under
AWGN channel for digital modulation techniques.

Digital Transmission:12
Digital transmission through band limited channels, System design in the presence of
channel distortion, Channel equalization: Optimal Zero-Forcing and MMSE
equalization, Generalized equalization methods, Fractionally spaced equalizer,
Transversal filter equalizers, DFE.

Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, Digital Communication Systems, Wiley India edition, (2009)
2nd ed.
2. John G. Proakis, Digital Communication System, McGraw, (2000) 4th ed.

Reference Books
1. Taub& Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill
Publications, (1998) 2nd ed.
2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley Publication, 3rd ed.
3. Sklar, Digital Communications, Prentice Hall-PTR, (2001) 2nd ed.
4. B. P. Lathi, Modern Analog and Digital Communication, Oxford University
Press, (1998) 3rd ed.


Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

Microelectronics L T P C
Total Contact Hours : 48
Subject Code 3 0 0 3
Applicable to which branch: ECE
Prerequisite : Applied Physics

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
1.To study the characteristics of MOSFET.
2.Ability to use equipment, process and chemical reactivity data to define a process
flow for a particular fabrication module.
3 Ability to differentiate and analyze basic trade-offs in processing parameters and
how these affect the desired process output.
4.Understanding of fundamental challenges in fabrication techniques and possible
Unit Course Outcome
4. Able to design integrated silicon based devices’ process steps.
Understand all silicon fabrication processes, their metrologies and related
Develop an understanding of the complexities involved in a complete
fabrication cycle of an integrated circuit.
Content of the Syllabus


Review of MOS Devices: MOS Structure, Enhancement & Depletion Transistor,

Threshold Voltage, MOS device design equations, MOS Transistor Models. NMOS,
PMOS, MOS capacitor characteristics, MOS device capacitances.
Introduction of CMOS: CMOS and its DC-characteristics, Logic gates designing
with CMOS Logic.
Integrated Circuits: Introduction to IC and its types, Crystal Structure of Si, Miller
indices and its calculation,Defects in Crystal and Crystal growth.
(3) Oxidation: Kinetics of Oxidation, Oxidation Oxide Charges.
Lithography: Photolithography,Photo-resist,Explosure techniques.
Etching:Wet Chemical Etching, Dry Etching, Plasma Etching Systems, Etching of Si,

Diffusion: Theory of Diffusion, Ion- Implantation Process, Annealing of Damages.

(4) Epitaxy:Vapour phase Epitaxy, Doping during Epitaxy, Molecular
beam Epitaxy. (2)

Metallization, Process of metallization, Problems in Aluminium Metal contacts,

replacement of aluminium metal contacts.

Fabrication of components: CMOS fabrication, Latch - up in CMOS. BJT

fabrication, Buried Layer. Solar cell fabrication.


1. Sorab K. Ghandhi ,"VLSI Fabrication Principles Silicon and Gallium

Arsenide", 3rd Edition, Jhon Willey and sons.
2. S.M.Zee, "VLSI Technology", 4th Edition TataMcGraw Hill.
3. Sung-Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, "CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits
Analysis and Design", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2009.


1. Yannis Tsividis, Mixed Analog Digital VLSI Device and Technology, World
Scientific, 2002.
2. Baker, R.J., Lee, H. W. and Boyce, D. E., CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and
Simulation, Wiley IEEE Press (2004) 2nd ed.
3. Weste, N.H.E., Harris, D. and Banerjee, A., CMOS VLSI Desig, Dorling
Kindersle(2006) 3rd ed .
ECT-303 Microelectronics
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies
Instructions for paper setter.
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and
not more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

l) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

m) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
n) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
o) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
p) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
q) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
r) An ability to communication effectively.
s) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
t) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
u) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
v) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

Microcontrollers L T P C
Total Contact Hours 35
ECT 3 0 0 3
304 Applicable to ECE
Prerequisite : Digital electronics, microprocessors

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
Unit Course Outcome
To understand the fundamentals of CISC based 8 bit microcontroller with the
help of 8051.
2. To implement and practice the learning of the subject into development.
To cope up with latest industry practices and make linkage between theory and
Content of the Syllabus

Introduction to microcontroller and embedded Processors: Microcontroller
survey-four bit, eight bit, sixteen bit, thirty two bit microcontroller—Comparing
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers-Overview of 8051 family, concept of CISC and
RISC based computers.
The 8051 Architecture-Hardware-Oscillator and clock: Program counter-data
pointer register- stack and stack pointer- special function registers-memory
organization- program memory-data memory- Input/ Output Ports, hardware
connection. (10)

8051 Assembly Language Programming: Structure of assembly language-
Assembling and running an 8051 program-Addressing modes-Accessing memory
using various addressing modes, introduction to embedded C.

Program-Timer and counter-with embedded C 8051 Serial Communication:

Timer, Connection to RS-232-Serial Communication Programming-Interrupts
Programming with embedded C.

Microcontroller Interfacing: Key Board-Displays-Pulse Measurement – D/A and
A/D conversion- Stepper Motor-with embedded C.
Introduction to ARM- cortex and AVR. (6)

Text books
1. Muhammed Ali Mazidi “The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems”.
2. Kenneth J. Ayala “The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming &
3. AT mega 32 reference manual by ATMEL
Reference books
1 Subrata Ghoshal “8051 Microcontroller-internals, instruction, Programming &
2 ARM Architecture reference Manual by ARM

ECT 304 Microcontrollers

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies
Instructions for paper setter
The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Subject Code Total Contact Hours: 28 2 - - 2
Applicable to which branch (ECE): Batch
305 2015

Prerequisite : Basics of Electronics Engineering


Internal (40) External (60)

Course Objective

1. Introduce basic building blocks of linear integrated circuits.

2. Use tools covering the back end design stages of digital integrated circuits.

3. Study the concept of waveform generation and some special function IC’s

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand:

The performance of op-amp.

Analyze the wave shaping circuits and operational amplifies.

Analysis of various applications using IC 555.

Content of the Syllabus


Differential Amplifier :Introduction, Classification, DC and AC analysis of single/

dual input Balanced and unbalanced output Configurations using BJTs. Constant
current bias, Current mirror circuit.
Operational Amplifier: Op-amp Block Diagram, ideal Op-amp Characteristics, Op-
Amp parameters & Measurements, Input and Output Offset voltages and currents,
Slew Rate, CMRR, PSRR. Frequency Response and Compensation techniques.


Op-amp Applications :Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers , Voltage Follower,

Summing, scaling and averaging Amplifier, Integrator, Differentiator, V to I and I to
V converters, Instrumentation Amplifier, Wave shaping circuis: Square wave,
Triangular wave and Sawtooth wave generator.
st nd
Active Filters: Introduction, Butterworth 1 order, 2 order low pass and high pass
filters. Wide and Narrow Band-pass, Band-reject and All-pass filters.


Comparator and convertors:

Zero crossing detectors, Schmitt trigger, voltage limiters, voltage to freq. and freq. to voltage
convertors, peak detector, Voltage Controlled Oscillator.

Specialized IC applications:

555 timer, SMPS, voltage regulators.

Text Books:-

1. Halkias Millman , Integrated Electronics ,Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 reprint

2. A. Gayakwad Ramakant, Op- amps and linear integrated circuits Prentice Hall of
India, 2009 reprint.

Reference Books:

1. Sedra, Smith, Microelectronic circuits, Oxford, 3rd ed.

2. Paul Horwitz, Winfield hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 2nd
3. 1.David A. Bell, “Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs,” 3/e, Oxford Publications,


Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.
The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
MicroController Lab L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 2 1
Subject Code- ECP
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: Microprocessor and Microcontrollers
Internal (60) External (40)
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:
1. To enable students to get acquainted to Microcontroller programming basics
2. To enable students to learn interfacing of basic I/O peripherals.
Students will be able to simulate and implement the control environment
using microcontroller

List of Experiments
1 To interface LED and generate different LED patterns
2 To introduce concept of timer.delay and Push button with the help of LED.
3 To interface seven segment for alphanumeric display.
4 To understand and implement the concept of visual perception using seven
segment display.
5 To use relay as electrical switch.
6 To interface LCD and display message over it.
7 To connect Stepper motor and move the motor with required steps in desired
8 To interface ADC using resistive sensor.
9 To interface USART and check the result by transmitting and receiving the
10 To prepare a microcontroller based project.

Course Code - ECP

MicroController Lab
Teaching the Electronics and Communication Engineering
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice

Digital Communication lab L T P C

Total Contact Hours 24
0 0 2 1
ECP-308 Applicable to which branch ECE

Internal 60 External 40
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

To enable students to get acquainted about different Digital Communication
2. To enable students to learn error detection and correction techniques.

3. Students will be able to simulate digital link using MATLAB

Content of the Syllabus

1. To realize Time Division Multiplexing system.

2. To realize pulse code modulation and demodulation.
3. To realize delta modulation and demodulation and observe effect of
slope overload.
4. To realize pulse data coding techniques for various formats.
5. To realize data decoding techniques for various formats.
6. To realize amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
7. To realize frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
8. To phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
9. To realize error Detection & Correction using Hamming Code
10. To design digital link simulation; error introduction & error estimation in
a digital link using MATLAB (SIMULINK)/ communication simulation

ECP-308 Digital Communication lab

Teaching the Subject
a b c d E F g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab L T P C
Total Contact Hours: 30 - - 2 1
Subject Code- ECP
Applicable to which branch (ECE):
Batch 2015
Pre-requisite: Analog Electronic Circuits
Internal (60) External (40)
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

Students will be able to understand how to use:
To implement various data structure and operations on them using C++.

2. To implement various sorting and searching algorithms using C++.

To implement the concept of stack , queue , tree and graphs for proper
utilization of memory
List of Experiments:

1. To study differential amplifier configurations.

2. To measure Slew Rate and CMRR ratio of an op-amp.
3. Application of Op amp as Inverting and Non Inverting amplifier.
4. To use the Op-Amp as summing, scaling & averaging amplifier.
5. Design differentiator and Integrator using Op-Amp.
6. To use the Op-Amp as Instrumentation amplifier.
7. To design and analyze Square wave, Triangular and Sawtooth wave generator.
8. Design and implement Low pass and High pass 1st order butterworth active filters
using Op
9. Design and implement Band pass 1st order butterworth active filters using Op Amp
10. Application of Op Amp as Schmitt Trigger and VCO.
Projects based on lab:
1. To design any application of IC 555 timer.
2. To design a voltage regulation circuit.

Course Code - ECP

Linear Integrated Circuits Lab
Teaching the Electronics and Communication Engineering
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 21 March 2016

The students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering.
b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs without
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
& safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify formulates and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
4th year/7th Semester


Sub Code Subject L T P INT EXT TOTAL

ECT 402 Data Communication and 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

Computer Networks
ECT XXX Elective 1 100 3

ECT XXX Elective 2 100 3

XXO XXX Open Elective 2 3 0 0 40 60 100 3

ECR 406 Project 0 0 4 60 40 100 2

ECP 407 Wireless and Mobile 0 0 2 60 40 100 1

communication Lab
ECI 408 Industrial Summer Training* 0 0 0 60 40 100 2

Total 12 0 6 17

*Industrial Summer Training of Six Week Duration after 6th Semester Examination.


ELECTIVE’s for Embedded systems and Robotics

Any 2 Subjects will be offered out of this group.

S. No. Sub. Code Subject L T P INT EXT

1. ECA 409 Applied Microcontrollers 0 0 6 60 40

2. ECA 410 Electric drives and 0 0 6 60 40

3. 0 0 6 60 40
Embedded C
ECA 412 Microprocessor based
4. 0 0 6 60 40
ELECTIVE’s For Communication (Wireless, Mobile and Optical)

Any 2 Subjects will be offered out of this group.

S. No. Sub. Code Subject L T P INT EXT

Optical Fiber
1. ECB 413 3 0 0 40 60
Security in wireless
2. ECB 414 3 0 0 40 60
Telecom Networks and
3. ECB 415 3 0 0 40 60
Cellular Networks
Information Theory and
4. ECB 416 3 0 0 40 60
ELECTIVE’s for Microelectronics and VLSI Design

Any 2 Subjects will be offered out of this group.

S. No. Sub. Code Subject L T P INT EXT

Semiconductor Physics
1. ECC 417 3 0 0 40 60
and Design
ECC 418
2. Digital VLSI Design 3 0 0 40 60

ECC 419
3. VLSI Testing Technology 3 0 0 40 60

4. ECC 420 VLSI Verification 3 0 0 40 60

Name of the subject : Data
communication and Computer networks
Total Contact Hours -36 Hours
Subject Code
Applicable to which branch (ECE) - Batch 3 0 0 3
ECT 402
Prerequisite- Knowledge of analog and digital Communication

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

To understand computer networks, it’s components & types

To understand and Compare models, signals, multiplexing, switching &

transmission media
3. Be familiar with the components required to build different types of networks

Introduction: Introduction to network, types of transmission technologies, Network
Categories: LAN, MAN, WAN (Wireless /Wired), Network Software: Concept of
Layers, Protocols, interfaces and services. Reference Models: OSI, TCP/IP and
comparison. (8)
Physical Layer: Bit rate, Baud rate, Bandwidth, Transmission Impairments:
Attenuation, Distortion, Noise; Data rate limits: Nyquist formula, Shannon Formula,
Modulation & modems; Transmission Modes, Multiplexing: Frequency Division,
Time Division, Wavelength Division; Concept of Topologies, Transmission Media:
Twisted pair, coaxial, fiber optics, Wireless Transmission (radio, microwave &
infrared);Message switching, Circuit Switching & Packet Switching, Frame Relay,
ATM. (8)

Data Link Layer: Design issues, Error Detection & Correction; Flow control & Error
Control; Sliding Window Protocols, ARQ: Stop & Wait , Go Back n, Selective
Repeat ; Examples of DLL protocols – HDLC, PPP; Medium Access Sub layer:
Channel Allocation; Random Access: ALOHA, CSMA protocols; Controlled Access:
Polling, Reservation, Token Passing; Examples of IEEE 802.2,802.3,802.4,
802.5,802.11 standards, Bluetooth. (8)
Network Layer: Design issues, Logical Addressing: IPv4 & IPv6; Packet Formats &
their comparison IPv4 & IPv6; Routing Algorithms: Distance Vector, Link State,
Hierarchical, Supernetting and subnetting ; Congestion Control: Principles of
congestion control; Congestion prevention policies, Leaky bucket & Token Bucket
Algorithms. (8)

Transport Layer: Services provided to upper layers, Elements of Transport
protocols. Addressing, Flow Control & buffering; Example Transport protocols: TCP,

Application Layer: Network security, Domain Name System, Simple Network
Management Protocol, Electronic Mail, World Wide Web, FTP, Multimedia.
Text Books:
1. Forouzan, Behrouz A.: “Data Communications & networking”, 4th edition
Tata Mcgraw Hill.
2. Tanenbaum, Andrew S: “Computer networks”, 4 th Edition, Pearson

Reference Books:
1. Stallings, William: “Data and computer communications”, 8 th edition,
Pearson Education.
2. Ross, Kurose, “Computer Networking: A top down Approach”, 2nd edition,
Pearson Education.
3. Coomer ,Douglas E.: “Internet working with TCP/IP” , 2 nd edition, Pearson

ECT 402 Data communication and Computer networks

Teaching the ECE
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
Wireless & Mobile
Communication lab
Total Contact Hours: 24
ECP- 407 0 0 2 1
Applicable to which branch ECE
Prerequisite: Analog & Digital Communication

Internal 60 External 40
Course Objective

Unit Course Outcome

1. To reinforce the programming skills by implementing practical systems.
2. To enable students to implement their own systems for research.
To facilitate the student with in depth knowledge of Wireless

Content of the Syllabus

1. To familiarize with the MATLAB fundamentals and basic functions.

2. To generate various types of signals:
a. Unit Impulse
b. Unit Step
c. Unit Ramp
d. Exponential
3. To plot discrete time signals:
a. x(n) = u(n) – u(n-3)
b. x(n) = u(n-3)
c. x(n)= 0.5n [u(n) – u(n-5)]
d. x(n) =e jnπ
4. To generate a sinusoidal signal & also plot its frequency spectrum.
5. To study analog modulation schemes & plot frequency spectrum of modulated
6. To study digital modulation schemes & plot frequency spectrum of modulated
7. To perform BER analysis of wireless communication system with different
modulation schemes.
8. To perform BER analysis of wireless communication system with Diversity.
9. MRC performance analysis for a Rayleigh Fading channel
10. To simulate a wireless sensor network and calculate its lifetime for a particular
modulation scheme.

ECP- 407 Wireless & Mobile Communication lab

Teaching the Subject
Program Outcome a b c d E F g h i j k
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
Syllabus of electives:

Applied Microcontrollers L T P C
Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECA–409 0 0 6 3.0
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Microcontrollers

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To develop their own embedded system which is application specific to solve given
real time problem by using open source platform.
Unit Course Outcome
Students in this class will develop fluency with the physics of small robots, an
1. understanding of physical inputs and outputs, and programming tools that
enable autonomous behavior.
Specific topics will include digital I/O, serial I/O protocols, and analog-to-
digital conversion and interrupt mechanisms. A lecture cum lab course format
will be employed to provide hands-on experience and active learning
Students will be able to develop applications like having sensing and decision
making capabilities.

Unit – I Overview Embedded System and Microcontroller Architecture

Embedded system: Embedded System Characteristics & its examples, AVR

microcontroller: Types , Architecture Internal Architectural ,Block diagram of
controller (ATmega 328) ,Essential Peripheral circuits: Crystal Circuit, Power supply,
Oscillator Circuit.

Arduino: Birth, Open Source community , Functional Block Diagram of Arduino

UNO , Functions of each Pin of Arduino UNO , Designing of 1st sketch
,Programming of an Arduino

Unit – II Interface Digital and Analog I/O Devices

Basic Interfacing and I/O Concept , Digital vs. analog, voltage, denouncing, PWM
using Arduino Uno with programming, Digital : Interfacing LED, Switch, 7seg LED
, 16x2 LCD with programming ,Analog : Potentiometer , LM35 (Temperature
Sensor) , LDR, Speaker, with programming

Unit III Embedded system Applications using Arduino

Timers/counters with programming, Emphasis on various real world applications via

Interfacing Bluetooth and controlling by android phone. Interfacing RF
transmitter/receiver (2.4 Ghz). Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor to calculate distance.
Interfacing Motors , Computer Keyboard with programming , Case study of


Title of Book Author Publication
30 Arduino Projects for Evil McGraw-Hill
1. Simon Monk
Genius Professional

2. Beginning Arduino Michael McRobetrs Technology in Action

3. Arduino For Teens Kathleen Patterson Course Technology

Make: Arduino Bots and Kimmo and Tero

Gadgets Karvine

5. Arduino Cookbook Michael Margolis O’REILLY

6. Arduino Internas Dale Wheat Technology in Action

7. Exploring Arduino Jeremy Blum. Wiley

Arduino Projects to save the

8. Brian Evans Emery Premeaux

John-david, Warren Josh

9. Arduino Robotics Technology in Action
Adams, Harald Molle

Beginning Arduino
10. Brian Evans Technology in Action

11. Getting Started with Arduino Massimo Banzi O’REILLY

Practical Arduino : Cool

Jonathan Oxer, Hugh
12. Projects for open source Technology in Action

Software/Learning Websites


Subject Code – ECA

Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015

Electric Drives and Control L T P C

Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECA–410 0 0 6 3.0
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Microcontrollers

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To develop their own embedded system which is application specific to solve
problems of Electric Drives and Control.
Unit Course Outcome
Students will be able to apply ideas, concepts and knowledge to select
1. particular motor for specific application.

Students will be able to interface different motors with microcontroller and

2. demonstrate competency in using programming language

3. Students will be able to develop applications related to motors.

Unit 1 Understanding Basic Concepts

Understanding voltage, current, torque and speed, Choosing a motor: pros and cons of
common motors used in robotics, Selecting Battery: Basic Battery Specifications,
Different types of Batteries

Unit 2 Various Types of DC Motors

Types of DC Motors used in robotics: Brushed DC motor, Geared DC motor,
Brushless DC motors, Servo Motors, Stepper motors, Linear DC motor

Unit 3 Controlling Motors

H bridge, PWM, Interfacing simple Brushed DC motor with micro controller,

controlling direction of Brushed DC motor, controlling speed of Brushed DC motor,
Interfacing Stepper motor with micro controller, Interfacing Servo motor with micro


1. Gordon Mccomb, Myke Predko, ROBOT BUILDER’S BONANZA, 4 th

Edition , McGraw-Hill
2. Austin Hughes, Electric Motors and Drives Fundamentals, Types and
Applications, Third edition, Elsevier

Subject Code ECA

Electric Drives and Control
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015
Linux, Python and Embedded
ECA–411 Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
0 0 6 3.0
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: None

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To help students to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs
and map scientific problems into computational framework.
Unit Course Outcome
1. Students will be able to write programs for various microcontrollers.

2. Students will be able to design various graphic applications.

3. Students will be able to familiarize and work on Linux OS.

Unit 1 Embedded C Language

Variables And Constants: Variable Types, Variable Scope, Numeric and Character
Constants I/O Operations, Operators And Expressions: Assignment and Arithmetic
Operators, Logical and Relational Operators, Increment, Decrement, and Compound
Assignment, Control Statements: While Loop , Do/While Loop ,For Loop ,If/Else,
Switch/Case, Break, Continue and Go to. Functions, Pointers And Arrays, Structures
And Unions, Basic Programs for AVR in AVR studio : Blinking Led, Seven

Unit 2 Python Programming

Introduction to Python: Printing Text, Comments and how to use them, Types,
Variables and Simple I/O: Make programs to do Math, Store data in computer
memory, Use variable to access and manipulate that data, Branching, while Loops, for
Loops, Strings, Making Games: The Guess My Number, The Word Jumble Game.

Unit 3 Linux

Introduction to Linux, Reading and Navigation Commands: Navigating and

Searching the File System, Reading Directories and Files, Reading the Beginning or
End of Files with the head and tail, Manipulation and Searching Commands:
Manipulating Files or Directories, Searching Files, Compressing and Uncompressing
Files, Task: File handling and Copying Operations
Making and Running executable files on Linux

5. Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition, by Richard Petersen
6. Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming: 5th Edition, by Mark
Lutz, Oreilly publication
7. Practical Guide to Linux Commands Editor by Mark G. Sobell, pearson publication
8. Building Machine Learning Systems With Python by Willi Richert
9. EMBEDDED C, by Michael Pont, Pearson publication
10. AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C, by
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Pearson Publication

Subject Code ECA

Linux, Python and Embedded C
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015

Microprocessor Based Design L T P C

Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECA–412 0 0 6 3.0
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Python, Applied Microcontrollers

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To introduce practical aspects of high performance low-power system design
Unit Course Outcome
Students will be able to demonstrate competency in using programming language
for embedded applications with ARM processor.
Students will be to play with graphics by making use of computing capability of
ARM processor.
Students will be able to use microcontroller along with ARM processor to
cater to real-world applications.

Unit 1 ARM Embedded Systems and Processor Fundamentals

ARM Processor Family, ARMv7: The RISC Design Philosophy , The ARM Design
Philosophy , Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Architecture, GPIOs, Setting up of RPi OS,
Configuring network on RPi.

Unit 2 Interfacing and Interrupts using Python

Interfacing LED, Controlling the Brightness of LED, Make a Buzzing Sound,
Switching a High-Power DC Device Using a Transistor, Making a User Interface to
Control PWM Power for LEDs, Programming with Interrupts

Unit 3 Creating Graphics and Interfacing with Arduino

Understanding Graphics and Animation, Understanding Sprites and Images, Get

Started with Surfaces, Define Colors, Draw Shapes, Animate an Object, Interfacing
Arduino: installing Arduino on RPi, Interfacing Resistive Sensors , Measuring Light
,Measuring Distance.


1. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, John Rayfield, ―ARM System
Developer’s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software‖, Elsevier 2008.

2. Addison Wesley - ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, 2Ed

Subject Code ECA

Microprocessor Based Design
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies 9 May 2015
Optical Fiber Communication L T P C
Total Contact Hours 42
ECB 3 0 0 3
413 Applicable to ECE
Prerequisite : Digital Communications, Electronic Devices & Circuits

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
Unit Course Outcome
1. To gain basic knowledge about optical communication
2. To enable the students to analyze and design optical communication systems.
To equip the student with tools to confront continual communication system
design challenges
Content of the Syllabus

Unit 1
Introduction: Need for fiber optic communication, evolution of light wave systems
and its components, advantages of optical fiber communication, basic optical laws
and transmission parameters, multiplexing and modulation formats.
Optical Fibers: Geometry of optical fibers, step index fibers and graded index fibers,
fiber modes , Maxwell equations ,attenuation, material absorption, scattering loss,
bending loss, information capacity determination, dispersion and its types: group
delay, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, higher order dispersion, polarization
mode dispersion. (8)

Unit 2
Optical Transmitters: Basic concepts, emission and absorption rates, p-n junctions,
radiative and non-radiative recombination, LED and its characteristics and spectrum,
various types of LED Structures, Semiconductor lasers: characteristics and types,
spectral line width and source fiber coupling.

Optical Receivers: Optical detection principles & devices, receiver design, p-n
photodiodes, p-i-n photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes, receiver sensitivity, BER,
receiver sensitivity degradation, Receiver performance.

Unit 3
Light Wave Systems: System architecture, link power budget, rise time budget,
sources of power penalty, dispersive pulse broadening.
Optical Amplifiers: Basic application and types of optical amplifiers,
Semiconductor optical amplifiers, Erbium doped fiber amplifiers: architecture and
types, amplifier-noise, Raman amplifier, wavelength converters.

Text Books:
1. Keiser, Gred, Optical Fiber Communications, Tata McGraw-Hill, (2008) 2nd
2. Aggarwal Govind P., Fiber optic communication system, Wiley Publications,
4th edition.
Reference Books:

1. Senior, John M., and Yousif Jamro, M., Optical fiber communications:
principles and practice, Prentice Hall, (2009) 2nd ed.
2. Bagad, V. S., Optical Fiber Communications, Technical Publications, (2008)
3rd ed.

ECT 413 Optical Fiber Communication

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

Security in Wireless Networks L T P C

Total Contact Hours: 42
ECB 3 0 0 3
414 Applicable to ECE
Prerequisite : Wireless & Mobile Communications, Computer Networks

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
Unit Course Outcome
To facilitate the student with the understanding of various security principles
used to secure wireless communications
2. To emphasize the security principles and methods used in Wireless Networks.
To equip the student with tools to confront continual communication system
design challenges
Content of the Syllabus

Unit 1
Overview: Computer Security Concepts, OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks,
Security Services, Security Mechanisms, Network Security Model

Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher, Substitution Techniques,

Transposition Techniques

Block Ciphers & DES: Block Cipher Principles, The DES, Strength of DES,
Introduction to AES.

Unit 2
Asymmetric Ciphers: Public Key Cryptography & RSA.

Data Integrity Algorithms: Cryptographic Hash Functions: Applications of

Cryptographic Hash Functions: Message Authentication, Digital Signatures, Other
Applications, Two Simple Hash Functions, Requirements and Security, Security
Requirements for Cryptographic Hash Functions.

Message Authentication Codes: Message Authentication Requirements, Message

Authentication Functions, Message Encryption, Message Authentication Code,
Requirements for Message Authentication Codes, Security of MACs.

Unit 3
Security in Traditional Wireless Networks
Security in First Generation TWNs, Security in Second Generation TWNs
Security in Wireless Local Area Networks: Introduction, Key Establishment in
802.11, Anonymity in 802.11, Authentication in 802.11, Confidentiality in 802.11,
Data Integrity in 802.11, Loopholes in 802.11 Security, WPA, WPA2
Text Books:
1. Cryptography And Network Security Principles And Practice, 5e, William
Stallings, Prentice Hall, ISBN 13:978-0-13-609704-4
2. Network Security Essentials: Applications And Standards, 4e, William
Stallings, Pearson, ISBN 13:978-0-13-610805-4
Reference Books:
1. Bulletproof Wireless Security GSM, UMTS, 802.11 and Ad Hoc Security,
Praphul Chandra, Newnes (Elsevier) ISBN: 0-7506-7746-5
2. Wireless Security Models, Threats, and Solutions, Randall K. Nichols Panos
C. Lekkas, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 0-07-138038-8.
ECB 414 Security in Wireless Networks
Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.
The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

Telecom Networks & Cellular Networks L T P C

Total Contact Hours 42
ECB 3 0 0 3
415 Applicable to ECE
Prerequisite : Digital Communications, Analog Communications

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
Unit Course Outcome
To facilitate the student with in depth knowledge of concepts & practical
Signalling Systems
2. To emphasize the principles and methods used in 3G Wireless Networks.
To equip the student with tools to confront continual communication system
design challenges
Content of the Syllabus

Unit 1
A review of Wireless Channel Characteristics: Multipath Delay Spread, Coherence
Bandwidth, and Coherence Time, Fading,
Fundamentals of Cellular Communications: Introduction, Cellular Systems,
Hexagonal Cell Geometry, Co-channel Interference Ratio, Cellular System Design in
Worst-Case Scenario with an Omnidirectional Antenna, Co-channel Interference
Reduction, Directional Antennas in Seven-Cell Reuse Pattern , Cell Splitting,
Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI), Segmentation

Unit 2
Signalling: Purpose of Signalling, Functional Areas, Signalling Techniques,
Compelled Signalling, Concepts of Link-by-Link and End-to-End Signalling, Effects
of Numbering on Signalling, Associated and Disassociated Channel Signalling,
Signalling in the Subscriber Loop, Metallic Trunk Signalling
CCITT Signalling System No.7: Introduction, Overview of SS No. 7, Architecture,
SS No. 7 Relationship to OSI, Signaling System Structure, Signalling Data Link
Layer (L1 & L2), Signaling Network Functions and Messages, Signaling Network
Structure, Numbering Plan for International Signaling Point Codes, Signaling
Connection Control Part. (7)

Unit 3
ATM: Evolving Toward ATM, Introduction to ATM, User–Network Interface (UNI)
and Architecture, ATM Cell: Key to Operation, Cell Delineation and Scrambling,
ATM Layering and B-ISDN.
WCDMA/UMTS: System overview air interface, physical and logical channels,
speech coding, multiplexing and channel coding, spreading and modulation, physical
layer procedures. (7)
Text Books:
1. Wireless Communications and Networking by VK Garg, Elsevier-Jun.2007,
ISBN: 978-0-12-373580
2. Fundamentals of Telecommunications, 2e, Roger. L. Freeman, IEEE Press,
Wiley Interscience, ISBN: 0-471-71045-8
3. Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook, Ray Horak, Wiley
Interscience, ISBN 978-0-470-04141-3
4. Mobile Telecommunications Protocols For Data Networks, Anna Hac, Wiley,
ISBN 0-470-85056-6
Reference Books:
1. GSM Architecture, Protocols and Services [Jorg Eberspacher et al.] 2009,
Wiley, ISBN: 978- 0- 470- 03070- 7
2. 2G Mobile Networks: GSM and HSCSD by Nishit Narang & Sumit Kasera,
TMH, ISBN: 0-07-062106-3
3. IS-95 CDMA and CDMA 2000 by Vijay K. Garg, Pearson, ISBN: 978-81-
4. Wireless Communications, Second Edition by Andreas F. Molisch, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-74187-0
5. UMTS The Fundamentals by B. Walke R Seidenberg M. P. Althoff, Wiley,
ISBN 0-470-8455-7
6. WCDMA For UMTS – HSPA evolution AND LTE by Harri Holma and Antti
Toskala, 4e, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-31933-8

ECB 415 Telecom & Cellular Networks

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i j k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communication effectively.
h) The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

Information Theory & Coding L T P C

Total Contact Hours 42
ECB 3 0 0 3
416 Applicable to ECE
Prerequisite : Digital Communications, Analog Communications

Internal 40 External 60
Course Objective
Unit Course Outcome
To facilitate the student with the understanding on application of error control
coding in digital communication system
2. To emphasize the role of FEC strategies in digital transmission
To equip the student with tools to confront continual communication system
design challenges
Content of the Syllabus

Unit 1
Probability Theory And Random Variables: Probability Theory, Experiment,
Sample Space And Events, Algebra of Events, Probability of Events, Properties of
Probability, Conditional Probability, Bayes’ Formula, Random Variables, Probability
Distribution of a Discrete Random Variable, Cumulative Distribution Function
(CDF), Probability Density Function (PDF), Functions of Random Variables,
Statistical Averages of Random Variables, Expectation, Moments And Variance.
Elements of Information Theory: Introduction, information as a measure of
uncertainty, Entropy, its properties, Discrete memoryless channels, Mutual
information, its properties, BSC, BEC. Channel capacity, Shannon’s theorem on
coding for memoryless noisy channel
Unit 2
Source Coding: Introduction to Source Encoding, Basic Properties of Codes,
Separable binary codes, Shannon–Fano encoding, Noiseless Coding Theorem,
Theorem of decodability, Average Length of Encoded Messages, Shannon’s binary
encoding, Fundamental Theorem of Discrete Noiseless Coding, Huffman’s minimum
redundancy codes. (9)

Error Detection And Correction Introduction to Types of Errors, Error Detection,

Parity Check, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), Checksum, Error Correction, Single
– Bit Error Correction.
Unit 3
Linear Block Codes: Introduction to Linear Block codes, Encoding and decoding of
linear block code.

Cyclic Codes: Description of Cyclic codes, Generator and parity check matrices of
cyclic codes, encoding and decoding of cyclic codes.

Text Books:
1. An Introduction to Information Theory, Fazlollah M. Reza, McGraw Hill,
ISBN: 0-486-68210-2
2. Error Control Coding, Shu Lin & J Costeib, PHI, ISBN 0-13-283796-x
3. Digital Communication, Dass, Mullick & Chatterjee, John Wiley, Ed. 1992.

Reference Books:
1 The Art of Error-Correcting Codes, Morelos-Zaragoza R.H , John Wiley and
Sons (2006) 2nd ed. ISBN: 978-0-470-01558-2
2 Coding Theory: Algorithms, Architectures, and Applications, Neubauer A.,
Freudenberger J. and Kuhn V.,John Wiley and Sons (2007). ISBN: 978-0-470-

ECB 414 Information Theory & Coding

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i J k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category ES PD PC PE OE
BS Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communication effectively.
h. The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
ELECTIVE’s for Microelectronics and VLSI Design

Semiconductor Physics &

ECC-417 Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
3 0 0 3
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To understand the concept behind modeling the semiconductor device.
Unit Course Outcome
1. To facilitate the student with the understanding of semiconductor device modeling.
Ability to generate the model for semiconductor devices (pn-junction Diode, BJT &

3. Ability to design system with appropriately modeled device.

Content of the Syllabus


Semiconductor Fundamentals: Physics of Semiconductor Materials, Drift Velocity,

Diffusion current Band Model. Band diagram of silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic carrier
concentration, relation between applied voltage and Fermi level, Generation-recombination.


PN Junctions: Step Junction, Linearly Graded Junction, (V-I) Characteristics, Junction

Break-down, extraction of diode model parameters.


Bipolar Junction Transistors: Transistor Action, Current-Voltage Equation, Output

Characteristics, Ebers-Moll Model, Early Effect, Small-Signal Transistor Model.

Metal-Oxide-Silicon System: Ideal MOS structure, MOS device in thermal equilibrium

,Energy Band Diagrams, Interface Charges, Non-Ideal MOS: work function differences,
charges in oxide, interface states, band diagram of non ideal MOS, flat band voltage, Body
Effects, Threshold Voltage and its Control.


MOS Transistors and capacitance: Basic Theory, Structure and Operation, Modes of
operation (accumulation, depletion, strong/weak inversion), MOS Capacitor.

MOSFET Modeling: Extraction of MOSFET model parameters, level-1 and level-2

MOSFET Models, Devices scaling, short and narrow channel MOSFET.

Recommended Books:

1. Tsividis, Y., “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor”, Oxford University
Press,(2008) 2,2d ed.
2. Sze, S.M., “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, Wiley (2008).
3. Muller, R.S., Kamins, TI., and Chan, M., “Device Electronics for Integrated
Circuits”, John Wiley (2007) 3rd ed.
4. Millman, J. and Halkias, C., “Integrated Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill
5. S M Kang and Y Leblibici, “:CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and
Design”, 3rd ed, McGraw Hill
6. Tour, Y. and Ning, T.H., “Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices”,
Cambridge University Press (2009).
7. Massobrio, G. and Antognetti, P., “Semiconductor Device Modeling”, McGraw
Hill (1998).

ECC 417 Semiconductor Physics & Design

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i J k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communication effectively.
h. The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

Digital VLSI Design L T P C

Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECC-418 3 0 0 3
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To understand the concept of digital circuit designing using MOSFET.
Unit Course Outcome
1. Ability to design the circuits using MOSFETs.
2. To facilitate the student with concepts of static & dynamic logic circuits.
3. To understand designing of different Memories.
Content of the Syllabus

Introduction to MOSFETs and its types, MOS drain current equation and regions of
operation. Introduction to MOS models, Introduction to digital IC design.

MOS Inverters
MOS Inverters (Resistive load, depletion load, enhancement load, CMOS inverter): Static and
Dynamic characteristics, Inverter Delay, Dynamic & Static Power Dissipation.


Combinational and Sequential MOS Logic Design: CMOS logic circuits,

CMOS transmission gate, pass transistor logic, behavior of bistable element, SR latch,
CMOS D-latch & edge triggered flip-flop.
Dynamic Logic Circuits: Dynamic pass transistor logic, Dynamic CMOS logic,
Domino CMOS logic, NORA CMOS logic & Zipper CMOS circuits.
Stick Diagram & Layout: Stick diagrams, CMOS design style, design rules: lambda
based design rules, layout design.
Memory Design
Random Access Memory Technologies, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs):
SRAM Cell Structures, Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM)

Recommended Books:

1 Rabaey J.M, Chandrakasan A, Nikolic B , “Digital Integrated Circuits-A Design

Perspective”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall
2 S M Kang and Y Leblibici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits-analysis and
design”, 3rd ed, McGraw Hill
3 N. H. Weste, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd
Ed., 2001.
4 A.K Sharma, “Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability”,
IEEE Press.

ECC 418 Digital VLSI Design

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i J k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.

The Students outcomes are:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communication effectively.
h. The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

VLSI Testing Technology L T P C

Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECC-419 3 0 0 3
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To understand the need of fault tolerance and its applications.
To understand the concepts of reliability and availability.
To understand detection/correction techniques and software reliability model.

Unit Course Outcome

1. Ability to generate the fault detection models for the digital circuits.
2. Ability to analyze the faults occurred in the digital circuits.
3. Ability to generate various test pattern for VLSI circuits.

Content of the Syllabus


Introduction to Testing: Testing Philosophy, Role of Testing, Digital and Analog

VLSI Testing, How to Test Chip, Types of Testing. Test Economics: Defining Costs,
Yield. (6)

Fault Modeling: Physical Faults and their Modelling, Fault Simulation, Defects,
Errors, and Faults, Levels of Fault Models, A Glossary of Fault Models, Single Stuck-
at Fault; Fault Equivalence, Equivalence of Single Stuck-at Faults, Fault Collapsing,
Fault Dominance and Checkpoint Theorem.


Logic and Fault simulation: Simulation for Design Verification, Event-Driven

Simulation, Algorithms for Fault Simulation: Serial Fault Simulation and Parallel
Fault Simulation, Deductive Fault Simulation, Concurrent Fault Simulation
Binary Decision Diagram: Binary Decision Diagram: Introduction and construction,
Ordered Binary Decision Diagram, Operations on Ordered Binary Decision Diagram.

Verification Techniques: Introduction to Verification Techniques, Model Checking,

Symbolic Model Checking.


Fault Simulation and Testability Measures: Fault Simulation, Testability Measures


Combinational Circuit Test Pattern Generation: Introduction to Automatic Test

Pattern Generation (ATPG) and ATPG Algebras, D-Algorithm

Sequential Circuit Testing and Scan Chains: ATPG for Synchronous Sequential
Circuits, Scan Chain based Sequential Circuit Testing

Built in Self test (BIST): Built in Self test, Memory Testing.


Text Books:

1. Michael L. Bushnell and Vishwani D. Agrawal ,"Essentials Of Electronic

Testing For Digital, Memory And Mixed-Signal Vlsi Circuits", Kluwer
Academic Publishers (2002) Ed.2nd
2. Miron Abramavivi, Melvin, A. Brever and Arthut D. Friedman, "Digital
Systems Testing and Testable Design" ,IEEE Press.

ECC 41 VLSI Testing Technology

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i J k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.
The Students outcomes are:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g. An ability to communication effectively.
h. The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k. An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.

VLSI Verification Methodology L T P C

Total Contact Hours – 48 Hours
ECC-420 3 0 0 3
Applicable to ECE
Pre-requisites: Basic Electronics

External (Departmental Committee)
Internal 60
Course Objective
To introduce the basics of System Verilog and verification with SVM.

Unit Course Outcome

1. Ability to generate test bench for various digital systems.

2. Ability to work efficiently on System Verilog.

3. Can be able to model state machines on System Verilog.

Content of the Syllabus


Introduction: Review of Verilog and test benches, Need of System Verilog.


Language Elements: Logic Literal Values, Basic data types, Data objects, user
defined types, Enumeration types, Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Associate Arrays,
Queues, Strings, Event data types, compilation Directive. System Verilog clocking.
System verilog procedural Blocks, Composite types, Expressions. Behavioral
Modelling: Procedural Construct, loop statement, block and statement labels, case
statement, if statements, Event control, Edge Event, Continuous Assignments, parallel
blocks, process control. (12)
Structural Modelling: Module, Interface, Packages, task and functions, alias
statements. System verilog classes, interposes communication.


System verilog assertions, System verilog hierarchy. Modeling finite state machine
with system verilog.

Case study on complete design module of ATM with system verilog.


Text books:
1. Chris Spear, "System Verilog for Verification A Guide to Learning the Test
bench Language Features", 2nd Edition, Springer.
2. Vijayaraghavan and Ramanathan, "A Practical Guide for System Verilog
Assertions" 1 st Edition, Springer.

Reference Books:
1. J. Bhaskar, "A SystemVerilog Primer", 2nd edition, BS publication.
2. Stuart Sutherlan, Simon Davidmann, Pater Flake, "System Verilog for Design", 2nd
Edition, Springer.

ECC 420 VLSI Verification Methodology

Teaching the Subject
a b c d e f g h i J k
Program Outcome
Mapping of Course
outcome with
Program outcome
Category Training

Approval Date of meeting of the Board of Studies

Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set
Ten questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question
consisting of five sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be
required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not
more than two questions from each unit.
The Students outcomes are:

l. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, and engineering.

m. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
n. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
o. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
p. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
q. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
r. An ability to communication effectively.
s. The board education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
t. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
u. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
v. An ability to use the techniques skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
S.No Subject Subject Contact hrs/ Marks Credits
1. ECT 601 Advanced 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
2. ECT 602 Digital System 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
Design with HDL
3. ECT 603 Advanced 3 0 0 40 60 100 3
4. ECT 6XX Elective I 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
5. ECT 6XX Elective II 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
6. ECP 604 Lab I (HDL/ 0 0 4 60 40 100 2
7. ECS 605 SEMINAR 0 0 2 100 0 100 1
Total 17 0 6 20
8. ECT 650 Advanced Signal 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
9. CME 654 Research 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
10. ECT 6XX Elective III 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
11. ECT 6XX Elective IV 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
12. ECT 6XX Elective V 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
13. ECP 651 Lab II ( related to 0 0 4 60 40 100 2
elective chosen)
14. ECS 652 SEMINAR 0 0 2 100 0 100 1
Total 20 0 6 23


16. ECT 70X Elective VI 4 0 0 40 60 100 4
17. ECT 70X Elective VII 4 0 0 40 60 100 4

Total 8 0 0 20
Total 20

Specialization: Communication Systems

Elective I& II
S.No Subject code Subject Credits
1. ECT 606 Optical communication 4

2. ECT 607 Information Theory 4

3. ECT 608 Analysis of Digital 4

Communication System
4. ECT 609 Wireless Sensor Networks 4


1. ECT 653 Data Communication and 4

Computer Networks
2. ECT 654 Reliability of Electronics 4
Communication Systems
3. ECT 655 Wireless and Mobile 4
4. ECT 656 Error Control Coding 4
5. ECT 657 Photonic Networks and 4
6. ECT 658 Multimedia Communication 4
and System Design

1. ECT 702 Adaptive Signal Processing 4

2. ECT 703 Digital Image Processing 4

3. ECT 704 Telecom Networks 4

4. ECT 705 Smart Antennas 4

Specialization: Microelectronics and VLSI Design

Elective I&II

S.No. Subject code Subject Credits

1. ECT 610 Semiconductor Device Modeling 4

2. ECT 611 Embedded Systems 4

3. ECT 612 Digital VLSI Design 4

4. ECT 613 ASICs and FPGAs 4


1. ECT 659 IC Fabrication Technology 4

2. ECT 660 Testing &Fault Tolerance of VLSI 4

3. ECT 661 Analog VLSI Circuit Design 4

4. ECT 662 High Speed VLSI Design & Devices 4

5. ECT 663 Low Power VLSI Design 4

6. ECT 664 System Verilog for Design & 4


1. ECT 706 Mixed Signal System Design 4

2. ECT 707 Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design 4
3. ECT 708 Universal Verification Methodology 4

4. ECT 709 Tcl/tk scripting for VLSI tool 4



L T P Cr.
3 0 0 3
Max Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 42
Course objectives

 To reinforce the mathematical foundation with advanced topics.

 To enable the student to appreciate the engineering aspect of mathematics.
 To equip the student with tools to confront continual mathematical challenges.

Unit 1
GSM: System overview, the air interface, logical and physical channels, synchronization,
coding, equalizer, circuit switched data transmission, establishing a connection and
handover. (7)

IS-95: air interface, coding, spreading and modulation, logical and physical channels,
handover. (7)

Unit 2
WCDMA/UMTS: System overview air interface, physical and logical channels, speech
coding, multiplexing and channel coding, spreading and modulation, physical layer
procedures. (7)

3 GPP LTE (long terms Evolution): Introduction, system overview, physical layer, logical
and physical channels, physical layer procedures. (7)

Unit 3
WiMAX / IEEE802.16: Introduction, system overview, Network Structure, Modulation &
Coding, QoS, Power Control, Handover and Mobility Support (7)
Cognitive Radio: problem description, cognitive transceiver architecture, principles of
interweaving, spectrum sensing, spectrum management, spectrum sharing, overlay,
underlay hierarchical access- ultra wide bandwidth system communications.

Recommended Books:
1. Wireless communications by Andreas F. Molisch (Wiley India)
2. Mobile and personal communication systems and services by Raj Pandya
3. Wireless Communication by Rappaport
4. Mobile Communications by Schiller (Pearson)
5. Wireless Communications by Stallings (Pearson)
6. Wireless Communications by Upena Dalal (Oxford)
7. Related IEEE/IET publications.
Instructions for the paper-setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr.
3 0 0 3
Max Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives

 To understand the concepts of hardware design.

 To understand the detail designing concept of combinational and sequential circuits.
 To provide the knowledge of hardware description language.


VHDL Background: VHDL History, VHDL Requirements, Elements of VHDL, Top down Design
with VHDL, Type Declarations and Usage, VHDL Operators, VHDL Operators, Conventions
and Syntax, Modelling styles in VHDL. (16)


Verilog Hardware Description Language: Data types, parameters, logics values and
ports,Verilog Operators, Gate-level Modelling, Behavioural modelling: Procedural
Assignment, Blocking and non blocking assignments, Data Flow modelling: Continuous
Statements. Hardware modelling issues, concepts of Test bench designing. Timing controls.


Finite state machine: Moore Machine, Mealy Machine. Memory initializing. Functions and
tasks. (8)

Synthesis of Combinational and sequential Logics: Introduction to synthesis, Synthesis of

priority structures, Exploiting logical don't care conditions, ASIC cells and resource sharing,
Accidental and Intentional Synthesis. Synthesis of three sate devices and Bus interface,
synthesis of sequential logic with flip flops and Explicit state machines.


1. Naylor, D. and Jones, S., VHDL: A Logic Synthesis Approach, Springer (1997).
2. Rushton, A., VHDL for Logic Synthesis, Wiley (1998) 2.1 Ed.
3. Ashenden P., The Designer’s Guide to VHDL, Elsevier(3rd Ed)
4. John P. Uyemura, “Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems”, John Wiley & Sons.
5. J. Bhaskar,"A SystemVerilog Primer", 2nd edition, BS publication.
6. Frank Vahid, “Digital Design with RTL Design, VHDL, and Verilog”, 2 nd Edition

Instructions for the paper-setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr

3 M
0 0 3
x Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives

 To familiarize students with numerical methods and numerical solution of

ordinary differential equations and numerical integration.
 To provide the knowledge of basic probability and random variables.
 To enable the student to calculate the basic statistical problems.

Unit I

Numerical methods: Solution of polynomial equations by bisection method and Newton-

Raphson method, Newton interpolation formula-Newton forward and backward,
Interpolation with unequal intervals: Lagrange’s and Newton divided difference formula

Numerical solution of ODE: Euler method, modified Euler method and Runge-Kutta method.

Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule, Simpson’s three-eight



Unit II

Probability:Basic concepts and axioms of probability, conditional probability, Baye’s


Random variables: Discrete and continuous random variables, basic discrete distributions:
binomial, poisson distribution, geometric distribution. basic continuous distributions:
exponential and normal distributions.


Unit III

Statistics: Measures of central tendencies: mean, median, mode, measures of dispersion -

coefficient of variations, relation between measures of dispersion, standard deviation of
combination of two groups, skewness and kurtosis. [14]

Text Books:

 Kreyszig ,E.,Advanced Engineering mathematics ,John Wiley, 9th Edition.

 Grewal ,B.S., Higher Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Khannapublishers,

Reference Material:

 Ray Wylie,c., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, McGraw Hill, 6th

 Schilling ,”Numerical Methods using C”, Cengage learning.

Instructions for the paper-setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number no 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr
0 0 4 2

List of Experiments:

Introduction to VLSI design techniques and VLSI design flow for Digital and Analog IC

Tools used: Synopsys / Mentor Graphics/ Xilinx

Experiments using HDL language:

1. HDL code to realize all the logic gates.

2. Design and Simulation of Half and Full adder & Serial Binary Adder.
3. Design of 2-to-4 decoder & 8-to-3 encoder (without and with priority)
4. Design of flip flops: SR, D, JK, T.
5. Design of 4-bit binary, BCD counters (synchronous/ asynchronous).
6. Design of 4- Bit Multiplier and 4-bit Divider.

Experiments using EDA simulation tool:

7. Analysis of nMOS and pMOS V-I characteristics.

8. Schematic and Layout Designing and Analysis (Transient, DC, AC) of CMOS
9. Schematic and Layout Designing and Analysis of Digital gates with CMOS
10. Schematic and Layout Designing and Analysis of multiplexer with
transmission gate.
11. Schematic Designing and Analysis of Differential amplifier.
12. Schematic Designing and Analysis of SRAM and DRAM cell.


Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
L T P Cr
Course objectives
 To understand the interdependency of signal processing and 4 0 0 4
estimation theory.
 To understand various adaptive and predictive filtering concepts and algorithms.
 To appreciate the applications of adaptive signal processing.

Review of Discrete-Time signals and systems: Sampling and Reconstruction of signals, Z-
transform, Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) and Discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
Properties of DFT, The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms: Decimation-in-Time and
Decimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithms.

FIR Filters: Structures of realization of discrete time system, Direct-Form Structures,

Cascade-Form and Lattice Structures for FIR filters, Design of FIR filters using Rectangular,
Hamming, Hanning, Blackman, Bartlet and Kaiser Windows


IIR Filters: Direct form, Cascade form, parallel form and lattice structure of IIR systems, IIR
filter design by Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transformation and Matched Z-Transformation

Multirate Signal Processing: Introduction, Concepts of multirate signal processing,

Decimation and Interpolation by Integer factors, Sampling rate conversion by rational
factors, Multistage approach to sampling rate conversion, Applications of multirate signal

Linear Prediction and Optimum Linear Filters: Forward and Backward Linear Prediction,
Properties of Linear Prediction-Error Filters, AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters,
Wiener Filters for Filtering and Prediction.


Adaptive Digital Filters: Concepts of Adaptive Filtering, LMS Adaptive Algorithm,

Recursive Least Squares Algorithm, Applications

Power Spectrum Estimation:

Nonparametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Bartlett method, Welch

method, Parametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Yule-Walker method,
Burg method, Unconstrained Least-Squares method,

Recommended Books:
1. "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications", by Proakis
& Manolakis, 4e, -Pearson Education
2. "Digital Signal Processing", by S.K.Mitra, -Tata-Mcgraw Hill.
3. "Discrete Time Signal Processing", Oppenheim & Schafer. PHI.
4. "Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB", by Robert J. Schilling
& Sndra L. Harris. -CENGAGE Learning.
5. "Theory and application of Digital Signal Processing", by Rabiner & Gold

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.


L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max. Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives:

 Formulize the research / project proposals.

 Analyze the parameters involved in the research.
 Test the hypothesis formulated.

Unit – I

Introduction: Nature and objectives of research, Types of research, , Research methods vs

Methodology, Types of research , Descriptive vs. Analytical, Applied vs. Fundamental,
Quantitative vs. Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical criteria of good research, defining the
research problem, Preparation and presentation of research proposals, Selection of thrust
area of research, defining scope of the research problem.

Research Formulation and Design: Defining and formulating the research problem, selecting
the problem, Necessity of defining the problem, Importance of literature review in defining
a problem, Research Design:Meaning and need for research design, Features of a good design,
important concepts relating to research design , Observation and Facts, Laws and Theories,
Prediction and explanation, Induction, Deduction, Development of Models. Developing a
research plan, Exploration, Description, Diagnosis, Experimentation, Determining
experimental and sample design (9)

Unit – II

Sample Designs: Sampling and its need, criteria of selecting a sampling procedure,
characteristics of a good sample designs, Different types of sample designs. Data Collection
and analysis: Collection of Primary data and secondary data, Data Processing and Analysis
strategies (7)

Introduction to Statistical Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion, Random

Variables and Probability, Mathematical Expectation, Probability distributions, Binomial,
Poisson, Geometric, Exponential, Normal and log-normal distributions.

Hypothesis Testing: Tests of Significance based on normal, t and chi-square

distributions, Analysis of variance techniques.

Correlation and Regression: Introduction to growth curves and multiple regression, Linear
regression, Least square principle and fitted models, Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Rank
Correlation, Lines of regression (11)

Unit –III
Reporting writing: Structure and components of scientific reports,types of report, technical
reports and thesis, significance, different steps in the preparation,layout, structure and
Language of typical reports, Illustrations and tables - Bibliography, referencing and footnotes,
oral presentation Planning,preparation,practice,making presentation, use of visual
aids,importance of effective communication (9)

Application of results and ethics

Environmental impacts,ethical issues,ethical committees, commercialization Intellectual

property rights and patent law, Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights,reproduction of published material, plagiarism,citation and acknowledgement
,reproducibility and accountability. (5)

Recommended Books:

1. Dowdy, S., Wearden, S. and Chilko, D., Statistics for Research, Wiley Series
2. Walpole, R.E., Myers, R.H., Myers, S.L. and Ye, K., Probability and Statistics
for Engineers and Scientists, Pearson Education (2002).
3. Kothari C.R., Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age
International Publishers, 2nd Edition.
4. Bordens K.S., Abbott B.B., Research and Design Methods, 6th Edition, TMH Publishing
Company Limited.
5. Johnson, R.A, Probability and Statistics by , PHI-2 nd edition
6. Trivedi K.S., Probability & Statistics With Reliability, Queuing And Computer Science
Applications , 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons
7. Meyer, P.L., Introduction to Probability & Statistical, Applications, Oxford, IBH
8. Johnson, R.A., Probability and Statistics, PHI, New Delhi
9. Krishnaswami, K.N., Sivakumar, A. I. and Mathirajan, M., Management Research
Methodology, Pearson Education: New Delhi
10. Zikmund, W.G., Business Research Methods, 7th Edition, Thomson South-Western
11. Cooper, D. R. and Schindler, Business Research Method , P.S Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi 2nd edition (2010).

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.
ECP 651

LAB II (As per the elective)

L T P Cr
0 0 4 2
System Verilog for Design and Verification:

Introduction to Verification tool VCS (Synopsys)/ QuestaSim (Mentor Graphics)

1. Designing of multiplexers, encoders and decoders in system Verilog, introduce

the concept of various case and if statements.
2. Designing of Flip-Flops in system Verilog to introduce the concept of various
always blocks.
3. Designing of simple traffic light controller with FSM using system Verilog.
4. Designing simple test bench to test array data types and its predefined methods.
5. Introduce the concept of OOPS by developing the testbench that includes a class
having a function of counter.
6. Introduce the concept of static variable and inheritance of OOPS by developing
the testbench that includes a parent class having a function of counter, and child
class having function of down counter.
7. Introduce the concept of virtual class OOPS by developing the test bench in
system Verilog.
8. Design an interface for up counter and use it for linking DUT with test bench.
9. Write a test bench to test the execution of the fork-join, fork-join_any, fork-
join_none threads.
10. Write a test bench in system Verilog that signifies the role of assertions.
11. Write a test bench in system Verilog that signifies the role of randomization and
functional coverage.

Analog Circuit Design:

1. To design, simulate and analyse the power dissipation and delay of Common
Source Amplifier.
2. To design, simulate and analyse the power dissipation and delay of Cascode
3. To design, simulate and analyse the power dissipation and delay of Current
Mirror circuit.
4. To design, simulate and analyse the power dissipation and delay of Differential
5. To design, simulate and analyse the power dissipation and delay of CMOS Op-
Amp single stage Amplifier.

ECP 651

L T P Cr
0 0 4 2
Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab

List of Experiments

11. To familiarize with the MATLAB fundamentals and basic functions.

12. To generate various types of signals:
e. Unit Impulse
f. Unit Step
g. Unit Ramp
h. Exponential
13. To plot discrete time signals:
e. x(n) = u(n) – u(n-3)
f. x(n) = u(n-3)
g. x(n)= 0.5n [u(n) – u(n-5)]
h. x(n) =e jnπ
14. To generate a sinusoidal signal & also plot its frequency spectrum.
15. To study analog modulation schemes & plot frequency spectrum of modulated
16. To study digital modulation schemes & plot frequency spectrum of modulated
17. To perform BER analysis of wireless communication system with different
modulation schemes.
18. To perform BER analysis of wireless communication system with Diversity.
19. MRC performance analysis for a Rayleigh Fading channel
20. To simulate a wireless sensor network and calculate its lifetime for a particular
modulation scheme.



4 0 0
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course objectives
 To introduce basic ideas on optical principles and fibers used as a back bone networks.
 To understand the propagation of waves in fibers and waveguides.
 To understand optical multiplexing and networking.


Introduction: concepts of information, general communication systems, evolution of optical

fiber communication systems, advantages, disadvantage of optical fiber, communication
systems. (4)

Wave propagation in dielectric waveguide: Snell’s law, internal reflection, dielectric slab
wave guide, numerical aperture, propagation of model & rays. Step-index fibers, graded
index fibers. (5)

Attenuation in optics fibers: Fiber attenuation, connectors &splices, bending loses,

Absorption, scattering, very low loss materials, plastic & polymer-clad-silica fibers. (5)


Wave propagation in fibers: wave propagation in step index & graded index fiber, fiber
dispersion, single mode fibers, multimode fibers, dispersion shifted fiber, dispersion
flattened fiber, polarization.

Optical sources & detectors: principles of light emitting diodes (LED’s) , design of LED’s for
optical fiber communications, semiconductor LASER for optical fiber communication system
,principles of semiconductor photodiode detectors, PIN photodiode, Avalanche photodiode
detectors. (10)


Optical fiber communication system: telecommunication, local distribution series,

computer networks local data transmission & telemetry, digital optical fiber communication
system, first & second generation system, future system.

Advanced multiplexing strategies: Optical TDM, subscriber multiplexing (SCM), WDM

Optical networking: data communication networks, network topologies, MAC protocols,
Network Architecture- SONET/TDH, optical transport network, optical access network,
optical premise network. (7)

Recommended Books:

1. Senior J., optical fiber communications, principles & practice, PHI.

2. Keiser G., optical fiber communications, McGraw-hill.
3. Gowar J., optical communication systems, PHI.
4. William B. Jones jr., Introduction to optical fiber communication systems, Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, Inc.
Instructions for paper setter

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48 4 0 0 4

Course Objectives
 To understand different forms of entropy and their relevancy as a measure of information.
 To quantify channel capacities of various channels and theorems pertaining to these channels.
 To attain deep understanding of error control coding and introduction to cryptography.

The Communication process and the nature of information.

Information Sources, measurement of information and the Entropy Function: Entropies

defined, and why they are measures of information, marginal entropy, joint entropy, Conditional
entropy and the Chain Rule for Entropy. (8)

Sources with and without Memory:

Sources coding theorem, Prefix, Variable and Fixed- length Codes. Error Correcting Codes. (8)


Channel Types, Properties, Noise and Channel Capacity:

Perfect communication through a noisy channel. The binary symmetric channel, their classification and
capacity of a noiseless discrete channel. The Hartley and Shannon laws for channel capacity. (6)

Continuous Information; Density; Noisy Channel Coding Theorem:

Extensions of the discrete entropies and measures to the continuous case. Signal-to-noise ratio;
power spectral density, Gaussian channels, Relative significance of bandwidth and noi se
limitations. The Shannon rate limi t and efficiency for noisy continuous channels

Error Control Coding:
Linear blocks codes and their properties, hard-decision decoding, cyclic codes,
Convolution codes, Soft-decision decoding, Viterbi decoding algorithm. (8)

Advanced Coding Techniques and Cryptography:

BCH codes, Trellis coded modulation, introduction to cryptography, overview of encryption
techniques, symmetric cryptography, DES, IDEA, asymmetric algorithms, RSA algorithm. (8)
Recommended Books:
1. R.W.Hamming , Coding and Information Theory, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall
2. R.G.Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley
3. M.Mansuripur, Introduction to information Theory: Prentice Hal1,1987
4. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Thomas Cover & Joy Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley &Sons

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48 4 0 0 4

Course Objectives
 To refresh the concepts of Random process and transformations.
 To understand orthonormal representation of noise, spectral representation of noise.
 To appreciate the differences, advantages and limitations of various digital modulation


Review of Fourier Transforms, Random Processes Probability, Probability density function,

Gaussian, density function, Rayleigh probability density (16)


Correlation between random variables, Autocorrelation, Power spectral density of random sequences,
Noise, spectral components of noise, Noise bandwidth (16)


Quadrature components of noise, Represen t at ion of n oi se u si n g ort h onormal

compon en t s, Sampl i n g Th eore m, Quantization, pulse code modulation, Digital modulation
schemes, PSK, QPSK, FSK, QASK, MPSK, Performance Analysis of the digital modulation
schemes. Bandwidth S/N tradeoff. (16)

Recommended Books:
1. Taub Schilling- Communication System, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
2. Digital Communication System- Simon & Haykin, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
3. Communication Systems-RPSingh & Sapre,Tata McGraw Hill, 1995
4. Salvatore Gravano-Error Correcting codes, Oxford Press, 2008
5. J.Das: Principals of Communication System, Wiley eastern Limited, 1986.

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr
Max. Marks: 60 4 0 0 4
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives

 To appreciate the difference between Sensor networks and traditional

 To facilitate the student with the understanding of Infrastructure less networks
and their importance in the future directions for wireless communications.
 To understand the protocols used in WSNs.


Introduction: The vision of Ambient Intelligence., Application examples, Types of applications, Challenges
for WSNs, Enabling technologies. (3)


Single Node Architecture: Hardware components, Energy consumption of sensor nodes,

Operating systems and execution environments, Some examples of sensor nodes, Conclusion.(4)

Network Architecture: Sensor network scenarios, Optimization goals and figures of merit,

Design principles for WSNs, Service interfaces of WSNs, Gateway concepts, Conclusion. (7)



Physical Layer: Introduction, Wireless channel and communication fundamentals, Physical layerand
transceiver design considerations in WSNs. (2)

MAC Protocols: Fundamentals of (wireless) MAC protocols, Low duty cycle protocols and

wakeup concepts, Contention-based protocols, Schedule-based protocols, The IEEE 802.15.4

MAC protocol, How about IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth. (3)

Link Layer Protocols: Fundamentals: Tasks and requirements, Error control, Framing, Link

management, Summary. (2)

Naming and Addressing: Fundamentals, Address and name management in wireless sensor

networks, Assignment of MAC addresses, Distributed assignment of locally unique addresses,

Content-based and geographic addressing. (3)

Time Synchronization: Introduction to the time synchronization problem, Protocols based on

sender/receiver synchronization, Protocols based on receiver/receiver synchronization, (2)

Localization and Positioning: Properties of positioning, Possible approaches, Mathematical

basics for the lateration problem, Single-hop localization, Positioning in multi-hop environments,

Impact of anchor placement. (2)

Topology Control: Motivation and basic ideas, Flat network topologies, Hierarchical networks

by dominating sets, Hierarchical networks by clustering, Combining hierarchical topologies and

power control, Adaptive node activity. (4)


Routing Protocols: The many faces of forwarding and routing, Geometric routing, Routing with

virtual coordinates, Gossiping and agent-based unicast forwarding, Energy-efficient unicast,

Broadcast and multicast, Geographic routing, Mobile nodes. (5)

Data-Centric and Content-based Networking: Introduction, Data-centric routing, Data

aggregation, Data-centric storage, Conclusions. (3)

Transport Layer and Quality of Service: The transport layer and QoS in wireless sensor

networks, Coverage and deployment, Reliable data transport, Block delivery, Congestion control
and rate control. (5)

Advanced Application Support: Advanced in-network processing, Security, Application specific support.

Recommended Books:

1. Karl, Holger and Andreas, Willig, Protocols and Architectures for WirelessSensor Networks, John Wiley
and sons (2005).

2. Xiaoyan, Cheng Maggie and Li, Deying, Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc andSensor Networks Series, Springer

3. Sohraby, Kazem, Minoli, Daniel and Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor NetworksTechnology, Protocols, and
Applications, John Wiley and Sons (2007).

4. Swami, Ananthram, Qing, Zhao, Hong, Yao-Win, and Lang Tong (editors),Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal
Processing and Communications, Wiley(2007).

5. Rappaport, T.S., Wireless Communications, Prentice hall of India (2003) 2nd ed.

6. Jun, Zheng and Jamalipour, Abbas, Wireless Sensor Networks: A NetworkingPerspective, Wiley-IEEE Press

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten questions in all,
three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub parts and based on the
whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions including the compulsory question
number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.


Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives

 To understand the hardware and software conceptual backbone of networking.

 To learn various high speed networks and concepts behind them.
L T P Cr
 A deep insight on IP routing, congestion and traffic management,
network security. 4 0 0 4

Overview of Data Communications & Networking

Data Communication, Computer Network, Types, Network Standards, Networking Models,
Data Transmission Modes, Multiplexing & Switching, Network Architecture, Layered
Architecture, OSI Reference Model, TCP/IP Model. (16)

Network Hardware Components
Connectors, Transceivers, Media Converters, repeaters, Network Interface Card (NIC), Bridges,
Switches, Routers, Gateways, Virtual Private Network (VPNs). (6)
High Speed Network
X.25, Frame Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) High Speed LAN — Ethernet, Fast Ethernet,
Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel, Wireless LANs, Wimax, SONET, FDDI, ISDN. (6)

Internet Routing
Routing Protocols, Interior Routing Protocols, Exterior Routing Protocols. (4)

Congestion & Traffic Management
Congestion control in Data Networks & Internets, Flow & Error Control, TCP Traffic Control, Traffic
and Congestion Control in ATM Networks. (8)
Network Security
Issues, Threat Assessment, Net work At tacks, Firewalls, En crypti on M et hods,
Auth ent i cati on & Access Cont rol M easures, Di gi t al Cert i fi cat es, Pu bli c Key
Infrastructure (PKI), KERBEROS. (8)

Recommended Books:
1. Michael A. Gall o & William M. Hancock; Computer Communi cations &Network
Technologies: Thomson Publications 2007.
2. William Stallings; High Speed Networks & Internets: PEARSON Publications 2007.
3. William Stallings; Computer Networking with Internet Protocols & Technology: PEARSON
Publications 2007.
4. Atul Kahate; Cryptography & Network Security: Tata MCGRAWHILL 2008.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.
L T P Cr

4 0 0 4


Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives
• To understand the concept of reliability.
• To understand the relation of engineering and reliability.
• To understand various tests, terms and models used to quantify reliability.

Concept of Reliability

Failures of systems and its modes. Measure of Reliability, Reliability function, Hazard rate
MTBF and their interrelations. (4)

Reliability Data and System Reliability And Modeling

Data sources. Data collection, use of Reliability Data, Reliability Analysis, Performance
Parameters, calculation of failure rate, Application of Weibill distribution. Series systems,
Parallel system, series parallel systems. Time dependence, Reliability Determination, Stand
by systems, r out of n, Configurations, Methods of tie set and cut sets of or reliability
evaluation, simulation and Reliability prediction. Monte Carlo method, concepts of network
topology. Overall reliability evolution


Maintainability And Availability, Maintainability and its equation. Factors Affecting

maintainability. Measures of Maintainability, Mean Down Time, Availability Intrinsic
availability equipment availability & Mission availability. Replacement processes and
Policies. (16)


Life Testing Of Equipments: Non-destructive tests, destruction tests and their Mathematic
modeling, Quality and Reliability, Measurement & prediction of Human Reliability, Reliability
and safety, safety margins in critical Devices, case studies, Value Engineering, Techniques in
value Engg, Structure of value Engg, Reliability Management.

Recommended Books:

1. A . K.Gupta ,”Reliability Engineering & Technology”, Macmillan India Ltd , Delhi

2. E. S. Lewis,” Introduction Reliability Engineering” John Wiley & Sons , New York .

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

Max. Marks: 6 0 L T P Cr
Contact Hours: 48
4 0 0 4
Course objectives
 To reinforce the mathematical foundation of wireless communication with advanced concepts.
 To understand the concepts of Single & Multi Carrier Communications
 To understand multipath propagation in mm Waves/5G wireless networks

Unit 1

Wireless Communication Mathematics & Modeling

Introduction: BER of Wired Communication, BER for wireless Communication (6)

Advanced Analysis: Introduction to diversity, Multi Antenna MRC, BER with Diversity, Spatial
Diversity & Diversity Order, Wireless Channel & Delay spread, Fading, Coherence Bandwidth,
ISI, Doppler’s Effect, Doppler Spectrum & Jakes Model

Unit 2

Advanced Communication Techniques

MIMO: Smart Antennas, Introduction to MIMO, MIMO System Model, MIMO receivers: ZF &
MMSE, OSTBC, Introduction to V-BLAST Receiver, MIMO Beam forming

OFDM: Introduction to OFDM & Multi carrier Modulation, IFFT Sampling for OFDM, OFDM
Block Diagram, Cyclic Prefix, MIMO-OFDM, CFO, PAPR in OFDM, Introduction to SCFDMA

Unit 3

mmWave Wireless: The Fifth Generation of Communications

Introduction to mmWaves, a preview of implementation Challenges, applications. (8)

Radio Wave Propagation for mmWaves

Large scale propagation channel effects, small scale channel effects, indoor & outdoor
channel models (8)
Recommended Books:
1. Wireless communications by Andreas F. Molisch (Wiley India)
2. Wireless Communications by Andrea Goldsmith, Cambridge University Press
3. Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications, T.S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall
4. Mobile and personal communication systems and services by Raj Pandya (PHI)
5. Wireless Communication by Rappaport
6. Mobile Communications by Schiller (Pearson)
7. Wireless Communications by Stallings (Pearson)
8. Wireless Communications by Upena Dalal (Oxford)
Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.
L T P Cr

4 0 0 4


Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives
 To understand the need and concepts of error correcting codes.
 To appreciate the concepts, differences, advantages and limitations of linear block codes and
binary convolutional codes.
 To understand soft decision decoding and iteratively decodable codes.


Introduction: Error Correcting codes, basic concepts, Block codes, Convolution codes,
Hamming distance, Hamming sphere, Error correcting capability, (6)

Linear Block Codes: Introduction, Generator and Parity check matrices, Encoding and
decoding of linear block codes, Weight distribution and error performance, Hard decision
decoding of linear block codes, Hamming, Golay and Reed-Muller Codes, Binary cyclic
codes, General decoding of cyclic codes. (12)

BCH& RS codes: BCH codes, Polynomial codes, Decoding of binary BCH codes, Weight
distribution and error performance, Non-binary BCH codes, Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, RS codes
as polynomial codes, Encoding and Decoding of RS codes (6)
Binary Convolution Codes: Introduction, Basic structure, Connections with block codes,
Weight enumeration and performance bunds, Decoding with Viterbi algorithm, Maximum
likelihood decoding and Hamming metrics, Implementation issues, Punctured convolution
cod es, Modi fyin g th e cod es, Di fferent t echniques, Combi nin g codes, Product of codes,
Concatenated codes. (10)


Soft Decision Decoding: Binary transmission over AWGN channels, Viterbi algorithm with
Euclidean distances, 'Decoding binary linear codes with a trellis, The Chase . algorithm, Ordered
Statisti cs decoding, Generalized minimu m distance decodi ng, List decoding, Soft-output
algorithms, Soft -output Viterbi algorithm, Maximum-a-posteriori algorithm, Msx-log-MAP
algorithm, Soft-output OSD algorithm. (16)
Recommended Books:
1. Morelos-Zaragoza R.H., The Art of Error-Correcting Codes, John Wiley and Sons (2006) 2nd
2. Neubauer A., Freudenberger J. and Kuhn V., Codi ng Theory: Algori thms,
Architectures, and Applications, John Wiley and Sons (2007).
3. PretZel, 0., Error-correcting Codes and Finite Fields, St. Martins (2003).
4. Hamming, R.W., Coding and Information Theory, Prentice Hall (1992).
Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions
from each unit.

L T P Cr
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48 4 0 0 4
Course Objectives
 Introduction to optical communication, optical networks and their evolution.
 To understand multiplexing techniques used in optical domain.
 To understand the underlying principles of optical switching and routing.


Introduction: Introduction to basic optical communication & devices, WDM optical Network evolution.

Optical Multiplexing Techni ques: Wavelengt h Division multiplexing, Ti me di vision

multiplexing & Code division multiplexing, multiple access techniques with applications (10)


Optical Networks: Why optical networks? Conventional optical networks, SONET/SDH, FDDI, IEEE 802.3,
DQDB, Multiple access optical networks, WDM optical networks architectures and issues in wavelength
routed networks. (10)
All Optical Networks: Amplification in all optical networks. All optical subscriber access networks,
design issues. (6)


Optical Switching &Routing: Optical switching, example of an optical switch using 2 x 2 coupler,
evolution of switching technologies, switching architectures, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), free
space optical switching, thermoptic & bubble switches, optical routers. Protection of optical switched path.
Wavelength converters, Add drop multiplexers with &without wavelength conversions.

Recommended Books:
I. Uyless Black, 'Optical Networks', Pearson education.
2. D.K. Mynbaeu & L. Scheiner, 'Fiber optic Communication Technology, Pearson Edu. Asia
3. C. Siva Ram Murthy & M. Gurusamy, 'WDM optical networks' Pearson Education
4. RG Gallager & D Bertsekas, 'Data Networks, PHI
5. DK Mynbaev & Lowell L. Scheing, 'Fiber Optic Communication Technology", Pearson Education

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
Max. Marks: 60 4 0 0 4
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives
 To facilitate the student with the idea of multimedia communication.
 To understand the processing and transportation of multimedia content.
 To understand various multimedia communication standards.


Multimedia Communication: Introduction, Network requirements, multimedia terminals, multimedia

Requirement for ATM networks, Multimedia terminals. Audio visual Integration, Audio to visual mapping.

Multimedia Processing in Communications: Introduction, Digital Media, Signal processing elements,

Challenges in multimedia information processing, Perceptual coding of Digital audio signals, Transform audio
coders, Image coding, Video Coding. (9)


Distributed multimedia systems: Resource management of DMS, IP networking, Multimedia operating

systems, distributed multimedia servers, Distributed multimedia applications, Multimedia File Formats


Multimedia communication standards, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Audio/Video, MPEG-4 Visual Texture
coding (VTC), Multimedia communication across networks, Compression Techniques: JPEG, MPEG

Recommended Books:

1. Rao, Bojkovic, Milovanovic, “Multimedia Communication Systems”, PHI

2. Andleigh, Thakrar, “Multimedia System Design”, PHI
3. Sharda, “Multimedia Information Networking”, PHI
4. Vaughan, “Multimedia making it work”, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.


L T P Cr

4 0 0 4
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives
 To understand the interdependency of signal processing and estimation theory.
 To understand various adaptive and predictive filtering concepts and algorithms.
 To appreciate the applications of adaptive signal processing.


Signals and Systems: System theory, Stochastic processes Gauss Markov model, Representation of
stochastic processes, likelihood and sufficiency, Hypothesis testing, decision criteria, multiple measurements.

Estimation Theory: Estimation of parameters, random parameters, Bayes Estimates, estimation of non
random parameters, properties of estimators, Linear Estimation of signals, prediction, filtering,
smoothing, correlation cancellation, Power Spectrum Estimation-Parametric and Maximum
Entropy Methods. (10)


Estimation of Waveforms: Linear, MMSE . estimation of waveforms, estimation. of stationary

processes: Wiener filter, Estimation of non stationary processes: Kal man filter, Non linear
estimation. (4)

Prediction: Forward and backward linear predi cti on, Levinson-Durbin ' algorithm,
Schurr •algorithm, properties of linear prediction error filters, AR- Lattice and ARMA Lattice Ladder
filters, Wiener filters for prediction. (4)

System Modeling and Identification: System identification based on FIR (MA), All Pole (AR), Pole
Zero (ARMA) system models, Least * square linear prediction filter, FIR least squares inverse filter,
predictive de convolution, Matrix formulation for least squares estimation: Cholesky
decomposition, LDU decomposition, QRD decomposition, Grahm - Schmidt orthogonalization, Givens
rotation, Householder reflection, SVD. (8)

Adaptive Filtering: Least square method for tapped-delay line structures. Least Mean Squares (LMS)
and Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithms and their convergence performance, IIR adaptive
filtering and Transform domain adaptive filtering, introduction of different types of LMS, RLS and
Kalman filters and their relationship with each other. (6) Adapti ve Eq ual i zati on: Opt i mal Zero-
Forci ng an d MM SE Equ al i zat i on, Gen eral i zed Equalization Methods, Fractionally Spaced
Equalizer, Transversal Filter Equalizers, 1ST and • ADFE and Error Propagation.
Applications: Noise and echo cancellation, Parameters estimation in Radar systems, Dynamic target
tracking, Appl icati on to system id entifi cation, channel identification and equalization,
Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria, Optimization
t echniqu es for lin ear and n onlinear probl ems, M USIC, ESPRIT algorithms.

Recommended Books
1. Haykin, Simon S., Adaptive filter theory, Dorling Kingsley (2008).
2. Honig, Michael L., David G., Messerschmitt, Adaptive Filters: Structures Algorithms and
Applications, Springer (1984).
3. Tre es, Harr y L. Van , O pt i mu m Arra y Pr oce ss i n g, D et e ct i on , E st i mat i on , an d
Modulation Theory, Part IV, John Wiley and Sons (2002).
4. Adams, Peter F., Cowan, Colin F. N. and Grant, Peter M., Adaptive Filters, Prentice- Hall
(1985). .
5. Sayeed, Zul fi gu ar, Ad apti ve Codin g and Transmitter Di versi t y . for Sl ow F adin g
Channels, University of Pennsylvania (1996).
Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr

4 0 0 4
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives
 To understand the application of the transforms to images.
 To understand the perception and transformation of images.
 To understand the stochastic representation of images and image enhancement
Unit I

Image Representation, Modeling and Perception: Matrix theory Results, Fundamental steps in
digital image processing, component of image processing System, Examples of fields using DIP,
image acquisition and sensing, human visual system.

Image Sampling & Quantization: Image Sampling and Quantization, Spatial and Intensity
Resolution, Relationship between pixels, Mathematical Tools used in image processing

Image Transform & Enhancement: Transformation Functions, Histogram Processing, Spatial

Filtering, 2-D DFT, Properties of 2D DFT, Image smoothing, Image sharpening, Selective Filtering

Unit II

Image Restoration: Model of the image Degradation/Restoration Process, Noise Models,

Restoration in the presence of Noise, Periodic noise reduction by frequency domain filtering,
Estimating the Degradation Function (4)

Morphological Image Processing: Erosion and Dilation, Opening and closing, Basic
morphological algorithms (7)

Image Segmentation: Point Line and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Region based segmentation

Unit III

Color Image Processing:Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Basics of Full-Color image

processing, Color Transformations, smoothening and sharpening, Image segmentation based on
color (10)
Image Compression:Coding redundancy, Spatial and Temporal redundancy, Huffman Coding,
Arithmetic Coding, Run Length Coding, Bit Plane Coding

Recommended Books:
1. Digital Image Processing by Keenneth R Castleman, Pearson Education Society.
2. Digital Image Processing by Rafact Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods,
Pearson Edu.Society.
3. Related IEEE/IEE Publications.

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr

4 0 0 4
Max. Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives
 To explain of all facets of cellular networks.
 Learn the fundamentals of all network elements and technologies that are required to
run cellular networks.
 To understand the concept of 4G mobile techniques and Long Term Evolution

Introduction: A basic cellular system, performance criteria, operation of cellular systems, planning a
cellular system, analog & digital cellular systems. Examples of Wireless Communication Systems:
Paging Systems, Cordless Telephone Systems, Cellular Telephone Systems, Bluetooth and ZigBee.

Elements of Cellular Radio Systems Design: General description of the problem, concept of
frequency reuse channels, co-channel interference reduction factor, desired C/I from a normal case
in an omni-directional antenna system, cell splitting, consideration of the components of cellular
systems. (8)


Wireless Systems & Standards: Development and history of digital cellular technology, Digital
wireless advantages over analog cellular systems, AMPS and ETACS, United states digital cellular (IS-
54 & IS-136), Global system for Mobile (GSM): Services, Features, System Architecture, and Channel
Types, Frame Structure for GSM, Speech Processing in GSM. (10)

GSM Data Communication Technologies: GPRS/EDGE specifications and features.



3G systems: UMTS & CDMA 2000 standards and specifications, CDMA Digital standard (IS 95):
Frequency and Channel specifications, Forward CDMA Channel, Reverse CDMA Channel, Wireless
Cable Television. High speed packet access technologies.

Future trends: 4G mobile techniques, Long Term Evolution (LTE): Features, Network Architecture,
Voice Transmissions, LTE Advance systems. (6)

Recommended Text Books:

1. Paul Bedell, Cellular Networks: Design and operation: A real world perspective, Kindle edition.
2. T. S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
Asia, 2010.

3. William C Y Lee, Mobile Cellular Telecommunications, 2nd Edition, MGH, 2004.

4. Raj Pandya, Mobile and Personal Communication systems and services, Prentice Hall of India,

5. Kamilo Feher, Wireless and Digital Communications, Prentice Hall of India.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

4 0 0
Total Hours: 48

Course Objectives:
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. To understand the fundamental principles of antenna theory.
2. To introduce the basic and design aspects of smart antenna.
3. To understand the concept of beam forming and smart antenna algorithm.

Introduction: Introduction and Types of Antennas, Radiation Mechanism, Physical concept
of Radiation in single wire, two wires, and dipole, Current Distribution on a thin wire

Fundamental Parameters of Antennas: Radiation Pattern, Radiation Power Density,

Radiation intensity, Gain, Directivity, Antenna efficiency, Bandwidth, Polarization, Antenna
Input Impedance, Antenna Beam-Width, Effective aperture, Maximum Directivity and
Maximum Effective Area, Friis Transmission equation.


Smart Antennas: Concept and need of Smart Antennas, Smart-Antenna Analogy, Cellular
Radio Systems Evolution, Signal Propagation, Smart Antenna Configurations: Switched-
Beam Antenna and Adaptive array approach, Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA),
Architecture of a Smart Antenna System, Smart Antennas benefits and drawbacks.

Antenna Arrays: Array Design, Linear array, N-Element Linear Array with Uniform
Amplitude and Spacing: Analysis of Broadside and ordinary End-Fire case, Scanning Array.

Antenna Beamforming: Overview of Direction of Arrival (DOA) Algorithm, Adaptive

Beamforming: LMS algorithm, Optimal Beamforming: MSME; Mobile Ad hoc Networks
(MANETs). (8)

Text Books:
1. Balanis C.A , “Antenna Theory”, ,John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. Balanis C.A, Ioannides P.I, “Introduction to Smart Antennas”, Morgan & Claypool
Publishers, 2007
Reference Books:
1. Godra L.C, “Smart Antenna”, CRC Press, 2004.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five
sub parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six
questions including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from
each unit.




L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives
 To understand the concepts behind modeling the device.
 To facilitate the student with the understanding of semiconductor device modeling.
 Ability to generate the model for semiconductor devices (pn-junction Diode, BJT & MOSFET).


Semiconductor Fundamentals: Physics of Semiconductor Materials, Drift Velocity, Diffusion current

Band Model. Band diagram of silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic carrier concentration, relation between
applied voltage and Fermi level, Generation-recombination, Continuity equation, Hall Effect.

PN Junctions: Step Junction, Linearly Graded Junction, (V-I) Characteristics, Junction Break-down,
extraction of diode model parameters. (6)


Bipolar Junction Transistors: Transistor Action, Current-Voltage Equation, Output Characteristics,

Breakdown Voltage, Ebers-Moll and Gummel-Poon Model, Early Effect, Small-Signal Transistor
Model. (8)

Metal-Oxide-Silicon System: Ideal MOS structure, MOS device in thermal equilibrium ,Energy Band
Diagrams, Interface Charges, Non-Ideal MOS: work function differences, charges in oxide, interface
states, band diagram of non ideal MOS, flat band voltage, Body Effects, Threshold Voltage and its


MOS Transistors and capacitance: Basic Theory, Structure and Operation, Modes of operation
(accumulation, depletion, strong/weak inversion), MOS Capacitor.

MOSFET Modeling: Extraction of MOSFET model parameters, MOSFET channel mobility model,
level-1 and level-2 MOSFET Models, Devices scaling, short and narrow channel MOSFET, noise model
of MOSFET. (11)

Recommended Books:

8. Tsividis, Y., “Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor”, Oxford University Press,(2008)
2,2d ed.
9. Sze, S.M., “Physics of Semiconductor Devices”, Wiley (2008).
10. Muller, R.S., Kamins, TI., and Chan, M., “Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits”,
John Wiley (2007) 3rd ed.
11. Millman, J. and Halkias, C., “Integrated Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill (1972).
12. S M Kang and Y Leblibici, “:CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design”, 3rd
ed, McGraw Hill
13. Tour, Y. and Ning, T.H., “Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices”, Cambridge
University Press (2009).
14. Massobrio, G. and Antognetti, P., “Semiconductor Device Modeling”, McGraw Hill

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives

 To introduce the students to RISC based processors

 To provide the skillset needed for using the RISC based processors for embedded
system design.
 To introduce the embedded system development cycle and its components.
Introduction to Embedded Systems and design concepts: Introduction of embedded System,
Concept of Embedded System Design: Design challenge, Processor technology, Embedded processor
and general purpose processor, trade –offs, development phase of embedded system and use of
software tools for development of embedded system. (6)

Embedded software Architecture and development: Challenges and issues in an embedded system
development, Introduction to Real time programming language& embedded OS, Embedded
Software architecture :Round-Robin, Round –Robin with interrupts ,RTOS architecture ,tasks and
tasks state ,priority based scheduling, Semaphore & shared data, timer function, memory
management, encapsulating semaphore & queue, hard real-time scheduling consideration.

Introduction to the ARM Embedded System: ARM design Philosophy ,Data Processing Instructions,
Branch Instructions, Load-Store Instructions, Software Interrupt Instruction, Program Status Register
Instructions, Loading Constants, ARMv5E Extensions.

Introduction to the Thumb Instruction Set: Thumb Register Usage, ARM-Thumb Interworking, Other
Branch Instructions, Data Processing Instructions, Single-Register Load-Store Instructions, Multiple-
Register Load-Store Instructions, Stack Instructions, Software Interrupt, Profiling and Cycle Counting,
Instruction Scheduling, Register Allocation, Conditional Execution, Looping Constructs, Bit
Manipulation Efficient Switches. (9)


Exception and Interrupt Handling: Exception Handling, Interrupts, Interrupt Handling Schemes

General architecture of AVR and PIC microcontrollers, JTAG: Concepts and Boundary Scan
Architecture. (8)

Recommended Books:
1. Frankvahid &Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design- A unified Hardware/software
Introduction” Edition 3 rd Pearson Education.
2. David E Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, Addison Wesley Professional
3. Jonathan W.Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer System,Real Time Interfacing”,
Thomas Learning.
4. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes,Chris Wright,"ARM System Developer’s Guide" 2004,
5. Joseph Yiu,"The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors",
Newns Publishers, 3rd Edition.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives:

 To introduce MOSFET modelling.

 To facilitate the student with concepts of static & dynamic logic circuits.
 To understand designing of different Memories.

Introduction to MOSFETs and its types, MOS drain current equation and regions of operation.
Introduction to MOS models, Introduction to digital IC design. (6)

MOS Inverters

MOS Inverters (Resistive load, depletion load, enhancement load, CMOS inverter): Static and
Dynamic characteristics, Inverter Delay, Dynamic & Static Power Dissipation.


Combinational and Sequential MOS Logic Design:CMOS logic circuits, CMOS

transmission gate, pass transistor logic, behavior of bistable element, SR latch, CMOS D-
latch & edge triggered flip-flop. (10)

Dynamic Logic Circuits: Dynamic pass transistor logic, Dynamic CMOS logic, Domino CMOS
logic, NORA CMOS logic & Zipper CMOS circuits. (6)

Memory Design
Random Access Memory Technologies, Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs): SRAM
Cell Structures, Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs): DRAM Technology
Development-CMOS DRAMs-DRAMs Cell Theory. (10)

VLSI Interconnects

Interconnect delays, Cross Talks. Input and Output Interface circuits. (6)
Recommended Books:

5 Rabaey J.M, Chandrakasan A, Nikolic B , “Digital Integrated Circuits-A Design

Perspective”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall
6 S M Kang and Y Leblibici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits-analysis and design”, 3rd
ed, McGraw Hill
7 N. H. Weste, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design”, Pearson Education Asia, 2 nd Ed.,
8 A.K Sharma, “Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability”, IEEE

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives:

 To provide a review of concepts and procedures of HDLs.

 To appreciate the differences between ASIC and FPGA.
 To understand the underlying techniques of ASIC and FPGA


Introduction to FPGAs: Design and implementation of FPGA,Evolution of programmable devices,

Application of FPGA. (6)
Special Purpose Processors: Programming techniques, commercial available FPGAs,Xilinx’s Vertex
and Spartan,Actel’s FPGA,Altera’s FLEX 10k. (4)

FPGA Architectures and Technologies: FPGA Architectural options, granularity of function and
wiring resources, coarse vs. fine grained vendor specific issues (emphasis on Xilinx).

Logic Block Architecture: FPGA logic cells, timing models, power dissipation. (4)
I/O block architecture: Input and Output cell characteristics, clock input, Timing, Power
dissipation. Programmable interconnect - Partitioning and Placement. Routing resources, delays.
Applications: Embedded system design using FPGAs, DSP using FPGAs, Dynamic architecture
using FPGAs, reconfigurable systems, application case studies.

ASICs: Types of ASICs, ASIC design flow, Programmable ASICs, Anti-fuse, SRAM, EPROM, EEPROM
based ASICs, Progra mmable ASIC logic cells and I10 cells, Progra mmable interconnects.

ASIC Methodologies (classical) and ASIC Methodologies (aggressive). (8)

Recommended Books:

1. Smith, M.J.S., Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Pearson education (2008).

2. Wolf W, FPGA Based System Design, Morgan Kaufinann (2007).
3. Ashenden, P., Digital Design using VHDL, Prentice Hall (2008).
4. Maxfield, C., The Design Warriors's Guide to FPGAs, Elsevier (2004).
5. John v.Old Field ,Richard C .Dorf ,Field Programmable Gate Array,Wiley,2008
Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To understand various stages of IC fabrication in depth.

 To understand techniques and procedures involved at each stage.
 To appreciate sub micron process techniques


Crystal Growth and Wafer Preparation: Electronic Grade Silicon, Czochralski Crystal
Growing, Silicon Shaping and impurities, Miller indices, Si wafer preparation, Wafer cleaning process,
Environment for IC Fabrication-Clean room technology, Basic IC processing step.

Oxidation: Silicon Oxidation Model, Interface Considerations, Orientation Dependence of

Oxidation Rates Thin Oxides. Oxidation Technique and Systems - Dry and Wet Oxidation


Photolithography: Lithographic techniques, PhotoResists and its types, masks, Contact and
Proximity Printing, Projection Printing, Electron Lithography - Resists, Mask generation, Electron
Optics - Roaster Scan and Vector Scan, Ion-Lithography and e-beam lithography.

Etching: Reactive plasma etching, AC and DC plasma excitation, plasma properties, chemistry
and surface interactions, an isotropic etching. (8)


Diffusion and ion implantation: Models of Diffusion in Solids, Fick's laws for Diffusion, Fast
Diffusion in Silicon, Diffusion in Polycrystalline Silicon and SiO2, Ion implantation.

Deposition & Growth: Various deposition techniques CVD, PVD(evaporation, sputtering), spin
coating, LPCVD, Epitaxy, ALCVD, Buried Layers, SOI structures, Sub-micron Process Techniques:
PMOS, NMOS, CMOS (n-well, p-well, twin well).

Recommended Books:

1. Sze, S.M., VLSI Technology, Tata McGraw Hill (2008).

2. Plummer, J.D., Deal M.D. and Griffin P.B., VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling,
Prentice Hall (2000).

3. Nagchodhari, D., Principles of Microelectronics Technology, A H Wheeler.

4. Gandhi, S.K., VLSI Fabrication Principles, John Wiley (2003) 2nd ed.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr.
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives

 To understand the need of fault tolerance and its applications.

 To understand the concepts of reliability and availability.
 To understand detection/correction techniques and software reliability model.


Introduction to Testing:Testing Philosophy, Role of Testing, Digital and Analog VLSI Testing, How to
Test Chip, Types of Testing. Test Economics: Defining Costs, Yield.

Fault Modelling: Physical Faults and their Modelling, Fault Simulation, Defects, Errors, and Faults,
Levels of Fault Models, A Glossary of Fault Models, Single Stuck-at Fault; Fault Equivalence,
Equivalence of Single Stuck-at Faults, Fault Collapsing, Fault Dominance and Checkpoint Theorem.


Logic and Fault simulation: Simulation for Design Verification, Event-Driven Simulation, Algorithms
for Fault Simulation: Serial Fault Simulation and Parallel Fault Simulation, Deductive Fault Simulation,
Concurrent Fault Simulation.(6)

Testability Measures: SCOAP Controllability and Observability, Combinational SCOAP Measures,

Sequential SCOAP Measures. (6)

Combinational Circuit Test Generation (PART-1): Definition of Automatic Test-Pattern Generator,

ATPG Algebras, Algorithm Types. (4)


Combinational Circuit Test Generation (PART-2): Redundancy Identification (RID), Testing as a

Global Problem and Definitions, Significant Combinational ATPG Algorithms, D-Calculus and D-
Algorithm, PODEM. (6)

Memory Test: Memory Density and Defect Trends, Faults; Fault Manifestations, Failure Mechanisms,
Memory Test Levels, March Test Notation, Fault Modelling; Diagnosis Versus Testing Needs,
Reduced Functional Faults, Memory Design For Testability And Fault Tolerance RAM Fault Modeling.

Recommended Books:

1. Michael L. Bushnell and Vishwani D. Agrawal ,"Essentials Of Electronic Testing For

Digital, Memory And Mixed-Signal Vlsi Circuits", Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002)
Ed.2 nd
2. Miron Abramavivi, Melvin, A. Brever and Arthut D. Friedman, "Digital Systems
Testing and Testable Design" ,IEEE Press.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To understand small-signal and large-signal MOSFET model.

 To learn designing various analog circuits using MOSFET.
 Acquire knowledge of Op-Amp and comparator design using MOSFET.


MOS Devices and Modelling: The MOS Transistor, Passive Components- Capacitor & Resistor, Simple
MOS Large-Signal Model, Other Model Parameters, Small-Signal Model for the MOS Transistor.

Analog CMOS Sub-Circuits: MOS Switch, MOS Diode, MOS Active Resistor, Current Sinks and
Sources, Current Mirrors, Voltage reference circuits (8)


CMOS Amplifiers: Small signal and large signal analysis of Common Source, Common Gate and
Common Drain Amplifiers, Source Degeneracy, Source Follower, Cascode Amplifiers, Folded Cascode
Amplifier, Differential Amplifiers-common mode and differential mode signal analysis, Large signal
analysis of Differential Amplifier, Noise in CMOS amplifier. (16)


CMOS Operational Amplifiers: Design of CMOS Op-Amp, Two-Stage Op-Amp, Measurement

Techniques of OP Amp. (8)

Comparators: Characterization of Comparator, Two-Stage Open-Loop Comparators, Discrete-Time

Comparators. (6)

Switched capacitor filters realization by MOS technology. (2)

Recommended Books:

1. Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, TMH Edition.

2. David A. John & Ken Martin, “Analog Integrated Circuit Design”, Wiley Student, 2013.
3. Philip E. Allen & Douglas R. Holberg, “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”, Oxford
University Press, 2010.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

ECT 708 Universal Verification Methodology

L T P Cr.
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 42
Course Objectives

 To understand Concept of portable test bench.

 To introduce VLSI testing Automation.
 To move from System Verilog to UVM.

Conventional Test Bench for Design Under test: Test Bench Variable Declaration, Coverage block,
Test Bench block. System Verilog Interfaces and Functional Models. OOPS and polymorphism
concept in verification, Parameterized class Definitions,

Factory Patter: Need of factory pattern, creation and use of factory pattern, test bench class,
execute method, coverage class, Launching simulations with the UVM


UVM test bench: Defining and registering a UVM test, run_phase method. (2)
UVM Components: Structure, Sequences, data. Steps for instantiating UVM components,
Overriding Methods in the scoreboard class, test bench building with the bild_phase method.
UVM Environments: Intractable programming vs. Adaptable Programming, The env class,
Creating UVM component with the UVM Factory, Overriding the factory, Objects vs.
Scripts, Multiple object communication: uvm_analysis_port, uvm_subscriber, connect_phase
method. (8)

Analysis Ports in test bench:Duplicate code problem, Subscribing to multiple analysis ports.
Subscribing to monitors. (2)

Inter thread communication: Connoting ports, Connecting the ports to the TLM FIFO. Drawing put
ports and Get ports. Put and Get Ports in Action. (4)

UVM reporting:UVM reporting maros, UVM verbosity Levels and settings, disabling Warring and
other messages. (3)

UVM Transactions: Defining Transactions, uvm_object Constructer, do_copy-clone_me –

do_compare methods. UVM Agents, UVM sequences (7)

Recommended Book:

1. Ray Salemi, “The UVM Primer”, Boston Light Press, 2014.

2. Vanessa R. Copper, “Getting started with UVM”, Verilb, 2015.

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives:

 To introduce the concept of low power microelectronics.

 To introduce low voltage technologies and circuits.
 To understand the concept of power estimation and optimization.


Introduction to Low Power Microelectronics: Introduction to low power VLSI technology,

CMOS Scaling: Scaling for High Performance and Low-Power, Fundamentals of power
dissipation in microelectronic devices, Estimation of power dissipation due to
switching, short circuit, subthreshold leakage, and diode leakage currents. Band to band
leakage. (16)

Low Voltage Technologies and Circuits: Threshold Voltage Scaling and Control,
Multiple Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS), Substrate Bias Controlled Variable Threshold
CMOS, Testing Issues: Design and test of low-Voltage CMOS circuits.

Circuit and Logic Styles: Power-conscious logic Styles, Adiabatic Logic Circuits.
Power Analysis and optimization: Power Analysis Techniques, Power Optimization
Techniques, Energy recovery techniques, Estimation and optimization of switching activity,
Reduction of switched capacitance, Low-Power Memory Circuits.

Recommended Books:
1.A. Bellaouar& M.Elmasry, “Low-Power
Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and
Systems”, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2. Roy, K. and Prasad, Sharat C., Low Power CMOS VLSI: Circuit Design, John Wiley
3. Chandrakasan, A.P. and Broderson, R.W., Low Power Digital CMOS Design,
Kluwer (1995).
4. Rabaey, J.M. and Pedram, M., Low Power Design Methodologies, Springer
5. Yea, K.S. and Roy K., Low Voltage, Low Power VLSI Subsystems, McGraw Hill
6. Sanchez-Sinencio, E. and Andreou, A. G., Low-Voltage/Low-Power Integrated Circuits
and Systems: Low-Voltage Mixed-Signal Circuits, IEEE Press (1999).

Instructions for paper setter:

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr.
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60
Contact Hours: 48
Course Objectives

 To introduce the basics of System Verilog

 To introduce the test bench writing with SVM.
 To Introduce OOP in System Verilog.


VERIFICATION GUIDELINES: Test bench Components, Layered Test bench, Building a Layered Test
bench. (4)

Data Types:Language Elements Logic Literal Values, Basic data types, Data objects, user defined
types, Enumeration types, Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Associate Arrays, Queues, Strings, Event data
types, compilation Directive. System Verilog clocking, Static and automatic variables, Deterministic
variable initialization, Type casting. Tasks and function. Fork and join clock.


System Verilog loops. Behavioral Modelling: Procedural Construct, loop statement, block and
statement labels, case statement, if statements, Event control, Edge Event, Continuous Assignments,
parallel blocks, process control. Modeling Finite State Machines with SystemVerilog.

Test benches with System Verilog: Connecting the Testbench and Design. (7)


Basic Object oriented programming and its use in System Verilog, Concept of scoreboard,
Randomization, driver & Monitor. (16)

Recommended Books:

3. Chris Spear,"SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench

Language Features", 2 nd Edition, Springer.
4. Vijayaraghavan and Ramanathan, "A Practical Guide for SystemVerilog Assertions" 1 st
Edition, Springer.
5. J. Bhaskar,"A SystemVerilog Primer", 2nd edition, BS publication.
6. Stuart Sutherlan, Simon Davidmann, Pater Flake, "System Verilog for Design", 2nd
Edition, Springer.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.



L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To introduce parameters for system design.

 To understand the operation and implementation of switched capacitor.
 To gain detail knowledge of PLL and A/D as well as D/A converters.


Introduction to system design

Dynamic Range, Calibration, Bandwidth, Processor Throughput, Avoiding Excess Speed, Other
System Considerations, Sample Rate and Aliasing. (6)

Switched Capacitor Circuits:

Introduction to Switched Capacitor circuits- basic building blocks, Operation and Analysis, Non-ideal
effects in switched capacitor circuits, Switched capacitor integrators first order filters, Switch
sharing, biquad filters. (10)


Phased Lock Loop (PLL):

Basic PLL topology, Dynamics of simple PLL, Charge pump PLLs-Lock acquisition, Phase/Frequency
detector and charge pump, Basic charge pump PLL, Non-ideal effects in PLLs-PFD/CP non-idealities,
Jitter in PLLs, Delay locked loops, applications

Data Converter Fundamentals:

DC and dynamic specifications, Quantization noise, Nyquist rate D/A converters- Decoder based
converters, Binary-Scaled converters, Thermometer-code converters, Hybrid converters.

Nyquist Rate A/D Converters:

Successive approximation converters, Flash converter, Two-step A/D converters, Interpolating A/D
converters, Folding A/D converters, Pipelined A/D converters, Time-interleaved converters.

Oversampling Converters:
Noise shaping modulators, Decimating filters and interpolating filters, Higher order modulators,
Delta sigma modulators with multibit quantizers, Delta sigma D/A. (8)

Recommended Books:
1. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits- Behzad Razavi, TMH Edition, 2002
2. CMOS Analog Circuit Design - Philip E. Allen and Douglas R. Holberg, Oxford University Press,
International Second Edition/Indian Edition, 2010.
3. Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation- Baker, R.J., Li, H.W. and Boyce, D.E., CMOS; IEEE Press
(2007) 2nd ed.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To understand the concept of semi custom and full custom design.

 To learn various floor planning, partitioning and routing algorithms for chip design.
 To gain knowledge for physically implementing the designed system.


Logic Synthesis & Verification: Introduction to concept of design, design methodologies, semi-
custom and custom design, Introduction to combinational logic synthesis, Hardware models for
High-level synthesis. (6)

VLSI Automation Algorithms: Partitioning: Classification of partitioning algorithms, Group migration

algorithms, simulated annealing & evolution, other partitioning algorithms.

Placement, Floor Planning & Pin Assignment: Simulation base placement algorithms, other
placement algorithms, Slicing and Non Slicing Floor planning, classification of Floor planning
Algorithms: constraint based floor planning, floor planning algorithms for mixed block & cell design.
General & channel pin assignment


Global Routing: Classification of global routing algorithms, Maze routing algorithm, line probe and
shortest path based algorithms, Steiner Tree based algorithms.

Detailed Routing: Classification of routing algorithms, single layer routing algorithms, two layer
channel routing algorithms, three layer channel routing algorithms and switchbox routing
algorithms. (6)

Design Rules: Stick diagram and representation, layout design, lambda based design rules.

Recommended Books:

1. S.H. Gerez, "Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation", John Wiley & Sons,2002.

2. N.A. Sherwani, "Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation", Kluwer AcademicPublishers,

3. Douglas A. Pucknell&Kamran Eshraghian, “ Basic VLSI Design”, Printice Hall.

4. Sarrafzadeh M., and Wong C. K., An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw-Hill, New York,

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To understand the concept of high speed digital systems and material used for design.
 To understand the timing properties for clock generation and distribution.
 To acquire the knowledge of HEMT & HBT as high speed device.


Introduction to high speed digital design: Transit time of charge carriers, junction capacitances, ON-
resistances and their dependence on the device geometry and size, carrier mobility, doping
concentration and temperature. Contact resistance and interconnection/interlayer capacitances in
the Integrated Electronic Circuits. (8)

Materials for high speed devices and circuits:- Merits of III –V binary and ternary compound
semiconductors (GaAs, InP), silicon-germanium alloys and silicon carbide for high speed devices, as
compared to silicon based devices. Brief outline of the crystal structure, dopants and electrical
properties such as carrier mobility, velocity versus electric field characteristics of these materials.

Timing convention and synchronisation: Timing fundamentals, timing properties of clocked storage
elements, signals and events, open loop timing, level sensitive clocking, pipeline timing, closed loop
timing, clock distribution, synchronization failure and meta-stability, clock skew and methods to
reduce clock skew, controlling crosstalk in clock lines, delay adjustments, clock oscillators and clock
jitter - PLL and DLL based clock aligners. (10)
Metal semiconductor contacts and Metal Insulator Semiconductor and MOS devices: Native oxides
of Compound semiconductors for MOS devices and the interface state density related issues. Metal
semiconductor contacts, Schottky barrier diode. Thermionic Emission model for current transport
and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics


Metal semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MESFETs): Pinch off voltage and threshold voltage of
MESFETs; D.C. characteristics and analysis of drain current; Sub threshold characteristics, short
channel effects and the performance of scaled down devices.
HEMT and HBT: Hetero-junction devices; Principle of operation and the unique features of HEMT;
Principle of operation and the benefits of hetero junction BJT for high speed applications.

Recommended Books:
1. William S. Dally & John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering”, Cambridge University Press,

2. Kerry Bernstein & et. Al., “High Speed CMOS Design Styles”, Kluwer, 1999.

3. Howard Johnson & Martin Graham, “High Speed Digital Design” A Handbook of Black Magic,
Prentice Hall PTR, 1993.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.
ECT 709 Tcl/tk Scripting for VLSI Tool Automation

L T P Cr
4 0 0 4
Max Marks: 60

Contact Hours: 48

Course Objectives

 To give an introduction to the Tcl shell.

 To give introduction to the Tk shell, creating and managing a widget.
 To facilitate the student for developing personal and commercial applications.


TCL – OVERVIEW, TCL – ENVIRONMENT SETUP, Local Environment Setup, Text Editor, The Tcl
Interpreter, Installation on Linux, Installation from Source Files, Tcl – Special Variables, Tcl – Basic
Syntax. (8)

TCL – COMMANDS: Command Substitution, Variable Substitution, Backslash Substitution, Tcl – Data
Types, Simple Tcl Objects, String Representations, Associative Array, Handles, Tcl – Variables, Tcl –
Operators, Tcl – Decisions, Tcl – Loops, Tcl – Arrays, Tcl – Strings, Tcl – List


Tcl – Procedures, Tcl – Packages, Tcl – Namespaces, Tcl – File I/O, Tcl – Error Handling, Tcl – Regular
Expressions. (8)

Tk – Overview, Tk – Environment, Tk – Widgets Overview, Creating a Widget, Widget Naming

Convention, Color Naming Convention, Dimension Convention, Common Options.


Tk – Basic Widgets and Layout Widgets,, Selection Widgets, Tk – Canvas Widgets, Tk – Mega
Widgets, Font, Images, Canvas Widgets, Canvas Widgets.

Tk – Events, Tk – Windows Manager. (16)

Recommended Books:

1. Bert Wheeler, “Tcl/Tk 8.5 Programming Cookbook”, PACKT Publishing, 2011.

2. John K. Ousterhout, “Tcl and the Tk Toolkit“, Berkeley press, 2012.

Instructions for paper setter.

The syllabus has been divided into three equal units. The paper setter is required to set Ten
questions in all, three questions from each unit and a compulsory question consisting of five sub
parts and based on the whole syllabus. The candidate will be required to attempt six questions
including the compulsory question number 1 and not more than two questions from each unit.

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