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Right To Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Treatment

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1. Right to Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Treatment.

Every person has a right to a continuity of good quality Health Care without discrimination
and within the limits of the resources, manpower and competence available for health and
medical care. In the course of such care, his human dignity, convictions, integrity, individual
needs and culture shall be respected

2. Right to Informed Consent.

People have the right to information about risks, benefits, and alternative
treatments when making decisions about medical care and the freedom to

3. Right to Privacy and Confidentiality. 

The privacy of the patients must be assured at all stages of his treatment. The
patient has the right  to be free from unwarranted public exposure, except in the 
foHowing cases: a) when his mental or physical condition is in controversy and the
appropriate court, in its discretion, order him to submit to a physical or mental
examination by a physician; b) when the public health and safety so demand; and c)
when the patient waives this right in writing.

4. Right to  Information

The patient or his legal guardian has the  right to examine and  be given an itemized
bill of the hospital and medical services rendered in the facility or by his/her
physician and other health care providers, regardless  of the manner and source of
payment.He is entitled to a thorough explanation of such bill.

5. The Right to Choose  Health  Care Provider  and Facility

The patient is free to choose the health care provider to serve  him as well as the
facility except when he is under the care of a service facility or when public health
and safety so demands or when the patient expressly waives this right in writing.

6. Right to Self-Determination

The  patient has the right to avail himself/herself of any recommended diagnostic
and  treatment  procedures.Any person of legal age and of sound mind may make
an advance written directive for physicians to administer terminal care when he/she
suffers from the terminal phase of a terminal illness:  Provided That a) he is informed
of the medical consequences of his choice; b) he releases those involved in his care
from any obligation relative to the consequences of his decision; c) his decision will
not prejudice public health and safety.
7. Right to Religious  Belief. - The patient  has the  right to refuse medical
treatment or procedures which may be contrary to his religious beliefs, subject to the
limitations described in the preceding subsection: Provided,  That such a right shall
not be imposed by parents upon their children who have not reached the legal age
in a life threatening situation as determined by the attending physician or the
medical director of the facility.

8. Right to Medical Records. - The patient is entitled to a summary of his medical

history and condition.He has the right to view the contents  of his medical records,
except psychiatric notes and other incriminatory information obtained about third
parties, with the attending physician explaining contents thereof. At his expense and
upon discharge of the patient, he may obtain from the health care institution a
reproduction of the same record  whether or not he has fully  settled  his financial
obligation with the physician or institution concerned.

The health care  institution shall safeguard  the  confidentiality  of the medical
records and to likewise ensure the integrity and authenticity of the medical records
and  shall  keep the same  within  a  reasonable time  as  may be determined  by the
Department of Health.

The health care institution shall issue a medical certificate  to the patient upon
request.Any other document that the patient may require for insurance claims shall
also be made available to him within forty-fIVe (45) days from request.

9. Right to Leave. - The patient has the right  to leave hospital or any other health
care institution regardless of his physical   condition: Provided. That a) he/she is
informed  of the  medical consequences  of his/her decisionl  b) helshe  releases
those involved in his/her care from any obligation relative to the consequences of his
decision; c) hislher decision will not prejudice public health and safety.

No patient shaD be  detained against hi$/her will in any health care institution on
the  sole  basis  of  his failure to  fully  settle  his  financial  obligations.  However,
he/she shall only be allowed to leave the hospital provided appropriate
arrangements have been made to settle the  unpaid  bills: Provided.  further, That 
unpaid  bills of patients shall be considered as loss income by the hospital and
health care provider/practitioner  and shall be  deducted from gross income as
income loss only on that particular year.

10. Right to Refuse Participation In Medical Research. - The patient has the 
right to be advised if the  health care provider  plans to  involve him in medical
research, including but not limited  to  human  experimentation which may be
performed only with the written informed consent of the patient: Provided, That, an
institutional review board or ethical review board in accordance with the guidelines
set in the Declaration of Helsinki be established for research involving human
experimentation:  Provided, further, That the Department of Health shall safeguard
the continuing training  and  education  of fUture health care provider/practitioner to
ensure the development of the health care delivery in the country: Provided,
fUfthermore, That the patient involved in the human experimentation  shall be  made
aware of the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki and its respective guidelines.

11. RIght to Correspondence and to Receive Visitors. - The patient has the  right
to  communicate  with  relatives and other  persons  and to receive visitors subject to
reasonable limits prescribed by the rules and regulations of the health care

12. Right  to  Express Grievances. - The patient has the  right to  express
complaints and grievances about the care and  services received  without fear of
discrimination or reprisal and to know about the disposition of such complaints.Such
a system shall afford all parties concerned with the opportunity to settle amicably all

13. RIght to be Informed of His Rights and Obligations as a Patient. - Every

person has the right to be  informed of his rights and obligations as a patient.The
Department of Health,in coordination with heath  care  providers, professional and
civic groups, the media, health insurance corporations, people's organizations,local
government  organizations,  shall launch and sustain a nationwide  information and 
education  campaign  to  make  known  to  people  their rights  as patients, as
declared  in this Act  Such  rights  and obligations  of patients  shall  be posted in a
bulletin board conspicuously  placed in a health care institution.

It shall be the duty of health care institutions to inform of their rights as well as of the
institution's rules and regulations that apply to the conduct of the patient while in the
care of such institution.

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