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Philippine Patients Bill of Rights

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Philippine Patients’ Bill of

(1) Right to Appropriate Medical Care
and Humane Treatment
• Every person has a right to health and medical
care corresponding to his state of health, without
any discrimination and within the limits of the
resources, manpower and competence available
for health and medical care at the relevant time.
• The patient has the right to appropriate health
and medical care of good quality.
• In the course of such care, his human dignity,
convictions, integrity, individual
• needs and culture shall be respected.
• If any person cannot immediately be given
treatment thatis medically necessary he shall,
depending onhis state of health, either be
directed to wait for care, or be referred or
sent for treatment elsewhere, where the
appropriate care can be provided. If the
patient has towaitfor care, heshall be
informed of the reason for the delay.
(2) Right to Informed Consent
• The patient has a right to a clear, truthful and
• substantial explanation, in a manner and
language understandable to the patient,
• of all proposed procedures, whether diagnostic,
preventive, curative, rehabilitative
• or therapeutic, wherein the person who will
perform the said procedure shall provide his
name and credentials to the patient, possibilities
of any risk of mortality or serious side effects
• Informed consent shall be obtained from a patient concerned if he
is of legal age and of sound mind. In case the patient is incapable
of giving consent and a third party consent is required, the
following persons, in the order of priority stated hereunder, may
give consent:
• i. spouse;
• ii. son or daughter of legal age;
• iii. either parent;
• iv. brother or sister of legal age, or
• v. guardian
• If a patient is a minor, consent shall be obtained from his parents
or legal guardian.
(3) Right To Privacy and
• The privacy of the patients must be
• assured at all stages of his treatment. The patient has
the right to be free from
• unwarranted public exposure, except in the following
• a) when his mental or physical condition is in
controversy and the appropriate
• court, in its discretion, orders him to submit to a
physical or mental examination by a physician;
• b) when the public health and safety so demand; and
c) when the patient waives this right.
• a) when such disclosurewill benefit public
healthand safety;
• b) when itis in the interestof justice and upon
the order of a competent court; and
• c) when the patients waives in writing the
confidential nature of such information;
• d) when it is needed for continued medical
treatmentor advancementof medical science
(4) Right to Information
• .- In the course of his/her treatment and
hospital care,
• the patient or his/her legal guardian has a
right to be informed of the result of the
evaluation of the nature and extent of his/her
• The patient or his legal guardian has the
rightto examine and be givenan itemized billof
the hospital and medical services rendered in
the facility or by his/her physician and other
health care providers, regardless of the
manner and sourceof payment.Heis entitled
to a thorough explanation of such bill
(5) The Right To Choose Health Care
Provider and Facility
• .- The patient is free to choose the health care
provider to serve him as well as the facility
except when s/he is under the care of a
service facility or when public health and
safety so demands or when the patient
expressly or impliedly waives this right.
• He also has the right to seek for a second
opinion and subsequent opinions, if
appropriate, from another health care
(6) Right to Self-Determination
• .- The patient has the right to avail
himself/her self of any recommended
diagnostic and treatment procedures. Any
person of legal age and of sound mind may
make an advance written directive for
physicians to administer terminal care when
he/she suffers from the terminal phase of a
terminal illness
(7)Right to Religious Belief
• . -The patient has the right to refuse medical
• Treatment or procedures which may be
contrary to his religious beliefs, subject to the
limitations described in the preceding
(8) Right to Medical Records
• .- The patient is entitled to a summary of his
• medical history and condition, He has the
right to view the contents of his medical
records, except psychiatric notes and other
incriminatory information obtained about
third parties, with the attending physician
explaining contents thereof
(9)Right to Leave
• .- The patient has the right to leave a hospital or
any other health care institution regardless of his
physical condition: Provided, That
• a) he/she is in formed of the medical
consequences of his/her decision;
• b) he/she releases those involved in his/her care
from any obligation relative to the consequences
of his decision;
• c) his/her decision will not prejudice public health
and safety.
(10)Right to Refuse Participation in
Medical Research
• .- The patient has the right to be advised if the
health care provider plans to involve him in
medical research, including but not limited to
human experimentation which may be
performed only with the written informed
consent of the patient.
(11) Right to Correspondence and to
Receive Visitors
• - The patient has the right to communicate
with relatives and other persons and to
receive visitors subject to reasonable limits
prescribed by the rules and regulations of the
health care institution.
(12) Right to Express Grievances
• .- The patient has the right to express
• complaints and grievances about the care and
services received without fear of
• discrimination or reprisal and to know about
the disposition of such complaints.
(13)Right to be Informed of His Rights
and Obligations as a Patient
• Every person has the right
to be informed of his rights
and obligations as a

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