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Fcfim: Your Ruff No - .............. .

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·1 his question paper contains 8 printed pages]

Your Ruff No . .............. ..


LL.B./I Term 0


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : I 00

(Write your. Roll No. on the top immediate~!' on receipt of tht~~ qu~slion paper.)

Note : - Answers may be written either in Englisb Q~ in J:l\ndi;

but the same medium . should be used throughout the


~ ~- "l1;iJ Cf1T "3'W ~ (IT ~ fcfim ~

'llJlSIT it ~; ~ ~~ ·~ itt' irr~·· ~
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Answer any five questions.

p··.- .. ; f v ~-~ ••. I • ·.,.·· f~.r-
All questions carry equal mark's. Give reasons

for your answer, ~eferring

r-; • '•
to ! appropriate ~ . ~ ~. .

statutory provisions and judicial pronouncements.

-~ ~·m·-~ ~ -~

~ m ·-cR m ·'Wfri -% t'·· II

~~f:qC1 ~- ~f ~ ,~)(4Ch, ~&11':l~ rl'

CfiT ~ ~ ~ ~Chi'(OI "3'W ~

( t:·H! ~"L... !_;·uj !.~· •. · /';(if",·< -~~, t ( ;./l ,1

2 2071

L At1empt briefly any 11ro of the following

(a) Rule of privity of contract

(b) Standing offer.

(c) Write short note on Carlill Vs. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.

(a) fifC!~Ic-J4Cfl ~ GfiT f.f<:m

(b) ~ ~Jq'1J

(c) Cfllf<.'fc.1 GAJ1:f CfllailfC'!Cfl ~ ~ ~ 1R


2. Differentiate between "offer and invitation to offer".

Abhay, a police officer, walks into an electronics shop to buy

a TV, which was displayed on a glass window of the shop,

with price tag of Rs. 53,000 attached to it. Inside the shop,

he talks to the salesboy and understands the features of the

3 2071

TV. However. after sometime the shop owner refuses to sell

the TV citing the reasons that he has kept it reserved for

his wife. Discuss whether Abhay can compel the shopowner

to sell him the TV support your answer with relevant

provisions and case laws.

~ ~ ar~ 1!.Cfi ilcft ctil, ~ 1!.Cfi ~<9c:t<{ff1Cfl

~ "Cfll "Cfliq "Cfll f@~cn'l ii ~ 2lT a2li "flm

"tR s3,ooo m Cfft ~--q-:ql wrr 2ft, ~ q1 ~

~ ii ~ % I Cffi ~ q1 ~ .fH?fi~Tl! "B

GITa" ~ %a2li ilcft "Cfll FCi~ltStctlalt "Cfll \lli1CflRl "ffirr

%I l1TR ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT l1lfucf; ~ CfiRUT

~ "[Q: ilcft ctil ~ -B ~ q){ ~ %fcfi ~

~ ilcft ctil a:rRl -q-ffi q1 ~ awfa:ra ~ %I

4 2071

~ ~ -~ cp.n 31~ ~ ~ Cf)) ~

iTcft ~ cfi ~ ~ CR 'Wflffi ~ .I ;w:A ~

3. Reflect upon the nature of an agreement with a party

incompetent to enter into contract. Explain whether rule of

estoppel, ratification and restitution can be applied against

minor with special reference to Mohribibee Vs. Dhannodas
·~·:":1 r'

. R ''\, Ghosh (1903) 30 I.A. 114 .

'. '

~ I
5 2Q71

4. Ramesh. a God fearing man. promised to ·y .R.Y' -Youth Relief

& You. charitable organization, donation of Rs. I lakh. On

faith of this donation 'Y.R.Y' procures wooden beds for the

resident Youths.· Later Ramesh does not donate the promised

amount even after repeated remainders. Discuss whether

Y.R.Y can make Ramesh liable for non-payment of donation?

Also explain the exceptions to the rule "An agreement without

consideration in void".

·. ~ t~4q{jlJUI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Y.R.Y' Youth

Relief & You CfiT ~ ~ m ~ -0 CfiT cr;=.r;:r ~I

~ ~ ~ ~ 1R 'Y.R.Y' ~ "f.:lcrrm ~aft ~ ~

~ ~ WI "tillT ~ I ~ ll ~ ~ &lR~R

~ 3ijfi"II<Chl ~ ~ '1ft &liil1&40& "Ufu CfiT ~ ~

fcfi<:rr I ~ ~ fcfi q<:fJ 'Y .R. Y' ~ CfiT ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~lflffCII~ ~ "Wfi(fT ~ ? II Slfu\h('t

f.iRT cpu{ ~ ~~~-~ f.F.m ~ ~ CfiT ~

6 :2071

5. ··Impossibility of performance leads to discharge of contracr·.

Examine the above statement with reference to ·statutory

provisions and case laws bringing out the well established

grounds of impossibility.

t 1'' a:m'lic«TT ~ ~ anmU c€t "SrcR ~ ~

~ ~ (f~ f.ruf<l fclf~ ~ ~ • "3CRf

Cfll!R Cfil "Blfil!JT ~

6. 'A' a vegetable vendor delivers his only weighing machine

(scale) to 'B' a factory owner for correcting the error in t1

scale. As a result 'A' was not able to sell his vegetables

for the days he was without the scale. There was delay of

four weeks in delivering the weighing machine by 'B' because

of marriage of his very close friend. 'A' claims damages for

the loss of sale and profit thereof which the . would have

earned in 4 weeks. Discuss the law relating to the breach

of contract and compensation under the Indian Contract Act.

7 207i

~ ~ t:h:zlcm?l ·A· ~ :wRt ~ ~ Ch1 ~


Chl ~ ~ I ~ 4UUIIGfCI(C\4 A ~ ~ Gcfl ~

1'-@ ~ -crrn fmR ~ % ~ ~ m. 1 s &m

am ~ ~ R<R ~ fi:r?T Cfft ~ ~ CfiRUT ~

Chl ~ ~ "GR ~ CfiT ~· fcfi<::rr 7fllT I A

~ ~ Cfft m~ ~ (f~ "GR ~ ~ ~

-m "ffi'q -m ~ ~ ~ ~ j)Ch *"', ..,, CfiT zyn fcfi<::rr 1
~~ 31f~~$(f~ ~am~

~M~Cfil~~ I

Explain the essential elements of 'undue influence' and discuss

how the court should proceed in a case when there is

allegation of 'undue influence' in a contract. Also reflect

upon the presumption of undue influence in case of

unconscionable bargain.

I~ ~'qfql ~ 3"!Jq~4Cfl crcql qft ~ ~

am.~ fcfim.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~<qrq' ~

~ ~ -m ~ ~14R14 cit ~ ~ ~ 3Wt

~ ~ I <.1lctllfl"ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~<qrqq:ft~~~~ I
8 2071

8. Write sh011 notes on any two of the following

((I) Distinguish between void agreements and void


(b) State of West Bengal Vs. B.K. Monda! & Sons AIR

1962 sc 779

(c) Modes 'for revqcation of offer.

(a) ~q;mam~~~m~~ ,·

(b) m 3lftn cfR ~ GRTlJ Gft. ~. ~ ~

~ ~· a:m. am. 1962 ~· . m. 779

(c) ~IY11 ~ SIRiBE;{UJ qft 11.&fu

2071. ' 8 3,400

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