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1iiiiiiiiiiii: Chemistry 571HIS/l

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- This question paper consists of 30 questions and 12 printed pages.

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:;::1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 18692


«t 14.. ~~ I..
(313) SETtUG W
Day and Date of Examination ...........................................................................

Signature of Invigilators 1. .
2. . .

G6rBtdIIlSlnll:tions :
l. Candidate must write his/her Roll Number on the first page of the Question Paper.

2. Please check the Question Paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions
contained in the Question Paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page. Also
check to see that the questions are in sequential order.

3. Making any identification mark in the answer-book or writing roll number anywhere other than
the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate.

4. Write your Question Paper Code No. S7IHIS/l, Set W on the Answer-Book.
5. <a) 1be Question Paper is in EnglishlHindi medium only. However, if you wish, you can
answer in any one of the languages listed be low:

English, Hindi, Urdu, Puojabi, Bengali, Tamil. Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi,
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responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the question will be yours only.

5111HS1113l3-A 1

1. wawff~-~"*~~lR31tRT3'tjSf)lOIiCfi~~ I

2. ~ ~-~ q;) \iI'fq Bfcf> ~-~"* ¥l ~ O?IT mcfiT"3( ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

"* ~"YR wft ~ I~ ~ cfiT \iI'fq ~:fTcRBfcf> ~ ~ ~"ij ~ I

3. "3W-~CfiI.q ~-m GRf.t ~ ~ ~"* 3iRtfttffl ~ 'lft 3ijSfllOliCfi

~ 1R


5. (Cf» ~-~~~/~lflWl.q~ I m'lft, ~31T11~m~~~M~~

.q"3W~~~ :
~, ~, ~ ~, ~, ~, lOIfl41f1lO1,
~, ~ 1Wit, ~, ~\lI(I(1j,

~,~,~,~, ~ 3fufij<QT I
~"3W ~Cfil.q ~ ~ Gfftm.q~ fcf> 3lN ~ ~.q"3W fffig ~ ~ I

(~) ~ 3lN~"Q,Ci ~"* 3iRtfttffl M 3r.<f ~.q"3W~t m~q;)~.q

~ crrRt ~/llflRt41 cfiT Ri!Ul<::ltl ~ ~ ~ I

57IHIS/l/313-A 2
«tloq'i Rt~H

[ Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) AD questions are compulsory .

(Ii) .Mazks allotted are indicated against each question.
(Iii) Each question from Question Nos. 1 to 10 has four alternatives - (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which one is the most appropriate. Choose the correct answer
among the four alternatives and write it in your Answer-Book against the number
of the question. No extra time is allotted for attempting multiple choice
(IV) Use log tables, ifnecessary.

~ ~: (i) lPfhlW ~"3ffi: ~ I

(ii) ~~~ln1R~3lct;~~~ I
(iii) ~ ~ 1 ~ 10 -ij ~ w-T -ij"'ifR ~-(A), (B), (C)~ (D) t ~ -e ~
~<- ~ ~ t I -:qRf RtCf)("41-ij-e ~ ~ '¥ ~ 3ltFft"3ffi: glf(jCf)1 -ij w-T ~ ~
lIPR"3ffi: ~ I itsRtCf)(><ft~ ~ m JiR!ltCM ~ ~ Wn ~ I
(iv) ~ 3flq:t4Cf)~, 0)"ffi1T ~ q)J wWr ~ I

1. One mole of any substance would contain 1

(A) 6.022 x 1()21particles
(B) 6.022 x 10-23 particles
(C) 6.022 x Ion particles
(D) 6.022 x 10-21 particles
(A) 6.022 x 1()21 q;ur

(B) 6.022 x 10-23 q;ur

(C) 6.022 x 1()23 q;ur

(D) 6.022 x 10-21 q;ur

I 1111111111111111111111111
2. The most electronegative element is : 1
(A) Fluorine
(B) Chlorine
(C) Iodine
(D) Bromine
~ ~ 'bolfClydl mq ~

(A) 1Rj31ltR
(B) ~
(C) 3'l14Itl'i
(D) in:fH

3. The strongest conjugate base is : 1

(A) NH;
(B) OH-

(D) SO~-
$liSkldJ'i~ am ~ -

(A) NH;
(B) OH-

(D) SO~-

4. CHiCH2)4CH20H
'A' is 1
(A) CH3(CH2)4COCH3
(B) CH3(CH2)4CHO
(D) CH3(CH2)5CH20H
CH3(CH2)4CH20H A
(A) CH3(CH2)4COCH3
(B) CH3(CH2)4CHO
(D) CH3(CH2)5CH20H
· 5. Detergents are known to pollute rivers and water bodies. However, they can be made
biodegradable and pollution free by taking 1
(A) cyclic hydrocarbon chain
(B) highly branched hydrocarbon chain
(C) very short hydrocarbon chain
(D) unbranched hydrocarbon chain
3ICfIIIJc6 ~ ~ ~ f.\q;,m en) ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~R'lifCb, 3iq1u;Jq;jen) jlClPi81td ~
(A) ~ t;,~q;lcsf'1 ~
(B) 3IftM;~ ~1~q;lcsf'1 ~
(C) ada ~ t;,~q;,csf'1 ~
(D) 3I:nlftsid t;,~q;,4t ~

6. Ms stands for 1
(A) Millisecondl (13 s
(8) Megasecondl cf' s

(C) Microsecond 1~ s
(D) Microsecond 1cf' s
Ms f.\~fqd q;urr ~
(A) ~~l(l3s
(8) W~lcf's
(C) ~~l~s
(D) ~~lcf's

7. Which one of the following is not a nucleophile ? 1

(A) ~O
(B) eN-
(C) NH]
(D) BF3
~-«cfi\;tllJ ~~;ffll ~?
(A) H20
(8) eN-
(C) NIl]

57IH1S/11313-A 5

_L ......__
8. Which of the following statement is wrong about electron ? 1
(A) It emits energy while moving in orbit.
(B) It has wave like property.
(C) It is a particle.
(D) Its motion is affected by magnetic field.
~M<t<;T"l ~m -ij *
m~ lR1(f ~ ?
(A) ~ Cf)~ -ij~ SQ: ~ ~ Cf)f ~ cnurr ~ I

(B) ~~~WlH~&dl~ I
(C) ~~Cf)Ol~ I
(D) ~ llftf ~klcfi)4 l$J -B~ ~ ~ I

9. Identify the strong electrolyte among the following: 1

(B) NH40H
(C) C6H5NH2

f.iqRwtf@(I -ij-B~~-~cfiT~~:
(B) NH40H
(C) C6H5NH2
(D) NH4Cl

10. Which one of the following is a biopolymer? 1

(B) Nucleic acid
(C) Poly Glycolic acid
(D) Poly Lactic acid
f.iqR1f@(I -ij-B * m~ ~ ~?
(B) '1CR'1jCf) ~
(C) qT<41J(1I~Cf>lRwtCf) ~
(D) qT<418FckCf) ~
571HIS/1I313-A 6
• 11. How many molecules are present in 100 g sample ofNH3 ? 2

NH3~~I00g~.q~3T1!!Jq~~ ?

12 Give one example for each of the following types of inter-particle forces. 2
(A) London dispersion forces
(B) Dipole-Dipole forces
(C) Hydrogen bond
(D) DipoIe-induced dipole forces
f;RYcIiI{~~ 3iau-~crffi~~~-~ J~Il';(u1~ :

(A) ~ 5I4il4t 1R"J

(B) ~-~1R"J

(C) ~~31"""I

(D) ~-~~"iKi

13. Calculate the degree of dissociation of acetic acid in its 0.1 M solution. 2
Given: Ka = 1.8 x 10-5
0.1 M ijeR;q, ~~~~ ~41'JI'1~1IDIT qQCfifR(1~ I

~ t :Ka = 1.8 x 10-5

14. (a) What happens when XeF 4 reacts with SbF 5 ? Write the chemical equation of the
(b) Draw structure ofXeOF4. 2
(a) CRJ ~ t \iIiI' XeF 4' SbF 5 *~ ~ Cf){ffi t ?~ 'Cf)T (I~ 14f.\Cfi~JftCf)(OI

(b) XeOF4 c#i)~~ I

15. Out of benzene, m-dinitrobenzene and toluene, which will undergo nitration most easily
and why? Arrange them in decreasing ease of nitration. 2
~, m-gl~I~~;;Al"l ~ ~ -ij ~ RMiCfiI"I1~~Cfi(OI
~ 300Fft ~ ~ ~ ~ ?
~ "I,${lCMU,
~ C0ft sf 31mRt.q cqq~(1 ~ ,

57/lllS/11313-A 7
16. What is meant by positive deviation from Raoult's law? Give one example of such a

solution. 2

17. Give chemical equation for preparation of Nylon-6,6. On the basis of method of
polymerization, what type of polymer is it? Name one such type of polymer. 2

18. Give one example of reaction in which hydrogen acts as

(i) an oxidizing agent

(ii) a reducing agent. 2

19. The slope of the line in the graph of log k versus _!__for a reaction is 5841 K. Calculate
activation energy (EJ for the reaction. 2

~ 3i~Rti41 ~~ log k Cf)f_!__~~ ~c#iT&TCf)f~ 5841 K ~ I ~ ~


c#iT<aRti4ol~ (Ea) ~ ~ I

57IHIS/1/313-A 8
11111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111
- 20. What is meant by canonical structures? Draw canonical structures and hybrid structures
of nitromethane and benzene. 4

21. (A) What are nano materials? Give their any two applications.

(B) Differentiate between macromolecular and multi-molecular colloids giving one

example of each. 4

22. (a) Write the name of [Cr(en)3]C/3.

(b) What type of isomerism is shown by following pairs of complexes?

[Co(NH3)6]3+ [Cr(C204)3]3- and [Cr(NH3)6]3+ [CO(C204)3]3-

(c) [FeFJ4- is paramagnetic but [Fe(CN)J4- is diamagnetic. Explain by CFT giving

the electronic configuration and number of unpaired electrons in each case.

(Atomic number of Fe = 26] 4

(a) [Cr(en)3]C/3 q;J;:rp:f~ I

(b) t:P;t~Il!kt~~~IDU~~~'H'ilq4qdl~~t ?

[Co(NH3)J3+ [Cr(C20J3]3- ~ [Cr(NH3)J3+ [Co(C204)3]3-

(c) [FeFJ4- ~klcQ:q t~ [Fe(CN)6]4- 51RtSkt4))4 t I ~ ~ ~ ~

~i .. ftRm ~ ~ ~~Cfi;T;flc#ij ~~ ~ CFT ~ 3lTtTR ~ 0lIT@fl ~ I

[Fe c#ij ~~ = 26]

57/1HS1l13l3-A 9
23. (A) Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds:

(i) CH - CH - N - C - CH
3 2 I 3

(B) Explain how will you separate a mixture of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol. 2+2=4
(A) ~fTlCf>j ~ ~
f.iJO<1R1R9d <i_lft ~ ~;rrq ~ :

(i) CH - CH - N - C - CH
3 2 I 3

(ii) (CH3)2 C (C2H5)2

(B) 3lN 0 3fu:p '11~s)ch)'1T(1~flrWJrcn)~~~,

'11~~c¬ ll'1T(1 0lff&IT~ I

24. An organic compound 'A' having molecular formula C3H6on treatment with aqueous
H2S04 gave 'B' which on treatment with Lucas reagent gives 'C'. The compound 'C'
on treatment with ethanol and KOH gives back on compound 'A'. Identify A, B, & C
and write the chemical equations involved. 4

C3H6~~~ Cf)14f.iCfi~ 'A' ~~ H2S04 if ~m~ 'B' ~\iI)

~~if~m1:R: 'C' ~~ I~ 'c' ~ 3fu: KOH~~
~m1:R:~: ~ 'A' ~~~ I 'A', 'B' 3fu: 'C' ~~~3fu:~
ueI4f.iCf) e41Cf){OI~ I

25. Explain the diagonal relationship between Lithium and Magnesium. Write any four
similar properties. 4

26. Explain the formation of ethene molecule with the help of a diagram showing
hybridization in it. 4

57IHISIl/313-A 10
11111111" IIII~11111111111111111111III~I
. 27. (a) How is enthalpy of formation related to the stability of a substance? Which of the
two isomers of butane is more stable at 298 K ?
[Given: ArHo (n-butane) = - 120 kJ mol ! and L\-Ho (isobutane) = - 129.8 kJ mor ']
(b) Calculate the bond enthalpy ofN-H bond in NH3(g)"

~ N2(g) + ~ H2(g) ~ NH3(g); ~Ilo= - 46 kJ mol:'

"2~~Heg~ A1Io = 218 kJ mol!
"2N2(g) ~ N(g~ A1Io = 973 kJ mol! 6

(a) ~ ~ fct;g"5IctiR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e~~d~ ? ~ ~ G) eqlq~c:O -ij ~

cQ;rlll298KlR~~~ ?
~t: ArUO (~= - 120 kJ mor ' 3fu: ~Ho (3fI~itJ?: .. ) = -129.8 kJ mol'"]
(b) NH3(g) -ij N-H 311iitI cfit ~ ~ qf{<:f)iMd ~ I

~ N2(g) + ~ H2(g) ~ NH3(g); ~Ilo= - 46 kJ mol!

2 ~) ~ Heg);A1Io = 218 kJ mol!
2 N2(g)~ N(g~ AlIo = 973 kJ mor'

28. (a) What is a saIt-bridge ? What would happen if salt bridge is not used in an electro-
chemical cell ?
(b) In the cell
N~s)INi2+(0.OOIM) II Ag+ (O.IM) IAg(s)
Write down each half-cell reaction and overall reaction. Calculate EMF of the cell
at 298 K.. (Given: EOcell = 1.05 V] 6
(a) 1IiR ftA cpu ~ ? CMT~ ~ ~ ~ {lel~Pl<:f) ~ .q ~ m~ ;r ~
(b) ~
N~s) Ni2+(0.OOIM) II Ag+ (O.lM) IA~s)
-ij ~ 31tf-~ 3t~Gfi:q1 ~ ~ 3f~Gfi:q1 ~ I 298 K lR m, Cf)J EMF
ql\<:f)iMd ~ I ~~ : EO ~ = 1.05 V]

571lHS/11313.A 11
29. (a) Describe the step wise preparation of potassium dichromate from iron chromite
ore. (Give balanced chemical equations)

(b) What is the effect of increasing pH on a solution of potassium dichromate? Write

chemical equation involved. 6

(a) ~l"H~c~ ~ 41l~'4"i SI~Shlik ~ ~ ~ fc@FJ ~ Cf>T CfUi;J ~ I (e~(f

(I{'t14~Cf) {'t41Cf)(OI~)

(b) 4Il~'4"i sl~Sh"jik ~ ~ pH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~ (l{'tl4~Cf) {'t41Cf)(OI


30. Giving one example for each, explain the following rules:
(i) Huckel Rule
(ii) Markownikoff's Rule
(iii) Saytzeff's Rule 6

~ ~ ~ ~-"Q,Cf) 3GII:!(OI~~, ~qR1Rs(fmm ~ cxrr&n ~ :

(i) ~~

(ii) "i1Cf>1;ftCf)19i

(iii) ~~

571I-llS/1I313-A 12

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