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SECTION 15850 Air Outlets and Inlets Rev 0

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SECTION 15850:



0 31/01/06 I Issued for Use ~


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forJubail& Yanbu ~4~~1~1


Item No Title Page No

PART 1 GENERAL............................................................................................................ 1

1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................................................................................. 1

1.02 SECTION INCLUDES .......................................................................................... 1

1.03 RELATED SECTIONS ......................................................................................... 1

1.04 REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 2

1.05 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 3

1.06 SUBMITTALS....................................................................................................... 5

1.07 QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................... 7

1.08 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS...................................................... 7

1.09 DESIGN CRITERIA.............................................................................................. 8

1.10 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 8

1.11 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE ........................................................... 9

PART 2 PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................... 10

2.01 GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 10

2.02 MATERIALS....................................................................................................... 10

2.03 FINISHES........................................................................................................... 10

2.04 MOUNTING........................................................................................................ 11

2.05 CEILING AIR DIFFUSER................................................................................... 11

2.06 LINEAR DIFFUSERS......................................................................................... 15

2.07 REGISTERS AND GRILLES.............................................................................. 16

2.08 LOUVERS .......................................................................................................... 23

2.09 LOUVER PENTHOUSE ..................................................................................... 23

2.10 ROOF HOODS................................................................................................... 24

2.11 GOOSENECKS.................................................................................................. 24

Rev 0 i Contract No:



Item No Title Page No

2.12 DISC VALVE ...................................................................................................... 24

2.13 PERFORATED CEILING AIR PANELS............................................................. 24

2.14 SPECIAL TYPE DIFUSERS AND GRILLES ..................................................... 24

PART 3 EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 26

3.01 GENERAL EXAMINATION ................................................................................ 26

3.02 GENERAL PREPARATION ............................................................................... 26

3.03 INSTALLATION.................................................................................................. 26

3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .............................................................................. 28

3.05 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING....................................................... 28

Rev 0 ii Contract No:




A. The Contractor shall provide all tools, labor, equipment and material to perform the
work in this Section, which consists of furnishing and installation of mechanical and
starting-up of air distribution system.

B. This Section includes ceiling mounted, wall-mounted and in-duct mounted supply-air
diffusers, return-air and exhaust-air registers, grilles and louvers.


A. Ceiling Air Diffusers

B. Linear Diffusers

C. Light Troffer Diffusers

D. Registers and Grilles

E. Door Grilles

F. Louvers

G. Louvered Penthouses

H. Roof Hoods

I. Goosenecks

J. Disc Valves

K. Perforated Ceiling Air Panels

L. Jet Type Diffusers

M. Floor Type Air Grilles


A. Section 01320 Construction Progress Documentation

B. Section 01330 Submittal Procedures

C. Section 01410 Regulatory Requirements

D. Section 01450 Quality Control

E. Section 01650 Product Delivery Requirements

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F. Section 01660 Product Storage and Handling Requirements

G. Section 01810 Commissioning

H. Section 15051 Materials and Methods

I. Section 15810 Ducts

J. Section 15820 Duct Accessories

K. Section 15840 Air Terminal Units

L. Section 15955 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Air and Hydronic System


A. The referred codes and standards are intended to provide an acceptable level of
quality for materials, products and workmanship. In case of conflict between these
standards and the text of this Specification, the Specification text shall govern.

B. The latest revision of the referred codes and standards shall be used wherever
applicable. In case of conflict, the Contractor shall propose equipment, materials and
processes conforming to one group of codes and standards.

C. AABC Associated Air Balancing Council

1. AABC National Standards for Field Measurements and

Instrumentation, Total System Balance, Volume 1

D. ADC Air Diffusion Council

1. ADC 1062 R4 Certification, Rating and Testing Manual

E. AMCA Air Moving and Conditioning Association

1. AMCA 500 Test Method and Louvers, Dampers and Shutters

F. ARI American Refrigeration Institute

1. ARI 650 Standard for Air Outlets and Inlets

G. ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning

Engineers Inc.

1. ASHRAE 70 Method of Testing for Rating the Performance of Air

Outlets and Inlets

2. ASHRAE STD. 111 Practices for Measurements, Testing, Adjusting and

Balancing of HVAC and Refrigeration Systems

3. ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Fundamentals

Rev 0 2 of 28 Contract No:


4. ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications

5. ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipment

H. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

1. ASTM A167 Standard Specification for Stainless and

Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel, Steel Plate, Sheet
and Strip

2. ASTM A653M Standard Specification for Sheet steel, Zinc Coated

(Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy Coated
(Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process

3. ASTM B209M Standard Specification for Aluminum and

Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate [Metric]

I. NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau

J. NFPA National Fire Protection Association

1. NFPA 90A Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation


K. SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s National


1. SMACNA (DCS) HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and


L. UL Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc.

1. UL 181 Standard for Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air



A. aspect ratio: Ratio of width to height in duct sizing.

B. axial flow jet: Stream of air whose motion is approximately symmetrical along a line,
although some spreading and drop or rise can occur from diffusion and buoyancy

C. coefficient of discharge: Ratio of area at vena contracta to area of opening.

D. cold air: General term used for supply air at 35 to 40°F.

E. core area: Total plane area of that portion of a grille, included within lines tangent to
the outer edges of the outer openings, through which air can pass.

F. damper: Device used to vary the volume of air passing through a confined cross-
section by varying the cross-sectional area.

Rev 0 3 of 28 Contract No:


G. diffuser: Outlet discharging supply air in various directions and planes.

H. diffusion: Distribution of air within a space by an outlet discharging supply air in

various directions and planes.

I. draft: Undesired local cooling of a body caused by low temperature and movement
of air.

J. drop: Vertical distance that the lower edge of a horizontally projected airstream
drops between the outlet and the end of its throw.

K. effective area: Net area of an outlet or inlet device through which air can pass; equal
to the free area times the coefficient of discharge.

L. entrainment: Movement of room air into the jet caused by the airstream discharged
from the outlet (secondary air motion).

M. entrainment ratio: Total air divided by the air discharged from the outlet.

N. envelope: Outer boundary of an airstream moving at a perceptible velocity.

O. exhaust opening or inlet: Any opening through which air is removed from a space.

P. free area: Total minimum area of the openings in the air outlet or inlet through which
air can pass.

Q. grille: A louvered or perforated covering for an opening without volume damper

control in an air passage. A grille may be located in a sidewall, ceiling, or floor.

R. induction: See Entrainment.

S. isothermal jet: Air jet with the same temperature as the surrounding air.

T. lower zone: Room volume below the stratification level created by displacement

U. non-isothermal jet: A jet with an initial temperature different from the surrounding

V. outlet velocity: Average velocity of air emerging from the outlet, measured in the
plane of the opening.

W. primary air: Air delivered to the outlet by the supply duct.

X. radius of diffusion: Horizontal axial distance an airstream travels after leaving an air
outlet before the maximum stream velocity is reduced to a specified terminal level
(e.g., 50, 100, 150, or 200 fpm).

Y. register: Grille equipped with a damper to control the quantity of air passing through

Z. spread: Divergence of the airstream in a horizontal and/or vertical plane after it

leaves the outlet.

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AA. stagnant zone: Area characterized by low air motion and stratification. This does not
imply poor air quality.

BB. supply-air diffuser: Circular, square, or rectangular supply-air distribution outlet,

generally located in the ceiling or mounted directly in an exposed ductwork. Diffuser
may comprise of air-deflecting members that can discharge supply-air in various
directions and planes and arranged to promote mixing of primary air with secondary
room air.

CC. supply-air, return-air or exhaust-air register: A volume damper controlled grille

that may be an inlet or outlet assembly over the air opening.

DD. supply air opening or outlet: Any opening through which supply air is delivered into
a ventilated space being heated, cooled, humidified, or dehumidified. Supply air
outlets are classified according to their location in a room as sidewall, ceiling,
baseboard, or floor outlets. However, because numerous designs exist, they are
more accurately described by their construction features. Refer to Chapter 17 of the
ASHRAE Handbook – Systems and Equipment.

EE. temperature differential: Temperature difference between primary and room air.

FF. terminal velocity: Maximum airstream velocity at the end of the throw.

GG. throw: Horizontal or vertical axial distance an airstream travels after leaving an air
outlet before the maximum stream velocity is reduced to a specified terminal velocity
(e.g., 50, 100, 150, or 200 fpm), defined by ASHRAE Standard 70.

HH. total air: Mixture of discharged air and entrained air.

II. upper zone: Room volume above the stratification level created by displacement

JJ. vane: Thin plate in the opening of a grille.

KK. vane ratio: Ratio of the depth of a vane to the space between two adjacent vanes.

LL. vena contracta: Smallest area of a fluid stream leaving an orifice.


A. The Contractor shall submit to the Royal Commission, under the provisions of
SECTION 01330, the following items for review and approval before commencing

1. Manufacturer’s Technical Product Data

a) For each type of air outlet and inlet, and accessory furnished, indicating
construction, finish, and mounting details.

b) Include rated capacities of selected models, clearly indicate dimensions,

required clearances, clearly specify pressure drops, weights (shipping,
installed and operating), furnished specialties and accessories,
installation and start up instructions.

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c) Maintenance and operation data.

2. Performance Data

a) Include throw and drop, static-pressure drop; and noise ratings for each
type of air outlet and inlet.

3. Test Certificates

a) Certificates confirming that the quality of the products to be supplied by

a particular manufacturer or company complies with the standards as
required by the Contract Documents.

4. Schedule

a) Provide schedule of diffusers, registers, and grilles indicating drawing

designation, room location, quantity, model number, size and
accessories furnished.

5. Assembly Drawing

a) For each type of air outlet and inlet, indicate materials and methods of
assembly of components.

6. Shop Drawings, indicating the following:

a) Diffuser, register, and grille performance data, including noise data.

b) Dimensional data.

c) Installation methods.

7. Record Drawings

a) Prints shall be kept in the site office as a permanent record. All

deviations from the Contract Documents due to site coordination,
variation, modifications shall be recorded on such prints in colored
pencil at the time of occurrence, on a daily basis. Dimensions for
underground utilities from permanent identifiable structural points shall
be specified. Record Drawings shall be available for the Royal
Commission’s periodic inspection and shall be submitted for review with
the As-built Drawings.

8. Samples for Verification

a) Provide samples of diffusers, registers, and grilles, in manufacturer's

standard sizes, showing the full range of colors. Prepare samples from
the same material to be used for the work.

9. Mock-Up

a) Provide mock-up of typical exterior ceiling module with supply and return
air outlets.

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b) Locate mock-up where directed.

c) Mock-up may remain as part of the work.

10. Quality Control Submittals

a) Documented experience of the Contractor’s site supervisor(s).

b) Reports and records of the Contractor’s Quality Control.

c) Certificates for all elements specified showing compliance with the

referenced standards and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.

d) Certificates for workmen, showing compliance with quality requirements.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of work and shall develop and
propose programs and methods of construction and testing such as to achieve the
specified quality to the approval of the Royal Commission in accordance with
SECTION 01450.

B. The Contractor shall maintain a qualified representative on-site during all operations,
in accordance with SECTION 01450.

C. Products requiring electrical connection shall be listed and classified by Underwriters

Laboratories Inc. as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated.

D. Qualification of Manufacturers

1. Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of equipment, products, and

specialities of types, materials, sizes, characteristics and capacities similar to
that required for project, whose products have been in satisfactory use in
similar service for not less than 5 years.

E. Qualification of Installers

1. Firm with at least 3 years of successful installation experience with work

similar to that required for project.

2. Qualifications for welding processes and operators shall comply with

applicable referenced standards and codes.


A. All works undertaken in relation to this Specification are to be completed in full

accordance with the respective health and safety requirements established by the

1. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Rev 0 7 of 28 Contract No:


a) Legislation, Regulation, Standards and Codes.

2. Royal Commission Regulations

a) Standards, Contractual Conditions, and Health and Safety Systems.

3. Contractor

a) Health and Safety Standards and Systems as accepted by the Royal


B. In the absence of any of the above, best accepted industry practice shall be
employed throughout.


A. Air distribution system shall be designed in accordance with ASHRAE Fundamentals

Handbook, Duct Design Section and Systems and Equipment Handbook, Room Air
Distribution Equipment.

B. Air outlets and inlets shall be shown on drawings and indicated on schedules.
Manufacturer’s standard diffusers, registers and grilles shall be used.

C. Fresh air intakes shall be designed and located to minimize dust intrusion.

D. Return air shall be drawn through ceiling plenum whenever practical.

E. Air outlet application shall be based on space noise level of NC 35 maximum

generally, and NC 25 maximum in conference rooms.

F. All air outlets shall be made with double deflection blade and with built-in OBD.


A. ADC Compliance

1. Test and rate air outlets and inlets in certified laboratories under requirements
of ADC 1062 “Certification, Rating and Test Manual.” Provide air outlets and
inlets bearing ADC Certified Rating Seal.

B. AMCA Compliance

1. Test and rate louvers in accordance with AMCA and provide products bearing
AMCA Certified Rating Seal.

C. NFPA Compliance

1. Install air outlets and inlets in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the
Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.

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A. The Contractor shall deliver, handle and store equipment and material units in
accordance with SECTIONS 01650 and 01660, as well as the following

1. All products shall be delivered in manufacturers' original, protective packaging.

2. Deliver air outlets and inlets wrapped in factory-fabricated fiber-board type

containers. Identify on outside of container type of outlet or inlet and
installation locations. Avoid crushing or bending and prevent dirt and debris
from entering and settling in devices.

3. Store air outlets and inlets in original cartons and protect from weather and
construction work traffic. Where possible, store indoors; when necessary to
store outdoors, store above grade and enclose with waterproof wrapping.

4. All products shall be inspected at time of delivery for damage and for
compliance with specifications.

5. Any products that are damaged or found not to be in accordance with the
specifications shall be immediately repaired or replaced.

6. All products shall be handled and stored as recommended by the

manufacturer to prevent damage and deterioration.

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A. All goods and products covered by these Specifications shall be procured, when
available, from an in-Kingdom manufacturer. Procurement of all goods and products
manufactured out-of-Kingdom must be approved by the Royal Commission.

B. Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer’s standard air outlets and inlets
of type, size, shape, capacity, material of construction, components, accessories and
finishes as indicated in this Section and complying with air outlets and inlets schedule
on Contract Drawings, as required for complete installation at locations shown.

C. Air outlets and inlets shall have, as minimum, free area, temperatures and velocities
traverse, throw, drop and noise criteria ratings for each device size as listed in
manufacturer’s current data.

D. Concealed accessories of outlets and inlets, dampers and mounting members shall
be black painted.


A. Extruded aluminum.

B. Steel.

C. Steel frame and extruded aluminum bars or blades.

D. Stainless steel.

E. Plastic.

F. As indicated in schedules.


A. Aluminum enamel.

B. Aluminum anodized.

C. White baked enamel paint.

D. Baked enamel to match the color indicated in schedules.

E. White polyester powder coated paint.

F. Polyester powder coated to match the color indicated in schedules.

G. Acrylic coat paints.

H. Prime coated.

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A. Stepped Down

1. Diffuser housing shall be below ceiling with perimeter flange and gasket to seal
against ceiling construction.

B. Flush

1. Diffuser housing shall be above ceiling surface with flush perimeter flange and
gasket to seal against ceiling.

C. Lay-In

1. Diffuser housing shall fit between ceiling exposed suspension tee bars and
rest on top surface of tee bar.

D. Snap-In

1. Diffuser housing shall fit between ceiling concealed suspension runners and
snap into runners.


A. Ceiling air diffusers shall be used for air supply and/or air return as indicated on
Contract Drawings and air outlets and inlets schedules.

B. Provide manufacturer’s standard ceiling air diffusers of size, shape, capacity and
type indicated and as required for complete installation.

C. Ceiling Compatibility

1. Provide diffusers with border styles that are compatible with adjacent ceiling
systems, and that are specifically manufactured to fit into ceiling module with
accurate fit and adequate support. Refer to the Royal Commission’s Contract
Drawings and Specifications, for types of ceiling systems which will contain
each type of ceiling air diffuser.

D. Types

1. Provide ceiling diffusers of type, capacity, and with accessories and finishes as
listed on diffuser schedule. The following requirements shall apply to items
when indicated by manufacturer and model number on schedule:

a) Diffuser Faces
1) Square
(a) Square housing, core of square concentric louvers, square
or round duct connection. Provide plaster frame for units in
plaster ceilings. Provide equalizing or control grid and
volume control damper.

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2) Linear
(a) Extruded aluminum or galvanized steel continuous slot,
single or multiple. Adjustable deflector vanes to adjust flow
direction without moving plenum. Provide full internal
insulation. Provide UL fire rating when installed in rated
3) Round Ceiling Diffuser
(a) Round housing, core of a series of flaring concentric or
expanding truncated conical rings, round duct connection
and adjustable deflection.
(b) Type
(i) Round, adjustable pattern, stamped or spun, multi-
core diffuser to discharge air in 360° pattern, with
sectorizing baffles where indicated. Diffuser collar
shall project not more than 25 mm (1 in.) above
ceiling. In plaster ceilings, provide plaster ring and
ceiling plaque.
(c) Fabrication
(i) Steel with baked enamel off-white finish.
(d) Accessories
(i) Radial opposed blade damper and multi-louvered
equalizing grid with damper adjustable from diffuser
4) Rectangular Ceiling Diffuser
(a) Rectangular housing, core of rectangular concentric
louvers, square or round duct connection.
(b) Type
(i) Square, stamped, multi-core diffuser to discharge air
in 360° pattern with sectorizing baffles where
(c) Frame
(i) Surface mounted type. In plaster ceilings, provide
plaster frame and ceiling frame.
(d) Fabrication
(i) Steel with baked enamel off-white finish.
(e) Accessories
(i) Radial opposed blade damper and multi-louvered
equalizing grid with damper adjustable from diffuser
5) Perforated Diffuser
(a) Round, square or rectangular housing covered with
removable perforated panel in frame.
(b) Conceal air pattern devices above panel. Provide

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equalizing or control grid and opposed blade over

overlapping blade damper.
(c) Perforated face diffusers for VAV systems shall have the
pattern controller on the inner face, rather than in the neck
and designed to discharge air horizontally at the ceiling
maintaining a constant effect.
(d) Type
(i) Perforated face with fully adjustable pattern and
removable face.
(e) Frame
(i) Surface mounted type. In plaster ceilings, provide
plaster frame and ceiling frame.
(f) Fabrication
(i) Steel with steel frame and baked enamel off-white
(g) Accessories
(i) Radial opposed blade damper and multi-louvered
equalizing grid with damper adjustable from diffuser

6) Modified Light Troffer Diffuser

(a) Type
(i) Single plenum constructed independent of light
troffers with volume and pattern controllers, 100 mm
(4 in.) round or oval top air inlet. Match diffusers to
light troffers for air tight connection without tools.
(b) Fabrication
(i) Galvanized steel with welded or soldered joints and
finish matte black inside.
7) Louver Face Diffuser
(a) Outer frame shall include an integral duct collar, and a
series of louvers parallel with the outer frame vanes.
Provide equalizing or control grid and opposed blade
8) Plaque Face Diffuser
(a) Constructed with back-pan that includes a duct collar and a
single plaque that forms the diffuser’s face.
9) Square Face, Round Neck Diffuser
(a) Constructed of a series of concentric square, drawn louvers
that radiate from the center of the diffuser with a face that is
flush with the ceiling plan.
10) Rectangular modular diffuser.
11) Rectangular modular perforated face diffuser.

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b) Diffuser Mountings
1) Stepped-Down
(a) Diffuser housing below ceiling with perimeter flange and
gasket to seal against ceiling construction.
2) Lay-In
(a) Diffuser housing sized to fit between ceiling exposed
suspension tee bars and rest on top surface of tee bar.

c) Diffuser Patterns
1) Fixed
(a) Fixed position core with concentric rings or louvers for
radial airflow around entire perimeter of diffuser.
2) Manual two-position cores with concentric rings or louvers, upper
position for horizontal airflow, lower position for vertical airflow.
3) Manual adjustable core with concentric rings or louvers fully
adjustable for horizontal to vertical airflow.
4) Fixed louver face for 4, 3, 2 or 1 direction airflow as indicated on
Contract Drawings.
5) Supply and return, 2-section core, center position for return,
perimeter for supply.
6) Induction, with internal aspirator designed to mix air drawn into
center core with conditioned air.
7) Modular directional core, which can be rearranged for selected air

d) Diffuser Dampers
1) Opposed Blade
(a) Adjustable opposed blade damper assembly, key operated
from face of diffuser.
2) Integral
(a) Combination volume control and pattern adjustment for
linear diffusers.
3) Fire Damper
(a) UL approved ceiling radiation damper with fusible link and
assembly designed to meet requirements of NFPA 90A.

e) Diffuser Finishes
1) White Enamel
(a) Semi-gloss white enamel prime finish.
2) Aluminum Anodized
(a) Aluminum etched and anodized, covered with clear lacquer

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E. Diffuser Accessories

1. Equalizing adjustable deflectors.

2. Equalizing fixed deflectors.

3. Smudge ring.

4. Plaster ring.

5. Extractor.

6. Blank off baffles.

7. Operating keys.

8. Operating arm.


A. Linear diffusers shall be used for air supply and/or air return as indicated on Contract
Drawings and air outlets and inlets schedules.

1. Galvanized steel boot lined with 12.5 mm (½ in.) thick fiberglass conforming to
NFPA 90A and complying with UL 181 for erosion. Form slots or use
adjustable pattern controllers, to provide stable, horizontal airflow pattern over
a wide range of operating conditions.

2. Provide inlet connection diameter equal to duct diameter shown on drawings

or provide transition coupling if necessary.

3. Maximum Pressure Drop at Design Flow Rate

a) 37 Pa (0.15 in.) wg.

4. Diffuser Faces

a) Linear Slot Diffuser

1) Single or multiple slot openings diffuser with configuration
allowing from fully vertical to fully horizontal airflow. Diffuser
length shall be straight or curved shape as shown on the

b) Linear Bar Diffuser

1) Continuous fixed bars diffuser shall supply air in constant
direction. The bars shall run parallel to the length of the diffuser.
Diffuser length shall be straight or curved shape as shown on the

c) T-Bar Slot Diffuser

1) Continuous fixed bars diffuser shall be manufactured with an

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integral plenum, installed and concealed behind the inverted

modular T- bar ceiling with fixed or adjustable deflector as
indicated on Contract Drawings and with configuration allowing
from fully vertical to fully horizontal airflow.

d) Light Troffer Diffuser

1) The diffuser shall consist of plenum, inlet and attachment device
to air-handling and light fixture, which has slot opening to receive
at its face a supply and /or return air diffuser.

5. Diffuser Damper

a) Hit and miss sliding volume control damper.

b) Air volume and air pattern control vanes.

6. Diffuser Accessories

a) Fixed deflectors.

b) Adjustable deflectors.

c) Air straightener.

d) Alignment strips.

e) Full lengths of blind sections for inactive lengths.

7. Diffuser End Fabrication

a) End frame.

b) End caps.

c) End borders.

d) Open ends.

e) Open end from one side and end cap from other side.

f) Open end from one side and end border from other side.

g) Mitered corners with angle as shown on drawings

h) Open end from one side and mitered corner with angle from other side
as shown on drawings.


A. Supply and return air grilles and register frames shall have overlap margin with
sponge rubber gasket, furnished with pierced screw holes and mounting screws.

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B. Supply and return registers shall be furnished with opposed blade volume control
damper constructed of heavy gage galvanized steel and operated by key or arm from
face of the register. If indicated in the Contract Drawings, the damper shall be
furnished with spring closing and UL-listed fusible link for 71°C (160°F).

C. Provide manufacturer’s standard registers and grilles; of size, shape, capacity and
type indicated and as required for complete installation.

D. Surface Compatibility

1. Provide registers and grilles with border styles that are compatible with
adjacent surfaces. Refer to the Royal Commission’s Contract Drawings and
Specifications, for types of wall construction which will contain each type of
wall register and grille.

E. Types

1. Provide registers and grilles of type, capacity, and with accessories and
finishes as listed on register and grille schedule. The following requirements
shall apply to nomenclature indicated on schedule:

a) Register and Grille Materials

1) Steel Construction
(a) Manufacturer’s standard stamped sheet steel frame and
adjustable blades.
2) Aluminum Construction
(a) Manufacturer’s standard extruded aluminum frame and
adjustable blades, positive holding concealed fasteners.
(i) Margin: Flat, 19 mm (¾ in.) wide.
(ii) Bars: Minimum 5 mm (3/16 in.) wide by 19 mm (¾ in.)
deep, zero deflection unless otherwise shown.
Reinforce bars on 450 mm (18 in.) center for sidewall
units and on 150 mm (6 in.) center for units installed
in floor or sills.
(iii) Provide opposed blade damper and equalizing or
control grid where shown.

b) Register and Grille Faces

1) Horizontal Straight Blades
(a) Horizontal blades, individually adjustable, at manufacturer’s
standard spacing.
2) Vertically Straight Blades
(a) Vertical blades, individually adjustable, at manufacturer’s
standard spacing.
3) Horizontal 45°, at manufacturer’s standard spacing.

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c) Register and Grille Patterns

1) Single Deflection
(a) One set of blades in face.
2) Double Deflection
(a) Two sets of blades in face, rear set at 90° to face set.

d) Register and Grille Dampers

1) Opposed Blade
(a) Adjustable opposed blade damper assembly, key operated
from face of register.

e) Register and Grille Finishes

1) White Enamel
(a) Semi-gloss white enamel prime finish.
2) Aluminum Anodized
(a) Aluminum etched and anodized, covered with clear lacquer

f) Air Distribution Panels for Operating Rooms

1) Provide clean room type, low-aspirating, vertical pattern unit
composed of plenum (shell), baffle or valve mechanism and
removable perforated face plate. Exposed components shall have
manufacturer's standard aluminum finish.
(a) Shell
(i) Aluminum with extruded aluminum margin. Provide
plaster frame for units in plaster ceilings.
(b) Inlet
(i) Round neck, with opposed blade damper or valve
mechanism, to evenly distribute air over the entire
(c) Perforated Plate
(i) Aluminum, removable for cleaning, with safety
retention chain. Provide for damper adjustment
without removing air supply providing downward
airflow over the operating table and fixed
nonadjustable multiple slot plate.

g) Operating Room Air Distribution Devices

1) Devices shall consist of a non-aspirating perforated panel center
air supply providing downward airflow over the operating table
and fixed nonadjustable multiple slot perimeter panels
surrounding the operating table area to provide an air curtain
which shall be projected outward from the operating table area at
not less than a 5° angle nor more than a 15° angle. Velocity of air
distribution at operating table height shall not exceed 12 m/min.

Rev 0 18 of 28 Contract No:


(40 fpm) for the center supply or 15 m/min. (50 fpm) for the air
curtain. Perforated pressure plates shall be provided over the
perimeter and center air distribution faces to equalize pressure
and airflow throughout the system.
2) All components of the system shall be fabricated of 0.91 mm
(20 gage) 18-8 stainless steel, No. 4 finish. All distribution
components and pressure plates shall be attached to the face
panels at both the perimeter and center. The face panels shall be
retained with quarter-turn fasteners. Plenums shall be supplied by
the manufacturer and shall be sized to permit them to be easily
wiped out by hand with germicidal solution for sterilization
purposes and all horizontal corners of the plenums shall have a
minimum radius of 19 mm (¾ in.). Connecting elbows shall be
radialized and be sized to permit manual sterilization of the
3) The submittal shall include the names and locations of 10 or more
systems that are in operation utilizing the components that make
up the proposed system.

h) Registers
1) Double deflection type with horizontal face bars and opposed
blade damper with removable key operator.
(a) Margin
(i) Flat, 32 mm (1¼ in.) wide.
(b) Bar Spacing
(i) 19 mm (¾ in.) maximum.
(c) Finish
(i) Off white baked enamel for ceiling mounted units.
Wall units shall have a prime coat for field painting or
shall be extruded with manufacturer's standard finish.

i) Grilles
1) Same as registers but without the opposed blade damper.

F. Supply Air Grilles and Registers

1. Single deflection adjustable grille, consisting of frame and set of vertical airfoil
bars to deflect the air stream in horizontal plane.

2. Single deflection adjustable grille, consisting of frame and set of horizontal

airfoil bars to deflect the air stream in vertical plane.

3. Double deflection adjustable grille, consisting of frame and two sets of airfoil
bars one of the sets shall be horizontal and the other shall be vertical to control
the air stream in both horizontal and vertical directions. The back airfoil bars
set shall be installed behind and at right angles to the face bars set.

4. Single deflection adjustable register, shall consist of frame, set of vertical airfoil
bars to deflect the air stream in horizontal plane and opposed blade volume

Rev 0 19 of 28 Contract No:


control damper.

5. Single deflection adjustable register, shall consist of frame, set of horizontal

airfoil bars to deflect the air stream in vertical plane and opposed blade volume
control damper.

6. Double deflection adjustable register, shall consist of frame, two sets of airfoil
bars, one of the sets shall be horizontal and the other shall be vertical to
control the air stream in both horizontal and vertical directions and opposed
blade volume control damper. The back airfoil bars set shall be installed
behind and at right angles to the face bars set.

G. Ceiling Slot Diffuser

1. Type

a) Continuous, with adjustable vanes for left, right, or vertical discharge

and integral ceiling fire damper.

2. Fabrication

a) Aluminum extrusions with factory clear lacquer finish, color shall be as

selected by the Royal Commission.

3. Frame

a) 32 mm (1¼ in.) margin with countersunk screw mounting and gasket,

mitered end border.

4. Plenum

a) Integral, galvanized steel, insulated.

H. Wall Supply Registers and Grilles

1. Type

a) Streamlined and individually adjustable curved blades to discharge air

along face of grille with one-way deflection.

2. Frame

a) 32 mm (1¼ in.) margin with countersunk screw mounting and gasket.

3. Fabrication

a) Aluminum extrusions with factory off-white enamel finish.

4. Damper

a) Integral, gang-operated, opposed blade type with removable key

operator, operable from face.

Rev 0 20 of 28 Contract No:


I. Wall Exhaust, Return Grilles and Registers

1. Fixed bar grille shall consist of frame and set of fixed vertical airfoil bars,
straight or set at an angle depending on the type of the deflection specified on
Contract Drawings.

2. Fixed bar grille shall consist of frame and set of fixed horizontal airfoil bars,
straight or set at an angle depending on the type of the deflection specified on
Contract Drawings.

3. Egg crate style grille shall consist of frame and grid core with grid size of
12.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm (½ x ½ x ½ in.). The grille shall have total free area of

4. Filter return grille shall consist of frame and set of fixed vertical or horizontal
airfoil bars, straight or set at an angle depending on the type of the deflection
specified on Contract Drawings.

5. Perforated grille shall consist of frame and perforated plate of punching


6. Fixed bar register shall consist of frame, set of fixed vertical airfoil bars,
straight or set at an angle depending on the type of the deflection specified on
Contract Drawings and opposed blade volume control damper.

7. Fixed bar register shall consist of frame, set of fixed horizontal airfoil bars,
straight or set at an angle depending on the type of the deflection specified on
Contract Drawings and opposed blade volume control damper.

8. Egg crate style register shall consist of frame, grid core with grid size of
12.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 mm (½ x ½ x ½ in.) and opposed blade volume control
damper. The register shall have total free area of 90%.

9. Perforated register shall consist of frame, perforated plate of punching

construction and opposed blade damper with removable key operator
reinforced in 711mm (28 in.) length.

J. Linear Wall Registers and Grilles

1. Type

a) Streamlined blades with 0° deflection, 3.2 x 19 mm (1/8 x ¾ in.) on 6 mm

(¼ in.) centers.

2. Frame

a) 32 mm (1¼ in.) margin with countersunk screw mounting and gasket.

3. Fabrication

a) Aluminum extrusions, with factory off-white enamel finish.

4. Damper

Rev 0 21 of 28 Contract No:


a) Integral gang-operated opposed blade damper with removable key

operator, operable from face.

K. Linear Floor Supply Registers and Grilles

1. Type

a) Streamlined blades with 0° deflection, 3.2 x 19 mm (1/8 x ¾ in.) on 6 mm

(¼ in.) centers, assembled on expanded tubes mandrel construction.

2. Frame

a) 32 mm (1¼ in.) heavy margin frame with countersunk screw mounting,

and mounting frame.

3. Fabrication

a) Aluminum extrusions with factory off-white enamel finish.

4. Damper

a) Integral gang-operated opposed blade damper with removable key

operator, operable from face.

L. Return Air Screens

1. Provide return air screens made of square pattern mesh of galvanized wire,
interwoven and welded or secured to frame made of galvanized steel angle.

M. Transfer Grills

1. One Set Louvers Grille

a) Transfer grille shall consist of frame and one set of sight proof fixed
horizontal V shaped louvers.

2. Two Sets Louvers Grille

a) Transfer grille shall consist of frame and two sets of fixed horizontal V
shaped louvers for completely light proof grille.

3. Type

a) V-shaped louvers of 0.91 mm (20 gage) thick steel, 25 mm (1 in.) deep

on 12.5 mm (½ in.) centers.

4. Frame

a) 0.91 mm (20 gage) steel with auxiliary frame to give finished

appearance on both sides of door, with factory prime coat finish.

N. Decorative Grilles

Rev 0 22 of 28 Contract No:


1. Stamped lattice grille faces fabricated of heavy-duty steel, aluminum or

stainless steel, to be used in return or exhaust systems as indicated on
Contract Drawings.


A. Louvers shall be compatible with adjacent substrate and specifically manufactured to

fit into construction openings with accurate and adequate support. On inside face of
exterior louvers, provide anodized aluminum wire mesh bird screens mounted in
removable frames.

B. Provide manufacturer’s standard louvers of size, shape, capacity and type indicated
and as required for complete installation.

C. Finishes

1. Provide louvers with a baked enamel finish (in a custom color selected by the
Royal Commission).

D. Substrate Compatibility

1. Provide louvers with frame and sill styles that are compatible with adjacent
substrate, and specifically manufactured to fit into construction openings with
accurate fit and adequate support, for weatherproof installation. Refer to the
Royal Commission’s Contract Drawings and Specifications, for types of
substrate that will contain each type of louver.

E. Materials

1. Construct of formed metal blades of 1.52 mm (16 gage) galvanized steel. Weld
units or use stainless steel fasteners.

F. Louver Screens

1. On inside face of exterior louvers, provide 15 mm square mesh anodized

aluminum wire bird screens mounted in removable extruded aluminum frames.

G. Sills

1. Provide formed metal sills of the same material and finish as the louver.

H. Mullions

1. Provide concealed horizontal and vertical mullions.


A. Type

1. All welded assembly with 100 mm (4 in.) deep louvers, mitered corners, sheet
aluminum roof, with factory prime coat and finish color as selected by the

Rev 0 23 of 28 Contract No:


Royal Commission.

B. Fabricate louver penthouses with mitered corners and reinforce with structural


A. Fabricate air inlet or exhaust hoods in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct
Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible.

B. Fabricate of galvanized steel, minimum 1.52 mm (16 gage) base and 0.91 mm
(20 gage) hood, or aluminum, minimum 1.52 mm (16 gage) base and 1.21 mm
(18 gage) hood; suitably reinforced; with removable hood; bird screen with 12.5 mm
(½ in.) square mesh for exhaust and 19 mm (¾ in.) for intake, and factory prime coat

C. Mount unit on minimum 300 mm (12 in.) high curb base with insulation between duct
and curb.

D. Make hood outlet/inlet area minimum of twice throat area.

E. Factory-fabricated, factory-supplied roof hood units are preferred to field-fabricated.


A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal

and Flexible, of minimum 1.21 mm (18 gage) galvanized steel.

B. Mount on minimum 300 mm (12 in.) high curb base where size exceeds
230 x 230 mm (9 x 9 in.).


A. Provide disc valves for exhaust air with valve disc fitted to valve seat by means of an
adjustable valve spindle, complete with separate mounting frame and connecting
socket including sealing ring. Front section shall be produced in stove-enameled
steel sheet and rear parts shall be made of galvanized sheet steel.


A. Perforated ceiling air panels shall be of steel construction and shall be provided with
duct connection and removable face, integral balancing damper adjustable from
panel face without visible device or rubber grommet on face.


A. Jet Type Diffusers

Rev 0 24 of 28 Contract No:


1. This type of diffuser is used in a special application when there will be a

requirement of a longer throw of air which the ordinary diffuser cannot provide.
This comprises of circular diffusers and a jet nozzle.

a) Fabricate of aluminum and painted white.

b) Diffused or concentrated spread pattern.

c) Cone unit adjustable through 180°.

d) Motorized adjustment of spread pattern.

B. Floor Type Air Grilles

1. The floor type air grilles are used in a special application where return air or
supply air is passing through the raised floor and it is subject to loading.

a) Individually adjustable blades, wide stamped border, singled or double

blade damper with set screw adjustment

b) Fabricate of steel, welded construction, with factory baked enamel finish.

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A. The Contractor shall examine site areas, actual locations, access and service spaces
around and over equipment to verify that conditions for installing the air distribution
system are satisfactory; and notify the Royal Commission in writing of condition
detrimental to proper completion of the work. Work shall not proceed until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Royal


A. Comply with manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for work required

before and during installation.

B. Coordinate air distribution system work with work of other trades for proper time and
sequence to avoid delays.

C. Assemble unit sections and parts shipped loose or unassembled for shipment
purposes. Manufacturer’s assembly instructions shall be followed.

D. Coordinate penetrations in walls, roof and different slabs.


A. General

1. Air outlet and inlet devices shall be installed in accordance with referenced
standard, manufacturer’s instructions, and recognized industry practices to
insure that products serve intended functions. They shall be adjusted to
distribute the specified air quantity evenly without causing drafts or dead spots
in the served area or increase in sound levels more than the values indicated
in project design criteria and the manufacturer’s catalog.

B. Coordinate with other work, including ductwork and duct accessories, as necessary
to interface installation of air outlets and inlets with other work.

C. Air outlets and inlets connected to ductwork shall be installed with an airtight
connection and to allow service and maintenance of dampers, air extractors and fire

D. Units shall be rated in accordance with ASHRAE 70.

E. Outlets shall be provided with sponge rubber seal around edge.

F. Baffles shall be provided to direct air away from walls, columns, or other obstructions
within radius of diffuser operation.

G. Plaster frames shall be provided for diffusers located in plaster surfaces.

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H. Lay-in type frames shall be provided for diffusers in lay-in ceiling.

I. Ductwork visible behind air outlets and inlets shall be painted matt black.

J. Exposed surfaces shall be cleaned after installation to remove burrs, dirt and
smudges. Damaged outlets and inlets shall be replaced at no cost to the Royal

K. Locate ceiling air diffusers, registers, and grilles, as indicated on architectural

drawings “Reflected Ceiling Plans.” Unless otherwise indicated, locate units in center
of acoustical ceiling module.

L. Air outlets and inlets shall be furnished with sponge rubber gaskets between flanges
and ceilings or walls.

M. Ceiling air outlets shall be installed with rim tight against ceiling.

N. Duct collars shall be airtight and shall not interfere with the volume controller.

O. Wall air outlets shall be located at least 150 mm below the ceiling.

P. Wall air inlets shall have upward deflection.

Q. For door or wall installation of transfer grille; two grilles shall be installed, one for
each side with connecting collar.

R. Coordinate with other works including ductwork and duct accessories, as necessary
to interface installation of air outlets and inlets with other work.

S. Diffusers

1. Diffusers locations as shown on the drawings are approximate. Installations

shall be in accordance with architectural reflected ceiling plan.

T. Do not specify balancing dampers at the face of air outlets and inlets. Locate
balancing dampers sufficient distance into the ductwork to maintain acceptable
sound level within the conditioned space (NC 30 to 35 or less).

U. Registers and Grilles

1. Registers and grilles installed in walls shall be set level and true.

2. Register and grilles installed in grid type acoustical ceilings shall center in
ceiling tile. Installation shall be in accordance with architectural reflected
ceiling plan.

V. Locate outside air intake louvers as far away as practical from all sources of
contamination; avoid locating intakes at loading docks, fume hood exhausts,
generator exhausts and plumbing vents.

W. Locate outside air intake louvers as high as possible above grade.

X. Where below grade intakes are unavoidable install bird/debris screen on outside of

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the louvers.

Y. Paint ductwork interior visible behind air outlet/inlet matt black.


A. Upon the completion of installation of air distribution system, operate the system to
demonstrate compliance with the requirements.

B. Test air outlet and inlet devices and duct connections for air leakage while system is
operating. Repair or replace faulty components as required to obtain proper
operation and leak tight performance. Re-test to demonstrate compliance with the


A. Refer to SECTION 15955.


Rev 0 28 of 28 Contract No:

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