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Nguyễn Đức Thịnh (BKC12334) - ASM 1 - PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE

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PROGRAM TITLE: BTEC in Computing (Software Engineering)



STUDENT NAME:Nguyễn Đức Thịnh

MOBILE NUMBER: 0949692532
Summative Feedback:

Internal verification:

Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of a completed individual portfolio folder, including the tasks set out
in the Assignment Brief. This assignment involves group work but each student should submit an
individual portfolio folder.

Part 1: Training schedule (using project management software) for the two-day event and a training
pack to include a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out

Part 2: Ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation with interactive links to suitable
sites and an activity sheet. The presentation slides for the findings should be submitted with speaker
notes. You are required to make effective use of headings, bullet points and subsections as
appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 500 words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalised
for exceeding the total word limit

Part 3: A written evaluation of your performance in this task and your contribution to the
team. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations
as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 500–1,000 words, although
you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Part 4: A report discussing problem-solving techniques.

Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You have recently joined PA CONSULTING GROUP, You have been asked to support your
training and development manager with the planning and implementation of a professional
development event targeted at internal employees within the organisation that you work in. The
training event is scheduled over a two-day period at a nearby residential centre, and will include a
number of workshops, coaching sessions and team-building activities. The centre requires a
schedule of the types of activities proposed so that plans can be finalised. In addition, any guest
speakers or motivational coaches will also require a minimum of three weeks’ notice for all
bookings. You have also been asked to design and deliver a workshop as part of the training event
based on the dynamics of team working.
Working in small groups (3–5 per group):
Part 1. Produce a professional schedule (using project management software) that identifies
planning and resourcing prior to the two-day event. In addition, design a training pack to include a
range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out sessions
2. Design a two-hour workshop session based on ‘TEAMWORKING’ to include a presentation,
interactive links to suitable sites and an activity sheet that will require delegates to take part in some
form of team-building task.
Working individually:

3. Following the event, your training and development manager has asked you to provide
some feedback. Produce a written evaluation of the effectiveness and application of
interpersonal skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include an
evaluation of your performance in this project and your contribution to the team you
worked in.
4. Produce a report discussing problem-solving and its importance in planning and
running an event. Your report should include a discussion of various problem-solving
techniques and justify the solution methodologies used during your project. You
should also include a critique of the application of critical reasoning and your
experiences of it.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience
P1 Demonstrate, M1 Design a D1 Evaluate the
using different professional effectiveness and
communication schedule to support application of
styles and formats, the planning of an interpersonal skills
that you can event, to include during the design
effectively design contingencies and and delivery of a
and deliver a training justifications of time training event.
event for a given allocated.
target audience.
P2 Demonstrate that
you have used
effective time
management skills in
planning an event.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios
P3 Demonstrate the M2 Research the D2 Critique the
use of different use of different process of applying
problem-solving problem-solving critical reasoning to a
techniques in the techniques used in given task/activity or
design and delivery the design and event.
of an event. delivery of an event.
P4 Demonstrate that M3 Justify the use
critical reasoning has and application of a
been applied to a range of solution
given solution. methodologies.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments
P5 Discuss the M4 Analyse team D3 Provide a critical
importance of team dynamics, in terms evaluation of your
dynamics in the of the roles group own role and
success and/or members play in a contribution to a
failure of group work. team and the group scenario.
P6 Work within a effectiveness in
team to achieve a terms of achieving
defined goal shared goals.
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience.........................................................................................................................7
I. COMMUNICATION SKILLS........................................................................................7
1. What are communication skills?.................................................................................7
2. Examples of communication skills..............................................................................7
3. How to communicate effectively?...............................................................................8
II. Time Management Skills..............................................................................................10
1. What Is Time Management?.....................................................................................10
2. Time Management Techniques.................................................................................11
III. Planning a training event............................................................................................13
2. Applying skills to planning........................................................................................16
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.....16
I. Problem Solving Skills....................................................................................................16
1. What is Problem Solving Skills.................................................................................16
2. The Five Steps of Problem Solving...........................................................................17
II. Critical thinking............................................................................................................18
III. Apply problem solving skills on planning.................................................................19
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments..............................................................................20
I. Teamwork........................................................................................................................20
1. What is Teamwork?...................................................................................................20
2. How to work effectively in groups:...........................................................................20
II. Apply skills to planning................................................................................................21
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target
1. What are communication skills?
Communication is an act of conveying meanings from one entity to another with the use of
understood signs, symbols and rules. Communications skills, in a nutshell, are a set of
activities you make giving and receiving various kind of information. Some of the examples
of communicating are; expressing your viewpoint on a topic, updating new additions on your
project, expressing feelings etc.
Communication skills involve speaking, listening, observing and empathizing. It also helps to
understand how to communicate by phone conversations, face-to-face interactions, digital
communications like social media and email.

2. Examples of communication skills

There are various top communication skills which recruiters look for in your cover letter
and resume. Highlight these skills and portray them during your job interview. Some of the
examples of communication skills are.
Active Listening
For becoming an individual with exceptional communication skills, it is imperative to be a
good listener. It is essential to rehearse active listening – give close consideration to what
others are stating and explain ambiguities by rephrasing their questions for more exceptional
Body Language
It is essential to rehearse the excellent body language, use the eye to eye connection, use
hand signals, and watch the tone of the voice when speaking with others. A relaxed body
position with a friendly tone will help in making you look receptive by others.
Individuals will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them
and their thoughts. Necessary activities like using an individual's name, making eye contact,
and actively listening when an individual talk will make him/her feel appreciated. If you are
communicating over a telephone, dodge interruptions and remain concentrated on the
Being able to provide and receive feedback appropriately is an essential communication
skill. Supervisors and managers should continuously look for giving constructive feedback to
employees either through email or phone calls. Likewise, you should also encourage input
from others. Ask filtering questions if you are not certain about the issue.
Volume and clarity
It is essential to be audible and clear while you are speaking. Adjusting with your tone so
that you can be heard in a variety of settings is a skill, and it is essential to communicating
effectively. Speaking too loudly can be disrespectful or awkward sometimes. If you are not
convinced, look at how others are communicating.
3. How to communicate effectively?
Understand your own point of view
If you want to talk persuasively, the first thing you have to know is what you're talking
about. Knowing your own point of view, knowing what to say, can you have a successful
negotiation as you want.
Understand each other
It's important to understand who you're talking to, what they like and don't like. You can't
win people over without knowing what they want to hear. An extremely important element of
intelligent communication is saying what others want to hear.
Good use of tone and intonation
Whether talking to strangers or friends or partners, your intonation will help you convey
what you want to say. The intonation while speaking will also help the listener feel more
comfortable and interesting when listening to what you have to say. In addition, intonation
also contributes to your professionalism.
Pay attention to body language
People relate to others in a variety of ways and not necessarily always directly. Often, you
can tell what the other person is trying to say through body language. So if you're making a
mistake with someone and when you get the chance to talk to them, you see them crossing
their arms or legs, it might be a good time to apologize.
However, sometimes it's just instinct. If a man looks you in the eye, it means he's into
you. Simple touches are another sign that you're interested in them. For example, lightly
touching your leg, rubbing your hand against your back or arm, wrapping your arm around
your waist, or tickling lightly.
Say what you think is a good communication skill
At other times, unless you are a mind reader, you can also miss key information and turn a
situation from bad to worse. If you think there's a problem affecting your relationship, speak
Go into more detail
In a relationship, clear communication is essential to getting things done. The bond between
the two of you can quickly become acrimonious, unless you share your inner thoughts and
feelings. If you don't know what is making you two uncomfortable, it's easy for both of you
to misunderstand, even resent each other.
Never keep a common problem to yourself, be open, share even if it may cause the two of
you to quarrel a little. Only when the problem is resolved will you be happy and
comfortable. And there's no way to deal with it unless you let the other person know it's a
matter of concern. This is an important communication skill
Clear, easy to understand
In the literature, open communication seems to be common sense. In fact, it's often not easy
to say what you really mean. All the complications can be thrown from a fear of a bad
reaction to choosing the wrong time to speak up. Whatever the case, you'll need to overcome
any obstacles to make sure you're both on the same page.
Don't be a jerk
Regardless of when you are discussing work, or talking to people around you, never talk in
a loud voice without giving others a chance to interrupt. Encourage everyone to ask questions
and express their views. Only then will your conversation really come to fruition.
The eyes say it all
Look straight ahead with confidence at the person you're talking to. It shows that you are an
upright and trustworthy person. This gesture is also an expression of respect for the listener
and makes them feel that you appreciate their presence.
The right outfit
The way you dress also plays an important role in your communication. Make sure you are
always neat and polite so that you can confidently stand in front of people to present your
problems. Standing up straight, speaking clearly and naturally are also points to pay attention
to when talking to others.
Learn to listen effectively
If you can list the issues in your relationship that are bothering you, tear it up
immediately. Steam it up with demands and you'll put your partner on the defensive. To start
a good conversation, start with a good question, even if you have to start with a general
question about your relationship and be prepared to listen.
Respect the differences
If you always agree on everything, it will be a boring relationship. Conflict of opinion is a
healthy thing. It shows that you are an independent individual, capable of forming your own
beliefs and arguing about them. Even though you may not agree with someone on major life
issues, mutual respect will encourage you to find a solution.
Find common ground
Compromise is crucial when it comes to negotiating how to solve problems in any
relationship. An ear that listens and respects your partner's point of view will help you keep
the conversation going. Flexibility and flexibility are essential to help the two of you find
each other at the midpoint of the solution path.
II. Time Management Skills
1. What Is Time Management?
Time management is the practice of planning and organizing the division of time spent on
an activity, for the benefits of increased productivity or efficiency. Proper time management
entails a conscious control of time to enable less complicated and smarter work within less
time. Failing to manage time would increase the pressure on jobs or projects, which would
damage effectiveness and cause stress.
Time management is always discussed concerning work activities or just businesses, but the
term comprises of other personal activities also. The time management system is a blend of
tools, techniques, methods, and processes aimed at controlling tasks to time. It is usually
necessary for the completion of project development to be based on time and scope.
2. Time Management Techniques
Have a Time Check
Know exactly how you spend your time. In an office setting, you should know the tasks
that are stealing your time. Then you can do something about it. For example, you may be
spending an hour on email instead of completing important projects. Knowing exactly where
your time is going can help you make decisions about delegating tasks or buying software to
speed up some lower-level processes.
Set a Time Limit
Setting a time limit for a task can be fun. In fact, it can be like a game. Some companies
actually divide employees into groups, and the group that finishes a project or task first gets a
reward. You can apply this principle to any task. Set a definite time limit, such as an hour or
two. Then try to finish the task within the allotted time, and feel the excitement as you do it.
Use Software Tools for Time Management
Technology is more sophisticated at managing time. Various apps even help track
employees' time so that you can monitor their check-ins and check-outs. The internet offers a
variety of apps and tools, and some are useful for business management, especially for
monitoring and assessing daily processes. For many apps, the advanced functions of the paid
versions can also give you added control and better user experience.
Have a To-Do List
Having a list is always a time saver. If you have a list, you'll never have to wonder what's
on the daily agenda or what to do next. Indeed, a list keeps you focused and motivated,
focused on feeling that sweet satisfaction every time you tick off a task from your list. Lists
also let you see – and monitor – your progress. Even if you're surrounded by distractions,
your list will keep you on the right track.
Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is a critical part of time management. Ideally, you should plan ahead for the
week or at least the day before. When you know exactly what needs to get done for the day or
week, you'll stay organised and focused. You can break tasks across days to see, in advance,
how much time is needed to complete a project. Even spending just a few minutes planning
ahead can transform how you work.
Start with Your Most Important Tasks
Do your most important tasks in the morning. All those stressful tasks, the big bulk of your
work, the hardest tasks – do them in the morning. The reason is simple. You have the most
energy in the morning, so you will be able to tackle the tasks efficiently and competently.
Plus, the feeling of accomplishment at getting the most important stuff done first will make
the rest of the day that much better.
Delegate and Outsource
You can't do everything by yourself, so cut yourself some slack and delegate. Maybe it's
time for you to train someone to do some simple processes in your work or office. That frees
you up to focus on the bigger projects or the more complicated tasks. You can even outsource
the work to an experienced freelancer and save money.
Focus on One Task at a Time
If you have chosen to do a task, see it through to the end – finish it. Avoid doing half work,
which means abandoning your current task and doing something else entirely. One example
of half-work is writing a report then suddenly checking your email for no reason and writing
replies. That's not only bad time management but also bad for your concentration. You'll lose
your momentum. Focus on the task at hand, and avoid these pitfalls.
Make Some Changes in Your Schedule
If you feel more energised at certain times of the day, change your schedule to embrace
that. Make the most of your time. Some people are more energised in the morning, while
some are night owls. When you choose the best time schedule for you, you'll enjoy the
benefits of being able to do more.
Avoid Perfection
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as they say. Avoid overanalysing everything
you do. That doesn't mean be careless, however. Do your best – always. But perfection can
drag you down, so don't think about it. Once you've finished a task and given it your best, you
have to move on.
Effective time management is ultimately a result of having the right attitude and commitment
to your goals. Software tools can help aid in your time management efforts, and there are
plenty of calendars and time-tracking devices available to help you manage time effectively.
Whatever tips or tools you use, use your time wisely, but also make time for rest and
relaxation to keep you happy and motivated all throughout your life.
What tips and tricks do you use to better manage your time or your team?
III. Planning a training event
1. Team member and plan
• Nguyễn Văn Đại
• Hoàng Triều Dương
• Trịnh Văn Đức
• Trần Trung Nghĩa
• Nguyễn Đức Thịnh
Internal training on new knowledge
Upgrading and updating new technology into the company's system
Company employees: 30 employees
Leaders + AI experts
2 MC
1 event coordination team
-Venue of the event
Address: Hall C2, building A, AI software development company
-Agenda and time
Date: 5/6 and 6/6/2022
Time Work Prepare
Day 1: 05/06/2022
8:00 - 8:15 am Welcoming guests and arranging seats

8:15 - 8:25 am MC introduces the participants of the

training session + the reason for
holding the training session

8:25 – 9:00 am Teacher introduces technology Powerpoint

9:00- 9:15 am Present + clearly state the goal to be Powerpoint
9:15 - 10:15 am Demo of optimal features when using Advanced
advanced programming in Python Python Software

10:15 – 11:15am Practice training how to write new Lab

11:15 – 11:30 am Summary of the program and the end
of the morning
11:30 - 1:00 pm Lunch break

Time Work Prepare

1:00 pm Start of the workshop
1:00 - 3:30 pm Workshop-Teamworking: Teamworking, 30
About team working, select product spoons, 6 eggs
topics by group

3:30-4:30pm Popular game rules: give eggs

4:30 - 5:30 pm Talk with software experts Prepare a pen and paper
for staff to write down
questions for experts

5:30 - 5:45 pm Summary and end of the afternoon

Time Work Prepare

day 2: 06/06/2022
9 – 11:30 am Practice coding for employees Lab

11h:30 - 1:15 am Lunch break

1:15 – 3:15 pm Practice coding for employees Lab
3:15 – 5:15 pm Finishing the product Lab

4:15 – 5:30 pm Presentation of the product of the staff


5:30 – 5:45 pm Summary of the program

-Costs incurred

Categories Estimated cost

MC (2) 4.000.000 vnd
Decorate 5.000.000 vnd
Invite experts (2) 20.000.000 vnd
Teacher (2) 20.000.000 vnd
Reward 10.000.000 vnd
Eating 30.000.000 vnd
Money to handle the problem that arises 11.000.000 vnd
total 100.000.000 vnd


Location: At the hall stage

Time Name work Operation details

3:30 – 3:45 pm Disseminate the rules of Instructing groups to spread the

the game of giving eggs rules of the game, members will
race and pass each other a spoon
and an egg on it. The team that
breaks the egg is the loser, the
spoon of the team that passes
the most members will win.
3:45 – 4:20 pm Begin the game Everyone plays together to
improve teamwork

4:20 – 4:30 pm Awards Give prizes to the team that does

the best

Time Name work Operation details

1:00 – 3:30 pm Workshop-: Introduces all

Introduction to team participants to team
working, selecting working and will give
product topics by group the groups time to
choose a topic to work
4:30 – 5:30 pm Chat with software Participants will be able
experts to communicate and ask
questions directly with
software experts to get a
better understanding.
Experts will share their
own experiences and
5:30 – 5:45 pm Summary and conclusion Summarize what has
been achieved in the
afternoon through
Teamworking and
teambuilding activities.

2. Applying skills to planning

In the process of developing the plan, good teamwork skills were applied. Everyone comes
together to discuss and come up with the most effective solutions.
The members sometimes still make mistakes and are afraid to say it, leading to the plan being

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

I. Problem Solving Skills
1. What is Problem Solving Skills
Problem-solving skills help you solve issues quickly and effectively. It's one of the key
skills that employers seek in job applicants, as employees with these skills tend to be self-
reliant. Problem-solving skills require quickly identifying the underlying issue and
implementing a solution.
Problem-solving is considered a soft skill (a personal strength) rather than a hard skill that's
learned through education or training. You can improve your problem-solving skills by
familiarizing yourself with common issues in your industry and learning from more
experienced employees.
2. The Five Steps of Problem Solving
With that understanding of problem solving, let’s talk about the steps that can get you there.
The five problem solving steps are shown in the chart below:

However this chart as is a little misleading. Not all problems follow these steps linearly,
especially for very challenging problems. Instead, you’ll likely move back and forth between
the steps as you continue to work on the problem, as shown below:
Let’s explore of these steps in more detail, understanding what it is and the inputs and outputs
of each phase.
Define the Problem
What are you trying to solve? In addition to getting clear on what the problem is, defining
the problem also establishes a goal for what you want to achieve.
-Input: something is wrong or something could be improved.
-Output: a clear definition of the opportunity and a goal for fixing it.
Brainstorm Ideas
What are some ways to solve the problem? The goal is to create a list of possible solutions
to choose from. The harder the problem, the more solutions you may need.
-Input: a goal; research of the problem and possible solutions; imagination.
-Output: pick-list of possible solutions that would achieve the stated goal.
Decide on a Solution
What are you going to do? The ideal solution is effective (it will meet the goal), efficient (is
affordable), and has the fewest side effects (limited consequences from implementation).
-Input: pick-list of possible solutions; decision-making criteria.
-Output:decision of what solution you will implement.
Implement the Solution
What are you doing? The implementation of a solution requires planning and execution. It’s
often iterative, where the focus should be on short implementation cycles with testing and
feedback, not trying to get it “perfect” the first time.
-Input: decision; planning; hard work.
-Output: resolution to the problem.
Review the Results
What did you do? To know you successfully solved the problem, it’s important to review
what worked, what didn’t and what impact the solution had. It also helps you improve long-
term problem solving skills and keeps you from re-inventing the wheel.
-Input: resolutions; results of the implementation.
-Output: insights; case-studies; bullets on your resume.
II. Critical thinking
Critical thinking is a kind of thinking in which
you question, analyse, interpret, evaluate and make a judgement about what you read, hear,
say, or write. The term critical comes from the Greek word kritikos meaning “able to judge or
discern”. Good critical thinking is about making reliable judgements based on reliable
Applying critical thinking does not mean being negative or focusing on faults. It means being
able to clarify your thinking so that you can break down a problem or a piece of information,
interpret it and use that interpretation to arrive at an informed decision or judgement (for
example designing a bridge, responding to an opinion piece or understanding a political
People who apply critical thinking consistently are said to have a critical thinking mindset,
but no one is born this way. These are attributes which are learnt and improved through
practice and application.
In the academic context, critical thinking is most commonly associated with arguments. You
might be asked to think critically about other people's arguments or create your own. To
become a better critical thinker, you therefore need to learn how to:

 Clarify your thinking purpose and context

 Question your sources of information
 Identify arguments
 Analyse sources and arguments
 Evaluate the arguments of others and
 Create or synthesise your own arguments.
III. Apply problem solving skills on planning.

Situation arises Corresponding solution

MC can't come Postponing the program for 15
minutes to change the MC
Employee has covid Prepare isolation room and
treatment medicine

Weather reason (rain) Prepare towels and heating

There are 2 teams participating in the Excerpt from the amount
game with the same points planned to award enough

The teacher is unexpectedly busy The other teacher will teach

instead, if the teacher is busy
coming later, we will change
the teaching schedule for both
of you

Professionals can't come Shorten the time to 30 minutes

and summarize the program
right after.

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments
I. Teamwork
1. What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is also known as teamwork. Refers to the process of coordination, interaction,
collaboration between two or more people in the same organization. By dividing the common
work into smaller parts, each person will be assigned the right task with their own expertise
or strengths to complete the work quickly and with high efficiency. The members of a
Teamwork often share the same expertise.
2. How to work effectively in groups:
 Have a common goal
 Efficiently communicate
 Strong Leadership
 Efficient assignment
 Ensure a clear assignment of responsibilities for each individual in the team
Although there were some problems, the members all completed their tasks well. The
members of the topic clearly stated the difficulties for everyone to solve together.
II. Apply skills to planning

Assessing the individual's work performance and contribution in planning

Nguyễn Văn Đại: Information screening
Hoàng Triều Dương: Look up information
Trinh Văn Đức: Look up information
Trần Trung Nghĩa: Presentation
Nguyễn Đức Thịnh: Making slides
What Are Communication Skills? (with Examples) - Talent Economy
Những kỹ năng giúp bạn giao tiếp hiệu quả, khéo léo
10 Tips for Managing Time Effectively
The 5 Steps of Problem Solving - Humor That Works

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