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Managing A Successful Computing Project Assignment 2: Prepared For

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Managing a Successful

Computing Project

Assignment 2

Prepared for :

Mr. Hoang Huu Duc

Greenwich University Da Nang

Prepared by:

Le Vo Thang

P5 + M3 : Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques . .......................... 3
Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to
support and justify recommendations. .................................................................................................... 3
1. Analysis of quantitative reasearch : ................................................................................................ 3
1.1. This website will improve the canteen ‘s performance. ........................................................ 3
1.2. This system help the canteen serve the big amount of customers..................................... 3
1.3. The effectively systen made students interesting in going to the canteen everyday ....... 4
1.4. The system will get huge respond from student in college. ................................................. 4
2. Analysis of qualitative research : ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Will the Website increase benefit of the canteen? ................................................................ 5
2.2. Do you think that almost students will satisfy with the canteen management website? 5
2.3. Is the quality service of the canteen increased?.................................................................... 5
2.4..Are students do not have to wait in the long queue anymore ? .......................................... 5
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis to
draw valid and meaningful conclusions .................................................................................................. 6
P7 + M4 : Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance ......................................................................................................................... 7
Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to meet
stated objectives and support own learning and performance............................................................ 7
# Project manager’s own learning and performances .......................................................................... 8
*Performance review ................................................................................................................................. 9
*Template for Project Logbook ............................................................................................................... 10
Conclution ................................................................................................................................................... 12
References .................................................................................................................................................. 13
P5 + M3 : Analyse research and data using appropriate tools and techniques .

Evaluate the selection of appropriate tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity
to support and justify recommendations.

1. Analysis of quantitative reasearch :

1.1. This website will improve the canteen ‘s performance.

1.2. This system help the canteen serve the big amount of customers
1.3. The effectively systen made students interesting in going to the canteen everyday.

1.4. The system will get huge respond from student in college.
2. Analysis of qualitative research :

2.1. Will the Website increase benefit of the canteen?

As a researcher when I asked the first respondent about the quality of the canteen management
system and the benefit of it, the respondent answered positively and told that the project is good
for all and the company will get special attention of the students who are intersting in this new

2.2. Do you think that almost students will satisfy with the canteen management
I asked him about the satisfaction ,the respondent replied that the website meet all of his
satisfaction (good looking design, simple to use the website ‘s fuctions ) so the overall image
was good about the website. And the evaluation of the respondent about the project was

2.3. Is the quality service of the canteen increased?

When I asked her about her quality service of the canteen, she told that because of the website
design is eye-catching and friendly so she can order foods very fast and convenient. The
judgment of the respondent was positive a and the respondent was loyal customer of the

2.4..Are students do not have to wait in the long queue anymore ?

When I asked the respondent about the effectiveness of the management website and the
respondent told that he no need to wait in the long queue anymore because of . So the
company will get competitive advantages through the project.
P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data
analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions

Human resources: To finish this project as quickly as possible in time limit , BBT company
needs skilled and experienced staffs. So from my experience of the lately project, I will
recommend the company to get more skilled employees for the company who will contribute by
completing the program within time and budget limitation.

Complete budget: to complete a program, the manager needs the required resources before
implementing the program . As an administrator, I request that the the company must prepare
the suitable spending plan to actualize the project, there are likewise costs for offices, support
costs, party when the task complete.

Complete legal procedures: when implementing the project as a manager I had to solve many
procedures.So the company needs to manage big amount of procedures before taking the
project for getting competitive advantages.

Customized product: the main feature of quality product is the customization of the products
.so the BBT company needs to serve the customize products for the
recommendation for the company is to produce products based on the lime , occasion or the
purpose of the users so that they can have the best products to meet their needs accordingly.

Promote the website: Promotion for the project is imperative. We have to provide the school
staffs the knowledge of the fundamental functions about this website. This will support the
canteen staffs to utilize the website and know its advantages..
P7 + M4 : Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and
own learning and performance

Evaluate the value of the project management process and use of quality research to
meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance

As a supervisor, I see both the qualitative and quantitative research method are done efficiently
to meet the objectives of the project. The quantitative research has revealed that most of the
customer want quality product and they think that the price of the products of the canteen is
suitable. And the quantitative research also suggest that the canteen need some little small in the
best locations .

The work breakdown will help the project manager to set specific task for the employees and
lessened the work pressure. According to the structure, the manager will be able to accomplish
the project tasks within then time limitation. On the other hand, the Gantt chart of the project has
specified the time required for every task and how many employees needed for that task. The
Gantt chart has also specified the duration of the task, so the manager will be able to accomplish
the task within the project time limitation.
# Project manager’s own learning and performances

 Communication abilities: One of the most imperative and essential aptitudes of an

undertaking chief is relational abilities. When I started the project I had limitation to
communicate with the clients but after the project I have got so many techniques and
processes to easily communicate with the business clients.
 Risk management skills:any business project has some risks, so the project managed
must have some quality of managing risk in the as a project manager of the
canteen management website I have got some lesson over controlling the project risks
and this quality has helped me to successfully accomplish the project and to meet the
objective of the project
 Negotiation abilities: When dealing with the task, I need to contact numerous
individuals as clients to study and make proposals for the venture. Likewise, I need to
consult with financial specialists and partners to get the most appropriate spending plan
for the task. Through this task, I have learned step by step instructions to get a decent
manage customers and speculators, I think this will be an important exercise for me.
*Performance review

To start with, the principle points and targets of the Canteen Food Ordering and
Management System venture is to give quick administrations to their undergrads, Staffs. With
the assistance of this framework you simply need to pursue a basic procedure to arrange your
stuffs. What's more, you need not to hold up in the long line. I needed to work with many
individuals that I had never used to. In any case, on account of that, I had the chance to meet
numerous individuals and adapt more encounters to help me in my work. I might want to assess
my execution dependent on finished errands since I have performed constantly and spending
plan allocated. during the time spent working, the greatest hindrance to the task's advancement
is that my subordinates need inspiration.

I want to rate my performance based on the tasks completed because I did every task within
time and budget specified.

To judge my performance, the main strength was the negotiation with new people and the
weakness was to motivate the subordinate. For this I took the support of the top management.

The research supported to understand the scope of the market and the company got
competitive advantages over its competitors in the market.
*Template for Project Logbook
Chosen organization: BBT company
Name of the learner: Le Vo Thang Name of the Supervisor: Hoang Huu Duc
Project Title: Date: 01/03/2019
descriptions Comments
Update of weekly research/ tasks achieved
1. The project
1. What have you finished? 2. Yes
2. Do you complete inside the 3. Yes
predetermined time limit?
3. Did you have to roll out any
improvements to your task the board

Any risks and / or issues identified?

Have you distinguished dangers/issues No, I completely have the vital abilities
with the absence of aptitudes expected to discover an answer.
to perform look into errands?
Do you distinguish any dangers/issues
that influence the task the executives Truly, I have a few issues with some
plan?? customer making me change
something about the project

Problems encountered

1. I just confronted a touch of

correspondence obstructions.
1. What hindrances did you face?
2. I defeated them by asking a few
counsels from my prevalent and
2. How did you conquer them?
talking about with the subordinates.
New Ideas and change of project direction
What Have I found out about myself this I have figured out how to impart,
week? arrange and control hazard bitterly.
How could I feel when I needed to At first, I felt very forced yet on
manage errands/issues? account of the support of my partners
so I can survive.
How well have I performed? What did I I have dealt with a major venture and
contribute? did very well to make the task
What would I be able to enhance one What I realized through this venture
week from now? will be exceptionally accommodating
for the accompanying activities.

Tasks planned for next week

1. Which assignments are needs? 1. The most important task is to have a

good plan
2. Have you put aside adequate energy for 2. yes

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind) I finished it inside the predefined time. (ON)
Supervisor comments to address
Signature of the Supervisor and date:

Project management is a process of accomplishing a task within a specified time. Project

management helps a company to accomplish any task successfully within the limited budget of
tome , money and other a manager of canteen management website project I have
accomplished the project of entering in the new market segment outside the country of
the company given the responsibility on me and I have taken all the responsibilities to complete
the task.

1. Maylor, H. (2010). Project management. 1st ed. Harlow, England: Financial

Times Prentice Hall is an imprint of Pearson
2. Baguley, P. (2008). Project management. 1st ed. London: Hodder Education
3. Cooke, H., Tate, K. and Cooke, H. (2011). Project management. 1st ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill
4. Brighthub Project Management. (2017). Types of Project Costs - Examples of the
Different Variables in Project Cost Management. [online] Available at:
management/ [Accessed 30 Apr. 2017]
5. Williams, M. (2008). Principles of Project Management (SitePoint. 1st ed.
Collingwood: SitePoint

6. Tomczyk, C. (2011). Project Manager's Spotlight on Planning.

7. Turner, J. (2010). Evolution of project management research as evidenced by

papers published in the International Journal of Project Management.
International Journal of Project Management, 28(1), pp.1-6

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