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Brochure - 新實用漢語課本 New Practical Chinese Reader

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A General Introduction to New Practical Chinese Reader

刘珣 主编
Editor-in-Chief : Liu Xun


New Practical Chinese Reader is a set of comprehensive Chinese language textbooks compiled
北京语言大学出版社坚定走特色化、专业化发展之路,形成对外汉语教材、中国少数民族汉语教材 for the purpose of teaching Chinese to adult non-native Chinese speakers without previous Chinese
和外语图书三大优势出版领域,坚持以图书产品精品化、立体化为发展方向,不断强化纸质图书出版、 learning experience. The teaching concepts New Practical Chinese Reader upholds are taking
电子音像出版、网络出版三大出版核心和国内营销、海外营销、网络营销三大营销渠道,全力打造一流 language structure as the guideline and combining the teaching of language structure with the

Chinese Reader
New Practical
的国际性、专业化出版社。 teachings of language functions and culture. By placing the focus of study on language structure and
functional, cultural knowledge, as well as skills training for listening, speaking, reading and writing,
New Practical Chinese Reader aims to foster learners’ ability to communicate in the Chinese language.
Established in 1985, Beijing Language and Culture University Press is the only publishing house
It emphasizes the instructions of functional items and covers a wide range of topics. The book is
in China dedicated to the publication of materials for the teaching and research of Chinese as a foreign
divided into units, making it easy for users to differentiate the core content from the supplementary one
language (TCFL). Besides providing publications in various forms of media such as books, audiovisual
and choose the content based on their needs.
and electronic products, a website and software, it also conducts research and development of TCFL
textbooks and training for TCFL teachers. It was selected as one of China’s Top 100 Publishing
Houses and National Culture Export Focal Enterprises and was developed and supported by Ministry
of Commerce, Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, General
Administration of Press and Publication of the People’s Republic of China.

Beijing Language and Culture University Press will unswervingly develop with characteristics
and specialization, thus forming its superiority in the three publication fields, namely, the publication
of textbooks of teaching Chinese as a foreign Language, teaching Chinese to minority ethnic groups
and books of foreign languages. It will persist in publishing top-quality and comprehensive books and
other products and constantly strengthen the three cores of publication, i.e., paper-based publication,
electronic and audiovisual publication and web-based publication. It will also strengthen the three
marketing channels, i.e., domestic marketing channel, overseas marketing channel and web-
based marketing channel and spare no efforts to turn itself into a top international and professional
publishing house.
New Practical Chinese Reader

自2002年陆续出版以来,《新实用汉语课本》受到世界各地汉语学习者和汉语教师的欢迎与关注,总发 《新实用汉语课本》围绕几个外国学生在中国的生活及他们与中国朋友和教师的友情而展开一系列风趣的
行量已达百万册,并有版权输出,已被美国哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校,加拿大多伦多大 故事,并结合日常生活,介绍与汉语表达和理解有关的习俗文化。全套共6册70课,每册包括课本、综合练习
学,英国牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学,德国柏林大学,澳大利亚墨尔本大学,日本早稻田大学等世界著名 册、教师用书3个分册,并配有CD、DVD等音像产品。1~4册为初级和中级以前阶段,共50课;5、6册为中
大学所采用,成为世界上使用最广泛的基础汉语教材之一。 级阶段,共20课。
New Practical Chinese Reader tells interesting and humorous stories about foreign students living in
目前,《新实用汉语课本》已出版了英文注释的简体版和繁体版,另有俄文、泰文、西班牙文注释本, China, their daily lives, and the bonds they develop with their Chinese friends and teachers. Customs and
以及2009年配合国家汉办汉语推广而精心打造的9个语种的入门级立体化教材(包括图书、CD和多媒体CD- cultural traditions related to Chinese language expression and comprehension are also introduced. There
ROM)。2010年新推出了英文注释本第2版,整体框架未作大的变化,综合了原版在海外使用的课堂实践经 are 70 lessons in the 6 volumes, each of which includes a Textbook, a Workbook and an Instructor’s Manual
验,为读者呈现与时俱进的内容,坚持语言实用,结合实际,培养学习者跨文化交际的能力。 and accompanied by audiovisual products like CD or DVD. The first four volumes, 50 lessons in total, are for
beginners and pre-intermediate level learners. The last two volumes consist of 20 lessons and are used for
Since New Practical Chinese Reader was published in 2002, it has been well received by learners and learners at the intermediate level.
teachers of Chinese around the world and aroused a lot of concern among them. With its total circulation
hitting 1 million copies and its copyright imported to other countries, New Practical Chinese Reader has
Book size:210mm х 285mm
become one of the most popular basic Chinese teaching resources that are used by world renowned
universities, such as Harvard University, Stanford University and University of California Berkeley in the
Target readers: Overseas college freshman, sophomore or junior students who take Chinese
United States, Toronto University in Canada, Oxford University, Cambridge University and University
as a major or minor subject; self-learners of Chinese language
of London in British, University of Berlin in Germany, University of Melbourne in Australia and Waseda
课 型:综合
University in Japan.
Course type: Comprehensive
Its simplified Chinese version and traditional Chinese version with English annotation have been
Teaching advice:1 lesson/week, 1 volume/semester
published so far besides its simplified Chinese version with Thai, Russian and Spanish annotations. The
books (with CD and CD-ROM) were also annotated in 9 languages in 2009 as a set of comprehensive 课本:每课包括课文、生词、注释、练习与运用、会话练习、阅读和复述、语音、
teaching materials for beginners in cooperation with the Chinese language popularization program launched 语音练习、语法、汉字、文化知识等内容。
by Hanban. In addition, the 2nd edition of its simplified Chinese version annotated in English was published Textbook: Each lesson includes various parts such as text, new words, note, drills
in 2010. We haven’t revised the framework, but presented the updated materials in combination with how it and practice, reading comprehension and paraphrasing, pronunciation drills, grammar,
was used in the classrooms of foreign countries. The language used is still practical and reality-based so as character, cultural notes and so on.
to foster students’ cross-culture communication skills.

Workbook: It contains a variety of exercises on Chinese pronunciation, vocabulary,
sentence patterns and characters as well as the overall training of the four basic skills,
i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing for learners to use after class

Instructor’s Manual: It provides advice on the teaching purpose, teaching steps and
methods of each lesson and explains the teaching materials. Knowledge regarding the
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary is explained in detail. There are two unit reviews
and the key to the tests and exercises in each book.
New Practical Chinese Reader

课本3 课本4
英文注释本(第1版 1-6册) ISBN 978-7-5619-1251-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1319-2
Annotated in English (1st Edition Volume 1~6) 定价:¥58.00 定价:¥67.00
出版日期:2003年11月 出版日期:2004年7月
《新实用汉语课本》英文注释本(第1版)出版了简体版(1—6册)和繁体版(1—4册),可供海外学 配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD5盘
习者根据不同需要灵活选用。 ISBN 978-7-88703-200-3 ISBN 978-7-88703-192-1
Volume 1~6 of the series have been published in simplified Chinese with English annotation and 定价:¥32.00 定价:¥40.00
Volume 1~4 of the series have been published in traditional Chinese with English annotation to meet the
different needs of overseas students. 综合练习册3 综合练习册4
ISBN 978-7-5619-1252-2 ISBN 978-7-5619-1331-4
英文注释本(简体版) Annotated in English (Simplified Chinese Version)
定价:¥35.00 定价:¥34.00

课本2 出版日期:2003年11月 出版日期:2004年7月

ISBN 978-7-5619-1040-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1129-7 配套产品:CD3盘 配套产品:CD2盘
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥67.00 ISBN 978-7-88703-201-0 ISBN 978-7-88703-177-8
出版日期:2002年3月 出版日期:2002年11月 定价:¥24.00 定价:¥16.00
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD4盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-195-2 ISBN 978-7-88703-198-3
教师手册3 教师手册4
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥32.00 ISBN 978-7-5619-1262-1 ISBN 978-7-5619-1335-2
定价:¥28.00 定价:¥31.00
出版日期:2003年11月 出版日期:2004年8月

综合练习册1 综合练习册2
ISBN 978-7-5619-1042-9 ISBN 978-7-5619-1145-7
定价:¥26.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2002年3月 出版日期:2003年4月
配套产品:CD2盘 配套产品:CD2盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-196-9 ISBN 978-7-88703-199-0
定价:¥16.00 定价:¥16.00

教师手册1 教师手册2
ISBN 978-7-5619-1041-2 ISBN 978-7-5619-1146-4 课本5 教师手册5 课本6
定价:¥30.00 定价:¥28.00 ISBN 978-7-5619-1408-3 ISBN 978-7-5619-1528-8 ISBN 978-7-5619-2527-0
出版日期:2002年3月 定价:¥59.00 定价:¥14.00 定价:¥68.00
配套产品:CD1盘 出版日期:2005年7月 出版日期:2006年3月 出版日期:2009年12月

ISBN 978-7-88703-197-6 配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD4盘

定价:¥9.00 ISBN 978-7-88703-241-6 ISBN 978-7-88703-921-7
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥32.00
New Practical Chinese Reader

英文注释本(繁体版) Annotated in English (Traditional Chinese Version)

课本1 课本2 DVD Version of New Practical Chinese Reader
ISBN 978-7-5619-1935-4 ISBN 978-7-5619-2107-4 《新实用汉语课本》(英文注释本)1 — 4 册每册配有课文情景会话高清DVD 1张,紧密结合课本,采
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥67.00 用真人表演形式,生动再现本课交际场景和会话内容。DVD可随简体版课本购买,也可单独购买。
出版日期:2007年8月 出版日期:2008年6月 New Practical Chinese Reader (Annotated in English) also has the accompanying situational
dialogues in a high-definition DVD, which is closely in combination with the texts with authentic vividness.
The DVD can be sold with the simplified Chinese version textbook or sold independently.

DVD随书销售 DVD sold together with the book

课本1 课本2
(附赠课文情景会话DVD) (附赠课文情景会话DVD)
综合练习册1 综合练习册2 ISBN 978-7-5619-1040-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1129-7
ISBN 978-7-5619-2011-4 ISBN 978-7-5619-2108-1 定价:¥88.00 定价:¥98.00
定价:¥26.00 定价:¥30.00 出版日期:2002年3月 出版日期:2002年11月
出版日期:2008年4月 出版日期:2008年6月

课本3 课本4
(附赠课文情景会话DVD) (附赠课文情景会话DVD)
ISBN 978-7-5619-1251-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1319-2
定价:¥90.00 定价:¥100.00
出版日期:2003年11月 出版日期:2004年7月

课本3 DVD单独销售 DVD sold independently

ISBN 978-7-5619-2048-0 ISBN 978-7-5619-2121-0
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥67.00
出版日期:2008年4月 出版日期:2008年6月

课文情景会话DVD 1 课文情景会话DVD 2

ISBN 978-7-88703-975-0 ISBN 978-7-88703-976-7

定价:¥45.00 定价:¥45.00
出版日期:2010年6月 出版日期:2010年6月
综合练习册3 综合练习册4
ISBN 978-7-5619-2049-7 ISBN 978-7-5619-2122-7
定价:¥35.00 定价:¥34.00
出版日期:2008年4月 出版日期:2008年6月 课文情景会话DVD 3 课文情景会话DVD 4

ISBN 978-7-88703-977-4 ISBN 978-7-88703-978-1

定价:¥49.00 定价:¥49.00
出版日期:2010年6月 出版日期:2010年6月
New Practical Chinese Reader

英文注释本(第2版 1—4册) 第2版课本样课

Annotated in English (2nd Edition Volume 1~ 4) A Sample Lesson in the Textbook of Its 2nd Edition

Since New Practical Chinese Reader was published in 2002, it has been well received by learners
and teachers of Chinese. Its second edition was published in 2010. For users’ convenience, in this new
edition we didn’t revise the framework, but presented the updated materials in combination with how
it was used in foreign countries. The language used is still practical and reality-based so as to foster
students’ cross-culture communication skills.
Users can visit and download the traditional Chinese version of the texts of New
Practical Chinese Reader’s second edition. In this edition, each Textbook, Workbook and Instructor’s
Manual comes along with a free MP3 which contains the corresponding listening materials.

课本1(附1张MP3) 综合练习册1(附1张MP3) 教师用书1(附1张MP3)

ISBN 978-7-5619-2623-9 ISBN 978-7-5619-2622-2 ISBN 978-7-5619-2621-5
定价:¥68.00 定价:¥35.00 定价:¥35.00
出版日期:2010年3月 出版日期:2010年3月 出版日期:2010年3月

课本2(附1张MP3) 综合练习册2(附1张MP3) 教师用书2(附1张MP3)

ISBN 978-7-5619-2895-0 ISBN 978-7-5619-2893-6 ISBN 978-7-5619-2894-3
定价:¥68.00 定价:¥38.00 定 价:¥32.00
出版日期:2010年11月 出版日期:2010年11月 出版日期:2010年11月

3 — 4 册将于2011年出版。Volume 3 and 4 will be published in 2011.

New Practical Chinese Reader

泰文注释本(1—2册) Annotated in Thai (volume1~2)

Annotated in Russian, Thai and Spanish 课本1
综合练习册1 教师手册1
978-7-5619-1601-8 978-7-5619-1607-0 978-7-5619-1606-3
出版英文注释本以后,应其他母语学习者的需求,我们出版了俄文注释本、泰文注释本和西班牙文 定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
注释本。 出版日期:2006年5月 出版日期:2006年5月 出版日期:2006年5月
After New Practical Chinese Reader was published with English annotation, it was also annotated
in Russian, Thai and Spanish to meet the needs of speakers of other languages.

俄文注释本(1—4册) Annotated in Russian (Volume 1~4) 课本2 综合练习册2 教师手册2

课本1 综合练习册1 教师手册1 978-7-5619-2282-8 978-7-5619-2284-2 978-7-5619-2283-5
ISBN 978-7-5619-1673-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1674-2 ISBN 978-7-5619-1698-7 定价:¥67.00 定价:¥30.00 定价:¥28.00
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥26.00 定价:¥30.00 出版日期:2009年3月 出版日期:2009年2月 出版日期:2009年2月
出版日期:2006年8月 出版日期:2006年6月 出版日期:2006年8月
配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD2张
ISBN 978-7-88703-421-2 ISBN 978-7-88703-440-3
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥16.00
西班牙文注释本(1—3册) Annotated in Spanish (Volume 1~3)

课本2 综合练习册2 教师手册2

ISBN 978-7-5619-1732-9 ISBN 978-7-5619-1759-6 ISBN 978-7-5619-1760-2
定价:¥67.00 定价:¥30.00 定价:¥28.00
出版日期:2007年4月 出版日期:2006年11月 出版日期:2006年11月
配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD2张
ISBN 978-7-88703-432-8 ISBN 978-7-88703-441-0
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥16.00
课本1 课本2 课本3
ISBN 978-7-5619-2227-9 ISBN 978-7-5619-2311-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-2645-1
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥67.00 定价:¥58.00
出版日期:2008年12月 出版日期:2009年6月 出版日期:2010年11月
配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD4张
课本3 综合练习册3 教师手册3 ISBN 978-7-88703-697-1 ISBN 978-7-88774-097-7 ISBN 978-7-88774-098-4
ISBN 978-7-5619-1784-8 ISBN 978-7-5619-1798-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-1809-8
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥32.00 定价:¥32.00
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥35.00 定价:¥28.00
出版日期:2007年6月 出版日期:2007年4月 出版日期:2007年4月
配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD3张
ISBN 978-7-88703-449-6 ISBN 978-7-88703-455-7
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥24.00

课本4 综合练习册4 教师手册4

综合练习册1 综合练习册2 综合练习册3
ISBN 978-7-5619-1936-1 ISBN 978-7-5619-1938-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-2120-3
ISBN 978-7-5619-2228-6 ISBN 978-7-5619-2303-0 ISBN 978-7-5619-2644-4
定价:¥67.00 定价:¥34.00 定价:¥31.00
定价:¥26.00 定价:¥30.00 定价:¥35.00
出版日期:2007年8月 出版日期:2007年8月 出版日期:2008年6月
出版日期:2008年11月 出版日期:2009年4月 出版日期:2010年11月
配套产品:CD4张 配套产品:CD2张
配套产品:CD2张 配套产品:CD2张 配套产品:CD3张
ISBN 978-7-88703-582-0 ISBN 978-7-88703-583-7
ISBN 978-7-88703-698-8 ISBN 978-7-88774-099-1 ISBN 978-7-88774-100-4
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥16.00
定价:¥16.00 定价:¥16.00 定价:¥24.00
New Practical Chinese Reader

英语版 English Version

课本 教师用书
ISBN 978-7-5619-2431-0 ISBN 978-7-5619-2430-3
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2009年9月 出版日期:2009年9月
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-786-2 ISBN 978-7-88703-787-9
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00

法语版 French Version

课本 教师用书
ISBN 978-7-5619-2483-9 ISBN 978-7-5619-2484-6
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
《新实用汉语课本》多语种版(入门级) 出版日期:2009年11月 出版日期:2009年11月
New Practical Chinese Reader (Multilingual Version for Beginners) 配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品: CD1盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-823-4 ISBN 978-7-88703-824-1
2009年,为配合国家汉办汉语国际推广,我们约请了汉语教学专家和英语、法语、德语、俄语等9个语种 定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00
德语版 German Version
该产品包括英语版、法语版、德语版、俄语版、西班牙语版、阿拉伯语版、日语版、韩国语版、泰语版9 课本 教师用书
ISBN 978-7-5619-2429-7 ISBN 978-7-5619-2428-0
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
堂教学,也可用于自学。 出版日期:2009年9月 出版日期:2009年9月
配套产品: CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘
New Practical Chinese Reader, a set of teaching materials for general education, has nine language ISBN 978-7-88703-781-7 ISBN 978-7-88703-782-4
versions in 2009 in cooperation with the popularization of Chinese language program launched by Hanban. 定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00
During the preparation of this product, we enlisted the assistance of Chinese language teaching experts and
the foreign experts of the nine languages, i.e., native English-speaking, French-speaking, Germany-speaking
and Russian-speaking experts and the like. This product is a set of beginner-level Chinese language
textbooks for the purpose of teaching Chinese to native speakers of the nine languages. By discriminating
俄语版 Russian Version
the teaching material’s content, explanation of pronunciation, figures and illustrations based on the learners’ 课本 教师用书
different cultural background and study characteristics, we ensure it is ideally suited to teach beginner-level ISBN 978-7-5619-2317-7 ISBN 978-7-5619-2318-4
Chinese to adult native speakers of different languages. 定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
This product is annotated in nine languages: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, 出版日期:2009年6月 出版日期:2009年6月
Korean, Japanese and Thai. Each language version includes a Textbook and an Instructor’s manual along 配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品: CD1盘
with the accompanying CD and CD-ROM, making it highly suitable for both classroom teaching and self- ISBN 978-7-88703-741-1 ISBN 978-7-88703-742-8
learning instruction alike. 定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00
New Practical Chinese Reader

西班牙语版 Spanish Version 多语种版CD-ROM

课本 教师用书 CD-ROMs of the Multilingual Version
ISBN 978-7-5619-2346-7 ISBN 978-7-5619-2347-4
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2009年6月 出版日期:2009年6月 择、判断正误、连线等多种互动练习,可实现多种互动学习功能。CD-COM还包含每课文化知识的高清视频,
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘 9个版本分别配有9种语言的解说和字幕,集学习和欣赏为一体,学习者可与课本配套使用,也可单独使用。
ISBN 978-7-88703-743-5 ISBN 978-7-88703-744-2
定价:¥9.00 In the multilingual version of New Practical Chinese Reader, each textbook comes along with two
accompanying CD-ROMs, which contain the study of texts, cartoon and pronunciation as well as many
阿拉伯语版 Arabic Version interactive exercises like “Choose the right answers”, “Decide whether the statements are true or false” and
课本 教师用书 “Join each pair with a line” ,thus making the study interactive. The CD-ROMs also provide the high-definition
ISBN 978-7-5619-2402-0 定价:¥30.00 video materials with foreign language annotation and subtitles for students to study and enjoy. Learners can
定价:¥58.00 出版日期:2009年8月 use it either with the textbook or use it alone.
出版日期:2009年8月 ISBN 978-7-5619-2401-3
ISBN 978-7-88703-762-6
ISBN 978-7-88703-763-3
日语版 Japanese Version
课本 教师用书 主界面 Main Interface 人物介绍 Main Characters 课文文本 Text
ISBN 978-7-5619-2461-7 ISBN 978-7-5619-2462-4
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2009年10月 出版日期:2009年9月
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-827-2 ISBN 978-7-88703-828-9
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00

韩国语版 Korean Version 课文动画 Cartoon of the Text 生词 New Words 核心句 Key Sentences

课本 教师用书
ISBN 978-7-5619-2510-2 ISBN 978-7-5619-2511-9
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2009年11月 出版日期:2009年11月
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-825-8 ISBN 978-7-88703-826-5
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00
语音练习 Pronunciation Drills 综合练习 Comprehensive Practice 文化知识 Cultural Notes
泰语版 Thai Version
课本 教师用书
ISBN 978-7-5619-2481-5 ISBN 978-7-5619-2482-2
定价:¥58.00 定价:¥30.00
出版日期:2009年11月 出版日期:2009年11月
配套产品:CD4盘 配套产品:CD1盘
ISBN 978-7-88703-829-6 ISBN 978-7-88703-830-2
小词典 Dictionary 语法术语 Grammar Terms 普通话音节
定价:¥32.00 定价:¥9.00
Syllables in Common Speech
New Practical Chinese Reader

英语版(English Version) 德语版 (German Version) 法语版 (French Version)
An Introduction to the New Practical Chinese Reader Forum
ISBN 978-7-900782-10-6 ISBN 978-7-900782-14-4 ISBN 978-7-900782-15-1
定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00
出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月 为了更好地帮助汉语教师和学习者使用《新实用汉语课本》,北京语言大学出版社



The website of Beijing Language and Culture University Press ( has started
a forum for New Practical Chinese Reader to help teachers and learners of Chinese language
use this set of teaching materials. It has the following functions:
俄语版 (Russian Version) 西班牙语版(Spanish Version) 阿拉伯语版(Arabic Version)
Answer the questions by experts: The compilers and editors of New Practical Chinese
ISBN 978-7-900782-11-3 ISBN 978-7-900782-16-8 ISBN 978-7-900782-18-2
定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00 Reader provide timely answers in response to the questions from Chinese language teachers or
出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月 students when they use the teaching materials.

Share the resources: The publishing house collects the teaching resources such as
pictures and cultural tips. We also enlist the assistance of Chinese teachers with rich
teaching experience to make detailed courseware of each lesson for Chinese teachers to
download for free.

日语版(Japanese Version) 泰语版 (Thai Version) 韩国语版 (Korean Version)

ISBN 978-7-900782-12-0 ISBN 978-7-900782-17-5 ISBN 978-7-900782-13-7
定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00 定  价:¥148.00
出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月 出版日期:2010年12月

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