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HSK 2 语法补充材料

Supplementary Material for HSK 2 Grammar

LI Jiaqi(PhD Student), Peking University

Lesson 1

您(nín) vs 你(nǐ) pron.

“您(nín)”is more formal than“你(nǐ)”,we usually use “您(nín)” to show our politeness.
If the person we are talking to is older or have higher position than us, we usually use
Nín shì Wáng lǎo shī ma
e.g. 您是王老师吗?Are you Professor Wang?
Nǐ xǐ huan chī píng guǒ ma
你喜欢吃苹果吗?Do you like eating apples?

对(duì) adj.

When using as an adjective, “对(duì)” means correct, we use it to give positive response
or to express affirmation. “对(duì)” can be used alone as a sentence.
Duì w ǒ s h ì Wáng l ǎ o s h ī
e.g. 对,我是王老师。Yes, I'm Professor Wang.
Duì tā xìngzhāng
对,他姓 张 。Yes, his last name is Zhang.


“是不是(shìbushì)” is a phrase, but it can be seen as a verb, we use “是不是(shìbushì)”

after the subject to make the question, when we are not sure about the answer. It can be
used before nominal phrases and verbal phrases.
Nǐ xià wǔ shì bú shì yǒu kè
e.g. ——你下午是不是有课?Do you have any classes this afternoon?
Duì wǒ xià wǔ yǒu sān jié kè
——对,我下午有三节课。Yes, I have three classes this afternoon.

Nín shì bú shì wáng lǎo shī

——您是不是王老师?Are you Professor Wang?
Bú shì wǒ xìng sūn
——不是,我姓孙。No, my last name is Sun.

也(yě) adv.

“也(yě)” is an adverb, we use it to express similarities and indicate “the same”. And as
an adverb, when we use “也(yě)”, there must have a verb after it.
Wǒ jīn tiān xià wǔ yě yǒu kè
e.g. 我今天下午也有课。I also have classes this afternoon.
Tā yě xìngwáng
他也姓王。His last name is Wang, too.

Lesson 2

过(guò) aux.

When using as an auxiliary word, ①“过(guò)” can be used after a verb to indicate that
some actions or changes have taken place.
Zuó wǎn xià guò yǔ
e.g. 昨晚下过雨。It rained last night.
Zhè běn shū zuó tiān kàn guò le
这本书昨天看过了。The book was read yesterday.
②And “过(guò)” can also be used to indicate the order of actions if there are two verbs
in one sentence.
Wǒ chī guò zǎo fàn qù xué xiào
e.g. 我吃过早饭去学校。I go to school after having breakfast.
Tā chī guò wǎn fàn qù xiě zuò yè
他吃过晚饭去写作业。He does his homework after supper.
③“过(guò)” can be used after a verb to indicate the past experiences, i.e. somebody
have experienced something before.
Wǒ qù guò běi jīng tā méi qù guò
e.g.我去过北京,他没去过。I have been to Beijing, but he hasn't.
Nǐ chī guò běi jīng kǎo yā ma
你吃过北京烤鸭吗?Have you ever eaten the Peking Duck?

真(zhēn) adv.

When using as an adverb, 真(zhēn) appears in the exclamatory sentence to emphasize

the degree of the following adjective is high and to express exclamation mood.
Xiàoyuánzhēn měi
e.g. 校园真美!The campus is so beautiful!/ What a lovely campus!
Jīn tiānzhēnlěng
今天真冷!It's so cold today!

最(zuì) adv.

最(zuì) means the degree of the verb or adjective behind it is the highest , the usage of
最(zuì) is similar to ‘the most…’ or ‘v.…most’.
Tā zuì xǐ huan kàn shū
e.g.他最喜欢看书。He likes reading best.
Wáng lǎo shī zuì xǐ huan hē chá
王老师最喜欢喝茶。Professor Wang likes drinking tea best.

Lesson 3

着(zhe) aux.

①“着(zhe)”here means the way of doing something or doing something while doing
the other thing.(Lesson 3)
Tā tīng zhe gē xiě zuò yè
e.g. 他听着歌写作业。He listens to the song while doing his homework.
T ā k à n z h e diàn s h ì c h ī f à n
她看着电视吃饭。She watches the TV while eating meals.
②“着(zhe)” can be used after the verb to indicate that the action continues.(Lesson 19)
Wǒ shàng zhe kè ne yì huì er zài shuō ba
e.g.我 上 着课呢,一会儿再说吧。I’m having classes, let’s talk about it later.
Wǒ huí jiā de shí hou tā zhèng chī zhe fàn
我回家的时候她 正 吃着饭。She was having dinner when I came home.
③“着(zhe)” can also be used after the verb to indicate that the state sustains.
Zhuō zi shàngfàng zhe yī běn shū
e.g.桌子 上 放着一本书。There is a book putting on the table.
Qiángshàng guà zhe yī fú huà
墙 上 挂着一幅画。There is a painting hanging on the wall.
就 1(jiù) adv.

When using as an adverb, “就 1(jiù)”means the things happened/finished much early or

use less time than expect.
Tā zhǐ yòng bàn xiǎo shí jiù xiě wán zuò yè le
e.g.她只用半小时就写完作业了。She finished her homework in only half an hour.
Wǒ zǎo shang wǔ diǎn jiù qǐ chuáng le
我早 上 五点就起 床 了。I got up at five in the morning.

Lesson 4

次(cì) measure word

In this lesson, “次(cì)” is a verbal measure word, and it is used to indicate the times of
the action or emphasize the frequency of doing something.
Zhè ge xīng qī wǒ you le liǎng cì yǒng
e.g. 这个星期我游了 两 次泳。I went swimming twice this week.
Zhè bù diànyǐng wǒ kàn guò sān cì
这部电影我看过三次。I've seen the film three times.

跑了一个小时 V.+(了)+ Complement of Duration

This structure is used to indicate the duration of the action. The complement of duration
is used after the verb to tell how long does the action take or continue, and it is usually
time phrases formed by numeral, quantifier and temporal noun, sometime the quantifier
can be omitted.
Zhè běn shū wǒ kàn le liǎngtiān
e.g. 这本书我看了 两 天。I read this book for two days.
Wǒ měi tiān zǎo shang pǎo yī gè xiǎo shí
我每天早 上 跑一(个)小时。I run for an hour every morning.

吧(ba) part.

①When “吧 1(ba)” is used in a interrogative sentence, it means uncertain about the

question, indicates doubt and uncertainty.(Lesson 4)
Nǐ huì yóu yǒng ba
e.g.你会游泳吧?You know how to swim, right?
Nǐ lái guò běi jīng ba
你来过北京吧?You’ve been to Beijing, haven’t you?
②When “吧 2(ba)” is used in the end of a declarative sentence, it indicates entreaty,
suggestion or command.(Lesson 5)
Wǒ men qù yóu yǒng ba
e.g.我们去游泳吧。Let's go swimming.
Wǒ men qù chī zǎo fàn ba
我们去吃早饭吧。Let's go for breakfast.
③When “吧 3(ba)” is used in a clause it indicates agreement and acknowledgment, or
it indicates a pause.(Lesson 7)
Hǎo ba wǒ qí zhe chē qù tǐ yù guǎn
e.g.好吧,我骑着车去体育馆。All right, I'll ride to the gym.

Lesson 5

……,好吗?(……,hǎo ma)

“……,好吗?(……,hǎo ma)” is a typical interrogative sentence, using to ask for

permission or get approval. And “好吗(hǎo ma)” is used after a short sentence that
shows the propose or opinion of the speaker.
Wǒ men míngtiān qù dǎ lán qiú hǎo ma
e.g. 我们明天去打篮球,好吗?Let's play basketball tomorrow, shall we?
Nǐ míngtiān zài lái yí cì hǎo ma
你明天再来一次,好吗?Could you please come here again tomorrow?

可以(kěyǐ) v.

①“可以 1 (kěyǐ)” indicates permission.(Lesson 5)

Wǒ kě yǐ hé nǐ yì qǐ qù dǎ lán qiú ma
e.g.我可以和你一起去打篮球吗?May I go play basketball with you?
Wǒ men míngtiān qù yóu yǒng kě yǐ ma
我们明天去游泳,可以吗?Shall we go swimming tomorrow?
②“可以 2 (kěyǐ)” indicates possible or able.(Lesson 7)
Wǒ men kě yǐ zuò zhe gōngjiāo chē qù xué xiào
e.g.我们可以坐着公交车去学校。We can go to school by bus.
Wǒ men kě yǐ chī guò zǎo fàn qù shàng xué
我们可以吃过早饭去 上 学。We can go to school after breakfast.
了(le) part.

①In this lesson, “了(le)” is used to indicate a new situation or change of state and it is
only used at the end of a sentence. (了 3)
Tā xiàn zài huì dǎ wǎng qiú le
e.g. 她现在会打网球了。She can play tennis now.
Shàng wǔ hái shì qíngtiān xiàn zài xià xuě le
上 午还是晴天,现在下雪了。It was sunny this morning, but now it's snowing.
②“了(le)” can also be an aspect marker, which is used to indicate that an action is
complete within the time frame we're talking about.(了 2)
Zuó tiān wǒ shàng le sì jié kè
e.g. 昨天我 上 了四节课。I had four lessons yesterday.
Zuó wǎn xià yǔ le
昨晚下雨了。It rained last night.

吧 2(ba) part.

②When “吧 2(ba)” is used in the end of a declarative sentence, it indicates entreaty,

suggestion or command.
Wǒ men qù yóu yǒng ba
e.g.我们去游泳吧。Let's go swimming.
Wǒ men qù chī zǎo fàn ba
我们去吃早饭吧。Let's go for breakfast.

Lesson 6

再(zài) adv.

①In this lesson, “再 2 (zài)”1means repeat and continue, it is often used before a verb
and indicate to do the action once again or maintain the action for longer time.(Lesson
Wǒ kě yǐ zài gěi wáng lǎo shī dǎ gè diàn huà ma
e.g. 我可以再给王老师打个电话吗?May I call Professor Wang again?
Wǒ xiǎng zài dǎ yì xiǎo shí lán qiú
我 想 再打一小时篮球。I want to play basketball for another hour.

1 对应大纲中的“再 1”。(Corresponding to the “再 1” in Test Syllabus for HSK2)

②“再 1(zài)” 2can also be used before an adjective, which means further and higher
degree. (Lesson 8)
Zhè ge shǒu jī néng zài pián yi yì xiē ma
e.g.这个手机能再便宜一些吗?Can this cell phone be cheaper?
Shuō huà shēng yīn zài dà yì diǎn er
说话 声 音再大一点儿。Speak a little louder.
③If there are two or more similar actions in one sentence, the “再(zài)” in one clause
means add something beside.
Wǒ yào yī gè hàn bǎo zài yào yī bēi kě lè
e.g.我要一个汉堡,再要一杯可乐。I'd like a hamburger and a coke, please.
Bāng wǒ mǎi yī gè běn zi zài yào yí kuàixiàng pí ba
帮我买一个本子,再要一块 橡 皮吧。Please buy me a notebook and an eraser.

要(yào) aux.

When using as auxiliary,①“要 1 (yào)” can indicate the willing or the habit of doing
something. (Lesson 6)
Tā yào xué huà huà
e.g.他要学画画。He wants to learn painting.
Tā měi tiān dōu yào màn pǎo yì xiǎo shí
她每天都要慢跑一小时。She jogs for an hour every day.
②“要 2 (yào)” can also indicate the need of doing something. (Lesson 12)
Shēngbìng le yào duō xiū xi
e.g. 生 病了要多休息。Plenty of rest is needed when you' re sick.
Nǐ yào duō hē shuǐ
你要多喝水。You should drink more water.

都 2(dōu) adv.

In this lesson, the meaning of “都 2(dōu)” is similar to “already”, it indicates the degree
of something has already came to a higher place and express the subjective feelings of
the speaker
Dōu shí èr diǎn le shuìjiào ba
e.g. 都十二点了,睡觉吧。It’s already 12, go to sleep. (The speaker thinks the time

is too late, and it’s time for sleep.)

2 对应大纲的“再 2”。(Corresponding to the “再 2” in Test Syllabus for HSK2)

Wǒ dōu xué le liǎngnián hàn yǔ le
我都学了 两 年汉语了。I've been studying Chinese for two years. (The speaker
thinks learning Chinese for 2 years is quite a long time)

两(liǎnɡ) num.

When using as a numeral, “两(liǎnɡ) ” means “two” , and it is more commonly used
than “二(èr) ” before the quantifier.
Bāo lǐ yǒu liǎng běn shū èr běn shū
e.g. 包里有 两 本书(*二本书) 。There are two books in the bag.
Wǒ xiǎng hē liǎng bēi niú nǎi
我 想 喝 两 杯牛奶。I'd like two glasses of milk.

Lesson 7

已经(yǐjīnɡ) adv.

“已经(yǐjīnɡ)” is used before the verbs, verb phrases or adjectives, to indicate the action
is already done or something has come to another state
Wǒ yǐ jīng gěi wáng lǎo shī fā yóu jiàn le
e.g. 我已经给王老师发邮件了。I have emailed Professor Wang。
Kā fēi yǐ jīngliáng le
咖啡已经 凉 了。The coffee has gone cold.

可以 2(kěyǐ) v.

②“可以 2 (kěyǐ)” indicates possible or able.(Lesson 7)

Wǒ men kě yǐ zuò zhe gōngjiāo chē qù xué xiào
e.g.我们可以坐着公交车去学校。We can go to school by bus.
Wǒ men kě yǐ chī guò zǎo fàn qù shàng xué
我们可以吃过早饭去 上 学。We can go to school after breakfast.

吧 3(ba) part.

③When “吧 3(ba)” is used in a clause it indicates agreement and acknowledgment, or

it indicates a pause.
Hǎo ba wǒ qí zhe chē qù tǐ yù guǎn
e.g.好吧,我骑着车去体育馆。All right, I'll ride to the gym.
Hǎo ba nǐ xǐ huan jiù zài mǎi yī gè
好吧,你喜欢就再买一个。All right, buy one more since you like it.

Lesson 8


An adjective is always used between “太(tài)” and 了(le) in this phrase, and the phrase
emphasize the adjective used in them, and express an excess of something, which means
“something is too +adj./ so+ adj. ”The “了(le)” here is used to set structures.
Zhè jiàn yī fu tài dà le
e.g. 这件衣服太大了。This dress is too big.
Zhè běn shū tài guì le
这本书太贵了。This book is too expensive.


“有点儿(yǒudiǎnr)”means “a little bit”, it is often used before adjectives or verbs.

① The verbs used after “有点儿(yǒudiǎnr)” are mostly mental verbs.
Tā yǒu diǎn er xiǎng jiā
e.g.她有点儿 想 家。She's a little bit homesick.
Tā yǒu diǎn er hài pà yóu yǒng
他有点儿害怕游泳。He is a little afraid of swimming.
② The adjectives used after “有点儿(yǒudiǎnr)” always have negative significance or
positive significance with negative forms, which express unsatisfactory or unpleasant.
Jīn tiāntiān qì yǒu diǎn er lěng
e.g. 今天天气有点儿冷。It's a little bit cold today.
Xī guā yǒu diǎn er guì
西瓜有点儿贵。The watermelon is a little bit expensive.

再(zài) adv.

②“再 1(zài)” 3can also be used before an adjective, which means further and higher
degree. (Lesson 8)

3 对应大纲的“再 2”。(Corresponding to the “再 2” in Test Syllabus for HSK2)

Zhè ge shǒu jī néng zài pián yi yì xiē ma
e.g.这个手机能再便宜一些吗?Can this cell phone be cheaper?
Shuō huà shēng yīn zài dà yì diǎn er
说话 声 音再大一点儿。Speak a little louder.

Lesson 9

还 1(hái) adv.

In this lesson, “还 1(hái)” means the situation hasn’t change so far and maintain the
previous situation. The usage of “还 1(hái)” is similar to “still” in affirmative sentence
and “yet”in negative sentences.
Tā hái zhù zài Běi jīng
e.g.他还住在北京。He still lives in Beijing.
Tā hái méi yǒu qù Shàng hǎi
他还没有去 上 海。He hasn't gone to Shanghai yet.

准备好 V. + resultant complement

This structure is formed by a verb and an adjective, the adjective is used as a resultant
complement, used to indicate the result of the action. The negative form of the structure
usually has a “没(méi)” in front of the verb.
Tā shuō duì le
e.g.他说对了。He is right
Wǒ m é i tīngdǒng
我没听懂。I didn’t understand.

看不懂 V. + potential complement

This structure is used to indicate the potential ability of doing something. The positive
form is constructed as “verb+得(de)+ potential complement”, and the negative form is
constructed as “verb+不(bù)+ potential complement”。
Tā kàn dé dǒngyīng wén
e.g.他看得懂英文。He can read English.
Wǒ tīng b ù dǒng f ǎ y ǔ
我听不懂法语。I can’t understand French.
Lesson 10

一下/一下儿(yíxià/yíxiàr) numeral-classifier compound

“一下/一下儿(yíxià/yíxiàr) ” is a numeral-classifier compound, we usually add a“儿

(er)”in oral Chinese. The meaning of the phrase is “once” or “in a short while”, the
phrase is often used after verbs, which indicate that the actions won’t take too much
time, so as to soften the tone.
Xiāng zi tài chén le nǐ kě yǐ bāng wǒ yí xià ma
e.g. 箱 子太沉了,你可以帮我一下吗?The box is too heavy, could you please give

me a hand?
Zhè ge wèn tí nǐ kě yǐ xiǎng yí xià zài huí dá
这个问题你可以 想 一下再回答。You can think about the question before answer

看看(kànkan)/看一看(kànyikàn) the reduplication of the monosyllabic verb

“看看(kànkan) /看一看(kànyikàn)” is the reduplication of the monosyllabic verb “看

(kàn)”. Most of the monosyllabic verbs “A” in modern Chinese can be reduplicated to
the form of “AA” or “A 一 A” .This kind of reduplicated form indicate smaller
momentum or shorter time. And the using of the reduplications can soften the tone of
the sentence, convey a relaxed and casual mood.
Méi wèn tí wǒ qù bāng nǐ kàn kan kàn yī kàn
e.g.没问题,我去帮你看看/看一看。No problem, I'll check it for you.
Nǐ zài xiǎngxiǎng xiǎng yì xiǎng tā shuōshén me le
你再 想 想 / 想 一 想 他说什么了。Think about it again, what did he say?

Lesson 11

就 2(jiù) adv.

In this lesson, “就 2(jiù)” is used as an adverb. “就 2(jiù)” is always used before verbs
to strengthen the affirmative tone or to indicate the short distances in time or space.
Dì tiě zhàn jiù zài xiào mén pángbiān
e.g.地铁站就在校门旁边。The metro station is right next to the school gate.
Yī yuànpángbiān jiù yǒu yī gè yín háng
医院旁边就有一个银行。There is bank right beside the hospital.
离(lí) v.

In this lesson, “离(lí) ” is used to indicate the distance in space between two places, and
it can also be used to indicate the interval in time.
Dì tiě zhàn lí xué xiào hěn jìn
e.g. 地铁站离学校很近。The metro station is close to the school.
Wǒ jiā lí gōng sī hěn yuǎn
我家离公司很远。My home is far from the company.

往(wǎng) prep.

In this lesson, “往(wǎng) ” is a preposition, and it is used to indicate the direction of an

Zhè liàng chē kāi wǎng běi jīng
e.g.这 辆 车开往北京。The train is bound for Beijing.
Wǎngqián zǒu nǐ kě yǐ kàn dào yī gè gōngjiāo chē zhàn
往前走,你可以看到一个公交车站。Go straight ahead and you will see a bus

会 2(huì) v.

In this lesson, “会 2(huì) ” is a modal verb, and the meaning of “会 2(huì)” is similar to
“will”, to indicate that something will happen.
Míngtiān huì kǎo shì ma
e.g.明天会考试吗?Will there be an exam tomorrow?
Wǎngqián zǒu nǐ huì kàn dào yī gè dì tiě zhàn
往前走,你会看到一个地铁站。Go ahead, and you’ll see a metro.

Lesson 12

要 2(yào) aux.

②“要 2 (yào)” can also indicate the need of doing something. (Lesson 12)
Shēngbìng le yào duō xiū xi
e.g. 生 病了要多休息。Plenty of rest is needed when you' re sick.
Nǐ yào duō hē shuǐ
你要多喝水。You should drink more water.

多 2(duō) adj.

“多 2(duō) ” is an adjective here, and in this lesson, it is used as an adverbial modifier

in sentence, to indicate the longer time, larger amount or higher frequency of doing
Jīn tiān hěn lěng duō chuāndiǎn er
e.g. 今天很冷,多 穿 点儿。It's cold today, put more clothes on.
Wǒ jiě jiě xǐ huan chī píng guǒ kě yǐ duō mǎi diǎn er
我姐姐喜欢吃苹果,可以多买点儿。My sister loves apples, we can buy more.

回去(huíqù) v.+directional complement

This structure is formed by the action verbs and tendency verbs “来(lái)/去(qù)”, and it
is used to indicate the direction of the action.
Shí jiān bù zǎo le nǐ men huí qù ba
e.g. 时间不早了,你们回去吧。It’s not early, you should go back.
Wǒ huí lái le
我回来了!I’m back.

Lesson 13

别……(bié……) adv.

“别……(bié……)”is a typical structure of imperative sentence. “别(bié)”is an adverb,

and it is usually used before the verb to indicate the prohibition, means don’t do
Bié shuō le wǒ bù xiǎngtīng
e.g. 别说了,我不 想 听。Don’t talk, I don’t want to listen.
Wài miàn xià yǔ le bié chū qù le
外面下雨了,别出去了。It’s raining outside, don’t go out.

运动运动(yùndong yùndong) the reduplication of the disyllabic verb

“运动运动(yùndong yùndong) ” is the reduplication of the disyllabic verb “运动(yù

ndong)”. Some of the disyllabic verbs “AB” in modern Chinese can be reduplicated to
the form of “ABAB” . This kind of reduplicated form is always used in oral Chinese
and it express a relaxed and casual mood and softer tone of the sentence.
Duō yùn dòng yùn dòng duì shēn tǐ yǒu hǎo chu
e.g.多运动运动对身体有好处。Get more exercise is good for health.
Zhè běn shū zěn me yàng wǒ xiǎng xué xí xué xí
这本书怎么样?我 想 学习学习。How’s this book? I want to learn it.


The construction “在/正在/正(zài/zhèngzài/zhèng)……呢(ne)” indicates that

somebody is doing something or something is in the process.
Wǒ de dì di zài zhèng zài zhèngshuìjiào ne
e.g.我的弟弟在/ 正 在/ 正 睡觉呢。My brother is sleeping.
Wài miàn zài zhèng zài zhèng xià xuě ne
外面在/ 正 在/ 正 下雪呢。It’s snowing outside.

Lesson 14

打过/了两次(dǎguò/le liǎng cì) v.+ complement of frequency

This structure is used to indicate the frequency of the action, means having done
something for several or specific times.
Tā qù guò jǐ cì zhōng guó
e.g.他去过几次 中 国。He has been to China for several times.
Nà gè rén dǎ le liǎng cì diàn huà
那个人打了 两 次电话。That person has called twice.


The “是(shì)……的(de)” construction is used to talk about events that happened in the
past and emphasize the information that the word between “是(shì)”and “的(de)” gives
in a sentence. Usually how, where, when something happened or who, when, where,
how something is done.
Tā shì zuò gōngjiāo chē qù shàng bān de
e.g. 她是坐公交车去 上 班的。She went to work by bus.
Diàn huà shì shuí dǎ lái de
电话是谁打来的?Who made the phone call?

男的(nánde) “de” phrase

“男的(nánde)” is a “de” phrase, formed with the particle “的(de)” and the adjective “男
(nan)”. The de phrase is often formed with the adjectives or verbal phrase and the
particle “的(de)” behind. It is used to refer to the person that do the action or the things
that have the characteristic.
Mén kǒu nà gè nán de shì tā gē ge
e.g.门口那个男的是他哥哥。The man at the door is his brother.
Píng guǒ wǒ xǐ huanhóng de
苹果我喜欢红的。I like red apples.

Lesson 15

A 比(bǐ)B+adj.

The construction indicates that A has higher degree than B. We can show the difference
between A and B with an adjective.
Tā bǐ dì di dà
e.g. 他比弟弟大。He is older than his younger brother.
Jīn tiān de tiān qì bǐ zuó tiān hǎo
今天的天气比昨天好。The weather today is better than yesterday.

天天(tiāntiān) the reduplication of the measure words

“天天(tiāntiān) ” is the reduplication of the measure word “天(tiān)”, which means “a

day”. Most of the measure words “A” in modern Chinese can be reduplicated to the
form of “AA”. This kind of reduplicated form means “every” and express an emphatic
Zuì jìn tiāntiān xià yǔ
e.g.最近天天下雨。It rains every day recently.
Zhè r de píng guǒ gè gè hào chī
这儿的苹果个个好吃。Every apple here is delicious.
Lesson 16

还 2(hái) adv.

In this lesson, “还 2(hái)” indicates the recurrence of actions, usually the actions that
haven’t happened yet, and emphasize the wish to do something again.
Míngtiān hái xiǎng hé nǐ yī qǐ dǎ lán qiú
e.g. 明天还 想 和你一起打篮球。I still want to play basketball with you tomorrow.
Zhè bù diànyǐng wǒ kàn guò hái xiǎng kàn
这部电影我看过,还 想 看。I've seen the film and want to see it again.

A 比(bǐ)B+ adj.+ 多了(duō le )

The construction indicates that A has much higher degree than B, and express an
emphatic tone.
Jīn tiān bǐ zuó tiānlěng duō le
e.g.今天比昨天冷多了。Today is much colder than yesterday.
Zhè jiàn yī fu bǐ nà jiàn guì duō le
这件衣服比那件贵多了。This clothes is much more expensive than that one.

Lesson 17

A 比(bǐ)B+…

The construction indicates that A has higher degree than B, it’s only a statement of fact
and has no influence to the tone of the sentence. We can show the specific difference
with verbal phrase or just show the difference with an adjective.
Tā bǐ dì di dà liù suì
e.g. 他比弟弟大(六岁)。He is (6 years) older than his younger brother.
Zhè jiàn yī fu bǐ nà jiànpián yi kuài
这件衣服比那件便宜100块。This clothes is 100 yuan cheaper than that one.

新买的(de) “de” phrase

“新买的(xīn mǎi de)” is formed with the particle “的(de)” and the verbal “买(mǎi)”.
The de phrase is often formed with the adjectives or verbal phrase and the particle “的
(de)” behind. It is used to refer to the person that do the action or the things that have
the characteristic.
Tā xīn mǎi de bāo hěn bú cuò
e.g.她新买的包很不错。Her newly bought bag is very nice.
Jiǎng tái shàng zhàn zhe de nǚ shēng shì tā jiě jiě
讲 台 上 站着的女 生 是他姐姐。The girl standing on the lectern is his sister.

Lesson 18


“不要(búyào)……了(le)”is another typical structure of imperative sentence, the verb

is settled between “不要(búyào)” and “了(le)”, and the structure is used to indicate the
prohibition, means don’t do something.
Yǐ jīng shí èr diǎn le bú yào shuō huà le shuìjiào ba
e.g. 已经十二点了,不要说话了,睡觉吧。It’s already 12, stop talking, go to sleep.
Bú yào chū qù le wài miàn xià dà yǔ le
不要出去了,外面下大雨了。Don’t go out, it’s raining heavily outside.

让(ràng) v.

“让(ràng)” is a verb, means “let” and “to ask”, and it’s often followed by a pivotal
Mā mā ràng wǒ qù mǎi shuǐ guǒ
e.g. 妈妈让我去买水果。Mother asks me to buy some fruits.
Gōng sī ràng tā qù zhōng guó gōng zuò
公司让她去 中 国工作。The company asks him to work in China.

还 3(hái) adv.

In this lesson, “还 3(hái)” indicates an addition to some situation, it means there is more
to say or add besides the information that has already been said.
T ā x ǐ huan d ǎ l á n q i ú h á i x ǐ huan t ī z ú q i ú
e.g. 他喜欢打篮球,还喜欢踢足球。He likes playing basketball, and he also likes

playing football.
Wǒ men mǎi le liù gè píng guǒ hái mǎi le yī gè dà xī guā
我们买了六个苹果 , 还买了一个大西瓜 。We bought six apples, and we also
bought a big watermelon.
Lesson 19

着 2(zhe) aux.

②“着(zhe)” can be used after the verb to indicate that the action continues.
Wǒ shàng zhe kè ne yì huì er zài shuō ba
e.g.我 上 着课呢,一会儿再说吧。I’m having classes, let’s talk about it later.
Wǒ huí jiā de shí hou tā zhèng chī zhe fàn
我回家的时候她 正 吃着饭。She was having dinner when I came home.

对(duì) prep.

In this lesson, “对(duì)” is used as a preposition, and indicate the object of the action
or the things related to the action.
Yùn dòng duì shēn tǐ hǎo
e.g. 运动对身体好。Exercise is good for health.
Duō tīng duō shuō duì xué Hàn yǔ hǎo
多听多说对学汉语好。More listening and speaking is good for learning Chinese.

从(cóng) prep.

“从(cóng)” is a preposition. ①In this lesson, “从 1(cóng)” indicates the beginning of

time, means “starting from”. (Lesson 19)
Kǎo shì cóng bā diǎn kāi shǐ dào shí diǎn jié shù
e.g. 考试从八点开始到十点结束。The exam begins at eight and ends at ten.
Cóng jīn tiān kāi shǐ wǒ yào duō yùn dòng
从今天开始,我要多运动。I’ll exercise more from today on.
②“从 2(cóng)” can also indicate the starting point of a journey. (Lesson 23)
Cóngjiào shì dào sù shè yào zǒu bàn gè xiǎo shí
从教室到宿舍要走半个小时。It takes half an hour to walk from the classroom
to the dormitory.
从学校到机场要多长时间? How long does it take from school to the airport?
Lesson 20


The meaning of “为什么(wèishénme)” is “why”, and it is used to ask for reasons.

Nǐ zuó tiān wèi shén me méi lái shàng kè
e.g.你昨天为什么没来 上 课?Why were you absent for class yesterday?
Tā wèi shén me bù gāo xìng
她为什么不高兴?Why is she unhappy?

考 得 不 好/说 得 太 快(kǎo de bù hǎo/shuō de tài kuài) complement of


“得(de)” here is an auxiliary word, it is used after the verb to indicates the result or
indicate the degree of the feature that the actions have.
Tā zhè cì kǎo shì kǎo dé bú cuò
e.g.她这次考试考得不错。She did well in this exam.
Tā pǎo dé tài kuài le zhuī bù shàng
他跑得太快了,追不 上 。He runs too fast to catch up.

Lesson 21

长长的/白白的 (chánɡchánɡ de/báibái de) the reduplication of adjectives

“长长的/白白的 (chánɡchánɡ de/báibái de) ” is the reduplication of the adjective “长

(chánɡ)” and “白(bái)”. Some of the monosyllabic adjectives A in modern Chinese can
be reduplicated to the form of “AA 的” .This kind of reduplicated form usually indicate
a diminution of degree and express a tone of affection and fondness.
Tā de yǎn jīng dà dà de fēi cháng kě ài
e.g.她的眼睛大大的,非 常 可爱。She has big eyes and looks very lovely.
Zhè zhī xiǎo māo de máo chángcháng de bái bái de
这只小猫的毛 长 长 的,白白的。This cat has long and white hair.

非常(fēicháng) adv.

“非常(fēicháng)” is an adverb, and it is used before the adjectives to emphasize the

extent of something is extremely high.
Jīn tiān fēi chánglěng
e.g. 今天非 常 冷。Today is very cold.
Zhè tiáo gǒu pǎo de fēi chángkuài
这条狗跑得非 常 快。This dog runs very fast.

Lesson 22


The two conjunctions “因为(yīnwèi)” and “所以(suǒyǐ)” connect two clauses, which
forming a complex sentence that indicate the reason and the result of something.
Yīn wéi xià yǔ suǒ yǐ wǒ men méi yǒu chū qù
e.g.因为下雨,所以我们没有出去。We didn't go out because it was raining.
Yīn wéi tā shēngbìng le suǒ yǐ méi qù shàng kè
因为他 生 病了,所以没去 上 课。He didn’t go to school, because he is ill.


The two conjunctions “虽然(suīrán)” and “但是(dànshì)” connect two clauses, and
forming a complex sentence indicate that while the former part of the sentence is true,
there is an adverse reaction in the latter part.
Suī rán jīn tiān shì qíngtiān dàn shì wài miàn hěn lěng
e.g.虽然今天是晴天,但是外面很冷。Although it’s a sunny day, it’s cold outside.
Tā zuó tiān suī rán wèi téng dàn hái shì qù shàng bān le
他昨天虽然胃疼,但还是去 上 班了。He went to work yesterday, although he
has a stomachache.

Lesson 23

多 3(duō) num.

In this lesson, “多 3(duō) ” is a numeral here. It is used after the quantifier or the numeral
to indicate there has fractions and still something more to add.
Wǒ men yǐ jīng sān nián duō méi jiànmiàn le
e.g.我们已经三年多没见面了。We haven’t meet each other for more than three years.

The construction “要/快/快 要/就 要(yào/kuài/kuàiyào/jiùyào)… … 了(le)” indicates

that something is going to happen in a very short time.
Yào kuài kuài yào jiù yào xià yǔ le wǒ men zuò chē huí jiā ba
e.g. 要/快/快要/就要下雨了,我们坐车回家吧。It’s going to rain, let's take the bus


从 2(cóng) prep.

“从(cóng)” is a preposition, in this lesson, “从 2(cóng)” indicates the starting point of

a journey. (Lesson 23)
Cóngjiào shì dào sù shè yào zǒu bàn gè xiǎo shí
e.g. 从教室到宿舍要走半个小时。It takes half an hour to walk from the classroom

to the dormitory.
Cóng xué xiào dào jī chǎng yào duō cháng shí jiān
从学校到机 场 要多 长 时间? How long does it take from school to the airport?

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