Recit 2
Recit 2
Recit 2
Canon 13 – Duty to refrain from acts giving appearance of influencing the court Legal
Ethics, Pineda (pp. 205-214)
Rule 13.01 – Duty not to extend extraordinary attention nor seek opportunity for
cultivating familiarity with judges
Rule 13.02 – Duty not to make public statements in the media regarding pending case
Rule 13.03 – Duty not to invite outside interference in the judicial proceedings
104. Lantoria v. Atty. Bunyi, A.C. No. 1769, 8 June 1992
105. Foodsphere, Inc. v. Mauricio, A.C. No. 7199, 22 July 2009
106. Re: Suspension of Atty. Rogelio Z. Bagabuyo, 535 SCRA 201
107. Fajardo v. Alvarez, A.C. No. 9018, 20 April 2016
108. Bueno v. Rañeses, A.C. No. 8383, 11 December 2012
109. Bildner v. Ilusorio, G.R. No. 157384, 5 June 2009
Canon 14 – Duty to render legal service to the needy Legal Ethics, Pineda (pp. 215-229)
Rule 14.01 – Duty to make available services regardless of status
Rule 14.02 – Duty not to decline appointment as counsel de officio or amicus curiae
Rule 14.03 – Duty not to refuse representation of indigent clients
Rule 14.04 – Duty to observe same standard of conduct for all clients
Canon 15 – Duty of Candor, Fairness and Loyalty to the Client Legal Ethics, Pineda
(pp. 230-270)
Rule 15.01 – Duty to ascertain conflict of interest
Rule 15.02 – Duty to preserve privileged communication
Rule 15.03 – Duty not to represent conflicting interests
Rule 15.04 – Duty to act as mediator, conciliator or arbitrator
Rule 15.05 – Duty to give candid, honest advice
Rule 15.06 – Duty not to claim influence
Rule 15.07 – Duty to impress compliance with laws
Rule 15.08 – Duty in case of dual profession
110. PNB v. Cedo, Adm. Case No. 3701, 28 March 1995
111. Quiambao v. Bamba, Adm. Case No. 6708, 25 August 2005
112. Dr. Teresita Lee vs. Atty. Amador L. Simando, A.C. No. 9537 [Formerly CBD Case
No. 09-2489], 10 June 2013
113. Santos vs. Beltran, A.C. No. 5858, December 11, 2003
114. Daging vs. Davis, A.C. No. 9395, 12 November 2014
115. Gonzales vs. Cabucana, Jr., A.C. No. 6836, 23 January 2006
116. Josephine L. Orola, et al. vs. Atty. Joseph Ador Ramos, A.C. No. 9860, 11 September
117. Lydia Castro-Justo vs. Atty. Galing, A.C. No. 6174, 16 November 2011
118. Anglo v. Valencia, et al., A.C. No. 10567, 25 February 2015
119. Zalamea v. De Guzman, A.C. No. 7387, 7 November 2016
120. Paces Industrial Corporation v. Salandanan, A.C. No. 1346, 25 July 2017
121. Legaspi v. Fajardo, A.C. No. 9422, 19 November 2018
122. Palalan Carp Farmers Multi-Purpose Coop, etc. v. Dela Rosa, A.C. No. 12008, 14
August 2019
Canon 16 – Duty to be a trustee of client’s money and property Legal Ethics, Pineda
(pp. 271-283)
Rule 16.01 – Duty to account for all money or property collected or received
Rule 16.02 – Duty to keep client’s funds separate
Rule 16.03 – Duty to deliver the funds and property; attorney’s lien
Rule 16.04 – Duty not to borrow from nor lend money to client
123. Unity Fishing vs. Atty. Macalino, A.C. No. 4566, 10 December 2004
124. Concepcion vs. de la Rosa, A.C. No. 10681, February 3, 2015
125. Lemoine vs. Balon, Jr., A.C. No. 5829, 28 October 2003
126. De Chavez-Blanco vs. Lumasag, A.C. No. 5195, 16 April 2009
127. Spouses Lopez v. Limos, A.C. No. 7618, 2 February 2016
128. Domingo v. Sacdalan, A.C. No. 12475, 26 March 2019
129. Huang v. Zambrano, A.C. No. 12460, 26 March 2019
130. Francia v. Sagario, A.C. No. 10938, 8 October 2019
Canon 17 – Duty of Fidelity to the Cause of the Client Legal Ethics, Pineda (pp. 283-
131. Rosacia vs. Atty. Bulalacao, A.C. No. 3745, 2 October 1995
132. Lorenzana Food Corp. vs. Daria, A.C. No. 2736, 27 May 1991
133. De Leon v. Geronimo, A.C. No. 10441, 14 February 2018
134. Morales v. Borres, Jr., A.C. No. 12476, 10 June 2019
Canon 18 – Duty to serve with competence and due diligence Legal Ethics, Pineda
(pp. 287-304)
Rule 18.01 - Duty not to undertake legal services if not qualified; collaborating counsel
Rule 18.02 - Duty to adequately prepare for cases
Rule 18.03 - Duty not to neglect legal matters
Rule 18.04 - Duty to inform client of status of the case
135. Spouses Adecer vs. Akut, Adm. Case No. 4809
136. Adarne vs. Aldaba, A.C. No. 801, 27 June 1978
137. Reyes vs. Vitan, A.C. No. 5835, 15 April 2005
138. Santiago v. Fojas, Adm. Case No. 4103, 7 September 1995
139. Ma. Elena Carlos Nebreja vs. Atty. Benjamin Reonal, A.C. No. 9896, 19 March 2014
140. Tan v. Diamante, A.C. No. 7766, 15 August 2014
141. Segovia, et al. v. Javier, A.C. No. 10244 [Formerly CBD Case No. 07-2085], 12
March 2018
142. Balmaceda v. Uson, A.C. No. 12025, 20 June 2018
143. De Borja v. Mendez, A.C. No. 11185 [Formerly CBD No. 12-3619] 4 July 2018
Canon 19 – Duty to serve only within the bounds of the law Legal Ethics, Pineda (pp.
Rule 19.01 - Duty to employ only fair and honest means
Rule 19.02 - Duty to rectify client’s fraud
Rule 19.03 - Duty to control proceedings
144. Gonzales vs. Sabacajan, Adm. Case No. 4380, 13 October 1995
145. Pena vs. Aparicio, A.C. No. 7298, 25 June 2007
146. Malvar v. Feir, A.C. No. 11871 [Formerly CBD Case No. 154520], 5 March 2018
Canon 20 – Duty to charge only fair and reasonable fees Legal Ethics, Pineda (pp. 315-
Rule 20.01 – Guide in determining attorney’s fees
Rule 20.02 – Division of fees in in proportion to the work performed and responsibility
Rule 20.03 – Duty not to accept any fee or other compensation whatsoever related to his
professional employment from anyone other than the client
Rule 20.04 – Duty to avoid compensation controversies with client
147. Leviste vs. CA, G.R. No. L-29184, 30 January 1989
148. Licudan vs. CA, G.R. No. 91958, 24 January 1991
149. Bautista vs. Gonzales, A.M. No. 1625, February 12, 1990
150. Sesbreño vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 117438, 8 June 1995
151. Sanchez v. Aguilos, A.C. No. 10543, 16 March 2016
152. Cortez v. Cortes, A.C. No. 9119, 12 March 2018
Canon 21 – Duty to preserve the client’s confidence and secrets Legal Ethics, Pineda
(pp. 353-364)
Rule 21.01 – Duty not to reveal the confidences or secrets; exceptions
Rule 21.02 – Duty not to use information received in the course of employment
Rule 21.03 – Duty not to give information to outside agency
Rules 21.04 & 21.05 – Duty to protect from disclosure
Rule 21.06 – Duty to avoid indiscreet conversation
Rule 21.07 – Duty not to reveal that he was consulted
153. Suntay vs. Suntay, Adm. Case No. 1890, 7 August 2002
154. Hadjula vs. Madianda, A.C. No. 6711, 3 July 2003
155. Genato vs. Silapan, A.C. No. 4078, 14 July 2003
156. Mercado vs. Vitriolo, A.C. No. 5108, 26 May 2005
157. Adelfa Properties, Inc. v. Mendoza, A.C. No. 8608, 16 October 2019
158. Palacios, etc. v. Amora, A.C. No. 11504, 1 August 2017
Canon 22 – Duty to withdraw services only for good cause and upon notice Legal
Ethics, Pineda (pp. 365-389)
Rule 22.01 – Good causes for withdrawal of services
Rule 22.02 – Duties of lawyers who withdraw; retaining lien
159. Montano vs. IBP, A.M. No. 4215, 21 May 2001
160. Canoy vs. Ortiz, A.C. No. 5485, 16 March 2005
161. Francisco vs. Portugal, A.C. No. 6155, 14 March 2006
162. Spouses Warriner v. Dublin, A.C. No. 5239, 18 November 2013
163. Lopez v. Cristobal, A.C. No. 12146 [Formerly CBD Case No. 13-4040], 10 October
G. Notarial Practice
Reading Material:
2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC
Qualifications of notary public
Term of office of notary public
Powers and limitations
Notarial register
Jurisdiction of notary public and place of notarization
Revocation of commission
Competent evidence of identity
180. Bautista vs. Bernabe, A.C. No. 6963, 9 February 2006
181. Judge Lily Lydia Laquindanum vs. Atty. Quintana, A.C. No. 7036, 29 June 2009
182. Tenoso vs. Echanez, A.C. No. 8384, 11 April 2013
183. Espinosa vs. Omaña, A.C. No. 9081, 12 October 2011
184. Caalim-Verzonilla vs. Pascua, A.C. No. 6655, 11 October 2011
185. Jandoquile vs. Revilla, Jr., 10 April 2013, A.C. No. 9514
186. Dizon v. Atty. Cabucana, A.C. No. 10185, 12 March 2014
187. Mabini v. Kintanar, A.C. No. 9512, 5 February 2018
188. Zarcilla v. Quesada, A.C. No. 7186, 13 March 2018
189. In Re: Decision dated September 26, 2012 in OMB-M-A-10-023-A, etc. against Atty.
Diuyan, A.C. No. 9676, 2 April 2018
190. Muntuerto v. Alberto, A.C. No. 12289, 2 April 2019
A. Sources Judicial Ethics, Pineda (pp. 1-29)
New Code of Judicial Conduct of the Philippine Judiciary (Bangalore Draft)
Code of Judicial Conduct
Legal Ethics, meaning
Bases of Legal Ethics
Definition of Terms commonly used in Legal Ethics
B. New Code of Judicial Conduct
CANON I – Independence Judicial Ethics, Pineda (pp. 30-61)
191. Marces, Sr. vs. Arcangel, A.M. No. RTJ-91-712, 9 July 1996
192. Office of the Court Administrator vs. De Guzman, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-93-1021 January
31, 1997
193. Garcia vs. Valdez, A.M. No. MTJ-98-1156, 13 July 1998