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DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.10014
Siddha is an ancient holistic system of medicine that gives importance to physical, mental as well as the spiritual wellbeing of mankind. This system
has been developed by Siddhars, ancient supernatural, spiritual saints in the south India, particularly in Tamilnadu. The formulations of Siddha medicine
consist of substances from herbal, mineral/metal and animal origins which are processed pharmaceutically to have therapeutic effects. Among three
sources Siddhars widely used metals and minerals, owing to their characters like longer shelf life, greater efficacy with smaller dose and the potential
therapeutic value compared to herbal formulations alone. Present review focuses on composition, traditional uses and scientific work done on
herbomineral formulations of Siddha system of medicine. The information on Siddha herbomineral formulations was acquired from prehistoric Siddha
books and by literature searching in electronic databases such as Science Direct, Pub Med, Pub Med Cochrane and Google-Scholar for publications up
to August 2018. Thirteen herbomineral formulations have been identified and most frequently used metals in these formulations are Iron, Mercury,
Sulphur, Silver, Gold, Zinc and Arsenic. Here in more than 40 references have been cited. The current review provides a background for toxicity and
efficacy studies on Siddha mineral preparations, particularly focusing on scientific validation of these formulations in the treatment of various diseases.
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
Copper Dosage
The copper was made into thin sheets which are looking like the 100 mg of Gowri chinthamani chendooram twice in a day after
wings of white ant. These sheets were heated and soaked food with sufficient amount of honey and or other adjuvants like
individually in Dolichus biflorus decoction, leaves juice of Thirikatugu choornam 7, 8.
Tamarindus indicus, juice of Indian Aloe vera, sour butter milk
and juice of Alternanthera sessilis plant for seven times 7. Traditional Uses
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
Earlier Data Published on Chandra Rasa Parpam and its associated problems were ameliorated by
supplementation of Arumuga chendooram. It also restored
No earlier data is available on Chandra rasa parpam. the kidney markers. Finally they concluded that the
Arumuga chendooram possesses potential renoprotective
Padika Poongavi Chendooram (PPC) effects22.
2. Acute and sub- acute toxicity studies were performed by
Ingredients of the Padika poongavi chendooram are as follows 9 Ramamurthy Murugan et al. Acute oral toxicity study was
done in female rats at 2 g/kg b.w. and sub-acute chronic
Table 6: Ingredients of Padika poongavi chendooram study was performed at 12 mg/kg b.w., 24 mg/kg b.w. and
48 mg/kg b.w. AC did not produced mortality even at higher
S.No. Name of the metal Quantity dose also and no abnormal changes were observed in
Siddha name Scientific name (%) haematological, biochemical and histopathological
1. Purified Aluminium 63 parameters 21.
Kavikkal silicate
2. Porintha Aluminium 37
padikaram potassium Namachivaya chendooram (NCC)
Ingredients of Namachivaya chendooram are as follows 7
Table 8: Ingredients of Namachivaya chendooram.
PPC should be given at a dose of 200-400 mg twice a day with
S. Name of the metal Quantity
cane sugar, ghee, butter or milk after food 8. No. Siddha name Scientific name (g)
1. Rasam Mercury 35
Traditional Uses 2. Saathilingam Cinnabar 35
3. Veeram Perchloride of 35
Padika poongavi chendooram is known to be effectively mercury
employed in the treatment of menorrhagia 8. 4. Pooram Calomel 35
5. Thalagam Yellow arsenic 35
Dietary Instructions 6. Kaantham Magnetic oxide of 8.75
No dietary instructions were found.
Earlier Works Done on Padika Poongavi Chendooram
65 mg of NCC twice in a day with Aloe vera juice or honey is
No earlier studies done on Padika poongavi chendooram. advisable 7.
Formulation of Arumuga chendooram contains the following Namachivaya chendooram is known to cure venereal diseases,
ingredients 20 cervical cancer and penile cancer 7.
Arumuga chendooram should be given at a dose of 260 mg with The composition of Ayakaantha chendooram is as follows 8.
honey once in a day 21.
Table 9: Ingredients of Ayakaantha chendooram
Traditional Uses
S. No. Name of the metal Quantity
Siddha name Scientific name (g)
It is mainly used to treat arthritis20. 1. Ayapodi Elemental Ironk 35
2. Gandhakam Sulphur 35
Dietary Instructions 3. Saathilingam Cinnabar 5.1
4. Venkaram Borax 5.1
No dietary instructions were found. 5. - Alum 5.1
6. Indhuppu Common salt 5.1
Earlier Work Done on Arumuga Chendooram 7. Purified Ammonium 5.1
Navacharam chloride
1. Albert Santhanaraj Deepak et al., evaluated the 8. Kaantham Magnet 8.75
nephroprotective activity of Arumuga chendooram in 9. Purified Pooneer Fuller’s earth 5.1
Methimazole induced hypothyroid rats. The hypothyroid 10. Soodan Camphor 5.1
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
Ayakaantha chendooram should be given at a dose of 100-200 mg S. Name of the metal Quantity
twice in a day along with sufficient amount of honey, ghee or No. Siddha name Scientific name
Pancha deepankkani choornam before food 7. 1. Ilinkam Cinnabar 1 lump
2. Campirani Benzoin 1 lump
3. Karpuram Camphor NA
Diet Instructions NA= Not Available
Patients are instructed to avoid foods like non-vegetarian foods, Dosage
bitter gourd, agathi, tamarind, alcohol and tobacco during the
treatment8. Ilinkac centuram should be given at a dose of 65-130 mg along
with honey or Zingiber officinale juice 12.
Traditional Uses
Traditional Uses
Ayakaantha chendooram will be used to cure all types of
anemia 8. Ilinkac centuram is known to cure delirium, dizziness, flatulence,
stomach pain and anemia 12.
Dietary Instructions
Dietary Instructions
No dietary instructions were found.
No dietary instructions were found.
Earlier Work Done
Earlier Data Published on Ilinkac Centuram
Gayathri Devi V et al evaluated the physic-chemical properties of
Ayakaantha chendooram by using various characterization 1. N.R. Pillai conducted the anti-pyretic, hypothermic and
techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), analgesic activity of LC at different dose levels. Linga
Raman Spectro copy, X – ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning chendooram at 100 mg/kg showed significant anti-pyretic
Electron Microscope (SEM) with X-ray (EDAX). AKC has activity against Brever’s Yeast induced pyrexia when
particles in nano size 24. compared with the standard drugs acetyl salicylic acid and
paracetamol in albino rats. LC upto 200 mg/kg did not
Aya Mezhugu (AM) showed hypothermic effect in rats. LC showed analgesic
activity against hot plate induced algesia at 100 mg/kg b.w.
Aya mezhugu contains the following ingredients 7 But LC at 200 mg/kg b. w. the drug did not show ed
significant increase in activity 25.
Table 10: Ingredients of Aya mezhugu
2. A.Punitha et al evaluated the toxicity of LC in mice. In acute
S. No. Name of the metal Quantity toxicity study, the animals treated with LC at a dose of
Siddha name Scientific name (g) 1000mg/kg were shown tolerance with negligible toxic
1. Ayapodi Elemental Iron 70 signs. In sub acute toxicity study, the animals treated with
2. Venkaram Fried Borax 35 50,100,200 mg/kg of LC were shown significant changes in
3. Purified Ammonium 8.75 body weight, haematological parameters and in biochemical
Navacharam chloride parameters during the dosing period of 28 days 26.
Aya mezhugu should be given at a dose of 2-4 gm with honey or Ingredients of Iracac centuram are as follows 12
decoction of Foeniculum vulgare seeds (anise seed) or dried
Zingiber officinale decoction or ghee 7. Table 12: Ingredients of Iracac centuram
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
Earlier Data Published on Iracac Centuram Table 14: Ingredients of Vediuppu chendooram
1. M. Jayabharathi et al., conducted the acute and sub-acute S. Name of the metal Quantity
toxicity studies of Iracac centuram in swiss albio rats. Single NO.
1. Siddha name Scientific name NA
oral administration of IRC at 100 mg/kg b.w. revealed no
Saltpetre Salt of Potassium
toxicity and no mortality. 50 mg/kg b.w. and 100 mg/kg b.w Nitrate
of IRC for 28 days revealed no sign of behavioral changes, NA= Not available
heamatological and biochemical abnormalities 27.
Tanka Uram (TU):
The intended human dose of Vediuppu chendooram with water is
Ingredients of Tanka uram are as follows 12 520 mg – 1040 mg per day 28.
Table 13: Ingredients of Tanka uram. Traditional Uses
S. Name of the metal Quantity
No. Siddha name Scientific name Vediuppu chendooram is used to treat eight types of abdominal
1. Navaccaram Ammonium chloride NA disorders, uterus fibroids, urinary tract infections, dysuria,
2. Velvankam Tin NA menopausal disorders, anorexia, anemia, ascitis and asthma. It
3. Kantakam Sulphur NA can improve fertility in women. The vediuppu chendooram is also
4. Iracam Mercury NA effective in the treatment of fever, swellings, rheumatic disorders,
5. Vetiupput Potassium nitrate NA hemorrhage, gonorrhea, eye diseases and sore throat 28.
NA= Not Available Dietary Instructions
Dosage No dietary instructions were found.
130-260 mg of Tanka uram with honey or pulverized Withania Earlier Data Published on Vediuppu Chendooram
somnifera is advisable 12.
1. V. Thanigavelan et al did the acute and sub-acute toxicity
Traditional Uses studies in albino wistar rats. They concluded that Vediuppu
chendooram is safe up to 300 mg/kg body weight in acute
Tanka uram is used to treat male and female reproductive oral toxicity study. Repeated toxicity study of VC has
disorders and white discharge on females 12. revealed that up to 200mg/kg body weight all the treated
animals have survived throughout the dosing period of 28
Dietary Instructions days found no toxicity. Whereas at the dose of 400mg/kg,
exhibits mortality on 21st day of treatment 28.
No dietary instructions were found.
Earlier Data Published on Tanka Uram
In India, Siddha and Ayurveda systems of medicine share similar
No earlier data is available on Tanka uram. concepts, except in the Siddha medicine the use of metal and
Vediuppu Chendooram (VC) minerals are predominant. Metals possess longer shelf life,
greater efficacy with little dose and the potential therapeutic
The ingredients of Vediuppu chendooram are as follows 28. efficacy. The purification of these metals in Siddha system of
medicine cuts toxicity and enhances efficacy. But due to myth of
metal toxicity among public their clinical usage is minimal. And
also minimal scientific validation has been carried out on these
formulations as evident from the current review. Thus there is a
strong need of preclinical and clinical evaluation of these
formulations for their wide spread acceptance among public and
scientific community.
Table 15: Various Herbomineral formulations in Siddha system of medicine
B. Rama Devi et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2019, 10 (1)
2. Ayaveera 50 mg twice Suitable vehicles for 1. Siddha system of medicine for treating G.Seetha lakshmi et al.,2017.
chendooram in a day8. AVC are honey, Vathasthambam. Sangeetha D et al.,2014.
palm jaggery and 2. Acute and sub acute toxicity study on
palm sugar 8. siddha formulation Ayaveera chendurum.
3. Kaalamega 25-50 mg Honey or adjuvants 1. Siddha system of medicine for treating G.Seetha lakshmi et al., 2017.
naarayana twice in a like Thoothu valai Vathasthambam. Ramkumar G G et al., 2014.
chendooram day8. gritham, Pancha 2. Acute and 28 days repeated oral
deepakkini legium toxicity studies of s Siddha drug
are vehicles for Kalamega narayana chendooram in
KMC 8. Kodiveli verpattai chooranam on wistar
albino Rats.
4. Chandra rasa 16.25-65 mg Palm jiggery is the No studies. -
parpam once in a best vehicle for CRP
day8. 8.
6. Arumuga 260 mg per Honey is the ideal 1. Nephro protective effect of Arumuga
chendooram day with vehicle for AC 21. Chendooram in experimental R. Albert Santhanaraj Deepak
honey. hypothyroid rats. et al., 2015.
2. Toxicological study of a Siddha sastric
formulation Arumuga chendhuram in rat
Ramamurthy Murugan et al.,
7. Namachivay 65 mg of Aloe vera juice or 1. Anti-cancer activiy of Namachivaya S.Saraswathy et al.,2016.
a NCC twice honey is the vehicles chendooram in in-vitro cell line models
chendooram daily7. for NC 7. against invasive cervical carcinoma.
8. Ayakaantha 100-200 Honey, ghee or 1. Characterisation of Ayakantha Gayatri Devi et al., 2018.
chendooram mg/kg twice Pancha deepankkani chenduram, a mineral formulation using
daily7. choornam are the modern techniques.
widely used vehicles
for AKC 7.
9. Aya 2-4 gm once Honey or decoction No studies. -
mezhugu in a day 7. of Foeniculum
vulgare seeds (anise
seed) or dried
Zingiber officinale
decoction or ghee is
the suitable
for AM 7.
10. Ilinkac 65-130 mg Honey or Zingiber 1.Pharmacological Investigations on N.R. Pillai et al., 1979.
centuram per day12. officinale juice 12. Linga
chendooram, a Siddha drug - part I.
11. Iracac 65-130 mg Suitable vehicles for Acute and sub acute toxicity study on M. Jayabharathi et al.,2017
centuram per day12. IRC are honey or Siddha drug Rasa chendooram.
chooranam 12.
12. Tanka uram 130-260 mg Honey or pulverized No studies. -
per day12. Vithania somnifera
are the vehicles for
13. Vediuppu 562-1040 Water is the ideal Vediuppu chendhuram: Oxide form of V. Thanigaveln et al., 2011.
chendooram mg/kg per vehicle for VC 27. saltpetre and it’s in vivo toxicological
day28. profile.
Metal/ Siddha metallic preparations Importance of metal Antidote for metal poisoning
Mineral G A K C P A N A A L I T V
It has longer shelf life. 1. The powder of Saya pattai
Mercurial Siddha preparations along with jaggery.
are used in anaemia, dyspnoea, 2. Stem juice of Coccina indica
Mercury √ √ √ √ - √ √ - - - √ √ cough, tuberculosis and 7.
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