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Ovrerview On "Guggulu" (Commiphora Mukul) : Presented by Shefali Rana MD 1st Year Dravya Guna Dept. Rgpggac, Paprola

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Ovrerview on “guggulu”

(commiphora mukul)

Presented by Shefali rana

MD 1st year
Content :
 Introduction
 Vernacular names
 Classical categorization
 Guggulu in Ayurvedic literature
 Botanical description
 Varieties of Guggulu
 Distribution and habitat
 Propagation and cultivation
 Harvesting of Guggulu
 Endangerment and rescue
 Adulterants
 Purification of Guggulu
 Prashasta Guggulu lakshana
 Pharmacognosy
 Phytochemistry
 Ayurvedic properties and pharmacological actions
 Medicinal uses
 Contraindications and side effects of Guggulu
 Ayurvedic preparations of Guggulu
 Research studies
 Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) means “fights against disease”., is
an indigenous well known drug and has been used for centauries
to treat several ailments.
 Guggulu is an oleo-gum resin that exudes spontaneously as a
result of injury from the bark of Commiphora mukul .
 It is a key ingredient of a large number of Ayurvedic formulations.
Hence, it is considered as one of the “Divyaushadhis” in Ayurveda.
 Guggulu was introduced as a medicine in 1966, and but approved
as a hypo-lipidemic drug for marketing in India in 1986.
 Studies revealed that guggulu contain flavonoids, terpenes, phyto-
sterols etc. producing number of biological activities like Anti-
inflammatory, Anti-obesity, Anti-neoplastic, Anti-diabetic, Hypo-
lipidemic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-fertility, Anti-Atherosclerotic etc.

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Sub-kingdom: Tracheobionta
• Super-division: Spermato-phyta
• Division: Magnolio-phyta
• Class: Eudicots
• Subclass: Rosidae
• Order: Sapindales
• Family: Burseraceae
• Genus: Commiphora Species: mukul or wightii
• Botanical name: Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex Stocks).
Vernacular names
 In Sanskrit –
 गुग्गुलुः - गुजो व्याधेर्गुडति रक्षतीति ।
 कणनिर्यासः - कणरुपो निर्यासोऽस्य।
 कालनिर्यासः - कालः कृ ष्णाभो निर्यासोऽस्य ।
 कु म्भोलूखलकम् - कु म्भसदृशादुलूखलसदृशाद्वा कोशा न्निर्गतः।
 कौशिकः - कोशे भवः।
 देवधूपः - देवपूजायां धूपे प्रयुक्तः।
 पलंकषः - पलं मांसं कषति हिनसति, स्थौल्यहृदित्यर्थः।
 पुरः - निर्यासेषु श्रेष्ठः।
 मरुदेश्यः - मरुस्थले जायमानः।
 महिषाक्ष: - महिषनेत्रवत् रक्ताभकृ ष्णवर्णः।

 In Hindi –
 Googal
 Guggal

 In English –
 Gum-gugul
 Indian Bedellium
Classical categorization
 Charaka –
 Samjnasthapana Mahakashaya
हिङ्गुकै टर्यारिमेदावचाचोरकवयस्थागोलोमीजटिलापलङ्कषाशोकरोहिण्य
 इति दशेमानि सञ्ज्ञास्थापनानि भवन्ति 
These drugs are penetrative, hot, minute, light and motile in quality.
Because of this, they have conscious restorative property, which is why
they are useful in memory disorder, irregular sleep or concentration
and loss of consciousness.
 Kashaya Skandha
 Sushruta – Eladi gana
 Vagbhata – Eladi gana

एलादिको वातकफौ निहन्याद्विषमेव च |
वर्णप्रसादनः कण्डू पिडकाकोठनाशनः ||

The group of 28 drugs consist in subduing the action of

Vayu and Kapha and neutralising the effect of poison. It is
a cosmetic and arrest the eruption of pimple and other
skin related problem like skin itching, rashes and
 In Vedas – Specifically in Atharva Veda, it is mentioned that
Yakshma and other diseases will not spread to the area fumigated
by Guggulu and introduced as well known DHUPAN DRAVYA.
 In Samhitas – It is observed that the internal usage of Guggulu
was increased during Samhita period.
 Charak samhita – Maharishi Charaka has described Guggulu as the best
 And also recommended the drug in Rasayana Chikitsa where Shilajeet and
Guggulu were used with cow milk.
 The drug also has been described by him in other diseases as highly effective
 Sushruta Samhita – Maharishi Sushruta has described Guggulu in the
list of seven most important drugs for the treatment of Sthaulya.
 Acharya Sushruta has prescribed Guggulu with cow urine in condition of
vitiated Vata with Medodhatu dominated by Kapha dosha.
 This drug is also mentioned as highly effective in the treatment of
Hrdroga ,Aruchi, Gulma and Antarvidradhi.
 He also documented that the new guggulu is VRSHYA while old guggulu is
 स नवो बृंहणो वृष्यः पुराणस्त्वपकर्षणः |
 Ashtang Hridya – Vagbhata has described it a drugs of choice in
Medoroga for its lipid lowering action.
 He has also used the drug in Snehavyapada and in diseases produced due to
vitiated Medodhatu, Kapha, Vata and in Amavata.
 Sharngdhara Samhita – He quoted it among the drugs to be used for
Rasayan Karma.
 In Nighantus –
 Dhanwantari nighantu - included it under “Chandanadi Varga”.
 Madanpala Nighantu - included it under “Karpooradi Varga”.
 Kaiydev Nighantu - has mentioned it under “Aushadi Varga”.
 Bhavprakash Nighantu - has described it in “Karpooradi Varga”.
 Raj Nighantu - included it under “Chandanadi Varga”.
 Mahaushadi Nighantu - included it under “Chandanadi Varga”.
 Shaligram Nighantu has mentioned it under “Karpooradi Varga”.
Botanical description
 Woody shrub or a small
 grows to the height of
2-3 meter
 much branched with
characteristics silvery
and paper like bark
 Branches are knotty and
crooked, divaricate,
usually ending in a sharp
 Leaves: The leaves
are rhomboid-
ovate, 1-3 foliate,
serrate-toothed in
the upper part,
smooth and
shinning, the
lateral leaflets
when present less
than half the size
of the terminal
 Flowers: Flowers in the
fascicles of 2-3; pedicles very
short. Calyx campanulate,
glandular, hairy; lobes are 4-5
in number, triangular, as long
as the tube. Petals are
brownish red, broadly linear,
nearly thrice the length of the
calyx, reflexed at the apex.
Stamens are 8-10 in number,
alternatively long and short,
half the length of the petals.
Ovary oblong-ovoid,
attenuated into the style.
 Fruits: The fruits are small,
reddish brown to purple in
color when ripe, ovoid drupes.
Each plant produces about 0.5
to 1kg of oleo-gum resin which
is collected from January to
 Gum Resin: Pale yellow to
brown aromatic gum resin
obtained from the bark of the
plant. Agglomerated tears of
resin are somewhat transparent,
with waxy surface and brittle in
nature. Gum-resin is thick,
scented, burnt on fire, liquifies
in sun heat. When dissolved in
water, it turns milky white.
Varieties of guggulu
 Bhavmishra described five varieties of Guggulu –

महिषाक्षो महानीलः कु मुदः पद्म इत्यपि |
हिरण्यः पञ्चमो ज्ञेयो गुग्गुलोः पञ्च जातयः ||
1. Mahishaksha - Mahishaksha has the colour of honey-bee or Anjana (antimony sulphide).
2. Mahanila is similar to its name and looks like a Sapphire, a precious stone. Extremely
blue in colour.
3. Kumuda - Kumuda resembles Kumuda flower (white) in colour.
4. Padma - Padma resembles Manikya (ruby red).
5. Hiranya (Kanaka) - Hiranya is like gold in colour.
 Mahikshaksh and Mahanila varieties are beneficial to elephants, Kumuda and Padma
bestow health to horses, Hiranya variety is best suited for humans. Mahishaksha is also
good for humans.
 Generally , main two types of Guggulu are available :
1. Kana guggulu
2. Bhainsa guggulu

 Kana guggulu –
1. Found in Marwar.
2. Colour – Raktabh peeta

 Bhainsa guggulu –
1. Found in Kutch and Sindh.
2. Colour – Haritabh peeta
 Other two varieties of Guggulu has mentioned in the texts books of
 1). Nava Guggulu
 2). Purana Guggulu
 The freshly collected Guggulu is tissue builder and aphrodisiac and
if stored for more than one year, it is a depletory of tissues. The
characters of fresh one are, it is oily, yellowish looks like a ripen
Jambu fruit, fragnant and gummy in nature.
 Purana or old decayed Guggulu is dry, emitting bad smell, devoid
of natural colour and potency.
 Nava Guggulu is useful in debility, whereas the old variety -
Purana Guggulu is salutary in obesity and diabetes.

 Note – Guggulu older than 5 years is considered as Purana Guggulu.

Nava(Fresh) guggulu Purana(old) guggulu
Varna (colour) Kanchana sankasha(Bright Tyakta prakruti varna
yellow) or pakva jambu (yellowish brown)
phala sadrusha(Dark
Gandha(odour) Sugandha(pleasant) Durgandha (offensive)

Guna(qualities) Snigdha(oily/greasy), Laghu(lighter),

picchila(Slimy) ruksha(rough), tikshna,
Vishad(clean), sukshma,
Karma(actions) Bruhana, Vrushya, Lekhana, Medohara and
Rasayana, Kamottejaka shukranashana
and Artavajanana

स नवो बृंहणो वृष्यः पुराणस्त्वतिलेखनः ||
स्निग्धः काञ्चनसंकाशः पक्वजम्बूफलोपमः |नूतनो गुग्गुलुः प्रोक्तः सुगन्धिर्यस्तु पिच्छिलः ||
शुष्को दुर्गन्धकश्चैव त्यक्तप्रकृ तिवर्णकः |पुराणः स तु विज्ञेयो गुग्गुलुर्वीर्यवर्जितः ||
 According to Kaiydeva Nighantu:
• Guggulu are of five types: Mahishaksha, Mahanila, Kumuda, Padma, Hiranaya.
• According to Kaiydeva Nighantu –
1. Krishna varna Guggulu - best for Rakta-pitta dosh
2. Pingal varna Guggulu - best for Kapha-pitta dosh
3. Sweta varna Guggulu - best for Vata-pitta dosh
कृ ष्णः शोणितपित्ते च श्लेष्मपित्ते च पिङ्ग्लः ||
वातपित्ते तथा श्वेतो गुग्गुलुः शस्यते तथा |
 Other five types of Guggulu, according to Unani system of medicine:
1. Mukle Saklabi - Brown in colour
2. Mukle arabi - It is reddish brown or purplish in colour and found in Yaman pradesh.
3. Mukle ajarak - Reddish in colour
4. Mukle Yahud - Yellowish in colour
5. Mukle hindi - It is found in India
Distribution and habitat
 Commiphora mukul is widely distributed in tropical region of
Africa, Asia and Saudi Arabia.
 In Indian subcontinent it occur in India, Pakistan, Baluchistan,
Bangladesh etc. In India it is distributed in South-Westen India
and parts of Central India which is represented by Kerala,
Kanataka, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
 Kaiydeva mentioned that Guggulu tree habituated in the Maru
bhumi pradesh (Vata pradhan desh) will yield five types of gum-
resin during Grishm ritu as well as Shaitya ritu.
 Climate and soil -
 The plant grows well in arid, sandy, and rocky tracts of
tropical India. Sandy or sandy loam soils are best for its
 Its small leathery leaves and thick bark covered with a
white waxy coat over the stems, help it to withstand
desert conditions.
 It prefers a warm, dry climate for good yield of oleo-gum-
Propagation and cultivation:
 The Commiphora mukul (Guggulu tree) grows
as a woody tree in sandy loam soil with more
gypsum content, with pH 7.5-9.
 Guggulu plant can be propagated both by seed
and stem cutting in the arid or semiarid zones.
 For this purpose, sloppy well drained lands are
preferred .
 Through seed –
 Regeneration through seeds in Guggulu is very
poor because of presence of a hard seed coat.
 The seeds sown in the months of June and July
in well worked soil beds, germinate at the
onset of monsoon rains.
 One month old seeding are transferred into plastic bags. After 2 years, these
seedling attain a height of 30-50 cm and suitable for field planting.
 Better seed germination can be obtained by mechanical scarification (with sand
paper) of seed coat and keeping these scarified seeds under running water for
about 24 hours.

 Vegetative propagation through stem cutting –

1. Best method of propagation for Guggulu.
2. Cuttings are obtained from healthy and disease free branches.
3. Cutting/ Germ plasma are usually planted during late summer when plant is
almost leafless.
4. With the onset of monsoon, when foliation, growth/flowering starts, the plant
becomes physiologically active.
5. Cutting also show sign of sprouting in 25-50 days.
 Time of planting : 2nd and 3rd week of June is most suitable time for planting of
cutting in the beds.
 Depth of planting : The stem cuttings are usually planted at a depth of 15-20 cm
in soil.
 Preparation of beds : Soil must be pulverized and thoroughly mixed with farmyard
manure and a small quantity of Aldrin is used to prevent termite infestation. Beds
are prepared in size such as 6’x3’ to 10’x4’.

 Climatic condition : It plays a vital role in sprouting of cuttings. Maximum temp

37°C, Minimum temp 27°C, Humidity 76%.
 Selection and preparation of planting stock : Stem cuttings should be taken from
a healthy plant. Size of cutting 1.5 to 8 cm (girth) x 20 to 100 cm (long).
 Sprouting of cutting : Cutting usually sprouts within 8-15 days after planting
during monsoon. Cutting treated with hormones ( Credik 1,2,3) sprouted more
then the control. Credik – 3 is more effective then 1 and 2 as far as sprouting is
Harvesting (tapping and collection) of guggulu

 After achieving the physiological maturity

(8-10 years) of plant, the gum resin is
tapped during Mid Dec. to Feb.
 Because the flow of gum is more during
winter and summer.
 Plant attaining 7.5 cm diameter is suitable
for tapping the gum resin.
 It is done by giving an incision 10 cm long
and Usually 1.5 cm deep circular incisions
are made on the main branches and stems
at uniform distance of 30 cm and at an
angle of 60 manually.
 Incision should not be deeper than bark.
 It is done by sharp knife.
 The knife should be dipped in an activator like guggal gum
 2-4 incisions given per plant.
 The yellowish white fragrant latex oozes out through the
incision and slowly solidifies into vermicular pieces often
forming big lump.
 Gum is collect after 15-20 days of incision by manually or
with spear.
 Subsequently collection is done at the interval of 10-15
 NOTE – As gum- resin gets hardened on exposure to air, it
should be collected in earthen cups fixed below the cut part.
 2-3 collections of gum are possible in a season. And after
collection, the oleo gum resin is stored in airtight plastic
 Use of 40 mg of chloro-ethyl phosphoric acid or application of
ether, fed to the roots through the injection can increase the
flow of gum 22 times and maximize yield significantly.
 Long term application enhance the production but eventually
kills the plant due to exhaustion.
 Yield :
 Starting from sixth year, the guggulu gum yield increases from
200 gm to 400 gm per plant.
 The mature plant (8-10 years), total guggulu gum yield comes
to be 700-900 gm per plant corresponding to 1750 -2250 kg per
hac.(@ 2500 plants per hac.)
Endangerment and Rescue
 According to estimation the annual demand of Guggulu is
nearly 1000 tones, while the consumption of this drug is nearly
2300 tones used in various preparations of Indian system of
 Because of its medicinal properties, Guggulu has been
overharvested in much of its habitat, and also because of its
slow growing nature, poor seed setting, lack of cultivation,
poor seed and germination rate, the plant Guggulu become
endangered and has been listed on the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of threatened species.
 Therefore it is rational to conservation and cultivation of this
critical endangered species.
 And for this, some efforts are in
place to address this situation.
 India’s National Medicinal
Plants Board launched a project
in Kutch District to cultivate 500
to 800 hectares (1,200 to 2,000
acres) of Guggulu, while a gross-
roots conservation movement
called as “SAVE GUGGUL
MOMENT”, led by IUCN associate
Vineet Soni, has been started to
conserve this threatened species
by educating Guggulu growers
and harvesters in safe,
sustainable harvesting methods.
 There are many adulterants used in gum resin
of Commiphora mukul for commercial purpose.
 The Indian adulterants commonly used are gum
resin of Boswellia serrata and Hymendictyon
excelsum but out of both, Boswellia serrate
(Salai guggulu) is major adulterant.
 The colour and smell of both the gum resins
after solidification almost resemble each other,
since both the plants belong to the same family
 Gum resin of Boswellia serrate is distinguished
by its yellowish green, golden or milky tears,
seldom amalgamated into lumps and a
characteristic terpentine like odour.
 The other known adulterants are Commiphora myrrha,
 Gum-oleo-resin of Commiphora myrrh, imported from
Africa and constituting the drug Hirabole or bole of
commerce is sometimes mixed with Guggulu.
 Similarly, gum-oleo-resin obtained from Commiphora
roxburghii , Occurring in central and eastern India is sold
by the name of Guggulu.
 The former is distinguished by large tears of yellowish
brown colour, exposing on fracture, a brown surface
having white markings will be seen, while the latter has a
bluish tinge and a feeble balasmic odour.
Purification of Guggulu
 Need of Guggulu shodhana - As
Guggulu is an exudate, external impurities
in the form of dust, dry leaves and other
foreign materials are accepted in
Guggulu. After purification, the herb
becomes safer and more effective for use.
 Traditionally Guggulu is purified in
Triphala kvatha for 12 hours (in Dola
Yantra) and then fried with ghee before
administered internally.
 According to Nighantu Ratanakar
decoctions of Guduchi, Triphala, Vasa and
Cow’s milk are to be used for purification.
Prashasta guggulu
 Snigdha(oily/greasy), mrudu(soft), picchila(slimy),
madhura Gandhi(good smell), tikta(bitter),
pitabha(yellowish in colour), easily soluble in water,
burns well when put on fire, devoid of mud and sand
is the best form of guggulu.

 Shushka(dry),ati-durgandhi(bad odour),
vivarna(discoloured), and nirvirya(devoid of potency)
guggulu should not be used.
 The bark is characterized by the presence of silvery, paper like
brownish bark peelings.
 In young branches, the bark is green below the epidermal peelings
due to chloroplast.
 Drug occurs in vermicular pieces of pale yellow or brown coloured
mass, makes milky emulsion in hot water and readily burns, when
fresh- viscid and golden coloured, odour - aromatic, taste is bitter
and astringent.
 The gum oleo resin is located in gum oleo- resin ducts in the
parenchymatous bark as slightly yellowish milky juice.
 The gum oleo-resin ducts are almost circular and scattered
throughout the bark.
 And in longitudinal section the ducts appear as branched tubular
 In its chemical composition
volatile oil, resins, gum and a
bitter compound is found.
 Guggulu contains gum (32%),
essential oil (1.45%), sterols
(guggulsterols I to VI, sitosterol,
cholesterol, Z- and E-
guggulsterone), sugars (sucrose,
fructose), amino acids, alpha-
camphorene, allyl-cembrol,
flavonoids, ellagic acid, myricyl
alcohol, aliphatic tetrols are
Ayurvedic Properties and Pharmacological Actions

 According to Ayurveda Literature, Raspanchak of Guggulu

are -
 Rasa : Tikta, Katu, Kashya
 Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna, Vishad, Sukshma, Sara
(Purana Guggulu) ; Snigdh, Picchala (Naveen Guggulu)
 Virya : Ushna
 Vipak : Katu
 Karam : Tridoshhar , Rasayana,Varnya, Jantughan,
Nadibalya, Raktaprasadana, Sheetaprashamana, Vrsya
(new) and lekhana (old).
 According to Bhavprakash Nighantu –
 Ayurvedic properties of Guggulu are: -
 Guggulu is Vishad (non- greasy), Tikta (bitter), Ushna Virya (hot
in potency), increases Pitta, Sara (laxative), Kashaya
(astringent), Katu (pungent) in taste, Katu in Vipak (pungent
after digestion), Ruksha (causes dryness) and Laghu (light).

 Guggulu is Bhagna-sandhankrid (Unifies fracture), Vrishya

(aphrodisiac), Sukshma (enters into minute pores), Swarya
(improves voice), Rasayana (rejuvenative), Dipana (appetizer),
Balya, mitigates Kapha and Vata, cures Apachi, Medo rog,
Meha, Ashmari, diseases of Vata, Pidika, Granthi, Shoph, Arsh,
Gandmala, Krimi rog.
 It mitigates Vata by its Madhura rasa, Pitta by its
Kashayatava (astringent taste) and Kapha by its Tiktatvata
(bitter taste), so Guggulu mitigates all the Doshas.

गुग्गुलुर्विशदस्तिक्तो वीर्योष्णः पित्तलः सरः |
कषायः कटुकः पाके  कटू  रूक्षो लघुः परः ||
भग्नसन्धानकृ द्वृष्यः सूक्ष्मः स्वर्यो रसायनः |
दीपनः पिच्छिलो बल्यः कफवातव्रणापचीः ||
मेदोमेहाश्मवातांश्च क्ले दकु ष्ठाममारुतान् |
पिडकाग्रन्थिशोफार्शोगण्डमालाकृ मीञ्जयेत् |
माधुर्याच्छमयेद्वातं कषायत्वाच्च पित्तहा ||
तिक्तत्वाद् कफजित्तेन गुग्गुलुः सर्वदोषहा |
 According to Raj Nighantu –
1. Guggulu is extremely beneficial in the diseases of Vata
and Kapha doshas and Kasa rog (cough).
2. It also cures the Krimi rog, Vata rog, Udar rog, Pliha rog,
Shoth and Arsh.
3. It has a special potency as a rejuvenative (Rasayan).

गुग्गुलुः कटुतिक्तोष्णः कफमारुतकासजित् |
क्रिमिवातोदरप्लीहशोफार्शोघ्नो रसायनः ||
Medicinal Uses
 PART USED - Niryas (oleo-gum resin).
 DOSAGE - : 250 mg to 1 gms ; For rasayan purpose - 100 palas (Acc. to
Vriddha Vagbhatta) .
 The “Niryasa” means gum-oleo resin, of the Guggulu plant is used for
medicinal purpose, both internally as well as externally as mentioned below
 Sthaulaya (Obesity) - In obesity, regular use of Guggulu with Gomutra,
Triphala, Lauha-Bhasma, Rasanjana, honey is beneficial.
 Udararoga - Use of Guggulu with milk is beneficial in Udar rog.
 Shotha (Oedema) - One should use Guggulu with Gomutra or decoction of
punanava, Devdaru or Dashmula decoction.
 Vatavyadhi - Guggulu is the best remedy for Vata covered by Meda. Gridhasi
(Sciatica): Rasna 40 gm and Guggulu 200 gm are pounded with ghee and
made into pills. It alleviates sciatica. Krostushirsha (arthritis of knee
joint): In Krostushirsha, Guggulu or Guduchi with Triphala decoction should
be taken.
 Urustambha - Guggulu with Gomutra is a good remedy for
 Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) - Intake of Guggulu with equal
quantity of Trikatu, Chitraka, Musta, Triphala, and Vidanga destroys
all disorders caused by Medas, Kapha and Amavata.
 Wound - Guggulu and Triphala is one of the great combinations in
treating, orally, the non healing chronic wounds. Anti-inflammatory
and antiseptic properties of Guggulu are beneficial in cleansing and
healing of wounds and to reduce oedema. For such, the paste of its
gum is applied in the cases of gout, rheumatic joints, glandular
swelling and even piles.
 Vriddhi rog (Scrotal enlargement) - One should take Guggulu or
castor oil with Gomutra. By this chronic scrotal enlargement caused
by Vata is destroyed.
 Foetid ear - Fumigation with Guggulu is a good remedy.
 Bronchial asthma - Shallaki, Guggulu, Aguru and Padmaka mixed with
ghee is used for fumigation.
Contraindications during guggulu administration
During the administration of Guggulu, the patients should be advised not to
take -

 Amla food (sour)  Maithuna(intercourse)

 Tikshna(penetrating)  Vyayama(exercise)
 Madya(alcoholic drinks)  Atapasevana(exposure to hot
 Ajirna bhojana(indigestion) climatic condition)
 Krodha(anger)

अम्लं तीक्ष्णमजीर्णञ्च व्यवायं श्रममातपम् |
मद्यं रोषं त्यजेत्सम्यग् गुणार्थी पुरसेवकः ||
Side Effects of Guggulu
 According to Priya nighantu –
 Excess dose of Guggulu leads to Klaivaya (impotency), Mukhshosh (dryness
of mouth), Timira (cataract), Krishta (loss of weight), Murcha (vertigo) and
Atisara (dysentery) etc.
 Guggulu should not be used in patients with above complaints.

 According to Vriddha Vaghbhata –

 He described that about 1 Tula (100 Palas) of Guggulu may be consumed for
Rasayan purpose.
 If administered in extensive quantities side effects like: Timira (cataract),
Klavaiya (impotency), Krishta (weight loss), Murcha (syncope), Shathilya
(laxity of tissue), Roukshya (dryness) may develop.
Ayurvedic Preparations of Guggulu
 Triphala guggulu- Triphala Guggulu is a compound extract (of
triphala) to which guggulu is added. It is for joint pain, arthritic
conditions, muscle aches, rheumatism, and weight loss.
 Yogaraj guggulu - It is an anti-arthritic herbal supplement useful for
joint pain, urino-genital disorders, obesity
 Mahayogaraj guggulu - It is used in the Ayurvedic treatment of joint
diseases, skin diseases, piles, diabetes, gout, fistula, bloating,
emaciation, low digestion power, asthma, cold, cough, anorexia,
male and female infertility.
 Gokshuradi guggulu - It is an outstanding remedy in urino-genital
problems, promoting urine flow, soothing the mucosa, and aiding in
the excretion of stones and calculi. It supports kidney and bladder
health, detoxification of the urinary tract and also support against
enlarged prostate, urinary tract disorders, urinary Stones,
inconsistent urination.
 Kanchanara guggulu - It can be used to address deep-seated
kapha imbalances. It supports healthy tissues including
muscles, fat and bones as well as the thyroid and the
lymphatic system. It is useful in Tumors and Goitre.
 Amritadi guggulu - Useful in obesity, lowers cholesterol, also
beneficial in other conditions like pimples, puss boils, hair
follicle boil and buttock boils.
 Lakshadi guggulu - It is particularly helpful for healing
broken bones, fractures, osteophytes removal. It is really an
excellent natural formula to enhance calcium deposition on
 Simhanada guggulu - Useful for Lack of Appetite, Abdominal
gas, Dysentery, Spasm digestion, gout.
 Trayodashanga Guggulu- Useful in Sciatica and nerve
related pain, increase the number of red blood cells and
used to promote appetite and digestion, increase the
number of red blood cells, and aid in removal of
undesirable fat in the body.
 Kaishora guggulu -It is used as a blood purifier it is helpful
in Athlete's foot and helps in elimination of toxins from
the joints. It supports healthy metabolism in the body and
maintains healthy white blood cells and liver.
 Navaka guggulu - It is widely used in the Ayurvedic
treatment of weight loss, it improves digestion. It is also
used to relieve Rheumatoid arthritis.
Research Studies
 Anti-inflammatory and Anti-arthritic activity :
o Oleo-resin was found to be highly potent anti -inflammatory agent, as
compared to hydrocortisone and buta-zoladin against Brownlee’s
formaldehyde-induced arthritis in albino rats.
o Oleo-resin fraction possessed significant anti-arthritic and anti-
inflammatory activities, the minimum effective dose being 12.5mg/100g
body weight.
o In arthritis, the extract suppress the activation of inflammatory cytokine
and lowers the inflammation. Its also suppresses the activation of
interleukins and prostaglandins. and is compared to be more effective then
 Anti-atherosclerotic activity –
o Effect of gum was observed on serum cholesterol, fibrino-lytic
activity and platelet adhesive index in healthy individuals
(group I) and in patients of CAD (group II) for a period of 30
o Serum fibrino-lytic activity improved by 22% and 19% at the end
of 24 hrs, as after 30 days it was 40% and 30% in group I &II
o Platelet adhesive index showed 22% and 19% after 30 days in
group I and group II respectively.
 Anti-obesity activity :
 Crude Guggulu was found to reduce the body weight of
hydrogenated ground-nut oil treated rabbits.
 Preliminary clinical trials on 22 patients of hyper-
cholestrolaemia associated with obesity, IHD, HTN, DM etc.
Guggulu crude was administrated orally (6.12mg in three
divided doses for 15 days to one month.
 A fall in total serum cholesterol and serum lipid-phosphorus was
found in all the cases treated with Guggulu.
 The body weight of 10 patients of obesity also found to be
reduced significantly.
 Hypo-lipidemic activity :
o Typical Guggul-lipid preparations contain 2.5-5% of the plant
sterols Guggulsterone E and Z.
o These two components have been reported to exert effects on
lipids. To evaluate the effects of Guggul on disorders of lipid
metabolism, with special reference to atherosclerosis and obesity,
Satyavati et al. conducted the first animal study on rabbits, from
o It was demonstrated that administration of gum Guggul
significantly lowered the serum cholesterol levels of
hyperlipidemic rabbits, prevented cholesterol-induced
arteriosclerosis and decreased the body weight of the animals.
 Cardio-protective effects :
o Several studies have reported the cardio-protective activity of Guggulsterone that
showed the reversal of iso-proterenol induced cardiac damage and the associated
metabolic changes and protects heart during low blood supply in rats.

 Neuroprotective effect :
o Guggulipid reversed strepto-zotocin drug induced neuronal damage and memory
o In parallel with these reversals, levels of glutathione in the brains of Guggulipid-
treated mice were significantly increased, suggesting that Guggulipid inhibits
oxidative stress in the brain.
o Guggulipid has an antioxidant and anti-acetylcholine esterase activities; showed
protective effect against strepto-zotocin induced memory deficits in the model of
o These observations suggest Guggulipid as a potential anti-dementia drug and
cognitive enhancer.
 Thyroid-stimulatory effect:
o Several studies have shown that Guggulsterone stimulates the thyroid gland.
o Administration of Guggulsterone restored thyroid activity like an increase in
iodine uptake by the thyroid and enhanced the activities of thyroid peroxidase
and protease (thyroid enzyme) as well as oxygen consumption in hypothyroid rats.
 Anti-bacterial Activities :
o It has been reported that the essential oil, chloroform extract and seven
sesquiterpenoid compounds from the oleo-gum-resin of Commiphora mukul
showed the inhibitory action against both gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria. And hence, is effectively used as traditional antibiotics for treating
 Anti-Acne effect :
o Guggulipid has been reported to be effective in the treatment of Nodulo-cystic
o Patients with Nodulo-cystic acne had shown progressive reduction in lesions when
received Guggulipid for 3 months and patients with oily faces, the acne responded
better to Guggulipid.
 Antioxidant effects :
o Commiphora mukul extracts have been reported to possess antioxidant
properties by inhibits the production of oxygen free radicals and prevents
several tissues from damage. It is helpful for oxidative stress associated
disease such as heart and nerve damage.

 Anti-cancer Activities
o Guggulsterone has been shown to suppress proliferation, invasion,
angiogenesis and metastasis of tumour cells.
o Various mechanisms have been suggested to explain the anti-carcinogenic
effects of Guggulsterone, including suppression of inflammation and
inhibition of nuclear receptors, transcription factors, inflammatory
cytokines, apoptotic proteins and cell cycle–related proteins.
o Proliferation: Guggulsterone suppresses the growth and proliferation of a
wide variety of tumor cells, including leukemia, head and neck carcinoma,
multiple myeloma, lung carcinoma, breast carcinoma and ovarian carcinoma.
o “Ferulates” an important bioactive constituent identified from the
Guggul gum and play a significant role in in-vitro cytotoxicity by
decreasing the cell viability in MCF-7 (breast) tumor cells, PC-3
(prostate) tumor cells, and in parental and transfected P388 cells .
Therefore ferulates compounds used in the methods for prevention
and treatment of abnormal cell growth and proliferation of
inflammation, neoplasia, and cardiovascular disease.
Thank you

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