Ovrerview On "Guggulu" (Commiphora Mukul) : Presented by Shefali Rana MD 1st Year Dravya Guna Dept. Rgpggac, Paprola
Ovrerview On "Guggulu" (Commiphora Mukul) : Presented by Shefali Rana MD 1st Year Dravya Guna Dept. Rgpggac, Paprola
Ovrerview On "Guggulu" (Commiphora Mukul) : Presented by Shefali Rana MD 1st Year Dravya Guna Dept. Rgpggac, Paprola
(commiphora mukul)
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Sub-kingdom: Tracheobionta
• Super-division: Spermato-phyta
• Division: Magnolio-phyta
• Class: Eudicots
• Subclass: Rosidae
• Order: Sapindales
• Family: Burseraceae
• Genus: Commiphora Species: mukul or wightii
• Botanical name: Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex Stocks).
Vernacular names
In Sanskrit –
गुग्गुलुः - गुजो व्याधेर्गुडति रक्षतीति ।
कणनिर्यासः - कणरुपो निर्यासोऽस्य।
कालनिर्यासः - कालः कृ ष्णाभो निर्यासोऽस्य ।
कु म्भोलूखलकम् - कु म्भसदृशादुलूखलसदृशाद्वा कोशा न्निर्गतः।
कौशिकः - कोशे भवः।
देवधूपः - देवपूजायां धूपे प्रयुक्तः।
पलंकषः - पलं मांसं कषति हिनसति, स्थौल्यहृदित्यर्थः।
पुरः - निर्यासेषु श्रेष्ठः।
मरुदेश्यः - मरुस्थले जायमानः।
महिषाक्ष: - महिषनेत्रवत् रक्ताभकृ ष्णवर्णः।
In Hindi –
In English –
Indian Bedellium
Classical categorization
Charaka –
Samjnasthapana Mahakashaya
हिङ्गुकै टर्यारिमेदावचाचोरकवयस्थागोलोमीजटिलापलङ्कषाशोकरोहिण्य
इति दशेमानि सञ्ज्ञास्थापनानि भवन्ति
These drugs are penetrative, hot, minute, light and motile in quality.
Because of this, they have conscious restorative property, which is why
they are useful in memory disorder, irregular sleep or concentration
and loss of consciousness.
Kashaya Skandha
Sushruta – Eladi gana
Vagbhata – Eladi gana
एलादिको वातकफौ निहन्याद्विषमेव च |
वर्णप्रसादनः कण्डू पिडकाकोठनाशनः ||
महिषाक्षो महानीलः कु मुदः पद्म इत्यपि |
हिरण्यः पञ्चमो ज्ञेयो गुग्गुलोः पञ्च जातयः ||
1. Mahishaksha - Mahishaksha has the colour of honey-bee or Anjana (antimony sulphide).
2. Mahanila is similar to its name and looks like a Sapphire, a precious stone. Extremely
blue in colour.
3. Kumuda - Kumuda resembles Kumuda flower (white) in colour.
4. Padma - Padma resembles Manikya (ruby red).
5. Hiranya (Kanaka) - Hiranya is like gold in colour.
Mahikshaksh and Mahanila varieties are beneficial to elephants, Kumuda and Padma
bestow health to horses, Hiranya variety is best suited for humans. Mahishaksha is also
good for humans.
Generally , main two types of Guggulu are available :
1. Kana guggulu
2. Bhainsa guggulu
Kana guggulu –
1. Found in Marwar.
2. Colour – Raktabh peeta
Bhainsa guggulu –
1. Found in Kutch and Sindh.
2. Colour – Haritabh peeta
Other two varieties of Guggulu has mentioned in the texts books of
1). Nava Guggulu
2). Purana Guggulu
The freshly collected Guggulu is tissue builder and aphrodisiac and
if stored for more than one year, it is a depletory of tissues. The
characters of fresh one are, it is oily, yellowish looks like a ripen
Jambu fruit, fragnant and gummy in nature.
Purana or old decayed Guggulu is dry, emitting bad smell, devoid
of natural colour and potency.
Nava Guggulu is useful in debility, whereas the old variety -
Purana Guggulu is salutary in obesity and diabetes.
स नवो बृंहणो वृष्यः पुराणस्त्वतिलेखनः ||
स्निग्धः काञ्चनसंकाशः पक्वजम्बूफलोपमः |नूतनो गुग्गुलुः प्रोक्तः सुगन्धिर्यस्तु पिच्छिलः ||
शुष्को दुर्गन्धकश्चैव त्यक्तप्रकृ तिवर्णकः |पुराणः स तु विज्ञेयो गुग्गुलुर्वीर्यवर्जितः ||
According to Kaiydeva Nighantu:
• Guggulu are of five types: Mahishaksha, Mahanila, Kumuda, Padma, Hiranaya.
• According to Kaiydeva Nighantu –
1. Krishna varna Guggulu - best for Rakta-pitta dosh
2. Pingal varna Guggulu - best for Kapha-pitta dosh
3. Sweta varna Guggulu - best for Vata-pitta dosh
कृ ष्णः शोणितपित्ते च श्लेष्मपित्ते च पिङ्ग्लः ||
वातपित्ते तथा श्वेतो गुग्गुलुः शस्यते तथा |
Other five types of Guggulu, according to Unani system of medicine:
1. Mukle Saklabi - Brown in colour
2. Mukle arabi - It is reddish brown or purplish in colour and found in Yaman pradesh.
3. Mukle ajarak - Reddish in colour
4. Mukle Yahud - Yellowish in colour
5. Mukle hindi - It is found in India
Distribution and habitat
Commiphora mukul is widely distributed in tropical region of
Africa, Asia and Saudi Arabia.
In Indian subcontinent it occur in India, Pakistan, Baluchistan,
Bangladesh etc. In India it is distributed in South-Westen India
and parts of Central India which is represented by Kerala,
Kanataka, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Kaiydeva mentioned that Guggulu tree habituated in the Maru
bhumi pradesh (Vata pradhan desh) will yield five types of gum-
resin during Grishm ritu as well as Shaitya ritu.
Climate and soil -
The plant grows well in arid, sandy, and rocky tracts of
tropical India. Sandy or sandy loam soils are best for its
Its small leathery leaves and thick bark covered with a
white waxy coat over the stems, help it to withstand
desert conditions.
It prefers a warm, dry climate for good yield of oleo-gum-
Propagation and cultivation:
The Commiphora mukul (Guggulu tree) grows
as a woody tree in sandy loam soil with more
gypsum content, with pH 7.5-9.
Guggulu plant can be propagated both by seed
and stem cutting in the arid or semiarid zones.
For this purpose, sloppy well drained lands are
preferred .
Through seed –
Regeneration through seeds in Guggulu is very
poor because of presence of a hard seed coat.
The seeds sown in the months of June and July
in well worked soil beds, germinate at the
onset of monsoon rains.
One month old seeding are transferred into plastic bags. After 2 years, these
seedling attain a height of 30-50 cm and suitable for field planting.
Better seed germination can be obtained by mechanical scarification (with sand
paper) of seed coat and keeping these scarified seeds under running water for
about 24 hours.
Shushka(dry),ati-durgandhi(bad odour),
vivarna(discoloured), and nirvirya(devoid of potency)
guggulu should not be used.
The bark is characterized by the presence of silvery, paper like
brownish bark peelings.
In young branches, the bark is green below the epidermal peelings
due to chloroplast.
Drug occurs in vermicular pieces of pale yellow or brown coloured
mass, makes milky emulsion in hot water and readily burns, when
fresh- viscid and golden coloured, odour - aromatic, taste is bitter
and astringent.
The gum oleo resin is located in gum oleo- resin ducts in the
parenchymatous bark as slightly yellowish milky juice.
The gum oleo-resin ducts are almost circular and scattered
throughout the bark.
And in longitudinal section the ducts appear as branched tubular
In its chemical composition
volatile oil, resins, gum and a
bitter compound is found.
Guggulu contains gum (32%),
essential oil (1.45%), sterols
(guggulsterols I to VI, sitosterol,
cholesterol, Z- and E-
guggulsterone), sugars (sucrose,
fructose), amino acids, alpha-
camphorene, allyl-cembrol,
flavonoids, ellagic acid, myricyl
alcohol, aliphatic tetrols are
Ayurvedic Properties and Pharmacological Actions
गुग्गुलुर्विशदस्तिक्तो वीर्योष्णः पित्तलः सरः |
कषायः कटुकः पाके कटू रूक्षो लघुः परः ||
भग्नसन्धानकृ द्वृष्यः सूक्ष्मः स्वर्यो रसायनः |
दीपनः पिच्छिलो बल्यः कफवातव्रणापचीः ||
मेदोमेहाश्मवातांश्च क्ले दकु ष्ठाममारुतान् |
पिडकाग्रन्थिशोफार्शोगण्डमालाकृ मीञ्जयेत् |
माधुर्याच्छमयेद्वातं कषायत्वाच्च पित्तहा ||
तिक्तत्वाद् कफजित्तेन गुग्गुलुः सर्वदोषहा |
According to Raj Nighantu –
1. Guggulu is extremely beneficial in the diseases of Vata
and Kapha doshas and Kasa rog (cough).
2. It also cures the Krimi rog, Vata rog, Udar rog, Pliha rog,
Shoth and Arsh.
3. It has a special potency as a rejuvenative (Rasayan).
गुग्गुलुः कटुतिक्तोष्णः कफमारुतकासजित् |
क्रिमिवातोदरप्लीहशोफार्शोघ्नो रसायनः ||
Medicinal Uses
PART USED - Niryas (oleo-gum resin).
DOSAGE - : 250 mg to 1 gms ; For rasayan purpose - 100 palas (Acc. to
Vriddha Vagbhatta) .
The “Niryasa” means gum-oleo resin, of the Guggulu plant is used for
medicinal purpose, both internally as well as externally as mentioned below
Sthaulaya (Obesity) - In obesity, regular use of Guggulu with Gomutra,
Triphala, Lauha-Bhasma, Rasanjana, honey is beneficial.
Udararoga - Use of Guggulu with milk is beneficial in Udar rog.
Shotha (Oedema) - One should use Guggulu with Gomutra or decoction of
punanava, Devdaru or Dashmula decoction.
Vatavyadhi - Guggulu is the best remedy for Vata covered by Meda. Gridhasi
(Sciatica): Rasna 40 gm and Guggulu 200 gm are pounded with ghee and
made into pills. It alleviates sciatica. Krostushirsha (arthritis of knee
joint): In Krostushirsha, Guggulu or Guduchi with Triphala decoction should
be taken.
Urustambha - Guggulu with Gomutra is a good remedy for
Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) - Intake of Guggulu with equal
quantity of Trikatu, Chitraka, Musta, Triphala, and Vidanga destroys
all disorders caused by Medas, Kapha and Amavata.
Wound - Guggulu and Triphala is one of the great combinations in
treating, orally, the non healing chronic wounds. Anti-inflammatory
and antiseptic properties of Guggulu are beneficial in cleansing and
healing of wounds and to reduce oedema. For such, the paste of its
gum is applied in the cases of gout, rheumatic joints, glandular
swelling and even piles.
Vriddhi rog (Scrotal enlargement) - One should take Guggulu or
castor oil with Gomutra. By this chronic scrotal enlargement caused
by Vata is destroyed.
Foetid ear - Fumigation with Guggulu is a good remedy.
Bronchial asthma - Shallaki, Guggulu, Aguru and Padmaka mixed with
ghee is used for fumigation.
Contraindications during guggulu administration
During the administration of Guggulu, the patients should be advised not to
take -
अम्लं तीक्ष्णमजीर्णञ्च व्यवायं श्रममातपम् |
मद्यं रोषं त्यजेत्सम्यग् गुणार्थी पुरसेवकः ||
Side Effects of Guggulu
According to Priya nighantu –
Excess dose of Guggulu leads to Klaivaya (impotency), Mukhshosh (dryness
of mouth), Timira (cataract), Krishta (loss of weight), Murcha (vertigo) and
Atisara (dysentery) etc.
Guggulu should not be used in patients with above complaints.
Neuroprotective effect :
o Guggulipid reversed strepto-zotocin drug induced neuronal damage and memory
o In parallel with these reversals, levels of glutathione in the brains of Guggulipid-
treated mice were significantly increased, suggesting that Guggulipid inhibits
oxidative stress in the brain.
o Guggulipid has an antioxidant and anti-acetylcholine esterase activities; showed
protective effect against strepto-zotocin induced memory deficits in the model of
o These observations suggest Guggulipid as a potential anti-dementia drug and
cognitive enhancer.
Thyroid-stimulatory effect:
o Several studies have shown that Guggulsterone stimulates the thyroid gland.
o Administration of Guggulsterone restored thyroid activity like an increase in
iodine uptake by the thyroid and enhanced the activities of thyroid peroxidase
and protease (thyroid enzyme) as well as oxygen consumption in hypothyroid rats.
Anti-bacterial Activities :
o It has been reported that the essential oil, chloroform extract and seven
sesquiterpenoid compounds from the oleo-gum-resin of Commiphora mukul
showed the inhibitory action against both gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria. And hence, is effectively used as traditional antibiotics for treating
Anti-Acne effect :
o Guggulipid has been reported to be effective in the treatment of Nodulo-cystic
o Patients with Nodulo-cystic acne had shown progressive reduction in lesions when
received Guggulipid for 3 months and patients with oily faces, the acne responded
better to Guggulipid.
Antioxidant effects :
o Commiphora mukul extracts have been reported to possess antioxidant
properties by inhibits the production of oxygen free radicals and prevents
several tissues from damage. It is helpful for oxidative stress associated
disease such as heart and nerve damage.
Anti-cancer Activities
o Guggulsterone has been shown to suppress proliferation, invasion,
angiogenesis and metastasis of tumour cells.
o Various mechanisms have been suggested to explain the anti-carcinogenic
effects of Guggulsterone, including suppression of inflammation and
inhibition of nuclear receptors, transcription factors, inflammatory
cytokines, apoptotic proteins and cell cycle–related proteins.
o Proliferation: Guggulsterone suppresses the growth and proliferation of a
wide variety of tumor cells, including leukemia, head and neck carcinoma,
multiple myeloma, lung carcinoma, breast carcinoma and ovarian carcinoma.
o “Ferulates” an important bioactive constituent identified from the
Guggul gum and play a significant role in in-vitro cytotoxicity by
decreasing the cell viability in MCF-7 (breast) tumor cells, PC-3
(prostate) tumor cells, and in parental and transfected P388 cells .
Therefore ferulates compounds used in the methods for prevention
and treatment of abnormal cell growth and proliferation of
inflammation, neoplasia, and cardiovascular disease.
Thank you