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Cultural Food Guide

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©2011 Dairy Council of California

A Nutrition educator’s
guide to global
food choices

At Dairy Council of California,
• African-American Food we believe in enjoying food. We
Choices also know that culture and tradition
• Mexican Food Choices guide our food choices. Californians come
• Mexican Food Glossary from all parts of the world, and many traditional foods grown
• Filipino Food Choices around the globe are available here.
• Filipino Food Glossary
A Celebration of Culture shows how culturally diverse foods
• Chinese Food Choices
can fit in the context of current nutrition guidelines and food-
• Chinese Food Glossary
grouping systems. This guide also explores the wide variety of
• Vietnamese Food Choices
foods and flavors available today.
• Vietnamese Food Glossary
• Frequently Asked California is made up of many cultures and traditions. Foods
Questions may vary based on region, religion and other factors. This
guide includes the main food choices of five major cultures
in California today—African-American, Mexican-American,
Filipino-Americans, Chinese-Americans and Vietnamese-
Americans. Each section includes cultural eating patterns, food
choices and favorite dishes. Food lists provide translations in
Spanish and Tagalog, as well as English-phonetic translations
for foods in Chinese and Vietnamese.

With a Celebration of Culture, you can:
• Recognize the value of healthy food and
identify healthy choices using culturally
relevant examples.
• Learn how foods from all cultures can be part of
a healthy diet.
• Encourage nutrient-rich food choices from the
diverse cuisines, cultures and traditions available

All Foods Can Be Part of Healthy, Balanced

Eating Patterns
In moderation, all foods can fit into a balanced diet. Healthy
eating patterns include nutrient-rich foods from all five food
groups: Milk & Milk Products; Meat, Beans & Nuts; Vegetables;
Fruits; and Grains, Breads & Cereals. Nutrient-rich foods have
significant amounts of a variety of nutrients for their calories. Eating
these foods may improve overall health and even help maintain a
healthy weight. 
When talking about foods and food groups, try to include culturally
diverse foods. Be sure to stress that when eaten in moderate amounts, all
foods—even those “sometimes” foods—can be chosen without guilt or regret.
Pleasure and enjoyment are also parts of healthy eating. Being physically active
every day also allows a wider range of foods to fit in a healthy lifestyle.
Food Choices Change Over Time
Groups who have been here for many years may still have some food patterns that are culturally distinct, but often
have adopted many local food habits.
Those who are newer to California may follow their familiar food patterns more closely. Over time, most try out
and adapt traditional dishes to include foods on hand that may cost less or are more readily available.
Explore the foods offered at local groceries, specialty stores and farmers’ markets. The goal is to be aware of the wide
range of healthy choices, both familiar and new, available today.
Involve family members in meal planning and cooking. Mealtime is an ideal time to strengthen family ties and pass
on family traditions. Children are also more likely to try new foods when they are involved in meal preparation.
Points to Remember
Food choices can vary widely within cultures. The foods listed in this guide are a snapshot of common foods, not a
complete list.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach for healthy eating. Weigh the factors that are most important to your audience.
Is it important to buy local food or grow it themselves? Is cost or convenience a priority? Do religious or cultural
traditions take precedence? All of these factors should be considered and respected. When you incorporate personal
values into food choices and set realistic goals, individuals are more likely to adopt healthy eating patterns.
Nutrition Education Builds Understanding
Trying foods from other cultures can challenge the palate with new flavors. Talking about regional foods and
cooking methods can build a bridge and expand food horizons. Placing favorite foods within the context of an
overall balanced diet sets the stage for lifelong healthy eating habits.
Dairy Council of California hopes this guide will be useful in nutrition education efforts. Traditional and new foods
can be a celebration of culture and good health.
African-Americans make up roughly 13 percent of the
United States population, according to the 2010 U.S.
Census. More than half live in southern states. African-
Americans represent a little over six percent of California’s
population. While most can trace their heritage to West
Africa, African-Americans do not share a single cultural
heritage. More recently, we have seen increases in the number
of immigrants from the Caribbean and Central and South

Traditional Food Practices

The traditional foods of African-Americans mix the flavors of West
Africa and the early European settlers of the American South in the
1700s and 1800s. Over time, a unique Southern cuisine evolved, with
influences from the Spanish, French and British. Cooking methods also
changed to include more boiling, frying and roasting.
The food choices of African-Americans today often do not reflect traditional foods. Instead, traditional dishes
are more likely to be served on weekends, holidays or special occasions. The food habits are more likely to reflect
the family’s income level, where they live and their work schedules. Compared with other Americans, African-
Americans eat fewer fruits and vegetables and less dietary fiber, calcium and potassium. On the other hand, they
may consume higher amounts of fatty meats, salt and cholesterol.
During the work week, breakfasts and lunches are often lighter fares—e.g., cereal for breakfast; fast-food burgers,
hot dogs, sandwiches or pizza at lunch. Heartier breakfasts (e.g., sausage or bacon, biscuits and gravy, waffles or
pancakes, eggs and grits) are prepared on weekends or when more time is available. The midday meal used to be the
largest of the day, but that has changed over time to mirror the more typical American practice of dinner being the
largest meal of the day.

Traditional Food Choices During Mealtimes:

Breakfast Dinner
• Grits, often with cheese and butter or margarine • Fried chicken or fish
• Fried or scrambled eggs • Mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes
• Breakfast meats like bacon, sausage or ham • Boiled dry beans or green beans seasoned with
• Fried potatoes ham or bacon
• Biscuits with butter and jelly • Gumbo
• Coffee or tea with sugar • Corn on the cob, buttered
• Roll, biscuit or corn bread
• Sweetened ice tea, buttermilk or fruit-flavored
• Fruit cobbler with ice cream or baked dessert
such as red velvet cake or sweet-potato pie


Traditional Foods
Milk & Milk Products Grains, Breads & Cereals
• Buttermilk • Cornmeal—corn bread, corn bread stuffing
• Cheese, including American and cheddar • Grits
• Ice cream, banana pudding • Hominy
• Cottage cheese • Oatmeal
• Yogurt • Rice
• Milk (whole often preferred) • Wheat flour
Meat, Beans & Nuts Extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
• Poultry—fried chicken, chicken and dumplings • Bacon
• Pork—barbecued ribs, glazed ham • Butter, lard
• Beef • Chitterlings, fatback, pork neck bones, salt pork
• Eggs • Fruit cobblers like peach, apple and berry
• Fish—crab cakes • Pecan and sweet potato pie
• Dried beans, including pinto, navy, lima, butter, • Red velvet or chocolate cake
kidney, red and black-eyed peas
• Corn—succotash with okra and tomatoes
• Squash
• Sweet potatoes, white potatoes
• Cabbage
• Green beans
• Greens, including collards, mustard and turnip—
often seasoned with smoked meat
• Okra
• Tomatoes
• Apples
• Bananas
• Berries, including blackberries and strawberries
• Melons like cantaloupe, honeydew and
• Peaches


Traditional Mexican food habits are a blend of native

Mexican Indians and South Americans with European
(Spanish) colonists. Food styles can be grouped into three
main types: mestizo (European-influenced) foods, Mayan
from the southeast, and foods of the gulf and Pacific coast.
Mexico has shared its food, people and culture with
California for hundreds of years. According to the 2010
Census, Hispanics/Latinos make up one-third (about 38
percent) of California’s population, with the vast majority (about
82 percent) tracing their roots to Mexico.

Traditional Food Practices

A traditional Mexican diet is limited in added fat while high in grains,
fruits and vegetables. The staple crop is maize (corn), which is ground into
masa and used in a variety of dishes such as tamales. First domesticated in Mexico,
fresh and dried chilies are common to all types of Mexican cuisine. In the 1500s, Spanish colonists
introduced milk products, rice, wheat, cinnamon, citrus fruit and a variety of other foods that are common in
Mexican cooking today.
Traditional Mexican meals are served in multiple courses with rice served before the main course or the beans.
Vegetables usually appear as part of a dish, instead of a separate course. Freshness is valued, and many foods are
purchased daily. Processed foods are not often eaten. Mixed dishes that take longer to prepare, like enchiladas and
tamales, are reserved for special occasions.

Traditional Food Choices During Mealtimes:

• Corn tortillas, eggs with chorizo (sausage), beans and salsa
• Pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) and fruit
• Hot chocolate made with milk or coffee with milk
• Corn tortillas, rice and beans, beef, chicken or pork stewed with chilies and tomatoes
• Sopes (thick tortilla with pinched sides) with beans or meat, queso fresco (fresh cheese), salsa and vegetables
• Horchata (cinnamon and rice drink), agua fresca (fruit, water and sugar) or licuado (fruit smoothie)
• Arroz con pollo (chicken and rice)
• Sopa de fideos (cooked rice noodles served with a tomato-based sauce)
• Nopales (cactus) with pork and onions, beans and corn tortillas
• Soft drinks or coffee with milk


Traditional Foods
Milk & Milk Products
• Milk—cow, goat (whole milk is preferred)
• Evaporated milk
• Hot chocolate made with milk
• Various fresh cheeses
• Arroz con leche (rice pudding cooked with milk)
Meat, Beans & Nuts
• Beans, including pinto, red and black, are eaten at almost every meal
• Beef
• Goat
• Pork
• Poultry
• Seafood (popular in the coastal regions of Mexico)
• Nopales (cactus)
• Corn
• Onions
• Peas
• Potatoes
• Squash
• Tomatillos
• Tomatoes
• Homemade chili salsa accompanies most meals
• Bananas
• Guavas
• Mangos
• Papayas
• Pineapples
Grains, Breads & Cereals
• Masa (corn flour)—used to make tortillas, tamales and atole (a porridge- like drink)
• Wheat-flour tortillas are more common in northern Mexico
• Rice and wheat noodles—typically cooked with tomatoes and spices to make Spanish rice or fideo
Extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
• Garlic, cilantro, cumin, cinnamon and cocoa
• Hot chili sauces
• Manteca (lard) and oil
• Pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread)
• Flan (custard)

cheese queso avocado aguacate biscuit galleta
chocolate milk chocolate con leche baked potato papa homeada bread pan
cocoa cocao-cocoa broccoli bróculi bun panecillo
cottage cheese requesón cabbage repollo cereal cereal
custard flan carrots zanahorias corn bread pan de maiz
evaporated milk leche evaporada celery apio corn tortilla tortilla de maiz
ice cream helado (nieve) corn maiz crackers galletas
low-fat milk leche semidescremada corn on the cob elote grits sémola
milk leche green pepper pimento verde macaroni macarrones
milkshake leche batida lettuce lechuga muffin panecillo
pudding pudín mashed potatoes pure de papas noodles tallarines
skim milk suero-leche descremada peas chichatos oatmeal avena
swiss cheese queso suizo potato papa pancake panqueque
yogurt yogur salad ensalada rice arroz
spinach espinaca roll panecillo
MEAT, BEANS & NUTS squash calabacita sweet bread pan dulce
bacon tocino sweet potato camote toast pan tostado
baked beans frijoles al horno tomato tomate
beef carne de res tomato juice jugo de tomate EXTRAS
black-eyed peas habichuelas (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
bologna boloña FRUITS apple pie pastel de manzana
chicken pollo apple manzana butter mantequilla
chili frijoles con carne apple juice jugo de manzana cake pastel
eggs huevos applesauce pure de manzana candy dulce
fish pescado apricot chabacan cookies galletas
fish sticks trozos de pescado banana plántano doughnut dona
ham jamón cantaloupe melon gelatin dessert gelatin
hamburger patty tortita de carne fruit salad ensalada de fruta gravy salsa
hot dog salchicha grapefruit toronja jam conserva (de fruta)
meatballs albóndigas grapes uvas jelly jalea
meatloaf albondigón orange naranja ketchup salsa de tomate
nuts nueces orange juice jugo de naranja margarine margarina
peanut butter mantequilla de pear pera mayonnaise mayonesa
cacahuate pineapple piña mustard mostaza
pork chop chuleta de cerdo raisins pasas oil aceite
refried beans frijoles refritos strawberries fresas pickles pepinos en vinagre
shrimp camaron watermelon sandia pie pastel
tuna atún popcorn palomitas de maiz
turkey pavo popsicle paleta helada
potato chips papitas fritas
punch ponche
soft drinks sodas or refrescos
sugar azúcar


The Philippines are a group of 7,107 islands in Southeast

Asia. Filipino food blends Malaysian, Chinese, Spanish
and American influences. Many Filipinos came to the
United States after immigration laws changed in 1965.
According to the 2010 Census, Filipinos make up 3.2
percent of the total population in California and one-quarter
of the state’s Asian population. Asian groups represent 13
percent of the state’s total population.

Traditional Food Practices

There are three basic principles in Filipino cooking: never cook
any food by itself; when frying, use garlic in olive oil or lard; and
foods should have a sour, cool and salty taste. As with other countries
in this region, rice is a dietary staple. Fresh fish and shellfish are also
plentiful and prepared many different ways in the traditional diet.
Many Filipino dishes use vinegar to tenderize meat and reduce the need for
refrigeration. Vinegar also adds the slightly sour flavor in Filipino foods. The most common cooking
methods are sautéing, stewing, boiling, braising and frying. Dipping sauces allow for individual taste preferences
and can include vinegar, garlic, calamansi (similar to lemon juice), soy sauce, patis (fish sauce) and bagoong
(fermented sauce).
The traditional Filipino meal pattern consists of a large breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a midafternoon snack
called a merienda.

Traditional Food Choices During Mealtimes:

• Breakfast is typically a protein dish and a starchy food
• Kakanin (different types of rice such as regular, sticky or sweet), pan de sal (breakfast bread) or ensaimada
(yeast roll sprinkled with shredded cheese and sugar)
• Fried eggs, vienna sausage, longganiza (pork sausage) or daing (dried fish)
• Hot chocolate, hot ginger tea or hot coffee
Lunch and Dinner
• Hot meals are typically served for both lunch and dinner, and are similar in the amount and kinds of dishes
• Soup, vegetables in fish sauce and a noodle dish or rice
• Pork or chicken simmered in vinegar, soy sauce and garlic
• Salted, dried fish
• Meat turnover
• Beef, chicken or pork stewed with chorizo, ham hocks and vegetables
• Coffee with milk and sugar or tea

Filipino-Americans (con’t.)

Midafternoon Fruits
• The traditional merienda is part of the casual • Fruits of all types are eaten
lifestyle after a siesta (afternoon rest) • Avocado
• Empanadas (meat-filled pastry) • Banana
• Lumpia (similar to an egg roll) • Grapes
• Guinataan (combination of boiled starchy • Guava
vegetables and fruits) • Mango
• Pineapple
Traditional Foods • Raisins
Milk & Milk Products • Starfruit
• Edam cheese • Watermelon
• Farmer’s cheese Grains, Breads & Cereal
• Evaporated milk • Rice is the main staple and is eaten at almost
• Leche flan (custard) every meal
• Noodles made from rice wheat, mung beans or
Meat, Beans & Nuts soybeans
• Salted egg
• Egg bread
• Fish—dried or roasted
• Pan de sal (rolls)
• Beef
• Chicken Extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
• Fish sauce, fish paste and soy sauce
• Pork—ham, sausage
• Hot peppers, cinnamon, bay leaf and ginger
• Shellfish and other seafood
• Lard, olive oil and vegetable oil
• Garbanzo beans
• Coconut oil and coconut milk
• Cashews and peanuts
• Butter
• Vegetables are usually sautéed or boiled and
occasionally marinated for salads. Raw leafy greens
are rarely used in salads
• Bamboo shoot
• Plantain
• Cabbage
• Eggplant
• Okra
• Yam
• Tomato
• Peas
• Carrots

cheese keso apple mansanas
custard leche flan banana saging
evaporated milk leche evaporada cantaloupe milong
ice cream sorbetes grapes ubas
milk gatas guava bayabas
yogurt yogurt lychee lichias
mango manggá
MEAT, BEANS & NUTS melon milón
beef (karning) baka papaya papaya
cashews kasoy pear pera
chicken manok pineapple pinya
clams kabibi pomegranate granada
duck itik strawberries stroberi
eggs itlóg tangerine dalaghita
fish isd^a watermelon pakwan
goat kambing
liver atay bean-thread noodles sotanghon
peanuts man^i bread tinapay
pork (karning) baboy cereal cereales
sardines sardinas noodles miki
sausage longanisa rice kanin
shrimp hipon rice noodles bihon
soybeans balatong wheat noodles mami
soybean curd (tofu) taho
tuna tulingan EXTRAS
turkey pabo (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
butter mantekilya
VEGETABLES cake keik
bamboo shoots labong candy kendi
bok choy pechay coffee kapé
cabbage repolyo fish paste bagoong
carrots karot fish sauce patis
cauliflower koliplawer garlic bawang
celery kintsáy ginger luya
corn mais lard mantiká
eggplant talóng soy sauce toyo
green beans habichuelas sugar asukal
lettuce letsugas tea tsa
okra okra vegetable oil langis
onions sibuyas vinegar sukà
peppers sili
potato patata
snow peas chicharo
spinach spinaka
sweet potato kamote
tomato kamatis
water chestnut apulid
Chinese-Americans include people from the People’s
Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
From the 1849 gold rush in California to the transfer of
Hong Kong from British to Chinese rule in 1997, waves of
immigration have brought people from China to the United
States. Today, about 63 percent of Chinese-Americans are
first-generation immigrants. According to the 2010 Census,
Chinese-Americans make up about 26 percent of California’s
Asian population.

Traditional Food Practices

Chinese civilization is one of the world’s most ancient—over 4,000
years old. Chinese cuisine blends the food habits of the Han people, the
largest ethnic group in China, with the food choices of many other ethnic
groups. In traditional Chinese culture, foods are valued beyond nutrition.
Foods and dishes are carefully planned and prepared for longevity, happiness
and luck. The Chinese value freshness and shop daily for seasonal vegetables, fruit,
meat and fish. Foods aren’t necessarily associated with specific meals, and a variety of
foods may be eaten at breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Traditional Food Choices During Mealtimes:

• Rice porridge seasoned with small amounts of meat or fish
• Bowl of noodles with vegetables and meat
• Steamed buns
• Rice or fried noodles, stir-fried vegetables and a seasoned meat dish with clear soup
• Tea
Dinner (main meal of the day in mainland China)
• Clear soup, noodles or rice and two or three stir-fried meat-and-vegetable dishes
• Tea
(In northern China, soup is usually the beverage at meals; in southern China, the beverage is usually tea.)

Traditional Food
Milk & Milk Products
• Milk products are not routinely available in China, although they are more common in Hong Kong and
• Alternatives include tofu and calcium-fortified soy beverage
Meat, Beans & Nuts
• Beef, oxtail
• Chicken, eggs
• Pork, sausage
• Legumes—broad, mung, red and soybeans (soybeans are made into many products, including beverages,
tofu, curd and paste)
• Seafood
• Meats are cut into bite-sized pieces before cooking; fish is often prepared whole and served at the table
CHINESE-americans (con’t.)

• Bamboo shoots
• Bean sprouts
• Cabbage
• Chinese greens
• Leeks
• Snow peas
• Squash
• Sweet potato
• Taro
• Turnip
• Water chestnut
• Vegetables are cut into bite-sized pieces before cooking
• Banana
• Dragon fruit
• Grapes
• Lychee
• Mango
• Orange, tangerine
• Papaya
• Passion fruit
• Starfruit
• Watermelon
• Fruits are eaten as snacks and desserts
Grains, Breads & Cereals
• Rice is the primary staple in southern China, while wheat is the primary staple in northern China
• Choices include stir-fried rice, a variety of noodles, steamed dumplings and rice wrappers for egg rolls and
Extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
• Hot chili sauces, coriander, fish sauce, five-spice powder, garlic, ginger, oyster sauce, pepper, shrimp paste,
soy sauce, turmeric and vinegar
• Corn oil, lard, peanut oil, sesame oil
• Traditionally, very little sugar is used

English Phonetic Translation English Phonetic Translation
Cantonese Mandarin Cantonese Mandarin
milk ngòw nái niú năi apple ping g´wo ping gŭo
cheese jeè-sée rŭ laò apricot hahng mui si`ng zah
ice cream syut gò bing jeé lińg banana hèung tsiu siang jiao
yogurt syùn ngòw nái su-ahn níu năi grapefruit sai yáw see-yò-zah
evaporated milk tahm nái dàn năi grapes pù tù pú táo
dry milk powder nái fun năi fuň melon sài gwah see guah
orange cháhng chén zah
MEAT, BEANS & NUTS peach tù taó zah
beef ngòw yuhk niú rò pear lày leé
chicken gai jee-zah persimmon nàhm cheé shùr zah
dried fish jeèn yú jiahn yu pineapple bo lòh bo lo
duck ngop yah-sah strawberry yeùhng mùi yańg máy
eggs gài dán jee dàn tangerine gum gwaht gan jú
fish yú yu
fresh fish seen yú siahn yu GRAINS, BREADS & CEREALS
kidney yiu faa yao-zah bread meen bàw màn bao
legumes: crackers béng gòn bĭng gan
mung beans luhk dáo liù dòe (soda béng gòn) (sudá bíng gan)
red beans hùhng dáo hońg dòe dumpling tang yu-án tang tu-án
soy beans wòhng dáo huáng dòe noodles meen màn
liver gòn ganr:
oatmeal mahk pin mài pièn
meat yuhkk rò
nuts fah sàng huah sheng pastry dough tong yún tong tyùhn
peanut butter fah sang jèung huah sheng jiang rice fahn fàn
pork jyu yuhk ju rò
pork tripe jyu toé jyu dú-zah extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
seeds jèe màh zher mah candied ginger tòhng geung táng jee-ang
shellfish ching jée cheng-zah garlic syúhn taó swàn toé
soybean curd daw fuh dòe fu ginger root sàng geung jee-ang
soybean paste daw bo-án jeung dòe bànr: jiàng salt & pepper wùh jeé-u yìhm hu jiao yán
spleen wòng lee pée zàhng sesame oil jèe màh yaòw zhee mah yó
soy sauce jeung yàow jee-àng yó
vegetables sugar tòhng táng
bean sprouts ngah choi dòe yáa tsài tea tsàh cháy
bok choy bahk choi bái tsài vegetable oil choi yaòw tsài yó
carrots hùhng lòh bahk hú ló bo
celery kàhn choi tsiéng tsài
chinese cabbage wòhng ngàh choi ju-àhn zhin tsài
dark-green leafy Pronunciation key: Intonation key:
vegetable gai lán choi gài lán tsài : = short, clipped pronunciation Falling tone indicated by `
green beans bin daw bĭahn dòe aa = a as in cat Rising tone indicated by ´
green peas chèng daw tsièng dòe sy = blended together Hi-Lo-Hi tone indicated by ˘
green onions yeùhng chòng yańg cong ts = blended together as in tse-tse fly
mushrooms mòh gu mó gu zh = blended together
spinach bo choi bo tsài g = hard as in going
summer squash nàhm gwah nán guah
sweet potato fahn syiùh fan shŭ
winter squash sun gwah sŭn guah
zucchini ee-dai-lay-gwah ee-dàh-lèe-guah 13

The Vietnamese immigrated to the United States from

Southeast Asia, a tropical region south of China and east
of India. Cambodia and Laos are neighboring countries.
Over 450,000 Vietnamese have entered the U.S. since
1975, and most have settled in the Western Gulf states
where the climate is similar to their native land. According
to the 2010 Census, there are over half a million Vietnamese
in California, representing 12 percent of the Asian population.

Traditional Food Practices

Vietnamese cuisine uses many of the same foods as other Southeast
Asian countries. The basic food in Vietnam is dry, flaky rice supple-
mented with vegetables, eggs and small amounts of meat and fish.
NuocMam (fish sauce) is also used in almost every Vietnamese dish. Meals
are rarely divided into separate courses. Rather, all the food is served at once
and shared from common dishes. The Vietnamese drink a large amount of hot green
tea and coffee without adding sugar, milk or lemon.

Vietnamese preparation styles and meal patterns reflect the various cultures that influenced the country. After long
periods of French occupation, for example, cream-filled pastries are popular desserts.

Like the Chinese, the Vietnamese do not associate certain foods with a particular meal, so a variety of foods is eaten
at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many Vietnamese either grow their own vegetables or make daily trips to the market
for fresh ingredients.

Traditional Food Choices During Mealtimes:

• Soup with rice noodles, sliced meat, bean sprouts and mustard greens
• Boiled egg with meat and pickled vegetables on French bread
• Rice, fish with lemon grass, strong beans, clear soup with vegetables and fruit
• Similar to lunch, with smaller portions
• Rice, sautéed pork, leeks, clear soup and fruit
• Coffee, tea or fruit drinks (after meal)

Traditional Foods
Milk & Milk Products
• Sweetened condensed milk
• Alternatives include tofu and calcium-fortified soy milk
Vietnamese-Americans (con’t.)

Meat, Beans & Nuts

• Beef, chicken, duck, lamb and pork
• Almost all varieties of seafood are eaten (fresh or dried)
• Popular legumes include chickpeas, lentils, mung beans and soybeans
• Asparagus
• Bamboo shoots
• Leeks
• Long beans
• Okra
• Water lily greens
• Water chestnuts
• Figs
• Grapefruit
• Guava
• Lychee
• Orange
• Starfruit
• Strawberries
Grains, Breads & Cereals
• Rice is the main staple and is typically eaten at every meal
• Rice is also made into rice sticks and wrappers for egg rolls
• Wheat noodles
• Tapioca
• French bread
Extras (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
• Fish sauce, oyster sauce, shrimp paste, soy sauce
• Ginger, green onions, lemongrass, mint and other fresh herbs
• Sesame oil
• French cakes and pastries

milk su-áh bamboo shoots mahng rice gòw
cheese fromage (Fr.) cabbage kai bóp rice noodles báng faà
condensed milk su-áh dàhk carrots kah-róte rice sticks boón
ice cream kem cauliflower soúp-luh tapioca bàwt báng
corn ng-o white bread bánh mee
MEAT, BEANS & NUTS garlic tòy
beef tìt baw green onions hang tah EXTRAS
chicken tìt gah lettuce rah-oo (Flavorings, Fats, Oils & Sweets)
crab ku-ah lotus root kù-san brown sugar du-ung dàw
eggs charńg mushrooms núm butter buh
fish, fresh & dried káh mustard greens kai sang cake báng
legumes rah-oo onions hahng candy kaà-ow
liver gahn pumpkin (canned) beé ng-o chocolate chocolat (Fr.)
meat tìt radishes ku kài cháhng coffee kah-fay
mung beans dòe sang spinach rah-oo zane cookies báng knòt
peanut butter dàu phóng squash beé dried hot peppers út ko
pork tìt hay-o sweet potato k´why-ah fish paste bawt káh
shrimp tawm tomatoes kah chu-ah fish sauce nu-úk mám
snails oak white potato k´why-ah tay ginger root goong
soybeans dòe nahng honey mùt
soybean curd doè fù FRUITS hot pepper oil zao út
soybean paste bàwt dòe nahng apple taó jam moót
white beans dòe chaŕng apricot muh lard múh
banana cheẃy sugar du-ung
grapes nyaw tea chah
grapefruit bù-ee vegetable oil zao
lemon chanh vinegar zum
lychee vài
mango swy-ah
orange kahm
papaya du dù
peach dow
pear lay
Pronunciation key:
strawberry zo-oo
aa=a as in cat
tangerine quít
ng=a very nasal sound, blend together
watermelon zoo-ah
ny=a very nasal sound, blend together

Intonation key:
voice falls `
voice rises ´

Frequently Asked
What is a healthy diet for kids and parents?
A healthy diet for children of any culture is one that
supplies the nutrients they need for normal growth, as
well as enough calories (energy) to support their activities
during the day. Healthy foods for kids and parents are those
that are “nutrient-rich”; that is, there are large amounts of
key nutrients like calcium—and not too many calories—
supplied by the food. This “nutrient-rich” approach puts
the focus on positive food choices made for health while still
keeping calories at a reasonable level. In addition, a variety of
foods from all food groups is important to meet nutrient needs for
both kids and parents.

People use a wide range of factors in making food choices. It is important to

apply your own personal values to your food choices, whether these are based on
taste, convenience, cost, nutrition or cultural and family traditions. Remember that family
meals are a perfect time to try a wide range of foods with distinct flavors and textures. Encourage children to taste
many different foods, including those from many cultures.

What are some of the specific nutrition and health issues for children?
Obesity is a serious health problem facing children today. According to government sources, 27 percent of children
ages 6 to 11 years are considered obese or overweight. The best way for most children to lose weight is to increase
their physical activity rather than to drastically restrict calorie intake (which may also restrict their nutrient intake).

Adequate nutrients, on the other hand, are needed for normal growth in children. In fact, we are seeing a large
number of children who are overweight, yet poorly nourished. Diets that severely restrict food choices in an attempt
to limit calories, sugar or fat are not healthy for children. Such diets may not supply enough of the nutrients that
children need.

Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth. Children need two to four times more calcium for their size than
adults. Research shows that the more calcium consumed as children, the stronger their bones are as adults.

Taste is the main factor that drives a child’s food choices. Help children learn to enjoy different tastes by exploring,
preparing and tasting new foods.

Physical activity and play go hand in hand with healthy eating and are important for a child’s health. Children
who are active at play one to two hours a day can eat a wider variety and amount of food, making it easier to get the
nutrients and calories they need to grow and learn.

Frequently Asked
Questions (con’t.)
What about vegetarian diets?
Vegetarian diets that include some animal foods (particularly
milk and milk products and eggs) can meet the needs of children References
and parents if the recommended amounts for each food group Cultural Food Practices. Cynthia
are eaten. When choices are restricted only to plant foods, it may M. Goody, PhD, MBA, RD and
be useful to check with a registered dietitian to make sure that Lorena Drago, MS, RD, CDN,
important nutrients are eaten in adequate amounts, as outlined in CDE Diabetes Care and Education
the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Dietetic Practice Group Chicago,
IL: American Dietetic Association,
How should my food choices change if lactose 2010. 244 p.
intolerance is a problem?
Lactose intolerance means having problems digesting milk sugar. “2010 Demographic Profile Data,
It is sometimes named as a reason why some children or parents California.” United States
cannot drink milk or milk products. Doctors and dietitians are Census Bureau 12 May 2011
very concerned when people avoid milk and milk products. They
may not get the calcium, protein, potassium, vitamin D and other tableservices/jsf/pages/product-
important nutrients they need. Experts suggest that even those view.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_DP_
with lactose intolerance should include milk and milk products as DPDP1&prodType=table accessed
food choices every day. 25 May 2011.

If you or someone in your family has stomach pains or diarrhea

when they drink milk, the following tips should help:
• Choose milk products that contain less lactose, such as hard cheeses, yogurt or buttermilk.
• Eat or drink milk products along with other foods at a meal or snack to slow digestion.
• Eat or drink milk products in smaller amounts but more often throughout the day.
• Consider using lactose-reduced milk products, found in most grocery stores.
Other food sources of calcium include: tofu made with calcium salts; dark leafy greens such as bok choy, mustard,
collard and turnip greens; refried and baked beans; corn tortillas, lime-treated; calcium-fortified juices or cereals.

Will vitamin and mineral supplements provide “insurance” so that I don’t have to worry as
much about my food choices?
There is more to foods than what we read on the labels. Although foods are grouped according to major nutrients,
there are other compounds in foods that are necessary for good health—some we know about, some are still being
explored. Eating the recommended servings of food-group foods each day provides us with good sources of energy
and needed vitamins and minerals. A daily vitamin and mineral supplement that supplies no more than 100 percent
of the recommended dietary allowances should be safe, but it doesn’t replace the need for balanced food choices.
Think “food first”!


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