MHA 101 Basic Concept Of Health & Epidemiology 100 marks
MHA 102 Hospital Based Healthcare & Its Changing Scenario 100 marks
MHA 103 Communication & Health Education 100 marks
MHA 104 Basics in Information Technology 100 marks
MHA 105 Principles Of Management & Organizational Behaviour 100 marks
MHA 106 Quantitative Management 100 marks
MHA 107 Healthcare Services 100 marks
MHA 201 Hospital Support Services 100 marks
MHA 202 Material Management 100 marks
MHA 203 Personnel Management & Industrial Relations 100 marks
MHA 204 Biomedical Waste Management 100 marks
MHA 205 Financial Management 100 marks
MHA 206 Marketing Management 100 marks
MHA 207 Health Management Information System 100 marks
Note : Summer Training for 6 to 8 weeks in corporate hospitals or in Designated Organization shall be
compulsory for all students immediately after Second Semester Examinations (Internal Exercise)
Third Semester
MHA 301 Health Economic & Legal Aspects of Health 100 marks
MHA 302 Management Accounting 100 marks
MHA 303 Principles of Hospital Management 100 marks
MHA 304 Health Statistics And Health Information System in India 100 marks
MHA 305 Strategic Management & Operational Research 100 marks
MHA 306 Human Resource Development 100 marks
MHA 307 Nutrition, Dietetics & Drug Management 100 marks
MHA 308 Summer Training Report 100 marks
MHA 401 System Management & Medical Transcription 100 marks
MHA 402 OT & Ward Management/Floor Management 100 marks
MHA 403 Medical Equipments & Bio-Medical Engineering 100 marks
MHA 404 Patient Care Services & Hospitality Management 100 marks
MHA 405 Hospital Planning & Health Insurance 100 marks
MHA 406 Disaster Management 100 marks
MHA 407 Nursing Administration & Quality Management 100 marks
1. Pattern of Examination: The maximum marks for each paper, except in case of Project Report, Training
Report, Seminar, Viva- voce, shall be of 100 (one hundred) marks of which 70 (seventy) marks shall be
awarded on the basis of the external Semester Examination and 30 (Thirty) marks shall be awarded on the
basis of Internal Examination. However, in the matter of Examination papers related to Information
Technology group the External Semester Examination paper shall be of 50 (Fifty) marks & the Practical
Examination shall be of twenty (20) marks. The practical Examination twenty (20) marks shall be conducted
by the External Expert appointed by the University in similar manner as Viva – voce Expert is appointed. In
case of training Report, Seminar, Viva – voce the maximum marks shall be 50 (Fifty) 100 (One Hundred) as
the case may be and the project (Dissertation shall be of 200 (two Hundred) marks. The Seminar, training
Report, shall be assessed by the Internal Expert appointed by the head of Department/ Director of the
Affiliated Institution for the students of the respective Department/ Institution. The project report
(Dissertation) shall be evaluated by the External expert appointed by the University. The Viva – voce will be
conducted jointly by an Internal expert nominated by the head of the Department / Director of the Affiliated
Institution in case of their respective students and by an External Expert appointed by the University with the
approval of the Vice- chancellor on the basis of the panel of the experts submitted by the Head of department.
On similar line the Viva – voce Expert shall be appointed by the University.
Marks for Internal Examination shall be awarded on the basis of the Assignments, Internal tests and
students general performance – class participation in Assignments of 5 (five) marks each for each paper,
except in Seminar, Viva – voce, Training Report, Project Report, shall be required to be completed by each
student, out of which the best one shall be assessed for the Internal Assessment. 3 (Three) Internal tests of 10
(ten) marks each in each paper, except in Seminar, Viva – voce, Training Report, Project Report shall be
conducted by the Department / Affiliated Institution, out of which the performance in best 2 (Two) shall be
counted for the purpose of the Internal Assessment. Accordingly there shall be a Maximum of (five) 5 marks
for Assignment, 20(twenty) marks for Internal Test and 5 (five) marks for general performance in class
participation and attendance of the student. These 5 marks in each paper as mentioned above shall be awarded
by the teacher concerned on the basis of the class participation and attendance of the student.
In so far as the External Semester questions paper is concerned each examination paper shall be of
three hours duration with the maximum marks being 70 (Seventy). The pattern of Question Paper setting for
External Semester Examination is indicated at Annexure – 1. The duration of the Internal Tests and the
modalities of the Tests shall be decided by the teacher concerned in the respective subjects in consultation
with the head of the Department/ Director of the Affiliated Institution as the case may be. The maximum
marks for Internal Assessment shall be 30 (Thirty) as indicated above.
The Department/ Affiliated Institute shall forwarded the Internal Examination marks awarded by the
teacher/ Internal Expert concerned in the respective paper to the registrar before start of the External Semester
Examination for being incorporated with the result of the Semester Examination.
2. Presentation of Seminar: Each student shall be required to present a seminar in each semester, except in
the fourth semester where the emphasis is on the Project report, lasting approximately for one hour divided
into 5 minutes for introduction of the topic by the chairperson, 35 minutes for presentation of the seminar by
the student concerned, 15 minutes for summing up by the chair person. The marks shall be awarded by the
Internal Expert appointed by the Head of the Department/ Director of the Affiliated Institute for respective
students, on the basis of pre determined criteria illustrated at Annexure- II. In the First Semester, the Student
being fresh to the environment and coming from different academic background, the topic of the Seminar shall
be on general subjects of their choice. In second Semester the seminar shall be on the topics related to Trade,
Industry, Commerce, Corporate world and Corporate Affairs. The seminar in the Third Semester shall be
based on the training Report.
3. Summer Training And Project Report: It is compulsory for all the students to attend and complete 45-60
days training at the end of Second Semester in any trading, commercial, Industrial, Financial or similar
organization to be approved by the Department/ Affiliated Institution as the case may be for their respective
students. On completion of the training the student shall submit Training Report to the Department/ Affiliated
Institution within fifteen days of the completion of the training. In the Fourth Semester. The students are
required to undertake a Project under the supervision of a Teacher and for that purpose the topic of the project
work and time schedule shall be allotted by the designated teacher concerned to the students under their
charge immediately at the beginning of a third Semester so that the project report shall be in the form of
Dissertation and two copies of the report shall be submitted by the students in the Department/ Affiliated
Institution before conclusion of the Fourth Semester Examination. The Department/ Affiliated Institution
Immediately shall forward one copy of the said Project Report to the registrar after the students, for getting it
evaluated by the External Expert, have submitted it. The teacher concerned under whose supervision must
certify the Project report and the guidance the Project has been undertaken.
4. Eligibility for Passing the Examination: The Minimum marks for passing the examination in each of the
Semester shall be 50% (Fifty Percent) in aggregate subject to a minimum of 45 % (Forty Five %) in each
paper. Further a student who has secured minimum marks to pass in each paper as mentioned above but has
not secured the minimum marks to pass in aggregate for the Semester concerned shall be eligible to reappear
in two papers in which he/she secured minimum marks in that semester so as to improve the aggregate marks
in the concerned Semester
5. Provisions regarding Promotion: No student shall be admitted to Second year of the course unless he/she
has passed in at least 12 (Twelve) papers out of Sixteen (16) papers offered by him /her during the first year
of the course (First & Second Semester Examinations Taken together) In that way a student can be allowed to
reappear, in 4 (Four) Examination paper of External Semester Examination in which he/she failed in
respective Semester Examination, during Second year of the course as back paper. Further the student will be
allowed to re-appear in any paper in the respective External Semester Examination subject to the condition
that the total numbers of papers shall be within the total limit of (four) (4) back papers in a year as mentioned
in this Para and further that total number of attempts for a paper shall not exceed the total span period of
programme of 4 (four) years. Further all students shall have to pass the Degree programme within the span
period of the programme which is four years from the date of the admission in the programme. In case of
those students whose back papers are more than 4 (Four) as mentioned above, they shall not be allowed to
proceed to Second Year (Third Semester) unless they pass the First year course (First Semester and Second
Semester) The students who have thus failed shall be Ex–students and shall repeat the respective Semester.
The back paper examination held with the respective regular Semester Examination. If a student fails to clear
the degree programme during the span period of four years from the date of admission then he or she shall not
be eligible to be readmitted in the MBA degree programme. The Ex-students shall be exempted from paying
Fees and may be exempted from attending the classes. Back papers facilities shall not be available in Internal
It is here by clarified that promotion from First Semester to the second Semester shall be further
subject to the condition that at the end of the First Semester , a student would be promoted provisionally to the
Second Semester provided he/she has appeared in the First Semester Examination and his/her continuation to
the second Semester shall be subject to the condition that on declaration of the result of the First Semester
he/she should not have failed in more than four Examination papers. In case the student fails in more than four
Examination papers, his/her admission to the Second Semester shall stand cancelled.
Similarly, promotion from Second Semester to the Third Semester shall be subject to the condition that
at the end of the Second Semester, a student would be promoted provisionally to the Third Semester provided
he/she has appeared in the second Semester Examination and his/her continuation to the Third Semester shall
be subject to the condition that on declaration of the result of the Second Semester Examination he/she should
not have failed in a total of more than four Examination Papers First and Second Semester Examinations taken
together. In case if the student fails in a total of more than four Examination papers in the First and Second
Semester taken together, his/her admission to the third semester shall stand cancelled.
The promotion to the subsequent Semester shall also be subject to the condition that at the end of the
previous Semester a student would be promoted provisionally to the subsequent Semester provided that he/she
has appeared in the previous Semester Examination and his/her continuation in the concerned subsequent
Semester shall be subject to the condition that on declaration of the result of the previous Semester
Examination and any back papers that the student may have appeared in, he/she should not have a cumulative
of more than four back papers.
It is further approved that the provisions mentioned in these ordinance are also applicable to the ongoing
students of respective courses.
6.Provisions for Attendance: To constitute a regular course of study a student must attend at least 75%
(seventy five percent) of the lectures in each paper. If the attendance is short than 75% (seventy five percent)
then he or she shall not be eligible to sit in the respective Semester Examination.
7. Award of Division: A student who obtained 60% (Sixty Percent) or more marks in aggregate in all the
semester taken together shall be awarded First Division, those with 50% (Fifty percent) or more marks less
than 60% shall be awarded Second Division. In case of those students whose aggregate marks are 75%
(Seventy five percent) or more shall be declared passed with distinction and this fact shall be indicated in the
mark sheet of Final Semester.
8. Medium of Instructions: The medium of Instruction of study and the examinations shall be English.
9. Admission Criteria : MBBS/BDS/BVsc/B.Sc. (Nursing), BBA or any other discipline from a recognized
university with min. 45% marks.
10.Admission fees & Other Charges: Admission fee and other charges to be levied from the students shall
be as such decided by the University from time to time.
11. Omnibus Clause: This ordinance and the syllabus shall come into effect from the academic session 2013 -
2014 with effect from July, 2013. In case of any clarification on any points mentioned in the ordinances and
the syllabus or for any dispute on any points the decision of the university with the approval of the Vice-
Chancellor would be final and binding on all concerned.
Annexure - I
Pattern for question Paper Setting-External Semester Examinations:
In the External Examination paper in each subject, except Training Report, Project, Seminar& Viva voce, the
examination paper will carry a maximum of *70 marks normally divide among the questions and will be for duration
of three hours. The question paper will be divide into two sections. There will be a compulsory short case study or
some problem seeking solution under section A. In section b, there will be four questions all of which have to be
attempted. First question Section B will ask for a short note (to answers any 4 out of 8) Each of the other three (3)
questions will include an alternate choice. A model of the question paper is present below.
Section – A
1. Short case study / problem – Case study/ Problem given should not be of more than five hundred words
Section - B
2. Write short notes (up to fifty words) on any four of the following 3 marks each
3. Describe X Y Z .?
Describe A B C .? 14 marks each
(* Incase of the papers related to Information technology Group the question paper will be of 50 marks
consisting of 10 marks each question as above mentioned since in this group there will be practical
examination in each paper of 20 marks.)
Note: Their must be 8 questions in examinations papers as per indicated above and should be within the
syllabus – copy enclosed.
Annexure – II
Seminar Assessment Sheet
Suggested Reading
Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine – K.Park
Suggested Reading:
Human Anatomy- Prof. Samar Mitra
Human Anatomy- Prof. A. K. Dutta
Text Book of Human Physiology- Dr. C. C. Chatterjee
Basic concepts of Pharmacology: Commonly used Medicine in a hospital, Narcotic drugs, use and abuse of drugs.
Dispensing of medicine, Drugs store, drug purchase.
Suggested Reading:
Textbook of Pharmacology: Dr. K. D. Tripathi
Concept of Epidemology
Components &aim of Eidemology
Epidemiological Approach
Basic Measurements in Epidemology
Measurement of Mortality & Morbidity
Methods of Epidemiological studies
Uses of Epidemiology
Epidemiology of communicable & non-communicable diseases
Host defense immunizing agents, cold chain, immunization, disease monitoring and surveillance.
Screening for disease
Investigation of an epidemic and role of hospital in its control.
Suggested Reading
Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine – K.Park
PAPER – 2: Hospital Based Healthcare & Its changing scenario-Code MHA 102
Overview of Hospital
Concept of Modern Hospital & Privatization in Health Sector
Public Sector Hospitals and Level of care / offered facilities
Effects of Globalization in Health care
Concept of Corporate Hospital in developing countries
Infrastructure and lay out of an ideal corporate hospital
Functioning of modern hospitals & changing need of patients
Hospitality in Hospital Care
Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic facilities in modern hospital
Care offered in Specialty and Super specialty Hospitals
Suggested Reading:
Hospital Management module II- NIHFW, New Delhi
Hospital Administration – G. D. Kunders
Hospital Administration – Tabish
Operating Systems: WINDOWS 98: Basic Operations, utilities and features. UNIX: Introduction, features and
basic commands
Application Software (MS-Office 2000)
MS Word 2000: word basics, formatting text and documents, working with headers, footers and
footnotes, tabs, tables and sorting working with graphics, templates, wizards and sample documents,
introduction to mail merge & macros.
MS Excel 2000: Excel basics, rearranging worksheets, excel formatting tips and techniques,
introduction to functions, Excel’s chart features, working with graphics, using worksheet as databases.
MS PowerPoint: Different presentation styles, editing slides, inserting menu facility, slide sorter, Slide
Miniature, Slide show, inserting chart, slide transaction, formatting slides, tool menu, present
animation of slides, animation preview.
Internet: Concepts & Services, Hardware and software requirements, type of Internet connections,
advantages and disadvantages of Internet, modems, World Wide Web, e-mail, chat, browsers, search
engines. Overview of Intranets and Extranets.
Information Technology: Introduction to IT and its development, Impact and Future of IT in Business
Organizations, Overview of the following: 4 GL, Image Processing, Virtual Reality, Video
Conferencing, Artificial Intelligence, and Information Super Highways.
ERP system with all modules
Importance of effective Health Information system
Digital maintenance of Medical Records
Working knowledge of commonly used hospital software
Application of Computer in hospitals
Suggested Reading:
Effective Business Communication
Health Education – V. K. Mahajan
Effective communication methods – Asha Kaul
Hospital Administration - Tabish
An introduction to computers
Peter Norton - Tata McGraw Hill
Computers today S. K. Basandra – Galgolia Books
Introduction to Computers – C. Xavier – New Age publishers
Industrial Relations
To get an understanding about the industrial relations and its influence on the staff behavior.
To understand the policy covering wage and salary administration, to dispose of the grievance fairly and equitably.
Wage fixation and collective bargaining
Definition, scope and importance of industrial relations
Industrial Disputes Act
Trade Unions
Industrial relations in health services industries
Suggested Reading
Human Resources Management - L. M. Prasad
Personnel Management - P. C. Tripathy
Personnel Management-Mamoria
Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations - P. C. Tripathy
Managing Manpower in Industry - Sahani
Personnel Management- Mamoria
Suggested Reading
Principles of Hospital Management - S. A. Tabish
Hospital Management - S. L. Goel
Hospital Administration - Francis
Bio-Medical Waste Act & Rules Govt. of India
Current Issues In BMW Waste Handling-ISHA, Bangalore
Suggested Reading
Financial Management - T. K. Maheshwari
Business Finanace - Dey & Dutta
Principles of Accounting - Sandip Sharma
Financial Management - Prakashan
Basic Financial Management - Khan
Economics – Lipsey
Suggested Reading
Marketing Management - Kotler
Service Marketing Management - Kotler & Keller
Services Marketing - Kotler & Keller
Advertising Management - S. Krishnan
Marketing Management - Kotler
Advertisement Management - Geeta Pandey
Suggested Reading
Population Studies - Asha Bhendre
Eelmentary Statistics - Goon, Gupta, Dasgupta
Bio Statistics - Mahajan
Research Methorology in Social Sciences - P. C. Tripathy
Preventive & Social Medicine – Rabhaka Rao
To understand the quantitative methods and modern management techniques as applicable in health care settings as a
tool to System development and better managerial control
OR techniques and in applications in hospital, Linear Programming-Basic Concepts,Formulation, Graphical
and Simplex Methods, Duality, Decision tree Analysis,Queuing theory, PERT, CPM, Assignment
Model,Management by objective, Management by result
Suggested Reading
To define different rules and regulations which are necessary in a hospital and personnel management.
Concept of HRD
Personnel vs HRD
Need and significance of HRD, and Principles of HRD
Rules & Regulation as applicable to Hospital employees
Selection & Recruitment procedure
Wage & Salary. – objectives and principle, factors affecting wages
Training Need Assessment & Methods of Trainning
Perfermance Appraisal concept, Methods and techniques of appraisal
Suggested Reading
CDA Rules - Navi Publications
Law of Employment and Services in India - Kamal Law Book House
Fundamental Rules-Navi Publications
Supplementary Rules- Navi pulications
Suggested Reading
Text Book of Social and Preventive Medicine – K Park
Preventive and Social Medicine – Prabhakar Rao
Materials Management - Gopalakrishnan
Materials Management - A. C. Dutta
PAPER – 3: Medical Equipments & Bio Medical Engineering -Code MHA 403
To learn about the equipment management process and its various components and their roles in hospital system
To learn to establish equipment management procedure for a hospital
List of common Medical Equipments used in Hospital
Justification of purchase proposal, Hospital Need Assessment
Equipment selection guideline, Estimation of cost and Q.C. Planning
Purchase / Installati8on / Commissioning of Medical Equipments
Replacement of old equipments and Buyback Policy
Estimation of Breakeven point and Profit – Projection in hospital budget
Medical Equipment Maintenance (In-house and AMC)
Local, National and International availability of Medical Equipments
Suggested Reading
Materials Management - Gopalakrishnan
NIHFW Monograph - Govt. of India
PAPER – 4: Patient Care Services & Hospitality Management -Code MHA 404
To consider various operational aspects of important services
Patient Admission / Discharge
All patients related services and assistance. Good communication.
Nursing care with full devotion / commitment
Diagnostics Services
Blood transfusion services
Housekeeping services
Cafeteria and Dietary services
Proper and respectful disposal of deceased person.
Hospitality Management
To visualize into the future the needs and expectation of the community from the hospitals
Treat your patients and treat also like your guest
Changing mind set of patients necessitate Hospitality Management
Aims and objectives of Hospatility Management (Commercial point)
Methods of Hospitality Management in a Hospital set-up
Attractive look, Effective conversation, Multi lingual, Smart dress.
Role of Hospatality Management in a Hospital set-up
Etiquette and manners
Suggested Reading
Hospital Administration - Tabish
Hospital Administration - Goel
Hospital Administration McGibony Hospital Administration - S. L. Goel
Health Insurance
To familiarize with concept of health insurance, its scope and applicability
Health Insurance in Private Health Sector
Health Insurance in developing and developed countries
Different Health Insurance Policies – Analysis and Management
Concept of combined Life Insurance and Health Insurance
GOI & State Govt. Policy in implementation of Health insurance
Hospitals / TPA / Insurance Company / Relationship and Problems.
Suggested Reading
Principles of Hospital Administration - Tabish
Principles of Hospital Administration - M C Gibony
NIHFW Monographs – Govt. of India, New Delhi
Insurance Management - Dave
National Insurance - Monographs on Insurance Management
IRDA Guidelines on Health Insurance - Govt. of India
Suggested Reading
Quality Management
To understand the concept of quality and its relation to health care scenario, its importance as regards patient
satisfaction and Marketing of services provided
Suggested Reading
First Semester
11.1 E D P / I T Department
Participation in the process of:-
11.2 Reception
11.3 Registration
11.3 Admission
Involvement in :-
(a) General
(b) Corporate
1) Coordination of admission of company patients and patient having medical insurance for cashless treatment.
2) Ensuring validity of ID card and referral letter
3) Filling up the pre-authorization letter and facsimile the patient case history, investigation report, clinical notes
etc. to the concerned TPA for verification and approval.
4) Provide different additional queries regarding the health status and treatment procedure of the patients to
concerned TPA.
5) Informing the admission counter about the status of the patient awaiting admission.
6) Close liaison with concerned department or doctor of Corporate Houses
7) Coordination with Billing and other Depts. for collection of paper documentation
11.8 Pharmacy Services
Involvement in:-
1) Space requirement as per act
2) Lay out
3) Storage facility – different set up for different type of drugs
4) Equipments
5) Organizational structure (role and function)
a) In-charge
b) Pharmacist and Chemist
c) Sales Technician
d) Cash Counter
e) Computer Operator / Office Assistant
f) Attendant
6) Purchase of drugs – disposables, consumables etc.
7) Purchase of food items
8) Quality control
1) Proper storage of drugs
10) Sales policy
11) Record maintenance
12) Preparation of Accounts
13) Pharmacy Audit
11.9 Stores
1) Space requirement
2) Lay out (as per category of store)
3) Storage facility, proper set up for particular type of medical and non-medical items
4) Issuance policy
5) Safety measure
6) Practical application of E O Q
7) Minimum stock level
8) Deployment of staff like;
a) In-charge
b) Store keeper
c) Record maintenance clerk
d) Attendant / Delivery person
e) Security etc.
9) Proper storage procedures
10) Indents
11) Issue of item as per indent
12) Record keeping of issued materials as well as balance stock
13) Delivery system
14) Physical verification of stored items periodically
Observation of:-
1) All departments, wards and adjacent areas within the hospital premises
2) Cleaning process – Moping, Sweeping, Washing, Shampooing (Carpet), Brooming
3) Process of selection of detergents and disinfectants
4) Disposal of waste materials
5) Sources of waste in different areas of hospital
6) Categories of waste identification in the hospital
7) Waste segregation according to Biomedical Waste Management & Handling Rules
8) Application of colour code, including poly pack, bin etc.
9) Waste transportation process
10) Internal waste storage system
11) Disposal process of biomedical waste (solid & liquid)
12) Management of infected healthcare worker
13) Use of Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
14) Supervision / leadership style
15) Staff training for precaution taken
16) Pest control system
17) Record maintenance
18) Waste Tracking
19) Equipment for wet and dry scrubbing machine
20) Usage of vacuum cleaner
21) Garbage Trolley
22) Roll of
(a) Operation Manager,
(b) Housekeeping Manager,
(c) Supervisor (round the clock) in different shift
(d) Sweeper
(e) Ward boy
Second Semester
Observation of:-
1) Location
2) Structural facility
3) Administrative Area
4) Laboratory equipment
5) Lighting in laboratory
6) Laboratory furniture
7) Special mechanical and electrical equipments
8) Various functional units
a) Clinical pathology
b) Hematology
c) Bio Chemistry
d) Histology
e) Bacteriology and Serology
9) Auxiliary service area
10) Collection of samples and delivery of reports
11) Requirements for various quality accreditation systems
12) Organization
a) Sr. Microbiologist
b) Microbiologist
c) Lab. In-charge
d) Technician
e) Research Fellow
f) Computer Operator
g) Attendant
Observation of:-
Observation of:-
Observation of
1) Location
2) Work flow
3) Physical facilities of Laundry
a) Receiving, Storing, Sorting, washing area
b) Central Disinfection Area
c) Cleaned Linen processing room
d) Laundry Manager’s Office
e) Staff Room
f) Sewing and inspection area
g) Supply storage room
h) Solution Preparation area
i) Cleaned Linen issue area
j) Natural ventilation and light
k) Free Linen movement area
4) Other facilities
a) Adequate Water supply
b) Drainage system
c) Adjacent power supply
d) Steam
e) Compressed air
5) Arrangement of equipments
6) Soiled linen receiving from ward, OT, other areas
7) Process of sorting and cleaning, washing, drying, ironing
8) Collection and storing process of cleaned linen
9) Sorting of discarded linen and sending them to the Store
10) Process of linen distribution
11) Maintenance of hygiene
12) Infection control process
13) Process of staff training
14) Process of co-ordination among the related departments
15) Manpower for Laundry
(a) Laundry Manager
(b) Supervisor
(c) Supporting staff
22.6 Marketing
1) Alphanumerical data
2) Machine generated data
3) Image data
4) Interpretation of data
5) Derived data
6) Storage process of electronic data
7) Data classification
8) ICD – 10 System and its use in electronic records maintenance system.
Observation of:-
Observation of:
a) Different internal and external transport
b) Different ambulances
c) Ambulances enmarked for communicable disease
d) Facilities given in the emergency ambulance
e) Maintenance of ambulance
f) Maintenance of internal transportation
22.10 Wards
Observation of:-
Observation of
1) Location
2) Name and function of equipments
3) Items processed by Central Sterile Supply Department
4) Sterilization technique
a) Heat
b) Gas
c) Liquid
d) Ionizing radiation
e) Others
5) Work flow
6) Clean zone, dirty zone
7) Pooling of materials, equipments
8) Function of different equipments used for sterilization
9) Process of receiving and distribution of materials
10) Technique of Gauge folding
11) Cleaning, drying and packing of sterilized materials
12) Segregation of Dirty zone and clean zone
13) Process of receiving and distribution of materials
14) Quality control checking of sterilization in collaboration with Micro-biology Lab.
15) Organization
a) CSSD Supervisor
b) Technologist
c) Technical Assistant
d) Para medical staff
e) Attendant
16) CSSD Committee
33.3 Emergency
Observation of:-
1) Organizational structure
2) Bed orientation pattern
3) Lighting system
4) Monitoring system including connection to centralized monitoring system
(a) Invasive
(i) Central Venus Pressure (CVP)
(ii) Arterial Blood Pressure monitoring
(iii) Cardiac output monitoring
(iv) Pulmonary Arterial monitoring
(b) Non-invasive
(i) Heart bit rate
(ii) Blood Pressure
(iii) Respiratory rate
(iv) Intake & output monitoring
Maintenance of sterility and general cleanliness
1) Maintenance of sterility of the ward
2) Maintenance of sterility of clothing used in CCU
3) General sterilizing procedures before examination of the patient
Administration of CCU
1) Qualified doctor having experience in CCU (as per WHO ratio)
2) Qualified nurse having experience in CCU (as per WHO ratio)
3) Deployment of qualified paramedical staff as per WHO ratio)
1) In flow of patient
2) Type of patients commonly admitted in CCU
3) Pattern of treatment patient receive in CCU
4) Type of patient actually needs life saving support
5) Out flow of patient
6) Counseling with outside visitors / patient party
1) Monitor
2) Ventilator
3) Defibrillator
4) ECG and other equipments used in CCU
Maintenance of uninterrupted gas and power supply system and their utilization
a) Assembly of records
b) Quantitative and qualitative analysis
c) Different classification of records
d) Methods of deficiency check
e) Completion of incomplete records
f) Retrieval of medical records
g) Coding system
h) Indexing system
i) Generation of statistics and analysis
j) Reporting to various statutory authorities
k) Methods of numbering
i) Serial number
ii) Unit number system
iii) Serial unit numbering
l) Filing System
i) Decentralized system
ii) Centralized system
iii) Various other methods
m) Types of forms
33.6 Operation Theatre
1) Location
2) Zoning of Operation Theatre
3) Infrastructural facilities
4) Centralized and decentralized Operation Theatres
5) Equipment requirement
6) Procurement and maintenance including annual maintenance contract
7) Functions and policies of Operation Theatres
8) Manpower requirement
a) Medical Superintendent
b) In-charge
c) Anaesthetist
c) Nursing personnel
d) Technician
e) Ward Boy
9) Duties and responsibilities including standard operation procedures
10) Safety procedures
11) Methods of checking operating rooms for readiness to receive patient
12) Periodical sterilization / fumigation
13) Sterile supply
14) Equipments procurement and maintenance
Fourth Semester
Observation of
Observation / involvement in :-
a) Location
c) Laboratory
d ) Recovery Room
e) Waiting Room
f) Storage
g) Administrative Office
h) Floors / Walls / Ceiling
i) Lighting
j) Plumbing
k) Ventilation
l) Equipment and maintenance of equipments
1. Location
2. Infrastructural facility
a) Infrastructure for day care dialysis or out patient dialysis
b) Infrastructure for inpatient dialysis
3. Various types of dialysis units
4. Special arrangement for maintaining sterility
5. Ambulatory dialysis system
6. Procurement, installation and maintenance of various types of dialysis machines
7. Arrangement for stand-by unit
1. Location
2. Infrastructural facility
3. Special equipment requirement for Burn Unit
4. Attached Laboratory facility
5. Communication facility
6. Maintenance of Asepsis
7. Manpower requirement of
a) Medical
b) Para Medical
c) General Staff
8. Mechanism for specialized training need assessment
Observation / involvement in :-
1) Location
2) Reception
3) Special arrangements for voluntary doners
4) Administrative Office
5) Record Keeping
6) Servicing rooms
7) Bleeding Room
8) Storage Room
9) Storage equipment
10) Regulatory requirement
11) Blood safety procedures
12) Receive and delivery of blood
13) Triple screening and check method
14) Record keeping
15) Medico-legal aspects
16) Physical facilities
17) Waiting facilities
18) Laboratory facilities
19) Other facilities
20) Issuance of Blood Donor Card
21) Safety devices
22) Liquid waste management
23) Procedure for discarding
24) Staffing
a) Medical Officer
b) Paramedical Staff
c) Non-medical Staff
44.8 Mortuary
Observation / involvement in :-
1) Location
2) Physical facilities
3) Body refrigerator
4) Walk in refrigerator
5) Capacity decision of Mortuary
6) Autopsy facility
7) Requirement for autopsy room
8) Preservation / identification/leveling of viscera / body fluids and other materials for medicolegal purposes
9) Embalming procedures
10) Methods of long distance transport of dead bodies
11) Arrangements for religious rides
12) Mortuary traffic control
a) Internal
b) External
13) Identification of bodies using triple check system
14) Maintenance of records
15) Various legal requirements
16) Disposal of unclaimed bodies
17) Various religious rites
44.9 Telemedicine