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Technology Mini Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are modeling linear regression, interpreting linear regression equations, and using the R program to analyze data.

The lesson planning template is trying to model a statistics lesson on simple linear regression that uses the computer program R.

The statistical concepts covered in the lesson include linear regression, slope, y-intercept, scatterplots, and using R to fit linear models to data and interpret results.

Lesson Planning Template

Simple Linear Regression

SECTION ONE: Todays Lesson in the Big Picture

Lesson Topic
What Common Core Math
Standards are Addressed in this

Which of the Eight Common

Core Standards for
Mathematical Practice are best
Promoted in your Lesson? Why?

Simple Linear Regression in Statistics

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.A.1: Represent data with plots on the real
number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots)
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.B.6: Represent data on two quantitative
variables on scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.B.6.A: Fit a function to the data; use
functions fitted to data to solve problems in the context of the data. Use
given functions or choose a function suggested by the context.
Emphasize linear, quadratic, and exponential models
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.B.6.C: Fit a linear function for a scatter plot
that suggests a linear association
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.ID.C.7: Interpret the slope (rate of change) and
the intercept (constant term) of a linear model in the context of the data


Model with mathematics: Students will apply

statistics to real life situations and evaluate the results in a realworld context


Use appropriate tools strategically: Students

will use the software R to complete the worksheet

SECTION TWO: An Overall Look at Todays Lesson

What prior knowledge are you
assuming your students have
that is key for this lesson?

It is assumed that students are familiar with the simple linear regression
equation f(x)=mx+b and that m represent the slope and b represents

Lesson Planning Template

Simple Linear Regression

What key math vocabulary is

used and/or introduced in this

What are your specific lesson

objectives? (What should
students be able to do by the
end of the lesson. These should
be specific and assessable. Think
Blooms Verbs.)

the y-intercept
Students understand the terms mean and variance in relation to a data
se, although they do not necessarily need to know the formulas to
complete the worksheet
Students have some prior knowledge of the program R
Linear regression
Line of best fit
Students should be able to model a data set with simple linear
Students should be able to interpret a linear regression equation in the
context of the problem
Students will use the program R to create a linear regression model for a
data set and look at trends in the data

SECTION THREE: Teaching Todays Lesson

State, as you are going to say it
to your students at the
beginning of class, what is the
subject of todays lesson (e.g.,
Today we are going to study.
todays lesson will answer the
question ; Note that this

Today we are going to continue looking at simple linear regression. We will be

using the computer program R to analyze our data

Lesson Planning Template

Simple Linear Regression
must only be an introductory
statement not an explanation
but must be meaningful to
In what ways will you assess if
your lesson objectives from
Section Two have been met in
your lesson? (Be Specific. Where
in your lesson plan is each
addressed? How?)

On the worksheet, students will be asked to fit a linear model to the data set
and also analyze the data using box plots and a scatter plot. They will also
have to interpret the slope and y-intercept of the linear regression equation
they find in context with the problem. Students can work in pairs but each
student will be asked to turn in their own copy of the worksheet and if it seems
that students are not taking advantage of working in groups they will be asked
to finish the worksheet on their own. Students will use the computer program R
which is helpful for statistics related problems. Using R, they will create a linear
model for the data, create boxplots for the variables, find the mean and
variance of each of the variables, and create a scatterplot for the data.

SECTION FOUR: Differentiating Todays Lesson

What accommodations will be
needed for your ELL students?
Comment on any specific
strategies you will use to help
these students understand the
content. Identify existing
language demands that need to
be considered in this lesson.
Describe your considerations for
meeting the needs of students of
various academic abilities?

Students will work in pairs to hopefully encourage teamwork and

communication throughout the lesson. Since students will be completing the
worksheet and mostly working off prior knowledge, I can circulate the
classroom scaffolding and help out any pairs that seem to be struggling. There
is a language demand when using the program R because students will need
to use specific commands in the program which can be challenging for an ELL
student who already struggles with language issues. To help with this issue, as
a class we will review the commands needed and make clear connections
between what information/commands need to be provided to get specific
The worksheet is made to be clear and concise in its questions so that the
lesson can be broken up into small tasks. Students will also be working in pairs
to encourage group work strategies.

Share your additional thoughts

on how you will support all

In going through the worksheet, students will have a partner but we will
progress through the worksheet mostly as a class where we introduce a

Lesson Planning Template

Simple Linear Regression
students to best learn the
material in this lesson.

question, students work with their partner for some time, and then we come
back together and arrive at an answer we can all agree on. This way, as the
teacher, I can also make sure that the use of technology is aiding the lesson
(providing answers to computation, providing visuals) and not holding students

Lesson Plan Outline

# Lesson
Segment Title
(ex: Warm-up,
Launch, Group Work
#1, Formative
Assessment, Closure,
Lecture, etc)

1 Warm-Up
2 Launch

3 Group

Description of Lesson Segment.

What are the students doing? What are the teachers doing? What specific math
examples are being used? What key questions would you like to ask to develop and
assess student understanding? Key Transitions? Directions? Considerations? [Rows
will expand as you type]


Start the class with a quick review on: What do we know about linear regression?
Write students responses on the board so we can a collection of ideas about their
prior knowledge about linear regression from past classes
Today we are going to continue looking at simple linear regression and we will be
using the computer program R to analyze our data
Hand out the worksheets and have students bring up the program on R. One
computer per pair of students should suffice.
We will go through the worksheet as a class and in groups of 2. Students will work
with their partner on sections of the worksheet and we will also come back as a class
often to project the question on the screen to make sure that we agree as a class on
our answers and so that students are using the correct commands in R to obtain
correct answers. We will continue this way for questions #1-4 on the worksheet.
Students will first attempt the problems with their partner. When the students are
working in pairs, the teacher will circulate the room and assist where needed.

5 min

Specific guiding questions:

What do the mean and the variance represent?
Since the weight of the turkey is the response variable, what will our linear model
look like in terms of the weight of the turkey and the number of cans of gravy?
What are we looking for in our scatter plot to see if a linear fit would work for this
data set?

5 min

20 min

Lesson Planning Template

Simple Linear Regression
What does our line of best fit tell us for a linear model?
4 Formative
5 Extension

6 Closure

Questions #5-7 will be formative assessment that students should try to complete on
their own.
Take the next 5 or so minutes and complete problems 5-7 on your own. Then we will
come back as a class and discuss.
Have students use R to create histograms of the data for cans or gravy and for the
weight of the turkey.
Looking at each of the histograms, describe the center and spread of the data for
each one
Do we think that our model was a good fit for this data? Why?
What do you think about using programs like R to analyze data?

15 min

5 min

5 min

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