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A Project Report On: Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic College, Titwala

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A Project Report on



“Speed Control of DC Motor by Dual converter”

A Project Synopsis Report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement For the DEPLOMA of Engineering


Electrical Engineering
ENROLLMENT NO:-2016800068


ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800061

ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800035


ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800059

Under the guidance of

Mrs. Sneha .b.ghodavinde
Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education, Mumbai

University of Mumbai
Department of Electrical Engineering

This is to certify that Mr. VISHAL . G . MASKE with
ENROLLMENT NO:-2016800068


ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800061

ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800035


ENROLLMENT NO:- 2016800059
completed Electrical ENGINEERING for unit test examination partial
fulfilment towards completion ofDiploma in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
from Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic

To develop professionals in the field of Electrical Engineering domain having social values.

M1. To provide fundamental and applied knowledge through qualified Faculty
and infrastructure

M2. To improve technical skills by industry institute interaction

M3. To provide platform to enhance social values

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1. To apply concepts of electrical engineering using modern Tools for
the design and analysis of systems

PEO2. To communicate and contribute in research and development by providing innovative

solutions considering social values

PEO3. To use professional and personal skills to succeed in multidisciplinary


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1. Skilled Professional in Electrical systems: To analyze, design, and implement power
systems, electrical machines, power electronics systems and control systems.

PSO2. Research Techniques & Methodologies: To use project management

techniques, statistics, probability, discrete mathematics, applied differential
equations or transform methods to electrical systems

Department of Electrical Engineering Academic

Year: 2021-2022

Course Objective of Project

EE 1: Students will be able to design the project of predefined problem.

EE.2: Students will be able to implement the project using appropriate tools. EE.3: Students will be
able to verify functionary & test the performance of designed project.

CO Course Outcome: At the end of the Cognitive level (Remember,

course student will be able to:
Understand, Apply, Create,

Analyze, Evaluate)

1 Design the project of predefined Apply


2 Implement the project using Analysis

appropriate tools

3 Verify functionary & test the Evaluate

performance of designed project

Prof. Sneha . B .Ghodavinde

University of Mumbai
Department of Electrical Engineering


This is to certify that the project synopsis “Speed Control of DC Motor by

Dual Converter” is submitted in partial Fulfillment of the project work for
the DEPLOMA in Electrical Engineering from University of Mumbai in
academic 21-2022




I would like to thank DEVI MAHALAXMI COLLEGE


for giving me the opportunity to use their resources and work in such a
challenging environment.

First and foremost I take this opportunity to express my deepest sense

of gratitude our guide Mrs. Sneha .b.ghodavinde mam, for his able guidance
during my project work. This project would not have been possible without
his help and the valuable time that she has given me amidst of his busy

I would also like to extend my gratitude to my friends and senior

students of this department who have always encouraged and supported
me in doing my work.

Last but not the least I would like to thank all the staff members of
Department of Electrical Engineering who have been very cooperative with

The speed control of DC motor is very crucial in applications where

precision and protection is required. Dual converters are used for four-

quadrant operation of DC drive. To implement complex control algorithms

to control the speed and torque in reversible drives that require precise

control we need to use a controller that has high accuracy.

In our project we use a dual converter based closed loop speed control

system for a permanent magnet DC motor using DSP. PID control algorithm

has been used to control motor speed by operating Dual converter in

noncirculating current control mode.


Acknowledgements I

Abstract II

Contents III

List of Figures VI

Chapter 1 1

Introduction 1

Introduction 2

Speed control of DC motor 2

resistor 3

diode 3

Field controlled DC shunt motor 4

Chapter 2 6

Review of Literature 6

capacitor 7

Chapter 3 8


Control Circuit 9

Need of Dual Converter 10

Four Quadrant Operation of Dual Converter 10

Operational modes of Dual Converter 11
mosfet 11

Circulating current mode 11

Switching Devices 13

Power Electronic Device Rating 16

relay 19

timer ic 19

Chapter no. 4 20


Variable Resistor 22

Chapter No. 5 33

Result and Discussion 33

input 34

output 34


Forward Motoring Mode 37

Reverse Generating Mode 38

Reverse Motoring Mode 38

Forward Generating Mode 39

Chapter No. 6 40
Conclusion and Future Scope 41

References 43


DC motors are widely used in industry because of its low cost, less complex control
structure and wide range of speed and torque. There are many methods of speed control of
separately exited dc motor drive namely field control, armature voltage control and armature
resistance control methods. In the field control method for DC motors, the field is weakened
to increase the speed or it can be strengthened to reduce the motor's speed.

In the armature control method, the speed of the DC motor is directly proportional to
the back emf (Eb) and Eb = V- IaRa. When supply voltage (V) and armature resistance Ra are
kept constant, the Speed is directly proportional to armature current (Ia). If we add resistance
in series with the armature, the armature current (Ia) decreases and hence speed decreases.

Thyristor based DC drives with analog and digital feedback control schemes are used.
Phase locked loop control technique is also used for precise speed control and zero speed
regulation. In past, many researchers presented various new converter topologies of DC motor
control for different applications of industry, but at the basic level in all of them thyristor
based AC-DC converter are used.

The basic structure of dual converter consist of two converters. In which left bridge
acts as a forward converter and right acts as reverse converter. The single-phase full converter
allows only two-quadrant operations. If this single phase fully-controlled converter is
connected back-to-back, then a four-quadrant operation is possible and such type dual
converter can be utilized for single phase application. Conventional dual converter is built by
employing two full bridge converters one of them is used to allow the current of motor to flow
only in one direction while the other is used for reverse direction.

1.2 Speed Control of DC Motor

Often we want to control the speed of a DC motor on demand. This intentional change of
drive speed is known as speed control of a DC motor.

Speed control of a DC motor is either done manually by the operator or by means of an

automatic control device. This is different to speed regulation – where the speed is trying to be
maintained (or ‗regulated‘) against the natural change in speed due to a change in the load on
the shaft.

The speed of a DC motor (N) is equal to:

Therefore speed of the 3 types of DC motors – shunt, series and compound – can be
controlled by changing the quantities on the right-hand side of the equation above.

Hence the speed can be varied by changing:

1. The terminal voltage of the armature, V.

2. The external resistance in armature circuit, Ra.
3. The flux per pole, φ.

Terminal voltage and external resistance involve a change that affects the armature circuit,
while flux involves a change in the magnetic field. Therefore speed control of DC motor can be
classified into:

1. Armature Control Methods

2. Field Control Methods

1.3 resistor

A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an
electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to provide a specific voltage for an active device
such as a transistor

So, a 1k Ω resistor has a value of 1,000 ohms and the number we will code is 1,000. There
are three steps for coding a 1kΩ resistor.
Commonly used in breadboards and perf boards, these 10K resistors make excellent pull-
ups, pull-downs, and current limiters
Diode 1N4007
diode, an electrical component that allows the flow of current in only one direction. In
circuit diagrams, a diode is represented by a triangle with a line across one vertex

1N4007 is a rectifier diode, designed specifically for circuits that need to convert
alternating current to direct current. It can pass currents of up to 1 A, and have peak
inverse voltage (PIV) rating of 1,000 V. Note: This product has a minimum quantity
restriction (20nos) for order.

1.3.2 Field Controlled DC Shunt Motor

By this method a DC Shunt motor‘s speed is controlled through a field rheostat.

❖ Field Rheostat Controlled DC Shunt Motor

In this method, speed variation is accomplished by means of a variable resistance inserted

in series with the shunt field. An increase in controlling resistances reduces the field current with
a reduction in flux and an increase in speed. This method of speed control is independent of load
on the motor. Power wasted in controlling resistance is very less as field current is a small value.



The dual converter was chosen by designer due to its smooth operation and it is useful methodology
to create a practical solution for controlling complex system.

Prabha Malviya, Menka Dubey, ―Speed Control of DC Motor A Review‖ obtained the
result of dc machine speed control using dual converter in a both direction (forward and
reverse) and in a both the mode of operation (Generating and Motoring).

P.S. Bimbhra, Power Electronics, 3rded., Khanna Publishers 2004 shows that the
principle of dual converter and its mathematical equation. Teach design fundamentals in the
context of exciting new application and practical design. R. Gupta et .al ―Thyristor Based

Speed Control Techniques of DC Motor‖ shows that dual converter are used for four quadrant
operation of dc drives, in circulating mode of operation there is no need of dead time.

2.1 capacitor

s a very common 0.1uF capacitor. Used on all sorts of applications to decouple ICs
from power supplies. 0.1" spaced leads make this a perfect candidate for
breadboarding and perf boarding. Rated at 50V.
What value is a 104 capacitor?

100,000 Pf

Beta Program

Marking Capacitance (pF) Capacitance (ìF)

103 10,000 pF 0.01 ìF

223 22,000 pF 0.022 ìF

473 47,000 pF 0.047 ìF

104 100,000 pF 0.1 ìF



The IRF3205 is a high current N-Channel MOSFET that can switch currents upto
110A and 55V. The specialty of the MOSFET is that it has very low on resistance of
only 8.0mΩ making it suitable for switching circuits like Inverters, motor speed control,
DC-DC converter

RF3205 MOSFET Overview

The IRF3205 is a high current N-Channel MOSFET that can switch currents upto 110A and

55V. The specialty of the MOSFET is that it has very low on resistance of only 8.0mΩ making it

suitable for switching circuits like Inverters, motor speed control, DC-DC converter etc. It is

also one of the easily available and cheap MOSFET with a low on-resistance.

So if you looking for a MOSFET to be used in your switching circuit that operates
below 55V and less than 110A you can consider using the IRF3205. Note that the
IRF3205 has high threshold voltage and hence not ideal for on/off control with
embedded controllers. You can try the IRF540N for that purpose.
• Switching Applications
• Boost converters
• Choppers
• Solar inverters
• Speed control

2D model of the component

If you are designing a PCB or Perf board with this component then the following

picture from the IRF3205 Datasheet will be useful to know its package type and


As the motor starts running, the torque and current maintained at their maximum level, the
accelerating the motor rapidly. When the rotor attains the commanded value, the torque command
will settle down to a value equal to the sum of load torque and other motor losses to keep the
motor in steady state.


3.2.1 Four Quadrant Operation of Dual Converter

Figure 3.2 Four quadrant operation of Dual converter

In the case of a full converter drive, the converter can operate in two different
quadrants in the Vdc-Idc plane. If two single phase full converters are connected in parallel
and in opposite direction a common load four quadrant operation is possible . Such a
converter is called as a dual converter which is shown in the fig.2.3 a it is show that, for
working in first and fourth quadrants converter 1 is in operation and for operation in second
and third quadrants converter 2 is energized.

➢ Motoring Mode

Converter 1 with trigger angle less than 90 operates the motor in forward motoring
mode in QI. Whereas converter 2 with trigger angle less 90 is reverse motoring mode in QIII.
Operation in motoring implies that torque and speed are in the direction (QI, QIII) and power
flow is positive.

➢ Braking Mode

In regenerative braking power flow is negative and the power could be regenerated back
to the supply, or dissipated as heat in the dynamic brake dissipative mechanism . Here the torque
is opposite to speed direction (QII, QIV). In QIV the motor operates in forward regenerative
braking where Converter1 operates with trigger angle more than 90 with field excitation
reversed; Converter 2 with trigger angle more than 90 and with field excitation reversed the
motor operates in reverse regenerative braking in QII.


Semi-converters are single quadrant converters. This means over the entire firing
angle range, load voltage and current have only one polarity. In full converters , direction of
current cannot reverse because of the unidirectional properties of SCRs but polarity of output
voltage can be reversed. Thus a full converter operates as a rectifier in first quadrant from α
=0 to α =90 and as an inverter from α =90 to α = 180 in fourth quadrant. This shows that full
converter can operate as a two quadrant converter. In first quadrant power flows from AC
source to DC load and in fourth quadrant power flows from DC circuit to the AC source. In
case, four quadrant operation is required without any mechanical changeover switch, two full
converters can be connected back to back to the load circuit. Such an arrangement using full
converter in antiparallel and connected to the same DC load is called a

DUAL CONVETER. There are two functional mode of dual converter, one is non circulating current
mode and other is circulating current mode.

3.3.1 Non- Circulating Current Mode-:

With non-circulating current dual converter, only one converter is in operation at a time and it
alone carries the entire load current. Only this converter receive the firing pulses from the trigger
control. The other converter is lock from conduction, this is achieve by removing firing pulses
from this converter. Thus only one converter is in operation at a time where as other converter is
idle. Such arrangement for dual converter is shown in given figure. Where there is no reactor in
between the two converter.

Figure 3.3 Dual Converter with non-circulating current mode

Suppose converter 1 is in operation and is supplying the load current. For blocking


❖ Power Electronic Devices That Act As Solid-State Switches

This technical article is dedicated to the review of the following power electronic devices
which act as solid-state switches in the circuits. They act as a switch without any mechanical
• Power Diodes

• Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET)

• Bipolar -Junction Transistor (BJT)

• Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)

• Thyristor (SCR, GTO, MCT)

Solid-state devices are completely made from a solid material and their flow of charges is
confined within this solid material. In power electronics circuitry, these switches act in
saturation region and work in linear region in the analog circuitry such as in power amplifiers
and linear regulators. This makes these switches highly efficient since there are lesser losses
during the power processing.
❖ Power Diodes

A power diode has a P-I-N structure as compared to the signal diode having a P-N
structure. Here, I (in P-I-N) stands for intrinsic semiconductor layer to bear the high-level
reverse voltage as compared to the signal diode. However, the drawback of this intrinsic layer
is that it adds noticeable resistance during forward-biased condition. Thus, power diode
requires a proper cooling arrangement for handling large power dissipation. Power diodes are
used in numerous applications including rectifier, voltage clamper, voltage multiplier and etc.

❖ Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET)

MOSFET is a voltage-controlled majority carrier (or unipolar) three-terminal device. In all

of these connections, substrate are internally connected. But in case where it conncet
externally, N-channel enhancement type MOSFET is more common due to high mobility of
electrons. One of the important parameter that affects the switching characteristics exsisting
between its three terminal i.e. drain, source and gate

❖ Power Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

Power BJT is used traditionally for many applications. However, IGBT and MOSFET have
replaced it for most of the applications but still they are used in some areas due to its lower
saturation voltage over the operating temperature range. IGBT and MOSFET have higher input
capacitance as compared to BJT. BJTs are considerably slower in response due to low input
impedance. BJTs use more silicon for the same drive performance. Power n-p-n transistors are
widely used in high-voltage and high-current applications
❖ Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT)

IGBT combines the physics of both BJT and power MOSFET to gain the advantages of both
worlds. It is controlled by the gate voltage. It has the high input impedance like a power
MOSFET and has low on-state power loss as in case of BJT. There is no even secondary
breakdown and not have long switching time as in case of BJT. It has better conduction
characteristics as compared to MOSFET due to bipolar nature They are replacing the MOSFET
for most of the high voltage applications with less conduction losses.

❖ Thyristor (SCR)

SCR usually has three terminals and four layers of alternating p and n-type materials, The
structure of the thyristor can be split into two sections: npn and pnp transistors for simple
analysis It has three terminals named as cathode, anode and gate.

Figure 3.5 Structural View of Thyristor

N-base is a high-resistivity region and its thickness is directly dependent on the forward blocking
rating of the thyristor. But more width of the n-base indicates a slow response time for switching.
The static characteristic obtained from the circuit given in Fig. 37 is drawn in Fig. 38. It works
under three modes: forward conducting mode, forward blocking mode and reverse blocking
mode. The minimum anode current that causes the device to stay at forward conduction mode
as it switch from forward blocking mode is called the latching current. If the SCR is already
conducting and the anode current is reduced mode, the minimum value of anode current to
remain at the forward conducting mode is known as the holding current.
. 3.6 RLAY

This article is about the electrical component. For other uses, see Relay (disambiguation).

A relay

Electromechanical relay schematic showing a control coil, four pairs of normally open and one pair of
normally closed contacts

An automotive-style miniature relay with the dust cover taken off

A relay is an electrically operated switch. It consists of a set of input terminals for a single or
multiple control signals, and a set of operating contact terminals. The switch may have any
number of contacts in multiple contact forms, such as make contacts, break contacts, or
combinations thereof.
Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an independent low-power signal, or
where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. Relays were first used in long-
distance telegraph circuits as signal repeaters: they refresh the signal coming in from one circuit
by transmitting it on another circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and
early computers to perform logical operations.
The traditional form of a relay uses an electromagnet to close or open the contacts, but other
operating principles have been invented, such as in solid-state relays which
use semiconductor properties for control without relying on moving parts. Relays with calibrated
operating characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical
circuits from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed
by digital instruments still called protective relays.
Latching relays require only a single pulse of control power to operate the switch persistently.
Another pulse applied to a second set of control terminals, or a pulse with opposite polarity,
resets the switch, while repeated pulses of the same kind have no effects. Magnetic latching
relays are useful in applications when interrupted power should not affect the circuits that the
relay is controlling.


Figure 3.7 Working of Microcontroller


1. IGBT -: Insulated-gate bipolar transistor

IGBT schematic symbol

An insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is a three-terminal power semiconductor device

primarily used as an electronic switch which, as it was developed, came to combine high efficiency
and fast switching. It consists of four alternating layers (P-N-P-N) that are controlled by a metal–
oxide–semiconductor (MOS) gate structure without regenerative action. Although the structure of
the IGBT is topologically the same as a thyristor with a 'MOS' gate (MOS gate thyristor), the thyristor
action is completely suppressed and only the transistor action is permitted in the entire device
operation range. It is used in switching power supplies in high-power applications: variable-
frequency drives (VFDs), electric cars, trains, variable speed refrigerators, lamp ballasts, arc-welding
machines, and air conditioners.
Since it is designed to turn on and off rapidly, the IGBT can synthesize complex waveforms with
pulse-width modulation and low-pass filters, so it is also used in switching amplifiers in sound
systems and industrial control systems. In switching applications modern devices feature pulse
repetition rates well into the ultrasonic range—frequencies which are at least ten times the highest
audio frequency handled by the device when used as an analog audio amplifier. As of 2010, the IGBT
is the second most widely used power transistor, after the power MOSFET.

❖ Device structure

Cross-section of a typical IGBT showing internal connection of MOSFET and bipolar device

An IGBT cell is constructed similarly to a n-channel vertical-construction power MOSFET, except the
n+ drain is replaced with a p+ collector layer, thus forming a vertical PNP bipolar junction transistor.
This additional p+ region creates a cascade connection of a PNP bipolar junction transistor with the
surface n-channel MOSFET.

IGBT is the second most widely used power transistor, after the power MOSFET. The IGBT accounts
for 27% of the power transistor market, second only to the power MOSFET (53%), and ahead of the
RF amplifier (11%) and bipolar junction transistor (9%).[29] The IGBT is widely used in consumer
electronics, industrial technology, the energy sector, aerospace electronic devices, and

❖ Advantages
The IGBT combines the simple gate-drive characteristics of power MOSFETs with the highcurrent
and low-saturation-voltage capability of bipolar transistors. The IGBT combines an isolated-gate
FET for the control input and a bipolar power transistor as a switch in a single device. The IGBT is
used in medium- to high-power applications like switched-mode power supplies, traction motor
control and induction heating. Large IGBT modules typically consist of many devices in parallel
and can have very high current-handling capabilities in the order of hundreds of amperes with
blocking voltages of 6500 V. These IGBTs can control loads of hundreds of kilowatts.
2. DC Motor
A DC motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity. In any electric motor,
operation is based on simple electromagnetism. A current-carrying conductor generates a magnetic
field; when this is then placed in an external magnetic field, it will experience a force proportional to
the current in the conductor, and to the strength of the external magnetic field. As you are well
aware of from playing with magnets as a kid, opposite (North and South) polarities attract, while like
polarities (North and North, South and South) repel. The internal configuration of a DC motor is
designed to harness the magnetic interaction between a current-carrying conductor and an external
magnetic field to generate rotational motion. Let's start by looking at a simple 2-pole DC electric
motor (here red represents a magnet or winding with a "North" polarization, while green represents
a magnet or winding with a "South" polarization).

DC Motor
Every DC motor has six basic parts -- axle, rotor, stator, commutator, field magnet(s), and brushes. In
most common DC motors, the external magnetic field is L produced by high-strength permanent
magnets1. The stator is the stationary part of the motor -- this includes the motor casing, as well as
two or more permanent magnet pole pieces. The rotor rotates with respect to the stator. The rotor
consists of windings (generally on a core), the windings being electrically connected to the
commutator. The above diagram shows a common motor layout -- with the rotor inside the stator
(field) magnets.

The geometry of the brushes, commutator contacts, and rotor windings are such that when power is
applied, the polarities of the energized winding and the stator magnet(s) are misaligned, and the
rotor will rotate until it is almost aligned with the stator's field magnets. As the rotor reaches
alignment, the brushes move to the next commutator contacts, and energize the next winding.
Given our example two-pole motor, the rotation reverses the direction of current through the rotor
winding, leading to a "flip" of the rotor's magnetic field, driving it to continue rotating. In real life,
though, DC motors will always have more than two poles (three is a very common number). In
particular, this avoids "dead spots" in the commutator. You can imagine how with our example two-
pole motor, if the rotor is exactly at the middle of its rotation (perfectly aligned with the field
magnets), it will get "stuck" there. Meanwhile, with a two-pole motor, there is a moment where the
commutator shorts out the power supply (i.e., both brushes touch both commutator contacts
simultaneously). This would be bad for the power supply, waste energy, and damage motor
components as well. Yet another disadvantage of such a simple motor is that it would exhibit a high
amount of torque "ripple".So since most small DC motors are of a three-pole design.

3 variable resistor
The 10K Potentiometer Product Description: This adjustable or Variable resistor are PCB
mountable and has 3 terminals. The voltage between the terminal varies as the preset is
rotated. The Variable resistors are used for variating voltage as per the need in a circuit

The 10K Potentiometer Product Description: This adjustable or Variable resistor are PCB
mountable and has 3 terminals. The voltage between the terminal varies as the preset is
rotated. The Variable resistors are used for variating voltage as per the need in a circuit. The
outer two pins are connected to Vcc and 0V, and cetner pin outputs a variable volatge
between 0v and Vcc as the rotary cermet is rotated. Potentiometer for PCB mounting. 16mm
diameter. mounting Diameter: 7mm Shaft diameter: 6mm Shaft length: 8mm (without thread)
Value: 10 kilo ohm

. LM358

❖ General Description
The LM358 series consists of two independent, high gain internally frequency compensated
operational amplifiers which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a
wide range of voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power
supply current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. Application
areas include transducer amplifiers, dc gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits which
now can be more easily implemented in single power supply systems. For example, the LM358 series
can be directly operated off of the standard +5V power supply voltage whichis used in digital
systems and will easily provide the required interface electronics without requiring the
additional ±15Vpower supplies.
Unique Characteristics

-mode voltage range includes ground and the

voltage can also swing to ground, even though operated from only a single power supply voltage.

unity gain cross frequency is temperature compensated.

❖ Advantages


❖ Features
• Available in 8-Bump micro SMD chip sized package.

• Internally frequency compensated for unity gain.

• Large dc voltage gain: 100 Db.

• Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1 MHz (temperature compensated)

• Wide power supply range: o Single supply: 3V to 32V o or dual supplies: ±1.5V to ±16V

• Very low supply current drain (500 μA)-essentially independent of supply voltage.

• Low input offset voltage: 2 mV

• Input common-mode voltage range includes ground.

• Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage.

• Large output voltage swing.

Pin Connections

1 - Output 1
2 - Inverting input
3 - Non-inverting input
4 – VCC-
5 - Non-inverting input 2
6 - Inverting input 2
7 - Output 2
8 – VCC+ Fig.5.16 LM358 Pin Diagram
❖ Connections
The output of power supply which is 5v is connected to the 40th pin of microcontroller and ground
to the 20th pin or pin 20 of microcontroller. Pin 2.0 of port 2 of MC is connected to 1st pin i.e.,
anode of 1st MOC3021. Pin 2.1 of port 2 of MC is connected to anode pin of 2nd MOC3021. Pin 2.2
of port 2 of MC is connected to anode pin i.e., 1st pin of 3rd MOC3021. P



a place where, or a device through which, energy or information enters a system.
"the signal being fed through the main input"

nternal port − It connects the motherboard to internal devices like hard disk drive, CD
drive, internal modem, etc. External port − It connects the motherboard to external devices
like modem, mouse, printer, flash drives

5.5 Reverse Motoring Mode

This is third quadrant operation. As output load voltage & current both are negative; power flow is
positive. Here the thyrister of Converter 2 are triggered with firing angle less than 900.

5.5.1 Simulation Output For Reverse Motoring Mode

In reverse motoring mode armature current is positive, armature voltage is negative and motor
speed is negative.

Fig. 5.5 Simulation Output For Reverse Motoring Mode

5.6 Forward Generating Mode

In this mode thyristers of Converter 1 are triggered with angle greater than 900. So converter 1 is in
inverting mode. Simulation results show that torque and speed are in the opposite direction (QIV).


In our project speed control of separately exited DC motor is achieved by using Single
Phase Dual Converter. Firing scheme for single phase fully control is describe and built. The
scheme utilize same circuit for both rectification and regeneration mode of operation. This
simulation provides different comparative analysis for variable speed. A four quadrant speed
control DC drive fed from the proposed dual converter is design and results are obtained. An
optimize and efficient method of speed control can be developed.

We started with a building, assisting with an open loop speed control. This system was the
easiest to construct with a fewest component. The main feature of open loop system is that it is
uncomplicated and does not need a design controller. The major disadvantage is that neither the
current nor the speed are controlled. Then we created a DC motor drive with a speed feedback
and obtain precise control for variable speed operation.


In this project we are using Non-circulating mode of Dual converter instead of

circulating mode. In future we can use a dual converter with circulating mode by adding
inductor in it, therefore we can obtain a continuous mode of operation of dual converter
instead of discontinuous mode of operation. For high power machine operation we can
replaced IGBT by high power switch like a SCR.

In this project we are using processor only for speed feedback system but in future we
can also use processor for fault analysis and protection.

• of single phase dual

converter for speed control of DC motor.

• control of DC motor

• M. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices & Applications, 2nded., PrenticeHall

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