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Sample KRA Directory

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SAMPLE KRA SHEETS (Regions and Corporate Centre)

Sl. No. Position ( E7 ) Page No.
1 Head, HVDC Station 3
2 Head, Finance, RHQ 5
3 Head, O& M and construction Sub-station 7
4 Head, Law, RHQ 11
5 Head, Construction, RHQ 12
6 Head, HR, RHQ 14
7 Head, contracts and Materials 17
8 Head, Commercial, RHQ 19
9 Head, RE & ST 20
10 Head MIS, e-billing and ERP 21
11 Head, Employee Development Centre 22
12 Head, Regional Testing and Development Centre 23
13 Head, Telecom (Marketing and BD), region 24
14 Head, O&M and Construction of Lines 25
15 Head, Regional Engineering 28
16 Head, Internal Audit, Region 29
17 Head, QA&I – Regional Inspection 30
18 Head, safety, Region 32
19 Head, Telecom (O&M), Region 33
20 Head, Project Environment and Social Management 34
21 Head, IT, CC 35
22 Head, LD & C, CC 36
23 Head, Vigilance, CC 37
24 Head, QA&I, CC 38
25 Head, CP, CC 39
26 Head, Commercial, CC 40
27 Head, Engg, CC 41
28 Common KRAs across Positions and functions 42

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SAMPLE KRA SHEETS (Regions and Corporate Centre)

Sl. No. Position (E2-E6) Page No.
29 Regional S/S O&M 43
30 Regional TL O&M 44
31 Regional S/S Construction 45
32 Regional HR 46
33 Regional T/L Construction 47
34 Regional PESM 48
35 Regional Finance 49
36 Regional C&M 50
37 Regional Engineering Dept 51
38 Corporate HR 52
39 Corporate Finance 53
40 Corporate Asset Management 54
41 Corporate HRD 55
42 Corporate Engineering 56
43 Corporate Vigilance Dept. (Engg.) 57
44 Corporate CSR 59
45 Corporate LD& C 60
46 Corporate BDD 61
47 Corporate Commercial Dept. 62

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Position: Head, HVDC Station

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Operational Excellence
1. Availability (%)
2. Outages (Maximum no of Forced Tripping)
3. Maintenance (% adherence to the Plan) Percentage
4. Spares management (% availability of breakdown
5. Capacity utilization in % wrt CIGRE norms
2 Technological Up gradation
6. No. of system upgraded by March 31 ( from Fire
Alarm panel; Transient fault recorder, Auxiliary
power System) Percentage
7. Surge arrestor Replaced (%)
8. Procurement of Special testing Equipment for
Valve testing (By date)
3 Spares and materials
9. Procurement of Spares -Indent to award time
period (No. of days)
10. Disposal of 75% of scraps (by date) Number
11. Indigenization/ Local vendor development - % of of Days
spares and consumables for which Indian vendor
has been developed
4 Upkeep of Station
12. Rating against checklist (%) Percentage
13. % Reduction in civil electrical compliant w.r.t. last
5 Safety
14. Maximum no. of minor / near miss accidents (no.) Percentage
15. % of persons certified through safety trainings
16. No. of Safety Audits
6 Systems and processes
17. Automated system for maintenance Monitoring Date
(completion by date)
7 Cost effectiveness and energy conservation
18. % deviation from the station budget Percentage
19. No. of replacement CFLs installed

8 Self-development
20. Undertake Finance for non-Finance course Date
(completion by date)
9 Employee Development
21. Average No. of person days of training
22. Multi skill ( No. of operation engineers inducted Percentage
into all maintenance works)
23. Interactive in-house trainings ( No. per year)
10 Employee Welfare
24. No. of family events in the year

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25. No. of facilities added with CAPEX of Rs 1 Lakh or Percentage

more each

11 Knowledge Management
26. No. of Papers/studies from the station at
international level seminars/ publications
27. No. of Papers/studies from the station at national
28. No. of Knowledge sharing and technology Percentage
upgrade sessions
29. No. of seminars conducted at the station on
technical areas
30. Technology transfer from the international
partners (No of areas of self-sufficiency in
maintenance from the predefined list)
12 Social welfare/ CSR
31. Budget in Rs. Lakhs
32. Construction of road in village ( Km) Percentage
33. No. of schools renovated
13 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, Finance, RHQ

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Employee payments / services
1. Salary Grievances (Response Time in days)
2. Release of salary by date in the current month (%
3. Pay fixation after promotions/ transfers ( within
4. TA, Medical and other claims (Submission to Percentage
Payment time in days)
5. Employee Satisfaction with Finance Services 1-5
(Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
6. Employee grievances/ complaints on tracking
systems (Max No.)

2 Financial Concurrence
7. Submission to Concurrence/ Return (in days) Percentage
8. % of cases returned (Max)

3 Financial statements
9. Timeliness of submission(in days)
a. Audits(deviation from CC schedule / plan)
b. CERC Certificates
c. Quarterly Results( by the date in the
following month as per CC schedule)
d. Annual Results ( by the date in the
following month as per CC schedule) Percentage
10. Accuracy and Quality of statements 1-5 (Rating by
CC Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
11. MIS (incl. O&M expenditure, Construction, taxes
w.r.t. to Budget) as per schedule- % deviation

5 Implementation of Contract accounting ( Within months Number

of testing by EDP) of days
6 External Parties payments (Submission to issue time in
12. R. Bills
13. Final Bills
14. Price Variation Bills Number
15. Non direct payments- O&M/ admin etc. (to non- of days
construction agencies)
16. Issue of B.G. (days)
Non-payment certificates e.g. TDS, WCT, C-Form, Road
permit etc. (Submission to issue time)

Vendor Satisfaction with Finance 1-5 (Poor/ Fair/

Good/V Good/ excellent)

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Vendor grievances/ complaints on tracking systems (Max


% of payments as e-payments

Form 16- employees/ 16A- contractors issue ( by date)

7 Audits
17. Coordination with External Auditors 1-5 (Poor/
Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
18. Completion of internal audit/ Govt audit (within
days ) Percentage
19. Observations on Audits NC/ Half Margin/ Audit
20. Time to resolve observations (in days)
a. Major
b. Minor

8 Compliance with Statutory laws

34. Max No. of written query
35. % filing of statutory returns Percentage

9 Knowledge Management
21. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions Percentage
22. No. of seminars conducted at the station on Direct
10 Self-development
23. Undertake Certification in GAAP laws (completion Percentage
by date)
11 Employee Development
24. Average No. of person days of training
25. Multi skill ( No. of cases from Bills/ Percentage
26. Training of F&A execs in IFRS (By date )
12 Banking and cash
27. Max number of days when minimum balance was Percentage
not maintained in the year
13 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, O&M and construction Sub -station

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Operational Excellence
1. Availability of s/s and bays (%)
2. Availability of auxiliary systems
3. Max No. of Equipment failure
4. Condition Monitoring completion based on Percentage
grading by age/ usage/test results for % of major
5. Co-ordination with CPCC/ LD(No. of major issues
in a year)
6. Duration of Outage (Hrs)
2 Construction targets
1. Budget Utilization (%)
2. Timely completion for Power Grid systems (By
a. Sub-station
b. Colony
3. Timely completion for consultancy systems under
Power Grid construction supervision(By date)
4. Timely completion for systems under Power Grid
construction in other’s bays(By date)
5. Adherence to L2 network
6. Physical availability of construction material and Percentage
drawings as per schedule(% adherence)
7. PRM Frequency(per month)
8. L-3 network preparation (By date)
9. FQP adherence (%)
10. Frequency of review meetings with executing
agencies per month
11. Adoption of new technologies in constructions -
12. Contract Closing ( within months of physical
completion of package)
13. Processing of Contractor payments in time
(submission to payment cycle)
14. Resource management for water and power for
construction (rating based on timeliness, hassle
free, quantum)

3 Maintenance Excellence
1. Outages (Maximum no of Forced Tripping)
2. Auto Reclosure success rate (%)
3. Maintenance
a. % adherence to the AMP
b. Finalisation of AMP by date

c. Monitoring Frequency per month

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d. No. of major defects mitigated within the

4. Availability as per norms pre-decided at the
beginning of the year (% availability)
a. Spares management
b. T&P
5. Availability Percentage
a. EL/DR
b. Safety Equipment- Emulsifier & hydrant
6. Forced maintenance Outage reduction in % w.r.t.
last year
7. No. of equipment failure
8. Timely repair of faulty equipment (maximum
period in months)
9. Uses of Hotline maintenance ( No. of locations)
10. Civil maintenance of colony and sub-station
(resolution time for major problems in months )
11. Location roles of PESM/ HR/Fin/Contracts
functions (Ability demonstrated in professionally
managing diverse functions in % )
4 Technological Up gradation (R&M)
12. Identification and up gradation of equipment for
additional capacity (completion by date)
13. Remote operation of the sub-station(completion by
14. R&M due to ageing/ technology including relay Date
changes adopting CERC norms for capitalization) -
% completion against pre-identified list
15. procurement of new testing machines (No.)
16. Introduction of new technology (No.)
5 Safety
7. Maximum no. of minor / near miss accidents (no.)
8. Maximum no. of Accidents (No.)
a. Overall no.
b. No. of accidents per 100 km of line
c. No. of accidents per bay Percentage
9. % of persons certified through safety trainings
10. No. of Safety pre-Audits /year
11. % of Contract labor( of those engaged) covered
during the year under safety trainings
12. % of employees covered by First aid trainings
6 Cost effectiveness
13. Savings wrt to last two years from cost
effectiveness measures ( Rs. Lakhs) Percentage
14. % deviation from the station budget
15. Reduction in auxiliary consumption units (%)
16. No. of Energy Audits

7 Self development Percentage

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17. Undertake Finance for non Finance course

(completion by date)
8 Employee Development
18. Av. No. of person days of training
a. Overall Percentage
b. Training in automation
c. Safety/ First aid
No. of trainings At manufacturers works
9 Knowledge Management
19. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions
20. No. of seminars conducted at the station on Percentage
technical areas
21. Papers from the team on technical areas at national
level publication
10 Relationships with local authorities
22. No. of formal meetings/visits with Admin Head, Percentage
Police Head, MLA at the POWERGRID office every
11 Upkeep of Station
23. No. of new plants (no.) Percentage
24. Av. Rating as per checklist (ED/ GM Report
Format) on 1-5 scale
12 Stores management
25. Inventory as per norms(% adherence)
26. T&P as per norms (% adherence) Percentage
27. Disposal of scrap (frequency/ year)
28. computerization of stores (%)
13 Systems and processes
29. Implementation of IMS (completion by date)
30. Computerization of inventories (%)
31. Uploading in power portals (%)
32. FQA
a. Compliance of SFQP for excellence in Field
Quality Assurance
b. Vendor assessments per month
c. Process audits per month Percentage
33. Management Review Meeting frequency / quarter
34. Issue of CIP (within days from inspection)
35. Audits and compliance (time taken to compliance
of 80% of observations in weeks )
d. ISO
e. SA 8000
f. SIR
g. IMS
14 Social welfare/ CSR
36. Completion of ESPP (by date) Date
37. No. of activities impacting at least 20 people or
15 Environment
17. SF6 consumption reduction wrt last year

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18. % of Bulbs changed to CFLs Percentage

19. Ground water Harvesting- Ground water recharge
connection (% increase in connections)
16 Public awareness about Company activities in the local
community - % of key officers/ local key personnel
covered under Power Grid awareness campaign during Percentage
the year w.r.t. to pre-identified list at the beginning of the
17 Special projects if any (ERS, Special maintenance, Legal
cases)- rating on a scale of 1-5 by the reporting officer
Note: If the special projects are not there in the assessment Percentage
period, this weight will be shifted equitably to other

18 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, Law, RHQ

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Time taken to provide legal opinion/ vetting (days) Number
of days
2 Land Owner Grievances
1. Max No. of Cases admitted by courts against
2. No. of cases pending after 6 months of admissions Number
3. No. of restraining orders by courts against of days
3 Legal awareness/ update
4. Time taken to prepare issue note / Interpretation Number
note on new notification / legal of days
5. % coverage
4 Cost effectiveness Percentage
6. Savings wrt to last two years from cost
effectiveness measures ( Rs. Lakhs)
5 Local support created
7. No. of land ousters confirming written support to Percentage
the project
6 Employee Development Percentage
8. Av. No. of person days of training on legal aspects
7 Knowledge Management
9. No. of case sheets prepared for other law officers
on the subject of land acquisition Percentage
10. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions conducted for
other officers on legal awareness
8 Appointment of Arbitrators Percentage
11. Cases of delay in appointment
9 Relationships with advocates
12. No of advocate meetings every month Percentage
13. Advocate payments on time (Invoice to payment in
10 Success rate
14. % of cases won (Won/ pending)
15. No. of stay orders / petitions/ injunctions Percentage
16. Vacation against stay orders / petitions/
injunctions with 1 month (% of orders)
11 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, Construction, RHQ

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Construction targets Percentage
1. Timely completion ( By date as per L2 network )
2. Budget Utilization (%)
2 Quality Standards
3. Rating by Corporate Projects team during visits 1-5
(Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
4. Monthly registers to be updated (Day of following Percentage
5. Source approval/ Sub-contractor approval (Day of
following month)
3 Vendor / Contractor Payments Number
6. Submission to Approval/ rejection time (days) of days
4 Safety
7. Maximum no. of minor / near miss accidents (no.)
8. % of persons certified through safety trainings Percentage
9. No. of Safety Audits
10. Maximum no. of accidents (no.)
11. No. of public safety workshops
5 Systems and processes
12. Automated system for Project Monitoring
(completion by date) Date
13. No. of review meetings with each contractor each
month where MOMs were prepared and at least 2
issues resolved.
6 Cost effectiveness Percentage
14. % deviation from the station budget
7 Self development Date
15. Undertake PERT /CPM and project Management
Course (completion by date)
8 Employee Development Percentage
16. Av. No. of person days of training
9 Employee Welfare Percentage
17. No. of family events in the year
10 Knowledge Management
18. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions Percentage
19. No. of seminars conducted at the station on
technical areas
11 Social welfare/ CSR Percentage
20. Budget in Rs. Lakhs
12 PMS Role
21. Preparation of BE/ RE as per schedule (%
22. Response to RTI queries (Time to respond in days) Number
23. Monthly rolling plan reparation/ Monthly of days
reporting by 5th of following month (% adherence)
13 Labour law compliance Percentage

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Filing of returns by due date and issue of Form 5 (%

14 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, HR, RHQ

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Employee Services
1. Grievances (Response Time in days)
2. Approvals for
 HBA(Submission to approval time in
 Conveyance adv (Submission to approval
time in days)
3. Employee Satisfaction with HR, Health services, Number of
school facilities/ township/ welfate activities/ days/
Administration and establishment Services/ job
satisfaction, department environment, Percentage
relationships with Manager 1-5 (Poor/ Fair/
Good/V Good/ excellent)
4. Terminal benefits for retiring/ deceased /
resigned employees (response time)
 Execs
 Non- Execs
2 Operational Excellence
5. Max. no. of Security lapses during the year(No.)
6. Max. no. of Major Water / electricity supply
breakdowns during the year of more than 6 hour
7. Guest House (av. Guest feedback rating)
8. Canteen (av. Employee feedback rating)
9. Hospitality during VIP visits (No. of Excellent
remarks in the Guest book)
10. % of people covered by new KRA based PMS for
cycle 09-10 for Target Setting before Aug 09 end
and Review Discussion before April 2010 Percentage
11. Adherence to HRD Calendar (%)
12. Manpower planning (no. of positions vacant
13. DPC held and results declared within 1 month
14. No. of Ideas responses from Suggestion schemes
15. Submission of statutory Reports on time (%
16. Job rotation and sensitivity posting norms
implementation %
17. Providing a mix of fresh and experienced
Engineers at sites (Ratio)
18. No. of Senior HR professionals trained for
19. Updation and maintenance of employee data for

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CPC (months before CPC

20. PRBC schedule (schedule adherence including no.
of meetings )- No. of issues resolved
21. No. of strikes/ agitation
22. Employees discipline- enquiry (time period in
23. Submission of statutory Reports on time (%
24. Statutory Compliance with labor laws as an
employer/ principal employer (%)
25. Resolution of labour cases favorably (%) Percentage/
RHQ administration and Site Approvals
26. Extension of contracts (days before expiry of Number of
existing contracts) days
27. Vetting of admin proposals from site -Security,
medical services, Gust House, vehicles etc.
(Response time in days)
3 Recruitment
28. Diploma Trainees Percentage
29. Technician Trainees
4 Promotion of Hindi
30. No. of meetings held (No. of days)
31. Timeliness of Quarterly Reports to HQ( days
deviation from schedule) Number of
32. No. of people added wrt last year who can read a days
document written in Hindi and respond in Hindi
33. No of workshops
5 Cost effectiveness
34. Savings wrt to last two years from cost Percentage
effectiveness measures ( Rs. Lakhs)
6 Safety
35. Person days of Safety trainings (no.)
36. % of persons certified through safety trainings
37. % of eligible employees provided with Safety Percentage
Shoes and helmets
38. Frequency of training programmes for contractors
per year
7 Systems and processes
39. Automated system for logging employee requests
and response time (completion by date)
40. ISO audits ( No. of major and Minor NCs) Date
 Max major NCs
 Max Minor NCs
41. Social audit SA 8000- 2001
 Internal audit NCs
 External audit NCs
42. Development of HRD portal (No. of modules
8 Self development

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43. Undertake Transmission for non- Transmission Date

course and latest legal developments (completion
by date)
9 Employee Development
44. Av. No. of person days of training
45. Multi skill ( No. of mechanical technicians /
Electrical technicians trained into each other
streams) Number of
46. No of DTs trained days
47. No. of Technicians trained
10 Employee Welfare
48. No. of family events in the year
49. No. of facilities added with CAPEX of Rs 1 Lakh Percentage
or more each
50. No. of PEWA/ Mahila Samiti constituted
11 Knowledge Management
51. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions
52. No. of seminars conducted at the station on Percentage
technical areas
12 Social welfare/ CSR
53. No. of trees planted
54. No. of books distributed to Needy students
55. No. of Schemes implemented Percentage
56. Budget utilization (%)
57. CSR report (by date)
13 Legal services
58. No. of Monthly reviews per year
59. Cost effectiveness ( reduction in % wrt last year)
60. Employees training for legal aspects sensitization
(No. of programmes)
61. No. of trainings to update employees on legal
judgments (No. of programmes) Percentage
62. Meetings with solicitors (frequency per month)
63. % legal compliance
64. % legal case favourable judgments
65. % arbitration case favourable judgments
66. Report frequency per month
14 Public Relations
67. Publication in news papers NITs/
Ads(Requisition to event)
68. House journals (within days of next quarter) Percentage
69. Press Conference (Requisition to event)
70. Frequency of meetings with local authorities (Per
15 Effectiveness of Suggestion scheme( No of suggestions Percentage
16 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, Contracts and Materials

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Contracting Services LOA / Placement of Contract
(Response Time in days- Approved Indent to Award) by
1. Open
i. As per Work procurement policy Percentage
ii. Expeditious
2. Limited
3. Single
4. Spot/committee Purchase
2 Materials Services
5. Requisition to issue (Response Time in days)
6. Spares
7. Materials Percentage
8. Diversion orders for approved Diversions
9. Issue of release orders

3 Operational Excellence
10. Contract Closure during the year(% of
Matured Contracts )
11. Post award contract services
 Time taken in days to process LD
 Time taken to release CPG/ Security
 Time taken to process first PV bills
i. Checking and verification Number of
(days) days/
ii. Processing
 Time taken to finalise new items Percentage
 Processing of time extension proposals
 Processing of amendments
12. Liquidation of surplus inventory (start to
finish in days )
13. Scrap disposal (start to finish in days )
14. Getting and uploading of BOQ for e-billing
15. Release of EMD for unsuccessful bidders as
per tender (days)
16. Processing of recovery proposal within days
of contract work completion
17. Vetting of B.G.
18. Issue of Excise Duty Exemption certificates
/Project Authority Certificate
19. Processing of site proposal for RHQ proposals

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4 Construction/ O&M Satisfaction with Services 1-5 (Poor/ Percentage

Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
5 Cost effectiveness
20. Inventory reduction wrt to last two years ( Rs.
21. Value of inventory pooled with other units (Rs Percentage
22. Maximum Inventory / materials damaged
during the year (Rs lakhs)
6 Systems and processes
23. Automated system for requisitioning
(completion by date)
24. Vigilance reports for LOAs placed (No. of
adverse observations)
25. No. of formats developed for proposals,
enquiry etc to drive standardization and ease Date
of application by user departments
26. Materials ISO audits ( No. of Major and Minor
27. Max major NCs
28. Max Minor NCs
7 Self development
29. Undertake course on online inventory Date
management system (completion by date)
8 Certified vendor lists (No. of vendors) Percentage

9 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, Commercial, RHQ

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1. Billing and realization
a. Billing Timeliness ( Maximum No. of slippages in days
from Standard schedule)
b. Realization %
c. Speed of quarterly reconciliation with beneficiaries ( no.
of days after the quarter)
d. Forecast for next year realization targets (By date) Number
e. Reconciliation with other regions every month (By date of days
in next month)
f. Regulation with constituents for defaulting payments (
within days of due date)

2 Improvement in Cost of Realization Percentage

a. Savings wrt last year (%)
3 LC coverage (% of av bills) Percentage

3 Contribution to tariff Fixation-

g. Satisfaction level as per corporate commercial 1-5
(Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent) Percentage
h. Tariff inputs to CC( No of months in advance)
4 Completion of Open access processing/approval(%) Percentage

5 Development of Software Tools

Internal development of tools (no.) Percentage
External development of tools (no.)
6 Relationships with customers - Satisfaction with Services Percentage
1-5 (Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
7 Systems and processes-Automated system for billing and Date
realization tracking (completion by date)
8 Self development- Undertake course on power trading Date
(completion by date)
9 Employee Development -Av. No. of person days of Percentage
10 MIS and update on new development to management
i. % adherence to MIS schedule Date
j. Update on developments (within days of development)
k. Yearly report on commercial realization (by date)
11 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head, ST& RE

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Village Electrification under RGGVY
1. Budget utilization (%)
2. No. of villages electrified
a. Survey of villages (No.)
b. SEB approval for drawing (By date) Date/
c. Erection of poles (No.)
3. No. of PSS constructed/ augmented and handed Number
over of days
4. No. of equipment foundations in augmented sub-
5. Release of service connection to BPL Households
6. Preparation of RCE (By date)

2 Sub-transmission Commissioning
7. Budget utilization Date
8. Completion (By date)
3 Relationship with SEB / DM/ SP/Railways/
contractors/REC/ Power departmet
9. No. of meetings per month with Contractors/ PRM
per month Date
10. Minimum Meetings frequency with other
stakeholders per quarter
11. Railway Clearance ( By date)
4 No. of packages closed out of 8 Percentage
5 Contractor Payments (response time for verification for Number
bills in days) of Days
6 Knowledge management (No. of published Articles in
national level journals on Rural electrification- some Percentage
learnings and best practices )
7 Systems and processes-Automated system for project Date
monitoring (completion by date)
8 Self development- Undertake a course on project Date
management (completion by date)
9 MIS-Updation frequency on Web-based monitoring tool Percentage
(Times per quarter )
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

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Position: Head MIS, e-billing and ERP

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 e-billing
1. % of billing to be e-billing in the year
2. % of people certified in e-billing Percentage
3. Response time on e-billing queries (No. of days)
2 ERP Implementation
4. No. of ERP packages commissioned in the year Number
5. % of people certified in ERP usage of days
6. Response time on ERP queries (No. of days)
3 % of substation where wide band data link is Percentage
commissioned along with sub-station commissioning

7. Rating by Appraiser on the timeliness and quality Percentage
of MIS

5 Knowledge management (No. of published Articles in

national level journals on relevant technical areas) Percentage

6 Employee Development -No. of persons trained to take on

own role Percentage

7 % of sub stations covered by wide band connectivity Percentage

8 Special projects during the year

8. Rating by Appraiser on the implementation of Number
major special projects requiring at least 15 days of days/
effort at CM level (If there are no special projects
during the year this weight will be transferred to Percentage
other KRAs)

9 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 21

Position: Head, Employee Development Centre

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 EDC- Guest Feedback on
Facilities (including Library/ Internet) on 1-5 Percentage
Catering on 1-5 scale
2 Landscaping
Flowering plants new Percentage
Lawns upkeep on 1-5 scale
3 Safety
Accidents Percentage
Awareness Programs
4 Employee Engagement Percentage
Family meets (No.)
5 Employee Development Percentage
Training programs (No.)

6 Knowledge management Percentage

No. of studies/ papers from the EDC published
7 Up gradation
Procurement and commissioning of ….. facility ( Date
By date)
8 Systems and processes
Development and approval of protocol and SOP Date
for …(By date)
9 User satisfaction for EDC services on 1-5 scale Percentage
10 Utilization of EDC
No. of training programmes conducted
No. of people trained Percentage
Capacity utilization of facility (Actual/
maximum possible)
11 Cost
% of Internal trainers days in the overall no. of
training days Percentage
Cost/ trainee/day (Rs.)

12 Accreditation of the EDC by external agencies as

per predefined Plan(By date) Date

13 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5

learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 22

Position: Head, Regional Testing and Development Centre

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Utilization of RTDC
No. of tests conducted Percentage
Capacity utilization of facility (Actual/
maximum possible)
2 Landscaping
Flowering plants new Percentage
Lawns upkeep on 1-5 scale
New Consultancy Jobs (No.)
Response time to testing requirements (Days) Days
User satisfaction for RTDC services on 1-5 scale

4 Safety
Accidents Percentage
Awareness Programs
5 Employee Engagement Percentage
Family meets (No.)
6 Employee Development
Training programs (No.) Percentage

7 Knowledge management
No. of studies/ papers from the RTDC Percentage
8 Technological Up gradation
Procurement and commissioning of ….. testing Date
equipment ( By date)
9 Systems and processes
Development and approval of protocol and SOP Date
for ….test(By date)
10 Accreditation of the EDC by external agencies as
per predefined Plan(By date) Date

11 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5

learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 23

Position: Head, Telecom (Marketing and BD), region

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 No. of orders from New Customers Percentage
2 New orders from existing customers (No.) Percentage
3 Retaining existing customers -No. of customers Percentage
4 Sales Targets – Rs. Cr Percentage
5 Realization and reconciliation
 Realisation of 100% revenues (within
months of the current quarter as Percentage/
quarterly advance)
 Reconcilitaion (within months of the Number of
next quarter) days

6 Advertising ( No. of Telecom Expos

participated in ) Percentage

7 Client satisfaction for services on 1-5 scale Percentage

8 Building brand Powertel- Advertising spend Percentage
(Rs Cr)
9 To develop alliances- No. of bids submitted Percentage
with alliance partners
10 No. of lost customers won back Percentage
11 Building a system of CRM with all existing
customers for ongoing interaction/ mails/ Date
reports etc. (Completion by date)
12 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 24

Position: Head, Lines O&M and construction of Lines

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Operational Excellence
1. Line Availability
 Power Grid Lines (%) Percentage
 Lines under O&M consultancy (%)
2. Line tripping per line
2 Construction targets
3. Budget Utilization (%)
4. Timely completion for Power Grid systems
(By date)
 All clearances (ROW, PTCC,
aviation, Forest, defense, railways)
 Line
5. Timely completion for consultancy systems Percentage
under Power Grid supervision(By date) /
6. Adherence to L2 network
7. Physical availability of construction material
as per schedule(% adherence) Number of
8. PRM Frequency(per month) days
9. L-3 network preparation (By date)
10. FQP adherence (%)
11. Frequency of review meetings with executing
agencies per month
12. Adoption of new technologies in constructions
(e.g. GIS)- Number
13. Tree Felling by date
3 Maintenance Excellence
14. Maintenance
o % adherence to the AMP
o Finalisation of AMP by date

o Monitoring Frequency per month

o No. of major defects mitigated within
the year Percentage
o Forced maintenance Outage reduction /
in % wrt last year
15. Availability as per norms pre-decided at the Date/
beginning of the year (% availability)
 Spares management Number of
 T&P days
16. Making spares available (max delay in
17. Patrolling frequency (in no. of month for
 Vulnerable
 Most vulnerable

HR Appraisal Page 25

4 Documents availability ( % available wrt pre-

identified check list) Percentage
Records as per CVC/ Vigilance guidelines
(% compliance)
5 Relationships with consultancy clients On a scale of 1- Percentage
6 Technological Up gradation
18. Identification and up gradation of equipment
for additional capacity (completion by date) Date
19. Remote operation of the sub-
station(completion by date)
7 Safety
20. Maximum no. of minor / near miss accidents
21. Maximum no. of Accidents (No.)
 Overall no.
 No. of accidents per 100 km of line
constructed Percentage
22. % of persons certified through safety trainings /
23. No. of Safety pre-Audits /year
24. % of Contract labor( of those engaged) Number of
covered during the year under safety trainings days
25. % of employees covered by First aid trainings
8 Cost effectiveness
26. Savings wrt to last two years from cost
effectiveness measures ( Rs. Lakhs) Percentage
27. % deviation from the budget
9 Stores management Percentage
28. % availability as per norms
10 Contract services
29. Contract Closing (No. of days) Number of
30. Bill forwarding (No. of days) days
11 Employee Welfare Percentage
31. No. of family events in the year
12 Knowledge Management
32. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions
33. Papers from the team on technical areas at Percentage
national level publication
34. % of engineers maintaining technical diary
13 Relationships with local authorities
35. No. of formal meetings/visits with Forest
Head, Admin Head, Police Head, MLA at the Percentage
POWERGRID office every year
14 Systems and processes
36. Implementation of IMS (completion by date)
37. FQA
 Compliance of SFQP for excellence
in Field Quality Assurance Percentage
 Vendor assessments per month
 Process audits per month

HR Appraisal Page 26

38. Management Review Meeting frequency /

39. Issue of CIP (within days from inspection)
40. Audits and compliance (time taken to
compliance of 80% of observations in weeks )
 SA 8000
41. Development of new construction / O&M
techniques e.g. use of GIS- No. ( verified and Number of
adopted by regional construction/ O&M days
20. No. of major replacement/ strengthening
works (identified at the beginning of the year)
within the year
42. No. of documents developed (identified at the
beginning of the year) within the year
15 Social welfare/ CSR
43. Finalisation of RAP (by date)

44. Implementation of RAP by March 31, 2010 (%)

45. Completion of ESPP (by date)

46. No. of activities impacting at least 20 people

or more
16 Environment Percentage
47. New trees planted
17 Public awareness about Power Grid activities in the
local community - % of key officers/ local key
personnel covered under Power Grid awareness Percentage
campaign during the year wrt to pre-identified list at
the beginning of the year
18 Quality and Timely MIS and Statutory reports (% of Percentage
complete reports on time)
19 Team work displayed in co-ordinating with other
O&M officers of the region including on material Percentage
transfer and other resources sharing -Regional Head
rating On a scale of 1-5
20 Special projects if any (ERS, Special maintenance,
Legal cases)- rating on a scale of 1-5 by the reporting
Note: If the special projects are not there in the Percentage
assessment period, this weight will be shifted
equitably to other parameters.
21 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 27

Position: Head, Regional Engg.

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Engineering Inputs to sites
1. CC Drawings for review and dispatch to sites (days to
issue) Number
2. Site package drawings for approvals (days to issue) of days
3. Approval of QR/TS/NIT (days to issue)

2 Contract Closing
4. Reconciliation proposal to be cleared by Engineering
(Days) Number
5. Recovery/ LOA deviation/Billing Break up/ BOQ of days
Proposal approval (Days)

3 Assistance to other departments

6. Clearance for proposals from other departments (days
to issue) Number
7. Clearance for extra ordinary proposals where Engg is of days
the coordinating department (days to issue)
4 Preparation of estimates for approved works by the region
(days to issue) Number
Value of estimates (Rs Cr.) of days
5 Document development Percentage
No. of approved documents (SOPs etc.)
6 Systems and processes Date
8. IMS certification (completion by date)
7 Engineering ideas generated during the year which could Percentage
potentially save Rs 10 lakhs plus each year in the region
8 Knowledge Management
9. No. of Papers/studies from the team at international
level seminars/ publications
10. No. of Papers/studies from the team at national level
11. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions Percentage
12. No. of seminars conducted in the region on technical
13. No. of case studies. Best paper documents developed
14. No. of Knowledge sharing sessions with other utility
9 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 28

Position: Head, Internal Audit, Region

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Audit Plan compliance
1. No. of Audits Conducted Percentage
2. S/S audits
3. System and process Audits
2 Time Effectiveness
4. Timely completion of quarterly internal audits –
submission of draft and final reports (Max
deviation in days across the 4 audits)
5. Response time in completing Exception reports
after compliance report in received (days) Number
6. Exception report to IA, CC on deviations (days) of days
7. ATR on observations from CAG, Vigilance and
Statutory auditors (response time in days)
8. Response to audit/ vigilance observations
3 Improvements from IA
9. Potential of savings each year in region from
improvements submitted and accepted (Rs Cr.) Percentage
10. No. of written suggestions/ improvements with
potential to create at least 2% reduction in cost/
time / improvement in quality
4 Systems and processes
11. Computerization of Audits with manuals and Percentage
5 Audits Coordination
12. Coordination with External Auditors 1-5 (Poor/ Percentage
Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
6 Other departments feedback on IA team
13. Ability to value add without harassment on 1-5 Percentage
(Poor/ Fair/ Good/V Good/ excellent)
7 Quality of audits Percentage
Audit observations from statutory Auditor to Head RHQ
8 Audit Coverage (%) Percentage
9 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 29

Position: Head, QA&I – Regional Inspection

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Operational Excellence-
No. of inspections completed
(Cat A/ B/ C/D- cleared, with condition, Hold,
Manufacturers checks -Surveillance checks/ Inprocess-
checks completed
Issue of MICC (Response time in days)
Process Checks
No. of process Audits
No. of works Audits

Timeline completion of inspections

75% of inspections(Days of proposed dates)
25% of inspection (Days of proposed dates)

TS, SMQP, BOQ in data bank in IMS website (by date)

Visit frequency of IE of RQA to site per 2-months

2 Vendor development- No. of vendors developed for key

equipments/ materials/ services with likely annual
purchases of Rs 0.5 Cr or above
Vendor certification- % of vendors from last 2 years
certified based on predefined norms

3 Vendor satisfaction
Av. Rating on quality demanding, fair and hassle free
relationship with Power Grid on 1-5 scale Percentage

4 User satisfaction
Av. Rating on value adding and hassle free services
on 1-5 scale Percentage

5 Systems and processes

1. Computerization of contracts (%)
2. Development of vendor certification system (By Date
6 Special projects (vendor Assessment, Failure Analysis) Percentage

7 Sub-ordinate development- No. of people and areas

identified Percentage
8 Vigilance / Auditor complaints
Resolution Time Percentage/

HR Appraisal Page 30

9 Quality assurance
3. Pre dispatch inspection for L1 items (Intimation
to completion in days ) Number of
4. Inspection of materials at manufacturers works days
(Intimation to completion in days )
5. No. of FQA audit per site per month

10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 31

Position: Head, Safety, Region

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Post facto Parameters
Maximum no. of minor / near miss accidents (no.) Percentage

2 Preventive Parameters
1. % of persons certified through safety trainings
2. No. of trainings programmes
a. Civil Works safety training
b. Erection safety
c. Stringing Percentage
d. O&M safety including safety
3. No. of Safety Audits
4. Person days of Safety trainings (no.)
5. Qualified Safety Engineers at site
6. % of eligible employees provided with
e. Safety Shoes
f. Safety belts
g. Helmets
h. Others (Gloves, Goggles etc.)
3 PPE procurement Percentage

4 % of people engaged in safety week celebrations Percentage

(Participants to at least 1 event)
5 Implementation of decisions of the Fatal accidents Number
Committee (response time in days) of days
6 Disaster management programme Percentage
7 Knowledge management (No. of published Articles in
national level journals on safety- learnings and best Percentage
practices )
8 Systems and processes-Updation of safety norms and
rules (completion by date) Date

9 Self development- Undertake a course on project Date

management (completion by date)
10 Employee Development -No. of person days of training Number
imparted of days
11 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 32

Position: Head (O&M), Telecom, region

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Availability as per SLA % Percentage
2 Links created for redundancy (No.) Percentage
3 % Km of OFC shifted against the pre-decided target Percentage
at yearly plan
4 AMP adherence for preventive maintenance Percentage
5 Breakdown maintenance and fault Repairs (Total Percentage
down time for maintenance in hours )
6 Acquiring ROW for extension (Time taken in days) Number of
7 % availability of spares as per norms Percentage
8 Client satisfaction for services on 1-5 scale Percentage
9 Building a O&M management systems including
logging and automatic alerts (Completion by date) Date
10 To develop alliances- No. of bids submitted with Percentage
alliance partners
11 % of damages by third party realized from the third Percentage
12 Level of redundancy (%) Percentage
13 % utilization by ULDC Percentage
14 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup activities,

HR Appraisal Page 33

Position: Head, PESM, region

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Project Implementation
1. Foundations (No.)
2. Tower Erection (No.)
3. Stringing (Km) Percentage
4. Commissioning of line (Bu date)
5. Commissioning of sub station/ bays/transformers
( No./ By date/ MVA)
6. Adherence to L2 network
2 Construction targets Percentage
7. Budget Utilization (%)
3 Review meetings
8. Frequency of review meetings with executing
agencies per month Percentage
9. Frequency of PRMs
10. Frequency of HOD meetings
11. Frequency of meetings with SEBs/ Govt agencies
3 Consultancy project execution
12. Commissioning of Transmission line (By date) Date
13. RGGVY (Villages/ BPL)
4 Reports
14. Progress Reports (Frequency)
15. Exception report (Frequency)
16. L2 Network revision (By Date) Date
17. L3 network (By Date)
18. RCE (By Date)
19. Coast Data -new & Old Data (By Date)
5 Quality of External stakeholder management
20. SEBs/ state administration/ other Govt. Percentage
21. Executing agencies
6 Environment / CSR
22. Completion of ESPP (by date)
23. Finalisation of RAP / R&R (by date)
24. Implementation of RAP / R&R (by date) Date
25. Forest Clearances (by date)
26. IEAR/ FEAR (by date)
7 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 34

Position: Head, IT, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 IT system availability
1. Power Portal (%) Percentage
2. EPM (%)
2 New IT systems
3. Response time for new IS on power portal (%)
4. IT infrastructure (Indent to proposal in days )
5. Design and development of KM System Percentage
6. Application development (Cycle time)
7. New site for MMS (Response time)
8. New application implementation (ERP/ EAM)-
Approval to implementation
3 Innovation Percentage
9. Innovative designs / IT applications (No.)
3 Systems and processes for IT department
10. Designing of project monitoring system for IT Date
projects (By date)
4 IT system management
11. Adherence to SLA (%)
12. average resolution time
13. Availability (%) Percentage
14. Back Log (Quantum)
15. Application maintenance- response time for 80% of
5 Up gradation Percentage
16. Evaluation of new technologies (No.)
6 IT trainings
17. Basic (No.) Percentage
18. Application development (No.)
7 Self development/ KM
19. No. of papers at national level publications Percentage
20. Acquisitions of new emerging skills
8 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 35

Position: Head, LD & C, CC

S No. KRAs (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 New schemes- Conceptualization and agreements
2. Conceptualization of SCADA / EMS and
Communication schemes ( Time for
preparation including costing for
presentation) Percentage
3. Time for constituent agreement
4. Agreement at TCC & RPC of concerned
region (Time taken)

2 New schemes- Implementation

5. Investment approval FR, BOQ & write-up
(Time taken) Percentage
6. Costing, management approval, COD note
and board Note (Time taken)

3 Tendering for Schemes

7. Approved QR (Time taken)
8. NIT (Time taken) Percentage
9. TS & BOQ (Time taken)
10. Evaluation (Time taken)
4 Engineering of system
11. DRs and Technical description (Time taken)
12. Type Test reports, BOQ, Site Test procedures, Percentage
deputation for testing (Time taken)

5 Support to others
13. BDD for offer submission (Extent of value
add as per BDD on a scale of 1-5)
14. Cost Engg (Extent of value add as per Cost Percentage
engg. on a scale of 1-5)

6 No. of technical papers published in journals Percentage

7 Participation in seminars and technical sessions Percentage

8 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup activities,

HR Appraisal Page 36

Position: Head, Vigilance, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Inspections (No. per month)
 P. online, Percentage
 Regular/ CTE type
 Surprise
2 Follow-up of Inspections and Conclusions (Cycle time) Percentage
3 Scrutiny of files from regional VE/ technical assistance to Percentage
VEs (response time)
4 NOc for closing of contract (cycle time) Number
of days
5 Action on CTE report/ rejoinders/ site reply (response Percentage
6 Investigation (cycle time in days ) Number
of days
2 Detective Vigilance
 Collection and Scrutiny of annual property return (%
of employees scrutinized & No. of cases made out )
 source information reports
 Preparation of initial list of employees (By date) Date/
 Preparation of Agreed list and signing thereof (By
date) Number
 Surveillance of employees (No.) of days
 Scrutiny of claims submitted (No.)
4 Complaints Percentage
 Attending complaints and completions
5.  Identifying C.E. for surveillance and subsequent
surveillance response time Percentage
 No. of cases made out
6 Vigilance Awareness
 No. of people covered by awareness workshops
 No. of workshops Number
 Circulation of CVC circulars (within days) of days
7 Scrutiny of Files (Response time) Percentage
8 System and process Improvement (No. of significant Percentage
9 VIMS improvement (No. of modules added) Percentage
10 Recoveries (Amount) Percentage
11 Departmental services
 Response time in days for Vigilance clearance Number
 Response time in days for NOC for Contract Closing of days

12 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 37

Position: Head, QA&I, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Vendor assessment and development
 Type 1 (with CS/ Engg. / Fin)
 Type 2 (With Engg.) Percentage
 Type 3 (Alone)

2 MQP/ FQP procedures Finalization

 New Percentage
 Improvement

3 No. of inspections completed with stipulated time

(Cat A/ B/ C/D- cleared, with condition, Hold, rejection) Percentage

4 Surveillance checks/ process- checks completed

No. issues closed Percentage

5 ISO certification Percentage

6 Response time to queries Percentage

7 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 38

Position: Head, CP, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Project approval Timeliness – Adv. Expenditure section Percentage
68 COD
2 Fund mobilization timeliness
 New loan Percentage
 Ongoing loan
 Contract document
3 Disposal of RTI requests/ appeals –response time Percentage

4 Internal MOUs- signing and evaluation timeliness Percentage

 Agenda (by date) Date
 ATR (frequency)
6 External agency Coordination
 MoP references Percentage
 PQs
 Liaison with MoP, MoF, CEA
7 Reporting
 QPR Externally aided projects Percentage
8 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 39

Position: Head, Commercial, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1. Fillings of petitions to CERC (No.) Percentage

2 CERC Hearings-Filing rejoinders, affidavits, preparation

of case study (No.) Percentage

3 Billing advice to regions Percentage

3 Agreements
 Signing BPTA with beneficiaries Percentage
 Signing of IA with generators
4 Filling of appeals in tribunals Percentage

5 Billing and Realization MIS (adherence to schedule) Percentage

6 Regional Follow up for realization – current and past dues Percentage

7 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5

Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 40

Position: Head, Engg, CC

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Project Conceptualization (time in days) Number
 FR BOQ of days
 Package list
Pre-award activities (time in days)
 Tech spec Number
 BPS, QR, Drgs of days
 Evaluation of award
Post award activities (time in days)
 Detailed engg.
 Project management inputs Number
 Type test witnessing of days
 Site visists
 Issuance of CCPs
Technological upgradadtion (No.)
 Review of TS Percentage
 Standardization of docs
 Application of new development in the field
7 Engineering ideas generated during the year for Percentage
improvement (No.)
8 Cost competitiveness
 Review of tech specifications Percentage
 Review of design philosophy
 Standardization of docs.
9 Training/ Knowledge Management
 No. of Papers/studies at international level
seminars/ publications Percentage
 No. of Papers/studies at national level
 No. of Knowledge sharing sessions
 No. of training sessions taken
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 41

Common KRAs across Positions and functions

S KRA (with Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No. Indicators Marks
1 Technological Up gradation
 Computerization Percentage
 New equipments/ New innovative applications
2 Cost effectiveness
 Savings wrt to last two years from cost
effectiveness measures ( Rs. Lakhs) Percentage
 % deviation from the budget
 Reduction in consumption (%)
 Energy Conservation
3 Self development
 Undertake xxx (e.g. Finance for non Finance) Date
course (completion by date)
4 Employee Development
 Av. No. of person days of training
 Overall Percentage
 Training in xxx (e.g. automation )
 Safety/ First aid
 No. of trainings at manufacturers works
5 Knowledge Management
 No. of Knowledge sharing sessions
 No. of seminars conducted
 Papers at national level publication Percentage
 Development and application of new techniques
 Preparation of technical data sheets/ case studies
6 Stakeholder Satisfaction
 Internal Percentage
 External
7 Systems and processes
 SOPs and Checklist development
 IMS Percentage
 Quality
 Certifications and audits: ISO9002, 14000, SA 8000,
8 Quality and timeliness of MIS/ reports Percentage
9 Special projects if any (ERS, Special maintenance, Legal
cases)- rating on a scale of 1-5 by the reporting officer

Note: If the special projects are not there in the assessment Percentage
period, this weight will be shifted equitably to other
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 42

Position: Regional S/s O &M

Sl KRA (With Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No Indicators Marks
Maintaining Transmission System Availability Percentage
of region (%)
Condition Monitoring of Switchyard
Equipment’s and Adherence to AMP. Proper
2 Date
Evaluation of test results and timely action
based on the test results.
Maintaining Healthiness of Protection System
and SAS in. Timey analysis of grid
disturbances/Tripping of Elements. Timely Percentage
submission of trip resorts, DR/EL to
RLDC/CC AM and Early restoration of
line/Equipment. (% Adherence)
Spare and T&Ps Management in the Region.
Procurement and suitable diversion as and
Number of
4 when required. Fast and effective responds on
Breakdown/failure of equipment’s. Providing
timely and effective support and guide to site.
Implementation of Central and Regional
Substation Review meetings. SIR and its
5 implementation/compliances. Implementation Date
of technical Circular and guideline provide by
Providing T&C related supports and service
during Pre-commissioning activities and
Number of
6 Providing Charging clearance of major
equipment’s during commissioning of new s/s
or new bays in the region.
Technical Examination of various files related
to AM & Timely disposal of file. Involved in
7 various tender committee and providing Date
Technical related inputs to C&M and other
dept. as and when required
Safety : ( No. of Fatal accident during
8 Percentage
substation O&M in NR-II) (% Adherence)
Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 43

Position: Regional T/L O&M

Sl KRA (With Measure) Measures/ Maximum
No Indicators Marks
Patrolling activities of transmission lines as per
1 Percentage
OS Norms (% Adherence)
2 100% Defects rectification of defects identified Date
100% Liquidification of identified defects
3 Percentage
before taking over of TL
Implementing Safety in O&M & Const. works Numbers
with Nil Accident (Nos)
Procurement of Line T&Ps ( Preparation of
5 Percentage
proposals and follow up till supply)
Timely doing bills of AMCs and other
6 Days
contracts (Days)
Additional Earthing of newly commissioned
7 Date
transmission lines
Maintaining availability of transmission lines
8 Percentage
Equipment bays. (% Adherence)
Availability of auxiliary systems like FFS
9 Percentage
(Emulsifier & Hydrant), LT System & DG Set.
Updating of AMP records in SAP, closing of Number of
notifications in ERP (Nos of Days). Days
Safety - Max. no. of minor/major accidents
11 Percentage
(Adherence to Safety & FQP) standard norms
Processing & Passing of bills of contractor
Number of
12 within 07 days from the date of submission
(Nos of Days).
Mitigation of Approach problem &
13 Percentage
Declaration of Prohibited area.
HR (Implementing HR Norms and Policies as
14 Date
Civil (Construction & O&M) (Implementing
15 FQP, Bills Processing, Timely Proposals Date
preparation etc)
Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
16 management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 44

Position: Regional S/s Construction

Sl No KRA (With Measure) Measures/ Maximum

Indicators Marks
Establishment of facilities at Site:
a).Review of available facilities and
establishment of new-one on requirement at site
1 b). Maintenance of Borewells for water supply at Percentage
c). Maintenance of official registers & Files (%
Material Receipt and Inspection at Site by
various vendors
Date/ Number
2 a)ABB
of days
c) Siemens
a). Initiating proposal for procurement of
3 required items for construction-site Date
b). Initiating proposal for procurement of
required items at transit camp
a).Monitoring of construction and erection
4 Date
contracts as per TS
b). Following-up of tender activities
SAP activities
a). SAP related activities of contracts Number of
b). Furnishing of vendor details to C&M for days
a). Processing of imprest bills
6 Date
b). Processing of procurement bills
c) .Processing of Transit camp bills
a). Prevention of Fatal- accidents
7 Percentage
b). Prevention of Non-fatal accidents
c).Ensuring safety of entire site activities
Establishment of facilities at construction Site:
a).Review of available facilities and
establishment of new-one on requirement at site
8 b). Maintenance of Borewells for water supply at Percentage
c). Maintenance of official registers & Files (%
Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
9 management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 45

Position: Regional Human Resource Dept

Sl Measures/ Maximum
KRA Indicators Marks
1 HRIS/ HR Planning
a) Monthly data updation & manpower gap Percentage
b) Manpower review, optimization Date
c) Preparation of annual O&M Budget Date
d) FE/FS/Consultant engagement and term Date
2 Recruitment
a) Recruitment of DT/ JTT/ JOT/ Asstt-Fin Date
b) Recruitment of FE/FS Date
c) Conduct of ET Test Date
3 Appraisal
a) E2-E6 Appraisal Date
b) E7 & Above Appraisal Date
c) Non-Exe Appraisal and moderation Date
4 Promotion
a) DPC-Supervisors Date
b) DPC-Workmen & Supervisory Test Date
c) DPC- S4/E2 Date
d) CPC/CSC Due list and Bio-data preparation Percentage
5 Employee Benefits/ services
a) Timely processing of employee matters Percentage
b) Settlement of terminal benefits and separation Percentage
6 Others
a) Organising inter regional cultural meet Date
b) Organising CPC Percentage
7 Others
a) Resolving/ processing Site HR / contractual Percentage
b) Displinary / IR Cases Percentage
8 Others
a) Conducting/ Complying SA-8000 Audit
b) Conducting/ Complying IMS Audit
c) Team/ Sub-ordinate development
9 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage 5
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 46

Position: Regional T/L Construction

Measures/ Indicators Maximum
1 Timely initiation of proposals and follow
up of the same.
2 Implementing standard FQP at site Percentage
3 Implementing Safety at site. Target - Nil
4 Construction Works of Diversion of
Transmission Lines. Priority Work of
diversion of Transmission Line near
5 Construction Works of Diversion of
Transmission Lines. Work of diversion of
Transmission Line at Ash Dyke area. (up
to 31st Dec-2010)
6 Construction of 400 kV D/C LILO Lines
of ABC Transmission Line at XYZ. Upto
31st Dec-2018. Survey Works and
preparation of Forest proposal
7 Preparation of Revised Cost Estimate of
the Project.
8 Forest Proposal of 765 kV D/C
Transmission Line. Part-II Submission by Date
DFOs by Dec-18
9 FRA certificate for 765 kV D/C
Transmission Line.
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 47

Position: Regional PESM

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Physical Target Monitoring
(a) Foundation
(b) Erection
(c) Stringing (% Adherence)
2 Preparation of DCO Budget (BE/RE) Date
3 Budget utilization Percentage
4 Preparation of all types of MIS Number of days
5 Preparation of RCE/ Cost Data and reply to
Number of Days
6 Site visit for support to site for planning &
7 Strict monitoring of statutory clearance and
social management
8 Commissioning and capitalization of Assets Percentage
9 Physical Target Monitoring for timely
completion of projects for Bay Extn,
Substation Construction & Transmission
10 Budget Utilization as per approved RE and
Management directive
11 Preparation of DCO Budget (RE/BE) Date
12 Conducting all types meetings and issue of
13 Usage and timely updating of progress in
Number of days
14 Timely appraisal of Critical Issues/ Hurdles
of project to Senior Management for Number of Days
corrective action and timely completion
15 Site visit for support to site for planning and
16 Strict monitoring of Statutory clearances &
social management awarded
17 Monitoring & Facilitating Critical activities
to achieve the MOU/ Management target of Percentage
the Region
18 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, 5
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 48

Position: Regional Finance Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Preparation of Annual Accounts and Tax
2 Preparation of Quarterly Accounts & Tax
3 Compliance of all matters for Sales Tax,
Entry Tax, Service tax & Income tax related Percentage
work for region as a whole
4 Resolving issues faced by user in FICO
Number of days
5 Coordination with Statutory, Govt. Auditors,
PV, Internal & compliance of the same
6 Preparation of Quarterly Accounts &
7 Compliance of all taxes TDS, Sales Tax, Entry
Tax, Service Tax & other taxes for the region Date
as a whole
8 Clearance of proposal relating to crop/
tree compensation of T/L under Date/Percentage
9 Clearance of Proposal Relating to Crop/
Tree Compensation for Consultancy Date/Percentage
10 Finalization of Income for Consultancy
11 Timely Payment to Contractors &
12 Timely Payment of Contractors Under
ongoing Projects
13 Submission of Fund utilization certificate
& Fund balance under various projects.
14 Timely Deposit of TDS and BOCW Date
Assisting in Quarterly Closing & Audit
15 Date/Percentage
Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
16 5
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 49

Position: Regional C&M Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 LOA Placement of Award of Open Tender(120
days from the date of receipt indent) includes
Number of days
bid documents preparation, opening ,
evaluation , award placement
2 LOA Placement of Award of Limited and Single
Tender (60 days from the date of receipt
Number of days
indent) includes bid documents preparation,
opening , evaluation , award placement
3 E-procurement of Open Tender: (120 days from
Number of days
the date of receipt indent)
4 Post Activity of of CC/RHQ awarded package
i.e amends, time extent. OSM etc.( within 07 Number of days
days from receipt of approved proposal)
5 Reverse Auction(within 07 days from receipt of
Number of days
approved proposal)
6 SAP(PO creation, amendment, SD module etc.):
Number of days
within 07 days from the receipt of request
7 Disposal of Scrap of various S/S of (within 07
Number of days
days from the date of approved proposal)
8 Submission of MIS reports,
Vigilance/Audit/RTI, MSME and other Date
compliance in time
9 Release of EMDs immediately on placement of
POs and ensure release of Security deposits on Date
approval of contract closing.
10 Timely uploading of amendments, BBUs and
time extensions in SAP immediately on Number of days
11 Processing of all the post award activities of
RHQ awarded contracts and issuing of
amendments, time extension/LD orders with in
stipulated time.
12 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 50

Position: Regional Engineering Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Engineering inputs
I) Issue of CC/Site package drawing to
Number of
site within 7days
II) Issue of tender documents to C&M
(within 15 days)
2 Contact closing: - Technical vetting of
Number of
recovery/LOA deviation/billing breakup
proposal from site (within 15 days)
3 Preparation of estimate for approved works by
Number of
region (within 15 days of receipt of proposal from
4 Detailed Engineering of packages, type test
Number of
witnessing, drawing approval etc.(within 15 days
from receipt of drawings)
5 Technical vetting of bid documents, clarification
Number of
to Bidder, bid evaluation, pre award discussion,
LOA vetting etc. (within 15 days)
6 Number of
Clearance of site proposal (within 10 days)
7 BDD/Consultancy/deposit work, (i.e. submission
of estimate) (no of projects)
8 Coordination of all IMS actions/ Audits Percentage
9 Co-ordination/ witness of inspection activities of
CC awarded package and site awarded packages.
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage 5
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 51

Position: Corporate Human Resource Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Periodic Reservation Cell data
(SC/ST/OBC, EX- Servicemen, PWD )
Number of days
Compilation from regions & preparation &
forwarding to MOP
2 Parliamentary Committee (on SC/ST/OBC
) Visit, Inspection of various data by MOP
3 Medical facilities of Retired
/Superannuated & Regular employees &
their dependent Percentage
(i) Processing
(ii) Coordination with Hospital
4 Settlement of all bills pertaining to
Dispensary, Doctors & Part-time Number of days
5 DPC-Supervisor : Conduct and issue of
6 Moderation of AARs of E6-E7A level
7 Conduct of CPC for Sr. DGM to GM and
issue of order
8 Re- designation of DGM to Sr. DGM and
GM to Sr.GM
9 Recruitment of ET Batch through GATE-
10 Recruitment of ET Batch through CLAT-
11 Engagement of Consultants & Temporary
12 System improvement in recruitment
process. Revision of remuneration of AET, Percentage
FE, FS, ST & WT. Sub-ordinate Dev.
13 Processing of resignation/pre-mature
retirement cases within 15 days
Number of Days
Processing of HBA, Conveyance, CHEA etc.
within reasonable time
14 Matters related to appointment of Directors
and outside employment cases within Date
specified dates
15 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 52

Position: Corporate Finance Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Calculating the revenue of company on quarterly
Number of
and annual basis (Measure is given as number of
2 Vetting of tariff petitions (PoC, Truing up and
Misc.) Measure is given for number of files
3 Vetting the files related with revised cost estimate
(Measure is given for number of files)
4 Bill Section : All payments are processed pertaining
Number of
to Vendor Bills/ 1st Advance against Regional
5 Financial vetting of Detailed project Reports ( DPR
cum FR), i.e. Estimated cost, IRR’S to know the Number of
viability of the various projects like smart Grid, days
telecom, consultancy, TL, S/S etc.
6 Vetting of NIT estimates & its administrative
approvals like Tower, conductors, insulators, Percentage
substations, telecom, LD&C & OPGW etc.
7 Financial vetting of Revised Cost Estimates (RCE’s)
of various projects for updation of Tariff.
8 Financial vetting of COIP & BOD agenda notes for
Number of
DPRs & RCEs for various projects for investment
approval etc.
9 Preparations of Project Balance sheets and get it
audited from Independent auditors for submission Date
to Bank.
10 MIS report relating to Loans -Weekly/Monthly
and Quarterly.
11 Review and reconciliation of TDS with 26AS,
reporting to the management and follow up with Percentage
the regions.
12 Quarterly estimation of Advance tax, TDS, MAT
Provision , Assessable Income for Quarterly Date
account closing.
13 Quarterly review work of various GL including of
contingent liability on timely basis.
14 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup activities,

HR Appraisal Page 53

Position: Corporate Asset Management Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Availability of Transmission system during the
2 Development of GIS platform for POWERGRID
Transmission Lines.
3 Execution of Aerial Patrolling project (AP01)
(in Km) and obtaining MoD clearance after Date
security vetting of data.
4 Coordination for System Implementation Audit
of Substations, (Issuing orders, report release)
5 Development of low flying obstruction data
base for Air force
6 Regional coordination and tripping analysis on
fortnightly basis
7 Special line patrolling of lines( Number of
Towers) and Charging clearance of new Percentage
transmission lines before charging.
8 Coordination with regions for presummer
preparedness activities before forthcoming high Percentage
speed wind season
9 Vulnerability assessment of towers near rivers
due to river erosion
10 Development of Jumper Length Calculator
Visual basic based interactive GUI
11 Erection, testing and commissioning of 400KV
GIS Bays.
12 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 54

Position: Corporate HRD Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Overall co-ordination and Management of ET
training: To conduct classroom training, co-
ordination with faculties, Mid-Term
Appraisal, Outbound training, payment of
Honorarium to faculties (Internal & External),
Feedback of session and faculties
2 Overall co-ordination of AET training: To
conduct classroom training, co-ordination Percentage
with faculties.
3 To conduct training programs as per HRD
calendar as assigned.
4 Training Administration: to co-ordinate with
various programs, supervision of quality of
food and hygiene, processing of bills
pertaining to cafeteria w.r.t. programs
conducted at PAL. Managing contract labour
compliance for the manpower engaged.
5 To Co-ordinate and manage Induction
Program AT PAL and consultancy assignment Percentage
if any
6 To implement Mentor-Mentee Scheme for all
trainees inducted in POWERGRID
7 Initiating and coordinating all activities for
conducting program at manufacturer's works
related to Sub-station equipment like Percentage
Transformer and Reactor, CB, CT, CVT and
PLCC etc.
8 HRD intervention for preparation of training
course material/content based on objectives
related to technical training programs like Percentage
Asset Management, CS, NTAMC, Technology
Development and Engineering Department.
9 Conducting new technology programs at
vendors/manufacturer's works related to Gas
Insulated Switch Gear, Sub-station Percentage
Automation, Remote operation and protection
system etc.
10 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 55

Position: Corporate Engineering Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Pre-NIT Activities: Preparation of FR, BOQ,
GA, SLD, QR, Technical Specifications, BOQ
for Cost Estimate, BPS & Tender drawings for
2 Post-NIT Activities: Preparation of Bid
clarification & Technical Evaluation reports,
issuance of amendments, PBD, LOA vetting
3 Detailed Engineering: Approval of Electrical,
Structural, Earth-mat, Cable trench, and
foundation, DSLP, Erection Key Diagrams, Percentage
Substation Auxiliaries and Design
4 Detailed Engineering: Approval of GTP,
drawings & type test reports for
765/400/220/132/66/33/11kV Equipment,
Transformers, Reactors, Erection hardware
items, C&R Panel, Substation Automation
system, PLCC, Firefighting system, Cables etc.
5 Co-ordination of QR committee meetings,
Preparation of Agenda, Minutes of Meeting Percentage
and Presentation in QR Committee
6 Training, Type Testing & Site Visits: Training
on Functional & Behavioral topics, Witnessing Date
of Type Tests & Site Visits etc.
7 Other activities: Vendor Assessment, Failure
Number of days
analysis, resolution of site issues etc.
8 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 56

Position: Corporate Vigilance Dept. (Engg.)

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Preventive Vigilance
1. No. of surprise checks conducted
2. No. of regular checks / systems and
process checks at construction and
O&M sites
3. Inspection of contracts
a. Regular Percentage
b. Single tender
c. Station awarded
4. Manufacturer Inspection (No.)
2 Detective Vigilance
5. Collection and Scrutiny of annual
property return (% of employees Date/
6. Preparation of initial list of employees Number of days
(By date)
7. Preparation of Agreed list (By date)
8. Surveillance of employees (No.)
9. Scrutiny of claims submitted (No.)
3 Punitive Vigilance
10. Verification of complaints (response
time in days)
11. Investigation of Vigilance cases
(response time in days) Number of days
12. Accuracy of initial vigilance case
opening validation (Max % of cases
where vigilance proceedings opened
but no evidence found later)
13. Rating by employees on 1-5 Scale on
fairness of the vigilance department
4 Vigilance Awareness
14. No. of people covered by awareness
15. No. of workshops for Executives/ Number of days
supervisors and Technicians each
16. Circulation of CVC and CC circulars
(within days)

17. Monthly, Quarterly and Half year
reports to CC (Timeliness and Percentage
comprehensiveness.)- Rating by
Corporate Vigilance on 1-5 Scale

6 Self development

HR Appraisal Page 57

18. No. of vigilance certification trainings Percentage

attended with CVO
7 Departmental services
19. Response time in days for Vigilance Percentage
20. Response time in days for NOC for
Contract Closing
8 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 58

Position: Corporate CSR Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Review and assessment of all CSR projects
received from Regions and
Number of days
preparation/submission of CSR proposal for
approval of competent authority.
2 Monitoring and Coordination with Region for
flagship projects of POWERGRID for Percentage
approval of signing of MoU, drawings etc.
3 Periodic monitoring of the progress of
implementation of the CSR projects by Percentage
coordinating with.
4 CSR budget utilization through monitoring
and co-ordination with Region.
5 Co-ordination with Region for preparing and
submission of Impact Assessment reports for Percentage
the projects taken up under CSR.
6 WBS creation, data entry/updation in SAP for
Number of days
all Region projects pertaining to CSR.
7 Coordination for ERP implementation
Number of days
pertaining to CSR.
8 Review of CSR proposals received from
Regions. Preparation of proposals and put up
to corporate CSR committee for approval from
Competent authority.
9 CSR budget utilization through coordination
with Region
10 Conceive and prepare priority CSR projects. Percentage
11 Knowledge sharing, support and training to
team members related to the CSR function.
12 Involvement in CSR projects conceived by CC
for successful implementation.
13 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 59

Position: Corporate LD & C Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 MIS of all LD&C related works Number of Days
2 DPR/FR of Communication Projects and TL
3 Preperation of Technical Specification & BoQ
for Reliable Communication other TL Number of days
4 Project Engineering/monitoring of 10 LD&C
Projects and 73 TL Packages:• Consultancy Date
•Package I (a) and II (a) •#65 TL Packages#
5 Pre-Award Activities(technical bid evaluation)
for OPGW / Communication Equipment’s Date
6 Technical Support on proposals /issues raised
by regions/Customers
7 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing, subordinate
development, contribution in workgroup
activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 60

Position: Corporate BDD Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 Marketing activities for new business. Number of days
2 Compilation of business strategy, interaction
with functional department, obtaining Percentage
approval, submission of offer
3 Submission of expression of interest or rfp Date
4 Grabbing of order having consultancy fee (rs
in crs)
5 Market intelligence / identification of new
opportunities / collation of data
6 Development of road map for new business
Number of days
7 Individual efforts towards self/peer based Percentage
learning, Contribution in knowledge
management/knowledge sharing,
subordinate development, contribution in
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 61

Position: Corporate Commercial Dept.

Measures/ Maximum
Indicators Marks
1 CERC related issue: -Submission of data and reply of
comments on tariff regulation 2019-24, Follow-up
Add -Cap activity as approved by CERC, Preparation Percentage
of comment on various draft regulation by CERC,
Submission of data as per CERC’s SOP regulation.
2 Insurance related issue: - Coverage of newly
commissioned asset during the year in Mega
insurance #Follow-up for for settlement of various
pending claims
3 Collection and submission of O&M budget from
Number of
regions and CC(AM) to CC (Fin) and monitor on
quarterly basis
4 Calculation of Availability, ERM data and other
monthly MIS reports for Management, CEA, CERC & Percentage
5 Collection of asset data from regions and maintain for Number of
POWERGRID for MIS purpose days
6 Preparation QR and bid documents with MM Number of
departments for insurance broker. days
7 Data submission for Renewal of Mega Insurance
Policy for 18-19.
8 Preparation & filing of Petitions for new assets (to be
captured under PoC) for 2014-19.
9 Preparation & filing of True-up Petitions for 2009-14
and 2014-19 period and Miscellaneous petitions.
10 Analysis of Petitions & preparation of presentations
for hearing in CERC from time to time
11 Analysis of Orders & preparation of briefs &
Preparation of Billing Advice
12 Preparation & filing of replies to TVs, RoPs, replying Number of
of rejoinders with CERC, miscellaneous affidavits days
13 Preparation & updation of various MIS reports of
concerned Region & co-ordination & preparation of Percentage
consolidated MIS reports
14 Preparation and Filing of Review Petition to CERC
and Appeal in APTEL and Coordination with the Date
leagal consel for the same
15 Individual efforts towards self/peer based learning, Percentage
Contribution in knowledge management/knowledge
sharing, subordinate development, contribution in 5
workgroup activities, etc.

HR Appraisal Page 62

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