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Mitosis Worksheet

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MITOSIS WORKSHEET Name: _____________________________________ GradeandSection: _______________

A. Matching: Match the term to the description.

A. Prophase B. Interphase C. Telophase D. Metaphase E. Anaphase
_____ 1. The sister chromatids are moving apart. _____ 8. Animal cells begin to pinch in.
_____ 2. The nuclear membrane fades from view. _____9. The spindle is formed.
_____3. A new nuclear membrane is form around the chromosomes. _____10. Chromatids line up along the equator.
_____ 4. The cytoplasm of the cell is being divided. _____ 11. Chromosomes are not visible.
_____ 5. The chromatin is found in the nucleus. _____ 12. Cytokinesis begins.
_____ 6. The chromosomes are located at the equator of the cell. _____ 13. The cell plate in plants begins to form.
_____ 7. The spindles disappear. _____ 14. The reverse of prophase.
B. The diagram below shows six cells in various phases of the cell cycle. Note the cells are not arranged in the order in which
mitosis occurs and one of the phases of mitosis occurs twice. Use the diagram to answer questions 1-7.

1) Cells A and D show an early and a late stage of the same phase of mitosis. What phase is it?
2) Which cell is in metaphase?
3) Which cell is in the first phase of mitosis?
4) In cell A, what structure is labeled X?
5) Place the diagrams in order from first to last.
6) Are the cells depicted plant or animal cells? Explain your answer.
7) What is the longest phase of the entire cell cycle?
8) Why is mitosis important?
A. Underline the correct word.
1. A cell with two pairs of each set of chromosomes is called a [diploid / haploid] cell. These cells are typically found throughout
the body tissues and are called [germ / somatic] cells.
2. A cell with only one of set of chromosomes is called [diploid / haploid] cell. These types of cells are found in the reproductive
organs and are called [germ / somatic] cells.
3. Sperm and egg cells are called [gametes / zygotes]. A fertilized egg is a [gamete / zygote].
4. A type of cell division that results in diploid cells: [meiosis / mitosis]
5. A type of cell division that results in haploid cells. [meiosis / mitosis]
6. When a sperm and egg combine, it is called _______________________________
7. What is the diploid number for humans? _______ What is the haploid number? _______
8. Matching chromosomes are called _____________________________________ pairs.
9. During prophase I of meiosis, these pairs form a tetrad in a process called ______________________.
10. When homologous chromosomes exchange genes, it is called: ______________________________.
11. How many daughter cells are created at the end of meiosis I? _______ meiosis II? ______
12. During meiosis, chromosomes will split into daughter cells randomly, making each gamete unique. This is called
13. The process by which sperm are made is called ____________________________________________.
14. The process by which eggs are made is called ______________________________________________.
15. During the creation of an oocyte, 3 additional haploid cells are created that will not be fertilized, these cells are called
B. Label the Phases

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